I remember

Story by foxgloves on SoFurry

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I remember..

By: foxgloves. 2010

this story contains sex between two males.. like it? read on.. if you don't, well stop now then..

It's revised now!!!

Eric: 16-17 year old-ish leopard

*Jake: * 18-19ish year old red fox.

The red fox walked down the street, Jake was his name, and his mind was filled with the oddity of it all. It just didn't make any sense. It all looked very familiar, yet he'd never been here in his lifetime, that he could remember.. _frightening. _ The sky above consisted of oranges and yellows of the setting sun and the din of the early evening filled the air. The street that lay in front was something straight out of the 1960's, the quaint town consisted of one, and only one street. The buildings looked misted with dust and faded paint. Off to the corner of the street on the right a grocery store sat, a permanent edition to the town, its faded brick showed years of wear, If he could find answers anywhere, it would be there.

The door creaked open, the small bell above the door jingled loudly. A young leopard sat behind an old glass counter. The store held many shelves; the packaging still consisted of cardboard wood and glass. Behind the counter various smaller products sat, along with a few small articles pinned to the wall, as well as a teenaged leopard..

definitely not what I expected

The leopard looked at the potential customer before speaking

"hi!.. never seen you around here.. you from outa town?" the leopard spoke and bit his lip as he cleared some papers off of the glass counter.

Jake didn't respond right away, he looked around the crowded store, It all looked very strange.. and old, even the cash register wasn't new...

"Um... what year is it?" The vulpine asked regaining his attention to the leopard.

The leopard boy gave him a strange look, "well geez mister, you don't know? it's 1966" The leopard boy was indeed telling the truth, as the calendar hanging on the wall also read: 1966

Inwardly Jake was shocked..he must have gone through some kind of.. time warp or something?

"Oh ok, thanks kid" Jake said, but really he wasn't much older than the kid. Luckily for Jake, the clothes he decided to wear today were pretty retro themed, enough that no questions were raised. His jacket was a brown bomber, with a plain grey shirt underneath, along with a pair of tight fitting jeans and a pair of white high-tops to top it off. He went to the back of the store and fetched a glass bottled cola out of the glass fridges, the teen quickly rang it up.

"That'll be 10 cents sir" the leopard said

The vulpine nearly gave the boy a weird look back then realized the time difference and how much less it would have cost back then...err now.

"Hope you got change, I only got a dollar here" Jake said, holding out a dollar.. hopefully the boy didn't look too close at it and realize it was.. a modern one dollar bill, but there was something the teen was more interested in..

"Hot damn! you got a 100 dollar bill in there, you must be rich!" looking into the fox's wallet, which was still out in front of him

This time the fox grinned "well, I guess I'm fairly well off... say you wouldn't happen to know a motel I could stay in would ya?"

"no, actually there is but it's closed right now.. but..." the leopard considered to be thinking something over "you, could stay at my place for the night if you are just passing through.. If that's ok with you?"

"yea, I guess if it's no big trouble that'd be great.." The vulpine said

"yea, no problem I just have to wait till closing time.. Oh, by the way... I like your jacket man! where'd you get it?" the leopard exclaimed, blushing lightly

"what? oh this? I don't exactly remember where I got it now.." truth be told, the vulpine knew exactly where he got the brown leather bomber jacket.. of course he would, it was his favourite! But, at this time that store wouldn't even exist yet.

A few minutes passed with them both sneaking glances at each other, both trying to pretend the other wasn't

Mmm, he is cute.. maybe get me some leopard tonight. The fox thought devilishly

Calm down, calm down. He's probably just being friendly.. don't want to scare him off!

"sooo.... when is closing time?" Jake asked, taking a seat at a nearby stool

"ooh, just about another half an hour I'd say" the feline replied


By that time the sky had darkened, still a clear night but now the sun was set almost all the way, leaving dark hues of orange lingering.

The leopard finished locking the door, the bell jingling on contact again and turned to the fox "c'mon, house is this way"

shit!, my car is modern thought the fox, oh well, he might as well find out now, besides I can't just leave it out on the main street for everyone to see tomorrow

"I got a car, so... we can drive" the fox responded.. It didn't take them long to near the vehicle.. which, a surprise to the fox, had changed. The vulpine fished around in his pocket, finding a different key than he was used to, less modern... _Damn! I'm now the owner of a 1965 dart GT!! _ Not wanting to look suspicious he unlocked the door and got in, reaching over the bench seat to unlock the passenger door as well

"WOOOW man!? This is your car?! damn this thing is brand new!!" the leopard exclaimed excitedly

Jake grinned, suddenly very proud of "his" new car, he closed the door and started it up, the 273 puurrred under the hood. The chrome dash highlights glinted in the dim light, he stepped on the gas and they took off towards their destination

"alright, now where did you say your house was?" he said, still grinning

After a few turns of the road they arrived in front of a small house that looked to have been built in the 40's or early 50's, The wood siding held a light blue paint that looked even less colourful in the dim light. Jake eased the car into the driveway and shut the car off. It was a small house, only one floor and four rooms, a bathroom a kitchen a bedroom and a living room, which looked out towards the road.

"well c'mon, I'll show you inside" the leopard insisted, nearly dragging the fox by the paw.

"so.. you live here by yourself then?" the fox questioned while walking toward the front door

"yep, bought it with my own money... me and my parents never got along so well...." he trailed off.

"it's ok man, you don't have to talk about it." the fox started walking again then stopped, grabbing the leopard's arm "wait, I'm about to go into your house and I don't even know your name.."

"oh, well how stupid of me" the leopard grinned "I'm Eric"

"and my name is Jake" the fox said simply

"no git' in here, can't be standing outside all night" the leopard said, Opening the door and hustling Jake inside.

gee, he seems awfully eager.. the fox thought to himself

Jake was too caught up in thought to even realize the leopard was talking for a bit, The house was simply furnished, with a plain couch and a old armchair and many other simple pictures hanging on the wall as well as a few posters..


"......in the morning? ok.. oh and I only have one bed.. so it's either the bed or.. the couch by the tv.. your choice"

"well.. err, Is that even a choice? I'd take a bed over a couch any day!" the fox grinned, Eric grinned as well

_What the hell am I doing.. I don't even know if he's gay or not.. _ thought the fox

"well I dunno about you man, but I am tired.. you know where I'll be" the leopard said, as he started to walk down the short hallway to his bedroom

"you know what? I think I'll join you.. all that traveling has got me tired" Jake said as he watched the leopard's ass the whole way down the hall..

damn! he really is pretty hot


soon enough they were both in bed and the leopard mentioned

"I hope it's ok with you buuuut... I sleep naked so....." he stated as he slipped off his underwear, facing away from the vulpine.

Jake could feel himself begin to get aroused at the thought of the naked leopard next to him, the teen's darker spots completely uncovered. soon his boxers and also the blankets were tented...hiding did no good..

Shit! Exactly what I didn't need to happen

Jake tried to roll over, facing away from the feline in an attempt to hide his now full hard on.

"woa.. do you.. have a.... are you gay?" Eric asked, an unsure tone in his voice as he looked over at the fox

"well... yes and" the fox sighed " there's a lot more stuff I'd like to tell you.. but.. tomorrow, not now. ok?"

"yea sure man.. that works." Eric said

after a few minutes of silence Eric finally spoke "hey.. uh Jake?"

"yea?" the vulpine said

"do you think... we could.. um... never mind.."

"what? Something on your mind?" the fox asked, still facing away, He'd just met Eric, and didn't know if he was suitable to deal with his problems.. but after all, he was staying in his house

It's the least I can do.. Thought Jake

"Could.. could I uumm. Kiss you?" Eric said rather awkwardly, blushing heavily

"I see no reason why not" Jake said, grinning... teasing the leopard

Jake, leaned in and initiated the kiss, sensing Eric's hesitation at first. Their lips met, until Jake stuck out his tongue, trying to enter Eric's mouth, causing the Leopard to blush harder. Soon enough, their tongues danced crazily together, fighting against the other for no other reason rather than pleasure and lust. Jake finally broke the kiss, breathing slightly heavier.

"Well, what did you think or that? Kissing a guy?" Jake asked

Eric blushed harder. "Well.. I liked it"

Jake shot him the look...

"Ok fine! I liked it a lot!!" said the flustered Eric

"Could I.. could we......again?" the feline asked

Jake answered by pressing his lips to Eric, moving their bodies closer together. Their shafts slid against each other, Eric lightly thrusted into Jake, When the fox felt this he sneakily reached a hand in between them and groped Eric's hardened cock

"Well someone is excited" Jake stated, breaking the kiss "Is there anything else you wanted to do while we are here, In bed.." The vulpine hoped that Eric would want to take things further but didn't want to push him towards it.

"well you see, I'm still a.. virgin a-and I um.." the leopard said scratching the back of his head nervously "Would... c-could we have sex?" the feline put it blatantly

Jake just chuckled, he could remember being nervous his first time " I thought you'd never ask, but if that's what you really want I don't see why not" the sneaky vulpine said as he again pressed his lip's to the felines and buried his tongue into Eric's mouth. Eric kissed back, wrestling the fox's tongue with his own, causing even more delight for the both.. Inwardly Jake was grinning, screwing a cute leopard boy had not been on his agenda of things to do tonight, but then neither had going back in time. Jake didn't get much time to ponder this, what with having a horny teenager on hand and all. Eric grabbed the vulpine's ass pulling them closer together as he rubbed their shafts against one another. The surprised Jake just grinned as he felt his shaft begin to dribble pre in between the both, Jake finally broke the kiss and asked " Mmmm, you ready now"

"well of course I'm ready.." Eric spoke, lust starting to seep into his voice, a look of contentment dominated his face.

"ok then, If this is what you really want, but I've got to warn you" Jake said, then leaning closer to whisper into Eric's ear "I want me a piece of some leopard" he said to the submissive teen.

Eric grinned and pressed his lips deeply into Jakes.

Eric's eyes were half lidded, enjoying the kiss on so many levels, so he deepened the kiss, worming his tongue into Jake's muzzle. Jake lifted Eric up so the spotted feline was straddling his chest, still not breaking the kiss. The vulpine's member was at it's hardest, feeling the warm fur of another male against it, and Eric's lustful grinding into his lap didn't help matters either. "oh.. someone really wants it.." Jake said smirking.

"Well.. uh...since I'm still a virgin.. could you, take it easy?" the leopard said, the blush showing through his fur easily, but lucky enough for him it was relatively dark in the room. He was horny but still slightly nervous

"well, In that case, I promise to take it slow.. just for you" Jake said, his member resting below Eric's spotted ass.

"well, don't keep me hangin' here foxy" Eric said in a tone filled with lust, he was also obviously very turned on, if his leaking kitty cock was any evidence towards that..

"you ain't gotta tell me twice, you sexy little leopard!" the fox exclaimed.

This succeeded in making the feline blush again "really? I was going to say the same about you" Eric said, leaning against the fox's chest before whispering in his ear "c'mon foxy.. make me yours" he said in the best sultry voice he could manage. Jake griped the feline's ass with one hand and aimed his leaking member up to Eric's tight virgin rose bud "here goes" Jake said as he slowly pulled the feline down onto his awaiting member.

"oh.. oh fuck" the vulpine moaned as the hot warmth enveloped his shaft. Eric clenched his teeth together from the pain of being spread for the first time, but it soon subsided. He relaxed his ass and let the member slowly slide into him, coming to a hilt. "well, what are you waiting for?" Eric said grinning "we haven't got all night... take me" He nuzzled into the fox, kissing him deeply as his tongue battled with the fox's for supremacy

Jake started to build a slow rhythm, bouncing the feline slowly on his cock, which was by now, leaking pre profusely. Eric was already in pure bliss, his face contorted in pleasure, just from soft fucking, It occurred to the fox that teens back.. now probably masturbated less, if at all, that and porn wasn't all that accessable. The leopard purred in pure pleasure, soft moans and escaped from his lips into the night air. Soon enough the two were meeting each others thrusts, both trying to bury that shaft just a little bit deeper, even though Jake's knot refused to make it's entry yet as it was fully formed at this time. Then the pace increased yet again, both were growning more tired, their tongues lolling out of their muzzles, the thrusts were growing sloppy.. "ooh.. oh god, Jaaakkee, I don't think I'll last much longer" the leopard moaned out, his cock had formed a small pool or pre in the fox's fur.

"Well, allow me to push you over the edge then" the fox said, panting just as hard and just as close, he could feel his climax coming on.. he was close "ooh. god.. oh god oh god!!" the fox began to moan faster, ramming his cock in and out of the feline's tight ass, he was pushing the feline down onto his cock with all his force until suddenly, his knot winning over Eric's asshole. The fox's knot nestled it's way into the spotted cat's velvety pre slick insides. This proved to be too much for both as they both came hard. Eric cried out; in a half moan half roar, his cock exploding thick white jets from the tip onto the fox below, without even having touched it once. Jake also moaned as the new found pressure on his knot sent him forcefully over the edge, beyond words, he emptied his whole load into the waiting ass, soaking the feline prostate in the rich fox seed..

They laid panting for what seemed like hours, Eric laying on Jake's chest, Soon after they both began to drift off still tied together.

"Jake?.... you'll stay around for a bit won't you?... I'd like having you around" the leopard said blushing tiredly

"Of..course I will, I'll be riiight here, I'm interested to know more about ya as well kitty" the fox said with a yawn, as he pulled the nearly sleeping teen closer to him and nodded off as well.


the end. comments welcome :D as well as constructive criticism.