He's My Puppy

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Ok so welcome to my first Cub story/series. I've been working on this for somewhere in the neighborhood of a week to a week and a half (life and family issues making huge contributions to lengthening that time span) to make this my longest story yet at a whopping 11 pages typed. I'm just throwing this out there but I suck at commas so if you find any punctuation mistakes feel free to point out so I can fix them. That said...enjoy


"Ho-ly shi-" Sammy was cut off as a rubbery ball connected with his chest knocking him back nearly a foot before he hit the floor. He coughed as the coach announced his being out. He grumbled standing up and dusting himself off as he walked to the bleachers. Dodge-ball definitely wasn't his favorite sport. He did enjoy watching it though, and something was catching his eye. Out on the opposite side a dark blue husky stood hurling balls across the gym at the opposing team.

Sam hadn't seen the husky before and more than likely he was recently transferred in when an earlier class had filled. Either way Sammy was enjoying watching the husky play. After a while of playing the coach called the husky out and Sam scrambled to look anywhere else. Luck was not on his side however and Chris noticed him. Sammy was sitting, with his head propped in his hands and his elbows resting on his knees, while he stared at Chris. Chris could only smile as the fox shifted uncomfortably on the bleacher.

Sam's tail bushed out and the hair on the back of his neck stood up as Chris plopped down next to him. "Hiya I'm Chris." the husky said holding a hand paw out toward Sam. Sam looked at Chris' paw for a second before reaching out and grasping it with his own.

"I'm Sam." he said shaking the husky's paw. Sam now had full view of the husky. He had a deep blue fur that conflicted a brighter white fur on his chest, which Sam could see from his shirt. The husky's body was fit but not overly muscular like most jocks he had seen in the school.

From behind him Sam heard one sophomore say, "Oh look, the fags are together." before he and the fur next to him began laughing loudly. Sam's ears drooped and he sighed looking to Chris.

"They always call me that. You should probably sit somewhere else unless you want to be labeled." Sam said looking down again. Chris looked over at Sam and pulled out his cellphone punching in a few keys before setting it down. Sam looked over at Chris and quirked his head but the husky remained silent. "Aren't you going to move?" he asked before Chris held a finger up to Sam.

"Wait for it..." he whispered looking across the gym at a large wolf walking in the door and around the outside of the gym towards them. As he neared the pair Chris jerked his head up towards the obnoxious wolves behind him. The wolf only nodded not even stopping as he walked up the bleacher and behind the still chuckling pair. He sat directly behind them and leaned down between them.

"So guys, what ya laughing at?" he asked grinning evilly.

The wolf on his right turned, still chuckling, and said, "Well we were saying about the two fags in the class sitting together." When the wolf finished speaking he nudged his buddy. "Hey bet ya ten bucks they yiff in the locker room." he said before breaking into another round of laughter.

"Oh my brother knows better than to do something like that in school." The larger wolf said still looming over the pair, who quickly fell silent as the realization dawned on them.

"B-brother?" the wolf on the right stammered as the color left his face. The wolf behind them leaned down, grabbing the pair by their shirts and jerking them backwards, before he growled at them with a snarl that would have made a bull turn tail and run.

"If I find you two making fun of my brother again," he snarled giving them maniacal grin. "You guys will be servicing the football team until you can't sit straight." The still looming wolf pulled the pair back up and stood lifting them to their feet. "Now I think you ought to go apologize before I jam your tails up your asses." As he spoke the wolf pushed the pair down towards Chris and Sam.

"We're uh...sorry." one wolf stammered looking nervously to the larger wolf. The wolf next to him looked equally as nervous but seemed unable to speak. As the larger wolf neared, them they scrambled, running to the locker room.

"Thanks Mike." Chris said wagging his tail and smiling at the larger timber wolf.

"No worries lil bro. Who's the cutie though?" Mike asked looking down at the snowy white fox and smiling mischievously.

"Oh I'm Sam." The fox replied, trying to look anywhere but at Mike.

"Thanks...Mike." Chris said with a bit more force behind him. Mike took the hint and walked away chuckling as the bell rang. Chris looked over at Sam as the class filed out into the locker rooms to change before going home. "So...you doing anything tonight?" Chris asked wagging his tail as he smiled.

"Well...no. You?" he asked laying his ears back as the fur on his cheeks shown a slight pink. The husky shook his head as he stood.

"Do you wanna come over tonight?" Chris asked grabbing his bag as Sam stood.

Sam grabbed his arm and shook his head. "Not tonight..my mom doesn't let me stay out on a school night." he explained playing is ears as his face turned a light pink.

"How about tomorrow then? It's a friday." Chris replied wagging his tail.

"Uh...sure." Sam said smiling as his tail bushed slightly behind him. Chris nodded and walked towards the door.

"It's a date." he called over his shoulder. Sam's small blush exploded into a full blown stop light red as his tail bushed to poofy proportions. Chris just giggled and disappeared from sight. Sam gathered his book bag and headed out of the building to his bus. He sat in his usual seat near the back where he knew he wouldn't be bothered. The rest of the kids in his school were quickly filing out into buses and cars and soon the bus was pulling away on its trip to disperse it's occupants to their homes again.

Soon enough the bus was empty save for Sam and a pair of ferrets sitting closer to the driver. Sam stood as his stop pulled up, before the bus slowed to a halt and hissed as the doors opened to let him off. His feet touched the sidewalk as the bus pulled of, leaving him to walk up to his house. He pulled his keys out and unlocked the door walking in before removing his key and closing the door. One more day down and one more coming up. He walked up to his room and closed the door behind himself before stripping out of his gym uniform and flopping onto his bed in nothing more than a pair of black boxers.

His mind spun with images of Chris as he laid there. "Being my luck he's straight." Sam mumbled rolling over and hugging his pillow to him. "Why else would he have his brother beat up Tom and Joe?" he asked his pillow as he nuzzled it tiredly. His chest still stung slightly from the ball slamming into it at close to mach four speeds.


Chris meanwhile lay on his bed lost in the same thoughts. "They called him a fag....That usually means he's gay." Chris rolled onto his side and propped himself up looking out the window at the gloomy drizzle that had started falling a few minutes ago. "Then again he seemed down about it....like he isn't." Chris growled in frustration and pulled his pillow over his face. As a soft knock came to his door he rolled away, hugging his pillow close. "Come in..." he mumbled.

Mike opened the door and peaked his head in looking at the half naked husky laying like a sad puppy. "Hey....so Dani's here.....if you hear any noises just ignore us..." Mike said in a joking manner. Chris rolled over and gave Mike a halfhearted nod before sighing heavily. Mike hung his head and opened the door before stepping in. He plopped down in Chris' computer chair and quirked his head. "Ok so why is my lil bro giving me the puppy love look?" Mike asked looking Chris over. "Is this about the cute lil fox you were hanging around with today?" Mike asked smiling mischievously.

Chris sighed and pulled his pillow back over his face. "How did you know Dani was....right?" Chris asked peaking around the pillow at the large wolf.

"Well first I asked." Mike said sticking his tongue out at Chris. Chris responded by whacking Mike with his pillow. "Well....Something about him ya know? I think it was his cute poofy tail. Maybe his curve-y hips." Chris glared at Mike and sighed in annoyance. Mike just chuckled and stood walking back to the door. "Trust me, you'll know if your foxy is right." Mike said pulling the door shut to lock Chris in with his thoughts.

The night passed uneventfully as Chris became lost in his thoughts of Sam. Eventually Chris found himself jumping from his bed to shut his alarm clock off. He quickly dressed and grabbed his bag not bothering to stop for breakfast before running out to his brother's car and hopping into the back seat. It took Mike a few minutes to get up and dressed but after nearly fifteen minutes of silence the sleepy lupine meandered out to the car and hopped in.

The drive was short, barely fifteen minutes, and finally they arrived at the school. Chris hopped out and walked into the building to his first class. He drifted in and out of classes for hours before Lunch period came up and he found himself in the cafeteria. He looked around for his brother and spotted him sitting in his usual spot. Chris looked around the cafeteria and sighed after he concluded Sam was not on his lunch period before he walked over and joined his brother at the table. "Hey Mike..." Chris said flopping in his chair.

The fox sitting across from him quirked his head. "What's up Chris?" he asked. Chris looked over at the fox and sighed. The fox, Dani, was wearing his usual uniform of a white shirt with khaki pants. The white from his shirt seemed to continue up his neck to the underside of his muzzle. Chris's sapphire colored eyes met this fox's emeralds and he shrugged.

"Not much Dani." Chris replied looking to the crowded vending machines and huffing. Mike shook his head and pushed an unopened Mountain Dew toward the husky.

"I swear you need to learn to get here early." Mike muttered as Chris took the soda and opened it.

Chris stuck his tongue out at Mike. "Why should I get here early if my big brother gets it for me?" he teased.

"Yeah I'm gonna laugh when I graduate and you starve." Mike retorted leaning back in his chair. "So has your little foxy caught up with you yet?" Mike asked causing Dani to giggle.

Chris glared at the wolf causing Dani to start laughing just before a timid voice came from behind them. "Uh...Hey guys." Sam said looking across the table to Chris. Chris' ears perked as mike and Dani turned to see the smaller fox standing behind them. "Uh...hate to bother you but could I sit here? Just for today?" Sam asked splaying his ears nervously. Mike pushed the chair on the other side of the table out with his foot and nodded, prompting Sam to shuffle around the table and plop down into the chair.

Chris looked over at Sam while opening his soda and taking a quick swig from it. Sam kept his ears splayed sitting nearly perfectly still in his chair as if any movement on his part would lead to him being kicked from the table. Chris shifted back in his chair as the ambient volume of the chattering teens around them swelled and faded. "Relax foxy we don't bite ya know?" Mike said smiling across the table at Sam.

Sam's ears perked at Mike's words and he straightened up as if snapped from a hypnotist's gaze. Mike chuckled at how out of place the smaller fox seemed. "So, Sam was it? Why did you pick this table to sit at?" Mike asked leaning forward onto his elbows, which rested on the table, to hear Sam's response.

"Well...most of the jocks around here think I'm gay so that rules out half of the tables here." Sam said while pulling a grape Vess from his backpack. "The rest of the school is either girly niches or freshmen groups and Chris seemed nice yesterday." No sooner had the words left his muzzle than Sam's ears flushed a bright pink and he looked down splaying his ears again.

Mike chuckled adding to the fox's embarrassment. "Hey babe, sounds like Sam has a crush on my little bro doesn't it?" He said hugging Dani to him. Sam Sighed resigned to the fact that even this group had labeled him gay. He reached down for his bag, as his ears drooped, to grab the polyester pack to leave. "Sorta reminds me of you." Mike added causing Sam's ears to perk as he looked up in confusion. He was met with a peculiar sight as he spotted Mike hugging Dani to him.

"Wait....you're...?" Sam stammered struggling to put his thoughts into words. It was Chris' turn to giggle as Sam's expression drained of color. "You guys are...gay?" He blurted out causing a few of the furs sitting around him to giggle. Chris fell backwards out of his chair after having leaned too far back while cracking up. Sam's ears swiveled around to be pinned on his neck as he growled at the husky. "Hey shut up I didn't know!" Sam scolded as Chris picked himself up still chuckling.

Mike looked at his brother and sighed. "It's not that funny ya brat." Mike muttered throwing his empty soda bottle and braining Chris with it making a hollow thunking noise as it bounced off of the husky's head. Chris sat his chair back up and dropped back into it sighing as though laughing had been hard work. "Well, we're gonna head up to class now and leave you two alone." Mike said standing with Dani and grabbing his bag. "Don't get into too much trouble you two." Mike said winking to Sam as he and Dani walked away.

Sam's ears filled again with a deep red as he grabbed his bag. "Uh..I'm gonna go..." he murmured. Chris quirked his head and watched Sam. "I'll see you in Gym alright Chris?" Sam said smiling to the husky as he shouldered his bag.

"Alright, I'll catch you later. You're coming over tonight right?" Chris replied looking over to catch Sam's eyes with his.

"Yeah...If you want me to." Sam replied quirking his head as his tail swished peaceably behind him. Chris nodded and Sam walked past him towards his next class. Sam wasn't prepared for what happened next. As he rounded the corner to the hallway that led to his next class he was jerked into the boy's bathroom. He fell to the floor, his bag bursting open and scattering his books over the floor, as his attackers slipped into view above him. It was the pair of wolves from yesterday and this realization made Sam go limp.

Sam's track record with getting beat up was a long one and he knew the more he resisted, the worse it would be. A sharp pain in his left side tensed his body against his will as the larger of the pair slammed his shoe into the fox's side. A pained yelp left Sam's muzzle just before the other wolf joined in, kicking him in the stomach, as he rolled away from the first kick. Sam could only gasp as he felt the air flee his lungs.

Chris sighed and stood from the lunch table mentally kicking himself for having thought he and Sam could have been together in the first place. He rounded the corner walking towards his last class before Gym and turned preparing to go into the bathroom before his next class. As his paw touched the door he heard a whimper followed by a scuffling and a yelp. As he prepared to charge in he heard someone beyond the door speak. "Not so tough without that faggot wolf behind you huh?" Grief poured over him as he realized exactly what was going on. He pulled his phone out and hit his speed dial before pressing the phone to his ear as his heart raced.

The line clicked and Mike's voice came to Chris' ear. "Hello?"

"Mike, basement bathroom now. Sam's getting beat up by those wolves from yesterday." Chris said in a hoarse whisper. The line clicked again as the call ended and Chris pocketed the phone. No sooner had Chris put his phone in his pocket then Mike had come around the corner barreling down the hallway with a pair of security guards behind him. Chris jumped out of the way as Mike skidded into a sharp turn practically flying into the bathroom. The security guards weren't far behind and a second after Mike they passed Chris running into the bathroom.

Sam was laying, gasping for breath on the floor as the wolves circled him. The taller one spoke, but to Sam all that was audible was indiscernible with the pain that was surging through his sides. The larger wolf drew back for another kick but as Sam braced for it he heard a strangled yelp then shouting. He curled up choking back a tear as the pain continued pulsing in his body. He felt a soft paw on his shoulder and winced expecting another blow. When the softer touch was accompanied by a soft voice Sam opened his eyes slightly to see Chris hovering over him.

Chris had entered behind the security guards just in time to see Mike body slam the larger of the two wolves. When he saw Sam on the floor he dropped and gently propped Sam up against himself. "Sam? Oh please be alright." Chris' plea was answered with a weak cough from the fox as he struggled to catch his breath. Behind Chris the security guards were leading the pair of wolves out in handcuffs as Mike gathered Sam's books. Mike pulled Sam's bag onto his shoulder and stepped towards the pair.

"He needs to get checked by the school nurse." Mike said in a quiet tone as he heard another security guard ushering students away from the bathroom. "Can he stand or do I need to carry him? Mike asked squatting down next to Sam. Sam winced and shook his head, answering the wolf's question himself. Mike sighed and nodded slipping his arms under Sam's legs and gently around his chest. In one slow but fluid motion he stood scooping the smaller fox up. Chris stood and walked to the door holding it open for Mike who walked past him calmly. The security guard who had been standing outside nodded towards the lupine as he passed, Chris following closely behind. Mike rounded the corner and walked up the stairs towards the nurse's office.

Chris pushed the door open for Mike, who walked in and carefully laid Sam on a cot in the corner of the room as the nurse gasped and stood, walking over to them. "What the hell happened to him?" She asked looking questioningly to Mike. Sam groan on the cot as Mike explained what happened. The nurse gave Sam a pained look as she carefully undid the fox's shirt. "Where did you get hit?" She asked. Sam gingerly rubbed his side and exhaled sharply. The nurse shook her head and reached up carefully opening Sam's eye and looking into it. "Did you get kicked in the head at all?" Sam slowly shook his head, unable to help but notice how pretty the feline nurse was. Go figure, the school nurse always has to look pretty, always.

Sam slowly sat up as the pain began to fade. The nurse kept her hand paw on his chest, carefully helping him sit up. Mike nudged Chris and set Sam's bag on a chair next to the wall. "Security is gonna be here in a sec to get your story and Sam's story. I gotta get back to class though so I'll see you after school alright?" Chris nodded and looked back to Sam as the nurse stood and walked to her desk.

"You ok Sam?" Chris asked kneeling next to Sam. Sam nodded and rubbed his side gently. "I'm sorry Sam...I didn't mean to drag you into this." Chris' ears splayed ad he frowned and stared at the floor.

"Why are you sorry? Sam asked in a quiet whisper as his breath came back to him. "It's not like you beat the hell out of me." Sam added putting his hand paw on the husky's shoulder.

Chris put his hand paw on Sam's and looked back up at him. "Well...it wouldn't have happened if those guys didn't know I was gay." Chris admitted hanging his head again.

Sam's ears perked. Had he heard correctly? "You're....you too?" Sam asked quirking his head.

Chris sighed and nodded. That was the confirming statement to him. Sam's reaction to his brother and now this proved it. "You're not so I'll just go sit over here." Chris pointed to a chair on the opposite side of the room. "You don't have to come over tonight either." Chris mumbled as he took a step away. He got less than a step away before he felt Sam's hand paw grab his and give it a gentle tug.

"Who said I'm not?" Sam asked smiling timidly up at the blue husky.

"But....you.....and....huh?" Chris struggled to put the pieces together because Sam had just scattered them. "I thought you weren't..." Sam shook his head and pulled Chris' hand paw, tugging the husky into a hug.

The nurse at her desk cleared her throat behind the pair and held up a small note. "I checked your schedule. This will get you out of Gym today. Try not to do anything too strenuous tonight and you should be fine." As she spoke the nurse walked over and handed the note to Sam who pocketed it just as the door opened. An otter wearing a blue uniform that was easily recognized as the Security guards stepped into view. He walked over to the small cot and pulled a chair from near the all to sit in.

"Alright. Sam how you doing?" he asked fetching a pad from his pocket as well as a pen.

"Alright I guess. Could be worse." he offered as Chris shifted to be sitting next to him.

"Fair enough. Well we have Matt and Tyler Downstairs waiting for their parents but most likely they'll be going to juvie. What I need to know is what happened. Did you do anything to provoke this?" The otter asked. Sam shook his head and looked down thinking back.

"Nothing I think would have warranted that." Sam said.

The otter nodded and flipped his pad over scanning through the wolves' statements. "Well that's all we really need. So now I gotta ask, do you want to press charges against them?"

Sam thought about it for a second then nodded. "Yeah. I do." The security guard nodded and stood.

"Alright Sam. We'll take care of this so go ahead and stay here until next class. You got about ten minutes before the switch." The security guard said turning and walking out into the hallway. A few minutes later the pair heard this, "Hey get to class this isn't social period!" Sam and Chris chuckled on the cot then looked at one another.

Chris made the first moves hugging Sam to him carefully so as not to irritate the fox's soreness. Sam could only wrap his arms around Chris and nuzzle his shoulder. "Thanks for saving me Chris." Sam whispered softly.

"No worries Sammy." Chris replied slowly releasing Sam. Ten minutes flew by and the bell rang signaling the end of one period and the start of another. Chris helped Sam off the cot and picked up their bags. Sam seemed ready to protest but Chris insisted and the nurse agreed. Defeated Sam trudged after Chris through the hallways towards the gym. Sam found the coach as Chris place the bags on the bleachers before joining him. The coach nodded to Sam and nodded towards the bleachers.

"You can sit out today Sam. Chris you're not excused go get dressed." The coach looked back to her clipboard then realized Chris wasn't leaving.

"I don't have my uniform today. It got wet yesterday and it's going through the dryer." Chris explained.

"Fine, go join Sam on the bleachers and you'll lose points today." Chris nodded and walked back to the bleachers joining Sam on the third row. They watched as the rest of the class filed in, the coach marking the absentees before setting them to laps and finally dodge-ball. The pair collectively winced as several furs were accidentally hit by a rubbery missile as balls flew back and forth in the open room. Not much was said between the pair with the exception of occasional "oooh"s and "ouch"s as various players were slammed with balls. Eventually the bell rang and the class dismissed to go home.

Sam stood and grabbed his bag. "Can I still come over tonight?" Sam asked splaying his ears shyly towards Chris.

The husky smiled and wagged his tail before speaking. "You really have to ask? Of course you can." Sam smiled with Chris as his tail swished happily back and forth behind him. "Come on, Mike drives me home." Chris said turning towards the exit. Sam gladly followed Chris as he led him out of the building and onto the parking lot. They walked to a blue mustang convertible and hopped into the back seat with Sam piled in behind Mike and Chris behind Dani, who sat in the front passenger seat. Mike looked back at Chris who just smiled back innocently. Mike rolled his eyes and shook his head as he put the car into reverse, backed out, then drove off the lot towards their house.

It was only a short distance away, barely eight blocks, But not a very good neighborhood to walk through on a regular basis. Just as Sam managed to get comfortable in the car seat the ride ended as Mike pulled the car up to the curb and put it in park. The engine quickly turned to resting once more as the group filed out of the car in nearly the same order they had gotten in. Chris walked around the car and put his paw onto Sam's shoulder when he saw the fox still standing there, looking at his house. Sam could only look up in awe as he saw a three story mansion laid out before him. Chris cringed as Sam managed to blurt out yet another realization. "You're rich!?!" Not so much of a statement as a question but still Chris' ears swiveled back in embarrassment.

Chris looked over to Sam and sighed. "Yeah I guess you could say that." Chris said lowering his head a bit. Mike called from the front door causing both boys' ears to perk before they started walking towards the looming house. Sam stood in awe in the lobby of the house. Chris just sighed and grabbed the strap on Sam's bag tugging it towards the stairs. "Come on silly you can look at the house later." Chris teased as he led Sam through the house.

Sam followed, moreover was dragged by, Chris up the stairs and down the hall towards where ever Chris was taking him. Finally Chris stopped at a door and opened it before dragging the fox inside. Sam found himself in the middle of a fairly normal looking room considering the house that held it. Chris flopped on the bed as Sam shut the door behind him. "This is your room?" Sam asked slightly surprised at the sense of normalcy in the moderately sized room.

Chris' ears splayed as he sat up on his bed. "Too much?" he asked frowning slightly. Sam looked around and smiled.

"Nah just wasn't expecting it to look so normal." Sam said sticking his tongue out.

"Stop...." Chris muttered laying his head back down on his bed. "I don't tell people at school for a reason. Do you know how awkward it is to have people looking at you and only see your money? Friends who only stick around hoping to mooch money off of you? It's not all that fun." Chris said, huffing as he laid there.

It was Sam's turn to splay his ears as his tail ducked slightly. "Sorry...I didn't mean anything by it." Chris grabbed Sam's hand and pulled him onto the bed letting out a playful yip as he pulled Sam over him. Sam yelped as he fell over the husky, who quickly wrapped his arms around him holding him there. Sam put his hand paws on either side of the husky holding him and began to lift himself off of Chris. As he pushed against Chris' hold a sharp pain tore through him again as his bruised sides were pushed against. He yelped and collapsed onto the startled husky, who quickly rolled him off and onto the queen sized bed next to him.

"You okay?" Chris asked standing over Sam with his ears pinned against his neck and tail slowly pulling between his legs. Sam nodded and gently rubbed his side.

"Just pressed the wrong place is all." Sam replied. Chris leaned over Sam and lightly nuzzled under his chin.

"I'm sorry." Chris whispered continuing to gently nuzzle under Sam's chin. Sam's paw timidly made it's way to Chris' head, gently rubbing between his ears.

"Don't worry about it Chris, it was an accident." Sam said smiling. He reached down hooking his arms under the husky's arms and pulling him off. Chris stood there slowly wagging his tail like a confused puppy as Sam pulled his shirt off. Chris took a step closer timidly reaching out towards Sam's side. Sam saw the movement and brought his own hand paw up to Chris', guiding it down to his side and lightly placing Chris' hand paw over his sore spot. Chris looked up to Sam from his hand paw and quirked his head.

"Does...does it hurt?" Chris asked carefully removing his paw from Sam's white fur. Chris was lost looking over Sam's body for the first time since they had met. His silky white fur spanned his whole body with the exception of a fade to gray on his tail. His white fur was close to the almost pale blue eyes he had.

Sam quirked his head looking up at Chris. "Chris....." Sam Spoke softly as the husky seemed to be in a trance. Sam leaned forward hugging Chris' waist and snapping the husky back to the real world. Chris reached down gently rubbing Sam's shoulder. Sam nuzzled his belly murring contently as Chris continued running his hand paws through Sam's fur. Sam stopped as he felt a bulge being held back by the husky's pants. He knew in a second what it was and couldn't help but bring his hand to gently rub, what could only be, Chris' swelling sheath through the fabric of his pants.

Chris moaned as he felt Sam rubbing his sheath but managed to gently pull Sam away for a second. He carefully laid the slightly smaller fox back on the bed before he slipped to his knees in front of Sam. His fingers carefully undid the button and zipper on Sam's pants just before hooking the waist line and pulling them off slowly. Sam kicked his shoes off as his pants slid down around his ankles. Chris reached up again and hooked a finger under the elastic band on Sam's boxers, gently pulling them off and discarding them to a pile of Sam's clothes.

He looked over the fox once more. Sam was now fully undressed with the exception of his socks, which Chris began trying to remove. The husky parted Sam's legs, nervously shaking as he caught sight of the tightly drawn pink tailhole before him. He leaned forward, nuzzling just beneath the vulpine's furry sac as he inhaled deeply, catching Sam's scent. The scent itself was more subtle than the husky would have expected and he assumed the fox must have meticulously washed himself on a regular basis by the ivory tone of his fur.

Sam laid his head back against the bed and murred as he felt Chris exploring him. The husky's paws migrated to his sheath and began gently rubbing it to entice the already swelling member it held into coming out. He moaned as he felt Chris' rough tongue drag across his sac and over his sheath, which his hand paw had begun to gently squeeze and rub. Sam's hips rolled into Chris' rubbing hand paw, grinding his sheath against the husky's grip. Chris' muzzle fell back below Sam's sac where he began rubbing his cold nose just beneath Sam's balls. Neither boy was prepared for that Chris did next. His tongue flitted out across Sam's tailhole, gently pushing against it before pulling back inside his muzzle. Again and again he licked across Sam's tailhole, each time just a bit more confident than the last.

Sam gripped the sheets of the bed as his body was wracked with the small waves of pleasure Chris' tongue was sending through his body. He found himself thrusting into Chris' hand paw and moaning at the combined pleasure and ecstasy racing through him. His stamina was rapidly draining as his knot began to swell inside his sheath. Sam continued bucking his hips into Chris' hand paw, each thrust causing his breath to leave him in short raspy breaths. Chris realized how close Sam was and moved up a little, pulling Sam's sheath down past his knot as he did so. Sam continued bucking his hips into Chris' grip, his knot, covered in pre, swelling more and more as it slipped in and out of Chris' hand. The husky smiled at the fox's face which contorted in pleasure as he quickly bucked and thrusted his way towards his peak. Chris leaned his head down bringing his muzzle over the few inches of Sam's cock that pushed past his hand paw. He ground his tongue over the tip of the foxhood in his muzzle in time with the vulpine's thrusts further pushing the, now whimpering, fox towards his climax.

Chris knew Sam could have held out much longer as he brought his free hand down and pinched lightly behind the fox's knot, pushing his hand and muzzle down over the vulpine's member as he did. His grip on Sam's knot tightened slightly as the fox's body tensed and his cock began twitching. Sam felt himself crashing over his peak as his first spurt of cum vaulted from the end of his cock to the back of the husky's throat. His grip on the sheets was so tight his knuckles began to turn white as spurt after spurt of cum flooded Chris' muzzle.

Chris licked his lips as he swallowed the gooey mess Sam had shot into his muzzle. He lapped at Sam's spent member a few more times before standing and looking over the exhausted fox laid out before him. Sam leaned his head up off the bed to look at Chris' who leaned down over him. "Chris..." Sam whispered. He was cut off as the canine's muzzle pressed to his. Sam's body fell limp as Chris slipped his tongue past the fox's lips, pushing against his tongue and exploring Sam's muzzle. Sam sucked lightly on Chris' tongue, pushing against it with his own as they danced around in Sam's muzzle.

Chris pulled back first, slowly standing from being over the bed. Sam murred and rolled onto his belly placing his feet on the ground and lifting his hips. Chris knew what the fox wanted but grabbed his hips and leaned over him, bringing his muzzle to Sam's ear. "Are you sure you want to?" he whispered, nuzzling Sam's shoulder lightly.

A small whimper left the fox's muzzle as he ground his hips back against Chris causing him to moan quietly. "I want you." Sam whispered his reply.

The husky pulled away from Sam, standing and walking towards his dresser. He used to think it embarrassing to keep a bottle of lube his brother had given him in his drawers but now he was silently making a note to thank him. He retrieved the small bottle from a lip in the wood just above the top drawer and returned to Sam, who anxiously lifted his tail out of the way. Chris just smiled as he slipped behind the fox and dropped. He squeezed some of the lube onto his finger before bringing it to Sam's tight, pink tailhole. With a gentle press and a moan from the fox, Chris' digit slipped, slowly into the fox's twitching tailhole.

Sam hiked his tail up further as he felt the husky's finger slipping into him. The husky was slow, seeming practiced as he gently twisted the digit around in the vulpine's ass. He withdrew his finger, receiving a whimper from the fox as the full feeling he was getting quickly left him. Chris smiled inwardly as he stood, preparing to remedy that. He quickly unbuttoned his pants, letting them fall the the ground as he slipped out of his boxers as well. He murred as he pushed his sheath down, exposing his cock and slowly building knot. Chris began to apply more lube to his member, focusing more on the knot, before he stepped up behind Sam once more.

Chris positioned his cock at Sam's tailhole. "Let me know if it hurts ok?" he asked gently rubbing Sam's back with his left hand paw. Sam nodded seeming a little stiff. Chris gently pushed into the tight ring of flesh his member had been resting against, murring as it slowly slipped inside. Chris pushed in slowly, sinking inch after inch into the fox below him. Until he was stopped with four of his eight inched buried in the fox's ass. Sam whimpered as he clenched over the large cock pushing under his tail. Chris leaned over Sam, wrapping his arms around the fox's hips and holding himself there. He nuzzled Sam's shoulder comfortingly. "Relax foxy." Chris whispered as he continued nuzzling into the fluffy white fur beneath him.

Sam laid there panting as he slowly relaxed, allowing Chris to push another inch or two in before they had to pause again. After maybe a minute Chris' hips rested against Sam's as his paws roamed absent mindedly over the fox's belly fur. Sam began murring quietly, signaling to Chris that he was ready. The husky's hips slowly pulled back from Sam's until only the head of Chris' member was still inside before he carefully pushed back in. Sam moaned at the newer sensations. Dull pains mixed mingled with sharp spikes of pleasure as Chris began slowly thrusting into him.

Chris continued nuzzling Sam's shoulder and neck as he thrust into him. Sam was unbelievable tight around him and he could only manage weak murrs as he sheathed himself in the tight heat that was under Sam's tail. He began to feel the pressure building as his knot swelled a little more. He knew if they were going to tie he would have to do it soon or risk hurting them both. Before he could ask, however, Sam told him what he wanted to hear. "Chris...tie me." Sam whispered just before burying his face in his arms. Chris hugged Sam's hips a little tighter as he thrusted a bit harder. Sam tensed as he felt Chris' knot hit his tailhole and begin to slip in. Chris nuzzled Sam's shoulder again as he held into the fox beneath him.

"Relax Sammy." Chris said grinding his knot under Sam's tail. Sam exhaled slowly relaxing his clenching tailhole. Chris pushed forward when he felt Sam relax and the pair gasped as his knot slipped inside. Sam moaned as the large bulb of flesh swelled against his prostate while Chris pounded away at his ass. Sam whimpered as he felt his own cock begin to pulse again. Chris fell over the edge first, as he ground his hips against Sam's as his cock pulsed inside of the fox. With one last thrust his knot flared fully and his cum flooded Sam's body.

Sam felt Chris' warm cum flood his bowels, sending him over the edge as well. He tensed as his tailhole clamped down tightly behind Chris' knot. His body tensed once more as his member pulsed, releasing a few small spurts of cum into his sheath. Chris carefully stood Sam up and turned, sitting back on the bed. Chris gently nuzzled Sam's shoulder while continuing to lightly rub the fox's belly. Sam carefully leaned back against Chris, pushing them back to laying on the bed. They cuddled while waiting for Chris' knot to shrink just before the doorknob clicked. Both boys' blood ran cold as the door creaked open.

"Hey, Mom and Dad are working late tonight what do you want....from....Pizza Hut." Mike's question trailed off as he caught sight of the newly coupled pair laying on the bed.