Trial and Tribulations of a Black Wolf Chapter 1: The Meeting

Story by TheSexyBeast on SoFurry

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As he walked to the prison he was stuck in for another year the air was cold and he could see his breath." I can't take it anymore", he thought to himself" being in this windowless prison." The bell began to ring as he realized it was time for everyone to go into the high school. This is the story of a black wolf through all his ups and downs; his attempts to discover himself and of course love. This is the The Trials and Tribulations of a Black Wolf.

Throughout the hallways there were groups of furs all over the place school hasn't started yet and there was a black wolf walking all alone by himself when all of a sudden one of the groups yelled at him "Hey Jake you stupid faggot sucked any good dick lately" , as the entire crowd laughed. Jake had no idea what this guy was yelling about, but it made him mad. The thought of beating the crap out him came to Jake's mind, but then he realized that discretion was the best idea here due to the fact he was out numbered five to one. For three days this is all that he has been hearing and it was driving him nuts.

Now Jake was your average sophomore in high school. He was nearly six foot tall wolf with all black fur. He had striking blue eyes. He was a very strong wolf though, considering that he played football. He wasn't much toned but you could see the slight outline of his abs. He's stockier than everything weighing at 215 pounds. He loved to party and smoke weed, but now the one thing that he loved had caused a great downfall in his life.

Jake was now in first hour and trying to figure out what happened to him. He went from one of the coolest kids in school to nothing. It happened last Friday he went to a small party with his buddies. He remembered going to an abandoned house. They were going to do some drinking. There were about twenty furs; not many but there were enough. He remembered drinking a lot maybe too much. It was all going so fast he couldn't stop it. He was drinking cups of Bacardi as if they were shot glasses. Then it all went black.

As Jake was trying to remember what happened then a paper wad hit him in the head. As he turned around to see who threw it he realized it was his fellow teammates from football. As they were laughing he started to open the paper and in big words it said fag on it. "So much for football brotherhood" thought Jake. He couldn't take it anymore he stood right up getting ready to punch them when he teacher said "Jake is there anything wrong." "No sir"replied Jake "I just need to use the restroom." "Ok then go and hurry up", said the teacher. As Jake opened the door to leave the classroom his teammates were still laughing even harder than before. As Jake entered the restroom he couldn't do keep his composure anymore. He started to break down and cry. He stayed there for the rest of the hour.

It was now fourth hour and Jake had PE; the worst class period of them all. No one would dress near him. The entire side of the locker room was cleared where he was. As he was dressing out his mind was racing. Everyone said he sucked another furs dick and he couldn't believe it. He was straight, he loved women he had sex with them he wasn't gay. Jake was so lost in his thought; he didn't realize that there was another fur near him. It was a big German Sheppard; he looked to be around six foot two and around two hundred and forty pounds. He wasn't fat either just a very big boy." Wow is he sexy" thought Jake "Wait a minute I'm not a fag what the hell is going on?" Then all of a sudden the big dog opened his snout and said" Howdy" he said in a western accent," my name is Mark, what's yours." Jake barely stuttered out "Hey name is Jake." Then all of a sudden another fur yelled out "Hey new kid watch out your talking to a fag." "Hey don't mind them "said Mark "Do you wanna be friends." Sure" responded Jake before the coach started to yell at them to get into the gym.

They had to run the mile in PE class today. "How Fun" thought Jake. As Jake ran the mile he couldn't keep his mind off of Mark. What also didn't help was the fact even from being a big country boy he could run being only behind Jake a couple of steps. Jake finished his mile in six minutes and thirty seconds and Mark finished in six minutes forty-five seconds. After the mile they played some basketball. Jake had tried every chance he could to get closer to Mark for some reason he couldn't get enough of him. "Hey don't let the fag play guys" said the star basketball player Kevin "What is wrong with him" said Mark. "He sucked a guys dick what else do I need to say "After those words Jake started to walk back to the bleachers and sit down when Mark left the group to go after Jake and said "Wait up man" Jake said "What do you want you heard what those guys said" Mark then said "I don't give a fuck you're a cool guy wanna play some one on one" "Sure I guess" said Jake. As they went to the nearest unoccupied hoop Jake couldn't stop staring at Mark's ass. "He's so hot" thought Jake. As they started to play the game Jake couldn't stop admiring Mark he even started to lose cause of it. "Hey boy like what you see" said Mark "Well uhm" said Jake as the coach blew the whistle and Jake ran to the locker room.

All the furs headed back to the locker room and that side of the locker room was still empty except for that Sheppard. As Jake walked over there he was jeered with the same words as before. Faggot, gay, and dick sucker was a few of the words he heard. Finally he got to his locker and looked around and saw the Sheppard wasn't there. "Fuck I screwed things up between him and me" when all of sudden someone punched him in the arm. Jake turned around and saw that it was Mark. Hey man what was up with you out there" said Mark "I don't know" said Jake" must of got a bit dizzy." "Ok whatever" said Mark as he began to take his shirt off. "Oh god" thought Jake "His muscles are so huge, stop it Jake your straight and he probably isn't even gay himself. " Jake started to take his own clothes off and was taking peeks at Mark while he did it. Mark was already in his underwear and Jake had to look away because he felt that his cock began to stir in his pants." Ok don't think bout him" thought Jake as he felt himself going into a semi as he quickly took his gym pants off and had some struggles putting his jeans back on. Mark saw this and asked if he was ok. "Fuck" said Jake out loud as he ran out of the locker room. Mark stood there dumbfounded and picked up Jake's backpack and left the locker room.

It was fifth hour now and Jake just realized that he left his book bag in the locker room. "Crap" thought Jake" My paper is in there." When all of a sudden there was knocking on the door and Mr. Knox said " Jake someone needs to talk to you" "Shit" thought Jake "It must be the principal." As Jake walked to the door he realized it was Mark with his book bag. "Hey man you left this" said Mark. "Thanks "stammered Jake. When all of a sudden Mark said "We need to talk and you know why. Let's meet at the park tomorrow at twelve." "Ok" said Jake as his mind was swirling with thoughts about what he meant and everything. Jake went back to his seat when the lizard sitting next to him said "Is that your boyfriend" and Jake responded "I don't know bout anything anymore so shut the hell up"

Finally after the last two hours without any incidents it was time for Jake to get home. "Home" though Jake "I can't even get any peace there." When he walked thru the doors his mother (a gray wolf) began to yell at him saying things like you're a failure and get a fucking job. Jake was tired of living at his house he had good grades he had a 3.8 GPA but nothing ever satisfied his parents. His dad would come home and swear and yell at him. There was only one person in the entire family that cared for Jake and that was his brother Max. Max was the only person in this whole world that Jake cared about he had always looked out for his bro who was an eighth grader this year. Max wasn't home though he was out with his friends skateboarding so Jake got the full brunt from his mom. Jake went downstairs to his room and sat on his bed and thought to himself what did Mark mean. Does he know about me, what he is going to do? Jake turned on his stereo and lay down on his bed drowning himself in music and tears till he fell asleep.

"Oh crap" said Jake when he saw the alarm clock on his night stand said 10:30. "I need to meet Mark at the park at 11" thought Jake. He quickly jumped into the shower and washed his fur as fast as he could. When he got out he put on his baggy blue jeans with a black hoody and went upstairs to get a pop tart. Max came up to him and said "Watcha up to bro being up so early on a Saturday." "Nothing much just meeting someone" said Jake "Oh is it a girl" replied Max. "I'll tell you later" said Jake as he jumped outside and began to run to the park.

"Maybe he won't show up" thought Mark to himself as he sat down on the park bench. When all of a sudden the wolf he so much wanted to see came running down the road towards him. "Sorry I'm late I woke up late" said Jake. "Its ok" said Mark "So what's up what did you need me for" said Jake as he looked down at his feet. "Ok, I know bout you Jake" said Mark. "Fuck" said Jake as he began to stammer "Please don't tell anyone I'm not gay I'm just confused." "No Jake don't worry bout that I need to tell you something, no show you" said Mark as he grabbed Jake in his big arms while Jake struggled a bit and said " What are you doing" "Just you see" replied Mark. Jake felt so right in the big sheps arms and he stopped struggling as Mark pulled him into a kiss. It felt so right to Jake and was amazing it felt as if electricity shot through his body he loved it. When Mark broke the kiss Jake wanted more, so he pulled him back in. This time with their maws open and their tongues dancing in each other's mouths. What felt like forever only lasted for a minute when they finally broke the kiss. Mark looked down at the wolf and brought him back to the truck to get out the cold. They sat down Jake was speechless as Mark continued to look at him. Mark grabbed Jake again and gave him a slight kiss while his hands began to wander around Jake's zipper slowly unzipping and unbuttoning his pants. Jake just sat there speechless not knowing what to do as Mark took out Jack's hard cock from its confines and took down his pants. Mark was amazed at the wolf's size ten inches in length and really wide. He began to lick at the tip of Jakes cock as Jake began to moan to Mark's touch. Mark began to take Jake's tip into his mouth while his tongue swirled around. Slowly inch by inch Mark began to take the whole length in his mouth. He managed to take a good eight inches in his mouth with no gagging but couldn't take anymore. Jake looked down at what Mark was doing it felt so good and right to him. He began to ruffles Marks hair on his as he began to move up and down on his length. As Mark continued to go up and down he took one of his fingers and started to mess with Jake's tail hole it was so tight. Jake jumped at the sudden intrusion due to the fact he's never had a finger up there, but it felt so good to him. Mark loved the reaction Jake gave him and the fact that Jake had his paw on his head. This was going great for him. Jake never had felt something so good and he couldn't hold on much longer. "I'm bout to come" yelled out Jake. When Mark heard Jake yelled he started to go faster and finger Jake faster. Mark felt Jake cock began to jump and he knew what was coming as he prepared for it. "Oh fuck ya" yelled Jake as he began to come. Jake began to spurt in Marks mouth filling it with come as Mark swallowed it all. When Jake stopped coming Mark pulled off of Jake's cock. He laid his head on Jake's shoulder and looked in Jakes beautiful eyes and said "Jake would you be my boyfriend." Jake said "You had me at the kiss babe."