A Spring Break to Remember part 1

Story by MarcusHunter on SoFurry

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm sorry if the story is boring at first, this is my first story and I don't really know how good I am at writing. It gets better though. Also, I know that I might've made some pelling errors and grammar mistakes. Other than that enjoy the story

Jaden was awakened by the intense ringing of his alarm clock. He rose, stretched then turned it off. The 16 year-old lion sighed. It was spring break, a time where he could just do whatever and not worry about school. But, he and his family were going to visit his grandparents over the course of the break. How boring, Jaden thought to him self as he undressed to shower. He started the shower and sighed again as the hot water splashed over him. It's not like he didn't like his grandparents, but this was the time for him to go wild, have and adventure, not be cramped in an old house in another state. His parents told him that his aunt, uncle, and cousin would also be visiting. Jaden had never seen them before, well maybe once when he was little, but he didn;t remember. "That might be interesting, to meet my cousin. I wonder what he's like," Jaden said to himself as he turned the water off. "But still, I wanted this to be a spring break to remember, not being stuck at my grandparents'."

After a 5 hour drive, Jaden and his family finally arrived at his grandparents' house. After the greetings were done, Jaden went to one of the bedrooms to unpack his stuff. This is going to be a boring week, he though to himself for like the fifth time. His grandparents didn't have any computers and he won't be able to play any video games because his parents refused to let him pack his gaming system and games. After he was all done ther, he went back downstairs. "Aren't my aunt, uncle, and cousin here?" He asked his grandmother. "No, they'll be here shortly though." "Okay, I'll be outside, I kinda need some fresh air after being in that car for five hours." With that, Jaden grabbed his jacket and went outside.

Jaden made his way to a park that was near the house. The lion tended to climb trees when he was bored, so Jaden selected one and started up it. "Man, so far this has been the only fun thing I did today" Jaden muttered as he continued climbing. His foot paw suddenly slipped and Jaden fell, banged his chin on a branch and thudded on the ground. "Shit! Man, that hurts!" he groaned as he struggled to get up. "Need some help, man?" he heard a voice say. Jaden looked up and saw a paw extended towards him. Looking up even further, Jaden saw the face of another male lion, about his age or a little older. Man, what a HOT beast, Jaden though to himself. The other lion had a perfectly muscular body, beautiful blue eyes (blue was Jaden' favorite color), and a gorgeous golden mane. Jaden felt his heart beating as he continued staring at the handsome cat.

Finally, he stammered "Th-thanks." And clasped the paw. He was then pulled upright by the other lion. "I was walking by and saw you fall out of that tree, so I ran over to help. That must of hurt." Jaden was still a bit speechless at the sight of the hot lion but he managed to let out a "I-it did, a-a little." The other lion smiled "Well I'm glad you're all right. I'll be seein' ya" he turned and walked away" Jaden gasped. That lion had a nice butt. Jaden began drooling a little and his heart began beating even faster. He breathed heavily and he felt like he would just melt away. Jaden was in love!

After a while of resting on a swing, Jaden started back to his grandparents' house. As he walked, he continued to think about that other lion. "I've never seen a guy so hot before" he thought to himself, "But I'll probably never see him again. That's a shame. I wonder if he is gay. Oh well, guess I'll never find out." He went into the house and heard his grandfather say "Oh there he is now. Jaden, come meet your aunt and uncle." Jaden greeted them and then his uncle called to upstairs, "Apollo, come meet your cousin." Finally, Jaden thought, now I'll get to see what his is like. "Sorry, I was just unpacking" his cousin said as he came downstairs. Jaden couldn't believe his eyes. There, coming down the stairs, was the same lion that had helped him in the park. It suddenly struck Jaden like a ton of bricks, He was in love with his cousin!

"Well, what do you know, it's you." Apollo said when he saw Jaden. "Hmm, you've already met?" his uncle said. "yeah, remember when I told you someone fell out of a tree and that I was going to help? Well, turns out that it was Jaden." "Yeah, but don't worry, I'm fine." "Well glad to know that you're all right" his uncle said. Apollo nudge Jaden, "You want to come upstairs, I brought lots of stuff to do while we're here." Jaden nodded.

Upstairs, Jaden found out that he and Apollo were sharing the room. What luck, Jaden thought, it's the next best thing to sleeping together. But then shook his head to get the thought out, what was he thinking, this was his ousin, it would be wrong to desire this. "You don't mind if I take my shirt of do you?" Apollo asked, "I think it's kinda hot up here." Jaden gulped, "N-not at all". Apollo chuckled as he removed his shirt, "You sure do stammer alot don't you?" Jaden was speechless as he stared at his cousins bare chest. Oh what torture, how could he push back his lust? The lion longed to cuddle lovingly with his cousin. At this point more that half of him didn't care if it felt wrong. Jaden's heart started to beat faster again, and he gasped as he felt himself getting hard. "Hey man, you allright?" Apollo asked. Jaden gasped, oh no, what if Apollo saw his erection? "Y-yeah. I just need to use the restroom." Jaden rushed out of the room and into the bathroom.

Jaden pulled down his pants and underwear. Hi penis was now rock hard and there was a drop of pre at the tip. The young lion's paw strayed near his member. Jaden closed his eyes as a wave of pleasure flooded through his brain when he finally closed his paw around his penis. He started rubbing up and down, slowly at first, then building speed. With his other paw, he stroked the tip. Back and forth, that paw went, sending extreme waves of pleasure through Jaden's head with each stroke. "Ooooooh Apollo Oooooaaaah!" Jaden breathed, "I want you so badly" He stopped stroking the tip and wrapped the now free hand around him, simulating a loving embrace by Apollo. Jaden started masturbating furiously, the pleasure increasing dramatically until he was just about to cum. Jaden then stopped masturbating and got on the ground. Due to his flexability, the lion was able to succeed in wrapping his mouth around his own cock and start sucking away, adding a little tongue action here and there. In his mind, Jaden imagined himself sucking not his own penis, but his cousin's as he closed his eyes. He saw his cousin's face, eyes closed in pleasure, panting heavily. Soon, a big shot of cum blasted into Jaden's mouth and down his throat. Thirstily, the lion drank up his own semen, pretending all the while that it was Apollo's delicious sperm he was sampling. The lustful Jaden proceded to lick up every last drop of his cum and then collapsed in a heap of pleasure.

Jaden then thought of something. How long has he been in there. And, now that he had imagined sucking Apollo off, he only wanted it more. Jaden quickly got his clothes back on, washed his mouth and hands and went out of the restroom and back to his cousin, who he desired soooooooo much.

To be continued.......

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I don't know when I'll have a chance to write the next part. We'll all have to wait and see.