King of the Mountain – Epilogue

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#12 of King of the Mountain

And the epilogue is out. I hope you like the small twist in the end (or rather the explanation of what is left of this historical events around king Niar).

It was a hard year for me (including my fathers death) but I hope I was still able to bring you a bit of entertainment with my story.

The months to come will still be very busy, but I will try to keep up with my stories.

The next series will start in October and it will be an anthro story again. The name will be "Rules of the Herd".

I hope you like this last "chapter" of this series.


This story is about feral dragons in a world far away (or without) humans. There might be a few different species involved, but it will mainly resolve around dragons (scales).

The story follows the life of a young prince, who becomes king at a young age because his father died in a war. But there is one tradition that needs to be valued before he can accent the throne and this, in addition to the relationship between mother and son and his strong will, leads to a situation that requires very special messures.

This story is purely for entertainment and does not reflect the opinion or likes of the writer. For legal reasons all characters in this story are considered adult. It plays in a parralel world without humans.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of feral species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the main characters is 9 - 12 (at start of story). If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly and check your account settings.

King of the Mountain - Epilogue

Antalia was tense from waiting. The queen of the Pegasi had been in the palace of the black dragon king for nearly a week now and had not been able to see him yet.

Her guards had been sent back to her husband Elias to tell him that she would return in about a year, just like the black dragon that welcomed her at the palace told her. The only one that stayed behind was her maid, that cared for the queen and would stay the year with her.

Antalia was the wife of Elias, the King of the Pegasi, but she had not been on best terms with her husband lately. He just surrounded himself with younger Pegasi mares and was so absorb in ruling his kingdom, that he totally disregarded his own wife.

Not that Antalia was that old herself. She was just 30 years old, an age that was not too much for a Pegasus. Other than normal horses, Pegasi could reach three times the age, but they also entered adulthood later. Instead of 4 years, it took them 12 to get there.

Because of the behavior of her husband, Antalia had decided to travel to the far away land of the black dragons, where her daughter vanished over a year ago. It was not that the 12 years old Pegasus vanished without a trace. She had traveled to the black dragon kingdom to pick up negotiations and discuss trades, but the princess did not return yet.

The queen heard from her daughter on regular basis and knew that she lived in the diplomatic quarters, but she had not seen her for the whole year and just a week ago she got the sudden urge to meet her daughter.

She thought it would be easy. She thought she would just get to the land, state her request to the royal palace and then get led to the diplomatic quarters, however things seemed different here.

Antalia had been told that the King first needed to give her an audience and she should state the request to him. She was given a quite comfortable room and all her needs were tended, but the King yet had to find time for her.

She met quite a few different species in the guest quarter. Dragons for sure, but also gryphons, unicorns, huge tigers and so on. The only thing all these species had in common was, that they were "magical beasts" how the types of species were called.

It had not been boring for the queen. She had talked with the other guests who waited for an audience with the king or were just resting before returning and it had been very interesting to meet new species and get to know a bit more about them.

The entertainment however was a bit less fun now, that her heat started, because the nagging feeling inside her stomach did not only make her a bit distracted, but she also was a bit concerned about the smell she must be releasing.

She also asked the other guests, most of them were females, about the king of the black dragons, from which she had not heard much yet. She only knew, that he was about 52 years old and that when she was still young, he united the dragon tribes surrounding his lands.

From the other guests she heard, that there were rumors about him, that if a tribe wanted to request something from the king, he was much more willing if they send a young princess as a messenger. After all she heard, the queen suspected that this had been the reason why her daughter had been so successful with the talks a year back and directly had been welcomed as ambassador and opened new trades with the black dragons.

"Queen Antalia? The King does now have time to grant you an audience." The pegasus winced when her maid suddenly spoke up. She had not noticed her entering.

"Thank you, Tanja." She replied and followed her maid through the corridors. Suddenly she was nervous and started to look into the mirrors, when they passed one, to check if her appearance was presentable.

Her white fur and tail was groomed to perfection and shiny. Her pure white wings rested on her back. Her own blue eyes returned the gaze into the mirror and when she passed the last mirror, she suddenly noticed that she must smell quite a bit and got embarrassed.

She hoped that the king would not see it as a break of the protocol that she approached him in her state. She maybe should have asked him to give her a week time before stating her request, but she did not want to waste another week.

She also agreed already to meet him and there was no going back now. She would keep her distance and hope, that the king would not notice it or feel offended by it.

Antalia stepped into the big room. From the looks it was a bedroom, but there was no soft bed or something like that. There was only something like a podium on the one wall that looked like a stone bed. Dragons seemed to like a hard rest over a soft one.

The king was big and had pitch black scales and black eyes. He looked at the queen from above, and gave a nod to her maid who excused herself and left the room. Antalia looked around and did not see anyone else. It seemed that she had been granted an audience alone with the king.

"Queen Antalia. I apologize for the long wait, but I had some royal business to do." The king raised his voice. It was much warmer and softer than Antalia had anticipated and it took away her nervousness for a moment, until she looked up and saw his nostrils quiver. She was sure he had picked up her smell and looked to the ground embarrassed.

"It is nothing to worry about King Niar. I came here without any message beforehand so I am honored to get an audience by you at all." Antalia heard the dragon raising to his claws but she did not look up yet.

"You don't need to be so formal. We are in private here and there is no need to worry." Her head shot up, seeing that the king stepped down his podium and now stood close to her.

"I heard you wanted to visit your daughter?" the king asked and Antalia gulped once before answering. "Yes sire. And I wanted to ask for your permission to stay for a year or so to spend some time with her."

"Trouble at home with your husband?" the king was incredible sharp and she winced. "No, sire. I just wanted to visit my... daughter."

The queen got flustered when she felt the king step next to her and nudge her flanks. It was a soft touch and her body, full in heat, reacted by heating up and feeling tingly. She was ashamed that she was overcome by such a feeling in the presence of the king and to her horror she even felt her tail raise on instinct and her pussy starting to wink and juice up.

"Let me help you with loosing up a bit." The king chuckled and before the queen could utter a word, she yipped under a lick of the king over her winking snatch.

To her own surprise she did not object. Her mind just was confused and consumed in the sudden pleasure that rushed through her body and her body went into a wide stance, holding the tail up and presenting her needy pussy to the dragon.

It had been years since her husband last touched her and her body demanded for the touch. It shuttered under the licks of the big but skillful tongue and the queen even emitted a small moan.

The feeling of the strong and long organ in her snatch lit a fire inside the queen, she long thought was dead. The big muscle pushed further inside her and even reached the sensitive area inside her tunnel that sometimes was referred as G-Spot.

The queen could not last for long with the dragon massaging this spot with the tip of his tongue. She cried out in a strong orgasm a few minutes later, neighed and her whole body contracted around the tongue and massaged it.

Her fem cum splashed out of her even stronger winking pussy and she felt the dragon still licking her juices and stimulating her nethers.

The vision of Antalia was spinning a bit from her first orgasm in years and her heated body was exhausted but on fire and highly sensitive and aroused. She huffed strongly, trying to catch her breath after this unexpected advance of the king.

Her eyes widened when she suddenly felt a heavy weight on her back and her head shot around, seeing the dragon climb on top of her.

"No, you can't!" she protested, but her heated body made no attempt to follow her words and fight the advance of the dragon.

"My husband...." She started but the smirking dragon interrupted her sentence. "... does not need to know." He whispered and then he was over her, held her wings with his claws, gripped her nap with a careful bite and pushed forward.

The world of Antalia turned to the inside in a flash. Her vision, her hearing and her mind vanished and her focus changed to the big penis sliding through her still slightly twitching tunnel. Her orgasm was revived and her pussy and tunnel quivered around the big intruder.

The king of the black dragons was big, much bigger than a Pegasus, and his pushes were strong and without mercy. With the third push he already knocked at her cervix and she felt something big collide with her drenched pussy and the loud smack from this touch was the first thing her ears picked up.

It was as if the volume was suddenly turned on again. Her vision was still blurry, but she heard the wet noises from her sensitive pussy around the big intruder, the grunts of her temporary lover and her own moans.

Up to this moment she did not realize, that she emitted moans, nickers and huffs at a fast pace, matching the thrusts of the dragon. Her body heated up and pushed against the dick that slid into her.

The queen's mind did not catch up with all of this. She felt like she was a bystander in her own body, just watching it respond to the big dragon on her back. The pleasure and stimulations inside her kept her caught in a spiraling orgasm and her stance went wider to open up for the big bulge that hit her pussy every push.

Then the thick bulge finally slipped in. She groaned a bit in a short pain, but then she felt the big organ inside her hot pussy. It pulsed and felt big, warm and somewhat welcome.

The tip of the invading penis had breached through her cervix finally and now she felt spurts of hot goo inside her womb. Each spurt sent electrical jolts of pleasure through her body and her climax peeked in a body shattering explosion of feelings, she never felt before.

The dragon came to a hold, filling her up fast and roaring while queen Antalia noticed her own neigh that sounded a bit husky already and felt her contractions around the big member in the desperate try of her body to milk out the last spurt of her current mate.

"You are mine for now." The dragon whispered into her ear. "Accept your foal."

The thought of possibly being knocked up did not reach her mind. She moaned under the feeling of her womb stretching from the pure quantity of his semen inside her and she felt her belly bulge but these feelings actually felt quite nice for the highly aroused Pegasus mare.

Without even thinking about it or coming to a conclusion, the queen submitted to the whims of the big dragon. She felt like a foal being led by someone without the power or will to object it. Her heat was her biggest enemy in this fight and when the dragon left her insides, her body demanded him inside again instantly.

She presented to King Niar, moaned, nickered and neighed under his strong jabs, was filled and emptied again when he dismounted her. Then the circle began anew a few minutes later, until the queen was totally exhausted and her wobbly legs gave out after the dragon dismounted. Her world blacked out a minute later and she did not remember anything until she woke up in the morning.

Queen Antalia, the proud queen of the Pegasus, became slave to her heat for the next week. She disregarded anything else but only concentrated on the burning, the tingling and the pleasure coursing through her body.

She followed him wherever he went, when she was awake at least, and did not even notice that he guided her through the palace into areas where there were others, with her maid running next to them with her head low ashamed of the behavior of her queen.

Antalia went around, presenting the bulge in her stomach from his constant fillings and her dripping pussy when she followed Niar and when he had some time in between, he jumped on the queen, no matter if he was meeting his wives or one of his generals.

At the end of her heat, when the feelings inside her went less crazy and her mind slowly started to catch up, she noticed that the maid did not follow them anymore. She later heard that the King had her return to the land of the Pegasus to bring the message that the queen would return in a year after meeting with her daughter.

Even after the heat, the king still kept Antalia close to him. He moved her to his own bedroom and mated with her every day. Now that the heat did not control her mind, she begged him a few times to stop, because she was mated with the king of the Pegasus.

"Ain't it a bit late for that?" he asked, when he pushed into the moaning female. "No worries, he will not hear about this. Just enjoy the ride."

And enjoying she did. She could not really understand herself, why she enjoyed being mated by the far bigger dragon so much. It was not the heat anymore, but her own body and mind, that even demanded for a fuck each day, even though she was afraid to openly show this to the dragon.

She felt a bit ashamed that she gave herself to a creature that was no Pegasus and in addition was not her husband. Then again, her husband did not touch her for years but fooled around with younger Pegasus, so he would not be one with the right to complain.

When she got over her first shyness, she submitted to the big king and even licked his member clean after their mating or licked him back with affection.

One thing was a bit strange for her though. After a few days after the mating, the King got a few of his royal whelps, some of them were hybrids with leo-gryphons, to come over and told them to suckle on the utters of Antalia.

She was not sure what his intentions were, but in a strange way it stimulated her and made her arousal go up. Three times a day, the king let the kids suckle on her teats for an hour, and afterwards he took the queen without any explanation.

After a few weeks, her belly already got a very slight bulge which told her that she was pregnant and made her understand why the King most likely told her maid that she would return in a year after the foal would be born, her utters began to lactate and for one more week the princesses and princes suckled on her three times a day, until Antalia did not even wince anymore and the soreness of her teats went down.

"I think you are ready to meet your daughter." The king said one evening, after he pulled out of the filled queen and spunk gushed out of her pussy. He led the queen through the palace outside and to a big building in the middle of the city. Antalia was happy, that the streets were empty, because even if she cleaned herself before they left, she felt a bit of the spunk still leaking from her pussy and she tried her best to cover it with her tail.

The diplomatic quarters were still quite lively even at this hour. When Antalia entered next to the King, she felt the heat pushing into her head when she remembered the display she was giving. There were quite a few females in the big rooms they crossed as well as cubs of many species.

It was apparent, that the cubs were most likely hybrids with black dragons, at least most looked like they were not pure breeds, while the females were of different species. Antalia was so embarrassed, that she did not take a closer look at them but just looked at Niar and followed him, trying to hide her slimy pussy with her tail.

"Mom?!" she suddenly looked up at the voice of her daughter. She gasped when she saw the young Pegasus. She had not expected to see the view that unfolded for her.

The 12 years old Pegasus stood in one corner of the room and Niar had stepped a bit to the side to free the vision for Antalia. Her daughter, Udine, was pure white like herself and the only difference, except her size and age, were her green eyes.

Something else was different as well. Antalia directly noticed that her daughter had a much bigger belly than herself, but the thing she instantly noticed and which caught her eyes were the utters of her daughter.

They were huge, bigger than she had seen for any Pegasus mare before. If she had to guess, they were around four times as big as a normal nursing Pegasus' utters and in a strange way they reminded her of a cow she once saw.

The young Pegasus moaned from two foals suckling at her teats. One was clearly partly Pegasus, with only the front legs being scaly and with claws where the hoofs would be, and the other one was a wingless unicorn with a scaly body instead of fur.

When Antalia stepped right in front of her daughter, she suddenly yipped when she felt something push her own utters and a small muzzle closed around her teats and started to suckle. She looked down and saw two other clear hybrid cubs, one looked like it was partly a tiger, the other looked more like a half hippo-gryphon, suckling at her teats and when she treid to hush them away, a cough of the King and a look to him told her that he wanted her to let them nurse.

When her gaze went back to her daughter, she saw the first two foals letting her teats go, which now hung under the huge utters and looked much bigger than normal as well, and were replaced by two others, which Antalia now noticed had been standing in a line a few meters away to get their spot.

"Udine, what..." but the king interrupted the queen who finally found her compassion back to ask the question she wondered the most about.

"You will stay here Antalia with your daughter. She will be able to tell you how things go here and you will be a good help for her, because the cubs have become quite a few and we do not have that many productive mothers right now."

Antalia followed his gaze, that went away from the Pegasus pair, and spotted a huge Tigress, probably the mother of the hybrid suckling at her teats hungrily, nursing a few cubs on her own a few steps away and more females, who were partly not even mammals, lay next to her and having a conversation.

"How is our kingdom doing?" her daughter ripped her out of her thoughts. She looked at her with an open muzzle.

"Good..." she said half in trance while a moan slipped out of her muzzle from the feeling of the suckling cubs. "...what by the feathers is going on here?" she looked around again.

"This is the diplomatic quarters." Her daughter said in a much to casual way. "Or, like some call it, the breeding stable." She chuckled, which drew the eyes of Antalia back to Udine.

"What do you mean... ouch...." The queen groaned. The cubs were so eager and her milk just was at the limits, after all she did not produce much yet.

"Come here little ones, I got enough for you." Her daughter directly called out and the two hybrids moved over to the younger Pegasus, where the others just left her teats, and drank the rest of their fill from there.

"You see, the king of this land is quite... different." She chuckled. "I think you already got a taste of one of his favorite activities in the last weeks if I would judge your state."

Antalia noticed that from the suckling of the cubs her legs had moved into a wider stance and her pussy dripped the spunk because she had relaxed while nursing. She directly clenched her muscles embarrassed.

"They gave him the title 'breeder' and I think it fits. All the cubs you see here are from him and he seems to forge alliances or treaties by producing offspring with the princesses of the tribes that approach him."

The queen looked around to all the females laying here or there. So they were not slaves or concubines of the king, like she first thought, but they all were princesses of their tribe and forged a treaty with the king by giving away their wombs.

"You will get used to the live here quite fast, even though I think you need some training for keeping up with the hungry muzzles." Her daughter laughed and the pair at her teats changed yet again.

"We had a unicorn until just recently, but she had to return to her kingdom and assume the leadership, because her father died. Now we are the last equine species, but there is the big tiger you see there who helps me and you will be a good help as well."

Her daughter spoke so casually about this as if it was clear that nursing the cubs was a daily thing. Slowly Antalia understood that for nearly the full time the girl had been away from home, she must have nursed the cubs until her utters had grown as big as they were to meet the demand of her milk.

Slowly the situation sank in for Antalia that the king apparently brought her here to be some kind of nurse for all the cubs and let them drink her milk, while she had her own belly grow and breed his offspring.

She winced when a sudden roar rang through the hall but her daughter just smiled. "I think this is Lenaia. She is a white dragon princess from the tribes close to ours, do you remember her?" Antalia nodded. She only met the princess once, but she remembered that she was a bit older than her own daughter.

"She went into heat yesterday and I am sure the king could not walk past her without noticing." Antalia was not sure what threw her off the most. The situation she was in or the way her daughter talked about it.

"I know that this is quite confusing for you." She looked up to Udine and saw her daughter smiling. She just nursed the last of the cubs, who now darted off to play together, and lay down on a few huge soft pillows that were placed around the ground.

"I was confused the first weeks as well and needed quite some time to accept this, but it is not as bad as it looks." She sighed and Antalia was drawn to the big utters of her daughter again, who were at full display and looked even bigger, now that the princess lay on her side.

Antalia approached her daughter, sniffed and nudged the big utters and then lay down next to her on some pillows.

"Yours will also grow quite fast when you start nursing the kids every day and you will get used to life here." Her daughter giggled when she noticed the interest of her mother. "Welcome to the land of the black dragon tribe, mom!" and the girl nuzzled her and the queen finally pushed all the confusion and thoughts away and just happiness to meet her daughter filled her heart and made her nuzzle the girl back.

Her daughter had been right about her growing used to the life in the diplomatic quarters. After a month the queen already waited eagerly for the cubs to come and suckle out the milk that nearly hurt from the pressure when she was not milked in time.

Her utters grew with each passing month and after she gave birth to a hybrid Pegasus, her utters were nearly the size of her daughters and it was like eating and sleeping for her to have her own foal or others to suckle at them.

She noticed that not only kids in the usual age for drinking from their mother or mammals came but even older kids or those who were pure dragons or from non-mammal species took a liking to the milk and requested their share daily.

She enjoyed the pleasure of having the eager muzzles sucking out her milk and the tingling in her stomach every time she was nursing them.

In addition, she got introduced to the other females in the diplomatic quarter and in these few months she learned much more about other species, their lands and their politics or life than she learned in her whole life.

The year passed in a flash and her time of departure was closing in. Antalia had just been in heat the last week and sure enough the king, who came to the diplomatic quarters, had mated her every day in front of everyone. One time her own daughter, the result of their previous mating, and her granddaughter, the latest daughter of Udine, suckled on her teats while the king was knotted inside her, which had caused her to neigh in a whirling orgasm form all the stimulations.

This time the king did not even need to surprise or seduce her. When he came to visit them, she had openly presented for him without any second thought about it, like a breeding mare would.

She came to the realization that she had submitted to him and it had become naturally for the queen to be mated by the big black dragon and to nurse the cubs.

But the time for her to return had come. It would be suspicious if she suddenly would prolong the visit, even more because her husband already sent out messengers. Antalia was not sure yet, how she would hide the pregnancy in the next months, but for the moment she enjoyed the last week in company of her daughters and granddaughters.

When she departed, the king sent a few guards of his own to protect her until she reached her tribe. She promised him to visit him in the coming years and to take care of their cub, which was already growing inside her.

Udine had taken over the care of her daughter and she told her mother that she would stay in the diplomatic quarters for a few more years and help to feed the cubs.

When the queen returned to her tribe, the interest of the king was not overly strong. He welcomed her back, but he did not even notice the big utters of the queen. He asked for the result and the queen reported that a strong alliance was forced and she negotiated trades with the black dragon tribe, which the king accepted with a nod.

After returning to her tribe, Antalia did not partake in the royal daily life. She looked for a place for her to be out of the view of most of the people to not be suspicious when her belly would grow and she found an orphanage at the edge of the capital which she took over with the promise to care for the poor orphans.

For her it was a double relieve. Her maid, who knew about all that happened, had helped her with milking her every day, but when she first came to the orphanage and let the young foals suckle at her teats, the queen sighed and felt the tension and pain she went through the last week, because she was not milked as regular as she was used to, fade away.

Her husband accepted her decision. If anything, he did not care about her at all, or that was at least how the queen felt. Elias, the king, did not change at all in the time she had been gone and she also did not care anymore.

She started to work at the orphanage and for her this was the best occupation she could have found. With the many foals in the orphanage she had enough muzzles to keep her utters from bursting and in addition she was doing something really good for her tribe in caring for those who lost their parents.

When her third daughter was born, a hybrid like the daughter before that, she hid her in the orphanage and all the kids promised to never tell anyone.

It was time for the stallions to move to the army and get their education, but Antalia held one big young stallion back and asked him to stay with them and help her with something else.

The stallion was quite surprised when, at her next heat, the queen presented to him and had him take the queen through her heat and knock her up. She had planned on this for half of the year already, but this was just the start of her plans.

When the mares got into their heat, she also had them all being taken by the stallion, who started to like his life as a breeder, and like she experienced herself, she had them join in at the nursing every day to get their milk running.

With the help of her maid she got into contact with one of the best inventors and engineers of her tribe and had him build a machine that would allow her to milk the teats of a Pegasus and catch the milk in a big tank.

This was the start of the exports of Pegasus milk from her tribe to others, which became a huge success and high demanded product a few years later, because it was said to have anti-aging effect.

With the assistance of King Niar, the queen even got other equine species, like hippo-gryphons, unicorns and others, for her orphanage, which was increased in size and moved into a more desolated region in the countryside, and she widened the product range with unicorn milk and mixes.

Even her daughter Udine and the hybrid daughters, and later also those foals of the Pegasus stallion she had chosen, who were mares, joined the milk farm and after the death of her husband Elias, who did not catch anything about the milk farm before, she made this an official business in the tribe and it would be the beginning of the prosper of her land.

Thousands of years went by and new species approached the world. The younger species started to run on two legs instead of four and after decades of evolution, a species called "human" was born, which was not only very aggressive, but also outgrew all older species in numbers very soon.

They invented tools and weapons and the peaceful times, which had weavered every few hundred years in the past as well, seemed to be over with an all-out war that brought all old species close to extinction. The last surviving mystical species hid themselves and lived in small groups.

Dragons became lone wolfs, who would not trust each other or the humans and collected their own treasure in big caves which called upon the greed in the young race humanity and whenever they were found out, they had to protect themselves against a big group of humans.

Over the decades, this made the last surviving dragons bitter and they started to fight back, when the humans came to close to their homes.

One thing however had survived the thousands of years. A rumor that started way back from the reign of King Niar, who was nothing more than a legend or a myth now.

Not much was left from the rumor or the tradition, but the humans believed that to soothe the anger of a dragon, a pure maiden had to be offered as a sacrifice. They did not know why dragons might prefer pure maidens, nor did they know what the dragons had from it.

But as much as the humans did not know, the remaining dragons also did not know. They still knew the old legends about a king of dragons who would more likely agree to a peace if the request was brought up by a princess, but they did not know why or what the gain of a princess was.

Because of this, the traditions turned into the well-known rituals. Some humans even worshiped the dragons and made sure to sacrifice maidens on regular basis.

Because of the lack of knowledge in their own story, many dragons just killed the maidens and saw this as a tribute to them. They saw it as a symbol to weaken the humans, because there was one less, and a way to take revenge for them stepping on their territory.

A few dragons were less bloody and hateful and they either had the maidens work for them, like washing their scales or bringing them food, or they just released them to a different town or country, where they were not known, to please the humans who worshiped them but also not become murders themselves.

And this was the story of how the traditions of sacrificing maidens to dragons was born and the misunderstanding that are still in the world about the origin of these rituals. But this is just one strange ritual that has a surprising story and it is safe to believe, that all ancient rituals we know today are just as much a misunderstanding as that of offering a girl to a savage beast.