A lost Soul found
#2 of The Early Years
His people are no more and he has lost all. Wondering a land far from what used to be home. Just when he has about lost all hope a savior from myth and time comes to his rescue. Perhaps more than he has reckoned for...
A lost Soul found By Puma Concolor
I know , It has been awhile, please forgive me. Here is the next chapter in the Concolor Journeys. This story is adult only, Enough said. Please enjoy, feedback as always is welcome.
Hau mi ta ku ya owasin (Hello all my relatives.)
I see fate has smiled upon us once again, for once more our paths cross. Please camp here and you may join me for dinner. *Snix!* Fear not my friend. My preference in meals has not changed since we last met. I will not eat anything that can ask me not to.
I have fresh Wapiti meat in my pack, more than enough for us all. Let me finish getting a fire going and I will cook some for you. You have a look of confusion? Is it my Language that has you puzzled? I speak my native tongue, but I will at times use the words of our brother the Indian. Perhaps you recognize Wapiti by another name, Elk perhaps?
Ahhhhhhhhhh, now we have something to cook over, I will put the meat over the coals and soon we shall eat. Fire, fascinating thing fire is. Do you know the story of fire? The real history? Not what they teach in white mans school, but how we truly gained fire?
It was given to us by the trickster Coyote. She felt sorry for those who were freezing during the winter and afraid of the night. She stole it from the three Fire Witches of the mountain. They chased her from the mountain and almost caught her, but only touched her tail. That is why the tips of coyote's tails are white even today. When Coyote yelped, she threw fire to Squirrel who put it on her back and ran through the trees. It burned her back so her tail curled up, and so it is still. Squirrel threw fire to chipmunk who froze with fear. The witches leapt at Chipmunk who turned to run. They scratched her, leaving three marks or stripes down her back. She in turn tossed fire to Frog who lost his tail. Frog threw fire to Wood who swallowed it. The Fire Witches gathered round, but they did not know how to get the fire out of Wood. They promised him gifts, sang to him, and shouted at him. They twisted him and struck him and tore at him with their knives. But Wood did not give up the fire. In the end, defeated, the Witches went back to their mountain-top and left the People alone.
But Coyote knew how to get fire out of Wood. And she went to the village and showed them how. She showed them the trick of rubbing two dry sticks together, and the trick of spinning a sharpened stick in a hole made in another piece of wood. So from then on, we were warm and safe through the killing cold of winter and dark of night.
If you don't believe me, you have just to ask Coyote next time you see her. You say you have never met Coyote? Oh, but you have. The next time that piece of paper blows just past your reach or some thing you just set down falls to the floor-- that is the Trickster. You were just not quick enough to see her.
My self, I have met her. It was a season after I fled the valley that had once my home. I had been wondering in search of something; I did not know as yet what. I found myself in the desert of what is now known as Monument Valley. I had been several days with out a successful hunt and even then I had only been able to catch small desert rodents. Not much ounce per pounce so to say.
On the fifth day, I was much too tired to even make a fire, so I just lay down near some rocks to sleep. Hoping that the following day would bring better hunting. I didn't know how long I had been asleep when something woke me, or should I say some one!
Some one was near, very near! As I tightened, ready to spring from my place, I was ready to take whoever it was that was unwise enough to sneak up on a hungry predator in the middle of the night.
That is when the smell of something cooking hit me, something........ delicious!!!!.....
"When you get tired of hearing your stomach growl, get up and come join me. " A female voice from behind me said.
Slowly I eased myself from the ground, turning as I did. There, setting beside a small fire, sat a female dog, a beautiful gray dog. She looked much like a wolf, but smaller with somewhat shorter fur. Over the fire were two plump rabbits cooking on a spit. The smell was tantalizing.
."Who are you? Are you friend? " I asked.
"Well, who I am depends on who is asking? Puck, Loki, Anansi, the Chinese know me as Kitsune. You may call me Coyote. Here, come eat before you drown in your own drool. "
Tearing off a large chunk of meat, she handed it to me.
"Don't worry, it wasn't anyone you knew, " grinning at her own joke.
I took the meat and devoured it before I even thought of my manners.
"I wish to thank you for your kindness. Forgive me for not saying so before now. Your words are strange to me. You have so many names?"
"Thank nothing of it. I knew how hungry you were. I've been watching you for the last few days. And it's not so much my name, as who I am. You'll come to understand more in time. Eat!"
"You say you have been watching me? From where? I am sorry, but I am just a little to aware of what is going on around me to know when I'm being watched." Suspiciously watching the smiling dog I added, "There has been no one even near me for many weeks."
It was then, I felt the tug at my tail. I spun around to see who this new intruder was only to find another grinning gray dog. Or was it the same one?
"Oh? Can you be so sure?" This newcomer said.
Looking over my shoulder, the first dog was gone.
"How can this be? Are there two of you? "
"No," came the voice behind me, as I turned back to the second dog only to find her missing as well. "You want any more of this meat? I really don't want it to go to waste."
I spun around in a low crouch ready to defend myself.
"How can this be? You are there, yet here behind me? Has the sun and hunger finally driven me mad?"
"Nope, wrong again Big Kitty. You're perfectly sane and I am here, and there, and over yonder as well." A Low howl drifting in on the breeze. " I am as new as a rain drop and as old as the rocks you were laying beside. I am the wind, the shadow, that movement you just about see out of the corner of you eye. I am as magical as they come, baby. I am Coyote "
Setting down in disbelief, I realized this creature was much more than just aother crazy dessert dweller. This had to be a god, or demon.
"Um, did we ever determine if you were friend?" I stammered.
"If I wasn't, would I have fed you?" She said as she removed what remained of the rabbits from the spit and draped their fur back over them. Magically they stirred with new life. Jumping to their feet as surprised, as I was that they were again alive. They scampered off into the night.
"I'll catch you guys again later," she said with a snicker.
"I am sorry my goddess. I have not introduced myself. I am Pu...."
"Puma Concolor, of the clan Concolor, " she interrupted. "Your home and people were all but destroyed by white men-- miners. I don't know what is wrong with that lot. They've just plum lost touch with their hearts and heads. They can't see anything but greed anymore. Oh, well! I am truly sorry about your Queen and her Pups errr Cubs, sorry. If it is any consolation I've placed a spell over their resting site so they'll never be found by anyone less you know where they are. Like I said, I've been keeping an eye on you."
"A bit ago you said a few days? That happened over a year ago!"
"A year for you, a day for me, or is that a century? Time really has no meaning to me," she purred with a gleam in her eye.
"So it seams, my Goddess."
"Oh, and no goddess stuff, please. Call me Coyote." Her voice was soft and there was a dreamy smile on her face.
Ok..... My.... Coyote. You have fed me and allowed me to warm myself by your fire. Certainly there is something I can do for you? I do not have much, but what I do have you are most welcome too."
Standing and with a sexy sway in her tail, she walked over to where I sat. She placed a paw against my nose and gently pushed me back onto my back. I could not have resisted even if I had wanted to as she straddled and sat down on me.
"I happen to know you have a lot more than you think. You just haven't used it for a while. That I plan to cure."
Reaching behind her, I could feel my breeches dissolving from my legs. Her soft paw rubing my sheath.
"As far as what you can do for me?" she whispered as she began sliding down my body, rubbing her already moist sex over the tip of my shaft as it peeked from my sheath. Leaning over my chest, her muzzle almost touching mine, her breasts mashed against mine so that I could feel her hardened nipples, her lips hovering a breath away from mine, she added in a soft, lusty voice, "Make love to me...." And her lips hungrily met mine.
As her tongue darted into my mouth, my shaft leaped from its sheath straight into her waiting folds. She moaned and she ground back onto me as I pressed deep into her heat. Her muscles grasped me as if she was trying to pull me even deeper. Our pace was maddening. The harder I bucked up into her the harder she ground against me. It seemed like hours we pounded away at each other. I could stand it no longer and gripping her hips in my paws, driving my shaft deep into her womb, my barbs flared, locking me there. I screamed in primal lust as my entire soul seemed to explode deep within her sex. I could not stop. My seed just seem to keep rushing from me, filling her, leaking back over my balls, and still I came.
Her voice joined mine. Her howl blending with my scream. Her whole being pulsed with every wave her climax delivered. When she finely started to relax, she leaned forward against my chest panting. I wrapped my arms around her body. She seemed so right being there. My shaft was still deep inside her womb as my barbs held me there as the last of my seed was leaking into her. I sighed and purred softly.
When we had regained a bit strength, she looked up at me with a grin , " Mmmmmmm, that was so good, Lover."
"It was My Lady, but as it is with all my kind, I'm afraid we are tied until I soften. If I try to pull, my barbs will hurt coming out"
"Mmmmmmmmmmm you're just fine where you are, sugar, " she murmured, grinding down a bit to make her point.
"And what of tomorrow?" I asked.
"And what of tomorrow?"
"Where will we be going?"
"You go south; there you will find the Hopi People. They will take you in and care for you, help cure some of that pain in your heart. They will teach you how to trade for goods and tell you where you will go. Me, I go where you can't"
"Will I ever see you again?"
"You can bet on that, Lover," she said with a grin. "I'll be watching you and when I get horny for big kitty again, I'll be there to Rock your world. No matter where you are."
"Does that mean I will be alone again until then? "
"Puma, Sugar. You are going to meet some of the most extraordinary people. You have no Idea what is in store for you. I will tell you this, No mater where you go, no matter what happens to you, you will only be alone in your heart. Open up, let go the grief you feel. Only then will you not feel so alone. As for the rest of you, well... I'm planning to keep you alive and vital for a good long, long time. So get used to it"
"But, when will I see you again?"
"Sooner than you think, maybe later. You never know. You might not know even if it's me or not. Just be ready, make love like you have never made love before, or ever will again. Look for a little of me in every lover you take, because I will always be there when you truly need me."
"But.... "
"Enough with the questions, you have a lifetime to live tomorrow. So now you need your rest," she added with a gentle kiss.
Sleep overtook me and no matter how much I wanted to stay awake and hold onto that angel, I could not.
The next morning I woke up beside the same rock I lay down against the evening before. At first, I thought it had been a dream. There wasn't even any sign of a fire from the night before. No, it could not been a dream, I wasn't hungry, and my crouch was still damp, and........ and ...mmmmmmmmmmmm.... Her scent! It was still fresh on me. No it could not have been a dream.
A leather loincloth hung in a bush near by. And over the years, I have found them more comfortable than breeches and unless it is bitterly cold, I prefer their freedom.
As she promised, I found the Hopi village. They helped me put my life back together. I started a trade route and I make a good living. Every thing she promised has come to pass. I still have my memories that burden my soul, but every time I think there is no hope, she comes to me. She said I may not know it is her, but I know her scent. Some times I even catch it on the breeze. I know now, that no matter how alone I feel, I am truly never alone.
But look, my friend, our meal is ready and I have a treat for us tonight. I have a jar of Balch?. A strong fruit wine I brought from the Mayan lands of Yucat?n. Please, drink with me tonight. Let us toast the richness of life. And to Coyote. Listen, and you too may hear her howl in the wind.