For Every Door that Closes -- Two

Story by Reserved Rodent on SoFurry

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#2 of For Every Door That Closes

This is the exciting small print for this tale.

First, the characters, locations, and events in this story are fictional creations of Reserved Rodent. Certainly, there are names of locations and entities from the real world referenced in this work. These are all used to grant realism to the setting and should in no way be considered accurate representations of these places, events, things, or people in real life. Any other resemblances found within this work to other works are accidental as well as coincidental, and should not be considered monumental. In whole and part, original characters in this work belong to Reserved Rodent, so please make your own characters. This work was written with the intention of posting it and following chapters on If you must take it and post it elsewhere, at least leave it fully intact, including these warnings and give credit (or blame) where it is due.

Second, while this story is fairly clean, there are a few things that edge it into adult, or at least mature, material. Personally, I feel death and going to the bathroom are something every one will probably have an experience with in their life. So I do not see that this should matter. But, I also know different folks have different levels of sensitivity. So while neither of the above topics are going to be used in any way except their most natural forms, both do appear in this work. If you are looking for these topics in an extreme or sexual manner, you just aren't going to find that in this work.

Future chapters are going to range from spotlessly clean to various levels of naughtiness. I do not foresee delving into extremes, but there will be various adult level activities, including M/F and M/M, before too many chapters roll by. I will make sure to tag such adult segments correctly, so make sure you pay attention, because they will also have the following warnings (mentioned here so you don't get surprised (not that I expect you will be if you're browsing this site.))

If this is something you are not old enough to legally view in your society, please obey the law and turn away. If this kind of subject matter will offend you, I know you can find something else that will not, so keep browsing. (Unless you want to be offended, then, read on, I suppose, just don't complain if you get what you're looking for.)

This work was written with the intention of posting it and following chapters on If you must take it and post it elsewhere, at least leave it fully intact, including these warnings and give credit (and blame) where it is due.

Special thanks to my close friend, [Tengu the lynx](%5C), for proofreading this chapter for me. Anything less than perfect that remains is due to me being stubborn and ignoring his help.

For Every Door that Closes

by Reserved Rodent


After spending a while examining my new face in the rear view mirror - mostly wondering why I wasn't having another panic attack - I realized I needed to get out of the car. What I now assumed was a real tail rather than some weird phantom pain from the base of my spine was starting to get seriously distracting as I had leaned forward to see the reflection of my rat ears more closely.

But that wasn't the real emergency - I had needed to find a rest stop for a piss break before reality had taken a break to put on a light show.

Now that my other aches were down to the 'old salt in minor scratches' level, I realized that my bladder had just now decided it was through waiting patiently.

At least, I thought as I opened the car door, I still have a bladder. Leaving dribbles everywhere I went like a real rat would have been too much.

Yeah, that's me - every cloud has a suspiciously shiny lining if you poke it enough.

Getting out of the car lessened the pain from behind, but things still felt... confined. I started unzipping as I headed back around the rear of my car. Luckily, I managed to catch my glasses as they slid off my furry snout while I looked down to make sure my newly clawed fingers managed to get my pants open without incident.

Broken or lost glasses where the last problem I needed to add to my list, so I hung them from the front of my t-shirt collar to keep them safe while I took care of business.

While being seen taking a leak would have been a concern to me most days, I was taking time to get to the other side of the car for a much more mundane reason. My Intrepid had landed on the slope of a ditch with the driver's side uphill. There was no way I was going to piss uphill of my car when I was going to be going around it soon, figuring out what could be done next.

I was beginning to suspect I was just latching onto the first "mostly normal" thing that entered my brain, and I was okay with that.

With my pants unfastened, I felt my tail slide down my left leg like a snake.

I assume the only reason I didn't scream like a girl and wet myself was because I felt it from both my leg... and my tail.

Yes, it was new and unexpected, but felt similar to running my hand over my leg - if I had forgotten I had that hand.

The fact that the pain part of the numb-pain mixture I had been feeling on my tail since waking up vanished at the same time didn't hurt either.

I think it just gave my brain something nice to focus on.

As I got downhill and started pulling myself out to relieve the almost critical pressure, I almost had to mentally scream at myself to not bother looking at how I might have changed down there. I just needed to get my member out before I exploded.

I did not want to cause myself to lose my bladder simply because of curiosity, so I quickly closed my eyes and followed my own advice.

I have no idea how the twenty or so ounces of Pepsi I had drunk that morning during the drive back from my parents turned into what seemed like a similar amount of gallons of liquid waste, but it felt like I may very well have caused flooding of my own as I stood there relieving myself. I certainly felt better after I was finished.

Which meant I had to start dealing with everything.

As much as I wanted to give myself a good looking over to see what I had become, my first order of business was to pull my tail out of my pants leg and figure out how to wear pants with the damn thing. Then, I would need to take a look around; see where I ended up; make sure I'm safe. Simple things, really, but more important than what I looked like.

Pushing my pants and boxer briefs down to my knees, my tail managed to escape the pants leg without any conscious effort on my part. I also noticed how damp my fur and clothes were. Furthermore, both were starting to crust up from the salt left behind as the water evaporated in the summer heat.

I was starting to get itchy from the dried salt, so I decided in for a penny, in for a pound.

When I took my piss break, I hadn't heard a scream from the other three rats I could smell, so changing my clothes shouldn't cause any problems. If my suitcase in the trunk had gotten soaked, the dirty clothes in the plastic bag should be drier and better than what I had on right now. Certainly less salty damp.

I kicked my shoes off, amazed how much happier my feet were once freed. My socks were soaked, and it looked like my toes had lengthened and torn through the ends of both. I preferred being barefoot, but if I ended up not having any shoes available, that could be obnoxious if I had to travel far. Sure I used to go walking barefoot all the time, but, adult life allowed less time for that, so my feet probably weren't as conditioned as they needed to be.

Slipping out of my jeans and underwear, I lifted my left leg to pull the wet sock off that foot. My tail casually kept me better balanced than I was used to when doing this maneuver, which was a good thing since I was still on a slope. I got both socks off easily and bent down to pick up everything I had removed so far.

It was as I was grabbing the first shoe that my brain woke up.

There were three other scents - similar to my own - in the air. I had noticed them earlier but been distracted from realizing exactly what that meant.

I stood, tossing my pants, boxer briefs, socks, and one shoe on the trunk. Taking a deep breath, I pulled my glasses off where they still hung on my shirt.

I did not have words to describe all the scents I was taking in, but there were three others similar enough to mine that I somehow knew that they were humanoid rats.

Somehow I knew that there were two males and a female, one of each elderly, the other male still in his prime. But there was also blood and fear in the air, strong and plentiful as a warm breeze whipped up around me for a few seconds.

Something like bad calamari and ink came and went with that same gust.

Putting my glasses on, shocked by how much more relaxed my eyes got under the shades, I looked across the ditch behind my car.

Forty feet away, a thin, crumpled gray form lay very still at the bottom of the ditch in several inches of water. I was running towards it before I realized I was looking at a humanoid rat in slacks and a polo shirt. By using the pronoun 'it' instead of he, I already knew as I splashed up next to the prone figure that he was dead. But I had to make sure, so I knelt down and felt for a pulse.

The old, gray rat-man was cold and still. My gaze and brain focused on the scene past the body. Twenty feet away, an old four door car sat on it's side, underside towards me. The vehicle had been crushed in the middle so it looked more like a bow tie than a car.

To the left and twenty feet further, appearing half buried in a thirty foot tall, stone and earth wall, a sandy colored squid-looking behemoth lay on it's side. Three long, thick tentacles spread out in front of it for a good fifteen feet. I had at least another six stubby limbs, recently severed and still leaking clear ooze laying against and near the wall.

I could see most of another humanoid, from the scent most likely the younger male, sticking out of the wall next to the huge, sharp beak of the beast. While heavily discolored with salt, the figure's clothing looked like it might be a state trooper. From a glint of reflected sunlight, it appeared he still had a gun in his still hand.

The older female scent was still missing a source. As I looked around, I could see that the wall the huge aquatic monster was half in was the side of a pit, about thirty feet deep on average. There weren't any scents coming in from above as strong as hers was.

She had to be down here somewhere.

I sniffed the air, trying to focus on everything my newly acquired perception could tell me. I had to close my eyes to keep from muddling the information, but I thought she was on the other side of the car from me. I trotted carefully around the crushed vehicle, catching a glimpse of the bed of an old Ford sticking out of the pit's wall that had been hidden behind the wreck - several tools scattered on the ground around it.

As I finished getting around the car, I saw a short, white furred body lying half out the windshield of the Buick. She was wearing a flower print blouse like my grandmother had always worn on holidays. Her right hand held the silver cross necklace she wore - and her neck had obviously been broken.

She was dead.

Seeing that shattered my centered calm.

Everything that had happened since the flashes of light started in Kansas seemed to expand around my heart, then came crashing down on me.

I dropped to my knees sobbing. It was all too much.