Dragon's Heat

Story by ChaosEclipse on SoFurry

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Comment down below what gender you want the next form to be, and I'll put it into a list to randomly choose from!

Dragon's Heat

It was late at night, and Kyle was cramming to finish his homework for an incredibly annoying math project. It seemed that whenever he got a problem done, it'd ask him to go back and solve the last one with different numbers. Eventually, he'd decided he needed a break from the headache-inducing hell that his professor had given him. He began to feel a sudden.. urge to pick up the magic necklace sitting on his desk beside him. No, he thought, it was too important for him to stop working and mess around with it! However, no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, he found his eyes unknowingly drifting over to it, and he couldn't stop from staring at its inset gem at the end of the chain loop. It had started to change colors, which only meant one thing; It was already a month since Natalie had talked to him! Picking it up, he found himself uncontrollably beginning to take off his clothes and walk towards the bed. No matter how hard he tried to head back to the desk, his body wouldn't have any of it. Growing uncomfortably erect, he laid himself onto the bed and put on the necklace.

"Hey, did you forget it was a month already?".Natalie's spoke through a weird mental link into his head.

~What happened? Why couldn't I move my body?!?~ He practically screamed mentally at her.

"Hey, chill, relax. I forgot to mention, but if you forget to put on the necklace, your body will sorta... remind you about it. Whether you like it or not, I guess."

~Well, that's unsettling. So, what are we going to do this time, now that you've got my undivided attention?~

"Well, I was able to see what new form you'd take on and, well, I think it'll be a bit different from the wolf you became last time. Don't worry, I think you'll like it."

As she said it, a subtle warmth filled his body. Looking down a his fingers and toes, claws began to sprout and sharpen as they grew. Spreading out from those claws came a flood of green as warm green scales broke out in waves across his body. Losing feeling in his legs, he saw as they broke and snapped into digitigrade position, muscles re-aligning to follow them. Lifting his rear off the bed, he set free a lengthening, green-scaled tail. As the scales spread further up his body, he noticed that they'd enveloped his nipples, absorbing them and leaving behind a smooth, scaled chest. Moving up to his head, he grimaced as his nose and mouth snapped outwards, pushing out to give him a new draconic muzzle, with sharp dragon teeth to boot. His ears melted into his head, as did his hair, leaving his head bare before a crown of horns sprouted from the back of his head, skewering the pillows his head had been resting upon.

Suddenly, his attention was drawn to his angrily hard penis as it twitched and grew ever so slightly. Continuing to throb and swell, it darkened into a dark grey, black color and his balls followed suit, inflating to match his growing length. They continued to follow this pattern, growing and growing until his penis was the size of a ruler and his balls as large as apples. He was then forced to sit up as two points of pressure grew on his back, new limbs developing bones and muscles. A thin, canvas-like membrane soon grew in, spreading across his new wings to give them enough surface area to achieve flight. Finally relaxing from the ordeal, he laid back down on the bed, taking care not to lay uncomfortably on his new wings or tail.

However his body wasn't done changing yet. He gasped as his entire body slimmed, fat moving away to leave slim, athletic muscle in its wake. The extra fat had to go somewhere, as it moved downward to his hips, his waist caving in and giving him an hourglass figure in the process. Pouring into his hips and thighs they swelled with fat, thickening into thighs any woman would die for, slim enough to still be considered fit but plump enough to catch the eyes of people passing by. His waist widened to match, as Kyle felt two dull points of pressure on his chest. There was still fat left over from the rest of his old body, which coalesced into two aches on his chest. Unable to hold back a moan, he cried out as his chest gave way, breast flesh spilling out onto his front. They blossomed into pert C-cups, warmth filling them as breast milk flowed into his empty mammaries. Another sensation quickly drew him away from his newly-grown breasts, as a pleasurable "unzipping" feeling occurred under the base of his penis. Screaming in ecstasy, She quivered as a new tunnel opened under her cock, an extremely sensitive vagina. All of this sent her over the edge, as her cock started to spurt geysers of cum onto the sheets, completely soaking them. Completely exhausted, she fell back onto the bed, and not before long Natalie called out to her again.

"Hey, how'd it go? Sounded amazing, with all that moaning. Don't worry about noise complaints from neighbors, the magic in the necklace dampens all sound from inside the room."

~Oh my god, I can't even think straight after that. And you said I can become this form again any time I want?~

"Yep! You just need to concentrate on that form, and you'll change to match it."

~Awesome!! Although, I think I might need new sheets.~ Looking down at her flaccid twelve-inch penis, she began to see that it'd began to harden and become erect again.

~Yep, I'm DEFINITELY going to need new sheets.~ Kyle said, beginning to stroke her rising shaft once again.