The Lion King Lesson: How to Mark Territory – illustrated

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Unlike original version of the story, this one contains illustrations and character names were changed to reflect artwork. * * * ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-1.jpg"](%5C) * * *

Written by P-Leo Proof-read by [Xijque](%5C) Illustrated by [Vilani](%5C) * * * ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-2.jpg"](%5C) A new morning came to savannah. The sun warmly caressed trees and animals, nocturnal animals hid in their burrows, and diurnal hunters still slept. Nearly the whole lion pride was sleeping, which is quite normal for them. Only cubs Timbu, Laini, and King Kivunga were awake. The cubs were going to learn a new lesson today. Their teacher had already went to a nearby meadow to wait for them. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-6.jpg"](%5C) "Today's lesson is how to mark territory," Kivunga said when the cubs came closer to him. They looked confused; however, Kivunga didn't want to explain what he meant, leaving cubs a chance to guess it themselves. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-9.jpg"](%5C) "It's kinda... how you mark... bushes and such..." Timbu, the lion cub, mumbled with his his eyes fixed on the ground. "Right," Kivunga said, pretending not to notice his son's embarrassment. "Do you know why the territory needs to be marked?" ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-7.jpg"](%5C) Timbu saw his dad leaving scent marks on visible places more than a few times. However, he never dared to ask why he would do that. He suggested, hesitating, "Well... I heard... it's for others, so they know where your land is." "Right again. Males mark their territory in to keep others from claiming what they own. If a stranger notices someone's mark, he'll know to keep away, or risk losing his hide." "You mean... I'm going to learn how to, well, pee on bushes?" Timbu chuckled. Kivunga smiled. "Kind of." ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-8.jpg"](%5C) Laini, the female cub, rolled her eyes. "Eww," she thought, "they could have come up with a less disgusting way to announce themselves." She moved back a few steps and turned away. While the males mark their territory, she can have a rest. Still, though, she watched them from the corner of her eye. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-10.jpg"](%5C) Kivunga walked up to a small boulder and turned his back to it. He said, "Timbu, come closer, or you won't see anything." The cub ran up to him as the king raised his tail, squatted a little, and turned his gun to the boulder. "When you pee you turn your penis to the front. When you mark you need to turn it back. You'll practice soon". ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-11.jpg"](%5C) Timbu curiously shoved his muzzle nearly under dad's tail. "That's too close..." Kivunga thought. "He's grown up, though, so he should understand." The king habitually let loose a short but very strong jet onto the boulder. A few strongly scented drops bounced off the flat surface and landed on Timbu's muzzle. He moved back. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-12.jpg"](%5C) "Eww, dad! You don't need to do it on me," Timbu said indignantly, shaking the drops off. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-14.jpg"](%5C) "I didn't target you. You should have stayed a little further away," the teacher giggled. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-13.jpg"](%5C) Laini saw what had happened, too, and couldn't help but laugh; Timbu glared at her. She stuck her tongue out. "Ha ha ha, I don't need to learn how to mark!" Timbu said nothing, just growled to himself and turned his back to her. "Let's continue your lesson," the teacher said, "It's your turn now." ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-15.jpg"](%5C) The cub shrugged his shoulders and turned his back to the boulder, raising his tail up. "This way?" Kivunga looked under Timbu's tail and asked, "Haven't you forgotten something?" "Oh, sure..." The cub turned his willy to the opposite side as much as he could, then let loose a stream. However, he didn't estimate the angle right; the urine hit the underside of his tail, rather than the boulder. Kivunga smiled, "No need to mark your tail; it's already yours. Aim a little lower." Timbu changed the angle and let loose the stream again. This time, the liquid landed where he aimed. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-16.jpg"](%5C) "Attaboy!" the king praised, "Now sniff the results of your efforts." The lion cub turned his nose to the wet spot and sniffed. The stronger smell of dad's urine over powered his and he made a wry face. "What do you think?" "There's more your smell than mine..." ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-17.jpg"](%5C) "Surely. When you grow up you'll have a stronger smell too. But now you'll have to pour out every drop inside you to make the smell remain. Should I demonstrate again or would you like to practice by yourself?" "I'll better practice myself," Timbu laughed, "The first time was enough!" Laini heard what Timbu said and laughed with him. Timbu frowned. Now she had a reason to mock of him. Kivunga looked at Timbu, then at Laini, as an idea came to his mind. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-19.jpg"](%5C) "Laini, come here. You know, a thought just popped in my head... if Timbu continues to mark boulders, they'll stop being mine. But everything in the Pride Lands is mine; Timbu, you should mark what's yours, that's the point. But what do you own?" The cub shrugged. "You're the king, you should know." "...or, maybe, who do you own...?" Kivunga asked. The cubs looked at him perplexed, not understanding what he meant. "Timbu, by tradition, you and Laini will be betrothed. That means she's yours." ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-20.jpg"](%5C) They stared at him wide-eyed. "Dad, are you suggesting...?" Timbu didn't finish the sentence. "Yes, I want you to practice on Laini. Laini, are you against this?" Laini couldn't believe her ears. She thought, "They won't, but..." However, since they didn't appear to be joking, she replied quickly, "No way!" "Well, Laini, you'll have to," Kivunga said. "Timbu has the right." "But..." "No 'buts'. You belong to Timbu, and now he'll prove it more clearly. Don't worry, it's not that terrible." Laini understood she had no choice. "Okay then..." "Now let's continue the lesson." Timbu couldn't believe his ears either. He'd have to pee on Laini. Pee. On Laini. And she agreed to it... well, almost. "Laini, stand here. Timbu, you here, by her side," Kivunga pointed. "Now just imagine Laini is the boulder." ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-21.jpg"](%5C) Laini stood with her eyes tightly closed. Seeing Timbu pee was already disgusting for her, but now he was going to do it on her. Timbu wanted to say something sarcastic in revenge for her laughing at him, but looked at her face and decided against it; it was enough for her without words. Kivunga stood to the side, admiring the scene. "Laini will be a good wife," he thought, "she'll know who's the male." Timbu took aim at last and shyly let loose a small stream on Laini. She screwed up her face when warm jet hit her side. Soon the urine got cold and she felt a breeze hit the wet spot. Laini opened her eyes and examined her side. A few drops of yellow liquid were trickling down from it to her belly. Timbu observed the result and Laini's reaction with interest. "Not bad, not bad," Kivunga said. "But not enough, the smell will go away soon. Timbu, when marking, try moving the stream from side to side, to mark larger area." The lion cub turned to Laini with his raised tail once again. This time, she didn't close her eyes, but watched her side with narrow eyes. Timbu took aim and, rather than letting loose a short stream, began peeing, moving his penis up, down, left, right. He watched his target the entire time, to keep from missing it. Soon her whole side was wet. Laini was disgusted by the feeling of her nicely groomed fur becoming wet and darkly colored. But she didn't turn away, though, waiting for Timbu to stop. Warm streams of urine were flowing down her side, joining on her stomach, and trickling down her legs. "Enough, enough," Kivunga said, causing Timbu to stop peeing. "Well done, now you both can smell what Timbu has done." Laini didn't need to turn her head; she could already smell Timbu's scent on her. He, however, came closer and sniffed deeply, flaring his nostrils. "Now you're mine indeed!" he giggled. Laini almost got angry, but understood it was okay for males to be territorial, and laughed. "So, is the lesson over?" she asked anyway. "Timbu, can you continue?" Kivunga asked. Timbu grinned. "I just started!" ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-22.jpg"](%5C) "Fine, you can practice on her other side, then. It'll make your marking more even." Laini sighed, but turned her other side to Timbu. He turned his back to her again and began to mark her other side. Once it, too, was thoroughly wet, Timbu stopped, leaving Laini almost completely drenched in pee and smelling strongly of it. It wasn't as strong as the boulder, but Timbu liked it anyway. Laini didn't know what to do. Shake it off? Kivunga gently patted her head. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-23.jpg"](%5C) "You were afraid at first. Being marked isn't that bad, though, is it?" he asked. Laini shrugged. Taking it as approval, he continued, "Timbu, marking her sides isn't difficult, but you haven't practiced your aim yet. I suggest aiming for Laini's muzzle; only it still remains unmarked." "But...!" Laini tried to object. "Please, don't pee on my muzzle. Maybe on my side again? I'll shake off..." "No-no, that wouldn't work," Kivunga said. "I said to mark your muzzle, and that's what he's going to do." Laini made a sound of protest, but didn't dare disagree with the king. She stood up and closed her eyes tightly. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-24.jpg"](%5C) Timbu looked at Laini hesitatingly. He wasn't sure doing this is good idea. But his father, the king, said to... Besides, peeing on her was fun and... pleasant. It made her a little more his. Timbu took aim and let loose yet another stream. It hit her neck, so he raised his hind quarters and repeated the action; this time he hit her forehead. Only on the third try he hit his mark. Urine slipped over her nose and lips, causing her to sneeze and turn away to inhale. The last drops landed on the crown of her head. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-25.jpg"](%5C) "You okay?" Timbu asked. "Never mind," Laini said, coughing. "But next time don't aim for my nose, okay?" "Okay," Timbu smiled raising his brow. "You mean, there will be a next time?" "Well, you decide," Laini giggled. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-18.jpg"](%5C) Kivunga barged in, "Timbu, can you still mark?" "Yes... and I think I have an idea where to mark," Timbu narrowing his lids slyly. "Her muzzle is a too big target; I need to practice on something smaller. Like marking inside her mouth. If Laini opens it just a bit..." "Hehe, good idea..." the king said, surprised by his son's inventiveness. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-26.jpg"](%5C) "Timbu!" Laini exclaimed. "No. You should mark outside, not the inside!" "Why?" Kivunga said, "The smell fades away quickly when it's on the outside, but remains for a long time inside small grooves. That's a very good idea son." "But it's disgusting!" Laini said. "Anything but inside mouth!" "How do you know, if you've never tried it?" Kivunga asked. "You thought the same thing about him marking your side." Timbu licked a dry spot on Laini's cheek. "Let's try it..." Laini raised her eyebrow, then breathed in and out. "Okay, if you want it so much. But just once." ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-27.jpg"](%5C) Timbu rejoiced; this time he wouldn't have to make her do it. She sat and, closing her eyes, opened her mouth a bit. He admired her target, anticipating what he's going to do. Yesterday, he wouldn't never have thought he'd pee into Laini's mouth. Timbu took aim and hit the target precisely. Seeing he hadn't missed, he intensified the stream and emptied what remained in him. There wasn't anything more to mark anyway; Laini was drenched from her ears to the tip of her tail. When the urine hit Laini's tongue she sensed the salty taste. It wasn't as bad as she had thought it would be, but she knew what was inside her mouth and that left its mark on her mind, too. Timbu was surprised my the amount of liquid that remained inside him. Urine poured inside Laini's mouth with force. Almost all of it poured out, but she accidentally swallowed a bit due to the suddenness of the stream. In spite of this, she didn't close her mouth, continuing to endure the stream's pressure. Finally Timbu ran dry and, after shaking off final drop on Laini's muzzle, lowered his tail. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-28.jpg"](%5C) She opened her eyes and stuck her tongue out, making a wry face. Seeing Laini spit the urine out of her mouth made Timbu pity Laini. He came up to her and licked her muzzle and lips, sensing his own scent. "Are you okay?" "I'll survive," Laini smiled. "My female..." Timbu smiled tenderly and licked her nose. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-29.jpg"](%5C) Kivunga watched the cubs' tenderness with deep emotion. "The lesson is over," he said. "Only... Laini, you're all wet, and you smell so strongly..." "Should I go to the waterhole and take a bath?" Laini asked. "Or shake off at least? I doubt mom will like licking me..." "You're right, let Timbu do it." "Er... What do you mean, Dad?" the lion cub asked, perplexed. "Lick Laini clean, son." Timbu looked at Laini, who he had been marking so thoroughly. Now his efforts were backfiring. "Lick her until no smell remains." Laini chuckled with joy; now it was her time to have fun. Timbu walked around Laini, not knowing where to begin. He knocked his muzzle against her shoulder, legs, and ears, trying to lick. Her fur was wet everywhere. He practically had to drink, rather than lick. There was a strong taste of his own urine inside his mouth, and it would remain there. "Don't know where to begin?" Laini asked. She laid on her back. "You can start with my belly." She tipped her head back and purred with pleasure when Timbu's tongue began to slide against her fur. It was tickling a bit, but very pleasant. Since he was so focused, the lion cub soon stopped paying attention to the taste and smell. ["p-leo_the-lion-king-lesson-how-to-mark-territory-30.jpg"](%5C) The sun was high in the sky when he stopped licking. Laini's fur was glistening, and there was almost no smell. Timbu wondered whether or not he should ask his dad to make a lesson like this again some time... * * *

[Xijque](%5C), [Vilani](%5C), thank you! All coments are welcome, both positive and negative!