Chapter 3: Hydro Blast

Story by Tessler on SoFurry

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#3 of Alrest Shorts

Notes:This wasn't the next idea I had in mind. There were other scenarios I had in mind, but I couldn't think of how to make them go past 1,000 words. This first idea I had was Rex getting blinded (potentially fighting Jin at Temperantia, or fighting a stock enemy), and trying to cope with his vision loss. Out of convenience, Mythra and Pyra wouldn't lose their eyesight, and said story would have probably ended with Nia reluctantly revealing herself sooner to restore Rex's eyes.

With the incorporation of the swimwear, I was also thinking of a beach setting, with the group taking a moment to goof off, as well as Rex's embarrassment. I also had an idea of Mythra, Shulk, Kos-Mos, and the new guy Corvin talking about who is the Ultimate Light Blade (Shulk cut a god in half, he's effectively the Ultimate). I have yet to play Xenosaga, and I haven't used Corvin enough to give a proper opinion.

So backup plan, throw Nia in the spotlight. Ironically, should someone ask me if I preferred Pyra or Mythra, I'd have to say Nia. I LOVE her character, and her Blade ears are begging to be played with....oh, and light femdom if you're into that sort of thing, I kind of am. Oh, yeah. And uhhh, Chapter 7 spoilers.


The Spirit Crucible Elpys was easily a grueling endeavor for Rex and his companions. And yet, they came out stronger. Sure, the Aegis twins of Mythra and Pyra weren't by his side, he knew they were in danger, but he knew what he had to do. To save them, he had to be honest with them, and embrace the very power that even Addam himself couldn't control.

And now, the group was discussing the next course of action, as they consumed a meal together.

"So you had the honor of meeting Addam, chum?" The grey haired Zeke asked, seemingly jealous of Rex meeting his idol.

His arms closed over his chest, the teen brunet replied "I'd say it was like a ghost of him, I'm still trying to figure out. But what matters is that we know where Pyra is."

Shuddering at the name, the normally stoic Mórag remarked "Morytha.....few people ever dare to venture there.....Brighid and I will contact Mor Ardain, and pull some strings. We'll have to take a ship from here to Mor Ardain, and then Morytha. Going straight from Leftheria would be too taxing." Leaving the table Mórag disposed of her plate, walking over to the docks to send word, hoping to get a ship soon. Even then, it'd take a few days before they could get a ship or the crew with enough bravery to venture to Morytha.

With Mórag and Brighid taking their leave, it left Rex with the buff goofball Zeke, and the fluffy engineer Tora. The artificial Poppi, the similar goofy Pandoria and Nia were at a cliff, talking privately. Breaking the silence, Tora acknowledged "Nia's a blade?"

Looking at the cliff where she was standing, Rex replied "Yeah. It's incredible what power she possesses....possibly as strong as...Pyra..." Trying to get the redhead out of his mind, he could hear Nia's voice when he thought he had nearly died fighting the phantasms. He could still feel the warmth of Nia's power, a touch that felt like water when she pressed her hands on his body. He felt an aura of safety from her power, possibly stronger than when Mythra had awakened to save him. As well as her proclamation of love to him... "I should talk to her. Nia."

Smirking, Zeke chimed in "I'd go for it." Surprised by the response, Rex looked at the Bringer of Chaos, expecting him to continue. "I'll cut you some slack; Nia possibly chose the worst time to confess her feelings to you..."

"And I was focused on everyone."

"We know. I was surprised to hear her."

"Me too." Rex replied. "I've known her since the beginning, she's gone through the same troubles as me. I should make sure it's not eating away at her."

"An admirable move, chum. No, Rex." Zeke corrected himself. "Sure you still hold the honor of banging the Aegis...." Rex swore his face became redder than Pyra's hair upon hearing that. "....but that doesn't mean you can't just leave Ni-ow! What the hell, Pandy?!" Before he could finish, Zeke suddenly felt a hand smack the back of his head as the group noticed none other than Pandoria seemingly pop out of nowhere, having whacked him.

"I was overhearing everything, and you just had to ruin the mood with the last statement. You were doing so well, my prince." She explained, as she grabbed him by the ear, and dragged him away. Rex and Tora mutually agreed not to assist, despite Zeke's cries for help.

Having finished his meal, Rex grabbed his plate, telling Tora "I'm going to go talk to Nia, I imagine that she'll need support." Tora nodded, while Gramps continued munching on.

At that moment, he heard a familiar voice in his mind. "Fool, you should've thought of her and this whole time, you were thinking of yourself." Jin, the somehow powerful blade that fought the entire group head on at Tantal, and made complete fools out of everyone, Rex and Mythra especially. But that reference to her, he was seeing Nia in his mind.

"Was he really talking about Nia?" Rex thought to himself. Might've been worth talking to the flesh eater about it. Walking up to the cliff where she was standing, he couldn't help but smile. Nia was normally scared of heights, but with Poppi by her side, she seemed more confident. He noticed the two were locked in conversation, so he was mindful and kept his distance.

"......Poppi think you two should talk. Poppi has sensed from the beginning that Rex-Rex cares about you since Gormott." The lavender haired Poppi was explaining.


"Yes. Poppi was just born when I was needed to save you, but I could sense Rex-Rex was very fearful of something happening to you, as well as your importance to him." Nia was surprised. But then again, she started to think back to her past. When she first met Rex, she saw a cocky, over optimist, but after the two had chatted, she could tell he was someone worth caring about. At that moment, she then heard his shocked grunt as Jin ripped his chest open.

Nia fell to her knees, tears welling up in her eyes. "I could've saved him then, but I was a coward." She exclaimed. Much to her surprise, she suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist.

"Nia, it's okay. That's in the past now.." Rex whispered, trying to comfort her. Sensing the two needed privacy, Poppi was quick to nod, and run off to her Masterpon.

Forcing him off of her, she cried "No it's not! Haven't you thought of the people that have already died on our journey? I was useless when Vandham got killed by Malos, and by the time that ether field was gone, so was he! I couldn't repair Fan's core crystal when Jin killed her......hell, I couldn't when we found Pyra!"

He wanted to say he understood, but he knew he never could. He thought back to the Praetorium where Emperor Niall was killed by an explosion, but Nia had seemingly saved him. Smiling, he reminded her "But you saved the Emperor! Who knows what would've happened if you hadn't. We know Mórag would be a different person."

Remembering the Emperor's sacrifice, Nia smiled sadly. Dromarch had distracted the group so they couldn't see her true self, and she trusted the Emperor with keeping her secret upon his revival. "As for Vandham, I've learnt to let go of him. I know he would've wanted us to move on, and that ether field Akhos created didn't help."

"If I transformed sooner..."

"Akhos would've probably panicked and create the field sooner."

"But when you had touched Pyra's sword..."

"I don't think Jin or Malos would've let you heal me. Even if they did......they probably would've ordered you to kill me anyway." Nia's heart dropped at that last statement. In hindsight, maybe it was a blessing that Pyra came into both of their lives. Curious, Rex asked her "Did anyone else here know you were a blade?"

Her smile continuing, she replied "Dromarch is an obvious, all of Indol definitely. Jin and Malos might've suspected, but neither bothered to ask. Poppi and Mythra......and I guess Emperor Niall."

Not sure how to continue the conversation, Rex thought it was time to change the subject. Putting a fist to his chest, he promised "Regardless, I promise not to let any further harm come to you!"

Caught off guard by his declaration, Nia only had one response as she grabbed his hand.......and kissed him. It wasn't like Pyra where the two exchanged a simple press on their lips, this was passionate, lustful even as Rex felt her fangs press against his teeth, his mouth forced open, and something rough as sandpaper explore it. It was her tongue!

Breaking the kiss, a strand of saliva could be seen as they quickly wiped their mouths. "That was something..." Rex thought, noting a blush forming on her face.

"I know I'm already a driver, Rex. But I want to be your blade!" Nia pleaded.

Smiling, he responded "Of course. And about what you said earlier...I.."

Realizing where this was going, she exclaimed with a chuckle "Oh, right. I got caught up in the moment, and when I saw you get struck down, my emotions got the better of me."

"I know."

"But that's in the past now. If you've promised to protect me..." Nia embraced Rex in another hug as she continued "Then I promise to keep you safe."

He knew it was going to sound goofy saying it now, but three words slipped out of his mouth. "I love you." Compared to earlier, this sounded genuine, personal even. Her hug grew tighter around Rex, her heartbeat could be felt on his chest.


Evening came soon after, with a ship finally arriving to take the group to Mor Ardain. If they weren't on a schedule, Rex would've been glad to accept his Aunt's request to stay the night. After bidding her farewell, they were off. Retiring to a room he was offered, Nia followed soon after, wishing to spend the night with him. Really taking a look at her blade form, Nia almost looked like a different person. Sure her bronze eyes looked the same, and her hair was the same beige as before, but it was longer with dual ponytails. And those EARS, Rex wanted to touch them, but he didn't want to risk getting maimed.

And compared to the yellow jumpsuit she wore the whole time, she was now wearing what looked like a mix of a dress and a swimsuit. He couldn't tell if she was revealing more skin than even Mythra. "You like what you see, Rex?" Nia asked him, pulling him out of his thoughts.

Realizing that he was staring at her the whole time, a blush grew on his face as he stuttered "Uh..y-yes. You!" Was he really saying this?!

Noting his stuttering, the flesh eater couldn't help but smile. What followed was a mix of pure emotion for both Leftherian and Gormotti. Embracing in another kiss, Rex's armor was seemingly stripped, as they moved towards the bed. Once his cloth was left, Nia was extremely tempted to shred it off, but she decided against it and removed the rest of his clothes with the softest of touch. Dispelling the bindings that kept her clothes in place, Rex couldn't help but be mesmerized. If Pyra and Mythra were trees, Nia was a flower in body structure. Now on top of him, Nia ground her sex against his, all the while taking a free hand and getting a feeling for his body. She couldn't help but feel hypnotized by the bulk he had amassed during their journey. She imagined he was active, but dang!

Rex always had a way to make people feel better about themselves, but now it was Nia's time to make him feel better. Pulling away, her greedy eyes drew away from his face towards his hardening penis, as she began to stroke it. Rex just sat back, watching as the impossibly smooth skin of her hands wrap around his member. An idea then came to Nia's mind. With a free hand, she created a small sphere of water, and proceeded to envelop his member with it. Baffled, Rex couldn't decide whether to sit back and enjoy the pleasure she was giving him, or watch the show Nia was creating. He opted for the latter, finding something kinky in seeing his beige haired friend, no, blade's actions.

" amazing!" Rex said between pants. Too focused to look back at him, she continued to pleasure him, as the aquatic sphere massaged Rex's most valuable possession.

Glancing at the slowly pleasure drunk salvager, Nia teased "I'll show you amazing!" Submerging her face, she took Rex into her mouth, her rough sandpapery tongue grinding against his shaft. His vision blurred as he lay his head back, reaching a euphoric high from the experience. He wasn't sure what was kinkier, the way her tongue contrasted against his somewhat smooth skin, or the way she was using her powers. He was now starting to wonder how Pyra could incorporate her fire, or Mythra's light mastery into sex.....

"No, don't think like that!" Rex started to tell himself. "Save them first, think of sex later...wait, I'm about to-"

Before he had a chance to warn her, he completely forgot where they were as he suddenly screamed "Niiiiaaaaaa!" As he climaxed, bursts of semen were expelled from his penis, with Nia greedily swallowing every drop of his milky mixture, the fishy taste of his sperm becoming addicting the more of it she tasted.

Taking a moment to catch his breath, he remarked "That...was....incredible..." Looking down, he noticed the two were glowing with a distinct golden aura, not too different from when they fought together. "I didn't think our bond was this....strong." The sensations, the embrace of her power it was too much for him to take, as his eyelids grew heavy...before the night could take him, Nia's power flowed through him once more, that gold aura illuminating the very bedroom.

Looking down, he watch as Nia crawled up to him, her bronze eyes almost glowing with the excitement of a hunter, as she licked her chops and teased "Don't go sleeping in on me! We just got started!" Feeling his hardening penis twitch with excitement once more, she raised her hips, ready for him to claim her.

Before she could lower herself, Rex broke their kiss and asked "Nia! Are you sure you want this?"

Sighing , she replied "More than anything, Rex. And I imagine that Pyra could use some comfort wherever she is." Rex had completely forgotten about his connection to her, but Nia was right. Whatever Torna was going to do to her, implanting some kind of positive thought into Pyra was possibly the best thing Rex could do. Assurance that he's coming for her, no. For them!

Nodding, Rex put his hands on her somewhat wide hips, aligning their sexes as he embraced her. Where Pyra's warmth seemingly wrapped around him like a blanket by the fire, Nia's warmth radiated safety. As long as she was by his side, Rex felt safe. Like nothing could ever harm the both of them as long as they were together.

Feeling him penetrate her interior, Nia's mind went fuzzy from the pain and she suddenly hugged him in desperation. He froze, knowing what kind of pain she was already feeling, so he stroked her sides with one hand, and her bosom with the other. Her's could never to Pyra or Mythra's especially, but Rex thought it suited Nia. Redirecting her face to his, the Gormotti hybrid had embraced him in a kiss, as that golden light emanating from the two became brighter than before.

Breaking the kiss, Rex remarked "I can feel your heartbeat."

"So can I." Nia responded with a soft smile.

Their actions now in sync, Rex couldn't help but think to when he slept with Pyra back at Fonsa Myma. It felt amazing, but it was never like this. Nia's senses as Rex started to gently thrust, the lightest rub against her vaginal muscles sending shivers across her body. Continuing to keep his hands on her hips, he teased "You're drenched, aren't you?" Before she had a chance to ask, she felt his penis exit her, almost sliding out in what felt like minutes, only to slam into her most sensitive parts, a near electrical jolt surged through her each time he thrust like this.

By now, the two stopped caring how much noise they made as Nia arched her head back, screaming "That's it, Rex!" She was hoping to be dominant the whole time, but now it was Rex's turn as he took over, rolling the flesh eater onto her back. Nia wasn't complaining, there was something refreshing seeing Rex like this as she wrapped her legs around his torso, forcing him even deeper. Feeling his member twitching as he thrust she encouraged Rex's thrusts, before forcing him as deep as he could go into her depths. The sensation of his seed splattering her insides blurred Nia's senses, as she suddenly grabbed the young salvager's shoulder with her fangs. He clenched his teeth, ignoring the pain of her teeth in his skin.

Removing her fangs, her eyes widened as blood trickled from his shoulder. "Hold on a second!" She exclaimed as his blood reversed course and reentered his shoulder, and the wound was closed. Unfortunately, two red spots remained where her fangs had been, and not even her healing abilities could reverse that. Once their orgasms wore off, Nia was quick to proclaim "Rex, I'm sorry!"

"It's nothing." Noting the teeth marks, Rex continued "That actually doesn't look bad on me."

"But Pyra and Mythra...." Nia reminded him with a bit of worry. Now the two were left to wonder if the Aegis twins were going to have a similar bite mark on their shoulders.

Attempting to comfort her, Rex assured "I'll talk to them after we save them. But for now, we should get some rest."

Shrugging off the worry, this was possibly the happiest night of Nia's life. Being able to show her true self, as well as spending the night with Rex. Turning around once more so Nia was sleeping with her face in his chest, Rex thought back to Fonsa Myma when he had slept with Pyra. She felt amazing, but neither of them felt the same affinity bond that he felt with Nia. Closing his eyes, he couldn't help but wonder if it was because they hadn't completely trusted each other yet.


"Rrrreeeeeeeeexxxxx!!!" Pyra screamed, feeling a sensation of bliss within herself. Ever since she had surrendered to Torna, they had kept the redhead confined to a prison cell, with two artificial blades holding her down. Even at a long distance, she could sense Rex's actions, she even felt him die, only to be revived within seconds.

And just now, she and Mythra felt a watery aura embrace the Aegis, as well as fangs on her shoulder. Pyra could only smile, finding an odd sense of peace in all of this. Since they can't go anywhere other then wherever Torna was taking them, Mythra had explained of Nia being a flesh eater, as well as having a high suspicion of her sleeping with Rex.

She smiled sadly. "Between the two of us, Mythra..." Pyra said, finding an inner peace. "...Nia deserves to be with him."


Notes: Man, this took longer than I wanted. I originally kept the smut shorter, but I've noticed the few Xenoblade 2 smut stories that exist at FFN rarely incorporate Blade powers (to be fair, water is possibly the safest blade element to incorporate in smut). I've seen at least one mention the Affinity Link between Driver and Blade, though.

On top of that, I kinda imagine Nia being cynical, yet a sweetheart in public, but a freak in private, specifically in bed. The fun kind of course.

I've got some ideas for the next chapter. I had a recent discussion with someone on YouTube talking about Vandham after he got killed off, and how I found it more heartbreaking than Fiora's "death" in the first Xenoblade. Unfortunately, Torna the Golden Country is coming out in the next few days, and I know that's going to chew up my time. As well as college.

Anyway, I'm out of here. To quote an Umbreon I used to know "So without further ado, nyah!"

Chapter 4: Owing an Apology

The Olethro Playhouse had become a somber location in Rex's mind, as the group revisited Uraya. Here, the mighty Vandham, a mercenary leader that he was starting to look up to, got struck down trying to protect him from the nefarious Torna faction. A...

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Chapter 2: Blushy-Crushy

Before anyone asks, yes, this is based off of the Heart to Heart of the same name. I was asked about possible smut, but going by what's established, I can only think of just three times where smutty moments involving Rex would be possible. On top of...

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Chapter 1: Preferences

So.....I got bored and read a series of shorts called "Tales of Alrest" by Gyaradosmaster over at FFN. And I felt motivated to do something similar. As this will be based off of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, expect spoilers. Haven't played it yet, stop...

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