Chapter 6 - An encounter in the woods

Story by TheLycanSpeaks on SoFurry

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#6 of Alec's Adventures

All characters places and names are completely fictitious and are not intended to relate to anyone living or dead. Some of the content is of an adult nature and is not intended to be read by anyone under the age of 18.

If this is you, please look elsewhere.

Sorry for the delay in updating the story, I'm afraid pressures of work have rather stifled my inspiration, but here's the latest chapter.



Clive cursed as he climbed into the van, it was just like climbing into an oven. When, he wondered, would the postal service spend some money in buying some vans equipped with air-conditioning. Looking at his next delivery, he sighed with relief. It was a delivery for the old Henner farm. It had been vacant for the last twenty years and there was a long track leading up to the house surrounded by trees which had grown up while the farm had been vacant. The new owners hadn't cleared them and it would be a good spot to stop for lunch, in the shade under the trees. Hopefully the van would have a chance to cool down a bit, out of direct sunlight.

He looked over the mail for them and wondered what sort of people they were. It was all periodicals, scientific, technical, economic, political and financial, never anything personal. Still, he'd heard the owner had made his money in stocks and shares, maybe this was how he got all the information he needed to make his living. Lucky devil, it was better than driving for a living. Still, if it meant reading all those magazines he would hate it.

It was a bit of a drive to the place, probably adding an extra couple of miles to his route, but maybe the shade would be worth it. He headed off down the dusty highway, eager to have a break for his lunch. Entering the dirt track leading to the place, he drove about 50 yards up from the road and stopped under the trees, just round the corner from the house. The delivery could wait until after he'd had lunch.

Getting out of the van, he opened all the doors, trying to get as much airflow through the vehicle as possible to cool it down, and sat on a grassy bank on the side of the road to eat. The shade on a hot day like today was absolutely wonderful. Finishing his lunch, he leant back and rested for a while. He was ahead of schedule, so could afford to take a few minutes break and have a nap.

He was woken up abruptly by the snapping of a twig, down near the house. As quietly as possible he stood up and got back into the van. Technically, he should only be on someone's property to deliver the mail, if he got caught lounging he might get a complaint filed against him. Jobs were hard to get these days, and he didn't want any black marks against him. Looking towards the house his heart suddenly missed a beat, he saw what appeared to be some sort of big cat, with yellow fur and black spots. He slammed the doors as fast as he could, startling the creature which vanished into the shadows. Maybe it was some sort of leopard, escaped from a zoo or private collection. Whatever it was, he wasn't going to risk being attacked by it.


It had been two months now, since Leeta had arrived on Earth, escaping from the clutches of the Slavers. Alec had been teaching her about how to handle Earth's technology, and she'd been a quick study. He'd also been teaching her to read, and the translation nanites had been an enormous help, making it easier for her to remember. In the course of only two months, she now had a reading age equivalent to the average sixteen-year old, and over the course of the next two months would surpass her current age of twenty-two.

The medical nanites, now that the Slaver's drugs had been purged from her system, had established a baseline for her normal metabolism, and had been programmed to maintain her health. They had also been programmed to enable her to change forms, her normal anthro feline form, human and canine. Alec had advised against including a feline big cat form, in case of accidental sightings and big game hunters. So far Leeta was still getting used to changing form, and whilst Alec, Ferrowll and Grrellt could change form within seconds, it took her about five minutes. She'd been studying hard all morning and needed a break. Even though she was now able to pass as human, she still found it very limiting and confining, as though everything she saw, heard or smelt was through a veil. The farm was in the middle of nowhere and didn't receive any visitors, so she went outside, clad in her normal feline form, for a walk amongst the trees that reminded her of her jungle homeworld.

Wandering at random through the woods, she drifted unknowingly towards the highway. Lost in her thoughts, she brushed a tree-branch out of the way, not too worried about the noise she was making. Suddenly, she froze. Ahead of her was one of those metal and glass boxes, what did they call them...aaah, it was a van. Beside it, to her horror, she saw a human. Quickly, she melted back into the trees, had he seen her? She didn't know, and as fast as she could fled back to the house.

Alec looked up from the journal he'd been reading as Leeta rushed into the house in a panic. "Calm down, what's wrong?" He asked.

Leeta paused, her ears flattened to the sides of her head in her panic, her tail twitching nervously. "I was taking a walk in the woods and came across a van parked near the highway. I'm afraid he may have seen me."

"There's no need to panic yet, go find Ferrowll and Grrellt quickly. Tell them to change to canine form and come when I whistle. In the meantime, you change as quickly as you can while I stall him, and come join us when I whistle the second time."


Clive heard some footsteps, coming from the direction of the house. Looking in that direction, he saw a man walking towards him. Cautiously he wound down the window and called out to him. "You'd better watch out, mate, I think I saw some sort of Leopard or something in the trees."

The man shook his head in laughter. "Don't be daft, you probably saw one of my dogs"

Clive bristled angrily, he was sure of what he'd seen. "It didn't look like any dog I've ever seen before, it was yellow with dark spots."

"Nonsense," the man replied. "My name's Alec, by the way. This is my place. Hang on a moment."

He put two fingers in his mouth and blew a sharp piercing whistle. There was a rustling in the undergrowth and a couple of huge dogs appeared. At least, Clive hoped they were dogs. They looked a bit like wolves, but larger than any wolf he'd ever seen before. One was pure white, the other one was a silver grey colour.

"The white one is a cross between a white German Shepherd and a Mastiff, the grey one is a cross between a normal German Shepherd and a mastiff," Alec explained.

"It wasn't either of those two that I saw," exclaimed Clive nervously, "I told you it was yellow with black spots."

"Oh, that'll be the other one," Alec replied confidently. "She's a bit slower than the others, hang on a moment." He put his fingers in his mouth and whistled again.

After a few seconds, another rustling came from the trees, out came a dog of a type he'd never seen before. It was much more lightly built than the others, and indeed had yellow fur with black spots. "She's got slightly more complicated parentage than the others. She's part Dalmatian, part Labrador and part Brindled Mastiff," Alec explained. "Her colouring is the result of parents, quite unusual and very rare."

Clive swallowed nervously. "Do you mean to say you've got these dogs running around loose all the time?" The reason for his anxiety was now something more tangible, he'd seen the evidence with his own eyes, it wasn't a big cat, it was a dog. All the stories about postmen and dogs weren't just a cliche, they were a painful truth. Maybe he'd better find somewhere else to stop for lunch, just in case.

"Oh yes, they've got the freedom of the property. They're a bit territorial, so when you come make sure you ring the bell at the gate. They probably wouldn't harm anyone, but they'd do their best to scare off an intruder," Alec replied.

"Well, here's your mail, I guess I'd better get on with my rounds," Clive said, winding up the window hastily. He turned the van around, heading back to the highway, sweating a bit, even though the van had cooled down in the shade.


Once the van was out of sight, Alec dropped down to his knees and hugged the girls in relief. "That was a bit too close for comfort. Luckily folk will prefer to believe something that makes sense than something impossible, I think we got away with it this time. Maybe we ought to think about setting up some sort of perimeter alarm so we don't get surprised like that again. It's too hot to work for the rest of the day, lets go down to the pool for a swim."

Upon this note, the girls and Alec changed into their normal anthro forms and disappeared into the trees, heading away from the road deeper into the woods to a quiet shady pool. Diving in headfirst, Alec felt the cool water sinking into his fur, wonderful on a hot day like today, only to be joined by the girls diving in beside him.

Swimming over to the far shore, Alec pulled himself out of the pool and shook himself dry. Lying down on the bank, he looked across to his partners and noticed them stalking towards him with a predatory expression on their faces. Before he could move, Leeta pounced upon him, pinning his shoulders to the ground. He smiled, licking his tongue across his lips. He had a good idea what they were planning and it was going to be fun. Leeta sat upon his chest, her loins directly in front of his muzzle, reaching down and caressing his ears. His nose twitched as he inhaled her scent. She wasn't in season, but she certainly was aroused, the dampness of her lips was evidence of that. Reaching his head forward, he began to caress the outside of her lips, slowly going up one side, across and down the other, teasing her and not going any deeper. Leeta moaned in anticipation, leaning back and caressing her proud fur clad breasts with one hand, while the other held his head in place, urging him to continue.

His pink member began to slowly emerge from his sheath, aroused by her scent and taste. His breath caught for a moment as he felt a tongue slowly licking at the tip, Ferrowll had decided to join in with the fun. He felt her rough lupine tongue running up and down his length, then another tongue joining it, licking at his ball sack, sharp canine teeth brushing across it. Grrellt obviously didn't want to be left out.

He continued to lick at Leeta's lips, slowly pressing his tongue deeper, probing her depths, trying not to be distracted by Ferrowll and Grrellt. Ferrowll stopped her licking for a moment, taking him into her mouth, slowly working it up and down his length, the washboard texture of the roof of her muzzle driving him to distraction, bringing him closer to the edge. He gritted his teeth as he tried to concentrate, continuing to explore Leeta's depths with his tongue, thrusting it's muscular length deep inside, then curling it round and slowly drawing it out, flicking her mound as it exited, causing her to gasp anew each time.

Ferrowll and Grrellt were either side of him, Ferrowll with him in her warm velvety mouth and Grrellt licking at his groin and testicles. He reached down and caressed their loins, gently sliding a finger into each of them, causing them to moan in pleasure, the vibration from which nearly causing him to lose control. He continued to lap up the juices, now coming more quickly, from Leeta's loins, his tongue working faster and faster to keep up. He changed his technique slightly, curling his long lupine tongue into a narrow fleshy tool thrusting it deep inside her, making her buck her hips towards him.

Leeta's moans became more pronounced as she rode his muscular tongue, her thighs trapping his head, not wanting him to stop. "Harder, harder, I'm nearly there.......Oooooh..........I'm Cummmmiiiiingg."

Alec continued to lick, her thighs clamping down harder, the walls of her vagina squeezing down on his muscular tongue, her juices flooding his muzzle as she shuddered in ecstasy, collapsing onto the ground beside him. Not wanting to miss her chance, Ferrowll took her mouth away and crawled up his body, positioning herself over his member. When she looked down, Alec nodded, aroused and hard from her efforts, anxious for relief. She slowly lowered herself, reaching down and guiding his tip towards her entrance, his engorged member stretching her as he entered her. She began slowly rocking herself backwards and forwards, sinking a little deeper each time, closer and closer to his knot.

Grrellt, no longer able to reach her target, had taken Leeta's place, sitting on his chest, offering herself to his lupine tongue. Alec breathed in her scent, his member enlarging further as he jerked his hips, thrusting deeper into Ferrowll, and probed with his tongue, sinking it into Grrellt's depths. He reached up and caressed her shoulders, stroking her fur-clad sides and her breasts, moving his paws down, seizing hold of her hips, holding her in place as he drilled her with his strong canine tongue. His hips continued to thrust into Ferrowll as she leant back and forced herself down upon his member, his knot, already partially inflated, stretching her entrance as she tried to force it inside.

Grrellt moaned as she rocked upon his tongue, held in place by his paws, stroking and pinching her breasts as she came, collapsing to the side. Alec reached down and seized hold of Ferrowll's hindquarters, as she rocked backwards he thrust up into her harder, forcing his knot past her lips, swelling up still further once he was inside her. She gritted her teeth as his knot expanded, stretching her insides, her eyes slitted in concentration as she drove herself closer and closer to the edge. He reached up with his paws, running them down the middle of her spine, the shock making her cum suddenly, harder than usual. He felt the walls of her vagina squeezing down on his knot, unable to hold back any longer he filled her with his seed, trapped inside her by his knot, filling her depths.

As he lay there, on the riverbank, Ferrowll lying upon his chest, tied to her by his knot, his left arm wrapped around Leeta and his right around Grrellt, hugging them in a loving embrace, he wondered how life could possibly get any better.


It was a dark moonless night, plenty of cloud cover, perfect for a secret landing. It was time for the monthly League supply ship to arrive. The craft slowly emerged from the clouds overhead, drifting down silently on its gravity drive. Alec swung the doors of the barn open and the craft glided inside, away from prying eyes. There was a hissing sound as the door opened in the side of it, a ramp sliding out. Harrll emerged from the ship, looking even more grim than usual.

"What's up?" asked Alec, alarmed by his expression.

"There's going to have to be a board of enquiry into the crash of your parent's survey vessel. It's standing orders for crew to destroy themselves rather than risk discovery, and it's caused a lot of fuss in the League Council because you survived the crash and grew up here on Earth. They're also upset about Leeta's presence here on a pre-contact planet. Normally anyone rescued from the Slavers is sent for rehabilitation on a League world, and if we can't find where they come from, they are given the option of living on a League world or a colony planet."

Alec looked at him in horror. "B...b...ut, Leeta is part of our family now, she doesn't want to leave us and we wouldn't want to lose her, how can they take her away from us?"

"I don't know, but I'm afraid we've been given orders to come here and collect both of you and take you back to Lupus for the enquiry. As far as I'm concerned, you've helped us rescue a survey vessel and saved the life of all of us, I'll do everything I can to help you, but I'm afraid I can't ignore the order to fetch you."


Sorry for the delay in posting the latest chapter, work tends to get in the way of pleasure I'm afraid.

I couldn't help putting in a bit of a cliff-hanger here, maybe I've got a sick and twisted sense of humour.

What's going to happen next to Alec's family, is it going to be torn apart by rules and bureaucracy? Is Alec going to be snatched away from Earth and is Leeta going to be sent away?

Find out in the next chapter.