Tina's Story Chapter 71 Two Less Lonely People in the World - A Gray Muzzle Story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Tina's Story Chapter 71 Two Less Lonely People in the World

I was down, my dreams were wearing thin.

When you're lost, where do you begin?

My heart always seemed to drift from day to day

Looking for the love that never came my way.

Then you smiled, and I reached out to you.

I could tell you were lonely, too

One look, then it all began for you and me

The moment that we touched, I knew that there would be

Two less lonely people in the world

And it's gonna be fine

Out of all the people in the world

I just can't believe your mine.

In my life, where everything was wrong

Something finally went right

Now there's two less lonely people in the world


Gray was having this strange dream. He was pursuing Nina, who was always just outside of his reach. Finally catching up, she immediately wanted to make love. Then, the dream was over.....

Gray looked up. He was muzzle to muzzle with his new bride. Gray was flat on his back, Nina was sitting on top of him, when she smiled, and spoke;

"Hey, Hon."

"Hey, yourself."

Nina kissed him. It was then that Gray realized his morning erection was buried deep in his wife's folds.

"I hope you didn't mind..." Nina said, apologetically "I was.....I woke up early. It was...inviting, I just..."

Gray took Nina in his arms.

"It's OK. Better than OK. It beats the alarm clock. In fact, I might even begin to look forward to getting up in the morning."

That was an understatement. Of all the 'adjustments' Gray had to make, like not smoking dope, and wearing underwear, mornings were the worst. He's simply never had to do mornings. Fennec are basically nocturnal. Husky, on the other hand, are used to early mornings in the freezing cold. Clearly, there were adjustments to be made.

Nina kissed him eagerly. Gray, smiling, returned her attentions. He could feel how wet his wife was. As they made love, their kisses were accompanied by the little 'slurp, slurp, slurp' sound that their lovemaking created. Before Nina climaxed, she got off, and made a request. Burying her head in the pillows, she raised her rump, presenting her waiting vagina, tail flagging....

"Finish me...doggy. Please?"

Gray was happy to comply. Entering her smoothly, he immediately was caught up in the lovemaking once again. Their secretions ran down the Husky's thighs, heightening the sensation further. For her part, Nina toyed happily at her sex, when she began to shake, and let out a low howl.....


Nina began to rock; rhythmic convulsions coming over her at decreasing intervels, then another howl, much louder...


Soon after, Gray had his own climax. Buried deep in her sex, he pulled her hips up tight, draining his pulsing sex deep into her fertile womb, Nina smiled, and murred, lovingly.

They lay back in the bed, sharing an embrace...

"I never heard a Husky howl before" Gray said. "Not like that, anyway. "

Nina gave him a sly smile.

"I've heard foxes mate before. Not a pretty sound. Sort of like someone being tortured."

Slightly miffed at her characterization, he replied defensively:

'That's red foxes. Fennec are quiet"

They lay together, knotted for some time. When Gray slipped free, Nina presented her sex for cleaning. He ran his tongue lovingly over her sex, inhaling deeply of her sexy Husky smell. It was then that Nina looked at the clock....

"Time! We'll be late! I gotta get in the shower!"

Gray smiled. He knew his wife was very punctual. He was coming terms with that. Gray, however, was the more domestic. He got up and made coffee. He put a couple slices of bread in the toaster, and poured a bowl of cereal- Lucky Charms, her favorite-for when she got out of the shower. He didn't pour the milk, lest they become soggy while she dressed.

Nina was blowing herself dry. Husky have lots of fur. When they get blown dry with a canine style hair dryer, they get fluffy, somewhat like a scared Persian cat. When Nina came into the kitchen, you could hardly see her bra and panties for the volume of fluffy fur.

"Looking 'fluffy' there" Gray teased.

"Blauh!" Nina responded, sticking her tongue out.

Soon, they were dressed and were off to work. The couple walked to work most days, because it saved money. Even though they made much more money than Nina had before, money was still a worry. There was a lawyer to pay, and the guardian that had been appointed for Grayson. Then there was the pregnancy. They began looking for a bigger place to live. Sadly, Gray gave up his beloved Jeep. As a family man, he needed something more practical. They bought a used Honda Odyssey.

"Can I at least keep my 'Parrothead' license plate? He asked hopefully.

Nina smiled.

"Sure. That would be OK."

Secretly, she was very proud of Gray. He had made so many sacrifices, but he never complained. He stepped up, and took on the responsibilities of parenthood. He was the father she always dreamed he would be.

When Nina arrived back at the office after her days off, she found everyone in the break room. KC read her fashion magazines, while Rosa looked over her shoulder. Felicia filed her claws, while Tina passed out cookies she had made the night before. As Nina poured her morning coffee, Rosa spotted something....

"LOOOK!" Rosa shouted "What dat on ju feeenger?

Nina looked around selfconsciously. By the time she knew what hit her, Rosa had grabbed her hand, checking out the ring.

"Daz a WEDDDDING reeeng!" she proclaimed. "Ju Marrreeeed?"

Nina smiled coyly, nodding her head.

"Daz FAST!" Rosa observed. Ju not PRAYGNANT, are ju?"

Rosa shook her finger for, just for emphasis.

Nina looked down, like a little girl caught being naughty. The girls surrounded her, taking her in a giant group hug, thrilled as can be for their friend. Nina was well liked in the department. Everyone believed that she was very sad. To see her smiling and happy was a relief to all of Nina's friends. The girls had a million questions. No one made their desk on time, but Tina said nothing. Tina was as happy as anyone, knowing what she did about Nina's problems.

Meanwhile, Gray was down in IT, showing off a little trick he had devised. Everyone in the department was watching as Gray showed his work off.

"Check this out. See that little knob icon in the corner of the screen? Touch it."

Gray sat back. The Mole touched the icon, and the image on the computer screen tilted.


"Look. Turn the knob, and you can tilt the screen image just by adjusting that knob."

Checking it out, everyone thought it was awesome. None had ever seen anything like that before.

"Uh, what do you, like USE it for?" the Mole asked.

The group looked at him like a heretic. These were techies. It didn't MATTER what god it was; it was cool technology..

"Uh, I don't know. It was just like a cool thing to do."

It was when Gray touched the screen that the Mole saw the ring.

"Dude, you got MARRIED! You didn't like, knock her up of anything?"

Gray punched the Mole in the shoulder, a quick, medium intensity punch.

"I didn't 'knock her up'. We're having a baby. But that's not why we got married. We're in love. We got married. No big deal, OK?"

Of course, the guys and girls offered their congratulations. Even the Mole

"Dude, I didn't mean, like,disrespect to you or your wife, you know?"

Gray understood. Everyone in IT was young. Except Gray. Still, he was a real computer hotshot, and with his skills, and his laid back island demeanor, he was like a grandfather to the others.

Eventually, of course, the two departments got down to work. It was important to Gray and Nina to leave on time today, for they had an important appointment tonight. Some weeks ago, Nina and Gray brought an action in court to get Grayson back. There was a court hearing, where the judge appointed a guardian to represent Grayson. They also asked for visitation. The guardian agreed, finding that there was no reason for there not to be visits. Given the amount of time in between, the guardian thought that the visits should be introduced gradually. Moreover, it was requested that the first visit with Gray be in front of the guardian, so that she could see. This was the day.

Gray and Nina got on the bus for downtown. But before they got there, they stopped at a toy store. They also stopped at McDonalds for a 'Happy Meal'. At the office, they waited nervously....Nina put her paw on his arm.

"It'll be OK..." she assured

Gray nodded. He WAS nervous. Somehow, nothing in his life had ever seemed so important. He wanted to get this right so badly. Still, he had no idea what to do. He was lost in thought, when a social worker came in.

"Are you ready? He's just arrived. Let me show you to the room. "

Gray followed her to the room. It was made of cinderblock, and painted the color of puke. It was bare, except for a mural on one wall, and a one way window, through which they would be watched. He sat on the floor, on a bright pink rug, and waited. Soon, the door opened, and the worker lead a small Husky boy into the room, then closed the door. The boy wore little blue bib overalls, and a t shirt. He stood just inside the door, checking Gray out. He looked the Fennec over for some time before he spoke.

"You got ears wike me." He stated, reaching over to touch them. "Nobody got ears wike me." He declared, seriously.

"Well, I do. Nice to meet you, Grayson.."

"My name's Greg." He replied

"Well, my pleasure Greg" Gray replied, not missing a beat "I've got a present for you."

Gray handed him the bag from the toy store. Grayson tore into the package, pulling out a big red fire truck. With which he played immediately. Gray lay on the floor He didn't say a thing, unless Grayson spoke to him. Soon, Grayson was showing Gray all about the toy. The Husky ran the truck all around Gray, making siren noises, while Gray laughed. When his play slowed, Gray asked him if he'd like to eat. Grayson nodded, so he took out the Happy Meal. Gray pulled over a child size table, and put the food out for his son.

"Happy Meal!" the boy squealed.

"You like them?" Gray asked

"McDonalds!' he giggled

Grayson are eagerly, stuffing the burger into his chubby little cheeks. Gray watched over him in a fatherly way, slowing his eating, and wiping his chin. They sat at the table and put together the toy that came in the box. Too soon, the visit was over. The visit ended with the worker standing in the doorway. Gray smiled.

"Can I see you again?" he asked hopefully. Grayson nodded, then did something unexpected. He walked over, and touched his father's ears, then smiled, as he was lead away.

Gray sat there on the pink rug for a while, collecting himself before getting up to leave. The guardian and Nina were waiting. The guardian felt that the visit went very well. They talked a bit, then left. That left Nina and Gray standing in the waiting room. Nina looked up at her husband when her eyes filled with tears. Quickly overcome, she fell sobbing on Gray's chest.

"Maybe...we oughtta leave." Gray suggesed. He was crying, too.

They walked the two blocks to the bus station. Little was said, though in the days to come, they talked about it a lot. Nina held the memories of that day in her heart, where they would always remain.