MapleStory: Innocence Undone Ch.4 - Past, Regret, Oblivion

Story by diosoth on SoFurry

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MapleStory: Innocence Undone

Chapter 4

Past, Regret, Oblivion

20 years before the "Big Bang"....

Stan felt unsure of himself. Henesys was now under his leadership, a role passed from his father, yet despite all he had been taught he did not feel ready. In theory his role was a simple one- to keep order. Maintain the town budget, send out adventurers to deal with any unexpected threats from the recent surge of monster activity and deal with any issues the residents of the town may ask him to mediate.

His wife may offer some assistance to these duties but aside from her, Stan only knew of one other living in the small town that could offer guidance, a seemingly immortal Elf that ran the bowman school.

"How goes your new appointment as Chief?"

"Ah, it goes well," he stuttered. "So far I have had no pressing matters to deal with. The only major news in town is that the old abandoned farm has been bought."

Athena Pierce smiled. With any luck the former farm would return to its glory as a thriving source of food for the townspeople. "That is good news. Kernign City may be developing into a grand fortress of concrete and steel, but Henesys will grow in its own way." Athena had been present in this land since the founding of the four towns hundreds of years ago, and had once raised an army to protect what she has built, although such deeds carried their own unspoken dark side that had been buried away years ago. "If you will excuse me, I must obtain supplies and return to the school to train new students."

Leaving Chief Stan to settle into his position, the Elf made her way to the general store, as food and healing potions were necessary stock for herself and any she trained. In line before her was a purple- haired woman she had recognized but did not know particularly well, a recent newcomer to Henesys. "Oh, hi! I'm almost done," the woman exclaimed, gathering her purchases.

"I am in no hurry," Athena responded in her usual proper tone. "You are new in town?"

The woman answered back, "yes. I had a son not long ago and chose to raise him for the time being, I'm taking a break from hunting."

"Oh? Congratulations!"

With a smile, the woman said, "Thank you! I believe you are the Bowman instructor, correct? Athena Pierce? I am Sun-Hi, it is nice to meet you."

"Ah, of course, the couple that moved to Henesys only last year. Your husband is named Johansen, correct?"

Sun-Hi nodded. "I'm so sorry, I need to get home, my husband is away for the day hunting to raise money and my son may wake up at any time!"

"Yes, of course," the Elf stammered, "I did not mean to delay you!"

Locking the wooden door, another day at an end as the small town of Henesys quieted for the day as the sun went down. Athena Pierce gathered the remnants of spent arrows out of round straw targets. Any that could be reused would be set aside, and those that were damaged would be taken apart, their remnants used to make new arrows.

The large main room was the Bowman School, a public area where the Elf greeted new students. In the back and up the stairs of the old house built on a tree, her home waited. It had been far too long since Athena had seen her own people... were the still frozen away? Elluel no doubt remained hidden near Ellinia, untouched; Mercedes and the elders had sealed her village, out of time, to keep the Black Mage's curse from spreading across Maple World. Yet that fateful, harsh curse had not worn off even after these years. Hundreds of years, soon to be four hundred since Athena Pierce had known her own kind. If only her father had survived, but the Black Mage's loyal minions saw to his demise before the final battle. Slumping down into an old, worn chair, the Elf sighed. The fairies were no substitute, far too selfish and proud of themselves to consider humans as equals. She was barely their equal either, after all, elves had no wings and regardless of any shared heritage, that was not good enough for the winged ones.

A loud wind shook the walls like a forceful burst slamming her old home. Startled, stunned yet suddenly alert as her heart began to pound, the sandy-haired archer grabbed the nearest bow, only to faintly notice the blue glow within the forest on the edge of town.

'The Black Mage...?' she wondered, rushing outside and into the darkness. The blue glow only intensified deep within the leaves, emanating from a stone archway that had not been there prior, nor did it seem to belong- not here, not even in this world. Gnarled gray stone speckled in dark, sickly green that matched no known style or civilization that she had ever witnessed or read of, and the more Athena Pierce looked upon the object, certain it was in the form of a screaming face, the blue vortex within the wide mouth giving her a feeling of dread.

A sudden voice, powerful and forceful, called out from within, "Do come in! It would be a shame for me to go through the trouble to open this and for you to stand there like a stone slab! Not to mention, making me very, VERY irritated... but do hurry, I am not patient! WELL? Make up your mind! Either come in or I'm closing it! I don't have all day! Actually I do have all day! But THAT is beside the point!"

Athena's first thoughts were of the Black Mage. Even behind the seal placed by the five heroes, his influence and power were great. But why had nothing come out? The situation seemed too bizarre for its own good and going into this glowing gate felt like a very bad idea, but the town may have been in danger. Channeling soul arrow, ready for a fight, the warrior stepped inside...

... and stepped out onto a stone walkway leading to a large building, the face of which tapered in a sharp point. An unusual blue sky hovered above, a rather unnatural and unexpected sight. Taken aback by this strange place she failed to notice the man in black until he said, "ah, someone answered my Lord's call. If you will come with me..."

"Wait," she replied, "where am I?" Giving the man a glare that failed to register an emotion in the man's face, also asked, "and who are you?"

Without flinching, the stranger answered in an almost bored tone of voice, "I am Haskill, I serve the Daedric Prince Sheogorath and you are in the Shivering Isles. Although I suppose expecting you to know of any of this would be an unreasonable assumption." Giving the woman a glance,he asked of her, "I trust my Lord was successful? I can not tell which of the races you are."


"You do not appear to be one of the elves of Mundus," he stated. "Please, follow me, my Lord shall explain further. And do mind your manners, my Lord can be a bit... temperamental," the stranger said with what sounded like a sigh of annoyance. Suddenly, without warning beyond a sudden silence, the stone arch behind her vanished. "I see my Lord has closed the gateway. If you wish to return home, I would suggest you meet with my Lord."

Now annoyed at the situation, Athena Pierce was left with no alternative but to meet this person and hope he would allow her to return home. Following behind the man who had greeted her, past two female guards and into the massive palace, Haskill led her to the throne where a man in a green vest leaned on a cane.

"A newcomer!" the man shouted. "At least, I hope so... and you're an elf. How boring..." With a sigh, the man sat down. "I was hoping you might be covered in vines, or red, or have several sets of eyes. We have plenty of elves already!"

The man looked somewhat like Chief Stan, the Henesys village chieftain, only with brown hair and a full beard. In fact, this man looked rather normal, except for the demonic, almost feline eyes. Then the Bowmaster examined the man's old wooden cane and she felt a sudden sense of fear, for the man's cane was topped with an enlarged, bloody eye.

"Who are you and why did you open that gateway in my town?" she demanded.

A death gaze fixed on the woman. "Watch your tone, mortal. I'll give you some rope, seeing as you're not native to this plane. But watch you don't hang yourself with it..." Smiling once again, he went on, "I am Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of madness. You're in my realm of Oblivion."

Shocked, the archer asked, "Oblivion? You mean I'm in the cursed path of time?"

"Cursed? HA!" Relaxing now, the Daedra muttered, "this is why I opened that portal. Took me forever... and a lot of failure. I was curious about other realms, ones outside of Oblivion. I wanted to know if it was possible! And it is! All the old tales of the creation of Mundus and Oblivion said it was not possible, that nothing existed beyond, but what do any of us know? The myths have never been tested! Until now, anyway, no one has been insane enough to try it! At least not yet, after all, I am the god of madness! But you're no different from the mortals here now. What a disappointment! Ah well, I suppose since you're here... I take it from the weapon you carry, you're an adventurer? or is that some sort of good luck charm where you come from?"

Athena could tell that whatever game this madman had planned, she'd have to go along. "If I do as you wish, you'll allow me to return home?"

"I suppose," Sheogorath replied, "you noticed I closed the portal. Didn't want you running off before we could have a little chat. I am curious about your world! HA! Be thankful you were not summoned by Hermaeus! He would want to know everything! He might never let you leave! I'm not as interested in every little, boring bit of trivial knowledge like some Deadra can be! Even so, I do have a bit of a problem you may be able to take care of, that is assuming that weapon if yours has any skill backing it up and it really isn't a good luck charm! OH! Maybe it's BOTH! That would certainly be quite useful!" His face turning angry now, "one of my loyal servants has betrayed me and broken the rules. No one loyal to me ever breaks MY rules! It's pure insanity to disobey me! Wait! Insanity! It's almost commendable! However this one went too far and must be dealt with. You will find and kill her as punishment! Kill her, torture her, however you see fit to take care of the matter!"

"I can't kill someone because you want me to," she protested, upholding basic morals over a desire to be sent back.

Grinning, the Madgod explained, "oh, but you'll want to. One of my Dark Seducers was recently summoned to the mortal realm... and did horrible things to children. I want her dealt with. After all, there are rules to madness and NO ONE breaks MY rules, even if doing so is pure insanity! You may get the details from Haskill, he's quite useful, I don't know what I'd do without him. Oh, and here, take this..."

Feeling something hard form in her right hand, the Elf looked down to find a long metal pole. "What is this?"

"The Wabbajack! It'll perhaps come in useful. Or not. I want it back before you leave. That's assuming you succeed! If not I suppose I can use your corpse as a decorative ornament of some sort, string your intestines from the ceiling.... you do have intestines, don't you? Now go, and do this one simple task and I'll send you back to your boring little world!" Cracking a smile, the god ended with, "Fail and I'll find out for sure if you have intestines...

Athena Pierce didn't trust the man and for all she even knew, she may be trapped here forever to do as this madman demanded until she died of old age, tasked with whatever the stranger wished. But the idea that the one who must be hunted may have harmed children lit a fire in her mind. "Haskill..."

"Ah, my Lord has tasked you with hunting the rogue. I suppose you'll want me to give you the details? Very well..." He began to recall, "Some weeks ago, one of the Dark Seducer guards was summoned to Mundus and remained there. She chose to pass the time by playing with a small group of children. However, before returning here, it seems she chose to murder most of them and disfigured the remaining survivor. It was quite strange, actually... typically the Dark Seducers have quite a tolerance of mortals.

"Pardon me, I suppose you'd have no idea what I'm even talking about. The Golden Saints and Dark Seducers are Lord Sheogorath's personal guards and soldiers of this land. The Golden Saints serve the side of Mania and the Dark Seducers serve the side of Dementia. Perhaps you noticed them when we entered the palace?"

"You mean the two female guards? The golden and purple ones?"


Securing her bow and slipping the old metal rod into her belt, the Ranger inquired, "and how do I find this killer of children?"

"That," Haskill answered as his eyes looked away, "may be difficult. It seems both the Dark Seducers and the Golden Saints have had no luck. Wherever the one who has angered my Lord has gone, she is well hidden, though no doubt still in the Shivering isles. You may want to check with the commander of the Dark Seducers, she would be able to tell you more."

As if summoned, a powerful-looking woman in old black armor approached. The armor was as worn and aged as the old palace she stood in. "I understand that my Lord has requested you assist us in our search for the traitor?"

'Requested,' Athena thought to herself, 'hardly.' "Tell me what you know."

"It is unlikely that she would have hidden in the land of Mania, our rivals, the Golden Saints would have hunted her down. We have checked many of the root tunnels and ruins but have found no sign."

"Then the woman you're after may not be here?"

The Seducer commander replied, "It is unlikely that she could have opened a gateway herself, and even if a mortal had summoned one of us, it would have been brief."

Athena asked, "how do you know she is even still alive?"

"You are from another land, or you would know more about the Daedra," the woman answered with an odd smile. "I never thought it was even possible, to find a realm outside of Oblivion's borders. Only a Daedric Prince may genuinely kill a Daedra. Our bodies are merely vessels. Upon death we return to the waters of Oblivion where we are reborn. I have sent three of our kind into the waters of Oblivion to wait for her, to force her back so that Lord Sheogorath may punish the traitor. They have not returned."

Athena found the Seducer's manner of speaking to be almost robotic and formal to a point that made even her own people feel casual. In fact, she wondered if these Daedra were even capable of social behavior at all. "You are aware that I will have no easier time finding this killer of children than-"

"Grakedrig! Grakedrig!" came the sudden shouts. Another Dark Seducer, almost a carbon copy of the one Athena Pierce had been talking with, ran into the man palace hall. "Fellmoor has been attacked!"

"I'm sorry for this interruption," the Seducer apologized, "I must tend to this." Turning to the subordinate, she said, "organize a party and we shall-"

"I'm afraid it was the traitor, she assaulted three of the residents. Autkendo Jansa sent me to inform you while they attempt to find out where the traitor has gone."

"I see..." turning to Athena, the Seducer stated, "you should follow me."

It took several hours to walk to the small town, a hovel of old rotting homes and unique plant life, filthy water everywhere amidst twisted trees.

The old Elf noted that this world has no technology. Even horses seemed absent, leaving foot travel the only means of transportation along an old worn road that winded through this miserable land, occasionally split up by rickety bridges that needed repair, past old huts and shacks that had fallen apart years before. Nowhere in the Maple World was as decrepit as this place, not since the days of the Black Mage's reign of terror had ended.

The small village could have been mistaken for an abandoned town, if not for the meager assembly of guards and a few residents, many of which were in bandages, mourning over a deceased old man.

These guards. They all looked the same. The old Bowmaster wondered if perhaps these beings had been created artificially. They looked almost human, and she suspected their clothing was as much for modesty as for decoration, but every one of them was identical- the same height, matching skin tones, matching voices and even the same manner of speaking. Indeed, they were more like machines than living people.

"I have been informed that Lord Sheogorath has tasked you with hunting the traitor," one of the Seducers greeted Athena. "It is not my place to question my Lord's wishes, however, I was also told that you are an outsider."

"I am not from your world, no," Athena responded. "I know nothing of your land or your ways. I know that the one you're hunting is a murderer, and I may not return home until after I have done my job."

The Dark Seducer commander took notice of the large blue bow strapped to Athena's back. "You have no arrows. I shall provide you with some."

Grabbing the weapon and concentrating, the Ranger brought forth an inner power, lighting her surroundings. Her weapon began to glow with a force the Daedric soldier had never seen before nor imagined. "That will not be necessary."

"You appear to have the ability to bound arrows to yourself... perhaps my Lord's faith in you is well placed. We have been unable to follow the betrayer as the wounded needed our attention, however," pointing away from the run-down village, "she was seen heading north."

"That was several hours ago."

Nodding, the Seducer went on, "but she would not have traveled the roads. Most likely she is hiding in a cave or one of the old ruins. Furthermore, one of the villagers managed to wound her, so it is unlikely she has gone far. Knotty Bramble is the nearest cave, I will order one of my Mazken to accompany you. I shall send search parties to Xavara and Blackroot Lair, the only other locations within proximity. If you find the traitor, kill her on sight."

Eyes shut tight, the Elf shuddered. "I was told this woman murdered children. And now I see an old man lies dead by her hands." This type of evil felt familiar. Senseless murder was the way of the Black Mage, centuries before, in a time when her own world was just as primitive as this land.

"At first we believed she had simply gone insane. Lord Sheogorath does not allow children to live here," the Autkendo explained, "and most of us are unfamiliar with them. But after this I believe she may have turned from Lord Sheogorath, perhaps to another Daedric Prince. Not all Mazken follow Lord Sheogorath, only those of us in the Shivering Isles. Many of our kind served Mehrunes Dagon years ago and only recently a Mazken betrayed Malacath."

"Enough," Athena snapped. "You may tell me of your history later. I want to find and punish this..."

Autkendo Jansa had been able to recognize when the madness of the land began to affect someone who had recently arrived, and somehow, deep within, there was a darkness inside this woman. Some residual hatred that had been fought and seemingly defeated, but lingered still. "Very well. May you find and slay the traitor!"

The root caves of the Shivering Isles were an amazing sight. Roots of the larger trees grew hollowed out, forming a natural cave system. It was only now, in the dim darkness within that Athena Pierce noticed fluttering tiny orbs of light which seemed to offer enough to see by. Even the amber deposits within the root walls glowed. Perhaps this land had a unique beauty after all.

Stopped dead by her companion, Athena could hear the grunts. "Grummites," the Seducer exclaimed. "Be prepared."

Preparation was slim as a horde of stubby reptilian monsters rushed them, swinging jagged cleavers and grunting as if they were hungry. Barely time to charge her soul arrow, Athena Pierce had to dodge the foul creatures, blades ready to tear flesh.


These creatures had archers among them.

The old Elf could see her traveling companion fighting back, stubby black mace bashing one of these lizards in the skull as it slumped with a snort. "The Wabbajack! Lord Sheogorath gave you the Wabbajack," the Mazken screamed out. "Use it!"

Gripping the cold metal pole, she called out, "I don't know how! What do I-"

In an instant, energy scattered from the wand's tip, enchanting these primitive creatures with a mist that changed every last one into a simple sheep, no longer attacking but merely confused. "Come, they will not stay like this for long!"

Following behind, the elf asked nervously, "what did I just do?"

"The Wabbajack," her Seducer guide explained, "is one of Lord Sheogorath's many gifts to the world. It brings random change to whatever it is used on."

"Random change..." Staring back at the sheep, she mumbled, "so we're lucky they turned into sheep..."

"Indeed. They could have become something much worse, but it seemed we had little choice. We should move on and explore this-"

Athena witnessed the flash, the movement, and the clean cut. She witnessed in horror and disbelief as the Dark Seducer's own head hit the dirty ground, body falling on top in a lifeless pile as blood soaked the wooden root tunnels. Standing with an evil smile was another of the Mazken. "This is what Sheogorath sent to find me? A mere soldier and a mortal? At least it was not one of the men... that would have been insulting."

There was no time for shock or even mourning. Letting anger take over, the elf summoned soul arrow and began firing darts of pure light. One by one they bounced off the killer's shield. "I was sent to kill you and I will enjoy watching you die, murderer!"

Strafe. That was the skill. It was so hard to think through the haze of anger and hate, but strafe came to mind and now four arrows shot forth with each pull of the string. Slamming the old black shield over and over, arrow after arrow finally broke the curved piece of armor as bolts of light hit their target.

Holding back the screams, the Mazken ran for cover. "You are not... no one has such a skill!"

"I do!" Snorting like a wild animal, old feelings of evil flooded her mind and became the only sensation. Those days of hunting the Black Mage's remaining forces, those days of hunting the men who killed her father. The same hatred she'd released in that old cave, a clone trapped deep under Victoria Island that contained her darker nature.

Now in close, she fired one more arrow, charged with a power that left the Seducer unable to walk. "My legs... what have you done to me?"

She did not answer, instead holding the bow as a club and swinging, bringing the weapon down hard, a crack audible just as it broke a rib.

Shoving Athena Pierce aside as the weakness wore off, the Mazken fended off the clubbing with her blade. "You fool! Sheogorath is too sympathetic to mortals! He allows them to live here, he protects them. Mehrunes Dagon knows that mortals should be enslaved and butchered. I shall serve a Daedric Prince that knows the superiority of the Daedra!"

The Ranger was caught off guard, reeling as the Mazken's fist bashed her head sideways. Barely holding onto that old blue bow, taking punch after punch, it was all the archer could do to summon one more arrow, blazing hot. Screaming as a sudden fire enveloped her body, the Seducer stumbled as an ethereal heat burned. She wasted no time, pulling that string and sending more arrows flying. The Mazken slumped to the ground, bleeding, but refusing to beg. "Kill me. It's what you came here for and it's what you want."

That hatred, that horrible hatred. No. It would not consume Athena Pierce again. Letting her mind clear itself, focused now, she looked down. "I wish I could simply let you live but I know if I tried to take you in you would escape, or resist... no. I have to kill you here. I was told of what you are. Your death will deliver you to your kind, waiting for you."

"But... no, please!"

"I wish I could but your crimes are too great. You do not regret those you murdered, you only regret that you will be punished for it." No more words were spoken, Athena kept silent, only firing a final arrow to the woman's heart.

Dropping her bow, Athena Pierce slumped to the ground and began to weep.

Pinnacle Rock sat on the southern tip of the island, a simple doorway that led to the underground sanctuary of the Dark Seducers. It was sacred ground for them, no one else was ever permitted entry, not even Sheogorath himself.

He didn't mind waiting outside. Old ruins were boring to look at anyway. Doors swung open, a gathering of Mazken leading out one bound in chains. "You disobeyed me and now you have to pay. Those are the rules."

"You're not even going to ask why I betrayed you?"

Laughing, tapping that old cane on the stone pathway, the Madgod shouted, "it wouldn't save you anyway, and besides, I'm sure you spilled it all to someone else who will tell me in due time. Now then, enjoy the view!"

She felt her god's touch, and felt the wind. She would not scream. The final sound she would make was the loud impact that echoed out over execution point as the Mazken's life ended on impact.

She sat in the dark cave, lit only by the amber, dirty and covered in blood. "Such a painful sight to see, a pretty one such as you all dirty and worn out from battle! BUT... you did the job."

"I did the job..."

Madness had begun to set in. Tapping the woman with his cane, a sudden wave of happiness and calm washed away every bit of hatred. "I suppose I should have done that earlier. Oh well!"

"Huh? What..." Athena realized that every trace of anguish that had been swelling inside her mind was gone. "What did you do?"

Sitting on a stump, Sheogorath looked down at her with a smile. "The Isles, my dear, have an effect on people. Not that I will ever understand the mortal obsession with sanity, it's just not fun to be dull and boring and to follow all the rules. To live a life of work and no play, no imagination, I would rather be dead! And since I'm immortal, well, normality would be a very cruel eternal fate to endure!"

Standing up and brushing off some of the filth, the elf said, "that woman told me her intentions. She was going to abandon you and join someone named... Dagon?"

"Really now? Ungrateful little one, wasn't she? To betray me for that boring fool? Nothing a thousand foot fall couldn't fix! Come on, we'll get you back to New Sheoth so you can clean yourself up. Or you can stay here and wallow in dirt, whichever you prefer!"

Meeting the elves of this land brought a certain familiarity to mind, of a people she had not seen in ages. If only these Altmer were not so smug, and the residents of the Isles not so unbalanced. This one, Earil, was quite odd. "You really are THAT old? Oh my... not even my people live that long! Only a few short centuries... you are four hundred and retain your youth... I must do something about this! I MUST!"

Without a word, Athena left the small shop and backed away. She may have been protected from the maddening influence of the land but its people were another matter. Conversing with them for too long could have ill effects, she suspected. If only she'd been paying attention, she could have avoided bumping into one of the furry feline creatures.

"Skooma? you have skooma, please?"

A Khajiit, she'd been told. One of the races of Mundus. He simply looked at her with no interest in who she was. "I- what?"

"Skooma? You have no skooma? Oh... Sheogorath is the skooma cat but he does not provide skooma. I must go now, and find skooma!"

The Elf realized that the substance the feline spoke of must have been a drug of some kind. The thought was disturbing, perhaps not as bad as some of what she had witnessed but such addictions had become rare on Maple World.

"I like you," the Bosmer woman exclaimed. "You are new here and are probably not planning to stab me in the back. Probably. I shall keep an eye on you regardless." Syl, the ruler of Dementia, left Athena unsettled. "Sheogorath says you are from another world. How quaint. And you dress so plain." The duchess of Dementia looked at the elf's brown shirt and split green skirt, simple boots and bracelets. "You're a simple people. Not like the Altmer, clearly not. More like my own, in their simple lifestyles. Not that I care, I live a much more sophisticated life than they do."

Athena had been told of the elf races. The blue-skinned Dunmer, who she had seen few of. The Altmer, former rulers of Mundus and still arrogant. It was the Bosmer she felt any kinship with, the closest to her own people. Except for Syl, at any rate. Syl was clearly insane, and highly paranoid. A new ruler to the land, already convinced that everyone was conspiring to kill her. Somehow, she felt that Syl may someday be right, for this open display of paranoia may eventually be her downfall.

Thadon was different. Also a Bosmer, but unlike Athena's own people, quite short. It seemed all Bosmer males were. And it was obvious that this man was high on some sort of drug, a drug he seemed to be pushing onto his guest. "Felldew will show you things you could not have imagined. The sights it has shown me, the inspiration..." Perhaps not the skooma the cat had begged for but still a powerful substance.

"It is best I do not," the archer said kindly. "I am from a different world and do not know how it may affect me."

Smiling, Thadon understood. "That makes sense, I think. It leaves more for me, too." returning to his painting, Thadon seemed to ignore her presence.

"Interesting... if only you had some of this technology with you to show me!" Sheogorath had been fascinated by stories of machines and electronics. "To think, instant communication and devices that provide faster travel! I recall one of the races tried to develop such things, but they vanished. No one knows why... maybe the Divines didn't like it. Or maybe they blew themselves up! I suppose it doesn't really matter... although, if mortals had machines and advanced tools they might not need to worship gods anymore. A scary thought," the Madgod whined. "It would put me out of a job and leave me with no loyal followers!"

Tapping the pointed cane on the ground, a familiar archway opened once again. "You did your part, and I got to learn some about your world. You may go now."

"That is it?"

"Or you can stay," the Daedra replied. "Makes no difference to me."

Looking at the portal, the Elf answered, "I should return home."

"Ah, the Black Mage. He sounds like quite the troublemaker. I have half a mind to travel to your world and have a word with him! But the other half of my mind would rather throw a party and I think I'll do that instead. Besides, if I leave the realm I become powerless. A pity, I think I would enjoy finding the Black Mage and using his eyes as decorative objects."

Before the Bowmaster could leave, Haskill handed her a bound stack of books. "My Lord thought you might like to have these. Various books about the Daedra, Mundus and other topics."

Taking it, Athena simply said, "thank you." stepping into the light, once more sent to a familiar forest, the town of Henesys greeted her in the distance. Making her way home, Athena met a frantic Chief Stan by the front door.

"Athena Pierce! Where have you been?"

"I was-" she paused. "I was camping. I needed some time to myself, that is all."

A heavy sigh told her of the chief's frustration. "You've been gone almost a day and your door was unlocked!"

"Oh? I thought I locked up..." It was a lie, of course. She had not expected to be taken to another realm, but she was home and there was no reason to alarm anyone.

Shaking his head, Chief Stan muttered, "at least you're back."

Home now. An old, familiar home. That place she'd been to was strange, but Athena Pierce was happy to be back in familiar surroundings. She may have even written it off as an odd dream, except for these books. Placing them on an empty shelf, they would remain there, her little secret of another place beyond Maple World. "Chief," she mused, seeing a somewhat familiar face to her recent host, spoke in a cheerful tone, "have you considered a beard? It might make you look as if you have more authority, and give you some extra confidence."

The present....

The Imperial City was once again under assault. A familiar scene played before the warrior, a scene she was certain she had lived through prior. The Daedric Lord towered above the chapel, crushing the brave soldiers of the Imperial Legions under foot as his armies challenged any opposition.

This could not, nor should it be. This had happened three years before yet nothing was changed.

Regardless, the warrior woman ignored any doubts and, as had been done before, she ran forth, drawing her powerful staff and blasting Mehrunes Dagon with what little force she could manage, with her limited daedric powers yet drawing upon Dagon's weakening of the boundaries between the realms. As the Daedric Prince froze in place, she cried out, "run!"

Passing the god, she could tell Martin Septin was close by, a fortunate outcome considering the bastard son of Septim could have been cut down in the chaos. Within the temple, the duo stood and caught their breaths.

Now was the time. Martin would ask how she obtained the Staff Of Sheogorath. She would explain. Martin would understand. He would bid his farewell, summon Akatosh and defeat Mehrunes Dagon, sealing Nirn from Oblivion yet ending the Septim bloodline.

Martin said nothing. "I... Martin! MARTIN!"

The sole hope of Tamriel slowly vanished away. "Martin! Where-" It was then she realized this was some sort of dream. Of course! How else could the past be replaying itself before her? Only sleep did not end, for the Champion Of Cyrodiil remained in the empty temple, alone, until a familiar face took shape.

"Do not be afraid..."

The woman turned towards the doorway. Standing clad in long blue robes, a face she had not seen in some time yet was burned into her mind. The face that had started her adventure.

"You have accomplished much."

"No, I did not," she responded with a voice that resonated regret.

Uriel Septim approached the woman he had met during his failed escape years before. "Do not mistake your victories for defeat. My son may not have become heir to my throne yet he and you saved Tamriel. It is perhaps not the ideal outcome and Tamriel will face its own hardships, but it will endure. You have also achieved what only my own ancestor once achieved, becoming a god."

"Really..." The Hero Of Kvatch crossed her arms. "I defeated Jyggalag and became Sheogorath. I thought I was saving a land but in the process I left another without a hero. Ocato wishes me to become Empress yet I can not. The people do not trust him to take the throne and there is no one else suitable. If I had ignored Sheogorath's wishes and done my duties-"

"You would likely be dead. You will find ways to serve Tamriel yet, you will gain great power as time goes on. Tamriel will recover. That is not why I am here. Another land is in great danger, a land beyond Tamriel or Oblivion. They need you."

The chance to do good seemed almost wishful, for she did not know if this shape before her in this hazy dream was the spirit of the Emperor himself or simply the mind's own concoction. "If I can serve you once again and redeem my failure, please... tell me!"

Uriel stepped forward and held out a hand as the image changed to that of the Shivering Isles far beneath their feet. "A land you have not heard of is troubled, those that wish to conquer it have alreday come. They are in your realm as we speak. They seek an alliance with Mehrunes Dagon. Soon their heroes will come but they know nothing of Oblivion or our ways. You must fight beside them."

She nodded. "If Dagon were to invade that land they would be at his mercy. I shall not allow that!"

"I knew you would choose the right path. Now, awaken, for the path you chose must be walked carefully, I have guided you all I can, the rest is up to you..."


"Well, damn!" Kitrina peered out to try and get an idea of what she was looking at. "Big glowing portal, scientists, and those robots are going through."

"Why the hell are the Black Wings even here?" Leafre was a long way from Edelstein. "And what IS that thing doing?"

"I dunno," the cat replied. "It can't be good. Figures, we go out training for one day and bump into this! Just our luck!"

Tapping at his PDA's screen, Diosoth said, "I'm contacting Kyrin. If I can figure out how to send a picture..."

His wife replied, "I'll send a note to Athena. We should take them out."

Examining the few robots remaining, he answered back, "that should be easy enough."

"And go through to get the rest!"

Thinking the cat had lost her mind, he asked her, "are you kidding me? We don't know where that thing goes!"

"So? It might go into Victoria Island! There might be people in trouble wherever that thing goes!"

Still not convinced, Dio commented, "and we might get stuck on the other side. We don't know if we can get back! Besides, if they were attacking anywhere here, wouldn't they have built it in their base? For all we know, this is the invasion and it goes right into the mines! We'd be in deep shit if we popped out in the middle of that place!"

Thinking everything over, she shot back, "I know! But I just..." Her pad beeped with the Elf's response. "She said to wait here."

"Kyrin's leaving port in ten minutes," he read off his own, "we'll deal with what's here and let her decide."

With a nod of understanding, the catgirl sprang from behind the boulder, slashing through a small number of the Black Wings patrol drones. Diosoth merely pointed and let fly the Hurricane, arrows pummeling the rest of the machines until every one was a pile of harmless scrap. The battle had been barely any hassle for either.

"Hey! Who are you?"

Kit grabbed the lab tech huddling in fear. "Where does that thing go?"

"It-" He could see the blade in the cat's hand. "Another dimension! Gelimer had a base built on the other side but it's been compromised! I sent another squadron through, they won't stand a chance! Those people are so weak!" Shoving him down in anger, Kitrina gathered a long bundle of wires from the junked robotic remains. "Hey, what are you-"

"The Pirates are coming," she explained, "you're gonna be here when they show up! And..." Taking hold of the tech's communicator, she threw it at the ground, shattering it beyond use. " talking to anyone!" Turning to her partner, she asked, now highly concerned, "you hear that? People on the other side are about to die!"

"Yeah... it might be twenty minutes before the Nautilus even gets here. Even if we found some other explorers nearby we'd spend that much time trying to get them to come with us... but he said they have a base so it must come back here. I guess this one's on us."

With a shrug, Kit only remarked, "hey, we knew better when we left the house! Come on, the longer we talk the more people might get killed!"

With that, the pair ran through the glowing blue light into the unknown.

Her newest visitor was a man never expected to set foot in the Shivering Isles, let alone be a part of her life once more. "Hail, Champion Of Cyrodiil! Or is it Lord Sheogorath now? Rather impressive, I must admit, to attain such a title."

"Rowley Eardwulf," she greeted. "I have not seen you in years."

The former Dark Brother replied, "yes. I have come here to stay, it seems the Dark Brotherhood has been trying to kill me. I have dealt with several of their assassins in the past month. They still wish me dead. But that is not why I have requested this meeting."

A feeling that good news was not to be delivered overwhelmed the madwoman. "Do go on."

"I was tasked by Ocato himself to deliver a message. He learned of your family ties to my old friend, Greywin, and I had to make myself known to him when the Legion inquired of the Crimson Scars. Yet I was offered reprieve from an Imperial prison to come here instead. Have you heard of a woman named Else God-Hater?"

"Yes, I believe so," the Champion answered.

"She disappeared suddenly from Skingrad before she could be investigated for murder," he explained. "In her home were signs that link her to the Mythic Dawn. Count Hasildor notified the Imperial Legion immediately. Furthermore she was seen entering the Isles. It is likely she is here to kill you."

The Champion simply scoffed at the idea. "Let her try. I have dealt with far worse, and she knows nothing of my ascension."

"It is not so simple," Rowley went on, "other missing individuals have been determined to have ties with the Mythic Dawn. They may be gathering here. Even if you have taken the title of Sheogorath from its previous holder, are you not still mortal? You restored Deepscorn Hollow to its former glory yet refused to accept Sithis and became a hero. Greywin may not have approved but I have come to realize that Sithis used him and myself. He abandoned us. He does not care for us. I shall too abandon him and serve you. I shall fight to protect you with my life if necessary, should you accept me into the Isles. I promise I have abandoned the ways of the Dark Brotherhood and will not commit any crimes. I ask for a chance to prove myself."

She considered the request carefully. "I shall grant this but I must keep an eye on you. You must prove yourself through actions, not words! I'm aware of how the Dark Brotherhood operates and what they would do if they could come here. We have already had several residents go missing in the past week that we are investigating. However your claims of Mythic Dawn involvement must also be considered and verified. I must be certain of your sincerity. I shall-"

A Golden saint rushing into the main throne room cut her speech short. "Lord Sheogorath! We are under attack! An unknown device has opened a portal in the root tunnels near Aichan! Unknown creatures are coming through and have attacked our forces who discovered the artifact! We are falling in battle!"

"So it begins..." she muttered quietly. "I shall go immediately!"

Katriana, her red-haired half-Ayleid lover, whined, "I guess that means I'm going, too! We'd better get our armor on, this doesn't sound like it will be easy!"

"No, nor does it sound related to the Dark Brotherhood nor the Mythic Dawn."

"I shall assist as well," Rowley declared. "Though I have no weapon."

With a smile, the woman said, "I have brought a few items through from Tamriel, I have been working on relocating my collection. I believe one of Greywin's old weapons, the Crimson Eviscerator, is in my possession. You shall be allowed that but nothing more."

"A fitting weapon," the former murdered replied.

"Haskill, alert the Dark Seducers to meet us there immediately!"

The loyal servant responded, "of course, Lord Sheogorath. But do be careful, you are not quite immortal yet, as powerful and has lucky as you are. Use your blessings wisely to return here if you are in any danger, for the Isles would be in trouble without its master. I feel I should accompany you, to be certain no harm befalls you."

No matter how highly the Golden Saints thought of themselves, their new foes were cutting them down one by one within the hollowed root tunnels. These creatures lacked any emotion, did not respond, only attacked, with bodies of metal that had no blood or bones within.

"Fall back!" their commander shouted as a burst of flames cut their numbers down further. "Has the messenger been sent to Lord Sheogorath?"

"Yes," one of her subordinated answered, " but it may be some time before she arrives! And we are too far from Dementia to request timely assistance from the Mazken!"

Dealing with the Greymarch had been one thing- the Knights Of Order were powerful warriors indeed, yet still fell in combat. Whatever these monsters were felt no pain and brushed off their weapons. Only lightning magic seemed to have any effect and it was minimal.

Preparing to order a tactical withdrawal, the Saint's commander saw two more forms appear through the mysterious vortex. The one with a long tail dashed through several of these intruders, ripping them into pieces while her blade hacked more into junk. The one in red fired arrows at a speed that should have been impossible, mowing down his foes with little effort. What had been a serious threat to the Aureals were a mere nuisance to these newcomers.

As the last of the unknown fiends was felled in battle, the newcomers gave a quick look to their new surroundings.

"Are we inside a big tree?" the feline asked.

"That or some wooden building like I've never seen before," the other replied.

Wary of the new arrivals yet thankful they had slain the intruders, the Golden Saint Commander approached slowly. "Thank you for your assistance. The battle was surely lost without your timely arrival."

"Yeah, we were told by the guy in the lab coat that they had sent the robots through to attack people here, we were going to wait for someone else but we didn't have time."

Puzzled at the strange word, she asked, "robots?"

The man answered, "yes, the... these!" pointing to one of the scrapped machines.

"I see... I am not familiar with such things, or this strange obelisk. Is this a portal to another world?"

The catgirl groaned, "oh, boy... yeah, some bad people on our side built this to come here. I don't know why. I'm Kitrina."

"I am Staada, commander of the Aureal troops patrolling this region. I do not believe I know your race. A form of Khajiit from a distant land?"

Unsure how to answer, Kit only replied, "I don't think so. I don't know what you are, either. That's Dio, he's my husband."

"Diosoth, actually," he clarified.

"I see... I was not expecting a male to be so proficient in battle."

Clearly upset at the sentiment, the cat shouted, "hey! That's kinda sexist, isn't it? He probably saved your butt!"

Taken aback, yet realizing that arguing with warriors that could slay foes that were too powerful for them to handle, the Saint only replied, "please, I apologize. I am not yet adept at dealing with mortals, nor with men. Aureal males are weak and few... you appear to have our eyes!" She noticed the bow user's yellow eyes, an odd trait for humans. "I also do not know what race you hail from."

"You mean... you're mostly women? And you don't recognize technology, either..." Kit knew she was in deep into something bad.

"Lord Sheogorath will be here soon. He is the ruler of the Shivering Isles."

"Shivering?" Kit shot back. "I don't feel cold!"

Dio responded, "good. We have some reinforcements on the way too, how about we wait for them and we can try to fill in some of the details."

"Yeah... and where's the nearest toilets?" Kitrina inquired. "You DO have toilets, right?"

"I... I am uncertain. What is a toilet?"


She whispered back, "yeah, I don't think these people have technology. Hey, gold girl, you seen one of these before?" flashing her PDA.

Looking at the device with curiosity, Issmi answered, "no, I have never seen such an object before."

"Thought so- hey, I'm getting a network signal!"

Stunned, the Bowmaster asked, "how? We're not even in our own dimension! Maybe the portal?"

"I don't care how, I'm calling Kyrin and letting her know what's going on here..."

No doubt the absence of the Nautilus from port would arouse worry and suspicion but Captain Kyrin had no time to send out messages to the entire island. It had been fortunate that Athena Pierce had arrived at the harbor only a minute before departure.

"I can't figure out why they would build a gateway in Leafre, of all places..."

The Elf crossed her arms in anger. "Perhaps it is a test to see if such gates can be used across our world. They would likely use them to attack every city and town at once if that were the case."

"Yeah, I just hope those two are-" Kyrin's PDA flashed a new message. "DAMN! They went through that thing. Kitrina said the signal works over there though and they can get home but she's waiting for us. And... to bring portable toilets. And toilet paper. Lots of toilet paper. Oh, damn, it's going to be one of those days... at least we have a few on board!"

Kyrin had her full crew along with a few random explorers that had been nearby when she called for the anchor to be raised. "I sent word to anyone I could to show up there but it could be hours before we have any reinforcements, so what we have will have to do. Says she's in another dimension? That... a place called the Shivering Isles? Never heard of that!"

The name was all too familiar to the Elven archer. Trying to hide the look of shock that stretched over her face, Athena turned to look though the ship's windows. "It appears we shall arrive near Leafre soon..."

"Yeah, about five minutes..." The Captain, who had been raised by the woman, could easily tell when her adoptive mother was not acting right. "What is it?"

"I-" Athena Pierce realized that hiding her secret now was pointless. "I should have burned those books years ago. This may be my fault."

"Books?" Kyrin pieced things together quickly. "Those weren't just diaries, were they? They DID take them!"

With a slow sigh, Athena Pierce replied, "It was twenty years ago..."

Her weapon raised as something came through the glowing rift, Issmi eased off upon the sight of a human woman and an Elf. "Are those the ones you were expecting?"

"Yeah. Hey, glad you got here!" the cat shouted.

"I see you met the locals." Kyrin was surprised somewhat by the solid gold skin of the troops gathered nearby, but being another realm, she had not found it too out of place. "I didn't know caves were made of wood here!"

"This is a root tunnel," Athena Pierce explained. "Hollowed roots of trees that run underground."

Giving the Pirate a look, Kit asked, "toilets?"

"They're being unloaded now. We should establish a base here, but assume the Black Wings have another portal someplace else. I don't think they hauled everything to Leafre without being noticed."

"Indeed," the Elf agreed, "they would have built their first portal in their base. I do not know why a second would be established so far away but it can not be good." Approaching the Saint, she stated, "please, I need to seek an immediate audience with Sheogorath."

"You know of our Lord?" Issmi asked. "How could that be?"

Diosoth also found it odd. "We just heard of the guy fifteen minutes ago!"

"About that..." Kyrin mumbled. "It's a bit of a long story but she was here before."

"This may be all my fault!" the Elf said apologetically.

Kit laughed. "You didn't make them come here! But how did... we'll figure it out later."

Stepping down from the device, allowing the Nautilus crew to bring in supplies, Kyrin remarked, "lots of scrap metal. No Watchmen or anything? We got the guy you tied up but he probably doesn't know much."

"Just the tin cans," the catgirl said with a whine. "They have to be here somewhere, I guess."

"Please, I need to see Sheogorath immediately!" Athena Pierce again insisted.

Issmi replied, "yes, of course. Lord Sheogorath will be here shortly."

As if on cue, several individuals entered the chamber, two women, one man and three more of the Golden Saints. The lead woman, blonde in gold-trimmed white armor, approached first, looking over the fallen machines. "I see the battle has been won. I assume you fought beside the Golden Saints?"

Issmi stuttered, "they..."

"Yes, we did, and it was a good thing we showed up when we did," Diosoth answered, sparing the locals any embarrassment. "Your own put up a good fight but there were too many."

Stepping forth, the Elven Bowmaster said, "please, is Sheogorath coming? I must discuss this with him! It concerns our meeting from the past."

The blonde and redhead, wide-eyed, looked at each other. "This is interesting," the redhead remarked.

"Indeed... um, this might be a bit complicated, you see-"

Before the woman could elaborate, a call of "Athena Pierce? Is that you?" came from behind as Haskill led a small platoon of Mazken into the chamber.

"I can not believe it, but it must be!" one of the purple-skinned women exclaimed upon seeing the Elf. "Do you remember me? Autkendo Jansa, I accompanied you on the hunt for the traitor. You did the Mazken a great service that day! You do not appear to have aged!"

"Indeed, neither have you. Nor you, Haskill. But I did suspect you were not human. Now, I must speak to Sheogorath, dangerous forces working for the Black Mage found the books he gave me and used them to come here."

The blonde gave Haskill a confused stare. "What is going on?"

"Ah... some decades prior, your predecessor opened a gateway to another realm... this woman was the hero who traveled through that gateway." Haskill recalled every detail in full and carefully explained as much as he could.

The woman said, "I see... I am Sheogorath now. The man you knew is no longer here nor will he return. I have taken his place. It would take too long to go into the details, for now I need to know what is happening and who has invaded my realm."

Kit answered her, "some group working for the Black Mage is here. I wish I knew why. Oh, I'm Kitrina, by the way!"

The two women looked at each other. "Really? Interesting name... I'm sure we can introduce ourselves later, we need to establish a plan of attack before my realm is invaded..."

Leaning in, the red-haired woman remarked, "she has your name! Should we tell her?"

"It is unimportant and likely a coincidence. I will simply use the title I have used."

Before further words could be exchanged, two Dark Seducers led in a man in black. "We found this one spying on you nearby!"

"You pathetic people!" the Watchman shouted. "You don't know how helpless you are! Once the Black Wings make contact with the one we week, Maple World will be destroyed, and your world will be conquered as well! If you think I will talk further, you will be wasting your time. You can not force me to talk!"

Rushing forward with a careful swing of her dagger, the cat grabbed a piece of paper from within his coat. "What's this?" Unfolding it she read off, "hmm... three portals, one in the mines, second one in Leafre, third somewhere else in here to... uh... something about a thing named Dagon... invasion portal, whatever this thing is they want it to attack Leafre to get to the Black Mage! That's not good!"

"You pathetic... I will offer no further information!" With that their captive engaged some arcane magic, ending his own life.

"Poor fool," Sheogorath remarked, laughing. "He will wish he had not done that, will he, Katriana?"

Biting her lip, Kat muttered cheerfully, "I don't know, maybe he'll actually like the hill of suicides!"

"If what you read is true," the Champion commented, "then whatever has come here did not wish to see Sheogorath but is trying to make contact with another Daedric Prince, a very dangerous one named Mehrunes Dagon. He once attempted to destroy Tamriel, and he is none too happy with me for stopping him!" Turning to Haskill, she ordered, "send as many as can be sent to the Fringe. Inform the Gatekeeper. NONE of these bastards are to set foot in Cyrodiil! Ocato has enough to deal with, he does not need an invasion by superior forces! Send others to check on Kathutet, if they find out one of Dagon's former soldiers is here they may try to capture him for information!"

"I fear," Rowley said, "that these strangers may be responsible for the disappearances you mentioned."

She felt the same. "Indeed. They have likely been seeking information. I can only hope no one has been killed. As for the Mythic Dawn, if they are here..."

"And they have been contacted by these strangers, then..." Rowley felt ill. "It is a possibility to consider. I may also be paranoid yet I do feel eyes are upon is somehow."

Turning to the strangers, Sheogorath asked, "well then, care to tell me more? I should also bless every one of you so you do not go insane here."

A lone camera watched the second gateway. The dark-armored man did not consider this to be of any importance. "They found the gate, big deal. They can't destroy it or they don't get home. Once Mehrunes Dagon has come here he will go through as planned. Those heroes will hardly be a threat."

"Hey," the cat commented, "that one looks like me! And that guy has a ponytail like you!"

"Yes," the Dark Bosshunter muttered. "Just our doubles from Maple World. I do not care. Else!"

On command, the woman approached. "We are ready to assist when the gateway you're building is complete! Lord Dagon shall relish the chance to conquer a land after his defeat! And I want that woman's head!"

"The gateway will be finished within one hour," he answered. "They are running final tests now."

"Why do they not open it now?"

He scoffed. "You are a simple people who know nothing of technology. They need to make sure the device works. I have read about the other god sof your land. Some would no doubt destroy us if we entered their lands. Some may be friends with the woman who has taken Sheogorath's place and Molag Bal is possibly too dangerous to make a pact with. It is wise to make sure the machine works rather than risk meeting one of them, or worse, ending up inside of a mountain."

"Stop talking and go out and guard those gates!" a voice shouted. It was one of the Watchmen. "Gelimer has me reporting to him on our progress and I don't want to tell him you fucked things up!"

"You may be important to Gelimer," the Dark hunter exclaimed, "yet not to me. Do your duties and I do mine. I answer to the leader, not to the scientist! Jason, you are nothing but a lackey. I was requested by the Wing Master. If YOU fail I will kill you!"

Ignoring them and leaving, the Watchman's duties were none of his concern. "I should report this to Orchid herself..."

"But why should she know?" Else remarked. "She will soon be a sacrifice to Dagon!"

"Yes, as will many of them," the Bosshuter mused. Looking at his partner, thinking of how soon she would be out of his life, he said, "we should go meet these people."

"Yeah, sure... but they look dangerous!"

Smugly, he asked, "are you afraid? Or do you not want blood on your hands? You have sometimes had a bit of a hesitation in you."

"HEY... don't be mean! I can fight them!"

"Fine. Ah, General Orchid! There you are!"

Floating in, the girl asked, "is the portal done?"

"Almost, it needs final tests."

She said, "good. Call me when it's ready. I wish to meet this Dagon as soon as possible, and tell those lab geeks if they mess this up I'll have them all burned alive! I'm going to go interrogate those primitive people we've captured, they may yet talk even if they have resisted so far. Pity most of them are insane. But we have just brought in a new one that may have valuable information, and we've also located that one who defected from Dagon's services!"

"Good," Else screamed. "When you are done, he will make a perfect present to Mehrunes Dagon. That traitor betrayed his master like a coward, he will regret it!"

"Very well," Orchid said, leaving them alone.

"Don't say it!"

Else asked, "what?"

"I am not betraying her. I was never loyal to her or her master. To be created as a mere plaything, to be dragged from my home to be used as a tool... they deserve whatever fate awaits Maple World."

"Pathetic name your planet has," the Mythic Dawn agent commented.

He shot back, "yes, Nirn! So much better! It sounds like half a word or a sound a sick person might make! It is time to go meet these interlopers head on, not that they will make it past the security gates but I prefer their blood on my hands now!"

Working a small farm would beneath a Dremora if not for the fact that betraying his master would also have been seen as beneath his kind. Kathutet had made his choice to help the Champion kill Mankar Camoran and was forced to beg for sanctuary rather than pay for what he had done. His reasons were unknown even to him, he had no love of mortals nor any desire to save them from Mehrunes Dagon, yet he had betrayed those wishes regardless. Had it been because the invasion plan seemed dishonorable? Because his master put faith into a moral wizard and used his own as little more than slave labor?

The Dremora expected to receive no answers, only protection. Working on his planting, to grow food for the residents of the Isles, he paused upon noticing several strangers approaching. One man, two beasts that resembled a cross between men and rabbits, and what seemed to be two men in unusual metal armor.

"You know of Mehrunes Dagon, correct?"

"That is none of your concern, mortal!" he growled in response. "You are unknown to me. Begone."

The stranger replied, "you are coming with me to see my boss, or I shall drag you with me. We are interested in meeting Mehrunes Dagon and require information... and you, to trade for a deal!"

In her travels and battles, the Champion Of Cyrodiil never imagined anywhere that the situation could be so bad that children would become warriors on the battlefield. That was what she had seen with her own eyes, however, when the Pirates came. She was certain that some of them were barely old enough to understand what they had gotten involved with and now she relied on many of them to explore the myriad number of tunnels. No one had any real idea of how far the root tunnels ran, if they were even separated or connected, but they had to go by the assumption that the Black Wings had maintained their operations nearby.

"There are certain groups," the Madgod said, "that could have taken our missing people, some known to me, yet I have a bad feeling..."

"Yeah," the cat replied, "they take their own citizens too. They just grab them at random for experiments or whatever. I hope you can find them, I hope they weren't taken back home."

Diosoth added hesitantly, "we don't know anything about the people here, what kind of magic you use or what, and I don't like the Black Wings knowing that. They'd probably dissect people to find out. My little brother is in a resistance group to fight them. He's seen people his age suffer, he even saved one who was in their labs being tormented."

"Another child, I presume?" the Champion inquired, suspecting she knew the answer.

"He's about thirteen," Kit said.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Katriana shouted, almost too loud. "How can they torment children? I think even the Dark Brotherhood would draw the line at that!"

Rowley replied, "knowing how the Night Mother lost her children, and having been a part of them myself once, I can say for certain that they very rarely cross that line. Only if the child is so evil that they must be dealt with."

Edging closer to the woman, Diosoth asked her, "can we trust him?"

"For now," she answered. "I'm keeping my own eye on him. I doubt he's much of a threat to you, however..."

"Yeah, I could probably take him out with one shot. He's barely the skill of a beginner where I come from."

The former Crimson Scar was tired of how these tunnels all looked identical. "We've been walking for almost fifteen minutes, and still no sign. We should turn and try a different path!"

"They could be anywhere," Dio groaned, "and we have no way to track them." Suddenly his PDA beeped a new message. "Huh? That's still working? Hey, it's my brother... says he's going into the Black Wings base for recon."

Kit's eyes lit up at the news. "Tell him what we're doing! Maybe he can find their portal on the other side! But if it's getting a message this far in," she mused, "they've gotta have some sort of antenna or something. The things should be dead. We are in another dimension!"

"So, and forgive me for not understanding how these objects work," the Madgod said, "does that mean we are on the right path?"

"I can't be sure," Diosoth answered her. " I don't know how strong the signal is or how thick these walls are but they have relays in a lot of caves and such to keep connected. Those are probably being used here, but I can't actually get a map of the signal. These things don't have that feature. They're a bit crap."

Rowley remarked, "such tools would be useful for everyone, but we have never dreamed of such magic. Yet you claim they are not so great. Perhaps one man's wonder is another man's mundane."

Within the Resistance Base buried just underneath the town of Edelstein, a private battle was coming it its own hasty end.

"No, just... NO! You want to help, stay here and play with Vita or something!"

Lutia was tired of being treated like a child, even though she was one. She felt she had become strong enough to go into the Verne Mines and assist in scouting missions. Greased Babe, however, was not about to let someone only twelve years old go with her. It was bad enough she cold not keep someone only thirteen out of trouble, yet Claudine had tasked Dyos with accompanying her and the kid was stubborn. She realized that keeping him away was impossible, but she was not going to endanger two children. "I even see you near the mines," she said with an angry grunt, "and I'll chain you to one of the beds here!"

"Fine... but someday I'll be fighting and you won't be able to play mommy to me then!" the girl shouted.

She replied, "and what's your real mommy gonna do when you end up dead?" This question seemed to quiet Lutia quickly.

"Hey! Dio messaged be, something big!" The boy raced towards her, waving his pad. "The Black Wings are really trying something this time! Here, read!"

G-Babe took the PDA and scanned the message. "Son of a-" She wisely held her tongue in front of the children. "Okay, new plan, we find this portal and keep an eye on it. Maybe with any luck we can finally get a picture of their leader! I've been trying for months now and not a shadow. All I got was that little puppet master brat who turned all the monsters evil." Ready now to leave, she added, "don't tell Claudine, Not yet. I don't need her jumping the gun and sending half the Resistance in there!"

In the time they spent searching the winding tunnels, unsure if they had looped back on their path or not, the Maple World adventurers had heard the tale of the Oblivion crisis, the Greymarch and other stories of the woman's life. They realized their own lives had seen little to compare, and Diosoth was certain his own brother had more in common with the warrior.

"One positive is that the Black Wings seem unaware of the fact that a Daedric Prince's power is tied to their realm. It's unlikely that Mehrunes Dagon would present your world a real threat, which is fortunate as your weapons may not even scratch him."

"Hey, why are you all called princes?" Kit inquired. "You're a woman! And they call you a lord, isn't that for guys?"

The Madgod answered her, "it's complicated. Daedra technically have no gender, the gods take whatever form they wish. I will gain such a power someday. As for my title, it seems to have stuck from the previous Sheogorath out of familiarity and I suppose I prefer it. 'Lady' just lacks something to me and I'm hardly a lady."

"Hey! Wires!" Diosoth pointed to a cable running through the wooden walls.

"Interesting," Rowley remarked. "That does not belong here!"

"I'm just glad this place is lit up," the Bowmaster commented. "I expected it to be dark in here."

The killer replied, "yes, most caves of Tamriel are quite dark and require torches."

Falling back slightly, the cat asked her, "so, you and Katriana... how long have you been together?"

"What?" The question caught the Champion off guard. "You can tell?"

"You two stick together too much to be friends or sisters."

"Not quite three years. You, however, certainly give off the feeling of being married!" She remarked with a smile.

The cat responded, "not even a year yet but we've been together a bit longer. We go out training together but usually stay home. Things are bad enough we have to train or we'd be home all the time."

Jumping back, Dio screamed out, "hey!" as arrows pelted the ground. "We got company!" The bowman was stunned by the sight of what looked like himself in a dark version of his old armor. "Who the hell are YOU?"

Without answering, the stranger kept firing, volleys of three arrows at a time from the large red bow.

Her sword drawn, Sheogorath rushed the man and began to swing. "You don't belong in my realm!"

"I don't care!" the stranger shouted back. "I am going to kill all of you!"

Sensing the evil within this foe, she screamed, "you are unnatural! Whatever you are is not human!" Her sword slashed down, blocked by the large feathered bow.

"Very observant!" His fists pummeled the Madgod but barely dented the bright white armor she wore.

Ready to offer her assistance, Kit realized that another unexpected guest was watching her. What looked like her, only with pale skin, black fur and a purple bikini, a twisted copy of herself, grinned slightly. "Hey... come on, just go. I don't want to fight you, just go. He'll kill you!"

"Kiss my ass!" Whatever the clone was had old gear, yet was still good enough to deflect her Cursayer. Blades locked, the two felines struggled, neither gaining an advantage as their shields blocked furious slashes.

Aiming his weapon to assist his troubled wife against whatever the hell she was in combat against, Diosoth heard a shout of "dawn is breaking!" as three armored foes ran at him with clubs.

"The Mythic Dawn!" Rowley shouted, drawing his own blade.

Her own sword prepared for battle, Katriana caught one of them off guard, slashing at the magical armor that encased her foe yet only making superficial marks in the mystical steel. Focused on her target, the red-haired half-Ayleid was unaware of another prepared to stab her in the throat. Rushing forth, the Crimson Scar took the blade in his shoulder, stabbing his own into the neck of Dagon's servant.

His bow trained on the final Mythic Dawn servant, Diosoth screamed out, "don't make me do it!"

"Die, unbeliever!"

Letting fly the Hurricane, the arrows left only mere scraps of what had been a man, their raw power beyond what any mortal of Tamriel could unleash.

The Dark Bosshunter struggled with the Champion, slowly becoming exhausted and unable to even use his weapon as he was pummeled by sword blows that left scratches in the tainted armor. "LEAVE! We have more important things to do! Orchid is close to opening the gate, I will not lose now!" and turned tail.

Breaking her struggle with Kitrina, the mysterious cat, shaking and nervous, chose to abandon the fight. Before the heroes could give chase, three large metal shudder slammed down in the small tunnel they had passed through.

Kit, gasping for air, wanted to scream. "What WAS that?"

Sheogorath noticed Rowley's blood seeping to the ground. "He took a dagger meant for me!" Kat explained.

"I'm alright..."

"Like hell you are!" the Champion commented, looking over the wound. Touching her hands to the man, several times, the glowing light that ran through him gently sealed the cut. "There, that should do it. You would have bled to death if I hadn't been so skilled with magic!"

Checking the steel door, Dio whined, "we'll never get this open!"

"Wanna call Kyrin? Maybe she's got something to blow it up! I don't think meso explosion will work..." his wife suggested.

"No, she needs to stay and guard that portal in case they show up there, and it would take her forever to get to us! I want to know who those two were!"

"Not natural creations," the Champion said. "But not daedric. I could sense how evil he was but I suspect it is from your world."

Kit grumbled, "but why us? And that guy had your old armor."

"We can worry about that later, we have to-" Pausing as his eyes noticed the large cable leading to a small room nearby, he peeked his head in to see a Watchman huddling in the corner. "YOU!"

Screaming in terror, the Black Wings servant realized he couldn't even run. "I just work here, don't kill me!"

Slowly stepping forward and picking up the cowering man by his collar, the Hero said bluntly, "tell us how to get through those gates or I will send you to Herdir for torture!"

"Herdir?" the man asked, confused. "I mean... just press the big button!"

Slapping down on the unfamiliar device, she could hear a gateway opening. "That opened the first one!" the Bowmaster explained, "but the others look like they're still closed!"

"Now tell me how to open the rest or you die!"

So terrified he was ready to pass out, the Watchman said with a whine, "the other gates have separate rooms nearby. They call us to open them. I guess they can also close them by remote! I don't know where the other rooms are, this place is so confusing! All I know is the big portal machine is through there and so is my boss! Please don't kill me!"

Releasing the coward, she ordered, "Kat. Keep an eye on him. You and Rowley keep watch here. As for us..." Looking at two branching tunnels, heading off into unexplored areas of the roots, she said, "we need to find those places and fast. Dagon may be unlikely to harm your world but if he can tear down the barriers between worlds, he may yet pose a threat, and he does know how to do such things."

Heading to the small farm on foot had been too slow, for all the Mazken knew, Kathutet was long gone. Issmi refrained from the long- embedded prejudice of the Dark Seducers, a habit the current Sheogorath discouraged and one that would only complicate matters, and shouted, "there!"

They had not expected to see what they did. The bodies of the Black Wings agents lay dead as did one of the machines. The Dremora had broken his tools in the fight yet still had enough magicka to send bolts of energy into the robots that attacked him. However the final one was looming over and he was visibly exhausted.

"Let me," Shulynch shouted, aiming her pistol and firing at the mechanical enforcer, ripping its body into pieces.

Content that the fight was over, the Aureal commander asked, "are you alright Lord Sheogorath sent us to assist."

"These mortals were of no concern to me. The metal men were a challenge but lightning hurt them and I found they have weaknesses." Issmi noticed the broken hoe lodged into the joint openings along the machine's neck. "You are no longer required. Allow me to tend my garden."

Unfazed by the red-skinned demonic man before her, or his attitude, the Pirate gunsmith said, "we should stay for now. They might send someone else if they realize he's not been captured."

"I do not need assistance from lesser daedra or a mortal! I am still a warrior!"

Issmi replied, how dare you talk to-"

Shulynch placed a hand over her mouth. "YOU are getting our help if you want it or not. Or do you want to take on ten more of those things? You don't know what's even going on... now take care of your farm, warrior, before you piss me off..."

Kitrina hated these tunnels. The map on her PDA was useless, naturally, but the walls all looked the same and these old tree roots twisted everywhere. Running blindly looking for the security room, on her own, was not only a gamble but had been more danger than she had expected. It was perhaps bad enough the local beasts attacked on sight, even if she had no issues dealing with the ravenous lizards, but Black Wings robots had been more of a challenge to deal with. She wondered if all of the things would ever be hunted down, or if she might get lost herself.

A giant metal wall, out of place in the root tunnels, was the sign she was after. And just her luck, the doorway was also open. 'Huh, guards must be out for a pee break,' she thought to herself, seeing the security room completely empty. Pressing the button to open the gateway shudder, the cat was started to see an unwelcome face outside of the small room. "YOU! Figures you'd join them, you were a selfish piece of shit!"

Jason Ember cocked his head. "Kitrina. I'm so glad I caught you!" Drawing a blade, he shouted, "you heroes cheated me and I bet it was you who got my girls all in the same place. You really hurt me."

"You used me, asshole!" the catgirl screamed, beginning to tremble. "I should have just stabbed you to death, you got lucky!"

Smugly, he replied, "yes, yes, but you didn't and now that I'm part of something greater I get my revenge. Gelimer said he'll reward me and I know what I want." He could see his ex shaking in fear, holding back her rage. "Go ahead. I can take you in a fight, you stupid bitch! That's okay, I won't kill you..." With a nasty grin, he went on, "I'm going to keep you as my slave. I'm going to rape you whenever I feel like it."

"You still won't get me off," she screamed in anger. "You didn't the last time you talked me into putting out!"

"I don't give a shit! I hope you hate every minute of it and I'll give you as many minutes as I can! I know you came here with someone else, your husband? I don't know if I'll kill him, or just lock him up and make him watch! I will kill Dances With Balrog, and maybe that Pirate bitch, and Gelimer said after we-"

Kit was stunned by the bright flash and the scream, Jason's body glowing hot as his chest was punctured by an arrow. Dropping to the ground, smoldering, his charred flesh leaving nothing recognizable, he whimpered, barely able to feel pain as his nerves were destroyed by whatever foul magic had disfigured the once smug Watchman.

Standing behind him, bow still held up, was a woman in bright white armor. "GO! NOW!"

The shock had left her momentarily unable to think clearly. "I-"

"I said now!" Sheogorath ordered. "Get to that device and destroy it before your realm is attacked by Dagon!"

Fleeing the scene, driven by duty and fear, Kitrina left the Champion to tend to the charred, barely-living body. "What a pathetic man. Threatening a hero and with such a tone!"

Examining the arrow's point protruding from his chest, he mumbled, "I can't move my legs..."

"Of course not! I probably severed your spine! You were also burned, electrocuted and frozen by the arrow's enchantment. I'm surprised you survived but you Maple people do seem to be unnaturally strong. Yet you came to my realm and threatened someone I respect, and you threatened your own world out of perry personal revenge. You brought this upon yourself."

Checking his PDA, Jason saw his health meter was dangerously low and dropping, if the link to his life signs were even remotely accurate. Blood oozed from the arrow's exit wound and even if he did live, the physical injuries would never heal.

Sheogorath looked down at him. "How pathetic. You seem to hate women and threaten them, but you were no more a challenge than some random bandit, vampire or necromancer. You boasted as if you were some great warrior but in the end you lie in our own blood. I've faced great threats and you are not in their league. You will be forgotten, not even your own home realm will remember you, and in MY realm..." His body glowed a purple haze as an unknown magic was cast upon him. "... you will be more useful in death than in life!"

Holding the star of Azura, the Champion plunged her blade into the traitor's skull, catching what remained of his soul for later use.

Shaking off the experience, setting it aside to deal with later, Kit's PDA flashed a message form her husband indicating he'd found the final security room. Turning back, hoping to hell she could remember the way to the gates, the cat ran for her life and the lives of Maple World. As much as she wished she had stayed home today, Kitrina also had to deal with knowing that if they had not found the gateway, that her world may be about to end.

For all she knew it still may.

Standing atop the precipice within the root caves, the portal machine nearby, the dark hunter listened to the winds coming from below. The anticipation was eating away at him. "How much longer?"

"Three minutes," the tab tech responded.

"Do it now!"

The scientist shouted back, "If I do it now it might open to the wrong place! The calibration must finish first!"

The Dark Bosshunter thought of killing the man but held back. His impatience did not change things. Else God-Hater spoke, "I'm the only one left and they still have not come back with the traitor. You'd better let me do the talking. Lord Dagon will enjoy tearing that hero apart. I've wanted to for years. I should have killed her when I first met her but I had a cover to maintain. That bitch never should have won, she-"

The arrow slammed into Else's skull, silencing her forever. Turning to face whatever intruder had killed his ally, the Hunter was stunned to see Kitrina leaping for the tech, knocking him back. Giving the console a quick glance, the cat jabbed her blade down into the controls, rendering them inoperable. "There, that should keep it from turning on!"

"No..." He could not believe it. "Kitrina! Why..." The feline continued to stare at her counterpart.

"She's good..."

"You saw her and did nothing?"

The cat turned. "I didn't know I was supposed to... she looks like me!"

Furious, the bowman gave his lover a hard shove, sending her over the ledge. Stepping forward, he could see the cat holding onto a small branch sticking out of the wooden surface. "Baby... please, I didn't mean it..."

"Drop! You worthless burden! I no longer need you!" Spinning to face his attackers, the Hunter began firing wildly at anything that moved. "I will be damned if I lose! I will kill all of you!"

Taking cover behind a crate, Diosoth tried to look upon his double. "He's got third job skills but he's also probably got soul arrow!"

"And what's that?" The Madgod asked, keeping cover herself.

"Infinite arrows!"

Grumbling in disgust, the Champion replied, "just great. I saw you shoot that Mythic Dawn assassin, your arrows are much more powerful than I expected. If he shoots me it could be quite bad."

"Kit! Stay back! He's insane!" Dio shouted, pleading with his wife to remain below.

She could see her clone hanging on for dear life. "Shit... I have got to help her!" Ignoring any sense of self preservation, the Thief engaged Dark Sight, hoping to avoid detection as she jumped up onto the platform above.

Firing blindly, keeping them pinned down, the Bosshunter began to ramble, "the Black Mage's men created us as tools! I am no one's tool! He wanted an alliance but I will betray him! I will find another way to meet Mehrunes Dagon and give the Black Mage to him! I will have revenge for how he used me!"

Weighing her options, the Champion Of Cyrodiil remembered she was carrying a very important artifact, so important it remained with her at all times. "Can you distract him?"

"Yeah... I think so! Hurricane's faster but I don't know how strong he is, if he hits me it could be just as bad! Wait..." Concentrating, Diosoth summoned the phoenix, a bird of fire that hovered above and attacked the villain. "It won't last long!"

"Pathetic!" he screamed, firing at both the crates and the bird. "I won't fail now! I can not fail now!"

Unaware of the struggle nearby, he paid no heed to Kitrina turning visible. reaching over the edge, she shouted out, "take my hand!"

Struggling to keep hold of the vine, the cat whined, "I can't! I'm about to fall!"

Sheogorath drew the blade slowly, taking a deep breath. "If I die, Kat's going to be quite upset with me... well, I've faced worse and survived!" ready to strike, she screamed, "if you wish to encounter Mehrunes Dagon so bad, I shall send you to him!" Lunging forth, swinging quickly before he could take aim, the blade merely scratched the crazed man's chin as he screamed a final gasp, falling dead, his threat no more.

Confused now by what he'd seen, Dio asked her, "what just happened? How'd you even do that?"

"Mehrunes Razor kills anyone it harms," she shot back. "Their soul is sent to him to be absorbed and tormented. Don't touch him, he's pure evil and may corrupt you."

Grabbing the cat tight, Kit pulled up and screamed as she struggled to rescue her double. Finally falling back, holding onto the mysterious copy, the cat sighed. "There! You're safe!"

"I... I thought he loved me but he tried to kill me!" she muttered. "I've been so afraid of him... I never wanted to do this but he did and he would do to me what he did to the rest! He's dead? Oh... the Black Wings are going to open a portal to meet someone named Dagon..."

Approaching the two, the Madgod stated, "she's going insane from being here. She may have already been, and that man certainly was. Stay here and clean up this mess. I need to find the one responsible for this and end it."

Her prisoner has refused to say a word, and since the man was not human, nor anything she had encountered before, General Orchid was forced to try other means. Leading her rabbit soldiers in with three prisoners, she said, "if you wish me to execute these and any others I have captured, then remain silent."

With an annoyed sigh of contempt, the man spoke, "very well. It will not help you but I suppose I shall entertain you. I am Dyus. I served Jyggalag many years ago. I know many things. I predicted with careful accuracy every event that would occur in Mundus AND Oblivion and those predictions always came true..."

Orchid smiled. "Yes, tell me what is to come!"

"...until Sheogorath's champion came."

She was so stunned that her feet landed on the wooden floor. "WHAT?"

With a grunt, he continued, "she was to fail in her endeavors to remake the staff of Sheogorath. She succeeded. For the first time in thousands of years, my predictions were shattered. None of them were any good. Slowly but surely everything changes and soon any prediction I have made will be so invalid there will be no need to repeat them."

"You lying..." In anger she struck the being, an act which illicited no reaction, for Dyus could not die nor feel any pain. "Tell me what will become of me!"

"Oh, I know what you wish to know. I foresaw your coming here. I foresaw Sheogorath himself ripping you and your men apart, tearing your metal men into shreds of scrap, and tossing your remains back through as a warning to your master. But that will no longer happen. In fact, you may even have a chance of killing the Champion..."

Sounds of screaming and robots torn asunder filled the next chamber.

"...but I would doubt it!"

Orchid was horrified to see an arrow strike her guard down, a single blow that killed her beloved pet rabbit guard. The next was felled just as easily. Taking to the air, the Wing Commander deflected the attack meant to kill her. "So, you are the master of this place!"

"And you're the one who invaded my realm to destroy yours! I'm sorry to tell you this but your portal will never open. Your enforcer is dead, although he turned on you. He was going to sacrifice you to Lord Dagon! Did you really believe that you had a chance of making a pact with the Daedric Prince of destruction? He would have destroyed you!"

"I had much to offer him!"

She shot back, "you have nothing! Now I am going to kill you!" Holstering her bow, the Madgod rushed her adversary, dodging a powerful burst of energy from the cane she carried, and drove her fist into the General's stomach. Knocked back by the blow, searing pain filling her gut, General Orchid could not maintain flight as Sheogorath continued the painful blows, one by one, until she lay on the ground, bleeding and whimpering.

"STOP! I just wanted to save my brother! You took that from me! I wanted a god to save him!"

Holding back the assault, the Champion kneeled down. "Mehrunes Dagon would have killed everyone in your world. You are just a stupid little girl, serving a master that uses you. The Black Mage you serve, does he care about you? I think not! You are a tool of his whims, to be used and thrown away. I will not kill you, but you will return to your realm and inform your master that if you, he or anyone on his behalf ever sets foot into Oblivion again, I will personally wage a war against the Black Mage that will make him wish he had never sent anyone here in the first place! Now LEAVE before I change my mind!"

Turning, the Madgod told her citizens, "leave now! I have freed the others. Dyus, you may return to wherever you wish, I no longer have use of you."

Watching them depart, general Orchid pulled herself up, holding back the tears. Body aching as she ran for her gateway home, she pointed ot the two rabbits guarding the controls. "Once I am through you are to shut it down! This mission is a failure!"

Handing her a purple exlixir, the rabbit asked, "what about our men?"

"They can stay here and fend for themselves for all I care! We are to leave and never return!"

Greased Babe was about to fall asleep. Standing around in a stolen lab coat, pretending to pay attention to Gelimer's random orders yet unable to just kill the man was driving her crazy. Waiting for anything to come through the gate was an exercise in patience that she was ready to give up on.

"Hey, look at that!" Dyos said, pointing to the three figures stepping through.

"That her?" Grabbing her PDA, careful to be discreet, she snapped several photos of the mystery woman. "listen..."

"Gelimer! Destroy this thing! The mission has been a failure!"

Disappointed by the news, the old scientist whined, "but we still have several men over there and-"

"Do you want that hero to come here and murder us all? Blow it up!"

"Fine..." Giving up on this plan, Gelimer pressed a button that caused the machine to tear itself apart, sending electrical sparks flying. 'Just great, my little spy may be dead!'

Tapping the kid on his shoulder, the Mechanic whispered, "we're leaving!"

"Just keep an eye out for any robots! They might still be around!" Kyrin ordered, leading her men to the main portal room. "They said it's through the open shudders!"

"I only hope that they have disabled it," Athena stated, still worried this was not over.

"Hey, they said they damaged it and-"

A loud explosion rocked the root tunnels, halting the party in its tracks. "What in all of Oblivion was that?" Haskill shouted, as if he expected an actual answer. Up ahead they saw five familiar faces approaching them, with one more in tow. "Lord Sheogorath! You have survived! I trust you have also succeeded?"

"Yes," she answered. "I believe that explosion was their escape portal being destroyed. We must dismantle the remaining machine, and once they have returned home, the final one must be also destroyed."

Spotting the stranger, Kyrin asked, "hey, Kit, who's that? She look like you!"

"Yeah, it's hard to explain..." She looked upon her double with pity. "I think she's lost her mind though."

"Perhaps not," the Madgod exclaimed, touching her with a misty light. "That should keep her from going further mad. The poor girl was used, as was that man. But I may be able to save her." Facing the Pirates, the Champion said, "please, do what you must to rid my realm of these machines. They can not remain. I must take the girl to Tamriel with me if she is to be saved by the Nine Divines. I do not expect you to understand our world but I will require one day." Turning to the two adventurers, she said, "you are welcome to travel with me and see Tamriel! It is a sight to behold, better than these caves!"

"Um..." Kit considered the offer. "Any toilets?"

"Ah, I am afraid not, and most travel will be on foot."

Sheepishly, Kit responded, "um... maybe we'll look around here some but we'll kinda stay at base until this is taken care of."

"Don't take this the wrong way," Diosoth added, "but we really want to just get home."

"Very well." Taking Kitrina's double by the shoulder, she said, "You must come with me and ask for the blessing of the Nine."

Still agitated and confused, Blood Kitty only mumbled out, "okay..."

Stretching out on the grass, looking at the alien land, Kit moaned, "think there are any places like this on Maple World?"

"I have no idea," her husband answered. "Definitely unique. Hey, can you wait over there?"

The Golden Saint escort looked downward. "Of course. Call for me if you require assistance." She had been ordered to accompany them, strangers in her land, but the two had stayed near the cave entrance.

"They've all got huge tits!"

Dio replied, "I hadn't paid attention..."

"Yeah you did!" his wife responded cheerfully. "So do those two women and some of those villagers that they rescued. Think all the women here are huge? I wonder if one of those daedra girls would be up for a threesome?"

"I... would that even be safe?" Considering they were a demonic species, he remarked, "maybe not..."

"Huh... good point... anyway, we'll be home soon. I guess we can go now but I wanna wait and see if the other me can be helped." Kit stared into the skies of the Isles. "Weird, we stay home so much going at it but I don't think even that really compares to something like this, does it?"

Dio responded, "maybe not but we put ourselves on the line again. This it will ever stop?"

She let out a heavy sigh. "That'd be nice..."

Within the small priory, the prophet waited. He knew that the Divine Crusader herself was coming.

"Praying to yourself? I've been accused of that..."

Lifting his head from prayer, the old man asked, "you have come for the pilgrimage?"

Making sure her companion stayed close, the Champion exclaimed, "yes, for this one. I have been to eight of the wayshrines, she has been blessed. She only needs the blessings of Talos to redeem her past, a past forced upon her by a great evil. She deserves a chance to live her life."

"I see..."

"Now then... Talos. I came to you personally because, even though you you owe me, I do not ask for a favor to be repaid. I ask you do this for her, for the world she comes from. Their world is troubled and needs heroes to fight back, it needs people to stand against what threatens it." The girl remained silent. "her head is filled with false memories and desires placed by those who wished to use her to enforce their evil. They-"

"Enough." The prophet stood. "You have figured it out. I expected no less from you, Sheogorath or not. I have known for some time. I shall grant your request. I know nothing of her situation but I will not turn down an opportunity to combat evil. I never have. As for you, I trust you maybe the ally needed to unite the Aedra and Daeda one day. Regardless of what you will become you have a determined spirit. May your friend here learn the same trait to help her world."

Kyrin prepared the charges, making sure the bombs were active and ready. Handing the detonator to the Champion, she explained, "when we're through, wait five minutes so we can clear out, lift the cover and press the button. This whole room might collapse so get the hell gone fast!"

Examining the small remote, the warrior replied, "interesting. I would call this a unique magic had I not seen what your world is capable of. The Dwemer may have begun to develop similar devices and if not for their disappearance, may have reached this level of advancement."

Somewhat annoyed, choosing to no longer keep it in, the Pirate asked her bluntly, "why didn't you kill the Wing Master when you had the chance? No one's been close to her before, you would have done us all a big favor!"

Crossing her arms, the Champion explained, "think of me what you will. I have killed hundreds of men in combat. Men and women of all the races, men and mer. From bandits and vampires, to threats such as Umbacano and Mankar Camoran and many more. They all knew what they were doing. I could see it in her eyes, the girl was being manipulated. I know nothing of this Black Mage that threatens you but I have seen enough to know he uses anyone he can. The girl was frightened, she said she wanted to save her brother. Maybe she thought Mehrunes Dagon could offer her that, but inside I saw a scared woman that does what she is told. I have never seen that in those I have killed. It is why I also chose to save Kitrina's double. I saw the same in her eyes. I saw no such hidden goodness within her partner, only selfish desire and hatred."

Kyrin understood. "I didn't know..."

"Give the girl a chance as I have given that one," she remarked, "and someday you may have a valuable ally in your fight. Do not worry about any of their forces left behind, I can deal with them in time."

Content that the last of their equipment had been taken home, the Captain asked, "what will you do with that body? You told us not to even touch it!"

"I will burn it and bury the ashes," the Madgod answered, "as for that armor it is far too evil to allow anyone to wear." She looked down at her own bright armor. "Mine once belonged to a man named Melus Petilius, an honorable man. Molag Bal wanted me to corrupt him but instead I honored the man. Molag has been upset with me ever since. I don't like him, either."

Nearby Kitrina was chatting with her double. "So, what next?"

The cat paused, finally answering, "I guess I'll see. My head's weird right now, I can't remember most of what I did, if any of it was even real... I guess I'll just wander around and see what happens. Maybe your Maple World is better than the one I lived in."

"Hey, yeah, maybe you'll find a better life than you had!"

The cat gave Kitrina a tight hug. "Thank you for saving me!"

Embracing her back, the Thief replied, "no problem. And if you need hep we live in Henesys in the big house by the huge tree, so just come by if you need money or anything! And be sure to get a PDA from the administrators!"

Athena Pierce kept silent. "This isn't your fault," Diosoth assured her.

"If I had not-"

"You couldn't have known they would scan those books and figure out how to get here! Maybe you could have told someone but I don't think it would have mattered. Besides, we threw a wrench into the Black Wings' plans. A big one." Ready to leave now, straightening his hat, he said, "Dyos messaged me. They got pictures of this Orchid in charge of things. They'd been trying for months. Plus we saved Kit's clone and the only ones who died were the bad guys. Those Saints that got killed, I guess they came back. Anyway, we need to go so they can blow this thing up."

Watching her other self return to Maple World, Kitrina was halted by the Madgod and her redhead lover. "Please, take this with you." The Champion gave her a small crystal. "If your world is ever in need simply break it and it will open a gateway to my palace."

"I, uh.... thanks, but I shouldn't take it. If it ever-"

"Tell no one and hide it. You may need my help some say. I do not like what I hear of the Black Mage. And besides, we share the same name."

The last comment threw Kit right off. "Huh? But aren't you Sheogorath or whatever?"

Katriana giggled. "Hardly!"

"Kat is the only one who ever calls me by that name. I do not even know if it is my birth name. I am just an Imperial raised as an orphan and known by titles by my deeds. Hero Of Kvatch, Fighers Guildmaster, Champion Of Cyrodiil, Madgod, those are what people know. I suppose my name does not matter. I'm just glad to know someone else out there shared that name and wears it proudly."

Pocketing the small stone, Kit looked at the gateway. Dio was waving her to follow. "I have to go. Don't take this the wrong way but I kinda hope we don't have to meet again someday, or if we do it's not because I need help."

"Yes, I understand." Watching the last of them leave, the Madgod asked her lover, "what do you think would happen if our world adopted such wonderful devices?"

The redhead simply smirked. "It would probably be a mess! Even they act like they don't know how to work it half the time, if it works right at all. Do you really think the people of Tamriel would begin to understand any of that if they were just handed it? It would probably cause chaos!"

Content that enough time had passed, the Hero and her loved ran from the root chamber, pressing the button, listening to the loud rumbling as the machine was torn apart, sealed behind fallen debris.

Plopping on her sofa, the cat was finally happy to be home. "That was a mess!"

"I never thought I'd miss these mushrooms," Diosoth remarked, having his fill of other dimensions and danger. "I don't care if the house catches fire, we're not going out for a month!"

"I hear you... but you should go see Belinda and make sure your brother got home okay! He went into those mines again!"

With a heavy sigh, the Bowmaster grumbled, "yeah... be back in about ten minutes!"

As he left, the feline withdrew the small crystal. Rather inconspicuous in appearance, she could feel nothing special about it, but did notice that it looked fragile. Carefully wrapping it in a spare shirt laying on the floor, Kit gently placed it into one of the drawers they used to store random instruction manuals they never used, hoping to hell she never needed to use the thing.

Elsewhere, in the plane of Oblivion ruled by the prince of insanity, the Hero Of Kvatch felt an incredible anger against one of the intruders, prepared to take it out on this one in the worst way her vicious mind could think of. She tossed the star down, shouting out, "now, what to do with you... I know you can hear me, you pathetic little man!"

"I... I can feel nothing..."

"That's correct! I killed you and trapped your soul."

The voice whined, "yes... why? I can't feel my body!"

"You know why," Sheogorath shouted in anger. "You betrayed your own people to serve evil out of selfish pride, you hate and seek to use women, and you are in my realm. I don't like you. I can do whatever I wish in my realm!"

"Are you going to torture me or something? Is that it?"

She shot back, "hardly! I could give your soul to Hermaeus Mora. He would surely live to extract every bit of information you have on your world. But you likely know very little and I am not yet certain I want him knowing that your world exists. So I will simply use your soul to recharge the enchantment on my sword."

Now frightened, the spirit of Jason Ember asked, "so I will no longer exist? That's all?"

"Oh, no!" she said with a smug demeanor. "I have learned of the Soul Cairn, where all souls used in enchantments go! It is a very nasty place. No, I will not torture you, but the Cairn will! They say it feels as if you are being violently torn apart for eons! I do not know what afterlife your world has, nor do I care. You are here and you will suffer."

"No, please... don't do this to me," the spirit shouted from within the star of Azura. "all women are the same! They can't-"

Silence fell as the artifact was placed to her sword, drawing in power and expending the soul within. The Hero briefly wondered if any single person in his home realm would care that he was gone. "Now, for one final task I have been putting off for far too long..."

Her last visit to White Gold Tower had been some time ago, perhaps too long. The warrior savored her last look at the ancient tower, unsure of when she may do so again, if ever. "I believe Ocato is waiting for me?"

"Yes, he is inside, Champion!" the guard replied.

Entering the main meeting chamber, she was greeted, "hail, hero! I have been waiting for you for some time!" Ocato smiled. "Your duties in the Shivering isles, whatever they may be, are not as important as the offer I am about to make to you!"

Placing the eye-tipped staff in front of the High Elf, the Champion merely said, "I know what you wish of me but circumstances require I decline. I am sorry, I know Tamriel needs me but I will be unable to do as you wish of me."

Staring at the staff of Sheogorath with disbelief, the Chancellor muttered, "I... do not understand... how can you have that in your possession?"

Taking a seat, she replied, "it is a long story..."