Scratch: An Astro Boy beastiality fiction

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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#1 of dan's other fictions

Astro Boy was saved from an anti-robot group called The Keep Earth Human League (KEHL) where they abused him. Now come to find out, his love interest Atlas Boy has kept something from Astro's time in captivity with a personal kink to fill.

Scratch An Astro/Atlas boy shota Dan1966 and Atom Yaoi (boy on boy, boy/dog mating)?

It had been a week since the rescue of Astro from the clutches of the KEHL (Keep Earth Human League) leaders and he decided to finally go see where Atlas had made his home all the years he and Astro had gone at each others throats. Astro finally arrived at the address on the paper and looked past the old chain link fence at the big building beyond it.

"A car factory?" He thought as he spied the hole in the fence. "What a dump." Astro said to himself as he passed through the hold and walked towards the main building. His super hearing picked up the faint sound of a television and soon he stood below a large office loft high above the old working floor of the vast factory space.

He climbed the vertical ladder carefully to the trap door and gently wrapped a fist on it. "Hello? Atlas? It's me....Astro." he said softly.

"Come on in!" Came another different voice and when Astro poked his head through the trap door, he was met with the end of a big assault rifle.

At the other end, a cigar smoking Bender Rodriguez (from Futurama) aimed at Astro's head. "hehehehe....damn and I thought you be a human. Come on up kid!" Bender said as he put the rifle to the side.

Bender helped Astro through the trap door. "How are you feeling kid?" He asked concerned.

"Alright I guess." Astro stood looking at all the stuff around him."Ummm...Did you guys steal all this stuff?" he asked.

Bender snapped. "WHAT? Are you real kid? This is all grade A Gomie pile stuff. Don't you accuse us of thievery."

Astro was surprised...he expected shabby sparse living but Atlas had done well for himself over five years. "So where's?" Astro asked for Atlas as he pointed around the loft.

"Up in his room." Bender replied . "Hey...I'm gonna leave you two alone for a there anything you need?"

Astro shook his head. "I'm fine....thank you."

"Go on up kid. I'll be back in a while." Bender said as he went to the trap door and was soon gone.

It took a little courage build up for Astro to go up by himself. Even after Atlas saved him, he still had a feeling of unease with the red boy bot; their history with each other had always been violent.

When he reached the top of the small room, Astro was surprised to see a writing desk, book cases full of books, toys scattered around and to his right the bed with a very large stuffed teddy bear tucked into the corner...and then Atlas looking at him from under the sheets."

"You came after all...nice." Atlas said smiling. "How you feeling?" The red boy bot asked as he slowly sat to the side of the bed.

Astro drooped his head slightly. "I have nightmares." he said as he started playing with his fingers. "And......I still feel like trash."

Atlas held out his arms....."Come here?" He asked softly as he gestured with his hands...

Astro almost fell into the other boy bots arms and felt a little better with Atlas hugging and moving his hands over him. "You're not not a dumpster...I told you that getting raped wasn't your fault."

Astro backed away and started to cry. "Oh fuck, do you need a sympth kiss now too?" The red boy bot held Astro by his arms and kissed him tenderly over his teary face before planting a long one on his lips. "Stop that." Atlas said softly as he rubbed a finger over Astro's nose. "You're not a weak little bitch?" He said seriously.

Soon Astro felt a hot wave wash over his body and the tugs of Atlas's hands as he pulled and removed every piece of clothing...the last being a ripping away of Astro's black shorts...

Atlas got up and threw Astro onto the bed...turned him over onto his stomach and looked like he would mount the sighing and moaning boy in a hot thrust!

Astro raised his naked butt a little bit to entice the red boy...."I can't wait to feel you...." Astro coo'd softly. "I want to thank you for saving me."

Atlas slowly lowered himself over Astro's back and ran his lips over the other boy bots neck..." long have you been gay? How long have you had this sweet body mod of yours?"

Astro looked back over his shoulder...."Bout three years....but I've liked boys for five...." Astro kissed Atlas on the lips and doe'd his eyes..."You can do whatever you like to me...."

Atlas stopped himself from desiring to poke into Astro's anus..."You said I can have anything that I want right?"

Astro looked back over his shoulder...."Yeah....."

Atlas smiled then snapped his fingers. From a corner of the room a pile of clothes rustled and out popped a large dog that made Astro skitter against the stuffed bear. It was a big rottweiler, one that Astro suddenly realized he'd seen the dog before!

Images of him being mated flashed through Astro's mind...."Scratch?" He said nervously.

Atlas called the big dog to his side. "Oh yeah." Atlas said as he cuddled the big dog around his muscular neck. "couldn't just leave the poor dog to himself after we waxed the scumbags. You know him?" As if Atlas didn't know who he was."

Astro swallowed nervously....."That's.....the dog....."

"That what?" Atlas asked smiling.

"That's the dog they let "fuck" me." Astro replied scowling

"Wow." Atlas replied looking at Scratch. "Compared to you? This dog's huge!" Atlas said surprised...."Ummm.....body to body that is."

Astro snapped. "What the fuck Atlas!? Why did you bring that mutt here!?"

"Hey!" Atlas snapped back. "Don't call him a mutt...and it's not his fault they had him mount it Scratch?" Atlas rubbed his hand over the big dog and it whined and rolled and played. "He's absolutely harmless Astro...really."

Astro slowly got to the side of the bed and soon he too was hugging and petting the big dog. " wasn't his fault."

Atlas looked at the dog, then Astro and asked. "So what was it like?"

Astro pursed his lips..."Like getting raped by a big dangerous dog you stupid dumb fuck."

"Come on?" Atlas replied smirking. "Really....what was it like? How did it feel?"

Astro thought for a moment...."Nothing like a man's dick...when he knotted me? I lost my mind but it was so fucked up! Sheesh Atlas? You're talking some sick stuff ok? Those KEHL bastards abused me and you're asking for fucked up details like it was a baseball game."

Atlas smiled and coo'd...."Lemme put this out there for you? Wanna try it now that he's more tame?"

"NO!" Astro replied snorting. "No and don't ask again."

"You said you owed me?" Atlas snorted. "And that you'd do anything to pay me back for saving you?"

"That didn't mean getting humped again by a brute!" Astro snapped and folded his arms. "Fuck that!"

"Oh come on Astro?" Atlas said smirking. "You said yourself that some of the things they did gave you a little pleasure...did the dog?"

"That's really sick and fucked up Atlas." Astro snorted.

"But did you like it?" Atlas asked again. "Did you like the feeling or are you ashamed to admit it?"

Astro sighed and rubbed his hair. "Ugh.....yeah.....I guess I.....but it was fucked up Atlas!"

Atlas snicked as he pet the big rotty. "This time it might be really enjoyable though? Just give it a try?"

Astro looked at the rotty and skewed his face...."This is gonna be a messed up visual." He said.

"No one will know of it...I swear." Atlas said shaking his head. "You know my word's always been solid." Atlas put a hand between Scratch's crotch. "Man this dog has a huge dick though."

Astro smiled. "Well at least I'm not a human...that thing would tear a human up fierce." Then Astro had sudden doubts. "I.....dunno if I wanna try it again....ugh... this is sooooo un-natural."

Atlas smiled. "Robot boys with dicks and ass holes to humans is un-natural."

Atlas waved a hand. "I understand if you wanna back away from it...I just heard about things like that but you got to experience it. I mean this? This is unbounded animal with a wild sex drive...fuck that must have been crazy."

Astro gasped..."Why don't YOU get the receiving end you cowardly bitch?"

Atlas snorted. "I'm a top not a versa. I do the fucking not the receiving around this place." He smirked at Astro. "You're just a little chicken huh?"

Astro snorted. "You're gonna start that stupid stuff again?"

Atlas came up and started to kiss Astro...expecting him to back away; which he didn't..."Kiss....come on...inside you really wanna try it don't you? "kiss" Please? Just once?"

Astro relented and sighed with doeish eyes..."Just once. You sure you can control him though? I don't want it to be violent ok? I might panic."

Atlas rubbed Astro's head..."I promise...he'll be a gentle giant lover."

Astro still wavered between wanting to try it and least now he could just take off and get away if he didn't enjoy what was going to happen.

"So.....what do I do?" Astro asked as he stood up and softly petted the panting black and tan dog. "I mean the last time they let him maul me and he just mounted me as I tried to get away from him. Do I like....lay on the bed and spread my legs out?"

"Fuck no." Atlas said waving a hand as he wrapped an arm around Astro's shoulders. "You just get on your hands and knees and hike your butt a little bit and I'll guide him up to mount you."

Astro sighed as he let Atlas take his hand and put him in the center of the room where the two naked boy bots exchanged kisses and felt each other up....Atlas moaned as he moved his lips over Astro's neck and chest. "You're so fucken hot goodie boots? It's sick what a bunch of pedophiles did to you." Atlas gently wrapped a hand around Astro's small boy cock and started to masturbate him gently...then he felt down between Astro's legs and slipped a finger into Astro's pussy hole....

"Huh!" Astro gasped as he went on his tip toes from the pleasure of Atlas moving his fingers inside him...."Huh....mmmm....Atlas? I....I dunno...."

"Shhhh" Atlas replied softly touching Astro's lips. "Get on your hands and knees little doggie."

Slowly.....Atlas coaxed Astro down on the floor where Atlas softly and slowly worked his hands and fingers over Astro's cute behind. "Reno repaired things back there huh?" Atlas said softly as he kissed over Astro's face..."You sure are night and tight back there for a big dog..."

Astro coo'd...."Mmmmm....yeah....."

"Atlas snorted at Astro's over-sexed reaction to being felt up. "Reno seriously overstimulated your anus?"

Astro looked like he was melting on the floor."..mmmmmmmm.." He was hiking his butt higher in reaction to the sweet digit foreplay then he felt something cold and pasty being wiped over his ass crack...

"What the fuck?" Astro snorted as he looked back over his shoulder. "What are you smearing on me Atlas?!"

Atlas stood smirking with a bottle of Jiffy peanut butter in his hand. "Making you into a doggie cookie."

Astro felt the thick smearing of peanut butter in his hole...."Fuck Atlas?" Astro snapped. "You're packing me with it?"

"Well..dogs love peanut butter so I thought it would be a nice foreplay." Atlas snickered. "Don't worry...just leave it to scratch and he'll clean you right up...and that rough dog tongue will probably drive your sensitive little ass hole crazy."

Astro snorted..."You're one twisted little fuck."

Atlas jumped on him...pushing Astro to the ground he reversed himself so his dick would be in Astro's face. he then grabbed at Astro's struggling legs by the ankles and pulled them up and apart....

"Hey?" Atlas snickered as he wiggled his six inch cock in Astro's face. "Get to sucking on it?" He commanded as he whistled for the Rotty....

"Hey Scratch? Come here boy! Come get the nice doggie cookie I made for you...sweet peanut butter and Astro boy hole..veep.veep...come boy."

Atlas looked down at Astro's face..."Hey? I said....suck my dick prissy boy."

Astro looked behind to see the Rotty approaching with a thick drooling tongue. Atlas gave him a little slap on the head..."Forget what he's gonna do "Goody Boots"? Get to "doing" on my dick."

Astro opened his mouth and accepted Atlas's "red rage'r" through his lips and teeth as The big rotty came over, sniffed gently over Astro's behind then began to softly lap his rough tongue over his butter packed boy pussy and butt crack...

the dog was taking it's sweet time...laying on the floor it concentrated on Astro's packed little pucker, which was driving the boy bot crazy with sensual pleasures as the rough tongue lapped over the opening then slowly began to slip in and out with each slow moist lapping....

"Mmmmm....." Astro moaned and coo'd as he pistoned Atlas's cock in his mouth and stopped to lick over the tip..."mmmmm.....feels strange.....huh!.....huh...." Atlas let go of Astro's ankles and allowed his lover to adjust himself against the hungry slipperiness of the big dog's muscle invading his now soaked boy trench..."

"I didn't....know....dogs had such.....long tongues?" Astro said softly as he licked over Atlas's cock then sank it back into his mouth...

"Yeah....." Atlas said smiling as he rubbed Astro's head...."Sure makes you a sweet sucker though...." The red boy bot said as he watched Astro move his behind back and forth..."Yeah....let it sink in deep."

"Mmmm......." Astro let Atlas's prick flop from his mouth as he gasped and contorted over the sensations pulsing through his body...."'s fucken wonderful!...huh....." Astro' s eyes screwed shut as the dripping K-9 muscle worked its' slippery way deeper into Astro's boy the muscle hardened and sent shivers of hot pleasure coursing through the boys' circuits and sensors and he felt lost in the joy of the K-9 molestation of his body...

"Gnah!....shit!.....mmmmm.....fuck this is so hawt!" Astro's face was screwed and contorted in terrific pleasure as he took Atlas's hands and moved his lower body around to the dog's sweet tongue fucking....."Gnah!.....uh!...uh....mmmmm! Atlas?! Mmmmm feels circuits and sensors are going crazy....."

Atlas snickered...."Must be tonguing that rubber diaphragm at the end huh? Wow.. you're a fucken slut."

Astro reached back with a hand and pulled a leg up higher so the Rotty could shove his wet mouth muscle deeper into his anus...."Huh!.....just don't bite ok? I don't know if I can take more of it.....I feel like I'm gonna blow my breakers."

"Dude?!" Atlas was shocked by Astro's reactions. "Shit! You are seriously stimulated by this aren't you?"

Atlas watched as Scratch finished his anal feasting and sat quietly panting as Astro collapsed into Atlas's arms....

"Astro?...." Atlas shook the boy bot who looked like he fainted. "Hey? You ok?"

"Astro?" Atlas asked grimacing "You sure you wanna let scratch fuck you?" Atlas was worried. If the tongue fucking could do this...could Astro take the pounding of a hound? "I dunno might short out if that was this good."

Astro gave a small frown at Atlas and sat up shakily. "You're the one who talked me into this, and now you suddenly want me to back out when I'm at a peak of pleasure..?!" he snapped in a furious, hushed tone. "Make up your mind?"

Atlas glared and snorted. "Fine, do whatever the fuck you want. It's not my problem if you short circuit," he snarled.

Astro looked away then over at Scratch, who was watching the two with his head tilted slightly. The boy bot trailed his gaze down and saw the dog had a raging boner, and that he was panting and staring at Astro's crotch and boy pussy...

"He is pretty big back there." Astro said as he gazed at the Rotty's thick red meat stick and the knot on it....

"Are you gonna do it?" Atlas asked.

Astro smiled as the dog sat with his drooling tongue lapping as he panted...""I.... think he remembers fucking me and mauling me back at the other place," Astro shivered.

"And why wouldn't he? You're a sweet catch to fuck," Atlas purred. "So you wanna take him?"

Astro looked back at Atlas and wiggled his behind...."I'm a ready little bitch ain't I?"

Atlas sighed as gestured Scratch to come up. Astro gave a sudden squeak when Scratch came over to him and sniffed all over his body, nosing at his boy pussy and lapped it again with his drooling tongue. The boy gave a slight moan as his cheeks started to blush, not sure what to do.

Atlas snorted laughter and smirked. "You should oblige to him, 'bitch'," he snickered. Astro glared at him, only to be lightly shoved forwards by the dog as it started to position itself for a mount. Astro stared up at Scratch with wide eyes, his body giving small tremors. "W-wait...Astro said with a gesture...should I maybe give him kind of a reason to be a little perky? You know? Kinda move on my hands and knees so he'll get a little excited?"

Atlas got up and leaned against his study desk..."Do what you want?" He said softly...

Astro started to move around on his hands and knees, brushing his body up against the muscular K-9, doing a little mounting motion against the big dog's behind, brushing his head against it...

Atlas snickered...."Get under him and give his dick a little suck."

"Fuck that." Astro replied with a snort. He then moved out in front of Scratch and played with his hole a little...."Come on boy? Come and get remember? I know you wanna fuck the shit out of me again.....don't you?" Astro teased.

The big rottie pushed himself up and over Astro's bottom, forcing the boy bot's front downwards and making him curl his behind upwards till the tip of the dog's thick cock probed at the opening of Astro's hole....

"Mmmm....easy......easy....." Astro said as he reached back to pull on an ass lobe as he felt the canine spear pierce his pucker....."Yeah.....come on Scratch....mmmm.... yeah....."

Astro felt the thick dog cock slip through his anal ring and penetrate into his sensor ringed boy pussy. He reached out to Atlas as the rotty buried it's cock up to the balls inside the boy's hole!...

"Mmffff!.....Fuck!" Astro yelped and grimaced as he felt the knot stretch him apart and pop inside his narrow channel...."Gnnnnah......ugh fuck!"

Atlas leaned over Astro's gasping face and gave a giddy smile as he watched the mutt start to pound into Astro forcefully, yet not as savage as he had before. "That's it.....take it like a good little girl." Atlas snickered as he watched the Rotty start to pound away at Astro's ass. "Like this huh?"

Astro flopped his head towards the floor and gasped hard....."Fuck! Ugh....he's stretching the heck out of me! But it feels fucken amazing!"

Astro moaned and gave shrill cries, his hands trying to grasp at the floor as his body was overwhelmed with ecstasy...

"Oh gawd......oh feels so fucken hot.....Mmmmm.....mmmm....he's hitting my diaphragm and stretching the fuck out of it!"

Astro's legs bucked back and forth as they clenched around Scatch's powerful thrusting cock...

Atlas rolled onto his back so he could lay down and cast his gaze between Astro's amazed face and the big canine balls slapping behind his erected prick...."Shit! You're taking him fucken good!"Atlas caressed Astro's cheek as he smiled with a cat-like expression. "I knew you'd like him fucking you again," he said in a soft tone.

Astro just gazed at him, unable to form any words as his whole body and minds were overpowered by the amazing jolts of pleasure coursing through him…

Slowly...the dogs' cock engorged with blood and turned from the pointed tipped barb into a thick, fat piece of fucking muscle that worked through Astro between a soft, slow loving motion and a sudden hard, deep and rapid pulse that made the boy bot scream and cry...

Astro kissed Atlas tenderly...."Mmmmmm!...mmmmm!" He wrapped his arms around Atlas's neck as his head lolled about dizzy from the exaltation of being fucked so wildly. "'s fucken awesome!" Astro licked his lips..."Yeah....fuck me!...yeah!.... fuck my ass raw!...mmmmmahhh!"

"Damn, you really fucking love being used by this dog, don't you?" Atlas said as he played around with Astro's dick. Astro moaned and nodded, biting on his bottom lip as the Rotty pumped him harder....the fuck knot now locked and trapped in Astro's anus making every jerk and pull of the powerful animal more rough and violent.

"Yes!" Astro replied to Atlas as his face seemed to brighten and his tongue lolled around his open mouth as the plowing of his ass hole continued...."I love it! Mmmff.....I fucken love it!" Astro gnashed his teeth as he started pushing and pulling his body to match the dogs thrusts...."Grrrrr.....fucken wreck me!"

"Nn-nngh.!! Fuck..!" Astro gasped as he cummed from Atlas's masturbation and shot his load all over the red boy bots face and lips. But Scratch was nowhere near close. He continued using Astro's fuck mitten and was panting heavily and eagerly. Now his maw clamped down on the back of Astro's neck and a good thing he was a robot or the blind rutting beast would have drawn blood...

"Ahhhh!" Astro gasped...."When is this big mother fucker gonna cum?" He cried.

"Giggles".....Atlas replied. "He isn't gonna cum once...when he's locked up with you? You're gonna really enjoy it."

Just as the last of those words came from his mouth, Astro's eyes widened and rolled back as the dog spewed what felt likes tons of semen into the boy bots fuck mitten. Astro arched his back, his drooling tongue hanging from his mouth as the dog pushed against him for all he could get in and a wave of hot soaking pleasure filled Astro up....

"Uhhhhh." Astro gasped loudly as he collapsed onto Atlas's chest and almost blacked out from a system surge. He felt himself dragged off of Atlas's body as the Rotty turned itself around and went butt to butt with the well fucked boy bot...

Atlas stumbled to his feet and peered to see the joining of Scratch's knotted cock and Astro's well used boy hole...."Mmmm....he's tied you up good like a bitch. You liking it?"

Astro moved his fingers...."I really can't move......mmmmmm......fuck me."

"Yeah." Atlas snickered. "You got fucked royally should see the fucken juice coming out."

Astro sighed and struggled to his hands and knees...."How long will we be tied? Fuck....he's still got a hard on?"

Atlas softly rubbed Astro's behind. "He's gonna fucken cum in you till he's done....could be a while. He just might turn back around for another session."

Astro sighed...."Didn't think it would be like this.....fuck. Ugh I'm so fucken tingling everyplace...I'm actually dizzy from it...."

Atlas watched as Astro spread his legs out to the sides as far as they would go and the boy bot slowly began to fuck himself with the knot'd dog cock, gently bumping the Rotty's rump with his own and quivering at the feelings....

"Gasp....this is really fucken great." Astro said as he got himself worked up and horny again..."He's not flaccid at all in me....."Gnnnah.....fucken tight."

Atlas caught Astro's shoulders...."That's enough..."giggles".....fuck what are you gonna do? Fly like this? I think you should let the poor dog have some rest?"

Astro doe'd his face and smiled. "You wanted to see me "hot stick" a "hot dog" mother fucker."

"Well I didn't say spend all night tight like a bitch." Atlas snorted. "Give me a second."

Astro sighed..."What are you gonna do?"

"Pour some cold water and apply a little KY to break him loose." Atlas snickered as he went down to the kitchen...

"Awwwww....I wanted to try a little longer." Astro said sulking as he reached back to pet the Rotty. "You wouldn't mind pumping a few more loads would you?"

Atlas came back...."Gotta warn you now that when he un-knots, you're gonna pour gallons of cum and be open for a while so...take a shower and wear your undies for a time....sort of cut back on the nakedness desires?"

Astro felt the ice cold water on his behind then the goopy smear of KY jelly as Atlas worked to de-lock the dog...

"And......" "pop"....."The knot is out." Atlas said.

"Astro felt the gurgling and noise behind him as the dogs load of cum spewed from the boy bots well fucked ass hole...dribbling down the back of his legs, dripping of his nut sack and spewing out over the floor before he flopped down on his side and lay exhausted....which for a robot was about near empty on the power scale.

An hour later....

Atlas came up stairs to find Astro laying snuggled naked against the side of of Scratch with an affectionate look on his face...

"Well that's enough now Mowgli." Atlas said as he gave Astro's foot a kick. "Mind taking a shower or a bath to wash away the stink? Sheesh, I won't be able to fuck you for a year after that performance."

Astro got to his feet and snorted..."Fuck you....I like Scratch better."

Atlas followed Astro into the bathroom where Astro cleaned himself with a wet wash rag first before he climbed into the Ofuno tub...

"Wow....." Astro said to Atlas as he felt his behind. "You were right...he gaped the fuck out of me. Good thing the inside's water tight. I wonder if he destroyed any anal sensors?"

"I'm surprised you even did it?" Atlas said snorting. "Maybe you should marry the fucken Rotty?"

Astro gasped..."Oh my gawd....are you jealous?"

"No!" Atlas snorted. "Just want you to understand this is not going to be a regular fucken deal. I found Scratch a home because I didn't want a repeat performance or....regular con-joined visitations?"

Astro snickered. "You're seriously fucken jealous. Then again....he has a nice big dick to play with too."

Atlas snorted. "Makes me think I should have let you rot with the KEHL bastards. But any way? You have any good ideas for a weekend? And without the dog thank you!"

"Gee....ass hole much?" Astro snickered. "I dunno? Let me toss a coin and see where that goes huh?

The End

Brought into the Light; part 5: Sheath and Knife Fiction.

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