A wolf in the frat - 8 - Our secret spot

Story by Reaping on SoFurry

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#9 of A wolf in the frat

Synopsis: A much awaited reunion for the two protagonists is bound to happen in their very shared secret spot. How will the infected teens adjust to their progressively corrupting personalities?

Hello guys! This is the eighth chapter! I'm sorry for the wait! I had a promotion this month at work that stepped on my writing time AND I fell very sick in the past week. Hopefully, I'm starting to feel better. I also had the help of a friend of mine (Draegon1993) on finishing writing this chapter! I hope you will like it :D

Make sure you read the previous chapters, starting with the Prologue, before reading any further! Or do as you wish! Like I said before, I'm not your parent!

We are getting closer and closer to the finishing line, beloved readers! Feel free to comment and let us know whether you like it or not!

A wolf in the frat - Chapter 8 - Our secret spot

By Reaping and Draegon1993

A golden sun shone upon the waking suburban town of Fieldvalley. While many cars and people gathered downtown on this early morning, Jason was lucky enough to find little traffic on his way out of town.

Due to his recent growth spurts and his lack of using his car in the previous days, Jason found it challenging to get inside his old car. Even with the seat pushed all the way back, the six foot eleven teen had his knees bunched up against the wheel and the hair on his scalp brushed against the ceiling of the small vehicle. With no shoes that would fit the pair of barely 19s feet he grew, Jason found a certain oddity driving barefoot. He was wider than the seat itself and it was a miracle that he managed to close the door next to him.

On the road along the fields of wheat, Jason finally reached his destination. He stopped his car by the road and jumped out of his car, finally able to stretch all of his immense height. The t-shirt he wore on the previous day had its sleeves torn around boulder-sized shoulders, leading down to arms that would rival a basketball and forearms the size of a runner's calf. Large rips exposed parts of his flaring back to the air, the cool breeze of the morning simply relieving the sweat he's accumulated through the night.

Black circles surrounded his tired eyes. His newly stretched limbs depicted a soreness he was not familiar with. Since Jason had never properly trained before, he could not pinpoint whether the soreness was a byproduct of his muscles growing or simply a lack of proper sleep... or both. Moving the driver seat, the tormented teen went for the case that laid still on the backseat. Simply by trying to get his prized object, Jason groaned in annoyance at feeling his head scrap against the ceiling and having his shoulders blocked by the lack of space. Nonetheless, the overwrought lad managed grasp the handle and slip the case out of the car.

With the bass case in hand, Jason closed the door, a bit too harshly, then followed the damp trail into the woods. It's been a while since he came here now. Ever since tensions between him and his roommate nagged him, rain poured from the clouds like they were trying to express the sadness that overwhelmed the musician. Jason stopped dead in his tracks. He could still turn back and run away. His tormented emotions gave him a scare. What if he was wrong? What if Michael was really far gone, that there was no way they'd ever meet again? Jason's eyes grew wet, about to unleash another waterfall of tears as the stinging scare of loneliness dug within his heart.

Jason shook his head and willed himself. He'd do it. After all... that's what Michael would have wanted him to: to be assertive. He walked slowly, the trail seeming to stretch infinitely before him, like a running mat. After a while that seemed far too long, Jason arrived. He recognized the small clearance. The was the big rock he sat on, the dead tree onto which Michael used to sit on while doing his homework... but there was no trace of the Physics student. A sorrowful relief made Jason's heart flutter. He would have cried his desperation, screamed for Michael's name in hope of having an answer... but he didn't. He was stronger than that... or at least, he willed himself to be.

His saliva was thick, dry. The Music student dropped the case to the ground softly, then proceeded to take out the instrument. A shiver ran down Jason's spine. He hadn't taken the instrument out of the storing box after the recent transformations as he used his electric bass in class. Still, the object, like a remaining part of human soul, felt small and fragile in his newly huge hands. The feared his new claws would scrap the bass wooden neck or the strings, so he took extra care in minimizing the damage.

Closing his eyes, Jason exhaled with anxiousness. He took a couple deep breath, calming himself with the soothing sounds of nature all around him. Once he opened his eyes, focused on his instrument, he began playing ascending E major arpeggios.

I know we've never been on the same page

I know we've had a few too many fights

I want to know if this song assuage

The afflictions I know hurt us from spite


That's you I want to know

That's me, to you I'll show

For one thing that I know

To love you I did grow

I know you've had a hard time around me

I know you've went through difficult hardships

I want to know if this song would help thee

Soothe the fallout of our relationships


Secrets I want to know

From you, to me you'll show

For one thing that I know

To love you I did grow

I know I haven't been the best of men

I know I might have not been up to par

I want to know if this song'd still open

The lock to your heart that seems yet so far


Secrets I want to know

From us, to them we'll show

For one thing that I know

To love you I did grow

Ending on E on the bass and singing an B, Jason overheard a G# note. His semi-closed eyes opened. Jason stopped playing and turned his head around. There, against a tree, a tall... monster stood behind him a couple metres away, singing the invisible note. Over seven feet tall by a couple inches, the creature shared faint resemblances to a human: the stance, part of its face and its silhouette. A thick jaw that looked halfway between a muzzle and a neanderthal's depicting a massive fur-like beard. In sharp contrast, the upper part of the head was more human-looking. The hair wasn't covering the forehead nor surrounding the eyes and the ears, albeit pointed, were not pushing atop the mane of hair on top of this beast's head.

It looked down at him. All of its powerful muscled body dwarfed over the agape Jason. No clothes would cover this immense monster covered in fur.

"Mi- Michael...?" The musician asked, his breath taken away.

The thing nodded and emitted a distorted 'yes'. Confirming his doubt from the previous night upon looking at himself, Jason had the quasi-absolute certainty that this monster was a werewolf... and that he was becoming one as well. The beast on two digitigrade paws walked closer toward the trembling Jason. Jason's rational mind ordered him to run away, but his emotions kept him from leaving.

Jason closed his eyes to suppress the fear that clutched his heart while looking at the monster getting closer. A sniffle escaped Jason's mouth as he felt something warm being put on his shoulder.

"Jason." A guttural voice almost devoid of humanity said.

The named person opened his eyes hesitantly. His vitreous golden eyes looked up in the beast's yellowed ones. Momentarily, Jason witnessed the beast's eyes shift slowly back to a darker colour, turning to a golden hue like his. The hand on his bare shoulder tightened... and without a doubt or a hint of hesitation, what appeared as Michael grabbed Jason into a strong embrace. With the pressure erupting, Jason burst out in sobs, joined in by Michael.

"I'm... so sorry..." Michael blurted out.

The 'r's pronounced were hard, like the French-speaker Jason acquainted daily around his hometown. Moreover, the words sounded hollow and airy, like Michael was struggling to speak.

"No... I'm sorry... I didn't know what you were going through..." Jason replied.

"Don't be... I hurt you... I din't know... you loved me..."

Jason wrapped his arms as best as he could around the one he loved. He buried his head in Michael's furry neck covered with a thick curtain of a beard.

"I can't blame you... I didn't realize it myself before... you were gone..."

"How did you know... where to find me?"

"The moment they told me you ran away... I figured I'd find you here."


"The police... but don't worry, I didn't tell them you'd be here..."

Michael's embrace on Jason tightened.

"I'm a monster..." Michael lamented.

"No... you are Michael. Michael Singleton. You are the man I fell in love with... and the person I still love." Jason reassured.

Michael weeped and shivered, letting go of Jason as he felt a stirring in his loins. The beast turned around and went to sit on the dead tree where he used to study when Jason and him came here at the beginning of the semester.

"I'm... struggling to control myself..." He declared.

"What happened to you?"

Briefly, Michael explained how everything wrapped around the moment he had an adventure at the DanceClub in the restrooms. Jason was taken aback by the events that had happened and that Michael had been going through. Somehow, Jason took pity on Michael, feeling he had been a kind of victim in the end... and that he was one himself now. And as much as he wanted to head back to school with his lover, he feared Michael was doomed to wander in the woods as a beast from now on. Moreover, it was just a question of time before he'd join Michael into beasthood.

"I can't go back..." Jason stated, demolished. "I feel alone without you! Even if you are... this, I can't bear it anymore! We'll eventually find some way to revert you back to who you were! I believe we will!"

"Jason... you have to fight it... you are a better fighter than I am..."

"I... want to help you out through this!"

Jason walked closer toward him, but his roommate turned away.

"I hear it again."

"What? What is it that you hear?"

"The Calling. If you can't hear it... it's a good thing."

"What's... this Calling?"

Michael looked back at Jason. His eyes were trying to return to their feral yellow, but their golden hue stayed dominant. Jason looked up at the beast with teary eyes. Tenderly, the bigger guy put one of his hirsute hands to the musician's stubbly cheeks. The paw pads rubbing against his face made Jason shiver.

"Don't worry... about me. If you ever... want to see me again... just play your song... our song... and I'll come back to you..."

Jason sobbed in reluctance. He brought a hand to Michael's on his cheek and sniffled, fondly rubbing it. The instant seemed to stretch for hours. Michael gasped, wanting to move away albeit he didn't want to break this loving moment, a crimson point emerging from the sheath between his legs. A faint musk emanated from him as corruptive thoughts of the beast he managed to calm down were resurfacing. Already he could see Jason's ill-fitting garments bulging at the crotch: Jason was falling for his scent, even unconsciously.

"I... I can't believe I'm having a boner right now..." Jason ironized with a sniffle and a chuckle.

Like another voice with another mind, Michael felt the beast urging him to take advantage of his position and size on Jason. The noble golden tinge of his eyes was ebbing away, returning to its primal yellow.

"But... you're right, Michael... I should probably... just go..."

Like it just leaped, more of Michael's outrageous red cock eased out of his inhuman sheath, oblivious to Jason. The moment Jason turned around, ready to grab his acoustic bass on the case and leave, Michael grabbed him by the arm. Hesitant, the musician, turned his wet eyes toward the man... the beast, he loved. Gone were Michael's soft golden eyes, replaced with fierce yellow ones that depicted a feral malice. Jason was too emotional to notice the faint change. The expression painted on Michael's face turned conceited. Jason felt his heart sink a little.

"Before you go..." Michael started, his voice suddenly different as he leered cockily at Jason. "If you really love me..."

Jason felt uneasy, the wolflike glare from Michael making his beastly traits stand out more, terrifying him.

"Kiss me."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Football practice was about to start and with Leon back on the team, the coach as well as the fellow teammates were definitely shocked to see how much he's changed. In fact, thunderstruck Coach Ernest feared the runner had been trying a drug, making him change from a defined runner to a bodybuilding fur-ball in a week. The adult's stupefaction gave place to furious disappointment, kicking out Leon from the team until he comes back with blood test results to prove he wasn't experimenting drugs.

"I don't want any of my teammates to be on any kind of drugs!" Alvin Ernest had declared.

"Aye! A'm not on drugs, coach!" Leon did reply, but no one was taking his word for true with the evidence before their eyes.

Even his roommate did not defend him. Mad, Leon left the gathering with a stomping gait. Plus, he wasn't late for once! Well, Eric didn't make them late but, still, it was beyond frustrating! Just like at the police station, he was secluded, put apart from the others, all alone. Why did nobody say anything about Michael's sudden growth spurt when he joined the team? It was so unfair!

Leon sharply opened the door to his room and walked in. Out of frustration, he threw his football helmet by his bed, knocking the nightstand so hard that the objects toppled off to the floor. Leon let out a wild growl, bringing both hands to his head, as his vision grew blurry with rage of treason. A sudden warmth overwhelmed him as his muscles tensed, making them swell past what they were supposed to. The light blond beard on his face inched slightly more down, hitting his protruding chest. His shoulders tested the already tight football uniform, as if his body was trying to outgrow it.

Uncontrolled, Leon fell to his knees and brought his hands to his bulging groin, then tore apart the crotch of his too-short football pants. Out from his newly grown sheath, a massive red pecker pointed upward, already dripping with clear precum and staining the carpets. His hand grasped the needy shaft as thoughts of corrupting the whole football team with his vile inhuman seed eased their way into his mind. Only then, would they understand and accept him again: there wasn't any other solution.

Perverse and wonky thoughts twisted Leon's mind furthermore. If he wanted to give them a lesson, he had to sped up Eric's changes and make him his associate, his partner in crime, he had to spike up the things a little bit. Standing up, he went for the drawers, Eric's drawers. The thought was powerful enough to make his red spear to ooze more precum. Leon moaned in delight. A snigger escaped the throat of the mad teen as he aimed his dick for the insides of the drawers, broadly masturbating himself and coating Eric's clothes with his endless precum.

Jockstraps, briefs, boxer briefs, socks and undershirts would be soaked with his musk, his powerful scent, and his unbreakable infectious seed. Leon's smile stretched goofily, using one hand to hold himself against the drawers he felt were lower than before. This made him realize how much bigger he had recently grown, not only in height but muscle-wise. His football uniform was beyond tight and it was a miracle if he could wear it at all. Even flexing just a little while jerking off, he could feel it creak and strain around his frame. Maybe, just maybe, if he really flexed with all his might, it would...




"Gettin' big, mate..."


"Ughh... fuck yeah!"

Stopping his frenzied masturbation for a moment, Leon put both hands on the desk and plunged his spear inside the messed clothes. Happily, he gyrated his hips, increasing the friction of his sensitive organ against the bottom of the drawer. An inhuman bark escaped his thickening throat as his pitch was deepening. The hands holding firmly on the furniture cracked sharply, each finger lengthening a little and his nails sinking further in the wood, pointing, changing even more into claws. The shoes he's tried to repair with duck-tape were breaking again as larger claws tore through the sticky material like little swords.

He was getting close. Leon's tongue slipped out of his mouth, lolling goofily. Despite the blissful sensations to his cock, a sense of void nagged him like a hollow whisper. Leon closed his eyes and thought back to the last evening he spent with Michael. He thought back to how good it felt to have something filling his ass to the point it was stuck in. Leon's eyes snapped opened and a loud moan escaped his throat as his whole body clenched. Like he's flipped a switch, unaware, his cock started shooting its load in the drawers at the simple thought of being knotted.

His back flared greatly, testing what was left of his football jersey.


"AAUUUGHHHHAAAARRRRR!" Leon bellowed, his white hair covered back surging large, widening the torn gaps of his jersey.

The wooden top of the drawers cracked as Leon dropped his body idly on it, barely holding himself with his clawed hands. Temporarily satisfied after heavily tainting Eric's clothes, Leon recollected himself and decided to head to the gym. His ever growing bulk needed to exert all that new strength like an addiction, one that only seemed to intensify from the day Michael fucked him. Eager to get a much needed pump, he quickly put on a simple t-shirt and gym shorts he managed to steal from an absent neighbouring frat bro as he knew nothing would fit him anymore in his room. Moreover, he didn't even bother trying underwear given that going commando would feel much better and less constricting. Not that any would fit anymore. Having always like to show his muscles off, he figured he'd give his bulge and his ass their own little show by freeballing. After a few moments of struggling to fit shoes on his bigger than ever feet, Leon growled loudly in frustration, deciding to go barefoot, uncaring whether or not that respected the gym policy.

As Leon went for the door, a dirty idea from his lust addled mind eased its way on his consciousness. With a snide grin, he quickly strode to the kitchenette of the common room and picked up an empty sports drink bottle for the gym. Grabbing some protein mix and throwing it into the bottle, he slipped down his shorts to release the sheath swelling with arousal. The inflating organ he groped hardened with ease, its full length jutting out from his groin and dripping precum without a care in the world. Shaking with perverted anticipation, he positioned the bottle beneath the dripping cock, stroking himself faster and faster as more preejaculate practically poured into the bottle.

Unable to contain himself, Leon let out a loud growl of pleasure as he came, another load filling the bottle to overflowing within seconds... and still, the cum kept oozing out, overflowing the recipient rapidly and forming a gooey puddle on the tile floor. Panting happily as his orgasm tapered off, Leon closed the bottle top and slipped his shorts up, grinning wolfishly at how the outline of his junk displayed for any to see. Leaving the sticky puddle where it lay, Leon grabbed his gym bag and headed out the door, intent on getting his workout if he was going to miss out practice.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jason, disconcerted by the sudden change of heart, looked at Michael's face. The malice depicted on his wolfish face was omnipresent, like he was planning a bad prank. Jason gasped, having a hard time to process the information. He wanted to kiss Michael, he really did... but a wave of scare hit him like he feared something would happen right then.


"Don't you love me... Jason?"

"I... Yes, I do Michael, but..."

"Then prove it. Kiss me."

Each word hurtfully hit Jason's heart like an arrow. Something was... wrong. However, as much as his mind tried to get the better of him, Jason fell for Michael's order and walked toward him. A smug smirk stretched on Michael's lips.

"Good boy." Michael muttered before diving in for a passionate kiss.

It was awkward. As best as he could, Jason tried to kiss his lover's muzzle. However, awkwardness soon ebbed away as Jason fell in the bigger guy's furry arms. The warmth of his lover welcomed him peacefully. Jason mirrored him and wrapped his own arms against the hirsute monster, his hands taking place just above Michael's furry ass, above the short wagging tail swaying left and right, curled up high in haughtiness.

Jason moaned as Michael moved his head back slowly, breaking the hot shared kiss, before going back at it again. The fuzz on Jason's cheeks resumed its growth, loosing more of its brown colour as it became greyer.

"Michael..." Jason murmured in-between two strong kisses. "I... I should go..."

However, the beast that Michael was becoming was taking the reins. Slightly, Jason felt the beast, that his arms held, try getting free... although he realized after a while that Michael was not trying to pull away. He was growing.

"Mi... Michael... That's enough!" Jason asserted louder, trying to pull himself away.

Still, the beast held Jason tighter against it... and Jason noticed a warm wetness spread against his barely covered soft middle. Upon this realization, he heard a chortle from Michael whose hips started gyrating. Jason gasped in shock, feeling a shaft the size of a limb push upward against his torso, trapped between their bodies. The scene from Friday morning replayed on his mind. However, this time, Jason could barely pull his head away from Michael's lips. He was locked in place.

Slowly, against his will, plaints and cries, Jason was forced to kneel on the ground. Michael never let his arms free him, so he kneeled as well. Then, just as his embrace on Jason loosened up, Michael shoved Jason on the ground, holding him up with his hands, slowly completing their transformation.

"Michael! Stop it! This isn't you! This is... the beast, whatever you call it!"

Michael simply laughed at Jason's hurt expression.

"Please, Michael... fight... You're stronger than this!"

Michael's gyrating hips doubled with ardour. His mischievous gin stretched furthermore as his muzzle completed its growth. The beast's maw opened up, slobber dropping next to Jason's frightened face on the moist earth. The musician could feel the hot breath of the humongous monster as the last bits of Michael crumbled into dust.

"Michael..." Jason whimpered, closing his eyes.

To his surprise, the slobbery lips of the monster touched his again, plunging for another kiss. Jason succumbed once again, giving into it. New tears ran down his face sides as he felt the insisting shaft of his loved one rub against his crotch, reminding him of the sole sexual act they've ever shared before... but it didn't stay in place. As Michael's body completed its transformation, his longer torso forced the shaft to slip downward and between Jason's thick thighs. Unable to resist, Michael groaned inside Jason's mouth, feeling his incomplete mate's fangs ease out. Seductively, Michael's dextrous tongue felt the sharpening teeth until Jason bit it.

Amused by the kinky action at first, Michael's muscles tensed as the pain increased with Jason firm grasp on his tongue. The werewolf growled and slapped Jason face in betrayal. The musician let go and let out a moan, slightly sounded. The metallic taste of iron filled Jason's mouth with a new euphoria he's never felt before. Right then, his eyes opened up. Shocked, Jason groaned as unwilling thoughts of hunting animals and tasting their bloody flesh overwhelmed him.

Michael, despite his anger for the arrogance of the musician, chuckled as he witnessed the fright on Jason's face. He knew what it was about. He remembered clearly the time he tasted blood for the first time when he bit Leon in the locker room. This taste was the last straw, making the beast within Jason wanting nothing more than to feast on raw meat from now on. Nothing would taste as good as the bloody muscles of a prey under his teeth. The sound of tearing clothes hit his ears. Jason's heart fluttered as his frame expanded under Michael's, forcing the last remaining clothes on him to tear apart. Already, he could feel the seat of his trousers fill out beyond its capacity, his asscheeks splitting the seams of the clothes.

Jason tried to get free from Michael's grip, but the bigger wolf on top of him held him in place. A powerless cry escaped Jason's darkening lips as he felt the spear-shaped cock easing its way through his backdoor. Despite the sexual assaults he's been victim of lately, Jason was still a virgin when it came to anal. Whimpers and pleads and cries made their way to the werewolf's ears, but the beast was a slave to its new needs and desires. Right now, the only thought that occurred on its mind was to fuck... and change this incomplete werewolf into his pack mate.

"Ahhhhhh!!" Jason cried, two furry hand-paws holding his shoulders tightly so that he couldn't run away.

The moment Michael inserted the tip inside the musician's asshole, he almost came on cue, shooting a wad of precum so large that it filled Jason's ass like an average human load would. Even though it was just the tip, it felt surprisingly large to begin with. The beast's tail wagged happily as he sunk more of his fuck-stick inside of the roommate. As much as Jason tried to get himself free, his will vanished slowly as he welcomed the pummelling of his prostate with an odd mix of pain and pleasure. Jason's traitorous dick grew to full mast, stretching proudly what was left of his tattered shorts into an awkwardly oversized tent.

The more Jason looked up at the wolf's content face, the more he felt his heart sink inside his chest. It was not the same Michael he fell in love with... but there was an odd sense of familiarity with its expressions. Jason winced as more of the shaft slipped in him. His body tensed in fearful pain and the werewolf's movement slowed. More than half of the fifteen inches shaft was buried inside Jason. Plus, the increasing girth toward the base was making the first experience quite difficult.

Like there was glimpses of Michael resurfacing, the eye colour of the monstrous werewolf flickered between yellow and gold. The grip on the incomplete werewolf's shoulders loosened up. Jason gasped as Michael stopped moving completely. While Michael's grip on Jason never eased away completely, he brought one hand to the bassist's face tenderly. The golden eyes fixated on Jason's own were gloomy, remorseful.

"I'm... sorry..." Michael growled with sorrow.

The werewolf pulled his hips back, taking his buried python almost out... then slammed it back inside, deeper than how much it reached previously. Jason screamed in shock more than in pain. Michael's hips started gyrating. The werewolf whimpered in a mix of shame and happiness.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." Michael muttered. "But it feels... too damn good to stop..."

"Mi- Michael... s- stop!"

"I... I can't..." He replied with a goofy grin and tears running down on his furry cheeks as he felt his knot swelling a little, brushing Jason's entrance.

The more the red cock's base swelled, the less it was likely to fit inside the bottom's ass. Still, Michael stubbornly tried shove it inside Jason, the thrusts growing forceful. Jason tried to scream, but his ragged breath was giving him a hard time to make any sound. It felt like this monstrous cock shoved inside his ass would eventually come of his mouth, blocking all of his internal bodily pipes.

And then, just like he felt like tearing apart, the knot eased its way inside him.

Jason screamed in powerlessness. The beard on his face spread upward, almost reaching his eyes and forehead. His nose blackened and his jaw dislocated as it started pushing forward into the beginning of a muzzle. The slightly pointed ears stretched further up into triangular wolfish points. Jason clawed the ground, trying to pull himself away from the werewolf, claws growing bigger in the meantime.

Michael looked down on him with a perverse feeling of pride, watching his mating partner leave humanhood for beasthood. The knot inside Jason's ass kept swelling, growing as large as two baseballs, locking them together as the top finally orgasmed. Jason forced a distorted scream as he was filled with such pressure he came handsfree all over themselves. And just right then, an intense pain seized Jason's body. Like he was pulled by invisible ropes in every directions, his limbs stretched like he was experimenting a fast forward growth spurt.

Shy of eight feet tall, the werewolf Michael became fell on top of the bottom, momentarily spent from his last transformation and intense orgasm. He felt Jason's slightly swollen paunch filled with infectious cum, the abdomen almost covered in dense grey fur. Jason was not done transforming, but he was getting close to completion. With a pleased smile Michael panted and closed his eyes, drifting asleep on top of Jason. Himself spent from the transformation he's undergone, Jason felt his eyes grow weary. He tried willing himself to pull away, but his new bloated muscles were even sorer than this morning and demanded for a much needed rest. Plus, with the fat knot buried deep inside his ass and the heavy body laying atop him, Jason felt compelled to stay there... and thus fell asleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Once Eric came back from football, reeking from not having showered in the gym showers, he was welcomed with a competitive strong musk the instant he entered his shared room. Oddly, while taken aback from the odour, he felt an odd itch at his groin as if it stirred his manhood awake. He tried to find where the smell came from... only to notice that the drawers where he stored his clothes were opened up and dripping with a strange fluid.

"What the fuck..." Eric muttered. "Leon? You here, bro?"

No answer came to him. Curious, the footballer walked to his drawers and noticed that his underwear, socks and undershirts were moist with a strong musky wetness. Weirded out, Eric looked for the ceiling, wondering if something dripped from the upper floor. However, it didn't seem likely as no stain marked the paint. Upon inspection, Eric however noticed a resemblance to the beer's smell. Would it be that a beer can fell in his clothes and had its contents soaking them up?

The thought seemed unlikely as he didn't see any beer can in the opened drawer. The thought of Leon playing a prank on him came to his mind and it infuriated him. It wasn't his fault if the coach kicked him out of the team for the obvious abuse of drugs. Eric's anger culminated when he realized he didn't have the time to do any laundry before attending class. He barely had time for a shower! Hurriedly, Eric took the clothes that seemed the less soaked and less musky from the lot and he headed for the bathroom. If he had been less in a hurry, he would have looked for someone in the frat with a similar built to his to borrow some clothes.

Quickly, Eric undressed and stepped inside the shower. Under the warm rain, he felt his fat cock grow to full mast, aching for attention.

"I don't have time for this!" He groaned, idly caressing himself as he scrubbed his sweaty body with soap.

After a quick wash and leaving a hard-on very disappointed, Eric walked out of the shower, drying himself swiftly before putting up the sole underwear he thought would be wearable: a jockstrap. Perhaps, the lack of cotton on the piece of clothing made it less susceptible to be soaked in fluids. He put on a pair of short socks and the white undershirt. Eric felt the clothes were a little moist, but he'd tough it for the morning class he had. Afterward, he'd get a word with Leon.

Gladly, his blazer and his sweatpants were on his computer chair and dry. Eric slipped them on and left his room with the old riven schoolbag he's had since Middle School. Having grown up on the countryside, he's been encouraged by his father to become an accountant for his garage workshop. Unlike his gay brother who wanted to get into Arts next year in college, Eric thought studying to become an accountant would eventually help the family business.

Eric's gait slowed a little as a warm itch hit his crotch and travelled upward his chest and down to his feet. Shrugging, Eric resumed his walk to class, unaware that under the clothes, his already infected body reacted to the cum-soaked underclothes by making his red hair spread and grow thicker.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jason fumbled around, awaking. The beast was still heavily sleeping on top of him, humping him slightly in its sleep. While Jason's body still felt sore from the changes and the fuck he's just received, he felt that the knot locking the monster's cock in him had deflated. Tentatively, Jason tried to crawl away from the monster's grasp, using all the new strength he's suddenly acquired... until an invisible whisper eased on his mind.

"Come. Come to me." The voice said faintly like it was hiding in the wind whistling through the naked high tree branches.

"Who... who's there?" Jason asked, shivering.

The air wasn't cold, but it reminded him that summer was gone, leaving place to autumn. Still, it wasn't the reason for why Jason was trembling. A fear seized his being.

"Come. Give in, young beast. Give in to the beast." It added.

"No! Stop it!" Jason pleaded to this ethereal voice.

And then, as no more words haunted him for a moment, Jason felt the throbbing pole still lodged inside his ass moving to and fro, swelling up. Michael was awaking.

"Michael, stop! There's... there's something wrong!"

Everything felt wrong, but things were elevating to a whole new level of wrongness. Paranoia of schizophrenia afflicted Jason as he felt watched upon by an invisible figure. A tired grin formed on Michael's muzzle as his thrusts resumed idly.

"You hear it now... don't you, Jason? The Calling."

"Michael! Stop it! Get yourself together! Please!"

"You're done, Jason. So am I. Just... give in." Michael snarled mischievously, the last two words echoing on Jason's mind with the wind whispers. "Yes... one more time... and you'll join us."

Michael's bucking hips increased their pace, drool seeping out of his maw and landing directly on Jason's face. The musician tried one more time to ease himself out of the beast's clutch, but to no avail. As much as his muscles and his frame had increased during the last bit of transformation, he was still smaller than Michael.

Jason felt the werewolf's mouth try to kiss him, but he turned his head sideways. Only then, he noticed his acoustic bass laying softly on top of the case. A tear of hesitation ran down from his eyes, but he went for what his mind told him. Quickly, Jason took advantage of his new longer arms, grasped the fingerboard of the bass and used the instrument to hit Michael's head as hard as he could.

A resounding cacophony of sounds hit Michael as the wood of the instrument splintered in every direction. Michael gasped a loud whine, sounded, and Jason managed to push him to his side, and thus free himself out of the beast's grasp. The musician's heart sunk as he witnessed his destroyed instrument, but he figured this sacrifice would buy him enough time to run away.

"Ja... Jason...!" Michael mumbled, unable to stand up, his head spinning.

As much as he wanted to express sadness for losing everything, Jason ran for his life. He wanted to run back to his car, but a brief instant to look at himself reminded him how much he's just changed. While still smaller than Michael, he had just grown almost a foot in height and his feet had lost their humanoid shape, adopting the appearance of thick wolfish paws. Jason, in shock wanted to bring a hand to his mouth, only to realize that his face was more wolfish than human with the muzzle he's started to grow.

"No! Whyyy?!" Jason whined.

Even his voice was foreign, sounding more like Michael's beastly voice. He's lost the guy he loved to a beast, lost his precious instrument and now he was losing his humanity. The few scraps of clothes clinging to him where the last remnants of his human roots. Yet, they were tearing apart as he was outgrowing them. Away from Michael, away from the road, away from everything but the solitude of naked trees, Jason fell to his knees in the puddle of fallen brown leaves. He cried his losses, plunging his deformed face in his hands, thinking one more time about his family as the voices within his mind resurface with an oddly clearer tone.

"You can't fight it, Jason."

Jason jerked and looked around, searching for the man talking to him, but he was nowhere to be seen. Using his increased smelling, Jason tried to break the seemingly invisible cover, but to no avail.

"Who are you? What do you want from me? From us?" Jason growled.

"My name is of no importance to you."

"Where are you?!"

"I'm... let's say everywhere."

"I'm not playing games! You've ruined my life!"

"I love games and I'd say I've enhanced your lives! Don't you feel better than you ever did?"

"Shut up!"

"How does it feel to be bigger? Stronger? The big bad wolf? It sure is different from what you used to be, huh?"

"Shut up! You don't know anything about me!"

"My bad! I think you're mistaking, Jason."

The wind seemed to intensify and twirl around the aggressive yet frightened Jason. Red leaves moved in the wind like fiery dancing birds. Jason's head hurt and the teen groaned seizing it inside his dehumanized hands. Looking down, through the scraps of his pants, a still human-looking but oversized erection jutted out of his furry crotch. Jason whimpered. Of all the erections he's had in the past week, he's never got to masturbate himself, yet the bobbing giant thirteen incher before him somehow hypnotized him. The instant he grabbed the fleshy shaft, an indescribable euphoria overwhelmed Jason and almost instantly, his human-shaped cock started to redden.

"I must say... you are quite an interesting subject. Your will is incredible. You've managed to keep yourself from transmitting the gene to other people and to keep yourself from giving into self-pleasure..." And suddenly, the ethereal dissipated and gave place to a real voice right behind the incomplete werewolf. "I think you're going to make a fine addition to my subjects."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Eric couldn't concentrate. The lecture given by Professor Gregory Pauling on Accounting Database wasn't exactly boring, but the teen stashed in the back of the classroom couldn't keep his mind on the tasks the teacher asked the students to work on the room computers. Negligently, Eric scratched his itchy crotch. He cursed softly as his hurrying earlier blurred his judgment. He should have simply went freeballing rather than putting underwear that was soaked with acidic beer. The unfocused footballer scratching turned into an unconscious fondling. His hand wrapped around the fat girth of the sex rod bulging his sweats under the desk.

"Can you answer the question, Mister Miles?" The teacher asked Eric, noticing his lack of focus.

"Huh... sorry, sir. Care to repeat that?"

Eric blushed, managing to finally answer the quite simple question he was asked while zoning out. Once the teacher averted its attention toward another drowsy student, Eric winced as he felt an increasing tightness snap at his crotch. Discreetly, he manoeuvred his hardening cock out of his jock pouch to let it stretch against his thigh. Did his jockstrap shrink in the wash? It sure felt tight, not only around his crotch, but the straps hugging his thighs felt oddly snug.

A gasp escaped Eric's lips as a subtle pain hit his lower back. Tentatively, the student rubbed the hurting spot only to discover a lump right above his asscheeks, partway under the elastic of the jock. The large knob felt oddly sensitive under his palming. Disconcerted, Eric let out another gasp as he felt a stinging tickling from this bump, feeling it push outward. A few students turned toward the goof. Eric muttered he must have been hurt during football practice that morning. When people turned their attention back to the teacher, Eric examined blindly the oddity behind him, only to realize that a wagging appendage covered in soft thick hair moved on its own behind him. Something that was part of him.

Terror crossed Eric's face. Did he just grow... a tail? Unable to control this new limb, Eric tried as best as he could to stuff it inside his trousers, but like it had a mind of its own he was able to grasp it. To avoid suspicion, he jerked back all the way against his chair, trapping the mocking appendage between the backrest and himself, grunting in slight pain at doing so. A few students turned toward him, giving him severe looks and hushing him. Eric excused himself, his face turning red behind the few freckles that adorned his face.

After being certain the attention wasn't on him anymore, Eric manoeuvred himself discreetly, yet awkwardly, to grasp the furry tail he held still with the middle of his back pressed against the chair. Once he's got the 'thing' in hand, his excitement was transcended by having it trying to wag faster and harder. Luckily, Eric's strong hand held the appendage firmly and he managed to slip it down under the waistband of his sweats.

While it was a temporary solution, Eric's mind ran mad, trying to understand what was going on with him... and what he was going to do about it. As much as he wanted to focus back on the teacher's lecture, Eric couldn't help but being horrified by the sudden growth of a tail on the back... and by the massive hard-on he depicted on the front. Why was he still hard anyway? He should be terrified! Still, a sense of carelessness heaved on him.

Just as he was going to excuse himself out of class, a warmth overwhelmed him. A prickling feeling coursed over his torso like he was tickled with sharp feathers. Eric's fist clenched as he tried to suppress this feeling the only seemed to agitated his newly grown tail. At the same time, Eric caught an enticing smell. Looking around, he noticed a guy on the far end of the class was eating beef jerkies for a snack. Then a sudden hunger hit Eric's stomach.

"What's... happening to me...?" He groaned between his teeth, doing his best not to attract attention.

Minutes on the clock ticked by and a paranoia overfilled Eric as he heard the distinctive sound echo like a hammer hitting a steel. Whispering students from the farther end of the class tickled his hearing like the wind blowing through the bushy tops of trees. The clattering of keys pressed on the keyboards intensified like they were hail balls hitting the ground during an ice storm. Last but not least, he heard the subtle movement his slightly thrusting hips made on the chair.

Eric snapped out of his delirium, noticing he was actually fondling his tent under the desk. While he knew he was large down there, a sudden fear of what lurked under the clothes hit him. It looked like he was stuffing a wine bottle down his trousers rather than a cock... and, above all, the tip seemed to taper into an odd-looking point. Enthralled yet frightened, Eric kept rubbing his male organ subtly, glancing around not to draw any trouble onto him.

His breathing intensifying, Eric failed to notice the noise he was making until the teacher asked him if he was feeling unwell. Eric blushed and realized the scene he was making. Fortunately, nobody seemed to notice the lewd act that was happening under his desk and Eric barely mumbled an excuse: he felt cramps but he desired to attend the class anyway. Not that he actually felt cramps, but that would sound less crude than admitting he was feeling himself.

Once the teacher resumed its discourse, Eric felt something give out and break. Right under him, one by one, the straps of the jock snapped, unable to contain the discreetly swelling firm asscheeks. Eric's swelling asscheeks flexed unconsciously as his jock snapped under his swelling size. With a quiet grunt of annoyance, Eric surreptitiously released his cock, slipping his broken jockstrap out of the way and quickly jamming it in his bag. Licking his lips Eric began to go at it once more, his hands painstakingly slowly stroking up and down his huge shaft, slathering his copious precum over the entire length.

Biting his lip to keep from moaning, Eric began to gently thrust into his hands, the heat and slickness of the act sending waves of pleasure throughout his body. The chair creaked softly under his faint movement, barely audible to anyone in the class but himself. With each thrust his cock seemed to swell, his hands having ever more length to work with as it grew increasingly difficult to encircle his girthy cock.

As Eric slowly worked his cock, every beat of his heart seemed to turn his cock a deeper and deeper red, the distinction between head and shaft becoming more vague with each passing second. Nestled within his pants, Eric's balls began to churn, producing rapidly increasing amounts of tainted cum, plumping up bigger and bigger, soon reaching the size of large oranges in his increasingly tight pants. Feeling the growing tightness, Eric grinned dumbly as they testified his sheer virility.

With one hand, he unconsciously gathered up a few gouts of precum before reaching down and slathering it on his aching balls, coating them in the musky liquid, massaging them. As the precum soaks into his skin, tiny crimson hairs begin to grow out from the flesh, rapidly covering his swelling balls in a coating of red fur. Returning his hand back to his cock, Eric slowly began to hump into his hands once more. Every stroke of his hands downward bunched up more skin at the base of his cock, soon enough forming into a bulging canine sheath to hold his changing cock when not aroused. On top of it all, Eric was none the wiser of the drastic changes occurring to his private parts.

Fogged with a mist of lust among a storm of chaotic noises, the footballer forgot for a moment he was in a class. The teacher was busy writing something on the blackboard when a heat wave hit Eric, to which his cock responded by plumping even fatter within his hands, rivalling with the girth of a wine bottle... then outgrowing it. The tip of the organ pointed forward distinctly as it jutted out longer, reaching no less than a pushing ten inches length that was overshadowed by a ridiculous girth... a girth two was even more outshined by a swelling monstrous knot.

Right on cue, a drippy ejaculation oozed out lazily from his inhuman penis. In quiet splatters, the white cum leaked and stained his trousers heavily, darkening them very noticeably and even soaking entirely through as he kept cumming. The itchiness over Eric's body ebbed a little before coming back full force, focusing mostly around his groin area. The wagging tail he so desperately tried to hide inside his pants snaked down his swelling thighs, gaining length and size and fluff. A soft creaking of the chair under Eric was unbeknownst to him as he failed to realize his own stature swelling up. His legs jutted out longer as the hem of his sweats revealed more of the bulgy red haired calves. Under the blazer he wore, he felt an odd tightness seize him as the moist undershirt he put on before class was getting constricting, straining to contain the enlarging torso that was growing furrier by the minute.

The noise of chairs moving alerted Eric out of his post-orgasm bliss. Quickly, he shoved the obscene cock back into his sweats without properly looking or noticing the changes that had overtaken it. His face taking the tint of his reddish hair from embarrassment, Eric mimicked his classmates and hurriedly shoved his stuff inside his backpack and logged off his student session on the class computer. Standing up in a rush, Eric was taken aback by the sudden change in perspective. While he was used to be a five-foot-eight lad, he found himself looking at the world around him from a higher view point, from easily over six feet tall.

While he wasn't precisely aware of his growth spurt to a staggering six-foot-four bulky footballer, he found his undershirt to not cover the entirety of his round and surprisingly hairy abdomen. Momentarily self-conscious of his belly, Eric went to to cover zip up the blazer, noticing how much of a tight fit it seemed to be on his firm middle. At least, the blazer was loose and big enough to hide his modesty. Only then, he noticed the dark musky cumstains all over the crotch of his sweats. In a clumsy attempt, he brought his schoolbag to hide the front of his messed trousers but he failed to realize that his bag was upside-down nor that it was opened. Hence, the contents of the bag fell all over the floor, which elicited a chorus of laughter from the few classmates that turned toward him and noticed his awkwardness.

Roughly taking the fallen stuff without consideration, Eric quickly stuffed them back inside his bag, cussing between his gritted teeth. A feeling of shame overwhelmed him like his pride what hit first. Fist clenched around his bag, he walked away not noticing that everyone looked at him with shocked expressions. After all, it wasn't common to see something 'wagging' inside a guy's pants.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Arriving at the gym, Leon was more than relieved to notice the absence of the secretary. Dressed in a tight gym attire, he fished his gym card from his pocket and slipped it in the detector that unlocked the barrier to enter the gym. Leon looked around, watching the various guys exercising. His gaze was predatory: he analyzed them, admiring their bodies. He recognized some of them. Some had their muscle definition increased since the beginning of the semester. Others had thinned out. A few had bulked up with bloated muscles and bulk. Some even had started to let their facial hair grow out.

"Hmmph... can't believe A' was ever into gals, they've got nothing on men." Leon thought to himself with a quiet growl, his eyes resting on the ass of one of the guys on the treadmills. He could already feel the tip of his dick starting to slip out of his sheath bu he refrained himself for now, turning his yellow-flickering eyes away. "Breasts and pussy are worthless compared to a fat cock and muscled bod."

Making his way over to the weights, Leon's predatory gaze stopped on the handsome guy already there. He looked to be in his early twenties, a couple years ahead of him, probably a college senior. His body reminded Leon the nordic features befitting a viking, from the muscled and fuzzy body, to the pale blond hair tied up in a ponytail. With a hungry grin, Leon admired the guy's physique for a few moments. He's never noticed him in the gym prior to that. Above the meagre crowd attending the gym on Wednesday morning, Leon already targeted his prey.

Like a stalker hanging in the shadows, Leon commented in his deep voice: "Aye, mate, ya're lifting the weights like a fuckin' champ!"

The anonymous guy turned toward the voice provenance, then grinned up at the tall lad as he finished his squat set.

"Heh, thanks dude. I gotta admit that I love the feeling of getting pumped. Name's Corvus by the way."

Leon's eyes glinted yellow for a moment as perversion cheered him on to give in to the beast's desires.

"Ya know, mate, if ya really wanna get pumped, A'd say ya should try my protein shake. It's got everything you need to grow big and fast."

Corvus's eyes widened a little at the offer, having never been given help at the gym before, let alone a drink of someone's shake.

"Not sure, dude... I want to grow the natural way."

"A' guarantee ya: it's 100% natural, mate."

Leon flexed his free arm for emphasis. A soft ripping sound echoed as he flexed and a tear formed right under his armpit. Leon moaned faintly at the seams splitting. His muskiness elevated a little, getting caught by Corvus, whose expression turned from doubtful to incautious. His saliva thickened and a very slight arousal hit him.

"Worth a shot I guess." Corvus shrugged with a casual shrug as he took the offered bottle.

Popping the cap he brought the tip to his mouth and drank a few swallows before stopping. He smacked his lips a bit, rolling his tongue around in his mouth.

"Huh... tastes kinda weird man. Kind of a... strong and bitter flavour I guess?" he commented, glancing at Leon.

Leon let out a chortle, secretly pleased that he managed to get the guy to drink his cum so easily.

"Aye, mate, it's a protein drink, they all taste kinda weird. Gets better as you drink more, or at least it did for me." Leon lied, showing his massive arms in attempt to make the guy cave in.

Corvus blushed, almost drooling at the sight. He's admired the bodybuilders for years and he'd wanted to grow big for so long. Just looking at Leon, he realized he bared an odd attraction to the man... and that he didn't even now his name. Clouded by his will to grow bigger and by the oblivious musk fogging his mind, Corvus tipped his head back and drank more, slowly draining the entire bottle. A bit surprised to see a guy down his shake completely, Leon still didn't stop him, an anticipating eagerness making him tingle warm inside. As Corvus finished sucking down the last swallow, he grunted. His stomach felt suddenly as if it was cramping.

"What the... oh, fuck... my stomach feels weird, man. Is this normal for a protein shake?" He asked, regretting his instinctive decision to gulp it all down.

"Huh... Aye, mate, A' didn't think ya'd drink it all right now... but don't worry! It'll be fine in a few minutes! Just yar body getting used to so much nutrients!" Leon said with a wolfish grin, his canines slightly sharper than before.

"Huh... I think I'll take a break right now..." Corvus muttered, a faint nausea hitting him all of a sudden.

Leon watched him sit on the nearby bench. As much as he wanted to keep corrupting the unaware fellow student, his muscles still ached for a workout. Leon grabbed a few more weights and stacked them on the weight bar. Satisfied with the amount of weight, Leon hefted the bar onto his shoulders and began his own workout. With ease he squatted up and down, the weights on the bar barely a challenge for the sheer strength he's developed over the past week. He growled in annoyance, desiring more of a challenge to work on. Leon averted his eyes, looking over at Corvus, who was idly rubbing his stomach in slight confusion on the closest bench.

"Aye, mate! Could ya add some more iron onto this thing? A' want a fuckin' workout after all!" Leon said with a smirk.

Corvus shrugged before grabbing a weight for either side of the bar, sliding them on. Leon slowly squatted, then stood, relishing the weight on his shoulders before he really got back into it. Corvus wanted to get back on his own workout, but he was too enthralled in looking at Leon.

The tall guy felt his blood pumping from the strain of the weights. With each squat it got just a little bit easier to stand back up. His legs began to quietly crack and pop as they swelled with more and more muscle, rapidly filling the remaining space in the legs of his shorts. Without him realizing it, Leon's ass began to firm and swell further, his already tight gym shorts getting even tighter with each squat. As he watched Corvus marvel at him Leon's arousal began to come back in full force, like he was showing off to an admirer in hope of getting laid. His cock slipped from its sheath and bulged out the front of his shorts, taking up as much room as was available. His balls slowly swelled further, the thought of having infected someone else and the workout combining to up his production even more.

"Fuck, man... Getting pumped in more ways than one!" Leon thought to himself as his shorts bulged in the front.

Reaching the apex of his down squat Leon's eyes went wide as the seam along his ass tore completely.


He let out a loud moan of pleasure as the cool air of the gym his his twitching pucker. Nearly dropping the weights, Leon's orgasm hit him like a freight train. Cock twitching madly in his shorts as it unleashed rope after rope of cum in his shorts, Leon dropped the weights onto the mat, collapsing onto his hands and knees as his orgasm continued, seemingly endless in the moment.

Corvus's eyes widened at the sight of Leon dropping down... until he's caught a very close look at the now exposed hole, surrounded by fuzzy cheeks and torn shorts. He salivated unconsciously as he stared at Leon. Swallowing, his eyes dropped to the bulging front of Leon's shorts, noticing the sheer size of the dark spot and the line of cum dripping down the left leg of his shorts. As Leon's orgasm finally tapered off, he opened his eyes, realizing that Corvus just saw everything that happened. He paused. Rather than feeling massive embarrassment, he was feeling a sense of pride. His shorts had torn because he was getting more muscled after all. Plus, his orgasm just showed off how fucking virile he was.

With a grunt he stood up, his cock still bulging the front of his soaked shorts despite his having just came.

"Aye... sorry 'bout that, mate. Guess A' got too pumped up." Leon smirked as he turned to face Corvus, his bulging shorts on full display.

"Aye... A' guess A''d better go get cleaned up... A' don' wanna give the entire gym a show, 'ight, mate?" He added rascally, noticing that dropping his weight and falling down had attracted more attention than he's wanted.

Leon turned and began walking off to the locker room, knowing that Corvus would be staring at his ass on full display. His eyes forsook their grey-greenish colour and glinted yellow as he purposely dropped his empty drink bottle, bending over to pick it up and widening the gap along the ass of his shorts in the process, eliciting a few more splitting seams for anyone to hear.

Entering the locker room Leon grinned to himself, savouring the fact that he'd infected two guys now. As he passed a locker his nose twitched, suddenly getting a strong whiff of sex. He backtracked a few steps until he was at the source, the smell coming from one of the top lockers. He licked his lips when he noticed that the lock was not closed properly and with a grin he opened the locker door. To his surprise the locker contained a few pieces of clothing and a fat rubber dildo thicker than his wrist and at least a foot long.

Leon's mouth salivated at the sight, his pucker twitching with need. Looking both ways to avoid anyone noticing, he snatched the toy and closed the locker, quickly making his way to the far corner of the locker room. The teen paused, making sure that nobody else was in the room before he brought the toy to his mouth, lapping at the head as he slid the toy further in. The sheer girth of the toy presenting a challenge, he began to take more and more of the toy's length, taking almost the entire toy within seconds, the length easily slipping down his eager throat.

After a few minutes of deep-throating the fat toy Leon slipped it out, knowing that it was plenty lubed now. With a wolfish grin he stuck the base of the toy to the bench and slowly lowered himself down on it, the fat head spreading him open with relative ease thanks to his previous ministrations. He moaned as he felt the inches slip in, every one of them bringing him closer to orgasm.

He grunted as he felt the big rubbery balls of the toy hit his ass, the thought of having the entire thing inside of him already turning Leon on further, his cock pulsing within his shorts, precum soaking the inside further. He let out a growl as his balls pulsed heavily, swelling even bigger, each beat of his heart making them bigger and hang lower. Eagerly riding the toy Leon brought himself closer and closer to orgasm, the length and girth of the toy mashing against his prostate with each thrust down.

Leon let out a loud growl as his orgasm hits him, his cock swelling even larger as it unleashed his load, cum essentially marinating his cock and balls with the volume, even oozing into his sheath, the excess dripping down the legs of his destroyed shorts. Leon didn't let up even as his orgasm hit him, continuing to ride the toy, purposely mashing his prostate over and over again, not wanting his orgasm to end until he was satisfied.

After minutes on end of cumming Leon growled and slid up off the toy, his ass gaping slightly but twitching with need. He was still incredibly horny even despite the pleasure he was still feeling. He wanted... no, he needed more.

Leon gripped the waistband of his shorts and tore them off, bringing them up to his face. He growled quietly as he lapped up his cum, craving more. His ears perked up suddenly, pointing slightly, as he heard the locker room door open and close. He sniffed the air and grinned widely, smelling Corvus and the scent of arousal. Quietly making his way down the lockers he saw Corvus stripping off his clothes, throwing them in his locker before grabbing a towel and heading to the showers. To Leon's delight Corvus was well endowed, his soft cock looking to be at least four inches soft. His balls at least the size of large eggs and hanging low in their sack. Licking his lips, Leon pulled off his shirt before sneaking up behind Corvus as he started his shower.

"Aye, matey! Enjoy your workout?" He said saucily, his large canine cock hard and dripping as he stroked Corvus's chest from behind.

Corvus startled and his eyes widened in shock as Leon stroked his torso, the sensation turning him, to his surprise, his cock stiffening rapidly.

"Oh God, man... you scared me! It's not nice to sneak up on people!" He said with a nervous chuckle, turning to face Leon.

His eyes drifted over Leon's body, taking in the sight of the huge, hairy, and manly guy before him. While he was not considered as a small guy at six feet one, Corvus felt small in comparison to this at least six feet and a half piece of a man. His mouth dropped open in surprise when his eyes rested upon Leon's dripping canine cock.

"What the fuck is that, man? That's really..." He paused, his nostrils flaring as Leon's musk hit him. "Really..." His train of thought was clouding yet again. "Really... hot... fuck... that's hot, man."

Corvus' mouth watered at the sight. His mind grew hazy, lust overfilling him and his logic ebbing away.

"I bet you want a taste, don't you?" Leon smirked cockily, pressing down on Corvus's shoulders until he got on his knees before him.

Corvus could barely form words as he inhaled more and more musk, his lungs filling with it and clouding his mind further.

"I don't know if we should be doing this man... people might walk in on us or something." He mumbled, barely able to think.

"Who cares, if they don't like it, they don't have to watch!" Leon growled audibly.

Strangely turned on by the situation but still worried, Corvus threw caution to the wind and reached a hand up, gripping Leon's throbbing nine inches and a half cock before slowly stroking it. He leaned his head in, taking the tip of the cock into his mouth, the taste of Leon's tainted cum exploding across his tongue. A sense of déjà vu tantalized him like he's already tasted the fluids before, but his brain shut down his thoughts and focused only on this primal desire. He slowly took every inch of Leon's cock, gagging slightly as its tip hit the back of his throat. Adjusting his position, Corvus quickly swallowed the rest of Leon's pulsing canine cock. He moaned as he felt precum practically pouring down his throat like a faucet left on trickle. To his surprise Leon suddenly began to thrust in and out of his mouth, desperate to get cum again.

Moaning in pleasure Leon eagerly fucked Corvus's hot mouth, savouring the sensations. Within minutes he was close to cumming, his knot almost its max size and his balls beginning to pull up. With a growl he thrust his entire cock into Corvus's mouth, his knot swelling to the max size, preventing him from pulling out. Rope after rope of cum filled Corvus's mouth, forcing him to swallow every last drop. Not letting up Leon ground his crotch into Corvus's face, finally feeling some satisfaction from his orgasm. Suddenly a jolt hit Leon, his balls feeling as if they were filling with pure heat. Blocked from his gaze he could only feel it as they swelled bigger and bigger, mashing against Corvus's chin as they swelled. With every shot of cum Leon's balls grew bigger, by the time his orgasm ended they were the size of huge grapefruits, hanging almost two thirds of the way to his knees.

Leon cried aloud in bliss, feeling his body expanding in every direction. While his cock snaked a little further down Corvus' put to test mouth, he felt himself stretching upward a couple inches taller. The shelf of pecs in front of him expanded, blocking Corvus from his view as the blower grew lower from his perspective. The ears on Leon's head stretched furthermore into points, getting close to the top of his head as they grew their own share of white fur. Once his orgasmic feeling calmed down and that his knot had shrunk enough, he pulled out of Corvus's mouth with a plopping sound. The bigger man, once he's stepped back enough to see past his enormous chest, grinned at the sight of the dazed face and somewhat swollen belly on Corvus. His grin widened at the sight of the achingly hard cock, noticing that it seemed to have swollen bigger than before, perhaps almost as thick yet not as long as the toy he had been using earlier.

Leon seductively turned around to present his ass, pulling the cheeks apart to show off his twitching and needy hole.

"Aye! A' think it's time for yar reward, matey. A' want you to fuck me with that fat cock of yars!" He said with a feral glint in his eyes.

Corvus shook his head, clearing it slightly as he focused on what Leon was saying. His blue eyes gained a yellow glimmer as he began to slide his cock along Leon's ass, teasingly pressing against him. Once the tip was in, he slowly pushed inch after inch of his girthy human cock into Leon's quivering ass.

"Fuck man, it feels like your ass is pulling me in!" He moaned in a loud whisper as he slid balls deep into Leon.

He slipped out until only the tip remained in before thrusting all ten inches back in with one thrust, causing Leon to growl in pleasure. Corvus quickly picked up the pace, thrusting in and out with gusto. As he continued to plow Leon's ass, he felt something strange beginning to happen: each time he pulled out, his cock would lengthen further, slowly stacking on inches. With each thrust in his cock would fatten wider and wider, stretching Leon's ass wider than the toy. Soon enough, his cock began to morph into a more inhuman shape, the head losing distinction as his cock grew smoother, the tip forming into a canine point. Minutes passed as he and Leon lost themselves in their passionate act, Corvus's cock changing all the while.

Their sex began to lose rhythm as the base of Corvus's cock began to swell, making it harder and harder to pull out and thrust in. Lost in the haze of lust Corvus didn't even notice, merely going at it harder. Soon his knot was too big to slide in with ease and in his haze Corvus let out an annoyed grunt as he forced his swollen knot into Leon's ass, his muscled ring closing behind it and holding tight, forcing out some of the precum being pumped into him, oozing down and coating Corvus's balls.

Corvus moaned as his knot was squeezed and massaged by Leon's insides, not realizing the cause of the change. His balls began to catch up to his cock. The fleshy sac began to sprout fine hairs, rapidly covering them and his forming sheath in a coating of pale blond fur. Corvus almost collapsed as his egg-sized balls heaved bigger, the pleasure nearly overwhelming. Within minutes his balls had swollen past the size of Leon's, bigger than a grapefruit each and barely able to fit in both hands. He moaned loudly as he came, the combination of his own change and Leon's skilled ass bringing him over the edge. His load filled Leon to the brim, his massive nuts churning out more and more seed and his knot preventing any from escaping.

Leon moaned like a whore as he felt his stomach swell, every pump of cum making his belly swell tautly. The combined pressure of cum and knot on his prostate forcefully brought him to orgasm as well, his cum splattering all over the tile of the shower stall. The duo stood there, still locked together as Corvus unleashed his cum into Leon. Leon moaned and slowly rubbed his belly, not even having felt this swollen when Michael fucked him as he turned, a few days ago in this very same locker room. By the time Corvus's orgasm came to an end Leon looked almost a few months pregnant, his bloated abs adopting the shape of a firm muscle gut from the volume of tainted cum.

As his orgasm ended Corvus's mind began to clear, he heard the door to the locker room opened. Realizing that he and Leon were still stuck together, he began to tug his cock out trying to pull away from the towering lad that still had his tall ass firmly pressed against Corvus' pelvis. The still swollen knot, trying to pull free, slowly stretched Leon's ass further, the pressure causing him to cum more and to make animalistic whimpers of delight. Scared, but also thrilled and determined to see what happened to his cock Corvus gave a final tug, Leon's ass relenting and, finally, releasing the knot.

Corvus groaned and he fell onto his ass, his cock still oozing cum like a geyser. He looked down in curious awe at his changed cock. Gone was the one he had known for over twenty years, and in its place was that of a massive wolf. It was over a footlong, at least fourteen inches now, and almost as thick as a bottle of wine, not even counting the knot. He watched as Leon stretched to full height, all six feet ten of the the cream furred man. Leon groaned, massaging his ass which clenched noticeably to keep the load inside as a reminder of the good fuck. However, he couldn't help but have a fair portion of it leaking out. Leon turned to Corvus, looking even more downward at the smaller guy and smirked.

"Aye... thanks for the fuck, mate. A' needed that more than ya know... oh, and A' hope ya like the gift. Seems like it's permanent after all."

Leon shot Corvus a cocky grin before leaving him there as people changed clothes inside the neighbouring locker room. A sense of pride and accomplishment overfilled Leon, pleased that he had converted yet another guy. With his shorts torn apart and knowing his shirt would not fit him anymore, Leon used his overdeveloped smell to track the musk of clothes inside a locker. He passed by the part of the locker room that was blocked for repairs, actually the spot where he and Michael had fucked a week ago. Using his monstrous clawed hands, Leon pulled on a lock and broke it to pieces. He didn't care for the noise he was making or if he was scaring the guys in the room as the only thing he wanted right now was to put on a pair of trousers, if only for the time he heads back to his room. After all, as much as a part of him didn't care for that, he didn't want to walk buck naked in the school. Leon fished out a pair of stretchy shorts and put them on. The things didn't fit and showcased his obscene privates but at least he'd have something on.