Rape story

Story by MischaDemon on SoFurry


Rape story

He couldn't wait any longer, he was getting impatent. Looking at his phone the 6'5 dragon stood his silver scales shimmered in what light there was in his dark room, walking out side into the rain.

Tyson a silver scaled dragon with black hair covering most of his face looked out to the street looking out to the darkness. "I can't wait. Where is she..." he mutters to him self looking out, picking his pants up a little before they fell down around his ankles.

Shortly after he arrived at a house barring in with out a care"Mischa!" ...He shouted "where are you girly" he shouted again walking around the house throwing a vase to the floor letting it smash.

Mischa ran out to see who was in her house, the small feline girl gazed up at the silver dragon looking back at her with a slight grin on him muzzle, and she stepped back in shock.

"T-Tyson what are you doing here* her ears pinned back her eyes wide

"I thought you forgot our little deal" he grinned walking towards her his clawed arm reaching for her.

"No! Wait I' not ready, I'd sat on Friday Ty" she said bravely looking at the great silver dragon.

"Too late, I can't wait any longer... So come here" he said walking over to her grabbing her arm brings her close to him and his bulge in his pants. Picking her up a little

"Ah! Stop it!" she yelled thrashing around

Tyson just scooped her up taking her to the bedroom and trowing her down on the bed; he growled softly looking at the feline girl on the bed. Jumping on top and grabbing some rope he found in the living room, tying her down as she kicked and screamed.

He sat back looking at the work he did, he started to take her pants off. First un-zipping her fly kissing her belly for a split second before he got a crotch to the throat.

"Tyson! You don't know what your doing!" she struggled trying t fight him off, looking down.

"Oh really? Don't I?" he said tracing a heart on her chest with his claw

"I'm the one that had to wait, so you had it coming Mischa" he said softly in her ear before ripping her top off here body and throwing it to the side.

Her heart raced, all she wanted to do was die. Tyson was the kind of fur you should not mess with. His light blonde hair covering her eyes as a tear ran down her face.

Tyson removed his pants to revile his 9 inch member dripping with pre cum already. Climbing back on the bed he cut the side of Mischa's pants letting him in, spreading her legs rubbing his sex on her pussy grinning looking down at her.

"Don't! Ty" before she could finish Tyson shoved his member into the tight area making her scream her head flying back in some kind of pain as he started to pump harder and deeper every time.

He had a grin on his face as he softly moaned on each thrust as he got harder and faster, after a while the screams turned in to a moan and Mischa started enjoy her self.

Ty notest the change and un-tie her hands from her bounds, ripping her around on her belly and digging in his claws hard against her back slamming his sex into her ass, once again the moans changing to screams of pain.

"TY! NO!!" she screamed trying to move away from her member that was buried deep inside her tail hole.

he just chuckled moaning as he pumped harder and harder.

"this is what you get when you play with the big boys" he rowred loudly as he was about to cum deep in her.

Flipping her around again he bit hard as he came in side her pussy leave a gaping hole in her shoulder, making her pass out on the bed. The blood pored from her shoulder.

Tyson pulled out with a moan throwing her momsiont less body down with out a care.

He left with out another though. Until the next time that was only nice.