Chapter 1 part 3 a late night snack

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#3 of The Tower of the Guardian

Spike watched Sam as he slept with his family, Spike was happy to see his brother smiling as he slept and Spike wanted to make Sam a member of his family and he also has to pee and poop badly, Spike licked Sams face carefully not to wake up Tommy and the others, Sam opened his eyes slowly to something warm on his face and he was hoping that it wasn't pee from any of the children at least not for now, his eyes caught something wet go across his face but couldn't see well and he smells something but nothing on him smelled like poop, just 2 pairs of butts in his face, he was able to move his arms as few of the kids moved the other way and everything feels dry so no accidents for the moment, Sam felt glad for that he didn't want to have to explain why the couch smelled like pee to Tommy's parents, Tommy and Phil were still fast asleep such heavy sleeps they all are as Sam tried to get up but he got up slowly as to not wake them up, his hands feeling their faces, Sam slowly moved them to the other side of the couch and then got up off of the couch and made his way through the dark house it must still be night he said to himself, as he found a switch he turned it on in which it happened to be the hallway light, he then looked for the living room light and found the switch to turn the lights on, he walked back over to couch to double check to make sure their was no accidents, no pee or poop stains just the kids farting in their sleep at points then he saw Spike following him and remembered the agreement he made with the dog OK I remember, Sam said quietly let me think on where we can do this so we don't wake up the children Sam said cause if you bark that might wake them up, Spike understood and went towards the basement, Sam had the feeling that he wanted him to follow, Sam shut the light off to the living room once he reached the basement stairs, Sam started to walk downstairs saw a light switch to the basement and turned the light on and quietly shut the door behind him, down the stairs Sam went watching the balls on Spike jiggle back and forth as he walked, Spike kept moving to a room that looked padded and it looked to be on the other side of the house, Spike asked will this room do? I think so as long as we don't make a lot of noise, I understand said Spike and I am sorry that I had to wake you up my owner made this room so he can have sex with me when his wife went out to the store so he can make a lot of noise without getting caught, I really have to pee and poop said Spike I haven't gone all day before I was put down here so I am holding in a lot of waste, OK I better get started then said Sam as he found an empty space on a couch that should be good for you said Spike my master pees on it a lot so no one will think otherwise if I pee on it by mistake said Spike, now that I am laying down how will this work? won't I have to be under you asked? Sam, yes well I will stand over you until I feel my penis make contact with your mouth once I feel a tongue touching my penis I will then start to pee, Sam got up is that a door asked Sam yes should I shut it ya that might be a good idea, it opens from both sides, Sam saw a light switch in the dark room and turned the light on and then he shut the door their was no lock so he didn't have to worry about being locked in with the dog, Sam went back on to the couch, I am ready said Sam as he opened his mouth, Spike hopped up on to the couch, Sam was looking up at the ceiling when he saw the head of the dog move past his head, then Sam saw the chest and a tip of spikes penis, I would like to make you a part of my family said spike but in order for me to do that I must pee on you as a way to mark you even if you take a bath I will still smell my pee on you and even if you get marked on other creatures, Spike found Sams mouth and pushed his penis a bit farther in Sams mouth, but not to far in and then Spike relaxed himself as Sam could feel his penis getting bigger like as if the dog was getting turned on by this, Sam found the tip and started to taste a sour and salty flavor as a torrent down his throat Sam started drinking right away, gulp after gulp after gulp then Spike pulled out a bit to get Sam's face making sure he got Sam somewhere and then he lifted his leg so as to get it on his chest and then he lowered his leg to finish back in his mouth, Sam started to gulp again, Spike felt like he was getting to the end, Spikes pee stream started to slow down and then it came to a stop, Spike pulled his penis out of his mouth, that is one thing down said Spike, as Spike began to turn around the last thing I need to do so badly I hope you have enough room as Spike lined up his anus with Sams mouth as Sam was seeing a dogs rear end he didn't think this was how his night was going to be like, Sam saw Spikes anus starting to stretch and a big piece of dog poop was starting come out and descent as Spite was so full, Sam opened his mouth like a brave man would the dog poop quickly landed onto his tongue and Sam started to chew quickly and swallowed in hints of more to come, Sam opened again and 2 more logs rushed out, Spite was still pushing, Sam quickly ate his late night snack, prepared for the next one and repeated the process until the last long fell into his mouth just to be chewed and swallowed, Spike fell over from being a bit tired, that was the most poop I have had to do in a long time said Spike, as Sam swallowed the last turd, Spike got off of Sam, that is all that you needed me for asked Sam, yes it was unless you want me to have sex with you?, no I am good I am ready to head back to bed said Sam, I could use some sleep as well said Spike as he laid down on the floor Sam walked out of the room shutting off the light and started to make his way back up the stairs shutting the basement like off and shutting the door to the basement, Sam heard some sniffling as he made his way to the couch, he saw that Tommy was awake but it was still dark being a little bit after midnight, is everything OK Tommy as Sam climbed back on to the couch still no signs of an accident, Sam picked up Tommy and Phil so he could go back to sleep, it is OK Sam said quietly to Tommy as Sam laid back down on to the couch and wrapped him and the 2 boys in the blanket, Phil was still asleep, Sam put his hand on Tommy's back rubbing it, I thought you had disappeared said Tommy no I just got up to go potty Sam said even though he hated to tell a little lie to a baby, I am so glad that you didn't leave, do you have to go potty? asked Sam yes I have to pee said Tommy, come here Sam said quietly as he was resting his head on the pillow, I can't go to the wooden blocks right now since I don't want to wake up the others, if you can stand up carefully and quietly put your penis into my mouth said Sam, Tommy got up and placed the tip into his mouth, Tommy guessed Sam wants him to pee into his mouth so Tommy relaxed himself and started urinating with a strong current a pee stream that one would expect to have after waking up for 30 seconds Tommy kept urinating while Sam swallowed and then his stream started to die down, Tommy pulled his penis out of Sams mouth and laid down tossing the blanket over him and Sam, thank you Sam said Tommy, your welcome said Sam, I am sorry if I scared you said Sam as he rubbed Tommy's back to calm him down some more, as he wrapped some of the blanket around him as he picked Phil back up so as to feel like it was before he left laying down with 2 children in his arms and more rolled in their sleep until he had 2 on either side of him.

Sam's necklace started to glow as it lifted in to the air above Sam then a small image with a persons face looking right at him, Merlin is that you asked Sam in a quiet tone, yes it is I, I was contacting you to check up on you, can you talk quietly sir? asked Sam I have a lot of sleeping children surrounding me and I don't want to wake them, I have only one that is awake that I am trying to get him to fall back asleep, oh! oh! sorry Merlin said in a quieter tone, the door to exit the world is open for you to move onto the next tower and wasn't to sure what was going on, well it is kind of a long story, short version is that I got stuck babysitting for the next few days and I won't be done this task until then since I will not feel right leaving these children alone without someone watching them, I see said Merlin moving the screen like thing around the children with their heads sticking out of the blanket, 6 children that is a handful said Merlin, well no worries the doors have no time limit since you passed the trial of what needed to be done you can leave when you are ready to, I am planning on buying a house in this world Sam told Merlin so that way I can babysit my friends again for their parents once their parents get home I will see about finding one, I heard from someone that the house next door was up for sale it appears to be a big house, oh that is some good news said Merlin, you should be able to buy it with the gold bars that you have once you purchase that house the door will automatically attach itself to that house and that door will only work for you and if you wish to make it items for you just say the magic words while touching that neck lace of the thing you want and it shall appear, cool said Sam, I will talk to you later said Merlin I will let you get some rest, see you later said Merlin as the light from the neck lace faded, who was that said Tommy a person from another world as Sam leaned up a bit to kiss Tommy on his forehead and then went back down to start shutting his eyes see you in the morning said Sam as him and Tommy closed their eyes entering Dream Land.

A few hours later had passed since Tommy and Sam went back to sleep, it was still dark as Phillip woke up, still feeling tired bit he woke up out of the need of of a potty break, he knew what he wanted to use but could he do it while Sam was asleep, it felt like he had to pee and poop as if his dinner was down cooking in the oven, Phil walked up to Sams mouth which was hanging open, Phil got closer until his penis was dangling over his mouth I best get started so I can go back to bed Phil thought to himself as he started to pee into Sams' mouth, Sam started to drink the pee down his throat while he was asleep, Phil had a lot to get rid of with it being morning pee, Sams mouth almost filled up quickly before Sam swallowed it all, pee was coming out so fast Sam managed to drink while he was asleep I hope he will be able to do that with my poop said in his head, so much pee that was inside of me, a few seconds later the pee stream Started to slow down to a tinkle, much better said Phil as he turned around to figure out how he was going to poop into his mouth without the blocks he wondered as he put his butt on to Sams mouth that will do, as he could feel his poop wanting to come out of the oven, as Phil started to push out the turds, Phil watched himself go as he saw 3 longs shoot right out and onto Sams' tongue as Sam started to swallow his poop whole without chewing, Phil saw each one disappear down his throat as he kept pushing out more poop, oh man he thought as he prepared for a few more as he was pooping the turds kept going down as if Sam was a bottomless pit, the last turd fell out and it vanished, a tongue slid across his pucker a few times, amazing said Phil, he can do all that while he is asleep as Phil got off of Sams' mouth and gave Sam a thank you kiss on the forehead and then laid back down next to Tommy to get some more sleep.