
Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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A story for Oriole because I love their characters.

Vic gets caught up in a search for a dangerous criminal but he doesn't really need to help and so, he decides it is better to call his lover Candy and catch up on lost time while everyone else can concern themselves with the criminal.

A screen buzzed to life, lines of color catching and stringing together until an image began to form from the various dots of color. The visage of a canine wearing an eyepatch stood there wearing a jumpsuit adorned with straps here and there, hands held behind his back. He cleared his throat before he began to speak, voice crackling from the feedback, "Ahem. This is galactic defense Captain Duris. I am calling all ships in the area on a matter of utmost importance." Sitting in front of the screen wearing an aviator's jacket and jeans was a yellow furred llama with chocolate tipped ears. His eyes were glued to the sides of his seat where he was fishing around for something with an arms dipping into either side and alternating when he didn't seem to find what he wanted to find. The canine on the screen cleared his throat loudly when the ship's pilot did not answer and when he still did not answer the canine spoke up, "Excuse me sir!"

Vic hopped up with a little start, eyes looking up at the eyepatch-wearing canine on screen before he smiled, "Oh hey! Sorry about that. I was just uh, looking for something important and I think I uh..." He brought a hand down to the side of the seat and pulled out a bag of chips before grinning, "Hah! Got them! Dropped them down here and uh, couldn't find them. So what's up?"

The canine stared blankly at the pilot before sighing, "Right. There is a criminal element in the nearby asteroid belt. I would ask that you idle and report any ships fleeing the area. I will send you an image of the ship itself. If you can, make chase but if you cannot, a report will do. There will be bounty hunters in the area as well as other galactic defenders. The criminal in question is dangerous enough to have stolen the ship he is in and evade capture on liftoff. Thank you for your time."

Vic nodded and watched as the canine saluted and blipped out of existence. Soon enough, a picture appeared on another screen near his console and he leaned forward to squint and see what it looked like. It was a small triangle dipping into rocky asteroids. In the picture, Vic could see that those tiny thrusters were on full blast with green flames leaving a long trail meaning the pilot was probably pushing those engines at maximum. Any ship navigating an asteroid belt would probably get crushed eventually if the pilot wasn't good enough. Vic doubted that the criminal could make it out of that belt but it was still something to worry about. It wasn't so much that he was concerned about a dogfight out in space but that he had to be put on idle waiting for all this to blow over. Waiting around while floating in space with little to do other than worry whether or not some random bad guy was gonna blow your tail pipe in a desperate attempt to escape wasn't exactly his idea of a good time. Well, he could just leave but that might get him fined or something or other authorities did. It wasn't as if he had any important places to be right now anyway and maybe he could make use of this as if he were handling some time off. A small smile crept up the sides of his mouth as he looked up and out toward the expanse of space in front of him. There were other ships buzzing about and all of them searching for that one tiny triangle. Vic didn't really need to be on the watch all the time, did he? Not at all. That would mean that he was free to do whatever he wanted and free to call whoever he wanted. Maybe not a call but he quickly turned his chair to start typing out a message.

"Hey Candy. I'm bored as heck and there is a bounty somewhere around me meaning I can't fly out of this place until they're caught. Well, that's what I've been told. I'll send you some coordinates and we can do some bounty watching together in the back of my ship with like, some butt stuff in the mix probably."

Vic thought about and wondered if he should omit the butt stuff or maybe send something extra to sweeten the deal but then again, it was better to be honest. He could feel his heart thumping as he tapped the enter key to send the message. Vic hadn't seen Candy for a while. She was often busy chasing this bounty or that or just doing anything that involved shooting things up. Honestly, he was more worried about her than he was worried about that criminal in the asteroid belt. Sure, Candy was a professional and all that but that didn't change the fact that he cared for her. Oh well. He'd be seeing her soon enough with this little break.

With that message sent, he set the bag of chips he had been searching for on the cockpit's console before turning the chair around and hopping off. Vic stepped out and into the rest of his ship moving with a little bounce in his steps and a big smile as he headed all the way to the back where he had a couch, T.V. and a few other things lying about. He brushed some porn magazines off of the cushions and made sure there was nothing sharp underneath like dangerous fragments of chips. There wasn't anything but the usual mess and he moved about not caring in the slightest. Candy wouldn't care too much so long as there wasn't some sort of toxic spillage and he was sure that there wasn't anything horrifying in the slightest. A fat monitor sat on a desk with a keyboard set up in front of it and he checked the desktop tower nearby to make sure the bright light was flashing green to let him know he was on before flicked the switch on the monitor and watched it beam to life.

Vic rubbed his chin and wondered if he had some time for a game or two or maybe even something else. Candy wouldn't be here for a bit and Vic could use this time however he desired but he figured it might be too irresponsible to start playing a game. What if Candy showed up? Candy showing up during him playing a video game could mean that he would have to abandon some poor fools if he was doing online or maybe he'd have to stop during an important story moment or worse, maybe he couldn't stop because he was too into the game. There were so many danger scenarios that could happen while playing a game and waiting for someone important to show up.

With tongue sticking out and pressed up against the side of his lip, he reached for his mouse and slid it over to get the cursor in position to select from a wide variety of games on the screen. He bounced over each and every icon before he finally settled over a folder titled porn. Vic double tapped that rather than any of his games and sat down with a little happy twitch of the tail. A little porn wouldn't hurt. He could get up and edge a bit for Candy. Maybe that would be an appropriate surprise for her. Vic scrolled through the various subfolder he had until he stopped by one that was entitled personal pics. He double tapped on that one while his other hand reached down to take hold of his zipper and yank it down, his ears perked up as he prepared himself to revisit some good memories.

It didn't take long to get his engine revved. There were pictures taken from several sessions stored in the folder and each of them brought back pleasant memories that sent him back in time to those sweet moments. He took hold of his shaft, letting it slide out into the air before he started to squeeze and pump it up and down. Vic paused at a picture of a rabbit standing there in a purple leotard with a big smile on her face, posing for the camera with a gun pointing up. His heart fluttered as he remained on that picture of Candy and his grip softened while he scrolled down to find other pictures of her. The memories were so strong it almost felt like he could smell the smoke in the picture. His eyes opened wide for a moment as he leaned in and noticed that there was no cigarette in the picture. Candy was a smoker but why did that memory come up so strongly?

A touched at his shoulder got his attention and he shifted his head in time to see the white-furred bunny leaning forward with a cigarette sticking out of the side of her smiling mouth. She rested one arm on his shoulder and with her free hand took hold of the cigarette before whistling, "Damn, I'm pretty hot in these pictures."

Realization struck Vic like a truck and he beamed, "Candy! How did you get here so fast!"

Candy just smiled and leaned down to give his nose a gentle peck before she planted the cigarette back in her mouth. With that free hand, she reached to tap a few keys and bring up the chat program that they used. There was a flashing sign with Candy's icon over it and Vic blinked, pushing the cursor to the icon before clicking on it. The message popped up in reply to his previous one.

"No way? I'm right around the corner looking for that idiot. Dude in the asteroid belt right? I'll be there in a few minutes tops."

Vic stared at the message for a second before looking up at Candy. He might've missed the message but she was here right now and it didn't matter that he had his dick out, if anything, that just enhance the situation. He couldn't help but beam, "Well! Glad you're here! I missed you."

Small splotches of red cropped up beneath the fur of Candy's cheeks before she took hold of her cigarette, puffed out some smoke into the air and moved in to take Vic's lips with her own for a sweet kiss. Vic closed his eyes and leaned to the kiss immediately, heart beating wildly. Candy made the kisses short, pulling her lips away to ask little questions, "Did you really miss me that much?" The pilot only nodded with his eyes closed and a crooked smile drunk with love touching his face. His reward was another kiss before she slipped away to breathe out, "Didn't worry about me too much did you?" Vic shook his head but then she giggled and nuzzled his nose, "You lying to me punk?" When Vic nodded again she rewarded his honesty with another kiss.

This time their lips locked for a longer time, mouths melding together and parting before their tongues came to meet in the center. The chair was slowly being inched away from the desk that held the monitor and keyboard. When they were far enough away Candy straddled his lap while their lips were still together, her free hand taking hold of his cheek to caress it gingerly while his own hands moved to grab onto both of her plump rear cheeks to squeeze and knead them. When their lips finally parted it was with a gasp shared between the both of them. Candy and Vic were panting, noses touching and eyes hazy from the long kiss they shared. The bunny moved just enough to get the pilot's cock between her rump and squeezed with her thigh while she planted gentle pecks against Vic's nose.

Vic could feel his entire body turning flustered from the attention. His smile never went away and his heart continued pumping at a rapid pace. Both of his hands were focused on that plush rear while he accepted every little kiss from Candy wherever she planted those lovely lips. Eventually, she stopped long enough to slip off of his lap and turn her head around. The heat around both of them was building enough that Vic couldn't tell whether or not the smoke surrounding them was from her cigarette or if it was steam from their bodies. Anticipation built inside of like a wildfire as he watched her get off and search through the room. His mind couldn't process what she was doing until she came out of a corner with a bottle of something clear. Vic watched her toss the cigarette away and grinned like a fool as she took a glob of that slick substance to pass it onto his cock. She squeezed and spread it over his shaft evenly while her other hand moved behind her to take her leotard and moved it out of the way just enough to be able to get her fingers under her tail. All the while, their gazes remained locked together.

Candy's digits moved carefully across his cock, only touching just enough to spread the lube on him but not enough to get him off. When her hand reached the tip of his shaft, she squeezed gingerly and leaned forward to take his lips in her own. She kissed again and again rather than keeping her mouth on his and Vic accepted every kiss with a smile and a happy hum. When she was seated fully on his lap again and he felt his cock sliding between those plush rear cheeks, Candy muttered, "You ready babe?"

Vic only nodded and managed to come out with a weak, "Mhm."

The bounty hunter bunny giggled and raised her hips slowly before bringing her hips down to plant the tip of his cock against her lubed puckered hole. She shuddered and her thighs squeezed around him as she pressed down slowly to let the tip spread her while both of his hands gripped onto her ass. While this happened her ears folded back and her eyes began to flutter while her words escaped her, "Would have let you kiss my fat ass but I really need this. I really missed this. I really missed you."

Such a sudden admittance brought a shudder through his body that pushed him to thrust deep inside of her rump and plant his mouth on hers lovingly. Candy squealed against his lips and her body shook as his balls slapped against her rump with every inch of his cock pulsing against her rear's inner walls. Even with that sudden movement, Candy's mouth gladly accepted the kiss and they both parted lips to let their tongues dance together again while the bounty hunter's shakey hips started to move up and down.

Candy's movements were slow and careful while picking up little bits of speed with every swirl and roll of her hips but Vic's humping was vigorous and full of his passion. His arms were coiled around her body tightly and refusing to let go while his mouth remained planted against hers. Every thrust produced a sound smack the echoed out into the room that made a beautiful song. His mind was melting with the heat being produced between them and adding to the music in the room were her muffled moans. Her tongue darted against his meekly while his body continued to push him to thrust and thrust with reckless abandon. Vic needed this. He had missed her far too much and the slow and loving pace that they had been going at had brought out that fire flickering at his heart and urging him to go all out and enjoy this.

Vic could feel his cock throbbing already from the force of grinding himself into that beautiful ass. He finally had to pull his mouth away from hers to take in a breath and he almost purred as he heard Candy moaning so wildly. Her hands were at his back and clutching tight at his jacket and when their lips parted she had moved her chin to his shoulder to rest while Vic continued moving his hips. Her own movements had stopped, leaving her rear in a perfect static motion for Vic to be able to do as he pleased.

The llama took advantage by driving his hips up into her quickly while his arms squeezed around her body. He thrust into her ass as deep as he could and as fast as he could until he finally felt like he was about to blow. Vic grunted, "Fuck I think I'm gonna blow."

Candy let out a breathy sigh against his ear, "Then blow away babe we're gonna be here for a while so we've got time to spare. L-let loose!"

That was all he needed. One more thrust pushed him to the limit. He groaned and panted as hot cum poured out of his cock and into the fat rear of his lover. He heard her moaning, he felt her shaking and knew that he must be doing something right. Candy's body pressed against his and the chair nearly toppled backward underneath the weight of their rutting. Rope after rope poured out of his cock until finally his balls were drained.

Candy was left panting with her body sagging against his, "Fuck...Babe, did you really miss me that much?"

Vic could only mumble, "I love you." Over and over again while his arms squeezed her body tight.

A flush of red crossed the bunny's cheeks and she repeated the words in a small whisper, "I love you too."

The pilot smiled with his eyes half-lidded and sleepy and he gave her a squeeze that made her grunt from the force of it before he let her go to take her cheeks and pull her back into a gentle kiss. It was softer now that the fire in his heart had been tempered and when they parted both were smiling. They were about to go for another kiss when the entire ship lurched sending them backward. A loud bang erupted from somewhere outside of the ship and Candy scrambled to get her rump off of Vic's face. The pilot got up on shaky legs and did his best to zip up before both of them hobbled over to the front of the ship where they were just in time to see the green outline of the criminal's ship getting away.

Candy and Vic both muttered, "Oh." At the same time and then looked at one another.

Vic turned back to the console and checked to see if all vital systems were working and they were, which was good, but the ship's engines had been shot out. Vic groaned and flopped onto his captain's chair while he slapped the distress beacon and looked up. Candy was looking down into his eyes with a big smile on her face and he tilted his head as if to ask what she was so happy about. No words needed to be said as he realized that it would take a long time for anyone to reach them and longer still for the repairs. Candy wouldn't leave him hanging like this. Returning the smile, he brought both of his hands up to take hold of her cheeks and leaned up just enough to plant his lips on hers. Maybe being on standby wasn't so bad.