Spring In My Step: Chapter 18

Story by RedSkunk on SoFurry

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#18 of Spring in My Step

The councilwomen again spoke into her mic to inform the crowd that was murmuring as to the nature of the cart, "Please lift the sheet." As the sheet was pulled off, I stood on my feet as high as I could go. It was Nyanni! In the cage with her was a large baby.... My baby!?! It seemed as though Nyanni finally gave birth to our child. The volume of the crowd swelled from a murmur to an outright roar of chatter as people looked on, pointing and gesturing. Some giggled at the size ratio, others in awe of the perceived breakthrough. It definitely made my blood boil. How dare they!? The first time I see my child and it's with a bunch of indifferent on-lookers judging Nyanni and her baby. I was just about to pounce towards the cage in the isle way, I reared back on my hind legs and just as I was about to jump, Katy jerked back my leash, grabbed me, and held me down on the table.

She whispered in my ear, "Calm down, just get through this OK? I know this is fucked up, but it will pass." I turned my head to look back at her as if I wanted to kill her, but in the moment, I knew she was right. What was I really going to do anyway? Single-handedly save Nyanni and my child and bust out of here? I was the same size a Nyanni, there was honestly little I could do but empathize with her.

Our child was smaller than Nyanni but you could tell by the proportions it was not an easy birth for her. The baby also had an appearance similar to that of the Abbess. A more human form along with some dominate rabbit like features such as long ears and a tail. Its fur was short, but the color was still strongly apparent, with a darker blue hue to it. It was cuddled up close to Nyanni for warmth, seemingly oblivious to the world around it.

Katy, looked mildly caught off guard by them bringing in Nyanni, then stumbled to explain the results of our copulation, "As you can see, despite our long running tradition of only allowing the chosen human to mate with the Abbess, is no longer required. Our kind can mate with humans and produce viable offspring even given Nyanni here's distant relation to humans, it is still possible." After Katy spoke about Nyanni she looked and gestured towards Tessa that she wasn't sure why she was to bring up Nyanni at all during this particular conference. Tessa also seemed to not understand why.

The mystery would soon be solved. The familiar private guards of the Abbess made their way into the room and took positions on either side of the door where the rest of us had entered from. The guard's uniforms had not changed, from the last time I had seen them. Still highly ornamental with gold inlay and glittering head ware. The Abbess made her way in and was wearing a tight fitted gold dress. A black belt on her waist seemed superfluous if not just to keep her dress form fitting, was decorated with a triangular mobius strip. Their attire seemed far out of place in this scientific conference. All their wear was religious in nature, diametrically opposed to the logic and reason science stood for. Then again, considering the 'scientists' in this room, maybe logic and reason were on vacation.

The Abbess walked toward the front of the room, stopping briefly to look at Nyanni and her child. Nyanni looked visibly shaken, perhaps even a little bit protective of her baby. The Abbess opened the cage and picked up the child a gave it a look over. Nyanni, sat up in her pin, her eyes wide open and fixated on the Abbess's every move. Katy looked down at me to assure me everything would be OK. "Collen, take it easy, she won't do her any harm." Katy told me.

The Abbess didn't seem too impressed though, she put the baby back down in the pin with Nyanni. She then continued walking to the front of the room, towering over everyone else. She leaned onto the table and spoke only loud enough for the table to hear. Though, being in the first row, I stood up and could make out what she said, "Since she is done, I expect ya'll will proceed with a second one? I would like to increase our numbers as soon as possible."

The council members murmured to themselves a bit, then councilwoman Leera shook her head yes to the Abbess. The Abbess then took her leave of the room with her guards following suit. The Abbess didn't look pregnant. I finally recalled all the sex we had, and while it only took me one attempt to get Nyanni pregnant, all the sex I was forced to have with the Abbess resulted in nothing. I was curious if she was still in search of a mate to create her heir. She certainly was beautiful, I found myself replaying in my mind how she looked as she left the room, staring at her ass poorly hidden behind her dress, tail exposed above her buttocks.

In a daze, staring off into the room, Dr. Katy had noticed before I did that I was getting an erection. My member jutting forward and up my stomach with every pulse of blood.

"Collen, control yourself, will you?" Katy said, half-way happy that I was getting aroused. She picked me up and held me close to her belly, helping me hide my hard on from everyone in the room. "Councilwoman Lerra!? If it is possible, I'd like to return the specimen to the lab."

"Have you anything else to contribute to the floor?" Leera replied coldly.

"Yes, we will be spending the next few days detailing the research in our paper which will be available for review and replication. I'll also be hosting some demonstrations next week for anyone who wants to attend!" Katy announced.

"That'll be all Dr. Katy, meeting adjourned" Leera said as she pounded her gavel. Nearly everyone in the room started to get up and make their way to the door. A few unfortunately started making their way to Katy and me.

"Dr. Katy, you did such a marvelous job! He is adorable! Can I hold him!?" Said the first F3 run to rush over. I clenched my paws tighter around Katy, hoping to signal to her that I didn't want to be held with my dick mostly erect, the image of the Abbesses rear end slowly fading from my mind. Katy didn't seem to care though, perhaps even eager to show off her creation, she handed me over to this stranger. Even going as far as to turn my body around to expose me to the now three different F3's looking on. My penis was not as large as a humans' but still by ratio larger than a rabbit's my size should be, so trying to cover it with my paws was futile, I instead opted to cover my face to try to hide my embarrassment.

"Collen, don't go soft on me now, these young ladies want to see the real you!" Katy said, then looking towards the F3's, "I purposfully endowed him with a hyper-active sex drive...hehe." Katy, while holding me with her left arm reached over with her right hand and slowly moved a single finger up and down my shaft. I wiggled and kicked my legs to try to minimize the feeling, but as she said, my mind and body was hers for the manipulating. My dick quickly grew to full size to the astonishment of the F3's.

"Now would you like to hold him?" Katy asked joyfully.

"Uhh... ya..sure...hehe" uttered the first F3. She was wearing a simple blue blouse and matching pleated skirt. Like a baby she turned me towards her and held me close. All I could do was plunge my face into her shoulder. For a moment, she pushed my hips just far enough away form her stomach to get another look at my shaft. I could hear another F3 maneuver closer to the one holding me.

"Do you mind if I?..." The other asked. I could feel the one holding me nod her head and with a low semi-guilty voice say, "Ya..."

I felt just the softest touch on my eager sex, I clenched my arms around the F3 and began panting faster. This only encouraged the other F3 to put just a bit more pressure on me and speed up. Despite my best efforts otherwise, I let out a faint moan followed by a thrust of my hips into the body of this stranger. Such is my fate to be continually molested and used by strangers in this burrow.

The doctor didn't want to give me, or more importantly the others the satisfaction of my climax. Katy stopped the impromptu three-way, citing the importance in keeping the experiment devoid of variables. In reality I felt she just wanted to keep me for herself, or share amongst her friends. I didn't quite understand the fascination the rabbits had with me. If it was merely sex they wanted, surely they could go find a feral male hare somewhere to fuck. But because I was human, or at least used to be, they were ever more eager for me. Perhaps it was influenced by the religious ceremonies the Abbess would partake in that gave them the impression that a human male is highly desirable.

Katy, took me back into her arms, much to the dismay of the other F3's. They all in unison released a sigh and walked off giggling to each other.

"Tessa, let's get out of here before we get any more attention huh?" Katy whispered. Tessa nodded in compliance. Just as we were about to leave I could hear the sound of the caster wheels of Nyanni's cart being dragged out of the door, clicking and banging, telling the whole world of the imperfections in the concrete floor.

Katy, holding me firmly against her body asked Tessa, "Could you please pick up my papers and take them to the lab for me while I take care of Collen?"

"Yes, sure! I'll get all this picked up, you go on ahead!" Tessa replied.

Katy, hussled me out of the room, doing the best she could to politely shove the other people out of the way. Most of those she forced out of the way appeared upset at first until they saw me up close; their curiosity taking over their composure supplanting their anger.

As we made our way out of the door, I could hear the familiar rattling of the cage on wheels that housed Nyanni. My excitement built as Katy was taking me towards the sound. "I might get to see Nyanni!" I thought. Much to my delight, that was exactly Katy's intent.

We finally caught up to the cage with Nyanni, still draped in a white sheet. The F3 pushing the cart looked back towards us. It was Milly. My blood began boil over again. Milly was the one who had 'pulled some strings' in order to molest me. I didn't want someone like her looking after Nyanni. I shot her the coldest stare I could muster. But before I could savor her reaction, Katy lifted the sheet to reveal Nyanni and my child.

Nyanni looked up at me and Katy, and I forced myself as far forward as Katy would let me to get as close as I could to her. "Nyanni! Are you OK? How's the baby!? I thought they had done something to you!?" I blurted out quickly.

"We're fine Collen... no accounting for taste, I'd prefer we weren't in a cage..." Nyanni said in a sigh.

"Oh its for the good of both of you!" The sinister doctor interjected. "You're pregnancy could of possibly been very tragic, it's only natural we would look after you."

I couldn't tell if Katy was telling the truth, or just making up bullshit in an attempt to cover up some ulterior motive to keep Nyanni. Though she had a point, a human and bunny mix I suppose could have resulted in a difficult pregnancy. So, what she said was plausible I guess.

At about this time, Milly wheeled Nyanni back into the room where my species was originally usurped with Katy and me close behind. Milly pushed Nyanni's cage back over to the side of the back ball and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. Katy turned to look back, making sure Milly had left, and opened Nyanni's cage, much to her and my surprise.

Nyanni gasped, fearing the worst, but instead Katy gently set me down inside. "I'm going to my room and grab a few things, why don't you three get to know each other for a while huh? Katy suggested. Most surprisingly of all, Katy walked out of the room, leaving the cage wide open. Though true escape would have been fruitless, she shut the door on her way out, followed by a metallic click.