On the Brink

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Two otters share a passionate night of edging together, but when the sun begins to rise, does that mean their constant near-bliss has to come to an end at last?

This 1000 word flash fiction was written for Yui_olp. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, and lewdly romantic edging. :3

On the Brink

Precisely when Andy and Ace had discovered that there was something they liked more than just fucking, more than just driving each other to rapturous, whimpering orgasms, neither otter could really remember. Particularly not now, not when they were working so hard not to think about things that would excite and stimulate them while still embracing, still clutching tightly at their partner. Ace moaned breathlessly, peppering the face of the male above her with soft kisses as he huffed and rocked against her, his cock straining and twitching while her depths clamped down around him, so hot, so wet, so eager. Her legs trembled with the intensity of just how tight they were wrapped around the backs of his thighs, and when he pressed deep, deep inside her and froze there, a giddy shriek escaped her muzzle.

"D-don't... don't move... ohh, p-please... don't cum..."

She could feel how close he was. The shuddering of his entire body over hers. The heaving of his torso as he panted and struggled to hold on, back arching. Ace loved this feeling. The knowledge that her man was so close, so primed and ready to erupt that if she had simply traced a single finger down his spine, he would have howled and poured a potent load of cum deep, deep into her pussy. Just knowing that, thinking about that, had her on the edge too. Poised and ready to let go, to shriek and writhe and cum so very hard, if only Andy were to cum in her. And of course, he knew that too. He knew how close, how ready she was, just like himself, that factor no doubt intensely contributing to the look of desperation on his face in that precise moment.

"Oh god. Fuck. Ace... s-sweetie, I... I don't know if I can hold it. It's too much. Y-you're so... so wet. So good. Please..."

Andy gasped as Ace kissed him again. Full on the mouth this time, deep and long and enduring, tongues flicking across one another as the breath was snatched from their lungs to keep it going longer still. Close to thirty seconds passed, and to Andy's amazement as the kiss broke and he drew in a ragged breath, he realised that he still hadn't cum. That the urgent, imminent need had passed and faded.

"Thank you."

He whimpered to the beautiful woman beneath him, the two otters squirming and pressing themselves more closely together than ever. She just giggled, whimpered happily, and pecked him on the lips once more before whispering to him in her own ragged, breathless glee.

"I know you can keep going. I... I know we both can. We have to."

She squirmed beneath Andy, and whined in absolute delight as she felt the male begin to withdraw from her, then push back in. Thrusting, fucking her once more, driving them right back to the absolute brink.

"That's it, baby. R-right back. Take me to... o-ohhh yes, to the edge. Don't let this feeling stop. D-don't let us slip away. Fuck me, Andy. Fuck me, a-and... oh, please... please, keep fucking me, forever..."

Outside their bedroom's draped windows, the summer sun was just beginning to set. Already they had been together, holding one another here at the edge of blissful oblivion for almost an hour. But still, at least if they played their cards right, the night was young. Their orgasm-free fun right at the edge of euphoria had only just begun, and would hopefully go on, and on, and...


"I... I... o-ohh, oh god... Andy, I..."

Ace gurgled and moaned her lover's name, but she had already forgotten what she was going to say to him; what desperate, frantic declaration she had known mere seconds before was absolutely vital that she share with her beloved bedmate. Her toes curled, early morning sunlight creeping over the base of the bed upon which they lay together, warming, comforting her despite the thick, musky heat already filling their room.

"Mnnhh... h-hhhaahhh..."

The male otter mumbled back at her, eyes wide open but glazed and unfocused. He pressed his face down against hers in a sloppy, tongue-heavy kiss, the two of them almost licking at their lover's face rather than actually kissing with any degree of successful cooperation. His hips rocked against hers, and both otters cried out loudly before falling still, trembling and fighting as they lingered on the edge once again. Their passions settled. Slowly, much more slowly than had been the case at the start of the night; that time spent at the brink now so much longer and so much easier to get to, equally so much harder to resist. But eventually, once again, they were coherent enough to speak. To blush as their eyes met with more clarity despite no less of a lustful haze, and whisper to each other.

"I could make you cum so fast. A... a squeeze of your balls, a few wiggles of my hips. I... a-ah... I bet I could moan in your ear just needily enough, just desperate enough, and you'd fill my pussy with cum without my needing to speak another word."

Ace moaned teasingly into her lover's ear, then giggled before she fell quiet once again, watching Andy's eyes bulge and then close tightly as he fought back the urge to do exactly what the other otter had promised. He drew in a ragged breath some thirty seconds later, and opened his eyes again with fierce determination as he half whispered, half growled back at her.

"You know I could do the same to you. I don't even need to move. To touch you. Just to make you believe me when I say a few simple words."

He closed his eyes again, then opened them wide, letting loose an obviously exaggerated cry.

"I... I'm gonna cum!"

Ace's eyes bulged. She whimpered and shook her head.

"I.. oh god, sweetie, I'm not kidding. I... I can't hold it. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum inside you! I... ohh, Ace. Cum with me!"

The female otter practically sobbed, shaking her head and begging Andy with a shriek.

"Stop! S-stop... please, I c-can't take it!"

Instantly, the look of imminent ecstasy left the male's face. He grinned, though as he felt his lover's pussy twitching and clutching around his needy cock, he knew just how close he had come to sending her over the edge. A fact which itself drove him closer, and soon left them both blushing and panting once again, fighting to reassert control as they hung on the precipice of pure ecstasy together.

The sunbeam dancing over the two otter's toes began to rise up the bed through a crack in the drapes, higher and higher over their trembling bodies until they couldn't help but notice it. Ace was the first to speak of it, trembling, blushing as she did so.

"I... I h-have work in... just a few hours..."

Andy nodded, groaning feverishly.

"Me too. We... w-we should... probably finish soon. Get a few hours rest, b-before..."

His voice trailed off, Ace whimpering as she nodded back, kissing him again.

"Just... j-just a little longer though, right? I... I just need a little more time, b-before I... before we cum."

Again the male otter agreed with a passionate moan and another deep kiss. Once more he raised his hips and sank back into her, just a single thrust now more than enough to carry them back to the edge with shared, frenzied cries of wild delight.

Just a little longer.

Just a little more pleasure, a little more time spent on the brink.

The sunbeam moved.

On one bedside cabinet, Ace's phone buzzed loudly. On the other, Andy's rang repeatedly for almost an hour.

They writhed. Moaned. Giggled and blushed and whimpered to one another.

"Just a little more..."

Midday sun streamed in through the drapes.

"Just f-five more minutes..."

The red streaks of sunset illuminated the drapes themselves with a fiery glow, and by the time the bedroom sank into total darkness once more...

"S-so close, baby..."

Ace whined in almost drunken ecstasy to her equally haggard looking, blissed out lover.

"I'm so, s-so fucking close. But please... please, not yet. Don't... ah, d-don't let me cum. Just... oohhh god, yes... just a little bit longer."

By Jeeves

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