mama's baby boy

Story by demon5456 on SoFurry

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Tenzo was a adopted 2 year old boy to his new mom who loved him very much and always made sure his needs where taken care of first including sex needs. Tenzo loved his mother's hand on his penis even if he never understood why she does play with his penis like that to get it to leak white sperm looking stuff. Tenzo asked mommy to give him a playmate please? Mommy said i'll need your help to get a baby unless i can find a baby boy that's been left behind by his family to steal. Bob's family never liked him because he was a runt of nine boy's.

So they left him in the woods near Tenzo's home where Bob was chased by a bear to the door step of mommy who killed bear for food. Mommy said Tenzo get Bob in a bath with you naked and no playing around just clean him and yourself for dinner after dinner you can play with each other's penis if you wish. Tenzo did as mommy said knowing he would be able to play with his penis and maybe Bob's penis too. Bob was good the entire time the bath was going on even though he had lot's of question's for his new family? Bob asked Tenzo why he liked to play with his penis? Tenzo said because i love to drink sperm that comes from our penis after we play with it enough. Bob really can i sperm like you?

Tenzo said yes in a couple years you can unless you go through the same process i did which i don't advice. Bob asked why is that process painful or something?

Tenzo said no it's forbidden unless asked for by the baby boy in question.

Bob said really why is that. Tenzo said because Bob it would take a hour of prep time then 2 hours of of you being out of it while your body gets used to your penis being able to sperm while baby sized. Tenzo said that means only your baby balls that produce sperm grow bigger and stronger while your penis continues to grow normally. Bob said really that sounds fun to me plus i get to be like you brother.

Tenzo said yes but you won't be able to change your mind as the process is nonreverseable at all Bob. Bob said cool i want to be able to sperm when my penis is played with not just get a stiffy or a hard on.

Tenzo said okay piss while you can Bob as you wont be able to until 15 minutes has passed from the process being done. Bob empted his bladder and ran back naked his clothes in hand Tenzo just put Bob on the machine that does the process and for 15 minutes Bob was unable to piss or sperm or stinkie as his body was dead to the world until the process was complete.