Showtime - September Rule 34 Story #2 (Teaser)

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#77 of Patreon

Brooklyn is having strange feelings about a love affair with Claw; with a word of advice from Goliath, he decides to go on a second date with the mutant from the sewers!

Thank you to all my Patreon supporters. If you'd like to read the full story and others a month in advance AND have a chance to vote in your favorite characters please feel free to join


It was dark out as Brooklyn sat on one of the outcroppings of the castle's exterior wall; one leg dangling over the edge as he stared down into what would have been the sea of lights that filtered through New York's cityline. A freak storm had rolled in before they had woken for the evening and blanketed the entire city in clouds so dense that very little light could pass through them. It was an odd spectacle to see lightning flickering from above for once; back in medieval Scotland, he never would have imagined watching a storm from the other side. Yet, now here it was; but something else was on his mind, his sudden and passionate involvement with the mutant Claw came as a surprise to himself as well as to the winged tiger, and he wasn't sure exactly how to describe it. He closed his eyes and imagined the tiger's massive body in front of him, he felt as though he could reach out and touch him right then and there. The sea of muscle that he could feel under that pelt of fur was--

"Brooklyn?" Goliath's booming voice startled the crimson Gargoyle from his imagination and he quickly positioned himself to conceal the tent he was forming in the front of his loincloth. It was then that he noticed there was rain now beginning to drizzle from above; his perch had become sandwiched in between both layers of clouds. "Are you alright? It is beginning to rain." He pointed out.

Brooklyn smiled weakly and nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine Goliath; I just came out here to think. That's all."

"Well, be that as it may it might be best if you came inside."

"Wha--what?" Brooklyn stammered, his mind still elsewhere."

Goliath's eyebrow perked up in confusion as he slowly gestured behind him with his thumb. "I wouldn't want you to catch your death of cold." He clarified. "It is much warmer in the castle than out here."

"Oh... right." Brooklyn shook his head to shrug off the awkwardness. "Well, it's not like I'd fall far if I fell off." He added jokingly as he stood up and grabbed his leader's out-reaching claw to be pulled up onto the castle's ledge and back into the main passage. "Wings and all."

Goliath mused. "I just don't want you getting hit by lightning is all." He chuckled.

"Ah." Brooklyn said after a moment's pause and started down the stairs in front of the larger warrior. "Hey, Goliath. I wanted to ask you about something... you've seen many couples in your day, haven't you?"

The conversation caused Goliath to pause momentarily on the steps. "I... suppose so. Though to be honest, Hudson has probably seen a hundred more than I have."

"Well, what's the strangest pairing you've ever seen?"

"Well, the clutch that was born before yours, we had one who would sneak off alone every night and not return until just before dawn. We were concerned so one night he was followed; it turned out that he'd found a tree in a nearby forest with a knot in it just large enough for his--erm...extremities. Somehow he was convinced by breeding with this tree every night, he would somehow encourage growth in the forest."

"That is a little weird." Brooklyn admitted.

"The funny thing is that the following summer season was completely dry; during what would have been a disastrous drought, somehow the forest continued to flourish. It provided enough food to sustain the castle until the rains started again--halfway through the season after." He chuckled. "Suffice to say he had no children in the long run." Goliath paused. "Why do you ask?"

Brooklyn's mind had wandered for a moment, imagining a Gargoyle humping a tree, filling it with his seed and inadvertently saving their castle. He shook his head. "Oh, no reason." He admitted. "I was just curious. That's all."

"Are you sure?" Goliath pressed. "For a moment I thought you were asking because you had found someone..." He noted the red Gargoyle's expression. "You have found someone..."

"No, no... trust me if I found someone I would make sure you're the first to know." He said with a smile.

"Well unless it's another tree, I would assume to be the third to know then." Goliath said with a grin.

Brooklyn chuckled. "I guess so."

As the pair made their way down the spiraling stairs into the main corridor and Brooklyn opened the door, he was surprised to see Lexington walking toward them with an envelope in his hand. "There you guys are!" He exclaimed. "Brooklyn, this came for you. Elisa brought it up, but didn't tell me who gave it to her."

"Is Elisa here?" Goliath asked, looking around.

"She's downstairs talking to Fox about some old parking tickets or something she was hoping to have cleared."

Goliath turned and started walking away, but not before giving a strangely knowing glance over his shoulder at Brooklyn. Lexington meandered for a moment, but on a scant glare from Goliath, turned and followed him as well. Leaving Brooklyn alone to investigate the letter:

"Brooklyn, Claw has expressed to me he would like to meet with you near the midtown theater. He didn't tell me why or explain, but then again he doesn't usually explain his methods to me. Please make sure he's alright and see him home safely, would you? - Maggie"

Brooklyn folded the letter; he knew where he was going to go and meet with Claw, but he wasn't sure what to expect. He couldn't help but feel excited about going out to meet him though; it was like a second date, after all.