Brought into the Light: Part 9: Sheath and knife fan fiction.

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#11 of Sheath fictions

The 9th part of Brought into Light.

Brought into the light An Alex and Will Fan fiction

by Dan 1966.

Will and Alex's little adventure comes to an end.

Part 9

Note on a character use: Samaliel, the arctic fox and FBI agent, is the character owned by the Canadian artist Pentrep from and is used with his permission under agreement. No attempt will be made to use this character for monetary purposes and will be used respectful of Pentrep's wishes.

Sunday Morning June 20, 2018 7 am

Cold Brook Camp Grounds

Will awoke with his face snuggling soft yellow fur and jumped up to a shocked sit as Rondell woke....

"Shit...I'm sorry Ron....Uh......I don't think we did anything..." Will wondered. "Did we do anything?"

"Don't didn't." Rondell said as he sat up. "Just thought you'd appreciate a little warmth in here since you decided to sleep on the floor of this loft and it got chilly last night. Iz saul good."

Will looked around..."Well? Nothing happened last night. No flashbacks anyway." Will said as he rested his arms on his knees. "We should go back to the hospital and see if we can visit Cathy."

Rondell stood up and paced around the loft. "So....when did you guys sell this place?"

"Not till last year." Will replied. "Dad really did want to hang on to it but with the camp ground coming on hard times, he didn't see a future in it."

Rondell was concentrating his eyes over the floor. "So you all cleaned the place up? Too bad. There might have been latent evidence to pick at. You know that snakes constantly shed their dead skin and they molt every year. If it was a snake? We could have found something for a DNA sample."

Will stood with his arms crossed. "The more I sit here though? The more memories I have of Alex doing crazy stuff around me...Ron? Last night?....I uh.....masturbated." Will huffed as he stomped...."Fuck!"

"Dude? Stop torturing yourself." Rondell said as he rubbed Will's shoulder.

"I mean....why the fuck can't I stop it? Every time I think I'm getting beyond that sick shit? I get all back into it. I hate this shit brother is not a fucking sex object! I hate getting hard on's like this, I fucken.....hate it!"

Rondell held Will by his shoulders....."Will? Don't....accept that it's going to happen when you're most vulnerable and in sleep we're all vulnerable to impulses and desires... don't let it burn you up. That's where it is for you right now, the rest of you...the awake just fine. Now stop trying to abuse yourself and let's get out of here?"

Will took Rondell's hand and snuggled it with his cheek. "I don't see how Cathy could think of you as a stuck up ass?"

"To her? I was a sexual stuck up ass...should have seen her reaction when she found out I was flaming" Rondell said as he climbed down the loft ladder.

"How'd she find out?" Will asked.

"The traditional way..." Rondell replied. "Walked into the boy's locker room looking for me and found me getting ass raped by Barnabee."

"That must have been a stunning visual?" Will said as he opened the trap door on the cottage floor.

Rondell followed him out. "Yeah.....try explaining while you don't want your lover to stop fucking you silly. Makes for a screwy conversation."

As the two made their way out from under the cottage, something caught Rondell out of the corner of his eye..."Huh?"

Will stopped and turned to see Rondell handling something in his paw..."What you got?" Will asked.

"Bingo." Rondell replied. "Remember I talked about snakes molting their skin?"

Will looked at the shriveled up dried strip of skin..."You think? I mean...could be another snake though?"

Rondell snorted back. "Worth a shot though isn't it?"

Sunday Morning June 20, 2018 7 am Ocean Pass

Special Cases Holding Facility a.k.a. "A Pound"

Alex woke up and sat snuggling his Toothless doll as his mother sat in a nearby chair so wanting to capture the cutness of the moment. Even at 13 years old, her son looked absolutely adorable in pampers...

"You slept good last night." She said as she sat smiling. "I am sooooo sorry Alex but you are just so cute when you're sleeping? I had to get just one picture of you."

Alex huffed...."Mom! I asked you not too!" The young wolf huffed as he slipped off the bed and stomped up to his mother. "Delete it Mom!"

Grace turned the phone to her son and Alex gave the picture a moment. He had no covers on. His body was curled over the toothless. He wore his Teddy Ruxpin pampers and a pair of socks rolled to his ankles. And she was did look like a baby pictue and if it made her happy? Why should Alex complain over it?

"Well?".....Alex snorted. "I can have that one Mom. But if you show anyone?! I'll run away! I promise I'll run and become a fugitive and...."

Grace started to tickle her son all over!

"Mom! (giggles) Mom! Stop! (giggles) Mom! I'm gonna pee myself silly!"

Grace snatched her son up and lovingly licked his face..."I so miss the days when you were a little baby fur..." She said warmly. " were a little cute doll Alexander!"

"Mom?! I'm 13! sound like you got a fettish or something.... come on...."

Looking at her face...Alex started getting a little playful and pretending. Walking and coo'ing like a baby got her giggling and laughing...

"Mmmm...mommy? I lub you.....ah....lot!" Alex yelped as he threw his arms open then flopped on his butt and pretended to cry...

Grace got on her hands and knees....took her son's hands and played "peek a boo" until they both sat laughing themselves to tears...

"Chuckles"....."I should get out of this diaper before I try breast feeding." Alex giggled as he pulled the tape off and slipped the pampers out from between his legs. "Wow! I didn't know these things chaffed skin so bad? My crotch is like rash red."

"Would you like me to put some baby salve on your rashes?" Grace asked smiling.

"No?" Alex replied. "13? hello? And stop looking at my junk Mom? Damn!"

Grace smiled as she watched Alex grab his clothes..."You're growing up way too fast Alexander."

"So....nothing happened last night?" Alex asked.

"Not at all." His mother replied. "You slept very soundly last night. Probably because I was holding your hand most of the time."

Alex sat on the bed with a sigh..."Mom? Say we get all this mess fixed....but I decided I wanted to be gay? Would you be upset?"

"I would be less upset if you waited till you were 18 to make that choice. If you decided then? Then I would take it as it is and I could only tell you to be careful and not allow anyone to use you or hurt you. From what I know? It's really not something you might think of as "a stable life condition.". I only hope you'll use that smart brain of yours and not your loins to guide your life." Grace said.

Alex sat rubbing his arm...."I just want to get through this mess right now. Where's Dad and Will?"

"They're going to be busy today. Will's with Cathy Quinn and your father's going to the FBI with Mister MCGruff and Chancy. They think they have all the evidence to bust whoever did these horrible things to you....which is why to be honest Alex? I don't think you're gay." Grace said.

"Guess we'll know in time Mom." Alex replied. "Right now I'm seriously hungry."

Sunday Morning June 20, 2018 8 am Ocean Pass

Regional Office of the FBI The Fur-deral Investigation Bureau

Will Gray's lawyer, Fritz Katts, caught the small party on the run as they headed for the front doors of the FBI building...

"Good morning." Fritz said to the others. "Hope this was worth my early morning wake up call?"

"I might make it worth it if we can have Fred's contact look at some of the things we've gathered." Gordon replied. "By the way? Alex Binx is dead."

"I heard over coffee." Fritz replied. "So what's all this stuff in the boxes?"

"Evidence." Gordon said as he showed a box to Fritz. "I want to overturn the convictions on my boys. I'm going to prove their problems with cub-oh-philia were caused by being exploited by a gang of criminals."

Fritz replied. "It's going to take a lot to overturn convictions with that unless the evidence is concrete."

"I think it's more or less steel at this point." Gordon replied as the group entered the front and walked up to the reception desk...

"Excuse me?" Fred McGruff said to the female deer at the counter. "Mister McGruff from the State Police archival section here to see Agent Samaliel in analysis?"

The doe spoke into her phone then pointed to the set of double red doors at the other side of the ground floor. "If you'll go over there? Agent Samaliel will meet you."

As they all walked, Fred gestured..."Now remember....Samaliel usually has to warm up to people as he meets them so for now just let me talk to him and you guys only talk if he asks you questions. Limit the small talk and please don't do anything like answer smart phones or text while he's talking, he's easily turned off of people who show poor manors."

Gordon snickered at Chancy. "You can go back in the car now Jar head."

"Don't pick your ass? Squidly." Chancy snickered back.

The group reached the doors just as Samaliel opened them and stood dressed in blue working clothes and a long white chemist smock with a pair of safety goggles perched atop his gray furry head. The two tone gray and black eared arctic fox reached a hand out and shook Fred's....

"Morning Samaliel." Fred said. "I was surprised you'd be working so early on a Sunday?"

"I needed to clean the case load from last week to fit some time in for you." Samaliel replied as he looked at the others...and your friends are?"

Each of the others introduced themselves and Samaliel shook their hands in turn with a greeting. He then turned back to Fred. "How's the family?"

"Good as always." Fred replied. "And yours?"

Samaliel smiled pleasingly..."Pent was accepted into Harvington "Prep" last week. Chemistry major."

Fred and the others followed Samaliel into the analysis wing of the building. "Well that's fantastic." Fred replied. "Little brother like brother huh?"

"Oh no." Samaliel replied. "Pent's definitely going into medicine. He's all focused on finding the cures for rabies and mange."

Samaliel led the group into his lab..."Mind the mess? I know its' not to my usual standards of organized chaos but I'm working four major cases and three medium level investigations at the moment."

The arctic fox jumped upon one of his working counters and sat down while the group put their boxes and items on the floor..."Alright Fred? What's this whole thing about? You told me this is some sort of organized cub abuse crime with some heavy rollers involved but you want to keep it as "hush hush" as possible? You do understand you're talking to a Fur-deral agent and as such I have a required mandate to report criminal information matters to my superiors?"

"Well Samaliel..." Fred replied. "The reason why we need to keep it hush hush is so we don't tip off these "heavy rollers" Obviously this thing is going to go Fur-deral, there's no doubt about that. But.....we only need partial proof out of our evidence so we can affect a change in a previous conviction charge concerning two young furs connected with the Alex Binx case."

Samaliel nodded. "I heard of that dog? Real sicko. I also heard he's dead...then again, when you kill a law enforcement officer? You don't tend to live very long...or you do.... long enough to scream. Who are the two young furs?"

Gordon raised his hand. "My cubs. I believe my youngest was affected by some sort of mind manipulation and he affected my eldest and.....there's the rest I'm too upset to talk about. I'm trying to save them from a life of torment and worse. I'm worried that whatever these dirt bags did to my Alexander, it might cause him to re-offend or worse? Get himself killed."

"I can understand." Samaliel replied. He slipped off the counter and turned around. "We're going to go through what you guys have and make three the left is the pile I can look the center is the pile requiring a judge's the right a pile requiring a grand jury order. We're going to have to do this if you want to keep this thing "hush hush" to a point. The pile I can look at? I would have to mandate report to my immediate superiors and get an FBI case file generated. This is easily controlled. The center pile requires a judges order. Once again....easy to control. The third? Big red hot coal we don't dare touch until we're good and ready because as we all know? Grand juries can't keep their snoots shut. It's very possible that most of the evidence you would need to help your cubs Gordon? Will have to go in the grand jury pile so expect that."

Fritz Katz raised his hand. "Can a public defender look at the grand jury pile?"

"You should know better than that counselor?" Samaliel replied. "You can "look at it" but you can't activate an investigation because that information will have very heavy civil and Fur-deral protections upon it against illegal information gathering as well as guarantees of security of privacy, From a legal standing? Any violation would null the evidence you collected. No.....better for now to leave the coal stove alone until you have a case built and then obtain a grand jury warrant."

Gordon looked at the others and cleared his throat..."Mister Samaliel? Does the FBI retain a database regarding cub pornography?"

"Yes." Samaliel replied. " Though not directly tied to my department? There is a division here which can tap into the database." Samaliel smiled..."Sir? You're calling me "Sir" and yet your older than me by what?....ten furlongs? I like you Mister Gray."

"Thank you." Gordon replied. "I realize the relationship between Wolves and Foxes has never been....well.....history aside."

Samaliel waved a hand..."I was brought up to never judge a cover. And when Fred told me what you did for Officer Wilde's fiance, I knew I'd be working with an ok kind of Wolf foul because of past grudges."

Gordon showed Samaliel pictures of Alex...

"Could the database find any pictures taken of my son Alex before he was ten years old? They would be important pieces of evidence."

Samaliel looked at the pictures...."Too bad. At the ages you want covered? Those pictures would have been taken before the smart phone age. Most people don't realize that most cameras and cell phones within the past three years imprint GPS time and place co-ordinates within the picture data."

Fred coughed a bit...."I'm surprised you allowed that to come out Samaliel?"

Samaliel replied..."I don't think anyone here is intending to do anything stupid now that I let that come out? Actually the conspiracy movements and tin foil hat people out there have been our best cloaking devices against bad guys learning such one believes their wild tales even if they end up being true and the GPS photo "in-bed technology" seems to be the one subject that gets the most giggles out of people as being some "interluken fruit bat conspiracy" of the Central Authority.

Samaliel turned to Gordon. "I'll hand these over to the computer tech crimes unit and see what they turn up. You'd be surprised how good they are in determining the location where certain photos were do you think we found "Mad Dog McKnight" the serial cat cannibal? He took three pictures with his smart phone, at his house, while in the process of killing victim 27 and like a dumb idiot he posted them to the Dark Web. "Zonk"! Next day SWAT dropped on his house like a bomb."

Samaliel started going through the various boxes full of materials and setting them in the three separate piles over the next two and a half hours...

"Well....there you go?" The arctic fox said as he stood with his arms crossed. "Anything else I should have here?"

Chancy pulled a stack of business cards from a pocket. "We collected these business cards from Canopy Lake Park. We think they may have something to do with this." Chancy made sure that the card belonging to Kaa and his boy Mowgli was on top. "Could you look at that card first?"

Samaliel cocked his head. "You have a suspicion on this one?"

"Yeah....the python's a "fruity pink cake" and he hangs with a human boy." Chancy said with a slight snort. "They also do parties for cubs and the python is real good at using hypnotism."

"Ok? Circumstantial evidence but I can ask for a preliminary back ground check. Keep in mind my friend? You can't come to conclusions based upon a "Well he's fruity as all get out." description. We've made mistakes in the past of jumping too fast on the "gay witch burn" bandwagon where we hurt innocent furs and drove some to killing themselves on a cub abuse charge that was investigated under specious innuendo and not evidence." Samaliel said. "Let the law do its' due diligence first?"

Fred asked. "So Samaliel? How long do you think it will take to process your pile?

"Give me two days at the most? Meanwhile you can take the evidence for a judge and get a judicial warrant issued. Once you do that? Bring that pile back, but give it only to me and no one but me." Samaliel replied.

Fred shook Samaliel's hand. "Thank you for doing this for us Samaliel."

"Any time Fred. I'll call you when I finish processing it." Samaliel said as he led the group back out of the analysis wing.

Sunday Morning June 20, 2018 10:00am

Wilmington Veterinarian Center Fifteen Miles from Cold Brook Camp Grounds

Cathy smiled as Will leaned over her bed and lightly lick kissed her nose. "Hey?...I thought cats always landed on their feet?"

"Mmmmm....not with a fat ass Wolf sitting on them." Cathy replied. "Did you learn anything though?"

Will nodded back. "Got quite a jolt to the skull...but that doesn't take importance over you. I'm so sorry Cathy."

The tigress bopped Will off the head. "You messed up our first real dance. Always knew Wolves were all left feet. So tell me what you remember?"

Will took a seat near the bed. "A snake."

"Snake?" Cathy asked.

Rondell nodded. "A big snake...judging by the skin we found under the cottage. We have to get it back to Will's dad so he can get it DNA tested."

"You're telling me that a snake? Abused your little brother?" Cathy asked Will.

"Maybe not?" Will replied. "Maybe he screwed with Alex's mind? Some snakes use their eyes and body to hypnotize prey before they strike."

Cathy thought for a moment..."Maybe instead of your Dad? You should call your lawyer first and turn the skin over to him?" She said.

Will shook his head. "I'll turn it over to my Dad and the lawyer can be there. If this is as important as it could be? I won't trust anyone but my father."

Rondell leaned on Will and smirked. "You'll be happy to know that Will slept on my chest? We didn't have gay sex. Too bad for me."

"I'm not too keen on yellow tail." Will snickered.

Sunday Morning June 20, 2018 10am Ocean Pass

Special Cases Holding Facility a.k.a. "A Pound"

Denise Brisbey sat sipping her coffee from a straw and chewing on a piece of danish while scribbling in her note book. "Your mother called me Alex. You're sure of this evidence your father has found out?"

Alex sat on his bed. "Well? The flashback I had was bad enough to cause me to throw up and Dad found out some information from Alex Binx which makes the idea that someone did things to me when I was younger? pretty solid. I had mom call you because I wanted to know how this might change Wills' and my situation. If we can prove that I was molested and messed with by some sort of "brain screwing" could our convictions be reduced or over-turned?"

Denise paced around the small table she was sitting on. "It's possible the court could reduce the charges and the terms of sentencing, except perhaps where you provided Kimba Kinison for sex with Alex Binx. To overturn that conviction would be a stretch even if you were mentally manipulated. The court would still find reason to believe that you knew better not to do what you did."

Alex thought for a moment..."What about Kimba?"

"His case....was more complex than they first thought." Denise replied. "He's in therapy for more than just what you did...I'm not at liberty to give you any details."

Alex moaned as he sat back on his bed. "I still think of him sometimes...mostly....sigh... we kinda gel'd you know? I liked how he was so clingy to me as if I was a brother he was sort of missing. Dunno if his big brother was really close to him; he never spoke much about them doing a whole lot of stuff together."

Denise sipped on her coffee then wrote in her notebook. "Let's just say we do get conclusive proof? I think you'd see charges reduced so you could have a normal life again. Question is? What you would do with it?"

Alex snorted. "I wouldn't be stupid if that's what you're getting at. I want to get into forestry, that's my goal. Give me a big patch of forest, let me manage it, that would make me happy."

"Be an eco-warrior huh?" Denise replied.

"Yeah." Alex said confidently. "I'd build a cabin, have no internet, live like Grizzly Adams and I'd love it."

A knock on the door interrupted the conversation and Peter Quinn stuck his head through the opening..."Is it safe to come in or is he rabid?"

"At your own risk dufus." Alex replied snorting.

Peter Quinn walked in followed by his mother and put a wrapped up gift on the table next to Denise..."I wanted to say sorry for putting that swipe on your snoot." Peter said as he walked up.

Alex turned his head and pouted. "Hmph! Do you think a gift can console my hurt pride you stupid cat?"

"Flea bitten turd eater." Peter snorted back. He then looked at Denise..."So can he hug me or is that a form of rape?"

Denise smirked back. "No prolonged touching."

Peter hugged Alex and noogie'd his head..."I had to bribe my mom so she'd bring me here. This place offends the nose, ever wonder why there's never any cats in this place?"

Alex replied. "Hopefully I won't be here long. But for now they say it's the safest place for me. Food's not too bad? The entertainment is sort of messed up? But I'm not completely rotting in hell."

"Well I hate you being in here." Peter protested. "They throw you in here because of my screw up, that's just wrong."

Denise replied. "It was this or Mrs. Gray would have been in jail for cub abuse. You and your brother shouldn't have been in the house, lucky for Alex the court was flexible."

Peter sighed...."Well anyway? They should give you a skateboard and let you out, this is wrong."

"I do get out." Alex replied. "No place to cut a board though. The whole place is hurt proof so it's boring. Which by the way my "out" period is coming up so I'm gonna put on some shorts and run my butt off around the running track in the courtyard till I zonk out."

"That sounds dangerous." Peter replied.

"Nah..." Alex gestured. "Only if I fall asleep from being so tired. So they leash me up and take me back to the room. I get to play dog for a bit...piss on poles, piss on legs, nip ankles, wag the tail a lot, look's kinda fun."

Alex jumped off his bed and grabbed the gift. "So what is it?"

Peter smiled..."I thought it would be good for cold nights but since we're in June, I don't think we're gonna see cold nights."

Alex stood smirking at the hooded one-zee...." me a snuggly....that looks like a tiger?"

"Call it a joke gift?" Peter snickered.

"Very funny Peter." Alex replied with a snort. "I'll remember your birthday, trust me. It even has a tiger tail? How original."

"See you soon ok?" Peter said as he gave Alex a hug. "And get out of here as soon as you can? You don't deserve to be in here."

Alex waved and smiled warmly as Peter left...

"You're very close to the Quinn boys aren't you?" Denise asked.

"Mmmm...." Alex replied with a nod as he flashed a pair of crossed fingers. "We're dangerous to society. You should see us shuck Lemonade, puts "Good Fellas" to shame.

Sunday Afternoon June 20, 2018 noon

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Gordon walked into the house with a box of documents in his hands. "Grace? The Garage is open, is Will home?" Gordon asked.

"He's working on Mister Carbahol's engine." Grace replied. "He just got back from seeing Cathy Quinn at the hospital."

Gordon walked into the garage to see Will removing parts from a car engine suspended from its' place by the ceiling chain and fall set...

"How's Cathy?" Gordon asked as he leaned against the car.

"Oh?" Will replied as he bent down to see his father on the other side of the hanging engine..."Dad...I got something for you." Will said as he walked over to the tool bench. "Me and Rondell found this while looking under the old cottage. Cathy's doing ok... no thanks to my fat ass falling on her."

Gordon snorted. "What did I tell you about rough sex?"

"Funny." Will snorted as he watched his Dad open the box.

"What's this?" Gordon asked as he looked in the box.

"Snake's skin." Will replied. "And judging by that? The snake was huge. You need to get that DNA tested like yesterday Dad...that might be our bastard."

Gordon gave Will a little love tap on the chest with his fist..."How are you feeling son?"

Will leaned against the tool bench. "How should I feel? Pissed off? Used? Raped?.... yeah.....raped....that's how I feel Dad.....raped and angry."

Gordon nodded...."Who are you angry with? Be honest?"

Will kicked a soda can at his feet. "Much of it is going to be sore misplaced." He snorted. "It's not your fault or Mom's fault for what happened."

"Will?" Gordon replied. "last time I talked to you on the phone? I could tell you're trying to hold in your feelings now let em out, tell me how you really feel?"

Will pursed his lips and stood hugging himself as he thought of what to say..." Ok.. I.....I.......I have been angry at you and mom. I have been wondering why....why when Alex was acting out and talking so loud that he could have been heard all over the cottage....wagging his ass....fingering himself and screaming "fuck my tail hole!" "Wreck my pussy hole!" and "Screw me loose!"....I'm the fuck? How the fuck did my parents not hear that shit and do something to stop it? Where the fuck were you both? How can you tell me that you both didn't know shit about your own son leaving the cottage or doing sick shit like he was doing? Where the fuck were you?!"

Gordon looked away painfully as Will gestured for a reply....he then stood back and slackened..."I thought that for a while...but I didn't know what to say or how to express it...then I got to thinking?......that filthy reptilian mother fucker...he got to my parents too."

Gordon's eyes popped. "You really think that?"

"Well how else Dad? How could they get Alex out of the cottage? How could he be so loud and I'm telling you Dad, he was really least loud enough to piss me off that the knocked him silly for it." Will said as he gestured. "Which is why that box needs to get to someone who can DNA test the skin like yesterday."

Gordon took the box under his arm..."How are you feeling......sexually?"

Will smirked and gestured a hand into a sort of airplane going up and down in the air currents...."I'm day to least I'll make sure there' no cock n balls under a skirt?"

Gordon snorted in Will's face...."Fuck you, you little prick."

"You know what Dad?" Will snorted back. "You and I have never put boxing gloves to each other yet.....have we?"

Gordon snorted back. "No....because I don't want to butt hurt my pussy ass older son."

Will gave Gordon a playful push..."What's the matter old man? Afraid you might actually get your ass beat once by your sexually unsure son? You'll wish I wore panties you old flea farm infested puke eater."

Gordon snickered..."You do want to die....don't you?"

Will gave Gordon a slap off the head...."Bring it you old buzzard?"

30 minutes later....

Grace stood holding a glass and spoon wondering if the looks on the faces of her son and husband weren't advertising murder. "Now you two? Don't go to far with this little display of testosterone please?"

"Grace? We're going to be very civil about this whole.......BOOF!" Gordon suddenly bent over and grimaced from a good stomach shot by Will...

"You should know better than to open your mouth and play with yourself Dad!" Will said as he danced around. He got close, rubbed his father's head tuft and razzed him....

"Awwww.....did widdle puppy get da boo boo?" Will giggled out. Gordon snapped up from his bent position and nailed Will good in the stomach, sending his son tumbling to the ground....

"Less yapping and more concentration there William?" Gordon snorted.

Grace yelped out..."Gordon! Don't hurt him! I said this is just a play fight!"

Gordon turned to Grace and yelped...."Damn it Girl! He needs to toughen up a bit, stop babying the boy!"

Just then....Will came around Gordon's side low....punched him three times in the stomach, once in the face and knocked the big wolf on his butt!...

"Hey Mom!" Will snickered. "Why'd you marry such a pussy ass?"

Grace was about to put herself between them again when Gordon tackled Will from behind and an all out brawl between then ensued! Fists flew, teeth gnawed, paws and claws slapped and slashed and Grace ran into the fray with a fire hose to douche the two now feral and four legged combatants apart!...

Five minutes later....

Gordon flopped into the mud created by Grace and lied next to his oldest son as they watched mother and wife angrily stomp into the house calling both of them idiots...

"Cheese Dad?" Will asked as he lay nursing his cut snoot...."She gets hyper emotional as hell when she's pissed."

Gordon replied...."You think that's bad?" The big wolf lay gasping and exhausted as felt his chewed up right ear...."Try when I don't perform well with sex?"

"Well..." Will snickered. "That's a given with you old man."

"Oh fuck piss ass little pup." Gordon snorted. "Admit it William? I kicked your lass."

"All you did was verify that Geritol is for fat old douche bags like you." Will giggled. "I really needed that to get out all my anger."

"You held your own." Gordon replied. "I'm pleased you learned to fight so well. Then again you always stuck up for Alex so I'm not surprised it followed you to adult hood. I'm happy knowing that even if my older son starts wearing a least he won't be a total pussy."

Will sat up and grabbed Gordon's hand...."Let's walk through the house and see if we can get mom to go Tasmanian Devil on us."

Gordon snorted back...."You do it kid. I'm still too young to die. About that snake skin though? We can't get it to someone until tomorrow. I'm going to have lunch and then myself and Chancy are going to go see Officer Hopps. Her parents sent word to the State Police they wanted to see us."

Sunday Afternoon June 20, 2018 1:30pm

Gordon and Chancy heading towards Grendelton Municipal Hospital

"Let me trail them?" Chancy asked Gordon.

"Trail who?" Gordon replied.

"That snake Kaa and his boy." Chancy snorted.

Gordon shook his head. "You are bound and determined to make him suspect number one? The answer is no Chance, don't make me repeat myself? Besides if you get caught stalking them, it could jeopardize our entire case. You need to be patient and let the law work I mean? How do we know that the skin William gave me came from Kaa? What will you do if you stalk this snake and the DNA lab returns a different identity? They could sue your ass off for false accusations."

Chancy replied. "Ok? Let's just say that Samaliel returns with evidence against Kaa? Would you then consider a trail?"

"That's a law enforcement matter Chancy. You're a Marine, not a police officer. We have police for a reason just like we have bulls who turn China shops into piles of smoking rubble called "Marines". Now I understand your feelings for my boys but the answer is trails and no Ghost walking, Erald Flynn stunt man bullshit...I'm serious Chancy." Gordon snorted. "Did you hear me Chancy? No behind my back ninja shit."

"I heard you Gordon......sheesh....I'm just pissed off at Alex being in a fucken dump. The kid should be home Gordon where he belongs." Chancy snorted.

"Don't you think I know he should?" Gordon replied. "My wife was right. You can be an impulsive bastard at times but I love your dedication."

45 Minutes Later....

Gordon had to get on his knees to hug Mrs Hopps while Chancy hugged Mr. Hopps and wiped his tears off with a handkerchief...."Sir please?" Chancy begged. "We're not God like statues, you can hold the bowing?"

Mister Hopps replied. "Usually? Wolves would give me the creeps...I guess any predator will do that...see...we're out of the way country folk the wife and myself and when Judy brought Nick home for the first time? Such an embarrassment wasn't it dear?"

"Was it ever." Mrs. Hopps replied. "Nick smiled with those nice white chompers of his and me and the husband went "Woosh!" I swear I left hair pins spinning in space I was so shocked that she picked a predator as a boy friend."

Mister Hopps patted Gordon on a leg..."When we were told the details about you Mister Gray...we couldn't figure out in a hundred years how to repay you....cept to offer a simple hand made gift basket from our farm."

Mrs Hopps walked over to a chair and pushed it with the gift basket up to Gordon. "It has ten types of beef jerky the husband makes, five different cheeses from myself. Crackers, carrots of course and some "Wolf's Rain"....for those "special occasions".

Gordon smiled wickedly...."Do you realize what "Wolf's Rain" does?"

Chancy snickered. "Hump-a-maniac?"

"slap"..."Be respectful?" Gordon snorted to Chancy.

"Gonna share some of that with yours truly?" Chancy asked.

Gordon growled. "You WILL NOT get laid in my home."

"Just saying Bro-in-iaw? I helped too? I should have a cut?" Chancy said smiling widely.

Gordon looked at the Hopps'..."You didn't have to go so far but....thank you very much for this gift. How is your daughter?" He asked.

"Eager to see the two of you but....please be a little careful of talking about Nick?" Mrs Hopps asked. "Mister Tavi had to leave because she became very upset. She misses him very much."

Gordon nodded as he and Chancy slowly entered the hospital room. Chancy walked up to the bed with a hand full of flowers and held them out..."Beauties for a complete beauty." He said softly.

Judy took the flowers and smiled..."Thank which one is Gordon?"

"Certainly not the Jarhead." Gordon said with a smirk. "Don't be fooled by the soft looking face, the droopy eyes and the Dentine smelling breath? He uses that to hide his insecurities. I'm Gordon."

Judy smiled...."Did my parents give you the gift basket? By the way? The Wolf's Rain was my idea."

"And I'm not complaining at all obviously." Gordon replied as he rested his chin on his palms. "Are you getting out of here soon?"

"I should be released tomorrow." Judy replied. "Released to what actually? I don't know."

Chancy scratched his head. "You're not going to quit being a cop are you?"

"No!" Judy replied. "Oh no....doing that would upset my parents. They were so proud of me when I first put my badge on. My family had always been small town farmers going back generations. I was the first one to even think of going to the big cities...even more rare to be a police officer; which is not the typical thing a rabbit does."

Gordon said...."That makes you a very unique rabbit indeed."

Chancy lowered his head..."We're so sorry......about Officer Widle."

Judy paused for a moment. "You wouldn't think that one time I absolutely hated him. When I first met Nick? He wasn't a cop, he was a con artist....which I guess having good heart string plucking skills was a requirement because he plucked my heart more times than I could imagine while he pulled all his scams."

Chancy replied. "That's male foxes...they can be such seducer experts. Had one fox in my company who could scam himself out of any duty...and scam the supply department out of nylon socks. Something about male foxes enjoying nylon socks."

Judy snickered. "It....has something to do with their paws...Nick did that all the time, once I caught him in my apartment totally nude and playing like a cat with a pair of socks...I didn't bother to ask him why, he looked like he was totally enjoying himself. Don't think I didn't carry them to the trash can at arms length after he was done playing around."

Gordon reached for a photo on the nightstand next to Judy's bed...."May I?"

"Quite handsome. His face shows he was a fun guy to hang with." Gordon said.

Judy played with her fingers...."How do I do it? How do I? do I go on without him?"

Chancy touched Judy's arm..."When I joined the Marines? There was this one fox in our recruit company named Demarco. He was really close to washing out of basic, always got picked on by the dogs as a dead weight limp wrister. I was the only wolf in the company so we "hooked" to each other to get through. We went from basic to infantry school together and then we went to Afghanistan..."

"One day we're doing a route patrol outside of a village west of Kandahar with a squad of 8 Marines. One of the guys tripped a bouncing Betty land mine and all hell broke loose....ambush....bullets, grenades and RPG rockets coming in all over the place. I'm already a mess. Demarco goes four legged and drags me twenty yards to a place he can defend then he runs back and forth, snatching up wounded Marines, ruck packs, weapons...he's obviously wounded. I tried to stop him from putting himself out in the open...he gives me a lick kiss on my snoot, tells me how important I was in his life and I shouldn't worry about him... that was the last time I saw him. They found him the next day...the Taliban had cut his tail off as a souvenir."

"I was devastated..." Chancy said. "I sank into a serious depression, even thought about suicide. Then I was asked to prepare Demarco's stuff to send home to his parents. That's when I found the letter he had written to me; we all wrote those "Just in case we buy it." letters in Afghanistan. My heart simply melted it was so beautiful, he poured his whole heart out to me. At the very end of the letter, he wrote..."If something should happen? Live for me."

Chancy rubbed Judy's hand...."That's what I believe.....Nick would want. He would want you too "Live for him." because when it came time for putting everything in his heart on the line? He threw it all in for you... because to him you meant the whole world.'s going to be lonely for a while,'re going to cry and mourn and weep and some days are going to be worse than others'll get through it and you'll get through it because you know he wants you too."

Judy was silent for a moment then sighed with a smile..."I.....never thought wolves could be so philosophical...that was very kind of you Chancy. Thank you..."

"Well?" Chancy replied as he wiped a tear. "Sharing is caring you know?" He gave Judy a kiss on the forehead and walked out. Gordon couldn't help but hear the sobs.

Sunday Afternoon June 20, 2018 2:46pm

Gordon and Chancy heading home

Gordon had refrained from saying anything at first given that Chancy looked out the window of the car with a soft searching gaze. His talk about that fox had hurt deep...

"That was....a wonderful thing you did for that girl." Gordon said as he shook his brother in law's shoulder. "A wonderful thing....Demarco must have meant a lot to you."

Chancy looked at Gordon and sighed..."Just come out and say what you're thinking Gordy?"

"What?" Gordon replied. "Obviously....he meant a lot to you. I wasn't implying anything."

Chancy frowned. "Well I certainly know....."

"Homosexual?" Gordon replied.

"Well I'm not. And our relationship wasn't like that." Chancy snorted. "I hope she didn't take it like that."

"Just because you're not afraid to be sensitive doesn't mean you're gay Chance. And no....I didn't take it like that....well....sort of." Gordon said as he started tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

Chancy snorted. "You fricken liar."

"Alright! first sounded a little flame-meee ok? But if Demarco meant a lot to you as a friend then I apologize for being so crass and stupid about it.... honest." Gordon huffed.

"Hmpf...." Chancy snorted back. "That coming from a squid who banged a tranny."

Gordon snapped. "Do you want me to stop this car?"

"Hey! At least I didn't pull a fake on that reality. You got an honest come back there Gordy!" Chancy snickered. "We should stop by and see Alex on the way home don't you think?"

"Yeah....we should." Gordon replied. "Then stop to get a six pack. Do you feel like tying a few on for the evening? I haven't gotten loaded in like....ever."

"Yeah." Chancy replied. "Why not?"

Sunday Afternoon June 20, 2018 3:28pm Ocean Pass

Special Cases Holding Facility a.k.a. "A Pound"

Gordon and Chancy stood just inside the door of the room in a state of shock...

"What.....the......fuck?" Gordon said as his mouth sat slightly open.

"It's finally happened." Chancy said as he twisted his face. "He's lost his mind."

Alex sat on the bed dressed in the tiger-like one-zee Peter gave him, preening himself, purring and meowing...stopping every few seconds to bat around a ball of yarn like a cat. Jumping off the bed, the young wolf came up to his father and curled around his legs, rubbing him like a house cat...

"Meow?" Alex sounded as he looked up at his father and batted his eyes at him. "Meow?"

Gordon leaned over to whisper to Chancy..."Go find an orderly....tell them to bring "the needle"?

"I think he's bull shitting us." Chancy snorted.

Alex fell back on his back and played around with the fake tail on his one-zee....

"I don't think so." Gordon yelped back. As Chancy left...Gordon picked up his son under his arm pits and Alex gave him a loud "hiss" and spat in reply!

Then.....Alex gave his Dad a nose kiss...."Hey Dad!"

"You little shit." Gordon replied as he put Alex down. "Where did you get that silly one-zee?"

"From Peter, who else?" Alex said as he started removing the one-zee..."Sheesh, you guys actually thought that act was real? Should have done it for money, I could be rich."

Chancy walked back into the room smirking. "Didn't fool me one bit."

"You are such a bull shit artist Uncle." Alex snapped back as he snatched up his underwear and pulled it on..."I have to keep some humor in here you know? So what about it Dad? Will you be able to get me off?"

Gordon replied. "Which definition of "get me off" do you mean?"

"Dad?! Stop being dirty minded?" Alex huffed. "Can you get me and Will out of our convictions or what?"

"Right now the issue is getting you out of whatever those bastards did to your mind? Did you nap at all today?"

"Yeah....once." Alex replied. "Not a thing happened. I ran around a track today and got all exhausted so I guess if I'm way super tired....nothing happens. The orderlies noticed nothing."

Gordon replied. "Your brother found a snake skin under the old cottage. I'm going to have it DNA tested tomorrow. All I ask is that you just keep being patient and hopefully soon we can bring you home."

"You better do it soon." Alex snickered. "I'm starting to love being a cat.....meow.... meow.....prrrrrrrr....."

Chancy snickered. "I warned you Gordon....wanting to be a cat is a sure sign of homosexuality."

"You....are a sure sign of homosexuality." Gordon snickered. "Your uncle's got a love letter from a male fox."

"Figures." Alex snickered. "Uncle has a kind of vulpine fixation about him."

Chancy snorted. "You both want to die....don't you?"

Alex jumped back onto his bed..."So what about that bunny cop? Is she like hot or what?"

Chancy snapped. "What?! How can you be so cruel Alex?! Weren't you taught something called empathy? Officer Hopps lost her fiance, how could you make such a callus and uncaring remark?"

Alex tilted his head in reply. "Really Uncle? I saw pictures on the news and you're going to tell me that you were all purity and innocence? Yeah......sure you were....?"

Chancy pursed his lips. "Yes....she's very nice....but that was not the important thing!"

Alex twisted his mouth...."Oh what a bull shit artist. Next time Uncle? Don't leave your diary where we can't find it ok?"

"I caught the hints between the lines." Gordon snorted. "I won't call you a pig brother in law but...."

"I wasn't like that, I swear!" Chancy snapped....then he slackened. "Ok...I admit it.... she was.....she was smoking hot ok? But I really was deeply caring for her, I won't hide that! The poor rabbit is suffering something terrible."

Alex snorted. "And if I, Uncle Chancey, can aswage her terrible bereavement and make her scream... I've done my good deed."

Chancy snapped. "The both of you can rot in hell!" And he stomped out snorting up a storm.

Gordon giggled at his son. "You just have to be a little instigating bastard?"

"Occupational therapy." Alex replied turning his head. "How else can I keep sane in here?"

End pf part 9

Brought into the Light: part 10: Sheath and Knife fan fiction

Brought into the light An Alex and Will Fan fiction by Dan 1966. Will and Alex's little adventure comes to an end. Part 10 Note on a character use: Samaliel, the arctic fox and FBI agent, is the character owned by the Canadian artist...

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Brought into the Light: Part 8: Sheath and Knife fan fiction

Brought into the light An Alex and Will Fan fiction by Dan 1966. Will and Alex's little adventure comes to an end. Part 8 Saturday Afternoon June 19, 2018 3:15pm Ocean Pass Fred McGruff's house Gordon arrived...

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Brought into the Light: part 7: Sheath and Knife fan fiction

Brought into the light An Alex and Will Fan fiction by Dan 1966. Will and Alex's little adventure comes to an end. Part 7 Saturday Morning June 19, 2018 4am Ocean Pass St. Mary's Emergency Hospital Quinn found Gordon sitting...

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