Unexpected Instances [Commission]

Story by Incognito Pichu on SoFurry

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#9 of Commissions

Commission for lilavi

An alternate take on what happened in Dragon Ball after Goku destroyed Pilaf's castle. Obviously, this is how it was always meant to have happened.

Disclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage, If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further.


Unexpected Instances

"What!? You want us to go back!?!"

"Cut the whining, Shu! I'm not letting that thing get away with destroying my castle!"

I nodded at Pilaf's command. As much as I knew it was an awful idea, I held my tongue.

Mai began to turn the jet around, and before I knew it, we were heading back towards the giant monster that just destroyed the castle. The huge monkey-like creature had just torn the building apart like nothing, and on Emperor Pilaf's command, we were moving directly at it.

What does he expect us to even do against that thing? It just shrugged off a direct hit from a missile!

Nevertheless, we circled around it. Each of its palms powerful enough to effortlessly destroy the entire craft that we were in. I glanced out the side window to see the monkey kid's group running off, their cell, no doubt was destroyed by the monster. Even they had enough sense to get far away from this dangerous thing.


Emperor Pilaf shouted out, as if it were even possible to not see the gargantuan claws swiping at us. Mai veered hard to the right, barely avoiding smashing head-first, but not quite able to evade it completely.



All three of us screamed in horror as the giant claw tore through the side of the craft, luckily not reaching into the cab, but ripping most of the vehicle in half, enough so that the craft was actually falling apart as it descended towards its inevitable crash.

We were spiraling out of control towards the ground. Fumes from the destroyed engine, sounds of the explosion, the wind and flame whipping all around us overwhelmed all of my senses, making it near impossible to even get a handle on where we were falling. I didn't even realize when I was tossed out, sent careening through open air. Even as I dropped towards the surface, I couldn't make heads-or-tails of anything... Until, I hit the ground.






My eyes eked open, just enough to let the light shine in, helping to wake me up a bit, "Huh? It's morning? What happened...?"

I stood and tried to get my eyes to focus. I felt and looked over my body for any injuries, and quickly realized during the process, that I was feeling and seeing my bare fur. "Ah! My clothes!" My pajama top was completely gone, and my sleep pants were torn to tatters at the knees. Thankfully, they still covered me enough so that I wasn't exposing myself, but not much else. "Why am I--" I stopped myself as the events of last night started to come back to me.

"Oh yeah, that monster... and the crash... I wonder where Pilaf and Mai landed." I glanced around, hoping to see the wreckage somewhere nearby, but only saw the rubble and remains of the destroyed castle. The amount of destruction caused by that giant beast was simply staggering.

"Hmph... I bet that stupid monkey boy and his friends had something to do with all this! The noise was coming from their cell at first!"

As I continued walking through the mounds and piles of debris, I only got angrier and angrier, thinking about how I could have died, or gotten seriously hurt. After a few minutes I could actually feel the vein in my forehead throbbing. "Rrggh... Someone is responsible for that thing showing up and destroying everything! And someone should--huh...?"

I stopped mid-thought as I spotted a small clearing in the wreckage, and there was something, or rather, someone in the middle of it.

"Is that..." I stepped a little closer, and as soon as I saw the tail poking out of the person's backside, I knew exactly who it was that was lying there unconscious. "It is! That stupid kid!"

That black-haired kid with the tail, I think his friends were calling him Goku or something like that. Instinctively, I reached for my sword, forgetting the state of my clothes. Not that I would have had it anyway, we all were asleep when the castle was attacked.

"Dammit! I finally get a chance to take out some aggression on this brat, and I don't even have a weapon!"

I quickly scanned the area, hoping for something I could use. As expected, only the remains of the castle surrounded us, though luckily, a decent sized stone rested on the ground right near my foot. With a chuckle, I bent down to lift it.

"The kid's unconscious, I guess this will be fine."

The stone hefted into my arms, I walked over, nearing the passed out boy, completely prepared to let off some steam, but as I was maybe a step away from starting, I took notice of his body, and realized that his clothes had been damaged during the ordeal as well, even more so than my own. The boy was laying there on the ground without a scrap of covering on his body, which included any type of pants or underwear.

I couldn't help myself from feeling just a bit embarrassed just from witnessing the sight. The boy was on his back, completely exposed, a scene that I wasn't particularly ready for. With my focus compromised, I lost a bit of grip on the sizeable stone that I had in my hands, letting it slip from my clutch, and onto my foot.



The sudden pain in my foot took my mind off of the matter at hand for a moment, until I turned my head back to the kid to make sure my shout didn't wake him up. Thankfully he still seemed completely unresponsive, save for his breathing.

"I-I can't beat the kid up while he's lying here like this... but, I can't pass up this opportunity..." I went over the options in my mind, slowly getting used to the sight of the kid's nudity as I thought. Eventually, it got to the point where I could keep my gaze leveled on the kid's body without too much anxiety.

"Hm..." I scanned slowly over his body, nothing particularly catching my eye until I reached the area between the kid's legs. "Oh... w-wow..." The dick was humanoid in shape, as was to be expected, with a foreskin, a far cry from my red, tapered member. What caught my attention however was that the was actually fairly hung for his age, his softie hung soft over his sack about four inches, I was actually a little relieved that my own five inches wasn't outclassed by the kid.

"Well, if I'm not going to hurt him, how else can I get back at this brat...?" I pondered the thought for a few minutes. Possibly brought on by the extended look I was getting at the bare body of the kid laying right in front of me, I actually starting feeling a bit aroused, and that's when a certain idea struck my mind, and immediately I shook the thoughts from my head.

"N-NO! I couldn't do that, I couldn't!" The blush returned to my face and I turned away, a little ashamed that I had even considered it. Though, as soon as I turned back, the same thought crept right back in, and the same feeling of arousal returned as well.

"Well... He does deserve it... I just know he and his friends had something to do with that giant... thing."

My hand started moving almost on its own, I gripped the waist of my sleeping pants, or the remains of them, at least, and quickly pulled them off, letting my hard erection spring free. I swung my head around in all directions, making absolutely sure that no one was around before proceeding. I took a deep breath and moved myself right in between the kid's legs, spreading them slightly, and getting into position.

The blush reappeared on my face as I saw that tight looking hole, "I uh... I think that hole looks too tight..." I spoke out loud, trying to do everything I could to put myself at ease. "M-Maybe I should..." My gaze hadn't moved from the boy's backside, it almost felt like I was being drawn towards it as I stared.

With a sharp exhale, I took firm grip of the kid's legs, and lifted them up. Wasting no time, I leaned forward and in, and before even giving myself a chance to hesitate, I began licking at the hole, doing my best to try and loosen it, at least a bit. I wedged my tongue in, lubing up the inside as well as I could manage, all the while feeling my heartbeat spike hard, it was hard to believe that I was even doing this.

After a few minutes of tongue-work, I pulled my mouth away, hoping that I had gotten the boy slick enough to take me, "Alright, now just need to stretch him a bit..." I watched his face closely, he hadn't begun to stir yet, and I was hoping it would stay that way. Slowly, I inserted my forefinger, watching for a reaction, and feeling relieved when none occurred.

"Alright, g-good... Just stay passed out..."

I moved my fingers as well as I could, adding a second, scissoring, wiggling, and flexing in an effort to prepare this hole to accept me. Each passing moment was making it harder and harder to resist as my arousal wasn't wavering in the slightest. Even though nerves were wracking my body, I couldn't wait to bury myself in this kid.

With a slurping sound, I pulled my fingers out, and moved into position, lining my dick up. I bit my lip in anticipation as I took one final glance at his face, still paranoid that he might wake up at the last moment.

"Alright... How do you like this, you stupid brat!"

I powered in rough enough to force about half of my stiff organ in, and the effects were immediate.

"Oh! Ahhhh..."

I let out the pleasured sigh and that warm tunnel surrounded my sensitive appendage, the tightness was nearly unbearable, gripping me like a vice, even after the preparation I had done.

The sensation was so overpowering, I didn't even want to start moving, I didn't think I needed to, just being in the position I was currently in was intoxicating enough. It was just instinct that took over and got my lower body in motion. I pulled back slightly at first, and pushed in just a bit, advancing about half-an-inch further than I had.

"Ahhhh.... Nnngh..."

I was already near the verge of collapse, and I had only just begun. Immediately, any anxiety that I had been experiencing had melted away, and my mind began trying to come up with ways to make this last longer, and happen more often.

I wonder what it would take to get this kid to join our side... This could be an everyday thing!

I started getting a little more confident in my strokes, thrusting harder, quicker, forcing myself further in, around four inches in, I had almost managed to fit everything I had into that silky passage, and had no intentions of slowing down anytime soon.

"Oh--Ohhhyeahhh... Almost..."

I kept my pace, determined to keep my senses overloaded with intensity. The friction of slipping my overly-sensitive flesh in and out had completely entranced me. My mind was basically on auto-pilot; I almost didn't even notice when I started lapping my tongue against the kid's foot, thankfully the kid seemed flexible enough.

I had the brat on his back, one of his legs wrapped around my waist, and the other extended up, so that I could get at it with my mouth. I licked and fondled it as much as I could, almost completely on instinct, all the while never stopping, or even slowing my hips.

It didn't take much longer for me to feel my thighs bumping against the kids, and to feel my balls striking the kid right at the base of his tail.

"Unnngh! YES! Ohhhh!"

I wasn't concerned about my volume anymore. Anyone, including Emperor Pilaf himself could have come around the corner right then, and I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from fucking this kid. The way his smooth skin felt against my fur, the way he smelled, and even tasted, all enhanced the already impossible levels of ecstasy that I was experiencing.

My thrusts stayed long and powerful, I was pulling myself almost entirely out of him on each back swing, and powering in to the base on each thrust. I was moving at such a fevered pace, the forming knot at the base of my cock wasn't even impeding my movement, at least not at first. Eventually, it had swelled enough, to lock me inside of the too-tight tunnel.

"Ah! Oh shit... Ahhh!"

After being tightly tied in place, I didn't have many options, I repositioned myself as best I could, slamming my hands down on the ground on both sides of the boy's body, I resorted to quick thrusts, desperation setting in, as I knew I was fast approaching the apex of the event.


I heard the low grumble, but I didn't react, maybe I thought it had even come from me, I don't know, and I was too far gone to have cared. I felt my balls pull up, and involuntarily my muscles began to spasm. I pounded in with all the strength I could manage to muster, then with would final short thrust, I held place, and felt climax overtake my senses.


Knotted to the boy, there was nowhere for my seed to go, except inside the boy's bowels. What felt like four, five, six pulses of cum spurted into his body, putting a fitting exclamation point on the most powerful orgasm I could have ever imagined having.

Heh... serves this kid right... I gotta talk to Emperor Pilaf, maybe we can keep monkey-boy here as a pet.

I rode out my afterglow, every-so-often feeling the ooze of my fluids around my softening organ. With the kid's foot still in reach I took hold of it once again, running my tongue over it a few more times as I did my best to relax and just wait for my knot to shrink enough for me to pull out.

Alright... Well, if I can find some rope or something, I can tie up this kid and take him back with me. Once we have him, we have to keep him as a prisoner, and I can volunteer to be in charge of him, and I can 'punish' him every day! Maybe even twice... No! Three ti--"

I had been lost in thought as I had started planning out what my next move should be, when suddenly, my tongue did not meet the smooth surface that I had expected it to. I might have noticed earlier had I been a bit more vigilant, but as I turned my gaze to see what had happened, it was already too late. The kid's leg had been drawn back, and I had turned my head, just in time to see it extend forward at breakneck speed.



The powerful kick sent me spiraling backwards some 15 feet, thankfully my knot had shrunken just enough for it to roughly pop out of the tight passage, otherwise it may have been... Well, let's not think about that...


I hit the ground hard, and even slid a few more feet after landing, just from the momentum. After finally coming to a stop, I reached up and rubbed the sore spot, the strike had landed right in between my eyes.

"Ugh... Owww..."

It was no doubt going to leave a visible bruise, that is, it would be visible if it were for my fur concealing the area.



I scooted back a little bit in surprise, but a large piece of stone close behind me prevented me from moving very far. The startling shout came from right in front of me, the kid apparently had woken up, and after nearly smashing my face in with that kick of his, he now stood over me with an angry look on his face.

"The name's not kid, it's GOKU! Now, who are you? And what was that you were doing!?"

My mind raced, I panicked, I searched every corner of my mind as quick as I could, in hopes that I might come up with something, anything that might work as a valid explanation. Who was I kidding though, there was no other explanation to it, I had just raped him, and that's all there was to it. What other reasoning could there be to why I had my dick inside of him...

He was clearly waiting for an answer, and as strong as I knew this boy was, I didn't particularly want to get on his bad side. I didn't know how I was going to justify it, but I had to say something.

"Uhh... Kid--err... Goku, I-I'm Shu, and... it... it wasn't what it looked like! I err, I mean... I just..."

"No! I mean, what was that? Were you playing with my butt or something? It actually felt kinda good... So, just tell me what that was!"

I fell silent at the boy's interruption; I honestly did not expect that. The kid genuinely didn't know what I was doing.

"Oh, well... I was err... Worried about you!"

He cocked his head to the side, my words clearly confusing to him.

"Shu...? Wait, you're that guy that had the sword, but... You're one of the bad guys... Why would you be worried about me? And that still doesn't explain that thing you were doing."

I hadn't thought that far ahead, but there was no point in backing out now. I figured that I had better just go with what I had already come up with.

"Yeah, well... Even if I'm a bad guy, I still didn't want to see you hurt! I umm... What I was doing was an adult thing... You said it felt good, right? Grown-ups do that to each other when they might be hurt, it's supposed to make them feel better!"

I knew there was no way the kid was going to buy any of that. It was little more than gibberish from off of the top of my head. I watched his face, trying to gauge his reaction, and was rather surprised when it looked like a smile was actually forming on his face.

"Oh! I guess you're not such a bad guy then!" He took a few steps back, but I still didn't move, or even say anything. I was honestly stunned that the kid even believed that.

"I guess I should thank you for waking me up then!"

He bent down to grab me by the hand, and help me to my feet, still with a big grin on his face as he did. I really didn't know how to act in response, there was no way that I would have imagined that it would get this far. The only logic action seemed to be to get the hell out of there while I still could.

"Oh yeah! No problem! Heh heh heh... heh... I-I'll just be going now! Feel better!"

I turned, and began to move away, but was stopped quickly. A strong grip holding me by my tail prevented me from getting anywhere.


Reluctantly, I turned around, knowing that I wasn't likely to get anywhere with this kid holding me back.

"Uhhh... Yeah...?"

"Well, I wanted to know if you could do it again, so I could learn how to do it too. I mean, it seems like a useful thing to know how to do. I mean, I could do it when one of my friends get hurt or something."

I could have collapsed right then, "Y-You want me to do it again?!?" While the prospect of fucking the kid again was enticing, it very much felt like I'd be pushing my luck if I tried it again. "I-I... Well, uhh... I don't think that... Uhhh..."

I stammered as I struggled to decide how I wanted to proceed. Unfortunately, I was apparently taking too long, and the boy spoke up before I could say anything.

"Hmm, actually... I probably would learn faster if I actually tried it myself, right?"


With that, he pounced onto me, grinning wide again as he knocked me onto my back, "This gives me a chance to make you feel good too! As thanks for looking out for me!"

Before I could even fully comprehend what he meant by making me feel good too, he had gripped my legs, and was trying to lift them up, I what I could only assume, was an effort to get at my tailhole.

"ACK! H-Hey! What are you--"

"It was something like this, right?" He had his thighs pressed up against my behind, not really doing anything, more just trying to mimic the position that we had been in a moment ago. He seemed to realize that it wasn't quite right, but couldn't place what it was.

"This isn't right... You were moving, right?"

He started sliding his body up and down against me, understandably having no idea what he was doing, still it seemed like he could tell that something was missing. Honestly though, it didn't feel bad. His soft skin rubbing against me, even if he was completely new at this, it wasn't an unpleasant feeling that he was providing.

"Oh! That's what I'm missing!"

I leaned forward to see what his sudden revelation was, quickly noticing what sparked the sudden insight. Apparently Goku's little movements had felt better than I had initially thought, at least enough to reinvigorate my erection.

"You got your thing hard, so it would go inside my butt! That's what I'm missing!" He backed off a little bit, and looked to be thinking for a moment, "Just gimme a minute."

"Huh, a minute for wha--"

I got my answer sooner than I had expected. The kid had reached down and begun softly handling his small member, in conjunction with whatever he was fantasizing about, assumedly trying to bring himself to erection.

"Just... I'll be reaaa--dy in a minute..."

He had started actually stroking himself openly as soon as he could, very clearly succeeding at his goal. As I watched however, my jaw just about hit the ground as the scene unfolded. Not due to the actions of the kid, but at what exactly was developing between his legs. Goku's small organ, was very quickly becoming not so small...

When soft, the kid couldn't have been more than four inches, maybe even less, but as it plumped up, it rapidly gained length and girth in grades that seemed unbelievable. The bulbous head of it forced its way out of his foreskin, and the thickness of it exceeded what his hand could encircle. He quickly matched and surpassed my size, and then a few moments later it wasn't even a comparison, he was double my size, easily. Not to mention, still expanding.

Talk about being a grower...

"N-No way!" I couldn't believe what I was seeing, extending from between the kid's legs, there had to be a foot of rigid flesh, maybe more.

Appearing to have finally hit his peak size, he began to step closer to me again, which is when it dawned on me, Wait! He's gonna try to jam that gigantic thing inside of me!?!?


He hopped forward excitedly and gripped my legs once again, looking to start lining himself up. I clenched my eyes shut, and braced myself for what I was sure would be a catastrophic event, but that event never happened...

"Hm, you're right."


I opened my eyes to peek at what was going on. Goku still had my thighs in his grip, but he looked a little puzzled.

"You're right, I'll never fit my thing in there..."

The kid's ridiculous endowment was somewhere around wrist-thick, way too much for my virgin opening, even he could tell that.

I breathed a little easier, I was still rather embarrassed to be in the position I was in, and in addition to being outclassed below the belt by a kid, and by such a wide margin, I wondered if my ego would recover any time soon. At least I wasn't going to get my organs rearranged by that monster though.

"R-Right! It'd be way too tight to go in dry."

I realized what I had said, a moment too late. The words had already left my lips, and it was almost as if I could see the wheels in the kid's head turning.

What did I just say?!?!

Oh! Yeah! If we get it wet, it will be able to slip in! You're smart, Shu!"

"Th-That's not really what I meant!"

He hopped up again, the rigid flesh tube still in his grip as got to his feet, without moving my position, I sat up, finding myself right around eye level with it. I turned my eyes up, and saw the determined look on his face, and knew that I wasn't going to like where this was headed.

"Umm... I think you'll need to open up pretty wide."

The same panic that had struck me earlier began to set in again, as if it were a forewarning of what thoughts had just crossed the kid's mind.

"W-WHAT?! Are you crazy?!?"

"Well, you said I need to get it all slick and stuff, and there's no water or anything around here, so you'll have to like use your mouth to do it, right?"

"That's not what I mea--hhhlllrgh!" It wasn't until after I had made the mistake of opening my mouth that I realized my error. In trying to deter the boy from his course of action, I had given him an opening, and he didn't waste the opportunity. I immediately felt the warm mass slip past my lips, and reach the back of my throat with more than half of it still visible outside of my lips.

"Yeah! Like that! Much better!" A small hand gripped the side of my head, followed by another on the opposite side. His hold was strong enough to keep me from moving or pulling away while he slowly delved further in.

"You're gonna have to get the whole thing wet, try to let me deeper in."

He gave me instructions as if it were my obligation to let him fuck my throat. Had I been able to say anything at the time, I probably would have said something to try and get the kid to back off. Instead, I could do little more than breath and try and relax my throat enough to keep from choking, as the overly-thick mass burrowed further into me.

"Oooh... You didn't say that this part would feel good."

His hips started gyrating, lightly at first, but more and more intensely as he continued on. He was no longer just trying to get his length slicked and wetted, but very visibly enjoying the warmth and caressing that the inside of my mouth was providing.

As around half of the long, thick flesh slab slid into me, I could barely believe I was even handling it. I could feel my jaw stretching, and my throat distending to accommodate it. It felt like way too much, by all means, it probably should have been, but somehow, it was being worked into me.

His hands slid up to my ears, and I felt him tug, thankfully not too roughly. He used the extra leverage to get another inch or two into me, even further defying all logic...

My hands had long since gripped his thighs in an attempt to push him off, but this kid was much stronger than it seemed like he should have been. Even with me actively resisting, he just kept on lightly thrusting in, not at all hindered by me.

"Almost all the wa--aay..." His words were starting to break a little, and I began to worry that he might even get off inside my mouth. I did my best not to panic at the thought, but I couldn't help but let my hands scramble a bit on his thighs, and even as far back as my ass. I grabbed and pressed trying to get a grip or something to help force the boy away.

"Ah... Ah..."

Oh shit! He-he's not gonna last much longer! I Gotta do something!

On a last ditch effort to impede the kid, I kept reaching and pushing at him, grabbing anything I could, and on a wild swipe of my hand, I brushed up against what felt like a furry appendage, that I could only assume was his tail. I grabbed it tight and tried pulling, and it seemed like the effect was instantaneous. Goku's motions came to a dead halt, his grip on me loosened, and he even stumbled backwards a bit, allowing me to pull away and free the invading organ from my mouth.


I took in a deep breath, finally able to again. Goku collapsed backwards onto his butt, his imposing erection still standing rigid and tall as he sat on the ground.

"Ugh... Don't grab my tail like that, it kinda makes me lose my strength."

I heard his words, but I was too busy doing all I could to catch my breath. As I took deep inhales and exhales, a good amount of the kid's pre-cum had started dripping from my open mouth, and even more of it had flowed into my gullet while he was face-fucking me.

Jeez! So much pre! Just how close was he to blowing?!"

I finally brought my head back up, only to see the kid looking at me with a puzzled expression across his face.

"G-Goku, you can't just do that... You almost choked me!"

He brought his hands up behind his head, and that carefree smile was suddenly on his face again, "Oh, sorry. I guess I'm not real good at the technique yet."

He was talking about sex like it was some kind of advanced martial arts move, just how clueless was this kid? Did he really have no idea that shoving a foot of dick down my throat might cause me a little discomfort.

"But hey! You're good at it right? So, you can teach me!" He moved forward again, and didn't waste time climbing over me, and once again, pushing my legs up, trying to get me into the position that I had him in earlier.

"ACK! H-HEY!" I felt the warm head of the kid's dick pressing right underneath my tail, this time though, it was thoroughly slick with saliva and pre. Honestly though, I still had doubts that it'd be enough. Goku was absolutely huge, and I'd never had even a finger up there before.

"All right! I'm gonna try again!" He spoke with such enthusiasm, completely unaware of what his actions were going to entail.

"I think it was something like this, right...?" I could feel the pressure against my tight ring as he pushed forward. Just as I had predicted, it was still too much, his size was meeting too much resistance.

"Unngh! You're too big!"

The happy-go-lucky look on his face morphed into one of pure determination, and he did not relent in his efforts. The pressure against my sphincter amplified, and I started to feel the breach begin. He hadn't yet forced his way in, but I could feel the tension starting to give way, and reality was setting in.



The pressing halted just for a second, Goku drew himself back ever-so-slightly before pushing again, with even more force. Easily enough force to make even that oversized organ rip into me.

"Aaaaaand, IN!"

My passage gave way, spread wide and engulfed the invading monster, or at least the first few inches of it.


I let out a shout as I was stretched around the thing. The cock had been too thick for my jaw to handle, I couldn't even fathom how I was managing it from the other end.

The pain radiating from my backside was nearly overwhelming, I clenched shut my eyes and squeezed my hands into tight fists, just trying to cope with it. The scary part however, is that he had only sank maybe two or three inches into me, barely more than the head. If the kid planned on getting the entire twelve-plus inches into me, I don't know how I would survive.

"Huh... You don't look like it's making you feel good; you weren't lying earlier were you...?"

Dammit... I gotta keep up the act... I can't let him catch on...

I forced my mouth into a strained smile and glance up at him slowly, "N-No! It definitely feels good! Y-You're just..." I could barely think, let alone keep up the façade for very long.

"Oh, I just might be doing it wrong, I guess. Hehe, you might have to tell me how I'm supposed to do it."

"Ngh... Uh..." I grunted as he just remained still waiting for instruction, "Uh, p-pull out..."

"Huh?" He thought for a second before coming to a conclusion of his own, "Oh, that's right! You were pulling out and pushing in, I need to keep moving, right?"

"Th-That's not what I--"

My protest was a tad too late, as he'd already begun motioning himself. Pulling out the bit of cock he had in me, and shoving it back in, slightly deeper, and stretching me that much more.

"Nnnngh..." I was able to stifle myself a bit better, and did my best to force a smile onto my face, though as it was through the discomfort. After a reflexive clench of my eyelids, and peered through them to see the kid looking at me expectedly, as if waiting for my approval.

"Y-Yeah... much b-better..."

With a satisfied grin he picked up his pace, starting move just as quick as he was when thrusting into my mouth, albeit not yet able to get quite as deep. He had somehow managed to get nearly the entire thing into my throat, and he wasn't even close to achieving that.

"Hey Shu, does it feel better like this...?" As he posed the question, he performed a particularly sharp thrust sending a spark of pain straight up through me.

"...Or like this...?" Again, he followed with a rough thrust, and once again a surge of pain shot through my entire body.

"Or... what about this?"

Shit, not another one!

I braced myself for the incoming strike, I had managed to keep myself from crying out through the first two, but he had around half of his impossible cock wedged into me, and my body just wasn't designed to handle that much. I shut my eyes once again as I felt him begin to move.



The pain was definitely there, but something else as well, a shiver shot through my body, and it felt like time had slowed to a crawl. Whatever spot that he just hit inside of me had my mind spinning for a moment. "Th-The last one!"

"Okay!" He said it like it was just a casual question, and reacted thusly. He pulled out again, and powered forward, at the same angle and at the same spot, and the sensations were just as intense. Alongside the most intense pain that I had ever felt, I wasn't even able to identify the feeling at first, but it came clear a moment later

Is that... pleasure...? Am I actually liking this?!?"

With another thrust, there was no longer a question, I was definitely enjoying it. Goku had apparently found my pleasure button and somehow, had the precision to nail it dead center with Every. Single. Thrust.

"Ohhhhh! Ahhhh!"

I could barely even control my moans anymore, Goku's speed had increased even further, and he was hitting my core so fast it wasn't just a wave of pleasure with each rotation, it was a continuous feeling. Even with the still-present pain, it was being vastly overridden by the unmatched bliss that was accompanying it.

"Don't stop! G-Get deeper!" I shouted out without even thinking. Everything was kind of becoming a blur, and all I knew was that I wanted more of that huge thing inside me.

"Huh, you sure?"

His sudden concern with my well-being was curious, but not enough to pull me back from my semi-irrational state-of-mind.


With a shrug, he reluctantly complied. Drawing his hips back, at what felt like an agonizingly slow pace, he prepared to slam into me with stamina that I had no business being on the receiving end of. It made no sense how it even escalated this far, but I just wanted him to continue. That full feeling, and the pressure in my insides was gone for the moment, and I wanted it back.

I got no warning except a slight tightening of the grip he had on my sides, and in the blink of an eye, he powered in.

I screamed, or at least I think I did, honestly I'm not sure, my brain was more-or-less turned off at that point, and my drive had been reduced to pure lust, and the only one of my senses that was functioning was feel, due to the kid's erection hitting me in spots that I didn't even know existed.

After the tremendous thrust, he held still for a moment, seemingly unsure of whether or not he should continue, and with a quick glance, his reasoning was clear. His latest thrust had gotten far into me, enough to actually cause a visible distention through my gut.

"K-Keeeeeeeeeeep going..."

Even with my brain as lust-addled as it was, somehow I formed the words, with which I surprised even myself. It should have been painful, actually it probably was, but it was just one small part of what my body was experiencing, and the collective sensation was indescribable. The feeling overtook me, and I felt the familiar shiver of my orgasm surging through me.


I hadn't even been prepared for it, it had hit me so suddenly. I had reached climax for the second time in such a short period, letting loose a few thin squirts of cum over the fur on my stomach

"Ngh... Ngh... This is getting really good for -ngh- me too!"

Goku was still going, his thrusts picking up tempo again. He was, predictably, starting to get close, which no doubt had something to do with my recent orgasm causing my passage to tense up and spasm around his organ. It seemed as if he had completely forgotten that his initial goal was to make me feel good, though he had of course, accomplished that anyway.

With my orgasm having occurred, my senses began returning to normal. I could clearly hear the kid's breathing and heavy moaning. As I watched him leaning over me, I could clearly feel his hips slapping roughly against my ass, indicating that he indeed was able to completely sheathe himself inside of me.

"Ah! S-Something's gonna h-happen!"

I could feel his pulse begin to race, and a slight twitching of his erection, and a moment later, a very strong heat forming in my core, and an unimaginable pressure. It was hard to believe that I could have felt fuller than I already was, but that was quickly becoming a reality as Goku undoubtedly had reached his own orgasm.

The size of the boy's appendage should have tipped me off about what to be expected as far as his output would be. From what I could feel, the kid's load was more than proportionate. Even with the ridiculous size he was packing, the volume of what he was filling me with felt even more ridiculous.


I had expected to orgasm to subside in a few seconds like mine usually did, but it didn't seem as if that were going to be the case, 15 seconds had past, I could still feel the heavy eruption persisting, thick rope after thick rope, battering my insides.

Shit... How long can one kid's orgasm last!?!

Where there had once been a stretched distention in my belly, due to how absurdly huge his cock was, there was now more of a swell. My eyes nearly bulged out of my head upon seeing my gut quickly expanding from the sheer amount of seed being launched into it.


"Oh... This feels r-reaaaallllllllly good..." He responded as if he was under a hypnotic effect, though I guess that's to be expected from someone that's in the midst of their first orgasm. Unfortunately for me, that also meant that he was likely not paying attention to anything that I might have to say.

Thankfully, his entranced state also caused him to loosen his grip on me, and between him slipping backwards and me trying to inch away from him, the long member slowly slid from my hole. Finally, with a lewd shlurp sound it popped free, still discharging as it did.

"Ooooh, ye--aaaah..."

He collapsed backwards with a huge grin on his face, all the while, his body shuddering with pleasure. His climax surpassing 45 seconds in duration, and with him no longer embedded in my hole, that meant the remained of semen he had left to unload was free to splatter messily over my body. With me as weakened, bloated, and exhausted as I was, I could do little more than just lay there and let it cascade over me. Until it finally started to slow, and eventually stop.

The only sounds that could be heard a moment later was the deep breaths that both he and I were taking.

**huff huff huff**


We both laid there without moving or speaking for a few minutes, both of us very obviously worn out. It wasn't until I finally found the energy to lift my head that I noticed the kid standing directly over me, grinning widely.

"That felt great! You were right!"

I just nodded. At least the kid finally seemed to be done, his member dangled flaccid between his legs, though it hadn't returned to its original size, it clearly looked as though he was spent.

"And I can tell you liked it too! Sorry for doubting you, Shu! Hehehe!"

I was a mess; I laid on the ground, nearly unconscious, stomach bloated enough to make me look like I was nine months pregnant, nearly my entire front was plastered with thick white fluid, and a rivulet of the kid's discharge slowly leaked from my hole, pooling on the ground under me.

At least I had finally convinced the kid that I'm not his enemy... That was worth it... I think...

"You should uh... Probably go find your friends, or something..." I was well past the point of being able to do anything to or about Goku, I figured he'd just go find his friends, so that I could go back to searching for Emperor Pilaf.

"No way! You're my friend now too, Shu! I wouldn't leave you behind!"

"Huh? What are you talking ab--AHHH! WHAAAAT!?"

I quickly found myself lifted into the air, picked up by Goku, and held high over his head, "Wh-What are you doing?!?"

He looked back and forth a few times, trying to decide which way to go.

"We'll find them together, Shu!" He turned to his chosen direction, "The nearest town was back this way! We'll probably find them there!"

"Kid, wait! We don't even have a car or anything! How do you expect to--"

I got my answer before I could even finish the question, as he shouted out towards the sky.


Out from seemingly nowhere, a small yellow cloud came zipping towards us, and as if it were perfectly natural, Goku hopped up on it and in an instant we were moving through the barren area at an impressive speed, and it wasn't long until the town actually began to appear over the horizon, and simultaneously, a wave of panic hit me like a brick to the face.

Wait a second! We're naked and covered in cum! We can't go into a town looking like this!