The House on the Lake

Story by Aleko_87 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Story of my life

(Sorry guys, the sequence is wrong. It's: The Wedding, The house on the lake, Inseparable)

He pulled the ring off her finger. "I'm sorry, I can't," he whispered. He

slipped the ring into his pocket and turned to me in one quick

swoop. Grabbing me by the hand, he ran, dragging me behind him,

down the isle and out the door. Everyone stood staring after us.

We burst through the church doors. The limo driver leaned

against the white stretch limo and stood up with a confused look on

his face as we bounded down the stairs.

Marc drug me to my car. "Get us out of here, Shawn," he

gasped breathlessly.

I didn't say a word. I unlocked the drivers side door and

used the electronic switch to unlock the other doors. He dashed

around to the passengers side and jumped in while I started the


I sped out of the parking lot as the mob of guests flowed out

of the church, wondering where we were going.

"Where to?" I asked.

"How much gas you got?" he asked.

"A full tank, why?"

"Is my suitcase is still in the trunk?" he asked, ignoring my


"Yes. The limo wasn't due to get here until the wedding

started, so we said we'd just leave it in here, remember?"

"Yeah. Head east on Milburn," he said. "I'll tell you when

to stop.".

I was dying to ask him why he had changed his mind about

getting married, but I figured it would be best not to. He would

tell me when he was ready.

"You look great in that smoking, Shawn," he said, softly. I

looked over at him and he smiled.

"Thanks. So do you."

He turned on the radio and leaned back and sighed and looked

out the window. The city streets passed by and an old cotton gin

that hadn't been used in years, which stood wearily behind the city

limit sign and marked the end of Milburn and the beginning of the

open highway of the interstate. Miles of golden, summer wheat that

was almost ready to harvest was a blur as we sped west. I caught

Marc looking at me a few times as I drove. I didn't say anything

and he'd just smile.

About seventy miles out of Canton, we passed through a small

town and he sat up and looked around. "Turn left up here," he


I turned onto a dirt road and headed south. A few miles down

the road, a large lake came into view. There was a convenience

store at the gate and several campers and cars parked along the

beach. "Keep going," he said when I slowed to turn in at the gate.

The dirt road circled the lake and we came out in a small

clearing next to the lake where an old farm house stood. It was

still in good shape but needed a new coat of paint.

He motioned for me to turn into the driveway. I pulled in and

stopped. "Come on," he said, hopping out of the car.

I followed him up to the front porch. He reached up under the

light fixture and retrieved an old rusty key. He used it to unlock

the door.

"My grandparents used to live here and now my parents use it

for summer get-a-ways," he said, leading me into the house. "Mom

and Dad might eventually figure out that I'm here, but it might

take a few days."

"This is nice," I said, looking around. The furniture was

covered with sheets, but I could tell that it hadn't been long

since someone had been there to clean the house.

"Thanks. Dad has a lady come in once a month to keep it clean

for us and Mom and Dad come out at least one weekend a month. I

thought about moving out here after Sherry and I got married, but

it's a bit too far to commute back and forth to Canton. She took

me to the house that Daddy was going to buy us before I got a

chance to mention this one. And then she informed me that weekends

would be spent in the mountains at Daddy's cabin."

"Oh, honey," I said, letting the 'honey' slip. "I didn't

realize it was that bad."

He put his arm around me and smiled. He didn't chide me for

calling him honey. "Yeah, it was. I thought it was a phase she

was going through and when she chose our smoking's, that was fine, but

when she chose our rings, that was getting to the breaking point.

When I suggested us looking at rings together, she just about threw

a fit. She also wouldn't hear of us looking for a house together.

She had picked out the one Daddy was going to buy us and that's the

one she wanted."

"Well, this is nice, but when are we going to let your folks

and mine know where we are?"

He hugged me. "Next week sometime. I know you've got to

work, but you can call in and tell them you've had an emergency out

of town."

"So there is a phone here?" I asked as he pushed me away and

took his jacket off, leading me into a bedroom.

"No. But there is one across the lake at the convenience

store you can use. But not until Monday morning," he replied,

hanging the coat on a hanger he got out of the closet.

"What about our smoking's?" I asked as he removed his tie. "I was

supposed to return them this afternoon."

"Take your clothes off and stop worrying about everything,

Shawn," he said, stuffing the tie in the coat pocket.

"But. . ." he put his finger over my lips.

"Just do it, Shawn," he said, then he grinned. "Or did you

not wear any underwear?"

"No, I have underwear on," I replied.

Obediently, I stripped to my white cotton briefs and he hung

my smoking up on the hangers in the closet with his. When we were both

clad only in our briefs, he took the ring out of his smoking pants

pocket and looked at it. "I guess I should have left this with

her," he said. "Daddy bought it for us."

"You're kidding?" I said, bewildered. I placed my hand on his

shoulder. "I'm sorry, Marc, I may be gay, but a ring is something

you buy for your spouse, in my book. And it's one thing for your

parents to buy it or give it to you, for her, but her parents

shouldn't buy it for you to give to her."

"I know, Shawn," he said, putting his arm around me. "I

agree, but she had it already picked out. It was twenty-five

hundred dollars and I couldn't afford it, so Daddy bought it for

her since she wanted it."

"Good thing you got out of there when you did," I said,

softly. "I'd have taken a cigar band and a shack to be your wife,

but you had better not have smoked the cigar."

Marc grinned and hugged me. "Thanks for coming out here with

me, Shawn," he whispered against my ear. He kissed me gently on

the cheek, then lead me into the living room.

"You didn't lock the car, did you?" he asked.

"No," I replied.

"Okay, I'll be right back."

I followed Marc to the door and he went outside and reached in

the passengers side door and unlocked the trunk with the button in

the glove compartment. He got his suitcase and brought it in.

"There's a sandy beach in the back yard right beside the

lake," he said, leading me into the bedroom. "We can lay out for

a while if you want to. I've got plenty of suntan lotion in here

for you. Since Sherry is fair also, I got the ph-25 balance."

"Thanks," I replied. "That would be fun."

He grabbed a couple of beach towels and the lotion out of his

suitcase. "We don't have to worry about getting dressed around

here," he said, leading me through the kitchen and out the back


"But what am I going to wear when I go to the convenience

store Monday to call work?" I asked. "I can't wear any of your

clothes. They're too big."

He sighed. "Okay, I'll go into town this afternoon and get

you some clothes," he resigned.

"Thank you," I said, taking the tube of suntan lotion from


He lay down on a towel and I spread the lotion over his

muscular back.

"Mm, that feels good, Shawn," he said sleepily.

"Don't fall asleep on me," I whispered against his ear, "I

need you to do me, too."

After he put lotion on my back, we lay watching the tide lap

lazily against the sand. A couple of boaters went by looking for

a good place to fish and Marc waved at them. "That's why we can't

lay out nude," he said. "But these briefs look enough like shorts

from a distance that we can get away with them."

"Maybe you should get us some shorts while you're in town," I


"I have some in my suitcase," he replied. "But I will get you

a pair. Anything else you need?"

"Some shoes and a toothbrush, I guess."

"You can borrow my toothpaste and antiperspirant," he offered.

"Thanks," I said.

"I'm sorry that we couldn't stop by the apartment and get you

some stuff," he said, leaning over and letting his upper arm bump

against mine, "but I'm sure the apartment was the first place they

looked for us."

"Probably," I agreed, rolling over onto my back.

We sunned for about an hour; watching boaters and enjoying the

day together. It was peaceful there.

"Now I'm getting hungry," Marc said, getting up.

I looked at my watch, which I had lain on the towel beside me

so it wouldn't leave a white circle around my wrist. "It's almost

eleven-thirty," I said. "And since we didn't really have any

breakfast this morning, I'm not surprised."

"Unfortunately," he said, "there's not any food in the house,

I don't think. I'll have to go to town and get something before we


"If I had my clothes, I could go with you," I said.

"Yeah," he replied, jumping into the water. He swam out a

little way, then turned back to look at me. "Come on in, babe," he

said. "The water's great."

I couldn't believe my ears. It was the first time he'd ever

called me anything but Shawn.

I must have looked reluctant because he added, "I've got my

robe, you can wear it until I get back from town with some clothes

for you."

I dived into the cold water and went under, coming up right

next to him. He grinned and put his arms around me. "Thanks again

for being my best man, Shawn."

He hugged me and I said, "I'm just glad I didn't have to give

you up, after all."

He held me tight and whispered in my ear, "You'll never have

to give me up, babe. You'll always be my best friend."

"And you, mine," I replied, kissing him gently on the cheek.

"Come on," he said, turning me around and heading toward the

shore. "I'm starving. Why don't I get us something at a hamburger

joint, so you don't have to cook?"

"Okay, but I don't mind cooking," I replied as we dried off.

"I prefer your cooking, Shawn, but I'm starving and if I go

get your clothes then get groceries and come back and wait while

you cook something, it will be at least two hours before we get to


"That's true," I agreed, following him into the kitchen. "If

you want, why don't you go ahead and get you something to eat?

When you're done eating, you can get my clothes and get groceries,

then bring them back and I'll make something for me."

He stopped and looked at me for a moment. "You'd let me do

that, wouldn't you?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

He hugged me and I melted in his warm strong arms. I loved it

when he held me this way. I loved him so much, but I didn't dare

tell him, even though I did have permission to and he had called me

'babe' twice that morning.

"Thank you, Shawn," he said, breaking the hug. "What size do

you wear for your shoes, pants and shirts?"

I followed him into the bedroom, telling him my sizes as we


"And blue is your favorite color, right?"

"Yes, but don't worry about that," I said as he removed his

wet underwear.

"Well, you've got to look good in what I get," he said, taking

his underwear into the bathroom and hanging them on the sink, "and

you look great in blue."

I removed my wet briefs and hung them up to dry with his as he

finished drying off. He got dressed while I dried off. He kissed

me on the cheek. "My robe's in my suitcase," he said, picking up

the keys to my car, "help yourself and I'll be back as soon as


"Thanks. Be careful," I said. I watched him back out and

drive off, then I returned to the bathroom and took a shower. Marc

had left his suitcase open so I took out his soft black robe that

had red trim and put it on. It was a warm summer day and his robe

was also warm, but I put it on anyway. It was too big for me, but

it smelled like him. I plunged my hands into the deep pockets and

my right hand bumped into something. I pulled it out and smiled as

I looked at the packet of condoms. I knew he had planned on using

them on his wedding night. I wished that he would use them on me.

I removed the dust sheets from the furniture in the living

room and curled up on the couch and went to sleep. I didn't hear

the car drive in, but I awoke to the touch of Marc's warm lips on

my cheek. "Wake up, babe," he said. "I've got lunch for us."

I looked at my watch, he'd only been gone for half an hour.

"You didn't stop to eat?" I asked.

"Of course not," he replied. "I want to eat with you." I

followed him into the kitchen where he had already put the bags

from the burger joint.

"Thank you," I said, sitting down at the table.

We ate slowly. "I got you some neat clothes," he said.

"They're still in the car. Of course, I had to get the sales lady

to help me pick them out for you. She said if you don't like them,

you can wear them in and exchange them. I figured that it would be

best if I got them and lunch, then you and I could both go get

groceries this afternoon. Safer that way," he added, taking a bite

of a French Fry.

I smiled at him. In the year we'd lived together since

graduation, he had never attempted to cook - except for the one

time he tried to make coffee, which flopped. And every time we

needed groceries, he was more than happy to come with me, but he

never would go alone. I glanced down at my hamburger and realized

that I had always done the cooking, cleaning and the laundry for

us. I had started doing Marc's laundry when we were in college.

I offered to do it for him after he had bleached his favorite pair

of black jeans, which happened to be the first weekend he was in

Canton. When he had gone to Sullivan University in Denmark, he had

always taken his clothes to his parents house every weekend and his

mother had washed for him. After we moved in together, Marc would

run the vacuum and carry the clothes to the laundry room and back

to our apartment and put up his clothes, but that was all. I was

Marc's wife. The only thing I didn't get to do was make love to

him. I was happy that Sherry hadn't had that pleasure and she

wasn't going to get it, either.

Marc's hand touched mine. "Is that okay, babe?" he asked,


I looked up at him and smiled. "Yes. It's great. Thank


We finished eating and he dashed out to the car to get my

clothes. Since my underwear were still wet when he left, he had

thought to buy me a package of underwear and socks.

We went into the bedroom and sat the sack down on the bed.

"Okay, let's see how bad these look on you," he teased. "I hope

they're not too big, like that robe is." He seemed more like a

child receiving a gift at his birthday, than someone giving me some

clothes to wear.

I removed the robe and he handed me a dark blue bikini swim

brief. "I can't believe you got me a bikini," I said.

"Actually, I got me one, too," he admitted with a grin.

He pulled out a black one and held it up. "Try it on. You can

take it back if you don't want it, but I'm wearing this one while

we lay out and swim the rest of the time we're here."

I tried it on. It seemed snug, but it was the right size.

"I'll keep it," I said, reluctantly.

I noticed him grin approvingly as I removed it.

He opened the package of briefs and pulled all three pair of

bikini underwear briefs out. "You've got your choice," he said.

"Blue, black or green?"

"I can't believe you got me bikini briefs underwear, too," I

said. "I'll take blue."

"I thought so," he said. He handed me the small material and

I pulled them on. They fit fine, but, like the swim suit, were a

bit snug.

"Mm, they look great on you, Shawn," he said.

He handed me a pair of powder blue dress shorts that had a

belt on them. They were the prefect fit, too. The socks were

white and he had bought a powder and dark blue striped polo shirt

to go with the shorts. It, too, fit perfectly.

"You look great, Shawn," he said, handing me a pair of powder

blue slip on tennis shoes.

While I put them on, he opened a closet door that had a full

length mirror inside the door. "Here, see for yourself."

I looked into the mirror. He had done a good job of matching

the outfit.

"Thank you, Marc," I said, hugging him. "It looks great. You

did good."

He grinned and kissed me on the cheek. He was driving me

crazy, but I was enjoying his kisses and his calling me 'babe'.

"I guess we need to check out what's in the kitchen," I said.

"If there is anything that needs to be used, we can replenish it

before we leave."

"Good idea," he agreed.

We searched through the cabinets. There was nothing that

either of us was interested in using and nothing that would parish

if we didn't use it.

I found a note pad and pencil and sat down at the table to

write down the list of what we needed. Marc sat down across from

me. "Are we going to be here all week?" I asked, cautiously. "Or

should we just buy enough for a few days?"

He looked at me thoughtfully for a moment before answering.

I melted under the gaze of his brown eyes. I wanted to feel his

strong arms around me. I wanted to feel his lips on mine. I loved

him so much.

When he sighed, I was afraid he had read my mind. "I guess

we'd better just get enough for a few days," he finally said. "I'd

like to stay here all week, but I know you have to get to work."

He reached across the table and placed his hand over mine. "And

I'm not going to stay here without you."

It took all the energy I had to keep from leaning across the

table and kissing him on the lips. "Thank you," I managed to say.

"I wouldn't want to stay here without you, either."

I let Marc drive to the store, since he knew the area and I

didn't. He insisted on paying for the groceries and we made our

way back to the house.

After we put the groceries up, we donned our bikini briefs

that he had purchased and spent the remainder of the afternoon

laying out and swimming in the lake. It was hard for me to keep my

eyes off of Marc in his black bikini briefs. They did little to

hide the bulge. Though I had seen him nude several times, the

black bikini briefs seemed to make him even more irresistible than

when he was nude with a hardon.

Sitting on the front porch after supper we watched the sun set

over the lake. "I sure have enjoyed today, Marc," I whispered; not

wanting to disturb the peacefulness of the evening. I reached over

and placed my hand on his arm. I was wearing his robe and he had

on a pair of shorts he had packed for his honeymoon, but no shirt.

He lay his other hand over mine. "I have, too, Shawn," he

said, smiling at me.

After the sun had sank into the west and the golden rays that

spread across the sky faded to darkness, Marc got up and took me by

the hand and led me into the house. We went into the bedroom we

hadn't been in since we arrived and he pulled the dust cover off

the bed and pulled back the cover. "You can sleep in here," he

said, to my disappointment. I wanted to sleep with him.

"Thank you again for bringing me out here," I said, hugging


"Thank you for coming," he replied, kissing me gently on the


"The bathroom is right through this door," he gestured as he

walked out of the room. "I'm on the other side of the bathroom.

If you need anything, don't hesitate to come get me."

"Thank you. Good night, Marc," I said. He closed the door to

the hall and I whispered. "I need you, Marc."

The bed was soft. It must have been down or some kind of

feathers. It was too soft to sleep on. I was used to a firm

mattress. I tossed and turned for a while, then looked at the

clock. It was a little after midnight.

I sighed and got up and went to the bathroom. I finished

urinating and had just opened the door to the bedroom Marc was in

when Marc called, "Shawn, come here a second, please?"

"Okay," I replied, stepping into his bedroom. My body

trembled. I could see by the moonlight streaking in the window

that he lay in bed. He had the sheet pulled up to his waist.

I stood beside the bed and he reached up and took my hand. "Sit

down," he said, softly.

I sat on the edge of the bed and placed my hand on his chest.

He lay his arm across my lap, resting his hand on my bare hip.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Was it really shitty of me to run out on Sherry the way I

did?" he asked.

I sighed quietly enough so that he wouldn't hear me. I was

with him, that's all that mattered to me. I didn't want him

running back to her to apologize for running out on her. I didn't

have to be back to work until Monday; two days later, and I

selfishly wanted to spend it there with him. However, I couldn't

lie to him either. "If I were in her shoes, I'd be devastated," I

replied. "If you hadn't brought me with you and you hadn't told me

where you were going, I'd be devastated.

"I have really enjoyed spending today with you, Marc," I

continued, gently running my fingers through the soft hair on his

warm chest; he didn't stop me, "but I do think you should have

talked to her before you ran out. Especially since her father

spent so much money to bring everyone in for the wedding and


He sighed. "I knew you were going to say that," he said.

"I don't know if I should say this or not," I added, timidly.

"What?" he asked, I could see the worried look on his face in

the moonlight.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they have a warrant out for our

arrest for running off with the ring and the smoking's."

Marc laughed. "That would be my luck, wouldn't it?"


"Maybe not the smoking's, but I'm pretty sure on the ring."

"Probably," I agreed.

"Is that bed still uncomfortable?" he asked, changing the


"Yes. It's too soft."

"Grandma and Mom love it that soft. Gramps never complained,

but Dad hates it. Mom usually sleeps in there and Dad in here,

when they come. When we were growing up, Karl and I had to sleep

in there when we came to spend weeks here."

"Maybe you should replace it," I suggested.

Marc raised up and scooted over into the center of the bed.

"Lay down," he said, softly.

My body, trembling with excitement at the thought of laying in

the same bed nude with him, sent my blood rushing uncontrollably to

my midsection. He grinned as I lay down next to him, but didn't

say anything about my boner.

He covered me with the sheet and put his arm above his head.

"That's better, isn't it?" he asked, softly.

"Mm hum," I said. He lay beside me. Far enough away that we

didn't touch, but close enough I could feel the heat from his

strong body.

We lay in silence for a few minutes, then he said, "Shawn?

You asleep yet?"

"Not yet," I replied.

He got up. "I've got to piss, I'll be right back," he said.

"I'll be here," I replied, softly.

"Good," he said. "Thanks again for coming with me, Shawn," he

added as he headed toward the bathroom.

He returned a few minutes later carrying his robe; which I had

left laying on the foot of the bed in the other bedroom. He hug it

on the bedpost at the foot of the bed, then crawled back into bed.

"That's better," he said. "Now we can get some sleep."

But sleep wasn't what I wanted. My heart was beating so hard

that I knew Marc could hear it. It pumped the blood into my organ

with such force that I thought it was going to explode.

Marc rolled over onto his right side with his back to me.

"Good night, Shawn," he whispered. "I do love you."

"I love you, too, sweetheart," I replied.

I lay there for a few minutes before I heard him snoring

softly. I got up and went through the bathroom to the other

bedroom, closing the door behind me. The bed may have been too

soft, but at least Marc wasn't sleeping next to me in it. I lay

down and sunk into the soft mattress. Wondering why Marc had

started calling me babe and honey, I slowly stroked myself to

orgasm. I was so horny that it didn't take much. Luckily, Marc's

mother had a box of facial tissue on the night stand next to the

bed. It took three of them to clean up the mess I made.

I moved to the center of the bed. Exhausted from the lack of

sleep the night before and the events of the day, I finally fell

into a deep, sleep. I wished that I could have stayed in bed with

Marc, but without him holding me, there was no need to.