Spring In My Step: Chapter 19

Story by RedSkunk on SoFurry

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#19 of Spring in My Step

"Nyanni, is everything OK?" I asked in a panic, rushing over to hold her.

"Yes Collen, again, we're OK!" Nyanni replied happily, "Meet your daughter, Su-hi!"

I looked down in astonishment, Su-hi was so cute, laying next to Nyanni. Given her size relative to Nyanni, I could only imagine that labor would have been extremely difficult for Nyanni. Su-hi was already nearly a third the length of Nyanni, and Su-hi's legs and head and arms were slightly out of ratio compared to Nyanni. Su-hi clearly was descendant from me. I found myself trying to fathom how big she would get, how tall, smart, and kind, unlike everyone else here. That is of course, if I was allowed to raise her. Like a light flickering out in a dark chamber, my sudden blast of optimism about Su-hi's future cut out when thoughts based in reality came through. Unless we could find a way out of here soon, who knows what would happen to her, she would probably be raised to do evil, to do.....whatever evil plans they have made.

"Collen, snap out of it!" Nyanni said giggling. I came back to myself and realized I was staring at the ground and not Nyanni or Su-hi. "Where were you just now?" Nyanni inquired.

"Umm uh... not here that's for sure." I muttered, I didn't want to lay on Nyanni everything I was thinking about and depress her. Surely she was thinking all of this too.

I watched Su-hi for a while, in awe of our creation, then leaned over to kiss Nyanni. I pumped my nose to hers awkwardly, as I hadn't kissed anyone as a rabbit before. Nyanni giggled, put her paws on my cheeks and guided me closer, educating me on how to love as a rabbit. She kissed me deeply, keeping her paws on my cheeks. Her ears swept back and the muscles around her lips tightened. I could tell she was truly happy to kiss me finally. I too felt my knees get weak. Though I had had a lot of sex the past few days, none of it was real love. But Nyanni harbored real feelings for me.

I took the chance to put my paws around her, my right paw starting at the top of her head, and petting back along her soft ears, analyzing the contours of them until I reached the tip. Then I nestled them under her ears and brought my paw back, bracing the back of her head.

Katy must have heard the sound of lips smacking, because just as we were finally getting intimate, she barged in the room, making as much noise as possible.

"Collen Collen Collen!! Do you like your baby girl!? Isn't she just the cutest!? I can see why Nyanni picked you... definitely good genes...hehe!" Katy shouted. She seemed to think me and Nyanni's relationship was too adorable to be serious. "It's time we get going though Collen, we have some tests to run!"

"But I just got here! Can't I stay just a little while longer?" I pleaded. Nyanni was also stunned. After having been separated for so long, just a few minutes together wasn't nearly enough. Nyanni, covertly grabbed my paw, merely a symbolic gesture to let me know she wanted to stay with me. I wanted to stay strong for Nyanni, and after everything I had been through, tears started to fill my eyes. That familiar feeling of powerlessness came over me.

"Ooohh Collen, there there" Katy moaned as she reached to pick me up, "Say bye bye to baby!" Katy grabbed one of my paws and forced me to wave goodbye to my child whom I barely got a chance to see. I offered no resistance to Katy this time. I figured there wasn't anything I could do, but maybe I could plead with her later to give me more time with Nyanni. After all, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

"Collen! Don't worry, I know what you're going through! I love you! Stay strong!" Nyanni shouted as I was being taken out of the door. The loud metallic clank followed our exit, like a prison cell being closed. Even though I was being taken out of the room, it still felt like I was being taken to a cell.

Katy took me down the hall walking briskly as if to meet some schedule. I stopped paying attention to where we were going. I was just thinking about Nyanni. Before I knew it, Katy stopped at a door and fumbled with some keys to unlock it. This door looked different from hers. I looked around and saw the next door over what looked like hers. She opened the door and took me in. This definitely wasn't her room. It was small, like a supply closet. There was one light bulb hanging from the ceiling. Katy pulled the string attached to it to light up the room. Inside was a small bed packed against the corner closest to the door. It was more than big enough for me though. A small nightstand sat next to the bed, barely large enough to hold a book. There was a glass of water pre-positioned on the nightstand in a plain clear glass. The bed was covered with a minimalist style blanket, the kind one might expect police to give rescue victims. The rest of the room was barren, the floor a stark stained concrete.

I suspected Katy had set up this room while I was with Nyanni. Though with the lack of anything inside, I could tell she must have done it in a hurry. Katy put me down on the bed and then took a seat next to me.

"Collen, I know you may not believe this, but I think you're the luckiest guy in the world. You are going to get everything a guy could ever want!" Katy mumbled as she started taking off the harness and leash from me.

"You mean you're going to set me free?" I inquired.

"Oh no! But you know what I mean... you've been 'getting it' already you know..." She said giggling.

"You mean like when you let He'ki rape me? I would prefer not to see her again..."

"Well, let's not be redundant, you're going to be busy but there's no time to climb down the same burrow twice...if you know what I mean... hehe" Katy scoffed.

Suddenly, there was a loud series of knocks at the door. "You'll be sleeping here tonight. In your very own room! But don't be scared, I've lined up some company for you!" Katy explained. She got up and opened the door. Another F3 was at the door also dressed in a lab coat. At the meeting Katy had said that next week we would begin the 'demonstrations,' so I got the distinct impression she was making sure that her colleagues had the first go at me. The whole situation had me pretty embarrassed. I tried to crawl to the corner of the bed, out of view of the doorway.

Katy guided the F3 into the room, "Collen, this is one of our junior research assistants Clara. She'll make sure you don't feel lonely tonight." Clara blushed and giggled to herself. She seemed pretty reserved and innocent, her hands clasped together dangling in front, hanging down below her stomach just over her green pleated skirt.

Clara's lab coat was buttoned nearly all the way to her collar. She too wore glasses like Katy, though hers were frame less. Her light blue fur laden ears were swept back all the way down her back to her skirt. She certainly was shy, as was I. Clara looked down at the floor, avoiding eye contact with me, meanwhile Katy backed out the door, looking at me, winking, and smiling.

As Katy shut the door, Clara sat down on the bed. I was still huddled in the corner keeping silent. She looked over at me, "You really are too cute. Collen is it?"

"uhh...hmm... ya.." I muttered.

"Aren't you cold?" She posed as she reached out her arms inviting me to her. She had a soft smile and warm eyes. She appeared harmless enough. I took three short hops over to her and sniffed wildly; instinctively. She smelled really sweet, like flowers, though I couldn't tell what kind. I took one finally hop into her arms. I didn't want to be rude. She seemed like she didn't really want to be here either, so I didn't feel obligated to do anything Katy expected me to. If anything, maybe she can be a real kind of, friend in this place.

She picked me up into her lap and started to pet me, "Your fur is really soft...hehe. Just relax, you're safe."

Spring in My Step: Chapter 20!!!!!!

She kept petting me, slowly and methodically, starting from my head, down my ears, and all the way back to my tail, making sure not to emphasize any one place in particular. Then she ran her fingers under my ears and lightly scratched the back of my...

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Spring In My Step: Chapter 18

The councilwomen again spoke into her mic to inform the crowd that was murmuring as to the nature of the cart, "Please lift the sheet." As the sheet was pulled off, I stood on my feet as high as I could go. It was Nyanni! In the cage with her was a...

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Spring In My Step: Chapter 17

"Well just one more question... When can I take this zip-tie off my feet? Its digging into my ankles and it really hurts..." "Ohh right yes, one second!" Katy capitulated. She was midway through putting on a dry set of undergarments when she finally...

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