Full Moon Series: Lunar Soul - Chapter Twelve & Epilogue.

Story by Liki Wolfspirit on SoFurry

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#13 of Full Moon Series: Lunar Soul

It's the last chapter for book one! It's a little short cause it'll mostly serve as set up for the next book, but

we get a nice little moment with Zack and Drailsin x3

Plans are that next objective I'm tackling will be to continue Pokémon MD: Mystic Remnants and finish that arc up before going to Full Moon Series: Inner Shadows, and after that to finally finish The Shadows Book Two: The Legacy of Man and Machine, and then see about either rebooting Master of Aura, or move into the third book for Full Moon Series, or what have you.... As long as I have my current job, I can do a chapter or maybe two each weekend! So let's hope it stays that way XD

Chapter 12 and Epilogue.

Zack found it hard to believe how the last week had developed.

Shortly after the news conference shown on TV that day, Zack's room at the dorms was forcefully vacated as policemen came to dispose of his own belongings, some of which would be sent back to his parents. All this happened with him watching the whole thing. The police were apparently not shown any pictures of what the supposedly dead students looked like, so they only immediately only asked Zack and the other two to vacate the room. Drailsin and Linus hid Zack away in Drailsin's dorm room on the first floor of the building. Zack watched from the window of that room as his own stuff was taken away in boxes. Thankfully, he had saved the walkie talkie by hiding it in his coat.

For two days, Zack hid away still in Drailsin's dorm room, the dragon bringing him food and the like while they tried to figure out what to do. Unlike what his cabin had been, the dorm room was nearly void of personal items from Drailsin, who as Zack knew, typically didn't stay there. Now that his cabin was destroyed and the lodge apparently closed off from visitors for the investigations, it was the only place Drailsin had. The dragon had went out and bought a large sleeping bag and pillow for Zack, which lay on the floor across the foot of the bed in the room.

Linus, now fully involved just like Drailsin was in the whole werewolf thing after Zack told him about what had really been going on ever since that day the wolf had gone to the warehouses, took it upon himself as well to help. Both Linus and Drailsin began skipping classes, as they tried to find ways to help, but on the third day, Zack told them to go back to classes. It wouldn't be any good for them to stop their own lives completely to try and fix this mess. Linus seemed to understand that, and only stopped in every so often to check up on the situation. Drailsin, however, had scoffed, "Dude, you forget I'm rich? What do I really need this for? I just like acting and I'm already amazing at it! I'm gonna help you out." And so, the dragon continued to skip classes and stayed with Zack in his dorm room.

They read up all they could find about Valander Castiel in public records. He'd apparently been very active in the last few years since joining the police department. He'd quickly risen in ranks for busting two major drug cartels in the city, which Zack had to admit was impressive. Trent City was typically known to be very clean, to even think there was drug cartels operating in the city at all was unlikely, but Valander had managed to find and bust two such businesses operating in the fringes of the city. This earned him the rank he currently had, Sergeant, and bolstered him into the inner circle of the cities government.

It was a perfect position and plan, from Zack's point of view. Valander probably used the Dollmomin to track down the sources of drugs and shoot himself up the ladder to leadership, so that when he put his real plans into motion, he could make the crimes go unnoticed if needed. He believed it was him that omitted his, Kyle's, and Drailsin's names from the report of the explosion while saying two students had died. He was forcing Zack to abandon his normal life, and Kyle as well.

Kyle had woken up on the third day, and while he was still a little too weak to move much, was able to listen to Zack about everything that had happened. In the end, Kyle was crying. It wasn't as bad as it seemed, Kyle had said after he recovered from his emotions, at least he was alive. It was that Kyle would never be able to actually tell his mother that he was actually okay.

Zack promised him, even with Luran's adverse opinions of it, that he would find time for Kyle to actually see his mother and if possible, let her see him as well. Werewolf form or not, he knew Kyle wanted her to know he was alive and okay. They attempted the rest of that day to get Kyle to manage transforming back to his normal form, but so far, there was no luck in doing so. Kyle increasingly became frustrated as time went by trying to "relax and remain calm." but with the things he'd learned now that he was declared dead and all, he just couldn't. Raze also chimed in with his theory that Kyle wasn't yet fully recovered, and his body simply may not be able to handle the change yet. And so, Kyle remained in the cave with the werewolves as Zack continued staying with Drailsin in his dorm room.

The next day came the first big step of Valander's apparent plan for the city. Hundreds of freshly trained cops were suddenly added to the police force. They were stationed everywhere. One patrol car of two officers for every single block of the city. They did their jobs diligently it seemed, and if it certainly would lower crime in the city, but Zack knew better simply for one fact. For every patrol car and pair of officers, there was one Dollmomin with them. Each one of them, but only the ones with new officers. Zack didn't know what this was for. What was Valander's plan keeping one Dollmomin with his newly trained officers? Linus was the one who ended up proposing what Zack thought was the best reasoning. Creating a corrupt police force.

Trent City's police force was suddenly nearly three times as large as it had been. Over the next few days, posts on social media and articles online made it apparent to Zack that the veteran officers of the city felt their jobs were being threatened by this sudden intake of fresh blood. Several news channels picked up on this and began asking questions. When the crime rates dropped and the large police force was no longer needed, what would happen? How many would be laid off? Who would get to stay and keep their jobs? Where did this sudden influx of nearly five hundred fresh police come from on such a short notice? Did it come from nearby, other cities, or did the city always have them on stand by? Valander so far was not answering these questions publicly. It wasn't long after that that Zack finally got to witness what he believed was the plan, and why he thought Linus was closest to what it was. It was when Drailsin had pulled Zack out of the dorm room to go eat at the mall. Although Zack was to all things legal considered dead, that didn't stop him from going out since his name was never reported and no picture shown on the news. Drailsin just paid for the food.

It was as they were eating that Zack got to see two of the new officers enter the building, as they were taking over the area from a pair of others were did not have Dollmomin with them. As the new policemen approached their veterans, the Dollmomin that was with them skittered ahead to the vets. Instantly, the scowling looks and growls the new officers received punctuated the relationship and feelings. The new officers only retaliated with the same emotions though. Zack could see that if this kind of thing continued, it could create immense tension in the police department. But what was the end goal? Was it as Linus suggested? A corrupt police force, but corrupt how?

Tensions just seemed to be slowly increasing between the law enforcement officials daily as Zack continued to monitor and watch. Crimes continued to happen around the city, egged on by Dollmomin, and all stopped by either the vets or the fresh blood officers, who vets apparently began to take to calling "helpers" or "fresh bloods" in social media. It was a jap that teased the new forces, telling them that as soon as all the crime was mopped up and stopped that they would be the ones out of a job. The new officers japped back by calling the veteran officers feeble and old, which was to implicate that they believed when all was said and done, it was them that would take over keeping the city safe. "If you guys would've kept the city safe to begin with, we wouldn't be needed here. Times are changing but you weren't." One post had said in response, which seemed to hint to Zack that these officers did come from other cities.

A week from the explosion and Zack's reported death in the news, the first instance of that tension snapping seemed to have happened. During a gunfight with crooks trying to rob a bank, a fresh blood officer was reportedly shot in the leg by "Accidental misfire of a fellow officer's gun."

Social media exploded, hundreds of the fresh blood officers were accusing the vets of firing on one of their own. The vets shot back saying that the fresh blood probably got himself shot by one of the crooks and was now trying to pin in onto them. There was no evidence yet stating who exactly had shot the officer, it was just reported as a misfire as no one else had been shot but the crooks. The police had been safely behind barricades and cars, so somehow, the only reasoning that came about was that it was a misfire.

It almost seemed like a war between the two factions of police were about to break out, before Valander went on TV to report that the news of an accidental misfire was, in fact, incorrect. The angle of the bullet wound was as such that the gun that fired it had to have been from the criminals. Zack was confused as to why Valander would come out to defuse the arguments, wasn't that his goal, until he saw the resulting comments.

The fresh bloods were now validated and the vets began looking like fools. In theory, it should've been in reverse. It was the new officers who first accused the vets of shooting one of them afterall, they should've been ridiculed for trying to pin blame on the vets. However, only the veterans were even realizing this at all. With the way social media worked, instead of paying attention to the vets calling out the fresh bloods for their accusations, people were giving words of encouragement and thanking the fresh bloods for their service. When people finally did pay some attention to the vets, it was only to tell them to back off and leave the other officers alone. "They did their duty and one of them ended up being shot. When was the last time one of you old geezers got shot hmm?"

Zack couldn't believe it, were people really this short sighted? Not all of them, at least. A few took notice of the actual affect this was having, but still, the general populaces' idea seemed to be that the fresh bloods were what this city needed.

"It's going to make the vets feel even more threatened." Drailsin groaned as he was reading the comments of the latest article along side Zack.

"But what's the end goal?" Zack growled with his ears flat against his head in irritation. "Until now he's avoided all attention...why suddenly now does he come into the open and seem to change things up directly with the city? Am I not doing what he wanted me to? It wasn't you who were turned like he had wanted, but I still ended up having to bite someone..."

Drailsin watched him as Zack sighed and closed his eyes. The wolf was very irritated and on edge. With a sly grin, the dragon slid down onto the ground and crossed the short distance to come between Zack's legs.

Zack didn't hear Drailsin's movements at first, though he knew the dragon had got up from his chair next to him he thought he was just getting up to walk around, until he felt a firm press at his crotch through the pair of blue gym shorts he was wearing. He opened his eyes and looked down at Drailsin, who smirked up at him while his nose was pressed up between his legs, that tail of his flicking through the air to and fro over his back.

Zack smirked back but he reached down to attempt to gently push the dragon away, "I'm not up for that..."

Drailsin, however, lightly bat the wolf's paw away, "Dude, come on. Look at yourself, you're tenser then a guitar string. It's been a week and you've done nothing but monitor the internet and news for hours on end, you need to blow off some steam."

Zack furrowed his eyes a bit, realizing that truth, but said, "You know I don't really want to. Kyle-"

"Kyle's still recovering. Besides that, you already told me you don't plan to do anything sexual with him until you figure out how to change him back." Drailsin reached with his paw, and he took hold of Zack's sheath through the fabric of the shorts. "Come on, let loose a bit. Not like any of them would blame ya for trying to unwind."

Zack stared at the dragon, but he couldn't deny the slight tingles of pleasure that came from that groping paw on his sheath as it tightened slightly. He shifted in the chair, as that small spike of arousal suddenly made him keenly aware of that weighted feeling in his balls; days worth of backed up seed and a dull ache for release that he realized he'd been feeling for the last two days but never paid attention to.

That night that Tarn had tried to have sex with him repeated in his mind, but at the time, Zack had been worried for Kyle. Was he really going to be a hypocrite and have sex with Drailsin instead? Kyle was recovering now, and instead his laser focus on Valander had kept him from anything else over the last few days except for when Drailsin had pulled him out to the mall to eat. Drailsin was right, he had to relax a bit. He knew Tarn would be willing, but Drailsin was here right now and just as willing.

He sighed and closed his eyes, giving a small nod, "Yeah...all right..."

The dragon's purple eyes seemed to light up a bit and Drailsin stood up suddenly, "Excellent. There's lube in my dresser, top drawer. If you'll excuse me, I need to go prepare." The dragon turned away from Zack and walked over to his dresser, beginning to dig inside it as Zack tried to comprehend what he meant, and it hit him as he saw Drailsin stick something up his shirt and then moved to the door.

"Wait, what?" Zack questioned, "I thought you just wanted like, a blow job."

Drailsin turned his head over his shoulder to grin at Zack, his tail flicking as he gave a little growl, "After how long I've wanted to see how big you are? Heck no I don't want to just give a blow job. I plan to ride you hard."

This made Zack's ears fold back and he stammered, "I-I don't know if I'm really comfortable in going all the way when I'm with Kyle."

Drailsin turned around at this, his voice softening as he held one paw on the doorknob and leaned against it. "As much as I understand your attachment to him, I for one honestly think it was too quick for you to commit. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't encourage you to try and have sex with others like crazy and it's great you seem to connect with him so well, but the only thing you guys seemed to have in common was baseball. Now that he is also a werewolf now I guess that's different, but you both seem pretty open minded. Do you really think he hasn't tried to do anything with the other werewolves since he's around them constantly, and is probably feeling that same tension? What's wrong with a fling with me who, hell, has less in common with you than Kyle does?"

Zack frowned at this. He found it hard to think, but at the same time, he wouldn't blame Kyle if he did try. He shook his head after a moment longer of thought though, "As much as that may be, the others wouldn't do anything with him. Tarn maybe, but after that night I don't think he really wants to with Kyle cause he's envious of our relationship. Raze wouldn't dare try to give him anything if he was still recovering. Shade, from what I understand, isn't the type to have sex with another male unless he really needs it, and Urie only has eyes for Luran, who is off limits to anyone but him."

Drailsin folded his arms, "All right fine, if you think you can get by with just a blow job, then that's what we'll do, what do you want to try?" He tilted his head in question.

Zack grimaced again. That tingle of arousal was still itching in his groin, woken by Drailsin and that devil on his shoulder was whispering in his ears. It wasn't like anyone could find out, by the time they saw the werewolves again at all the smell would be washed off if he took a shower. As good a blow job felt, Zack knew he needed more if he was really going to relax and scratch that itch.

With a sigh, he again closed his eyes and lowered his head, "Go get yourself ready, I'll do the same here..." He half whispered, feeling like he lost a major argument but he wasn't upset in the slightest for it.

Drailsin grinned and murred, his paw twisting the knob as he repeated, "Lubes in that top drawer, get yourself all hard for me." He chuckled and left the room.

Zack groaned and he leaned back in the chair and stared at the ceiling. For a few minutes he remained there, until he picked himself up and walked over to the dresser. He opened the first drawer and paused. He'd never opened up Drailsin's dresser out of respect of privacy, he believed it was just full of clothes since the pair of blue shorts and the white shirt he was currently wearing had been given to him by Drailsin when the clothes he wore from his now emptied dorm room had started to smell. He realized now though, that those had came from the third drawer.

The first drawer didn't hold any clothing. Instead there were several dildos inside of varying size and of different species of fur, and one bottle of water based lubricant that Zack was familiar with at least. One of them was a canine cock longer than Zack himself was, though not as thick it had a good three inches on his length.

Ignoring the shivering crawling through his fur at the sight of all the phallisis, he grabbed the bottle and firmly closed the drawer. It would seem that Drailsin was quite active sexually, at least in the sense of having plenty of toys. Zack wondered if the dragon had been with others similar to this situation, but he had doubts. Zack had never seen Drailsin hanging around with anyone other than the drama club. Whenever he saw him on campus, the dragon was always alone, reading a book, exercising, or eating in the cafeteria.

As Zack sat down on the bed and held the bottle of lube in his paw still, he blushed as his thoughts returned to the toy in the dresser. Virgin or no, Drailsin had toys that showed he was clearly ready to handle nearly anything thrown at him by another male. That thought spurred the spark of arousal in his body, and he felt his tip push free from his sheath and rub against his boxers as his cock continued to swell.

Zack bucked up his hips and hooked his shorts and underwear down with his paws, then laid the lube down as he pulled the shirt up over his head and let it lay on the floor at his feet before he spun around to lay naked along the bed. His tail laying flat between his legs, Zack propped his head on the one pillow on the bed to stare down at himself.

Two inches of his own cock peeked shyly from his sheath, pointed up at him as he was laying down. He nearly wanted to glare at it as if it was a separate entity from his own body and call it a traitor. He could still feel that faint buzzing sensation in his groin though from his lack of release. Focusing on that feeling, he reached down and began to rub his furry orbs, feeling their heavy weight. His right testicle gave a brief aching sensation whenever he'd roll it in a specific way, making him shiver and close his eyes as he continued to grope and play with himself, his wolfhood slowly pushing free of his sheath more and more.

As he reached his full size, he began to feel drops of precum dripping onto his belly, opening his eyes again to watch as his cock twitched slightly and oozed over him. With his paw teasing his balls and pressing down at the muscles and thickness that laid deeper in his sheath, he could feel his knot as it was rising to the surface, and pulled his sheath back behind it when it did.

He gave a soft growl of pleasure as the sensitive bulb was released, a single firm spurt of pre firing from his tip and landing across his chest. That bud of arousal was blooming and as the thought of Drailsin riding him came to his mind and he imagined it, Zack had to pull his paw away after a bit as he feared cumming too soon.

After taking a moment to calm down, watching his eleven inch wolfhood twitch over his belly, Zack reached for the lube and opened it. He applied a good amount to his paw, and then laid it aside while reaching for his cock and began to cover his length in the slick fluid. He growled as the slickness provided a fluid and smooth motion along his length for his paw, making more precum flow in a steady stream from his tip, only adding to the lube. He eventually had his entire length liberally coated in the cool fluid, but it quickly warmed up as he lost himself to pleasure and began actively stroke himself, riding the pleasure as he began to thrust up into his paw a bit.

"Hey now, don't finish too early." Drailsin's sudden voice snapped Zack out of his pleasure haze, the wolf releasing his throbbing wolfhood as he looked to the entrance. Drailsin was already leaning against the door, Zack had not heard it open or when he entered.

Drailsin walked forward and slid up to sit on the side of the bed beside Zack as the wolf sat up with his elbows under himself. A deep blush appeared on his cheeks and without any pause, Drailsin reached and took hold of his cock himself. Zack groaned in his throat and melted slightly at the touch of another fur on his length. His eyes closed halfway as he watched Drailsin's paw slowly stroke along the underside of his length, stopping just before the knot and then smoothly moving up to the tip. Precum flowed in a leaking stream, flowing with the lube down his length.

"Hmm you seem really worked up afterall." Drailsin cooed with his tail giving a few more flicks in the air.

Zack nodded and growled out, "Yeah...you were right, I think I really need this."

Drailsin grinned happily at hearing that and he stood up and hooked his own shorts with his paws, he wasn't wearing his shirt anymore already. He pulled down the shorts and his boxers with them, then turned back and began to climb up over the bed, "Then I suppose I won't torture you with edge play." He chuckled.

Zack watched the dragon carefully, taking in Drailsin's lithe form. He almost seemed female. If it wasn't for the lack of breasts and that he understand the anatomy of male dragons, he may have thought he really was. The dragon's unique purple fur covered over most of his body, where as he had blue scales on his ankles, feet, forearms and paws like there were scaly gloves and socks.

Drailsin shifted over Zack's body, straddling his legs and sitting just before his cock. His paw again took hold of the wolf's exposed length and he bit his bottom lip as he pulled it up to point it directly up towards the ceiling. "Damn Zack...lucky you didn't break Kyle in half."

"I nearly did..." Zack grunted softly when Drailsin playfully released his cock, letting it slap back to his belly and causing the wolf to shiver, "W-when we first fucked my cock transformed inside him after I tied him...I'm eleven inches normally, but get up to sixteen in my werewolf form."

Drailsin gave a low groan at hearing that. "That's even bigger than my toys..." He growled, a hint of desire in his voice, "Don't suppose I can convince you to change for me?"

Zack raised an eyebrow at that, and Drailsin chuckled and shook his head, "Worth a try." The dragon giggled, "But that's fine, you're perfectly sized like this. I know I can at least handle this." And with that, Drailsin began to lift himself again onto his knees letting Zack get a view of the genital slit hidden by the fur of his groin. It was parted slightly, but he could not see the draconic length hiding inside quite yet due to the thick fur of the northern born dragon.

Drailsin reached for the bottle of lubricant and squeezed a small amount onto his own paw, reaching behind himself then to apply it to his tailhole, his tail lifted up over his shoulders to get out of the way. He shivered slightly and mumbled, "Ahh cold." while rubbing it around his rim and when he was satisfied he brought his paw in front of him to hold Zack's cock once more, this time to pull it under himself and bring the leaking tip to his rim.

Zack felt Drailsin's entrance meet with his tip, holding his breath as he watched Drailsin continue to hold his cock against it for several seconds, letting his pre add to the lube there before he started to push down. Both males gave a low gasp as Zack's tip penetrated the dragon.

"Huff..." The dragon puffed over the wolf as he wiggled against the first inch, Zack's cock throbbing eagerly for more as it spilled pre into him. "Been awhile..." He growled out, his rear feeling tight as he pushed down further along Zack's cock. As he got a few more inches in, his paw released the throbbing maleness and he put both paws on Zack's stomach, gently holding his hips down as he continued to slowly let more of the slickened cock fill him.

Zack panted softly, his hips shivered and he resisted the urge to thrust up into the tight embrace slowly taking his cock. He felt every firm pulse of Drailsin's body against his own throbbing cock, felt the tailhole spasming and clenching as he sunk into the dragon. Looking down his body again, he could see his own cock sticking straight up as Drailsin speared himself on the wolf. The draconic member had begun to erect and slide free of Drailsin's slit, purplish blue in in color and with ridges spaced out along the underside of it. Precum began to leak from his tip as Drailsin reached his full size, allowing Zack to get a full scope of the other male.

Drailsin was about eight inches long with his knot, though he didn't seem lacking for thickness. With no balls hanging under the shaft, it seemed just a tad awkward to Zack, but the draconic shape and the ridges along the underside looked like they'd provide plenty of stimulation for anyone on the receiving end. The purple and blue coloration caught Zack's attention though. Of course, he was familiar with the anatomy of male dragons, some had knots, some didn't. Some had ridges or no ridges, some had even more ridges then seemed possible, but normally, it was either black, pink, or red.

His fascination of the color didn't distract him from feeling Drailsin settle down on his knot though. He shivered as he felt Drailsin's rim flexing over the slim part of his cock just before his knot, the thick bulb pulsing in the air against the warm rear the rest of his length was throbbing inside.

For a minute, Drailsin remained still, slightly leaning over Zack as his own cock leaked precum onto the wolf's belly. Zack's cock throbbed with the beat of his heart inside him, Drailsin felt so full and he blushed slightly. "It always feels so much better than a dildo...to feel that heartbeat..." he cooed.

This made Zack blush as well and he folded his ears back at the words. The dragon had always been overly flirty and openly groped at him, but now that he was actually having sex with him, Drailsin's personality turned to a more pronounced slowness. The dragon clearly was in no rush to finish as he just remained still, sitting on Zack's cock.

Eventually though, he finally did straighten himself after he grew used to Zack's size. His paws remained on the wolf's fourpack as he began to slowly pull himself up along the throbbing wolf penis. Drailsin groaned softly, Zack giving one of his own as his hips quivered in pleasure, as he pulled up about three quarters of the way and then slid back down to Zack's knot in one smooth motion, repeating it faster and faster until he had a steady rhythm. Drailsin panted heavily as he rode Zack, his draconic length twitching and oozing pre on Zack's belly and his own paws a bit as well.

Only about a minute passed before Zack noticed the dragon's knot starting to swell. Drailsin began to whimper out in pleasure as his motions turned fast and frantic, only pulling up about two inches as he rapidly bounced on the wolf's thicker organ. The new and rapid pace made Zack bite his lips as he began trying to thrust up with Drailsin's actions. His knot battered at the lubed rim. Covered in a mixture of lube and pre itself, it began to slowly spread Drailsin open, the dragon moaning out as he could feel this happening.

"Ah...fuck...get it in there..." He snarled, lips curled up and revealing rows of sharp dragon teeth as he wiggled and ground against the thick wolf knot.

Zack felt his balls aching even more now, as his climax neared its completion, his knot starting to swell up. He wanted to get it inside Drailsin before it ballooned, and in desperation, the wolf's paws, so far having been clenching the bed spreads in his pleasure, reached up and gripped the dragon's hips.

"Hmmm? Ah!" Drailsin at first hummed when he felt those paws on his hips, but that quickly turned to his sharp gasp as Zack took over. The wolf snarled out in a loud growl, and the canine felt his ears twitching and starting to lengthen as his werewolf side came out with his approaching orgasm.

With a fierce snarl, Zack thrust up into the dragon while his paws pushed him down onto his lap. At first, his knot merely pressed hard against Drailsin's rim, making the dragon gasp once more. Zack kept up the pressure though, feeling the taught flesh slowly taking him and wiggling his knot against Drailsin's body, until suddenly, with a loud and wet plop, the dragon's rear gave in and the wolf's thick knot popped into him.

The effect was nearly instantaneous on both of them. In just three seconds, Drailsin lifted his head back and gave a short breathed groan as his knot ballooned, his cock twitching four times as the knot swelled before strings of white dragon cum began to paint Zack's body. In those three seconds as well, Zack's knot swelled to its full size inside the tight confines of Drailsin's rear. His balls clenched up tight to his groin as they pumped, his cum rocketing up his cock and filling the dragon riding him.

The dragon's own climax faded long before Zack's did, without much stimulation on his knot, but Drailsin seemed fine with that as he blushed heavily, leaning back on Zack's lap and putting his paws on the bed behind him and wiggling against the tie, tugging and pulling the wolf's knot. In his blurry, orgasm idled vision, Zack watched as a small bulge appeared on Drailsin's belly with the dragon's new angle. The sight was both erotic and worrying, that shouldn't be normal. But as Zack watched his own cock bulge twitching visibly as it spilled his essence and heard Drailsin's breathy moans of pleasure at being seeded, he had to take it on faith that the dragon knew his limits.

After a good minute and half of cumming, his climax began to fade and Zack slowly came down to the blissful afterglow of being tied. He slumped on the bed, panting tiredly as his breath finally caught up to him and closed his eyes. He felt the warmth of his own cum flowing around his cock inside Drailsin, his knot stopping up the flow.

Drailsin slowly pulled himself back up to a full upright sitting position when he felt Zack slump, groaning softly and blushing still. "Ah fuck...canines are the best." He chuckled and Zack shivered as he suddenly felt the tip of that dexterous tail rubbing his still churning balls. "You guys can cum sooooo much." The dragon cooed playfully, "And then you can't get away from me once you're locked in."

"Sounds like you have the experience..." Zack panted, opening his eyes to peer up at the eastern dragon, his ears slowly shifted back to their normal state on their own. It seemed he still had trouble controlling them from changing when cumming.

Drailsin giggled and slowly, he lowered himself over Zack, laying down over the wolf while tied to him, his legs wrapping around the canine's.

"I don't actually...well, not as much as my personality would make me seem I guess..." Drailsin stared down into Zack's green eyes as he smiled, "I've only ever been with two other men, both were wolves..."

Zack raised an eyebrow at this, "You have a thing for wolves then?"

Drailsin blushed deeply and he giggled, "Maybe..."

"Who were they?"

"No one of importance right now..." Drailsin cooed and he nuzzled against Zack's neck lightly. "Should we rest for now until you can pull free?"

Zack nodded, accepting the change of subject. "Yeah, and then get cleaned up." He paused briefly before he gave a single lick along Drailsin's cheek, "Thanks for this, by the way, you were right, I did need it."

Drailsin giggled, "Don't mention it. Really, don't. This is just between us if you don't want Kyle to know anyway."

Again the wolf nodded, "All right." Zack wrapped his arms up around Drailsin as they rested together, while the wolf's cock continued to pulse, his canine anatomy doing its job as he kept spurting thinner strings of cum. After a few minutes, Zack's thoughts returned to Valander.

"We do have to do something soon though about Valander." Zack said aloud, and above him the dragon groaned.

"Tsch, just can't get your mind off him huh? Maybe you should be fucking him instead." He teased with another laugh but then nodded. "When we get seperated and cleaned up, I have an idea to try and help out a bit more."

"Oh? What's that?" Zack turned his head to look at Drailsin, who lifted his head up with a grin.

"Well, I am rich, and I figured there's a lot that money can do. As long as we're not crazy, I can just tell my folks I decided to get a place of my own here in the city since my cabin exploded."

Zack became puzzled, "What? What for?"

"For one thing, because I don't like this dinky little dorm room. For another, I think it'd be easier on you and the werewolves if you had somewhere in the city you could still stay hidden. Winter up in those mountains gets really cold and I don't really want them to have to harsh out the elements while Valander's sitting comfortable probably in some fancy penthouse downtown. I did some digging online and I think I found a good place. It's out of the way so no one will see you or the werewolves coming in and out, and spacious enough for all. Won't need no fire place or anything like that cause it has heating too."

Zack was quickly interested, "Where is it?"

"I'll take you there once we're separated and cleaned up." Drailsin grinned, "Slow down wolfy boy, whatever Valander's plans are, they aren't gonna come about in the next hour I'm sure."

Zack pinned his ears back, but he relented and turned his head to the side and closed his eyes to rest, again returning to just enjoying the moment with the dragon as his company.


Zack ended up passing out. After releasing that sexual tension and he managed to finally relax, he simply fell asleep. Drailsin had managed to pull off Zack without waking him and left him to sleep while he had went about setting up his surprise. When the wolf did wake up, Drailsin had him go take a shower before taking him out to what he wanted to show him. They took a taxi that Drailsin paid for, and they stopped at what appeared to be run down building on the fringes of the northern edge of the city. The building itself was falling apart, and only a few of the apartments even looked like they'd be liveable anymore. Zack had to question Drailsin's intentions as they stood outside the building. Sure it was remote, and the buildings around it were similarly in disrepair, but Drailsin said they'd have heat.

"I don't think this was exactly what I envisioned when you told me about it."

Drailsin chuckled, "Oh I figured, but the main building isn't what I was talking about, it's the basement."

"Basement?" Zack looked at the dragon, then back to the building. "This has a basement? Wasn't it an apartment building?"

"Yup, but it's an old fashioned building built like, fifty years ago, back then even apartment buildings had basements, used as storage areas by the residents. It got destroyed by a fire about ten years ago, along with the few buildings around it, and it's sat vacant like this since. The basement, however, is still intact. Over here."

Drailsin led Zack around the building to a grounded doorway leading down into a cellar the lock on it was worn and broken off. Drailsin heaved open the heavy metal door and produced his phone. Giving it a shake, the cellphone's light came on and Drailsin led the way into the darkness of the basement.

At the end of the staircase. Drailsin briefly shined the light around through the dark showing a cemented enclosure. There was a large room just in front of them, and a hallway on the other side of the room with several different openings on the sides ahead of them. From the light of the phone, Zack could see graffiti painted on the concrete walls, they weren't the first ones to step paw in here.

Turning, Drailsin found a switch on the wall beside the staircase and flipped it.

Surprisingly, several light bulbs attached to the ceiling flickered on and illuminated the entire basement, even down the hallway and it's several adjacent rooms.

"Whoa what the lights work?" Zack questioned in disbelief, and beside him the dragon shrugged.

"The wiring it still connected to the electrical grid. These buildings are old so the wiring isn't easily removable." Drailsin said as he poked at his phone, "I had hoped this would be the case and I'm glad it is. It's undetectable by the city too I think. When the fires struck this block they just left the grid on and didn't bother to turn it off. If we get some high end extension cords, we can run some plugs down in here to power some things. Like a TV and kitchen appliances. I'm thinking..." He hummed while he looked around, "That this room can be the main area. And down the hallway, we have..." He counted the rooms there. "Ten different rooms, which, if the schematics I found online are the same, should all be rooms about ten by seven foot each. They were used as storage units by the residents of the apartments. But that should be plenty of room for a single werewolf or two to sleep in."

Drailsin turned to Zack, "So, what do you think?"

Zack grinned, his tail wagging rapidly, "Yeah, I think we can make this work. Let's go back and I can tell the others about it, we can start making plans to move in."

"Great." Drailsin grinned, "And so will begin our little rebellion against Valander."



In a dark void, Balthazar slowly materialized. His chest bandaged up but wearing his cloak under it, the demon leader stepped through the void until he came to still seemingly at random.

"You called for me?" Balthazar asked out to the open air, to which a dark and booming voice answered.

"You seem to be failing in your goal." The voice growled out at him.

"And exactly where to you see the failing?" Balthazar asked the voice back, receiving another growl in response, this time sounding further irritated.

"Do not test me demon. I'll send you back to the shadow world." The voice snarled, "Your failing is that they've gained hope."

"This is why I've moved forward with my plans. It may be a little earlier than I wished it, and it wasn't my plan to have Kyle be the one bitten, but either way, he has began forming his pack. Zack will only grow stronger and his blood will soon be ready. Even if they know they can hurt me now, it is too late for them to stop what's been set in motion."

"What exactly is it you are planning Balthazar? You have been nothing like what I believed you would..." The voice questioned thoughtfully.

Balthazar chuckled, "You can't believe everything you see or hear, Void Lord. Your fued with Lumaria simply has very little to do with me, but I will insure that the end result is what you wish. You need me anyway, you cannot do anything to the outside world. It is only the fact that you work through me that you have any control-"

"I told you not to test me demon!" The voice shouted and Balthazar grunted, falling to his knee in apparent pain. "Perhaps I should dismiss you after all, you seem to forget your place and your contract?"

"Contract?" Balthazar sighed, and he stood up slowly. "What contract?"

There was a moment of silence, before the Void Lord growled, "What is the meaning of this? Why can I not banish you back to the shadow realm?"

Inside his hood, several pearly white, sharp teeth shined as Balthazar grinned, followed by a giggle "Because my dear Void Lord, you've never been in control of me. I've just been playing along, it was an act. Though, I wouldn't' bother trying to summon anyone else, while I'm in this world you won't be able to."

"An act?!" The Void Lord boomed, "What do you mean?! You're not really Balthazar are you!?"

"Oh no, Void Lord." Balthazar's voice went darker, "I'm much worse..." And suddenly, his voice became more cheeful as he brushed off his cloak and turned, starting to walk away "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have things to attend to..." and with that, Balthazar disappeared, as the Void Lord howled out in rage.

End of Book One. To be Continued in Book Two; Full Moon Series: Inner Shadows