Phi Alpha Gamma - Initiation

Story by Star Ringer on SoFurry

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Phi Alpha Gamma

By: StarRinger, Kaily/Cryl, and Theodwulf

It was the middle of the night at the fraternity house Pi Alpha Gamma, everyone was drunk except for a select few who had been chosen to lead initiates upstairs. A large older Boar stands at the top of the stairs watching the party with a certain glint to his eyes as he idly rubs the tip of one of his tusks, his other hand in his pocket as he watches two frat members leading a Panda to the stairs, fumbling slightly due to his drunken state. Giving a deep chuckle he quickly retreated down the hallway, out of sight.

"Mmmn...oho fuck, you guys, I am sho WASTED!" the panda shouts enthusiastically, nearly tumbling over, needing to be caught by the cheetah helping him up the stairs.

"Whoooah there buddy.... careful we don't want to go over the railing do we?" the cheetah chuckled, as he helped to steady the panda on his feet, tossing a glance to the wolf steadying the panda on his other side.

"Yeah, you haven't been initiated yet...non-brothers don't get ambulances." the wolf grins toothily as they heft the panda to the top of the stairs, with some difficulty thanks to the panda's weight. He wasn't fat, but damn was he heavy.

The Cheetah gives the wolf a wry grin, "Do you remember which room we we're supposed to put him in?," his ears twitching as he could hear the moans and muffled screams of other initiates who had all ready been roomed and where going through their initiation.

"Nah, Paul, just find an empty one...." the wolf replies, "I'm sure someone'll take care of 'im..."

"Sure Clyde," Paul states, his grin widening as he and the wolf began to lead the panda down the hallway. Upon reaching a room he thought to be empty, the cheetah opened the door to see a young white tiger who had been bound and gagged getting thoroughly fucked by an Older grizzly bear.

"Gah! Sorry Dean Thomas!," the cheetah exclaimed quickly closing the door and continuing down the hallway.

"Ah, here we go!" Clyde says happily as they drag the panda along, who is only just remembering that he has the ability to walk on his own. He nudges open an ajar door, revealing an empty bedroom.

"Sweet..." The cheetah chirps happily, "Here Clyde you dump him on the bed I'll go let the landlord know his turn is up."

Moving out from under the panda's arm the cheetah quickly darted out the room.

Clyde grunts as he drags the panda over to the thick bed, propped up by a scarce wooden frame and covered by a rather plush quilt with more than a few suspicious stains on it. "Come on, Darren, you need to lay down."

"Buttssshh... I feeel fiiiiiiiiiinnnnnee," The panda slurred, as he sat upon the bed and took another swig of the red plastic cup in his hand.

"Heh, sure ya do...but trust're gonna wanna relax right now, ya get me?" Clyde says with a toothy grin as he backs out of the room, shutting the door behind him and locking it with a key that had been in the lock already, leaving it there and strolling away whistling.

"Clyde!!!," A deep voice boomed from down the hallway, the large Boar from before standing there with a lust grin on his face, "Is he in there? The one I picked out," He says as he walks up and roughly gropes the wolfs butt.

The wolf tries not to flinch as the boar gropes his ass, ears trying to fold back, but he forces back his grin and points a thumb over his shoulder. "Locked in room 6...Enjoy, Mr. Johannsen!" he says cheerfully and walks around the wide boar. He hadn't had Mr. Johannsen for his initiation, but he'd heard...stories from those who had.

"OH I willl Clyde... by the way.. I took the lock off your bed room door... expect a visit from me later tonight," The boar calls over his shoulder with a smug grin, as he turns the key to room six and steps inside, his eyes immediately falling upon the large panda sitting on the bed.

Darren looks up from his empty cup, having been staring into it as though it contained the secret to life, and grins lopsidedly. "Hey, Mr. J...! Great party, huh?"

"Yeah its a really great party.. Darren," The boar said huskily as he started to unbutton his red plaid shirt, revealing his fuzzy muscled pecs and his large hefty gut. as he leaned against the door.

"....! Oh!" Darren suddenly jerks, having been lazily staring at Mr. Johannsen as he'd been undressing. "Is this your room? I had no idea!" he totters up to his feet, swaying.

"Yes and no....," Mr. J states as he tosses his shirt to the side and flexes his arms showing off his bulging biceps. "I own this building Darren... I just let the frat boys use it."

"Now why don't you just sit back down Darren.. Enjoy the view a bit," The boar said, placing a large hand on Darren's shoulder and gently pushes Darren back onto the bed.

"Ooph...!" the panda falls back onto the bed with barely a tap, rubbing his head. "Uh...what're you talkin about, Mr. J...?" he slurs.

"Darren... Do you know why I let the fraternity use my building for lodging and parties and shit???" Mr. J asks as he steps closer to the bed, licking his tusks as he places his hands in his pants pockets.

"Uh...cuz you're an alamumanus....and...cuz yer a cool guy?" the panda replies, grinning in the way only drunk people seemed able to do.

"Well sort of... its because I and all the college faculty get to use YOU initiates for sex... this place is more like a brothel then a frat house," He states as his blue denim jeans begin to bulge obscenely.

Darren blinks, mouth hanging open, eyebrows drawing down in confusion. "Uh...whadjoo say...? this place is like a brother to you....?" he drawls, obviously not getting it.

Mr. J slaps his own for head before he reaches forward and roughly shoves the Panda back on the bed and then roughly grabs Darren's crotch, "I get to fuck you! That is why they get to use this building... did you see all your soon to be brothers out there? I've fucked more then half of them... made them scream my name while I fucked them stupid," The boar huffed impatiently.

"Gah...!" Darren yelps as he's forced back, and again when he has his groin roughly handled by the older man. "W-w-whwaaaA?! What....but...I'm not gay!!! I ain't no fag...I thought...I didn't know this house was for queers....!!" he yells, sounding pleading.

"This house is built for fuckin' you maggot!! and unfortunately for you tonight you're gonna be a queer," Mr. J growled, as he literally tore the panda's pants from this body.

Darren squealed as he was made bare to his jock strap, (bright red cotton, a gift from the house that he was ordered to wear tonight), scrambling backward awkwardly toward the headboard of the bed.

Mr. J grinned lustfully, as he eyed the red fabric, "Good I see your wearing the present i had the boys send you," He said as he grasped Darren's ankle in an Iron like grip and yanked him back across the bed and began lewdly humping the bulge in his pants against the panda's jock, "Ohhohoho.. You're gonna be a good bitch tonight aren't ya?"

", no, get the fuck off me...!" he tries to shout, his inebriation making that difficult even without the large boar pressing him into the bed. "Help, help, SOMEBODY FUCKING HELP!!!" he tries to push the boar off, trying to roll off the side of the bed to run for the door.

The Boar roughly smacks the panda's ass as he leans down and forcefully kisses the drunken bear, being mindful of his tusks as he did so, "Shut up ya little faggot.. no one is gonna help you here.. they're all in on it.. they delivered you ass to me on a silver platter," He growls into the panda's face still lewdly rubbing his body against Darren.

"MMn...please..." Darren whimpers, tears forming at the corners of his eyes, coughing. "I...I don wanna do this...please just let me go."

"To bad," Mr. J grunts as he climbs atop the panda's torso pinning him between his large muscled thighs, "You wanted in the fraternity and now your gonna get in," He leans down to whisper in Darren's ear, "You're my queer bitch tonight."

A loud whine escapes Darren's mouth as he continues to struggle underneath the boar, trying and failing to push him off, only serving to rub his stomach against the boar's bulge.

"That's right keep struggling... your resistance only makes me harder," Mr.J grins, as he unzips his fly, allowing his rather thick meaty cock whipping out as he had gone commando this evening, pre glistening off the large tip.

Darren's struggling stops as soon as the boar's cock slaps against his chest, eyes widening, mouth open slightly. It was fucking huge...! And the smell!

"Hmmm you like that don't you, ya little queer?" Mr. J grunts as he licks his snout, a he reaches down and presses his cock down against Darren's chest and begins to hump his cock against the panda, leaving a trail of pre on the fuzzy black and white chest.

"Guh...n-no, stop...!" he whimpers, closing his eyes and looking away.

The large Boar scowls down at Darren, bringing his hand up slowly only to whip it back down and back hand the panda across the face. "Quite your bitchin' and open up its time you got taste of a real man," He growled as he pressed his leaking cock up against the panda's muzzle.

"" he moans, tears leaking down his cheeks now, holding his lips shut tight as his cheek stings hard from the slap he was just given, the skin underneath bright red.

"I said OPEN UP!" Mr. J practically growled as he brought his fist down and roughly punched Darren's shoulder, his cock head pressed tight against the initiates muzzle.

"AAH!" the panda yelped from the punch, allowing the boar's fat head to shove its way past his lips. He recoils form the taste, but a firm hand tangled in his hair keeps him from pulling back.

Mr. J gives a deep groan as he feels the warm wetness of Darren's mouth, "Mmmnn... good boy... now suck it good.. and if I feel teeth.. its your balls I'm taking," The boar threatens as he begins to give shallow thrusts into the panda's mouth inching his fat cock little by little.

"Mmmf...mmm...." the bear is just about outright sobbing now as he desperately tries to keep his teeth away from the bear's cock, wrapping his lips and tongue over them.

Mr. J just leans for ward and lays his head on the pillow pinning Darren's head beneath his pelvis as he began to thrust into the Panda's mouth..." Oooh yeah.. god boy.. show me what a good cock sucker you are," He groans as he large heavy balls rest against Darren's chin.

Darren's only response is to shudder in fear, eyes clenched shut even as tears leak from them, trying to suck hard to appease the large boar, but not actually moving.

The boar gives a deep groan as he reaches down under himself and grasps the bears head as he begins to pump his hips rapidly into Darren's mouth, His hefty gut heaving slightly as his balls began to rise, "Oh yeah.. keep sucking just like that boy.. OOHhh yeaahh.. and you'll get your first dose of jizz for the evening," Mr. J groans.

The panda can barely hear the boar's words over the slapping and slurping and heaving and blood pounding in his own ears, trying to ignore the pungent smell in his nose and the bitter taste on his tongue.

Mr. J gives no warning as his cock begins to swell and throb wildly as the heavy boar hilts himself in Darren's mouth one last time... his fat cock unleashing a torrent of cum into the panda's mouth and throat, "OHHHHH YYYYYYEAAAAAHHHH drink that cum!!," He yelled loudly.

"MmmMMPH!" Darren gasps and flails, arms and legs pounding against the bed as he chokes and sputters on cum.

Pumping his hips a few more times, Mr. J sits up and pulls his cock from Darren's mouth and pinches off the last of his cum on the panda's nose, "heh heh.. your a real queer now boy," he states as he strokes his STILL hard cock.

Darren sobs and coughs up a gob of cum, gasping for breath, tears beginning to dry on his cheeks now. "Ok...ok......c-can I go now...please..."

The large boar gives a soft Chuckle, "Hardly... I've yet to make you squeal like a pig for more," He grunts as he moves down the Panda's body and situates him self between Darren's legs one hand groping the red jock as the other reached down and slid a large finger between those black and white butt cheeks.

"Grmph...!! w-wait, w-what are you doing...?!" the still inebriated panda gasps, writing and kicking his legs.

Mr. J gives the panda's stomach a hard slap as he rubbed his finger against the Panda's taint, "I'm just playin' with your little boy pussy here, feels nice and tight so far.. you must have a cherry for me to pop" He chuckled as he went back to groping Darren through the jock.

"Nnng...! I..I-No-I-I-No-no-NO!" the panda shouts, struggling again, flailing with his legs and trying to push the boar away. "No, no, no NO NO! I AINT A FAG!!" he shouts.

"Shut up, god dammit!" The boar yells, balling his fist and delivering it in a swift punch to the panda's stomach, "You already sucked me off! You're my fag now dammit!"

And with that Mr. J roughly shoved one finger into the Panda's ass hole all the way down to the knuckle, giving a slight chuckle as he curved it to rub against Darren's prostate.

"GAA-UK!" The panda bites his lip hard enough to hurt, new tears running down his cheeks as he sobs softly, trying to stifle it, muscles contracted as he pulls tightly on his bonds, the boar's finger pressing into his virgin hole.

Mr. J grins as he pulls the jock aside setting the panda's privates free from their confines, his eyes seeming to glow as he observed the nicely endowed package. "Mmmn... you look good enough to eat," He grunted as he leaned down and lapped his tongue at Darren's cock head, gently forcing a second finger inside the tight hole.

"GNF!" Darren gasps, biting his lip harder, shuddering and gasping for breath through his nose, his cock twitching and beginning to fill out in spite of his fear, the boar's tongue surprisingly...agile.

The boar's grin widens as he feels Darren's cock begin to swell wrapping his lips around the head and sucking hard before slurping his tongue up and down it, gently pumping his to fingers in and out of the panda's rump, "You like having the old Boar playing with your body don't you?" He snorts.

"Nng...wha...." the panda shakes his head back and forth, eyes still screwed shut, refusing to see what is being done to him, even as he gives a soft whimper each time the boar's fingers press into him.

Hearing the panda's soft whimpers, Mr. J gives the cock before him one last sloppy lick and kiss and then sits up again and pressed his cock against Darren's, wrapping his large hand around them to hold them together as he began to slowly pump his hips. "Mmmm your cock tasted good boy... I might let you top me later after I've had my way with you," He chuckled, his deep voice echoing through the room.

"Nn...please....please don't...." Darren says softly, his hole still feeling sore after the fingering he was given. He could only imagine what it would feel like with that huge sausage in there... "I-I-I've g-got weight training on Monday, a-and I need to...." he trailed off, not sure of exactly what to say- his mind felt so hazy.

"Hnnn... Don't worry boy," Mr. J spoke as he ran his hand gently under the panda's muzzle, "If your good.. I'll take care of ya.. be your spotter and make sure you do well," He promised as he continued to frot his and Darren's cock together.

"Nggf...but...but I'll be so-hhooooore...." he moans, unable to stop himself as the skilled old boar continues to pleasure him.

"I said don't worry," The boar groaned, as he leaned down and captured Darren's muzzle with his own, as he ground his hips against the panda's his the two cocks trapped between his large gut and Darren's stomach, "I know how to make your body feel gooood.... you just gotta let me."

"But...but I-I don't w-want..." He suddenly winces, turning his head away, expecting another blow from the boar.

Mr. J rolled his eyes as he dipped his head down to softly nibble on the Panda's neck, "Just give it a chance buddy... I promise you'll be begging me for more," he grunted as he continued to thrust, their cocks becoming slick with pre.

"Mmmf...M-Mr. J.....ah...I...." the panda stammers incoherently, shuddering and gasping as his now fully hard cock dribbles his own pre onto his stomach, being mixed with the boar's along their manhoods.

"Just say you'll give it a try... I take care of my boys.. anyone who becomes a part of this frat, gets everything they need to succeed," He asked, reaching his to muscled arms under the panda's body to gently grope and massage that fuzzy panda butt.

"Mmmng...." Darren begins to sob softly again, shaking his head. "But...I'm" he repeats, sounding like a child stating the fact that broccoli is gross.

"Gay, straight, Bi... it doesn't matter my boy.. all it is is sex.. and all it has to be is goooood," Mr. J moaned as he lovingly rubbed his body against Darren's.

"You know what I'll just show you how good it can be," The Boar grunted, as he sat back up and grasped each of Darren's ankles and lifted them up and began to press his pre slicked cock against Darren's taint.

"Gwah...!! NN!" Darren wants to shout no, to insist that he didn't want this, but when the boar's wet cockhead rubs against his pucker, he can only gasp at the sudden tickling, pleasurable sensation that almost makes him bust out laughing.

"See its not so bad," He says, as he places Darren's feet on his shoulders and grasps the panda's leaking cock and gives it a stroke. Softly prodding his cock head against the panda's tight orifice.

"Mmmph...w-wait, that...!" Darren gasps as he feels the cock pressing against him, once again getting just a feel for HOW large the cock was in comparison to his tight hole.

"Wait for what?" Mr. J groans as he teases the tight hole, softly rubbing the pad of his thumb over Darren's cock head, massaging the sensitive gland as he oh so slowly began to press his leaking cock head into Darren's rump.

"That...I-I don''s n-not even gonna fit...!" Darren half-sobs, sounding desperate.

"Oh don't worry Darren... you're hole was made for this cock," The Boar grunts, as he presses a teensy bit harder, feeling the warmth of the panda's insides wrapping around his fat cock head, as he hand continued to stroke Darren's dick.

"Ah...! P-puh, mmuh...!" Darren gasps, the pleasure on his cock making his hole clench in time with the boar's strokes.

"See that wasn't so bad... just focus on how well its gonna fill you up," Mr. J spoke as he continued his gently humping and stroking, giving deep shivering moans as Darren's warmth engulfed his shaft inch by inch.

The panda can only shudder and gasp, hands twisting and flexing, sweat matting his fur more and more as the boar's fat cock presses inside him.

The boar gives soft grunts as he continues to work his cock into the panda, licking his lips as he watches the panda writhe under him, his fur becoming slick with sweat as he continued to jerk Darren off at a steady pace.

"Come on... tell me how much you like it," He moaned, "tell me how much you like this old boar cock."

"Mmmoh...but...nng..." Darren whimpers, head tossing from side to side, and gasping suddenly as he feels the boar's cock press against one particular point inside him, his cock shooting a spurt of pre that lands in between his pecs.

"Heh heh heh, your screams of lust will enough for me I guess," Mr. J grunted as he thrust the rest of the way in, hilting him self in the bear, and lewdly gyrating his hips working his cock around in Darren's ass.

"MMMppph...! M-Mr. J...!" the hapless panda moans, pain and pleasure both spiking through his body in amount he is not used to, the pleasure suddenly beginning to grow to overshadow the pain, confusing the inebriated panda.

"MMMnnn that's right.. say my name," He groans in response, as he twisted his hand up and down the panda's cock in one fluid motion making sure to rub each glistening pre slicked inch as he began to pull himself all the way out and gently thrust all the way back in ot the bear's rump, gently working the tight hole.

"OooOOOh...! Muh-Mr. Johannsen....f-fffeel...weird...!" he whines, hands taking a hold of his bonds and holding on as though his life depending on it.

"Oooohh.. not weird... Goooooooood, come one say my cock feels good inside you.... Nnnn soo good," Mr. J groaned as he sensually thrust his cock in and out the length of his cock rubbing against the panda's prostate.

"'s.....good...." he muttered , breathing deeply, his legs shaking slightly as the boar continued to fuck him, his own balls tightening.

"Come on now... Don't be shy... tell me how bad you want it.. my cock.. my body... this good feeling of yours." Mr. J groaned as he slowly began to pick up the pace, as he jerked the fat panda cock in time with his thrusts.

"Mmph...!" Darren grunted, biting his lip again and letting out a loud moan. "Gah..M... Mr. god I feel so good."

"NNrrg.. yeah.. that's good... now submit your self to me... tell me you want my huge load," Mr. J grunted, his pace was now fast and hard, his large pendulous balls slapping noisily against Darren's ass.

"Gnnf...oh...please...please, I...I want...I want you..." he panted heavily, as though trying to force the words out, lip quivering as his orgasm builds. "I...want you to...guh..huhhhHCUMMMM!!" he shouted, suddenly arching his back as he spews a load that hits him right in the chin.

"Now that's more like it," Mr. J groaned as he removed the bears ankles from his shoulders and leaned down to roughly make out with the bear, squishing Darren's shooting cock between their bellies again as the boar moaned savagely and thrusts balls deep into Darren, releasing the flood gates and flooding the panda's ass with his hot boar seed.

"Gnnnfuh..." Darren gasped, panting heavily, going limp against the bed.

The large boar gave a few final thrusts pushing his seed as deep inside Darren as he can before pulling out, giving a soft sigh as the bed room air meets the warm slick flesh of his cock, "See that was good wasn't it," Mr. J groaned as he crouches down on the bed and licks his tongue up from the bears well used hole up to his spent cock.

"Mmmr....!" Darren moaned, shuddering, his hole clenching and squeezing out a bit of seed that trickles down his butt and onto the bed, his cock giving the slightest twitch.

The panda whimpered as his hole became sore from sex, once his post coital high died down.

Mr. J grined smugly as he looked down at his latest conquest, gently slapping the panda's knee before reaching into his pants pocket and pulling out a small walkie-talkie.

"Its time we finish your Initiation Darren," He grunts as he brings the device to his mouth and presses the small button on the side, "Clyde? You there? I need you to bring the Tattoo Kit and the shaver."

"Mmmf...w-what...?" Darren moans, eyes scrunched shut as he tries to relax his abused hole, cum still leaking out of it.

"Don't worry about it, Panda boy," the Boar grunts, as he reaches down and gently massages circles around the used orifice as he watches the door out of the corner of his eye.

The large wolf from earlier opens the door, holding a long box under his arm. he takes it to the table at the foot of the bed, and from the sounds Darren guessed he was unpacking... something, he couldn't see what.

"Nnf...Cl-Clyde, whad'you doin, man...?" Darren said weakly, still breathing deeply as he tried to catch his breath.

"He's just setting up for the last part of your initiation... just roll over onto your stomach and relax," Mr. J answered, after gently slapping the panda's side and standing up, motioning for the bear to flip over.

"Uh...." Darren looks up at his tied wrists, still rather firmly and tautly tied against the headboard to either side. "...I don't think I can, sir..." he mumbles.

"Just set it up on the other side of the bed Clyde," The boar grunted, as he grabbed Darren's wrists and ripped the bindings off them, "there roll over now, and Clyde hand me the shaver."

Darren hesitated, eyes going from his unbound wrists, to Mr. Johannsen, to Clyde...and to the door.

Clyde moves the table to the side of the bed, letting Darren get a good look at the implements nicely spread out on it.

Mr. Johannsen eyes the panda cautiously before following his gaze to the door, " Don't even think about it, Panda boy," He snorted, as he cracked his fists and glared down at the panda.

Darren winces under the boar's gaze, and slowly turns over onto his stomach, shivering slightly.

Mr. J grins at the bears reaction before looking back to Clyde, "Hey pup wheres that electric shaver I asked for?" He grunted.

Clyde wordlessly passed the clippers, then bent over to plug them in

"Thanks," The Boar grinned in return, placing a hand on Darren's' back and clicking the clippers on, he brought the shaver down and began shaving away the black and white fur above the base of Darren's tail.

"A-AAAH-WHAT-WHAT THE FUCK?!" the bear shouts, suddenly sounding angry, pulling away from the clippers like he had from the boar's cock before.

"Clyde do me a favor and grab some belts from the dresser over there and tie him down," Mr. J grunted as he roughly grabbed Darren by the back of the head and shoved his face into the pillow.

"Do you mean, the actual bondage gear, or just... belts?" Clyde asked hesitantly. He had enough experience to know how particular Mr. Johanson could be.

"Mmph...!" Daren grunted and shuddered, suddenly reminded of both the boar's strength and his...insistence.

"I don't care just grab something and tie this bitch down," He growled back to the wolf, the boars patients waning as he held Darren down with one hand.

With that the wolf pulled an arm full of leather straps from the closet shelf, and soon had the panda tied down and spread eagle on the bed. He'd clearly had practice at doing that.

"Hehe.. good pup," Mr. J said with approval groping the wolfs firm butt before going back to his task of shaving the fur off of Darren's lower back.

Clyde grinned somewhat ruefully, and fingers the patch of fur on his own back just above his tail, then stepped back to watch. He hadn't had the boar for his own initiation, but he had been branded all the same.

Darren was still breathing raggedly, somewhat, head turned sideways so his face isn't in the pillow, his stub of a tail practically quivering.

Once the fur was shaved off, Mr. J stepped back to observe the Panda's bare flesh, his cock hardening again as he eyed the vulnerable bear.

"Alrighty cub," He grunted as he fondled one of Darren's ass cheeks before picking up the needle and tube and climbed up behind the bear on the bed, and leaned down to begin his work.

Darren's instincts made his hackles rise while the boar leaned over him, but he shoved them down, even as he felt the needle against his flesh...he was tired, he was drunk, he was violated, and he was scared. All he wanted was for this to be over as soon as possible.

As the needle pricked away at Darren's flesh, staining the pink skin with black ink, the Boar paid little attention to what was going on around him.

"Pup... give the cub the low down of what his daily life is gonna be life for the rest of his college life, and don't just talk about the sex service, he's got plenty of schooling to do while he's here," Mr. J grunted, not once looking up from his task.

Clyde blinked, not sure where to begin. "um well... you got your orientation, right? and they told you all about picking a major, and career services and stuff... s'pretty standard."

"Your standard day is gonna be something like, get up, go to the gym for your workout, grab breakfast, go to class, grab lunch, go to class again, then come back here for your various duties in the evening," the wolf's voice took on a lecturing tone as he hit his stride, "all members are required to use the gym daily. you don't have to life weights or build muscle, and you don't have to lose weight, but you are required to stay in shape."

"You won't need to worry about studying. the fraternity takes care of you academically, enough of the professors are... patrons... that they can pull strings and guarantee all members pass their classes, IF Mr. Johansen tells them to. so be sure you take classes from the house list of safe professors, and don't take classes too early in the morning. your... duties will tend to keep you up late."

Darren remained silent, except for the occasional whimper, biting into the pillow now as Mr. Johansen marked him.

The boar grinned as he listened to the wolf finish his speech, giving a slight "A-ha" as he finished the out line of the tramp stamp which held the shape of a cartoonish boar head winking and sticking its tongue out. From there he gave Darren's ass a firm squeeze, as he looked up to the Panda's face.

"Alright he's done for now, we'll add the color later. Also just a little add on to Clyde's speech there," He snorted, "there maybe times when I call upon your services during the day. So if a student enters one of your classes with a red post it your to report back to the frat house immediately, got that?"

Darren made a soft whimper before weakly replying, "Yes sir..."

"Good cub... now Clyde.. you clean up the supplies while I clean him up," Mr. J grunted as he leaned down and began licking Darren's used hole with his warm tongue, "And once your done there Clyde head on back to your room... I'll see to you in a bit."

"Yes sir," Clyde said, his voice far too carefully even as he scooped the tools back into the box

"Mmmf...mmm..." Darren whimpered into his pillow, shuddering each time the boar's tongue brushed his sensitive flesh. He couldn't believe this was happening...