Date Night

Story by Aaron Blackpaw on SoFurry

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Denny and Tess Williams have quite a life. The mild mannered fox made a great toy for the rough, energetic wolfess to let off some steam, to the benefit of both of them. But like any good couple they make sure to keep everything fresh with a weekly date night. But when Tess says she has to work through their scheduled night, she asks a certain midnight furred wolf to make it up for her husband. Of course, she decides to use the chance to try out something from the labs once again.

Denny and Tess Williams have quite a life. The mild mannered fox made a great toy for the rough, energetic wolfess to let off some steam, to the benefit of both of them. But like any good couple they make sure to keep everything fresh with a weekly date night. But when Tess says she has to work through their scheduled night, she asks a certain midnight furred wolf to make it up for her husband. Of course, she decides to use the chance to try out something from the labs once again.

The following is an adult story, for those 18+ or otherwise of legal age in their country of residence. If you are not legally able to read this, turn on your SFW filter and have a look at some of the other works I have for all ages. There are some more esoteric kinks in this story, so take a look at the tags. Sadly none of this is real or based off reality.

She was late.

The fox's mind chattered away with nervous and worried thoughts. Curiosity gnawed at his mind, trying to pry him up from his knees and go looking for her, but he kept at his post. Her words had been cryptic but direct and authoritative. His asshole clenched involuntarily as he remembered the last time he hadn't heeded her words.

'I'm going to be late for date night tonight. But that doesn't mean you can get lazy, boy. You better get yourself ready as soon as you get home. Then be a good boy and wait for your mistress. I better find you kneeling and properly attired, otherwise, I'll be displeased.'

The fox swallowed his annoyance at the delay, knowing that she enjoyed torturing him, not only with her paw but probably even more by her decisions. Seeing his mind scrabbling as it raced, trying to wrap his head around the deviousness within her mind. For all he knew, she could have just been watching him squirm across the floor on her phone while she got herself nice and ready for her own fun. Wouldn't be the first time. No matter how much he wanted to go and try and find her, he knew better. But his racing, idle thoughts were interrupted as suddenly as if a thunderclap had sounded through the room.

The door swung open with a clatter that sent the fox's ears up and alert, a shock shooting up his spine as he jumped. Without even thinking the fox's senses tried in vain to locate and identify the source of the noise. Or rather the cause. Ears twitched as blinded eyes fruitlessly searched the darkness for the source. But as the echoes of the sudden noise faded from the room, only the typical creaking of the house greeted his ears.

The fox's nose sniffed at the air, his tail twitching as he fought to hold it in place. Moment after moment passed before the fox's ears caught another sound. Step after step, the thud of heavy bootfalls teased his ears as the new arrival moved closer. The boots, heavy and utilitarian, gave away nothing of what was in store of him. None of his other senses were of any use, either. The scents of the room mingled, a long history of varied use and occupants foiling his nose's search for his mistress' heady scent as the footsteps came closer.

A pair of heavy paws quickly wrapped around his upper arms, enveloping them easily and tightly. With no effort, the intruder pulled the fox's arms in front of his body before he felt the cool, leather bracer wrapping around his wrist. Another sharp jerk pulled its counterpart to it, effortlessly locking the two together as the fox's ears flattened against his head submissively. But before they even managed to press back against his skull, the fox yipped softly as those hands left his arms and he quickly felt a collar wrap tightly around his neck, the lead taut as it was tied off to a nearby couch.

"Tsk. Tsk."

The sound of disapproval whispered by a subtle voice echoed through the otherwise quiet room before the fox felt the blindfold pulled from his eyes. Most people would have opened them immediately and reacted, but the fox caught the tone and threat behind that voice and knew better. He kept his eyes tightly shut as the thuds of the booted footsteps grew quieter as they moved toward the door before they stopped with a creak as their owner leaned against the doorframe.

"Open those eyes, boy." The fox's ears shot up as a gruff voice spat out the command.

That wasn't his mistress.

The fox blinked as he opened his eyes, the light shocking from the time that he had spent in darkness.

"Don't worry." Came that gruff voice. "She told me we'd both enjoy this."

The fox's maw opened as if he was going to speak as his eyes finally adjusted to the room, zeroing in on the black form leaning against the wall.

"Shut it, boy." The wolf grinned fangily at the fox as he held a phone up. "I told you there was going to be something fun coming and you agreed. Why don't you see what happens, boy." Tess' voice emanated from the electronic box before the wolf's finger paused the playback.

"She figured you'd be confused, so left me a message along with her plan. Apparently, you're pretty damned predicable" The night black muzzle of the wolf's maw broke into a devious grin, baring a full contingent of gleaming fangs. "This'll be fun."

The fox's maw closed for a moment as he swallowed, his eyes darting to the apex of the wolf's legs. The wolf's jeans hid most of the bulge, but he knew quite intimately just what the wolf packed between them from the last time Tess had invited the black wolf to this same playroom and the three had 'played' together.

Well, the fox got well used and filled by the two of them at least. He wasn't sure if it was the wolf's cock or the one that the wolfess had worn between her legs that had been more responsible for his walking crooked for the next week. As the wolf pulled his shirt over his head, knowing the fox's eyes were locked on every motion of his body as he got ready.

"Aw. Fox wants a show does he?" The wolf chuckled as he saw the direction of the fox's gaze. With one, swift, fluid movement the wolf knelt down, sliding the boots from his paws before he popped the button at the front of those jeans. "I should make you do your job, make them shine, but I've got something that may be even more fun."

"I don't want-"

"Did I say you could open that muzzle, boy?" The wolf snarled before he pulled something from his pocket and waved it in front of the kneeling fox before putting it down on the wardrobe next to him before stretching and flexing his chest before kicking out of his jeans. He smirked as he looked down at the fox kneeling before him. "Enjoy the view while you can." His smile quirked even more as he tossed his boots and jeans to the side, the leather and denim landing in a heap against the wall.

"What do you mean?" The fox's eyes tried to peer into the wolf's amber orbs, searching for just what machinations were ruling the space behind them. But the amber orbs were inscrutable as the wolf was playing things close to the vest as he took in a deep breath through his nose. The fox's eyes could see the stretching fabric between the wolf's thighs as his package engorged.

"Can still smell her here, boy." The wolf gave a huff as his tongue slid across his dark lips as he flipped open the top of the box that he had laid on the wardrobe. "This'll be a fun opportunity."

With a barking laugh, the wolf pulled a gleaming, silver cylinder from the box.

"What's that? Sir?" The fox asked, clenching at the sight of the large cylinder and mentally kicking himself for almost not using the proper appellation that Tess had instructed him to use the last few times the three had been together. He had never seen anything like that, but his first thought was that it may be going inside him. Wouldn't be the first time or the last that the two wolves would stretch the fox to new limits.

He was wrong.

With a grunt of pain, the wolf's paw pressed the cylinder against his bare thigh. A soft hiss and snarl filled the room as coolness spread through the wolf's body from where the needle had entered him when he pressed the vial against himself. But if what she had shown him was true...

"Something to spice everything up." The fox tilted his head as the wolf's head came up as he finished his sentence. Two tightly clenched eyes quickly opened and locked onto the fox's brown orbs.

Those eyes shone with an emerald hue that was definitely not what the wolf was supposed to have.

"Sir! Your eyes!" The fox struggled at his leashed state, shocked and confused as the wolf's eyes blinked, the calmness of the wolf sending a shiver down the fox's spine. The deep, emerald hue was extremely familiar, but it took a moment to exactly place it; it was the same one he saw every time he looked into his wife's face.

"I know, Denny." The wolf growled as he felt the coolness coursing through him quickly heating up as he fixed his gaze on the kneeling fox. "Just wait and watch. Boy."

The wolf's voice cracked, timber going up as with his last utterance before his jaw clamped itself shut, fangs grinding as he felt things starting to change. Writhing muscles teased beneath his skin, twisting and shifting as he felt the cocktail in the syringe taking effect.

The fox blinked almost disbelievingly as the wolf's form seemed to shift in front of him. Thick muscle and fur seemed to almost pull back, making the wolfs form lither and more slender. As the fox tried to recalibrate his eyes and try and wrap his brain around what they were seeing, the data they provided just led to one conclusion.

The wolf was getting smaller.

Right before his eyes, he could see the wolf dropping compared to the wardrobe as his shoulders pulled in. Thick black fur started to fade, follicles swallowed up and replaced by the nanotechnology that the wolf had shot into himself. Dark, foreboding, black fur was quickly fading to brown and cream as muscle writhed beneath the skin and shifting fur. The wolf's muzzle started to slim, growing more and more familiar to the fox. Even as it shifted he could see it break into a devious grin as it caught note of the fox's confusion, a look slowly shifting as reality started dawning on him.

The eyes...the fur...that shape.

"How the hell? No. That's not-" The fox's voice trailed off as pieces fell into place. The wolf's head flexed and clenched as the shape shifted, fur fading to a beautiful chestnut. Except for one place. A strip of black running down the bridge of that muzzle and over the head.

"Possible?" The wolf's voice was still shifting, the deep gruffness that had dripped off his voice falling away, being replaced with a higher, huskier voice, punctuated occasionally with a short cough. "It's exactly that, boy."

The wolf smiled as he could see the bulge in the fox's briefs grow by the moment, just as his own bulged while pleasure, possibilities, and a storm of hormones coursed through his body. "Why don't we make it easy. You know what you should call me, boy." A grin split the wolf's maw, baring his sharp teeth.

The fox's mind still couldn't understand how it happened but the proof was staring him straight in his face. He could see it in wolf's body, inches having fallen from his height and tens of pounds of muscle quickly subsumed into a lithe, voluptuous form. That voice shifted with each word, every octave almost matching Tess' as the lupine neck thinned, adam's apple retreating into obscurity. He could even smell the proof. Where a thick, male musk had been underlying the wolf's body, it was quickly strengthening as his body heated up, but even as the scent grew it shifted. More and more of his wife's scent came with it. The fox shuddered with excitement as he took a deep breath, a chill running through him as each breath sent more of the pheromones spreading through the room into his mind.

Where mere moments before a leering, very male wolf had stood, now the fox was staring up at the smirking face of his wife. And the look that filled those eyes he had seen many times before. And the memories of those times started sending even more lust coursing through his blood.

"Tess?" He asked softly.

"Tsk. Tsk." the wolf chastised the fox, scowling in mock disappointment before a naughty, lusty smile crossed its muzzle. "You should know better."

The wolfess smiled as a paw playfully slapped the fox's muzzle. "It's mistress, boy. Guess I'll need to teach you again."

Aaron's mind had embraced the pearls of the wolfess' personality that the nanite mixture had brought with it, integrating it with one of the more esoteric thoughts that had always teased at the back of his mind. The idea of being a bitch. Of playing for the other side, for just a little while of course, made his tail twitch behind him.

Or perhaps her would soon be the better choice.

The heat that had coursed through his body pulled back as the nanomachinery finished their first job. They had quickly devoured the thick body of the wolf, replacing it with something that the fox found much more alluring. Thick, powerful limbs full of corded, bulging muscle coated in black fur had disappeared, leaving in their stead the lithe, brown-furred arms of the wolfess whose form they had been programmed with. Toned muscles hewed close to her skin, their size belying the strength that was actually within them. The wolf's thighs and calves had slimmed down, the paws gracing their termination becoming smaller and slimmer. Thick, luxurious, brown fur had coated almost all of his form, marred only by the cream coating the insides of his upper thighs and chest and black strip over her head, back and tail.

The fox's eyes blinked in shock as the former night black wolf stretched and tried out his new form. One paw idly slid through the thick fur on his now cream colored chest as the second slid lower. The wolf's form was almost completely that of his wife. His mistress. All except for two things. As the wolf teased his chest with those paws, the fox's eyes followed them.

The thick sheath that greeted his eyes had changed its color, but not much else. Instead of night black, the fur was a thick cream from which a thick, red shaft stood proudly. Not the two labial lips that should have sat between the thighs of the wolfess that was leaning against the door. And that chest was still tipped with a pair of thick pectorals, not the soft breasts that the fox so enjoyed wrapping his paws around.

But even as the fox's eyes wandered, the voice of the wolf again caught his ears. "Almost there. Hope she did this right. Oh-" The chestnut wolf purred as a paw teased the pectoral as it twitched. "Mmmm. That's different."

The fox couldn't move, transfixed and just standing there as his eyes fixed on the wolf's chest. Beneath the wolf's paw, he could see the wolf's thumb teasing his nipple as they shifted, softening and growing. Before his eyes, from the blocky, male shape of the wolf's chest, a pair of budding breasts pressed free.

The wolf felt the warmth flowing through his chest as the final stages of the change flowed through his changed body. As a thumb teased the small, male nipple he could feel it growing as the hard muscle softened, quickly gaining a coating of soft, fatty tissue. The weight of the growing mammaries was held by the wolf's paws as they pressed free from his chest. They went from nothing, to filling a paw, to overflowing. The sensitive buds sent nothing but shocks of pleasure down the wolf's spine as the feeling of having paws on his very own pair of breasts greeted his mind for the first time.

The wolf's paw continued to tease that chest as the two breasts ceased their growth at a generous C cup as muscles reknit themselves to reinforce the changed form. If he'd been alone, the shocks of pleasure would have had sultry moans filling the room, but the wolf bit them back. It'd be too enjoyable for the fox to hear. The walls would echo with the symphony of male and female moans and grunts in mere moments.

As the wolf played with his growing chest with one paw, his other paw ran a finger up and down the thick, throbbing shaft nestled between his legs as the two orbs beneath it shrank in time with the growth of the two breasts. The proud shaft followed quickly, shrinking between the wolf's legs as a paw teased it. It took mere moments for what had been eight inches of thick, engorged meat to be almost eaten away until it stood millimeters long, but even more sensitive.

A rush of pleasure flooded the wolf's mind as his testicles disappeared, new organs forming behind his hips as the space between his legs formed the final sign of his change. From the formerly heavy sack, two wet, feminine lips graced his nethers, gracing the wolf with the first chance to feel himself growing wet with need and arousal.

The wolf ran a pawtip down two brand new pussy lips, almost shuddering from the new sensation. Arousal grew, dampness coating the finger sliding along her new sex, as the new wolfess smiled as she realized that the nanites had done their job. From the heavy, muscular male form of Aaron had stepped the lithe and beautiful form of a wolfess.

The fox's jaw was slack as his mind finally accepted that the impossible had happened, the wolfess bringing the pawtip to her lips, lewdly tasting her newfound femininity for the first time and sending shudders up the fox's spine as his cock nearly finished its expulsion from his sheath. "You can't be-"

"Tess would call me Tara, boy." The wolfess laughed as she lewdly groped a breast and shuddered in pleasure, dropping part of the ice queen façade. "But I'll make it easy for you. You will call me mistress." The wolfess formerly known as Aaron had embraced the opportunity and mindset of the wolfess that he had played with so often from the other side, a dark grin crossing her face as her mind ran through all of the things she wanted to try. Her tail swayed behind her as she effortlessly pushed off of the door, slowly approaching the fox on the floor. Her hips swayed as she enjoyed even the simple sensation the sensation of her new gait, of swaying breasts, of having nothing between her legs.

"I think I like this, boy." Her voice oozed smoke and honey as two gleaming emerald eyes latched onto those of the fox kneeling before her. "Bit of a different viewpoint, but I think I like what I'm seeing. Guess we'll have to see how the test drive goes."

The kneeling vulpine's eyes darted away as they met hers. She slid around him, paw teasing his shoulder as her silent steps slid around his kneeling form, her scent thick in her wake, pheromones and need teasing and assaulting the fox's mind.

"Good boy," Her purring voice dripped with sarcasm as the fox felt a paw wrapping quickly around his throat, tightening quickly and aggressively, sending a shock through the fox. Even as he chocked for just a moment, the wolfess' other paw grabbed his headfurs, yanking his head up to meet her eyes as she stepped before him. "But this is much too tame."

The fox nodded, somewhat fearfully as he struggled to try and fill his lungs. But the wolfess' paws held his breath just short enough to make him shudder as his vision was filled with cream furred crotch, those two glistening lips shining at the apex of her thighs. It was obvious what was next.

"We both know you need more than just some simple little teasing, don't we."

It wasn't a question for either of them. Her pawful of headfurs made the fox's head nod before his entire world was the wet, dripping petals of the new wolfess' sex.

"Eat your mistress' cunt, boy. Make her howl in pleasure or else we're going to be playing pin the paddle on the foxbutt." The former wolf snarled as the fox's senses were quicky flooded by her sex as he took in a gasp to fill his lungs. What little of his cock remained hidden, erupted from his sheath, rivulets of pre drooling down its length as his tongue quickly buried itself between the wet netherlips of the newly feminized wolf.

The potent scent and taste of a horny, fertile bitch filled the vulpine's muzzle as his tongue shot out, searching for every drop of the wolfess' thick, musky nectar. Her folds clenched at the first thrust of his tongue as it buried itself deep into damp folds of a begging cunt. Lips nibbled and slid across their female counterparts, making them quiver in pleasure, her walls clenching and grabbing for the fox's tongue, making it hit new spots with each movement.

Shocks of pleasure flew up 'Tara's' spine as the fox busied himself into exploring the new wolfess' cunt. And he was pretty damned good at it. His wife spent more than enough time pressing him into the bed, coating his muzzle with her juices as shuddering breaths fluttered through her fur that he could almost be called an expert. Unprepared for the sensations, the wolfess' new folds quickly loosened and drooled as the fox's tongue plied her depths, her arousal rocketing u with each movement and twist. Each lap, lick, and thrust send another suppressed shudder of sheer pleasure down her spine before she let the fox up for air.

Even when that pussy was pulled from his face, he was filled with her. Every breath. Every molecule of the fox's body was suffused with the potent scent of female lust as the fox's mind blanked, the scent nearly identical to that of the bitch that had claimed him. The one that had been confident enough to grab him and force him to his knees to make him propose when he stammered his way through his first attempt.

"Damn, boy. You're good!"

The fox took a measure of pride in the wolfess' declaration, but before he could take any measure of pride in his skill he felt his body pushed onto his back with a thud.

He had nary a moment to think before he could feel the wolfess' calves against his head, pinning him down as she knelt and sat on his face. That dripping cunt landed on his muzzle, pressing home. Neither left or right could he shift as his thoughts vaporized into a sea of lust and desire, full of the potent scent of a fertile bitch filling his nose as wet fluids dripped across his lips, just begging to be tasted.

'Tara' felt the pleasure of that intrepid exploration shoot up her spine as she reveled in the alien feeling of that tongue burying itself between her folds. Her dripping cunt was begging to be filled as it convulsed around the intruding muscle, pleasure at each touch shuddering up her spine as that vulpine tongue buried itself deeper and deeper inside her, every motion a new sensation. At first, the muscle barely teased her walls, but with each further lap and thrust it sought out new and unexplored terrain. As the pleasure sent her eyes nearly rolling back into her head as she didn't even bother trying to stifle her pleasured moans. The fox had definitely been trained well.

The flood of new sensations and novelty quickly sent her arousal to stratospheric heights, flooding the fox's maw with her juices as she teetered on the edge of one of the most powerful orgasms she had ever had.

"Good boy" She growled as a pair of vulpine lips worried at her own, shivers of pleasure making themselves well known as a darker and even more devious thought played through her mind. The fox was good, but there was an even better way to use the lithe creature.

One brown-furred paw darted behind her, wrapping around the snowy fur of the fox's throat, squeezing just enough to get the fox's fight or flight responses kicking as his airway suddenly got much smaller in her grip. But the wolfess wasn't done.

Squeezing against him, those cream and chestnut thighs framed his vision as they led up to a leering wolfess, her grin splitting her muzzle as she trapped the fox's head where she wanted it.


It took only one smooth movement for the fox's maw to not be merely trapped between her legs and beneath the wolfess' cunt but for the weight of her upper body was placed on his maw. Every breath was a challenge, as Tara growled at the feeling of having a man 'betwixt her nethers' and the fox rebusied himself with getting acquainted with the lupine sex that he had been buried in. Each nibble and lap caught a new area, sending the heated tunnel wrapped around his tongue quivering and clenching as her scent covered the fox's muzzle as she flowed for him. Her free paw wrapped around one of those delicious tits, gently squeezing and teasing the orb, sending even more shots of pleasure flooding her body as her arousal reached its peak.

Tara bit her lip, barely keeping herself from crying out as the shock of pleasure of her first female orgasm shot through her. Deep and powerful, it made her fur stand on end as the pleasure filled and drowned her body. Beneath her, the fox felt the flow of her fluids almost double, the first splash into his unprepared mouth nearly making him choke. But he knew that if he displeased his mistress in any form that he would again be walking funny for a week, his hide tanned red from her palm or paddle. So he dutifully swallowed and lapped, going after every drop of her nectar.

She rode out the powerful sensations flooding her body as her thighs clenched, squeezing the fox's head in their vice-like grip as she ground herself against him, marking his muzzle with her fluids. It may have only been seconds, but the pleasure felt like it was flooding her form for hours as synapses fired, pure pleasure gripping her until she was panting from the feelings as she came down from the euphoric high that she had just relished.

Denny struggled between her legs as each breath carried nearly as much of the wolfess' fluids as air. The wolfess merely smiled darkly down at the captive between her legs, shifting slightly and making sure every inch of the fox's muzzle was marked with her juices before giving him a little bit of respite.

"Awww....bitchboy doesn't like." She cooed as she smiled darkly, thighs lifting her from his face and letting him breath the cool air of the playroom once more. Heavy gasps escaped the fox's maw, gulping the air, thick as it was. "No problem. I think you'll like the next part." She leered down at the fox as she stood. "I know I will. Now stay, bitch!"

The fox just lay his head back, softly panting as the wolfess stood, her tail intentionally swatting his insistent erection, making the red spire wobble and the fox take a sharp gasp at the sensation. That shock of pleasure made him hope to be able to bury his bone deep within her, instincts calling to knot and thrust. His mind called forth the sight of that rod being buried deep into that wolfess' cunt as she rode him like the sex toy she would use him as. He knew that there wasn't a chance that he'd see her on all fours, tail raised. He knew better than that.

This 'Tara,' if she was anything like an amalgamation of the two lupine sadists that had toyed with him and been in that room today, wasn't going to give up control. Not by a long shot.

"Someone's pretty happy." The wolfess cooed down at him as she heard his gasp of pleasure and knelt beside him, letting the back of her hand rub gently across the fox's insistent erection. Sparks of pleasure teased the fox as pre and sheath juice coated the back of her paw.

For most couples, this would send shivers of anticipation and pleasure through the male, expecting the turgid masculinity to be soon wrapped in a warm paw, or even better a warm and suckling maw.

Denny and Tess' sex life was anything but like those of most couples. And he doubted Tara would be any more mundane.

The dark look on the wolfess' face confirmed his instincts as she leaned to his ear, letting her warm breath wash over the sensitive organ as she whispered. "Should have caged it, I guess."

And as a shock of deviant pleasure made its way into the fox's mind, the truth that they definitely were not like most couples was hammered home. And the wolf that played with the pair from time to time was even worse.

A finger through the D-ring of his collar helped pull the fox to his feet, the wolfess grabbing the short lead dangling from him, quickly snapping it to get his attention and make him follow her to the bed. His tongue slid across his lips as he walked submissively behind her, tasting the remains of her on his tongue as his eyes drank in the sway of the wolfess' ass, her tail drawing attention in the most perfect fashion. Even the wolfess' mannerisms had passed over, or the wolf was just so familiar with them that he could perfectly mimic them, knowing exactly how to move to most assuredly flood the fox with lust.

Damn, he enjoyed that view.

Like a condemned man or servile goat, the fox trod behind the wolfess while she quickly reached the couch pushed against the wall. With a snappy jerk of the lead and a firm hand on the back of his neck, the fox found himself bent over the arm of the couch. His body sank into the thick padding as the cold touch of the imitation leather sent shivers up his drooling cock as it was sandwiched between his stomach and the furniture. He felt the cool shudders for the moments until his body both wetted the area and warmed it from the throbbing heat of his hard spire.

"Stay, boy." The order was curt and sharp, the fox's ears shooting up for just a second before they folded back into their proper submissive posture. "Not a bad ass," the wolfess growled lustily as her claws dug into the muscle and fat of his ass as the wolfess' paw played with the round globe before leaving it sadly neglected and alone. Moments later, she strode into the room in front of him, clutching the bag of tricks from whence the syringe that had started this all had come.

Denny swallowed hard, hoping that the bag of tricks wasn't going to include something to screw him up, to change what he was yet again. Tess enjoyed trying out her new projects and creations on the fox, from giving him a pussy, to thick muscle, to being a complete puppet to her every word and order.

Well, even more her obedient puppet than usual. His legs stayed firmly planted on the floor, knowing that any movement would be regretted, but his head craned over his shoulder, looking at the wolfess' rummaging through the canvas sack that Aaron had brought with him into the room. Undoubtedly it was full of toys to make him whimper and moan like a slut but just what they were was not yet apparent. Perhaps it was one of her new experimental toys, just as the nanotech shot that had brought Tara into the world. Or perhaps some new toy that she had cooked up.

But the object that the wolfess pulled from the black canvas wasn't one of her new creations or trials, but rather something old and well tried.

A thick red, knotted canine cock molded from firm red silicone dangled from black leather straps. The leather creaked softly as it swung lazily from side to side in the wolfess' grip, the sight sending a clench through the fox's ass even as the wolfess' dark grin spread across her face.

"Figured Aaron's cock should be the one to deflower that ass once more. I mean, I know you can take it, boy. Seen it and felt it. Although we've made a few little changes too." She tittered, the sound grating on the fox's ears as unexpected as it was. "Just a couple inches." The dark undertone that dripped from those four words was one that the fox was much more used to and expecting. "Eyes front, tail up, boy!" The wolfess snapped abruptly, the fox responding almost immediately by snapping forward, even if his ears kept swiveling around the room.

So situated, the wolfess was hidden from the fox as she stepped into the harness, the rustle of leather the only clue that landed on his ears fluttering. The sight of the white-furred ass of the submissive fox, tail held up like a good bitch, sent shudders of arousal down the wolfess' spine, remembering the clenching tightness of the fox from her time sporting the thick cock from which the strap-on had been defined. Feeling the cool, smooth leather running into her fur and smoothing it with a paw she smiled as her eyes looked down the valley of her cleavage, seeing the thick canine shaft bobbing between her thighs, the fur surrounding it stained and damp from the fox's tongue and her own fluids. The feeling of the end of the counterfeit cock slipping deep was something different and the feeling electrified her.

With a jerk, the wolfess pulled the straps taut, the silicone shaft bobbling before her. She bit her lip as a shock of pleasure through her as the end slid deep inside her sex, nestling between the clenching folds that the fox had so generously lubricated for her.

The fox heard the sharp snap of the lubricant bottle, quickly followed by a schlurp as a generous dollop was squirted onto the wolfess's paw. The fox's cock strained as he could hear the sound of her paw sliding effortlessly up and down the menacing shaft, obviously well practiced and prepared.

The floor creaked as the sounds stopped, soft footfalls sitting just beyond the range of the pair of straining ears that searched for any hint of the location of the wolfess that was so tormenting him as his cock throbbed almost painfully beneath him. A soft breath caressed one of those ears as another shlurp of lube caught his attention before his tail was unceremoniously yanked up even more than it had already been hiked, revealing the wolfess' target in all its glory. A finger slid inside his ass, the cold lube coating it as it made its decent into his depths. Shivers coursed down his back as Tara's fingers teased his asshole, spreading the cool substance around him, preparing him for something that would be much more...filling than just the finger or two currently delving into his depths.

"Open sesame, boy," The wolfess' voice caressed his ear just as her breath had moments before. But instead of a simple warm puff with each word, this time the soft voice was punctuated with the sharp sensation of sharp teeth burying themselves into the soft, sensitive flesh as she bent atop the fox. The soft yelp from the fox drew a chuckle echoing from deep within the chest of the wolfess, the breaths slithering around and through the thin, soft furs of the fox's ears as a second finger slid in between his cheeks.

The teeth gave way for just a moment before that breathy voice caressed his ear once more. "Bet she would have just buried it deep, boy. Made you scream and grunt in need and pleasurable pain as she took that sexy ass." Her paw wrapped around one of the globes of the fox's ass, squeezing and teasing the taut muscle.

Mere moments after her teeth had freed themselves from his ear, they buried themselves into the sensitive flesh once more. The wolfess teased the fox's ear and ass, teeth and fingers moving nearly in unison, making sure that she had full access to and control over the fox toy in her grip. A finger slid in, scissoring and teasing, spreading the fox's ass and preparing it.

"I guess that makes me the nice one, boy."

The fox shuddered, first at the sound and words of the wolfess' voice in his ear, but as he felt those fingers slide out and...something very different started to take its place.

The former wolf exhaled softly in the ear of the fox, her teeth letting go just a little bit as her hips moved fluidly, sliding the slick silicone shaft between those two cheeks and along the fox's crack. Two pawfuls of fingers buried themselves in the fox's maw, locking it open and covering his taste buds with the taste of his own ass and the fruity taste of the lubricant that Tess had provided. She shuddered as the harness and fake cock pressed against her own groin, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body as it not only shifted and slid within her clenching cunt, but also pressing and teasing her clit.

The first thrust made both of the pair grunt out. Pleasurable noises escaped the maw of the wolfess as the first two inches of the silicone cock was buried in its target. The shock of fullness and pleasurable pain coursed through the fox as the cool lubricant warmed inside him. The pressure against the fox's prostate sent torrents of pleasure through his body as he grit his teeth at the sensations hammering at his mind. Not a movement of the pair was missed by either as pleasure flooded them and drove desires to new, and almost unheard of levels.

Aaron, or Tara as he was now responding to, was in a world of pure pleasure all of her own. That first thrust, the resistance of that ass pressing the silicone cock pressing against her, had not only set her clit ablaze with pleasure and lust, but had sent her even higher. The feeling of the knob between her hips, something that she had never before felt, filling her cunt sent even more powerful shocks of pleasure through her body. Brand new to her body, the feeling sent her through the roof. Never before had that organ felt itself being stretched so pleasantly, every nerve firing off sensations of pleasure. Even just that first thrust sent a shudder of pleasure up her spine as the feeling of being filled her, the feeling of her newfound cunt being used properly, even if not completely.

The chuff of heated breath rolled over the ear and head of the fox as she bit deeper. The clenching of the fox's ass sent shudders through her form, every minuscule movement of the well-trained tunnel making another bevy of fireworks bust in her mind, the pleasure and sensations making her eyes nearly roll back into her head in potent pleasure.

For the fox, it took moments for the sensation of pure fullness to wane as the wolfess pulled back, the heady pain a forgotten relic of his nervous system as the thick, silicone cock pulled free before quickly burying itself deeper inside his ass. But the wolfess wasn't finished. With each thrust, the fox felt not only the fullness and potency of the wolfess's prosthetic shaft but increasing shocks of pleasure as that shaft hammered at the hidden gem within him, a shudder of pleasure flooding through him with each stab of his prostate.

Tara growled as she bent the fox over, just like that species was supposed to be. The feeling of her breasts swaying with each thrust was, at first, distracting and pleasurable on its own, but with each thrust the feeling seemed different and almost more powerful.

Hips hammered against ass again and again as the temporary wolfess's maw buried itself in the scruff of the fox's neck. Her nose buried itself his scent, their arousal and lust dripping off every strand of fur as their scents danced, filling the room and reinforcing and supplanting the already potent milieu. The fox's mind back had been hammered hard and without remorse into the proper submissive state for his species. But even as the fox bent to her will, each and every thrust sent another potent shock of dominant lust through the wolfess, the feeling driving her wild, adding even more power to each thrust.

Slutty whimpers filled the room as they flowed freely from the fox's maw. The wolfess's hips were nearly a blur as they hammered into the ass in front of them. Inch after inch buried itself into vulpine ass as pleasure flooded the pair. As the wolfess' temporary knot bounced against vulpine ass, the fox's tongue bounced in front of him, pleasure plastered across his face as his prostate was decimated by each and every thrust of the wolfess' silicone manhood. Every thrust sending another inch ton bury itself deeper and deeper stretched him further and further, the feeling of warmth spreading across his ass not even registering in his mind as Tara's hips hammered against his ass.

The slapping of flesh against flesh filled the room and masked the near-silent sound of the door being opened and closed as both the wolfess and fox snarled and growled in pleasure.

As she got to watch the spectacle of her fox being broken wide open and used before her, the wolfess was even more pleased than she could have expected. Tess grinned as she watched the pair in front of her. Her paw slid between her legs, her eager pawtips teasing her lips as she watched the scene before her., Tara if she remembered Aaron's words from when she suggested trying this, was bent over her husband, plowing his ass for all it was worth. Each and every thrust filled the air with the grunts of both the fox and wolfess as pleasure flooded their minds. Denny's tail was pinned to his back, the weight of the wolfess atop him locking it in place as her hips assaulted his ass, pulverizing it into a proper toy for her.

The newly formed wolfess' teeth buried themselves in vulpine scruff as pleasure welled up within both of them. Every thrust, every motion of her hips sent shockwaves of pleasure and lust through the pair as their voyeur took her time in watching the pair. Tess's fingers spread her own pussy wide, burying themselves deep inside her as she watched the scene in front of her.

It wasn't every day that you saw yourself fucking the hell out of your husband.

Tara snarled and growled as Denny whimpered beneath her. Mere moments later, the scent of vulpine seed filled the room as his ass convulsed around the wolfess' artificial cock. Every clench and wiggle sent an even greater shock through the wolfess's own sex as she teetered on the brink of pleasure, her cunt begging her mind to let it erupt between her legs and flood her with pleasure.

It was only merely moment before Tara's mind was obliterated by pleasure as her cunt flooded the toy with dripping female cum. The fox's ears jumped as he felt the wetness landing on his ass as Tara reveled in her first squirting orgasm as she slammed her hips forward one more time.

The thick knot of the facsimile of her prior form buried itself deep into vulpine ass. The vulpine's ass muscles wrapped tightly around silicone as the bulb made itself known, pressing insistently against the bud of the fox's prostate. Without any further probing, the fox was sent through the roof, his cock drool even more as his whimpers filled the room.

"Bravo, bravo." Tess' voice and a pair of clapping paws echoed throughout the room as she rode out her own orgasm. Wetness splattered across the floor as she clapped, her fingers barely free from sex dripping between her legs as she moved to stand before the pair of horny canines locked together in one of the most intimate embraces possible. "And we're only getting started."

Tara panted her way down from the unimaginable high that had flooded her body and mind as she came. Pure pleasure had taken over her mind, slamming each and every thread of masculinity into the dark milieu that was filling her mind. As the voice of the wolfess from whom she had been copied filled her ears, she felt another shudder of pleasure down her spine. It took a moment or two before the insistent shudders of pleasure subdued themselves and enough attention and reality returned to her mind.

Denny didn't even have enough time to shudder at the feeling of the clawed paw that dug into his shoulder as a second wrapped tightly around his neck, sending a tightness and shock through all of his muscles as both Tara and Tess made sure that the fox was aware of who was in charge in this room.

"Hrm..." The original wolfess mused, "I could either make sure that a worthless little bitchboy like you knows how to service a bitch, or..." Her voice trailed off as she pulled a gleaming, chrome-plated syringe from the pocket of her baby blue scrubs.

"Hey, Aaron," She called as the former wolf panted around a mawful of vulpine scruff. "Me, you, or boy?"

The wolfess that had escaped the masculine form of Aaron chuckled as she panted her way down before releasing the scruff of the fox's neck. Her hips were locked against the cheeks of the fox, her need and pleasure coating the fur of his ass as her silicone cock remained buried in his ass as a paw freed herself from the leather straps that locked her in.

"I wanna feel my cunt against yours, bitch." Her chuckle floated over the room as one of her paws teased the release for the leather straps.

"Oh really?" The wolfess smiled as she sauntered forward, her own sex very much interested in the words of the former male that had borrowed her form.

"Ya." The wolfess chuckled as her claws dug into the scruff of the fox's neck and pressed him into the fake leather of the couch. "Let's let this lil' bitch watch." It took mere milliseconds for her attention to shift to the fox between her legs, the minor joviality that had graced her voice disappearing in moments. "Move and we're both going in, bitch."

With that, Tara let the harness fall from her hips. The silicone cock remained buried deep inside the fox, his muscles frozen at the order of his new mistress as she stepped back, nearly shuddering at the feeling of the knob of the fake shaft sliding free from her cunt. Her gaze locked on that of the wolfess whose form had inspired her own.

"I think he'd like that, Tara." The wolfess waited a beat before she continued. "Let's have some fun...bitch. I'm a bit parched."

Tess smiled as she looked at the pair as Tara's maw split in a grin as her mind realized what was to come. The original wolfess' next phrase sent shivers down all of their backs.

"Cuffs are next to the couch. Use 'em."

Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoyed. What'd you think? Would you take a hit of this? Faves, votes and comments are always appreciated.