Love your little puppy pt 9

Story by fuzzypaw on SoFurry

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One of the last few parts

Hello everybody i'm soooo glad you guys love reading my stories i continue on doing a few more parts of this series so i would be happy for any suggestions for future stories

Now with all of that done we shall begin by the way sorry if i don't do very good quotation marks my computer is weird

Chase blushes a lot "my wouldn't wanna go there"he says as he gives a small nervous chuckle

Marshall smerks "well why would i not" he says being a tease

Chase gets really nervous and stutters "w-well b-because my house i-is...ummm...really boring" he said which isn't a total lie it is pretty boring

Marshall isn't letting go "well I wanna go, pweeeaaasseee" he says as he gives chase the all to famous and all to effective puppy eyes

Chase finally gives up "fine..."

marshall jumps up and hugs chase "fankyoo" marshall said as he gives chase a kiss

Chase smiles and dresses him up "you're welcome"

They walk to the house as chase shakes in nervousness

"Chase..." marshall says "are you feeling alright?"

Chase doesn't respond "fuck" he says to himself "why does he have such good puppy eyes"

They get to his house and chase unlocks the door then they get in

Marshall looks around then sees a safe "chase" he asks "what's in the safe"

Chase blushes immensely "i-it's just nothing" chase nervously chuckles

Marshall smirks and pins him down playfully "cmon love i know there's something you're trying to hide you can tell me"

Chase blushes and runs away to his bedroom to hide under his blanket

Marshalls sighs and goes to chase's room "chase please tell can tell me..."

chase takes off the blanket "p-p-p-promise..?"

Marshall nods "yes my love"

He slowly walks to the safe then unlocks it

Marshall gasps "c-chase...i knew you were stressed but...i didn't think you liked this stuff"

Chase sadly nods

"Well" marshall says happily "i don't mind you being like this again actually i can help"

Chase's ears perk up "r-really" chase cocks his head in surprise

Marshall smirks and playfully pins him down "yes my child" he says in a soothing tone of voice

Chase blushes at the fact of how fun this is "d-d-d-do you mind if i called you d-d-d-daddy" chase manages to stutter

Marshall nods "yes sweetie" then he grabs out a thick diaper and a dress from the safe and puts it on chase.

To be continued...

Hello everybody i'd like to say thank you soooo much for supporting my stories and we recently hit over 2,000 page views!!!!! I honestly thought we'd never hit that goal id like to do something special for this...

What i was thinking is that i can start a social media account, patreon, or even a "dirty" chapter of this story!

Hugs Fuzzypaw.

Love your little puppy pt 8

Hi everybody i've been having the idea to do third person view tell me in the comments how you like it. By the way i have a question for you guys do you want quantity over time or time over quantity witch means i'll have longer stories over longer time...

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Love your lil puppy pt7

Hello everybody great to be back im sooooo glad that i could be back and give you guys the content you missed Now enough of the chit chat let's go on with the story shall we Marshal's p.o.v "U-umm..." i manage to say while blushing ...

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love your little puppy pt 6

Love your little puppy Chases p.o.v wait what I say thinking I did not here correctly he blushes can you fweed me he says one more time okay puppy what ever you want I say fankyoo chwase he says welcome my little puppy I say Marshalls...

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