Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 3: Astro Boy fan fiction

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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#2 of dan's other fictions

Part 3 of The Buried Boner

_ Astro boy and the buried boner _

( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures

( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions

( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist

( boy/boy, boy/African golden wolf, gay sex, rape, bestiality, action)

By Dan 1966

All rights of the original artists respected. For non-profit fandom enjoyment only. No monetary gains desired or expected.

Part 3

11 pm

Day 3

Atlas decided to keep the plug in place and measured out a size of entry sufficient for his and Astro's sizes then slowly he cut into the mortar and carefully removed the slab, passing it to Astro and stopping short of entering to shine his eye lamps into the darkness...

At the last moment he hesitated to step...stopping to remove his black boots as Astro walked up. "Take those boots off?"

Astro hesitated as Atlas gave his foot a swat..."Come on! Take the boots off? We're going into someone's house, show some education?"

Astro sat down and pulled his boots off. "So? What do you see?" Astro asked as Atlas shone his eye lights around the chamber...

"It's like it hasn't even aged a day." The red boy bot replied as he stuck a foot through the opening in the mortar wall and wiped it over the polished stone floor. "Not even a hint of dust....air is sterile...good thing we're not humans."

Atlas stepped inside and put a hand out to Astro..."Come on?"

Both boy bots were inside what Atlas thought must be the foyer or presentation room of the temple where various articles and furniture sat orderly about among the ornate Egyptian columns and walls filled with hieroglyphs and bright colors. At the far end of the foyer sat two Pharotic statues aside an obvious opening to some sort of passage.

"" Astro said as he looked at the decorated ceiling above his head. " It all looks like it just got done....this is just crazy."

Atlas was over on one side of the room taking an interest in a chariot. He walked around it with an intense look as his eyes captured both video and pictures of the bright black lacquer wood and the reed cross-laid lattice work.

Astro walked over as Atlas climbed into the chariot...."Atlas! Get off of that!" He yelped worried.

"It's fine." Atlas replied as he played with the leather reins and inspected them..."It looks so new. 4000 years and it doesn't look a day old."

Astro rubbed a hand on the chariot surface. "They sure sealed this place good, didn't they? Do you think we've endangered it?"

"We're down about 300 feet from the surface and the air is still pretty sterile so I don't think "we" will be the problem." Atlas leaned against the chariot. "They shouldn't let humans in here, just robots."

"Well.....we shouldn't mess with anything." Astro said as he played a finger over his lips. "Let's look at these hieroglyphs and see if they can tell us about the city or the temple itself. If this is the temple of Anubis, that would about confirm this is the city of Pi-Hahiroth."

The boy bots walked slowly around the walls covered in hieroglyphs, at one point Atlas looked at Astro with a mischievous smile...

"This would be a cool place to put some candles in and bump uglies." The red boy bot snickered.

"" Astro replied with a snort. "Don't even get the idea. Sheesh... every place for you is for "bump stocking it."

Atlas stopped at one panel of hieroglyphs. "Remember that battle I told you about? Here it is...

"Anubis, Son of Osirus, surprised the demon Sepkush. The night was his ally, a thousand sons of Nubia his fists. Driven in despair to Memphis the great serpent was trapped by Anubis and tossed into the great north waters." Atlas read. "Oh yeah....bad ass."

Astro smiled. "As if it were true? There's all kinds of stuff here about Anubis so I guess that would kinda confirm this was his dedicated temple. Astro stopped at one panel and waved Atlas over...

"Wow...." The red boy bot said with a smirk as he looked. "Ancient porn. Anubis the horn dog."

"They look like....ummm.....boys?" Astro shook his head. "Wow....."

Atlas read the hieroglyphs...."Temple boy prostitutes. So Anubis liked his chew toys to be a little fresh. Heck, it was all common in the ancient world." Atlas giggled..."The first Shotacon."

Astro went on giggling but looked back at the panel curiously, getting a head slap from Atlas..."Hey? We're not here to gaze at 4000 year old shota porn? Unless you wanna take these silly jungle suits off and....get it on?" Atlas said as he softly nuzzled Astro's neck.

"No! Atlas?!" Astro pushed his boyfriend off. "Sheesh...I was just curious about it ok?" Astro said as he returned to reading another panel.

"They make Anubis like what....ten feet tall? Can you imagine the dick on him? Egyptians drew everything huge." Atlas chuckled.

"You're accusing me of being dirty minded and here you are turning our discovery into smut?" Astro snorted.

Atlas leaned against the wall..."I still can't come up with an idea of how this place ended up buried and preserved like this? No explanation for how the front entry way was blocked off and how there isn't a grain or pile of sand and silt in here."

Astro turned and looked around..."You can't even tell where any sky lights were. And there had to be some in here?"

Atlas turned to look at another wall panel and pointed up...."Bingo!"

Astro walked up to him and read the panel hieroglyphs...

"The demon Sepkush returned and gave battle against Anubis here in his city of


Astro rubbed his hand over the panel...."That's it? That's all there is."

Atlas tapped a foot..."They didn't have time to finish it. From here, half the wall is bare...which means this was the last entry."

Astro rubbed his arms. "Now I am getting the fricken hebe jeebees."

"Oh come on?" Atlas asked. "You don't believe all this superstitious bunk do you? It's all fantasy writing, the Egyptians were the world's first comic book artists. Leaving the story as a cliff hanger was a way to grab people by the balls and keep them hooked to the temple priests. You remember the whole story of King Tut? His father was a heretic believer in monotheism to the priests at Memphis and Luxor."

Astro crossed his arms..."Then you come up with a good way to explain how the temple ended up so pristine? How a city ended up buried in over 300 feet of sand? And only the temple itself is perfectly preserved after 4000 years."

Atlas scratched his head. "Since we know this is Pi-Hahiroth? I guess we should close it up and make a report for Doctor Awash."

Astro gave his boyfriend a snort. "Oh my curiosity is peaked. I wanna see the rest of the temple."

"We don't have too." Atlas replied. "We found what we needed to find so let's close it up."

Astro got closer to Atlas's face..."Wow? Suddenly you're being the little pussy?"

"I was just thinking for the preservation of the place ok?" Atlas snorted. "Don't get snicky with me?"

"I'm not getting "snicky" Astro replied. "I'm just saying we're not done yet." Astro checked the time. "It's you wanna keep going around or wait till tomorrow night?"

Atlas looked around and smiled...."This is such a hot place to "freak on"."

"Will you cut it out?" Astro yelped as he pulled Atlas's pit helmet down. "Sheesh....put some ice in your shorts?"

"Bah! Just jerking your chain?" Atlas said as he reached out and pulled Astro into a grinding hug..."No, I would not "do it" in here. I have a little respect."

"It's hard to wanna leave." Astro said as he looked around. "There's so much to take in. I can't wait to see what's past those statues and down those stairs."

"So hard to leave that you got a stiffer going." Atlas snickered as he pointed down...

"Damn it!" Astro snapped. "It's your fault dingus! You kept chirping of "doing it" in here!"

Atlas grabbed Astro's hand. "Well let's seal this up for the night and come back for round two tonight? We should put together a PDF for Doctor Awash."


Day 5

Atlas sat after taking off his desert suit and brushed his thick yellow hair as Astro worked on a laptop to make the report for Doctor Awash...

"Why don't you do it with your processor?" Atlas asked. "You'd be done in like five seconds?"

Astro replied smiling. "I want to feel like I'm doing some work. We don't have to zip everything into seconds and minutes, chill out?"

Atlas smiled softly..."I'm naked?"

"Ok." Astro replied as he typed.

Atlas laid on his stomach with his head resting in his upraised palms..."I'm naked and frisky?"

"That's nice." Astro replied.

Atlas frowned...."Little bitch."

Astro sighed..."Can't you wait a little bit? Let me get done with this first? We got all morning, we don't need to sleep at all today if you don't want too?"

"Problem is?" Atlas replied as he sat up and pouted. "I get more beneficial rest after I pound you silly."

"Well you have to wait till I finish this report." Astro said pursing his lips. "Masturbate!....It's not like you won't be able to "get it up" again after a little pause in the action. I have to get this done and doing it on the lap top helps me to better organize it."

Atlas lay on his back and played with his toes..."I want to try that chariot. Didn't you notice its' different from standard Egyptian battle chariots?"

Astro nodded. "I saw that primitive shock absorbing system on the axles. I noted that for Doctor Awash to make comparisons to chariots in the Cairo Museum. I also noted the axle rod? It's not wood."

Atlas sat up. "Iron?" He asked.

Astro shook his head. "Onix."

"Oh no way." Atlas snorted.

"When we go back tonight? Look for yourself. I did a quick Spectagram scan on's Onix." Astro said rubbing his chin. "And its' the same surface striations as the Mortar wall? It was "flow crafted" as in shaped and lengthened? But there's not imperfections or tool markings and the Egyptians had no way to do that."

Atlas sat on the floor next to Astro's chair. "Now we're getting into the flat fucken bizarre here." Atlas snorted. "Don't you even pull up some sort of Hollywood bull shit"

"Stargate?" Astro replied. "You don't think I'd entertain that silly stuff?"

Atlas pursed his lips. "You have the gift for outrageous gab."

Astro stopped typing..." I won't entertain that stretch. I didn't take a real detailed look at the chariot just yet so.....who knows?"

Astro swiped his finger over the lap top screen. "Looks complete so far. You should proof this too and see if you can add anything."

Astro then slouched in the chair and played a finger over his lips..."Say? If I play some nice music? Would you dance for me?"

"Do what?" Atlas replied with a questioning look. "Do what I do?"

Astro smiled back..."If I put on some nice music? Would you do an erotic dance for me?"

"No." Atlas replied pursing his lips. "No...I won't."

Astro sighed...."Why not?"

"Because...." Atlas replied. "You're the bottom and I'm the top. Tops don't do solo dances ok?"

"Hmph! You're a pussy." Astro snorted.

"No....I'm a top." Atlas huffed.

"You're my boyfriend. I thought you'd do something for me? problem for me to get in long socks and girls shoes and give you a sexual dance." Astro said disappointed.

"You do it on your own!" Atlas huffed. "You "asking" me to sex dance for you is different!"

"Yeah." Astro snorted. "I thought you would do it just because you loved me."

"You can't force a test on me like that!" Atlas huffed. "What? I have to do some stupid dance to prove I love you now?"

Astro placed his laptop on the floor, jumped from his chair and stormed out of the tent with Atlas running behind him to the flap....

"Sigh"...."gawd....I hate it when his femmy side takes over!" The red boy bot snapped with a grunt.

A moment later....Astro walked back in and sighed..."I can't sexy dance to save your butt."

"Oh...that's being kind?" Atlas snorted.

"No really!" Astro replied throwing his arms out. "You can't do a solo for shit! You move your ass like a hippo stuck in a tar pit!"

"Chuckles"....Atlas tried not to laugh.

"I'm serious!" Astro snapped. "Damn! I mean.....I mean you move like fricken C3-PO trying to break dance. I mean when we dance together in a slow dance no one notices it but....never suck as a solo."

Atlas reached out and pulled Astro into a hug..."So how about you and I dance?" Atlas pulled up a favorite 1970's disco song of theirs and started the opening beats in a loop as he stepped back and moved his body...

"Come on Astro...give me some of that sexy little shimmy of yours?" Atlas said smiling.

Astro started to Atlas a doe eyed seductive look as he moved around his boyfriend to the beat...

(Animalympics song go for it)

"You like it?" Astro asked as he reached down and slowly brushed his hand against Atlas's hard cock..."Got you "interested" enough....don't I?"

(Animalympics song go for it)

Atlas swallowed hard as Astro danced over him with his arms draped over the red boy bots' shoulders..."You're not dancing Atlas?" Astro said with a hungry looking face..."Come on? Sway that ass some more...get those stutters out of that fat butt."

(Animalympics song go for it)

Atlas looked back and frowned..."Fat? You're not exactly "four point oh" yourself you little bottom bitch."

Astro turned and brushed himself up against Atlas's front..."I'm "four oh" enough to get your I not?"

Atlas wrapped his arms around his love and kissed him slowly over his neck..."Mmmm...."Kiss"....If you don't mind? I'm gonna change the mood music to something more....fitting?"

"Yeah...." Astro replied as Atlas began forcing him to his knees..."Why don't you?"

Atlas kissed Astro slowly over his back. "What about that report?"

Astro slowly laid onto his back and stretched his legs out wide as he gestured with his hands..."It can wait two hours.....can't it?"


Day 5

Astro rubbed his lover's cheeks softly as he kissed him..."Now as far as sex? You're not C3-PO." Astro giggled.

"Uh uh...." Atlas replied. "I'm the fucken you. Ummm....that report?"

"Sent." Astro said as he sat up. "I sometimes think I do my best thinking when I'm having sex with you. Doesn't that sound funny?"

Atlas sat up and rested his head on Astro's shoulder..."I don't think that comes to mind when you're "legs up" and screaming. I'd think you'd be to busy being "plow'd over" to even think."

"Well?" Astro said smiling. "I finished that report while you were screwing me? Which kinda gives new meaning to "multi-tasking". I don't think I ever heard of a case where a secretary did reports while getting their brains fucked out on a desk have you?"

Atlas chuckled as Astro stood up..."I was gonna go to the Nile but...nah...I'll just get a jug of water and "whore bath it" before bed."

Atlas grinned as he rubbed Astro's shoulders..."Lemme wash you?"

Astro turned and softly kissed his boyfriend..."Ok...."


Day 5

Astro emerged from under the chariot and sat making notes on his word processing program displayed on his eye lenses..." I was right. The wheel shaft is pure Onix alright. The whole chariot's design is crazy."

Atlas frowned as he stood at the front tapping his boot..."How the hell do you get a shaft of smooth Onix without tools? Especially what the Egyptians had for the time period? You could not get an ore of Onix big enough to get a single shaft for a chariot let alone craft one so you'd have no tool markings?"

"I told you it has the same quality as the Mortar blocking the temple entry. It's as if it were stretched then hardened. The shaft has the same quality as light tool steel, tough enough to be firm yet with enough give to let it flex. In fact? The whole chariot is way out of normal for the time period. Like dropping an M-1 tank onto a World War I battlefield."

Atlas Turned towards the two Pharonic statues standing aside the entry to the lower portion of the temple...

"Wanna go down there?" Atlas asked.

Astro finished his notations and nodded. "Yeah..."

As the boy bots walked down the staircase...Atlas reached out and held Astro's hand..."Hmmm?....scared much?" Astro asked smiling.

"No." Atlas replied. "Just...feel better doing it ok? Don't start egging me."

As they got to the bottom, the boy bots turned on their eye lamps and gasped as they looked around the room they had dropped into....

"Wow....." Astro said as he cautiously moved about.

"Wow....nothing." Atlas replied. "Holy......shit."

Astro stooped down and slowly felt a hand over a quiver full of arrows adorned with gold lines and wonderfully bright hand painted characters while Atlas sat looking at a pure jade statuette of an Egyptian character holding a long staff...

"It's all perfect." Astro said...."Everything....the canoptic jars? These arrows? All the furniture? Shit! Even this battle armor!" Astro looked like he was in a Tokyo Hands store and Atlas had promised to buy him whatever he desired.

"Hey?" Atlas said as he waved. "Get a load of what's on the base of this Jade statue?"

Astro walked over as Atlas pointed out the characters....


"To Anubis my ever I adore thee love...." Astro looked at the signature and shook his head..."Oh no way."

"It's King Tut dude! That's his Cartoosh" Atlas yelped. "Look! Even the facial feature of the statue matches the ones' in the Cairo Museum." Atlas stood up. "Well...I guess we know for sure now that this is the Temple of Anubis huh?"

Atlas looked around and spied something else. "Oh man!" He said with excitement as he pulled a shield and sword out from a pile of artifacts. "Get a load of this!" Atlas put the sword over his head and held the shield out before his chest. "Come and get some mother fucker!"

"Put those down please?" Astro asked.

Atlas lowered the shield to the floor. "Man....this shield is substantial, I mean it has serious weight to it."

Astro examined the decorative battle shield with it's large gold and painted Ank cross surrounded by hieroglyphs....

"_ To my faithful son who defended beloved Egypt against the evil Sepkush and restored Mat to the land...your father....Osirus." _

Astro rubbed his hands over the surface and scanned the material of the shield... "Uh? Atlas? Take a wild guess what this shield is made of?"

Atlas pursed his lips. "You're gonna say Onix again right?"

"Uh huh." Astro replied.

"And you're gonna say it was made like the Chariot shaft too I bet?" Atlas asked.

"Yeah...." Astro replied.

"Oh....kay....this Star Gate idea is getting less bizarre now." Atlas said as he stood with his hands on his hips. "If I were a human right now? I'd be getting way the fuck out of Dodge."

"Then you'd be a hypocrite." Astro replied smirking. "Acting like a human...tsk tsk...letting yourself be poisoned?"

Atlas looked at the Egyptian war sword...

"The sword looks like the typical period curved blade of Egypt...except? The metal looks too perfect....almost like a Samurai blade." Atlas said as he slowly swung it about. "So? I know we'll stay here for a little bit and record all this stuff but? Do we dare go deeper into the chamber? we dare to violate the inner sanctum of Anubis.....Wooooooo."

Astro snickered. "You first? After all? A top should always lead his bottom?"

"In this case? I'll make an exception." Atlas replied waving his hands in the direction of the next set of stairs..."You first?"

Astro slowly walked to the edge of the stairs and stopped short, playing a finger over his lips as Atlas came up behind him...

"Come on? Move your butt?" Atlas asked.

"Damn it! Don't rush me ok?" Astro snorted back. "There's no real reason to hurry this you know?"

Atlas snickered..."Fucken chicken."

Astro turned about to push Atlas back when suddenly a light shown from behind him....coming from the chamber below....

"Now.....that's not normal." Atlas said with a smirk.

Astro snorted back. "You fucken think?"

end of part 3

Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 4: An Astro Boy fiction.

_ **Astro boy and the buried boner** _ **( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures** **( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions** **( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist** **( boy/boy, boy/African golden...

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