Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 4: An Astro Boy fiction.

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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#3 of dan's other fictions

The 4th part of Astro and the Buried Boner

_ Astro boy and the buried boner _

( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures

( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions

( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist

( boy/boy, boy/African golden wolf, gay sex, rape, bestiality, action)

By Dan 1966

All rights of the original artists respected. For non-profit fandom enjoyment only. No monetary gains desired or expected.

Part 4


Day 5

Astro and Atlas descended the short flight of stairs and stopped at the bottom to look around the small room with what appeared to be a chiseled and hollowed out block of quarry stone in the center surrounded by burning lamps on staves. Each corner of the room was also lit by oil lamps...

"Oh kay....Very Doctor Fibes." Atlas said frowning.

"We probably didn't notice the light to begin with." Astro replied.

"Yee-yeah...." Atlas replied sarcastically. "These lamps just "happened" to be burning the last 4000 years."

Astro walked over to one of the lamps and studied it. "The basin is full. Must be a Hissop lamp."

Atlas looked about the room at the hieroglyphs then turned to the block in the center of the room and froze with his fingers over his lips...

"Atlas?" Astro said as he turned. The red boy bot shooshed him in earnest...

"Shhh!....shut up and come over here?" Atlas begged softly. Astro slowly walked over and looked over the block and into the chiseled out space...

"Woe....." Astro said softly.

" this? Mummified?" Atlas asked as he pointed to what was in the block.

It lay on its' side atop a bed of linen. The dog was dark gray or Deep German Gray in color with large ears that were Atlas's hair color, yellow to golden, and it had a very long and bushy tail.

"It doesn't look mummified?" Astro said as he moved around the block. "I think it's a wolf actually or a breed of Jackal."

Atlas stepped back from the block waving his hands..."Astro? I'm fucken losing it ok? It''s breathing..."

Astro looked down and saw that the chest or breast of the canine was moving..."Ummm? You're.....right...."

Astro slowly moved to where Atlas was standing and softly nudged him backwards towards the stairs...

"Stop getting lead feet and moved please Atlas?" Astro begged.

Atlas turned to go up the stairs when suddenly a stone portcullis slammed down before his face!

"FUCK!" The red boy bot screamed as he whipped up his right arm which morphed into a laser surge cannon! "Hollywood always get these traps right!"

Astro snatched Atlas's arm and begged him...."STOP!,no,no..."

"Uh? Astro?" Atlas said as he gestured to the block now cutting them off from escaping..."duh?"

"You start hammering away with that cannon and you'll probably trash this place?" Astro replied. "We can get out of here any time we want. Sheesh... the humans are infecting you more and more."

Atlas dropped his arm. "Ok? What's your suggestion then? Play fetch with Fido?" He said as he gestured to the block. The look on his boyfriend's face suddenly told him something was happening behind his back...

"Ummm...let me guess?" Atlas sighed. "Fido's waking up isn't he?"

"Uh......fuck.....yeah?" Astro replied.

Atlas turned around slowly to see that the dog, or whatever it was, had risen to a sitting position inside the block but it was still sleepy...

"Yeeeeeeeawwwwnnnnn.....whine......whine.....lap.....lap." The animal sat licking the dryness out of its' maw, scratching at itself, shaking its' head and slowly batting its' eyes. When it finally got around to locking its' eyes on the two visitors in the furrowed its' eyes and started to growl...

"Ummmm...." Atlas said as he gave the animal a little wave of a hand. "Easy there boy....nice doggie..." Atlas learned over to Astro. "I think he's a little pissed off that we're in here?"

"Oh no....really?" Astro replied. He stepped forward a little bit as the dog perched himself on the edge of the block...

"Easy now....we don't mean to bother you and we won't....we don't want to hurt you...nice dog....nice....."

Astro didn't get to finish what he said before he was suddenly thrown to the floor onto his back and Atlas was flung into the portcullis block and fell to his hands and knees!

"UGH! YOU REALLY SUCK AT DIPLOMACY ASTRO!" Atlas yelped. "GNAH! I can't....I can't fucken move!"

Astro struggled...."What did you say about Hollywood being right?!"

Astro looked up to see the dog now sitting on the edge of the block with some sort of blue tinted flame dancing from his upraised paw. He was giving the boy bots a seriously angry look and started speaking in some language to them and the more he tried to speak to them....the more pissed off he was looking.

"What kind of language is that?!" Atlas asked Astro. "I don't have a record of it!"

"I think...." Astro replied as he pursed his lips. "I think it might be Nubian?"

"Nubian?" Atlas yelped. "I can't find that in my processor?"

"Maybe because you hate school?" Astro snickered. "Not so smart after all, are you?"

"Will you cut the fucken insults and try speaking to this thing?! Atlas snapped. "Fuck! I can't move! How can that thing control us? We're not humans!"

Astro replied. "Wow....guess the world doesn't operate on the Dungeons and Dragons philosophy after all?"

"Stop fucking around and talk to it!" Atlas begged.

Astro adjusted his language program and spoke to the dog..."Hello? We're very sorry to have woken you up."

The dog slipped off the block and crossed it's arms. "It's an anthromorph." Astro said to Atlas in Japanese. He wanted to confuse the animal as to what he and Atlas were saying back and forth and the animal wasn't going to have any of that...

The dog moved his hand and had Astro hanging off the ground before him!

"You speak Nubian or I take your Kah and rip it to shreds." The dog snarled. "How dare you violate my temple you miserable cur." The dog spoke.

Atlas suddenly realized..."Umm....this dog talks."

Suddenly...Atlas was flung back against the portcullis and his neck felt like it was in a vice being squeezed near to breaking!

"You call me a miserable dog again? And I will turn your neck into a Nile reed straw....vermin." The Dog snarled. He then turned to look at Astro..." Miserable are hardly even worth my effort...though? By now? Your friend's head should have popped from his neck? Interesting?"

Atlas snorted..."Look Fido...we didn't mean to cause you any discomfort so just tell us who you are and let us go and you can go back to sleep or if you need to go tinkle we'll be more than happy to show you out to the sand...."

The dog slammed Atlas into the floor hard with a whip of his finger! "You WILL learn RESPECT!" The dog snarled as he whipped Atlas up and down several times causing chips of stone to fly with each violent impact with the floor!"

Astro screamed...."PLEASE! PLEASE STOP?!"

The dog gave Astro a questioning look..."You?.......You are not.....Egyptian. Certainly not Nubian for sure yet you speak well. You must be from a far away land so...I should at least be a little hospitable before I give you retribution fro your detestable desecration of my house."

The dog walked up to Astro..."I am Anubis. Guardian of the sacred dead of Egypt. Defender of Upper and Lower Egypt. Adviser to the great Kings and son of Osirus who is the son of Ra (Ray)...."

"You? gotta be kidding me?" Atlas said as he found he could at least sit up...."Really? You're Anubis?"

Anubis looked at Atlas with a scowl...."You know of me?"

"Yeah...." Atlas snickered. "And you're not very impressive."

Astro yelped...."ATLAS?! Are you fucken crazy?!"

Anubis snarled. "No....he is ignorant. But I can certainly take that out of him."

Anubis flipped his hand around again and Atlas was thrown over onto his stomach! His rear end was hiked up and his clothes seemed to explode from his body!...

"ANAGH! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Atlas screamed as he tried to move. "ARGH! YOU MOTHER FUCKER!"

Anubis walked up feeling himself to an erection, his canine cock rising slowly from its' sheath as he felt Atlas's ass crack and played with his long un-abused pucker...

"A mouthy and filthy little cur like you needs to be dominated and trained." Anubis snickered. "You have a splendid supple body...though....a little strange? Certainly different than any temple prostitute I've mated before...."

Anubis lowered himself ready to thrust into the struggling and now crying Atlas. "Of course...I will be the only one experiencing pleasure with you. You'll just scream till you die and that may take a long time...."

Astro screamed out just as Anubis's tip started to break into Atlas's anus..."OH GREAT ANUBIS! PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T HURT MY MASTER I BEG YOU!

Anubis stopped..."Master?" He said with a laugh. "Don't tell me this is one of noble birth? Please spare me?"

Astro yelped..."No! It's true great lord, I swear it! I am his slave. We are foreign to Egypt, we did not know better, I encouraged him to come into your temple, I am responsible....punish me instead of him I beg you!"

Atlas called out quietly by radio..."What the fuck are you doing?" He asked Astro,

"Keeping you from getting raped...shut up?" Astro replied.

Anubis rose up, walked over to the stone block and threw a linen sheet at Atlas. "Cover yourself! Never let it be known that Anubis does not follow Egyptian law and customs no matter how ignorant and crass a person of nobility can be."

Anubis released Atlas and turned to Astro, lowering him to the floor..."At least your slave shows better judgement." Anubis snorted at Atlas. He then pointed a finger at Astro...."Disrobe yourself.....slave."

Atlas yelped...."No!"

"Shut your mouth or I'll forget you're a noble." Anubis snapped. "Since your slave has taken upon himself to protect you? You should at least be thankful for him."

Astro stood naked, nervously rubbing his under his chin as Anubis walked around him..."Hmmm....I must say your master has at least an eye for quality?" The Egyptian Golden Wolf slapped a hand onto Astro's rear and felt him up a little as he whispered onto his ear....

"Get on your hands and knees." Anubis ordered.

Astro got to his hands and knees as Anubis stood before him. "Since you took it upon yourself to reap the punishment for you master's ignorance? I won't be too cruel to you...because I desire you."

With that....Anubis began to piss over Astro's prostrate form...

"FUCK!" Atlas snapped!

Astro called him by radio..."Don't make it worse!"

"But......damn it! The fucken ass hole!" Atlas yelped back....

Anubis snatched Astro by his hair bang, jerked his head upwards and pissed into his mouth until the robot boy gagged and poured the stinking fluid from his mouth coughing and choking...

"Now? I'm claiming you." Anubis snickered. "You are my slave now...not his."

"Like fucken hell he's anything of yours you filthy....!" Anubis shut Atlas's jaw shut...

"As if "You" can do anything to contest it?" Anubis warned. "I advise you to watch your words?"

Anubis reached into the stone block and threw a simple two piece flap ware waist strap to Astro..."Put it on. It's fitting for such a cute slave as you."

Anubis waved his hand and Astro and Atlas felt themselves released! Astro ran to Atlas...."You alright?" He asked.

"I won't let him...." Atlas snarled.

"Don't make things worse!" Astro replied as he watched Anubis stretch and preen himself against the stone block...

" feels like ages since I last moved..." Anubis said as he reached for a leg and stretched it out behind him while he twisted and bent his body to get all the sleepy crampness out..."

Astro timidly approached Anubis..."Great Anubis? May I ask you if you won't feel offended by me?"

"Of course." Anubis replied. "I can be charitable when I wish. Especially to one with such....slender curves on his body."

Atlas snapped by radio...."Oh please.....really?"

Astro replied by radio. "Shut the fuck up?"

Astro played with his fingers, acting innocent and timid..."Great Anubis? On the walls of your temple appear.....different. You...seem to be portrayed in greater size."

"Ugh...." Anubis snorted. "Those artists and about perversions. "We can't show you as you are Great Anubis. The people expect tall, commanding and graceful and towering...with....sigh.....nice legs. How can we depict your a court pet?"

Anubis walked over to one of the panels on the wall of his room..."See that?! See how they portray the dogs of the Pharaoh? Truth! Powerful, regal, splendid, head erect, viral! Me? We need to....put some tone of Ra to your likeness and... be creative for the people of Egypt."

Atlas snickered..."The first example of fake news."

"Wow! You are not as ignorant as I suspected!" Anubis yelped back. "Now my mother and father? Great Osirus and blessed Isis? Perfect representations. And my brother Horus? He doesn't have a human body! What kind of wine were the priests drinking when they made that abomination!"

Anubis stopped for a moment. "I am re-missed....I did not ask your names or from where you come from?"

Astro replied. "I am Tet-Wan and this is my master..."

Anubis stopped Astro....""your" master now."

"Yes Great Anubis." Astro replied. "Forgive me...This is Tat-Wan."

Atlas snorted by radio. "Wan? What the hell? Is this Star Wars?"

"Just play along will you?" Astro begged.

Astro turned back to Anubis. "We reside in the East."

Anubis scratched his head. "You are Persians? Medians?"

"We're much farther East." Atlas said as he and Astro now started to follow Anubis out of his sleep chamber.

"Excuse me but..." Anubis asked. "Did you happen to see a shield and sword in your passing through my temple?"

"Yes." Atlas replied. "They are in a corner of the room above you sleeping chamber I take it?"

"Good." Anubis replied relieved. "I'm happy grave robbers have not disturbed any of my sanctuaries."

Astro asked. "Where are we going Great Anubis?"

Anubis turned around and softly petted Astro on his head. "You can drop all the honorifics. I know they would get boring and repetitious for such a cute slave as you. Just call me Anubis? Except your friend, "You" had better learn some manors ! Hmph....if you're considered a noble in your land then it must be a land of wicked barbarians and brute beasts. To answer your question Tat-Wan, we are going to my dressing chamber so I can be less reveling and I can find something to make you more cute."

Atlas was steaming mad over his radio...."I'll cute this K-9 ass hole. I'll fist his fucken tail hole apart!"

"That Jealously is gonna get us both torn apart? Ix-nay on the piss-bay." Astro pleaded back over the radio.

"The first time he makes a fucken pass at you Astro....I'm gonna...." Atlas snapped over the radio

"Drop it for now!" Astro yelped back over the radio. "We don't know what we're even dealing with here yet so just play with it all right?"


Day 5

Astro and Atlas watched as Anubis slipped a golden thong adorned with blue sapphires and a large red diamond around and between his legs. He took a moment to model it for Astro...

"Does this touch your senses?" He asked.

Astro smiled back. " look wonderful. I must admit you look powerful even for your size...powerful and regal." Astro acted and looked effeminate which did much to calm Anubis into malable putty as he selected a decorative thong for Astro to wear...

"May I have something with more substance than this sheet Great Anubis?" Atlas asked...though he had to fight the urge to want to kick the shit out of the animal or whatever this was...

"See?" Anubis replied. "A little respect will do wonders for you Tat-Wan. Of course you won't wear the same thing reserved for this slave."

Anubis offered Atlas a simple waist wrap Egyptian male skirt that extended to his knees...

"Good thing we didn't wear our boots." Atlas said by radio to Astro. "If he'd destroyed my favorite boots I would have lost it." Atlas then snickered visually. "With that thong? You're hot too fuck."

"Keep it flaccid wise ass." Astro snorted back by radio.

As for himself. Anubis put on ankle and wrist bracelets of solid gold. He then removed a traditional Egyptian Nemis head dress colored in light blue and gold stripes from a head mount in a corner of the room and played with it on his head till it felt right...

"I must confess with some surprise the look of your garments when I first saw you and this slave Tat-Wan. Their design is certainly foreign to my eyes." Anubis said to Atlas. "What is the name of your home land?"

"Japan" lord Anubis.

"Jah.....pan?" Anubis replied. "A curious name." Anubis said as he led Astro and Atlas up to the room above his sleeping chamber...

"Astro?" Atlas asked over the radio. "Have you called Doctor Awash?"

"No." Astro replied. "And right now I don't intend to. We have to find out what we can about Anubis before we do anything rash....or do you want the Egyptian Army to come here and start some real crazy shit?"

Walking into the artifacts room above Anubis's sleeping chamber, Astro and Atlas watched the anthro-morphic wolf poke around the various objects, stopping to pick up and feel his sword as if it were a lost child...

"Mmmmm....Merab-tee my faithful friend...mmmmm...." Anubis place his sword aside with care and took up the Onix shield with the large Ank cross on the surface..."Ahura-Tee....long has it been my trusty companion. Again you and I are one."

Astro approached slowly..."The shield is most elegant."

Anubis smiled...."Yes....both were named after two young boys I was most fond of...more than just love actually...Merab, who was curious and full of wisdom for being so young and Ahura, adventurous and not afraid of anything. Our times together were great joy. Ahura was a noble's son and Merab the child of a great warrior who sacrificed himself regardless that I myself could not be hurt. For that, I owed him to care for his son."

For a moment...the memories, whatever they were, seemed to trouble Anubis and he made haste to change the subject. "Oh! Now I remember where I put that." The Wolf said with a finger wag as he moved to an alabaster jar and took off the material that sealed it. From it he removed a multi-colored neck-lass which he dangled before Astro....

"A slave need not go un-adorned. Especially one I find as sweet in appearance as a delicate fruit on a bountiful tree full of flowers..."

Astro sighed...."Ummm....really Great Anubis...I could not...."

Anubis smiled as he started to place the neck-lass around Astro's neck. "No.... I insist you do."

The whole scene, in fact the whole way Anubis was coming onto Astro was making Atlas mad and hot as a steam engine about to blow the safety valve....

"Astro?" Atlas warned by radio. "This is going to reach a point where I'm not gonna give a flying fuck about...."Getting all the information."

Astro yelped back over the radio. "Calm down? I know exactly when to stop ok? This is important!"

"Don't you tell me to fucken calm down!" Atlas snapped back by radio.

Visibly Atlas shook..."Excuse me....excuse me ok? I need some air."

Anubis snorted. "I didn't say you could go any where?"

Astro quickly waved his hands...."My former master needs a little time to himself...please lord Anubis? Please?"

Anubis waved a hand. "You have my leave to go...but I hold your word, you had better return."

Atlas turned around and stormed off to the main floor of the temple cussing and swearing a storm.

Astro turned to look at Anubis and he seemed to understand..."You may go and see to his needs. I won't interfere."

Astro reached out and slowly felt Anubis's fur..."You need to be groomed. Your fur is very dry. May I?"

Anubis smiled. "I would be thankful."

Astro walked up the stairs to the main floor and found Atlas sitting against a wall brooding with anger...

"Hi." Astro said as he walked up and stooped down. "Atlas? Talk to me? Please?"

Atlas looked over at the stairs then at Astro. "I'm alright. I feel like the red robot on Rockem Sockem Robots right now,but I'll be alright....though I really am fucken pissed. That piece of shit mutt beats me up and then he's trying to take my boyfriend..."

Astro put his hand on Atlas's leg..."I won't let him take me from you, I promise you...but we need to know what we're dealing with here." Astro leaned in and gave Atlas a soft kiss..."Please? Bear with all this? Its' important."

Atlas sighed...."It's just that...I mean this is so crazy! That can't be Anubis?! I've tried to run two body scans on "that" and I can't get anything from it! Maybe "Star Gate" isn't a crazy idea after all? The Egyptian gods are made up myths! Some one's playing a "fuck fuck" game of some kind you know?"

Astro sat down and put an arm around his upset lover..."If I have to play around a little to get the answers out of him? Can you promise me that you'll trust me?" Astro softly kissed Atlas on his cheek. "You know you're my love, my only compatible lover...don't you?"

Atlas sighed..."I've learned to trust you so far....sometimes pulling my own hair out in the process from some of your crazy shit? but...sigh....I swear if he crosses my red line? I will fuck him up. Egyptian god or not." Atlas sad as he reached up and ran his fingers over Astro's face...

"You know what?" Atlas asked.

"What?" Astro replied.

"That thong he gave you sure says "Fuck me." all over it." Atlas said smiling.

"Oh you!" Astro snorted as he gave Atlas an arm slap. "I better get back to my "master" before he gets angry."


Day 5

Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Istanbul, Turkey

The guard at the main gate of the embassy compound saw the sedan coming down the street and turn towards his post. He placed his hand on his side arm and put his hand up to signal the car to come to a stop...

"Good evening Sir. The hour is late, the Embassy operations are closed." The guard said.

The short and stocky driver produced his identity card and pass port. "I am Mister Khashoggi from the Washington Post. It is imperative that I see the Ambassador at once. It is a most urgent matter. I called the Embassy six hours ago and they know I am coming. Please call?"

The guard dialed on his call box phone, spoke to the front desk official, then turned to Khashoggi..."You may proceed. The Ambassador will see you."

"Thank you." Jamal replied as he drove up to the front of the three story building in the compound and parked. He stopped in getting out of the car to pat his shirt pocket where the zip drive was. It's importance made him nervous as he slowly walked at first towards the front door...

Khashoggi saw a man standing outside the door dressed in a blue rain coat against the current inclement weather and gave him a slight wave of a hand as he went inside. The man said nothing back, only pulled out his smart phone to look at the screen and tap a button.

Jamal approached the front desk...."Mister Khashoggi to see Minister Ahzani?"

"Yes. The Ambassador has been advised of your arrival." The desk man said as he waved to another man who was standing in the reception lobby. "Mister Socari will take you up."

Jamal said thankyou to the desk man and followed Socari to the elevator and up to the third floor where they entered the anti-room to the Ambassador's office.

"The Minister will be here in a few minutes Sir. Make yourself comfortable please?" Socari said as he bowed slightly.

"Most appreciated." Jamal replied. He sat down nervously tapping his chair arms then as if he wanted to make sure he had some assurance of security...he activated his apple wrist watch which began to record and send out a running audio file to his fiance's email server.

Moments later, the door to the anti-room opened and a man walked in dressed in a business suit. Jamal stood up to greet him...

"Minister...thank you for your time and I am sorry to be here at such a late hour but I have very urgent matters to discuss with you..."

Jamal didn't get to finish. The man whipped a 9 Millimeter silenced hand gun from behind his back....shot Jamal point blank in the center of the chest three times and then a single shot into his forehead! Jamal Khashoggi was dead before he hit the floor...

Another man, one more portly in stature broke into the room in shock... "DAMN YOU!" He snapped. "ARE YOU MAD?! YOU WERE NOT TO KILL HIM HERE!"

The shooter turned his pistol on the Ambassador's face. "Shut up if you don't want to join him too?"

The gunman pulled out a small radio from his coat as he rifled through Jamal Khashoggi's clothes and pulled the zip drive from his shirt pocket. "I have what he brought. Send the cleaning team up to the Ambassador's office." The shooter said as he picked up his spent shells and began to take his pistol apart...

The Ambassador was no doubt pissing himself as he stood nervously watching as other men began to enter the office...."This was insane! You were not supposed to kill him here? Do you realize this building could be tapped?"

"Just say he came for a short visit and left. And stop being so nervous or you will bring attention down upon yourself. Our team will handle the clean up so it looks like nothing happened." The shooter and the Ambassador watched as several men wrapped Khashoggi in linen sheets, then a plastic body bag and then another bag before taking the body out of the office...

"What will you do with the body?" The Ambassador asked the shooter.

"None of your concern." The shooter replied. "Your only concern at the moment is "not" becoming like him. I would advise you to get your act together and keep your fool mouth shut."

end of part 4

Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 5

_ **Astro boy and the buried boner** _ **( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures** **( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions** **( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist** **( boy/boy, boy/African golden...

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Star Trek /Astro Boy: Paw Print

** STAR TREK** Explorer Pilot Episode " **Paw Print"** Star Trek © Gene Rodenberry Astro Boy, Kimba © Osamu Tezuka All Rights Respected **Act I.** **Opening in black** **Font in white fades in/fades out:** In Memory of Daniel Neil Elsberry...

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Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 3: Astro Boy fan fiction

_ **Astro boy and the buried boner** _ **( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures** **( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions** **( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist** **( boy/boy, boy/African golden...

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