A Brand New You (9/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#9 of A Brand New You

A few weeks after his trip to the New You Spa things began to get strange to the rubber snow leopard, seeing a glimpse of a life that wasn't his own... at least he didn't think it was.

Newlyn is spikester

Edited by texotic, he has a tip jar if you would like to support his efforts in helping me edit! He does this for me voluntarily so anything you can throw his way would be greatly appreciated! https://www.paypal.me/Texotic

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The second the two latex creatures got out of Marlene's office they were on one another, their bodies squeaking together as they embraced in a passionate kiss. The two continued for a while before they finally broke apart, both felines panting slightly as they looked at one another. "So shall we head back to your room or mine?" Newlyn asked, only to tilt his head when a grin came over Samantha's face.

"Actually..." Samantha said as she looked over at the spa doors in the atrium. "She did say that we were the guests of the spa, I don't see why we can't start enjoying ourselves right now. What do you think, we could have the whole place to ourselves."

Though Newlyn wondered about drawing the potential ire of the owner he had to admit it would be curious to see what it would look like being in the spa when no one was around. They went up to the doors and found them to be unlocked, the two latex creatures slipping inside before closing them as they entered. They found that without the noise of the other employees and the equipment they used the entire area had an almost ghostly quality to it, especially as the moon shined with its pale life overhead. Though Newlyn wasn't sure where to go first it appeared his partner had an idea as they made their way through the honeycomb of hallways.

When they finally got closer to their destination the latex snow leopard finally realized where they were going and a small grin formed on his muzzle as they pushed their way through the door to the liquid rubber pool. "Very nice touch," Newlyn said as Sam giggled, moving over to one of the panels that hung on the wall near it. "This is where our new lives first began... feels like ages ago even though it's been only a few weeks."

"I thought that this would be a fitting place to celebrate restarting out new lives since this is where it happened the first time," Samantha said with a grin. "Now why don't you get yourself more comfortable while I grab us something to drink so we can really kick this celebration off."

"You're really taking some liberties on this whole being guests thing, aren't you?" Newlyn replied, the rubber cheetah just winking before she walked back off through the doorway. With him now alone with the bubbling pool of liquid latex he decided to go ahead and do exactly what he been told to do. The warm, thick liquid felt refreshing from the second he stepped in it, the substance tingling against his synthetic skin while he sank down deeper into it. He covered himself up to his neck and took a moment to dunk himself completely before surfacing once more.

After the latex snow leopard swam over to the edge of the large pool he noticed something peculiar that was happening; it appeared that his familiar pattern of rosettes and coloration were floating on the surface of the latex, leaving a trail that disappeared a few moments later. At first he thought the color was bleeding off of his body, but when he wiped the thick liquid off of his arm he found that the pattern was still there. That's when he saw the liquid where he had sloughed off the material on his arm move slightly while he wiggled his fingers, almost mimicking his actions before it disappeared completely. Curious, Newlyn dipped his hand under the surface and brought it up, then as he concentrated on it he took the rubber and slid it off his skin while concentrating on it.

To Newlyn's surprise not only did he still have some control over the rubber but it even managed to retain his shape and continued to shadow his movements until he lost his concentration and it melted. As he looked around he realized that his already synthetic body must react with the liquid rubber pool in a new and unusual way. With another test he submerged his hand completely and left it down there, then surprised himself by creating a hand out of the surface of the water and wiggling it with his fingers while they were still a few inches beneath it. With a bit of concentration and thought he managed to get it to wiggle... and that brought up a number of ideas as a devious smirk crossed his muzzle.

About twenty minutes later Samantha came back with a bottle of champagne in one hand and two glasses in the other. "Sorry about the wait, didn't think they would hide their booze that well..." the latex cheetah said before she looked around and realized that she was alone. "Newlyn? You around?"

When there was no response the rubber feline just shrugged and went over to the pool herself, thinking that perhaps he went to the bathroom. She quickly sank down to her waist in the pool and waded over to the deeper side while still keeping the bottle and glasses out of the rubber. When she got to the other side and put them down she stopped just short of popping open the bottle as she began to feel something pass around her legs. At first she thought it might have been the current of the pool shifting, but when something began to slide in between her and the wall she knew it was something else entirely, especially when the snow leopard muzzle broke the surface of the liquid and rose up.

"Took you long enough," Newlyn replied as he rose to eye level and wrapped his arms around her. "Beginning to think you forgot about me."

"I had a similar thought when I came back and didn't see you here," she responded after a quick kiss. "Thought that you might have gotten cold feet and went back to the room, glad that I reasoned otherwise. Now are you going to let me pop this cork?"

"I was thinking of popping something else," Newlyn said as he rubbed his chest up against the nipples of those luscious breasts. The cheetah purred in delight as their muzzles met once more, kissing one another deeply and let their rubber tongues slide over one another. Sam could feel the synthetic maleness of the snow leopard throb against her thigh while his paws continued to rub up and down her back.

Her arousal soon turned to surprise, though, as she felt another pair of hands reach around from her back and cup her breasts, playing with them as she turned her head around to see who had joined them. Her eyes widened when she turned to see another Newlyn behind her, the second latex snow leopard kissing her before she could have a chance to say anything while the one in front of her kissed down her neck. When the copy began to sandwich her with the other Newlyn their bodies felt identical, down to the way they shivered in the same fashion as she pulled one hand back and reached around to grab the second creature's rear. When they finally did separate Sam panted, catching her breath while the two still nibbled and licked on her.

"I see you learned a lot from our experience here..." she finally managed to say as both Newlyns chuckled. "How on earth were you able to replicate yourself, though? And not only that, but to the extent that I can't tell which one is the real you."

"I learned a few things about this pool of latex while waiting for you to come back," The Newlyn in front replied. "And yeah, I did take a lesson or two from our time here. Who would have thought that I would learn so many things from this place?"

Samantha laughed and then got a coy look on her face, and when she did both Newlyn's looked at each other in confusion as the cheetah slipped down beneath the surface. It wasn't long before she felt her hand slide against his erect cock and the head slipped into the folds of her snatch. His body tremored with pure pleasure as her latex walls pressed against him. The cheetah's girl tail remained above the surface of the liquid rubber as it swirled around the air. As the real Newlyn let out a moan his clone suddenly did the same, not from the pleasure that the original was feeling, but also because Sam had slid her maw up and down the other latex length.

The two Newlyns had the rubber cheetah between them and their cocks stuffed both of her orifices. She rocked expertly between the two males to the point where all they could do was stand there and grunt as their rubber rods were pleasured. Their hands grabbed against her head and hips to help guide her as they began to thrust their hips forwards in response to the stimulation. As their sexual escapades continued Newlyn quickly became lost in the lust, the liquid rubber sloshing between the two males while the cheetah remained underneath the surface.

Suddenly Newlyn began to feel something strange... but not with his own body. The bizarre sensation actually came from the rubber copy that he had created. At first he thought it was just from the tongue that was swirling around his dick, but the more they continued the more he began to feel a disconnection from it. As they continued their rutting Newlyn no longer felt in control of his clone, but it didn't melt down into the ooze just like the other times that he had experimented with it.

Newlyn suddenly began to see something shift in the latex coloration, starting at the waist the grey latex turned to yellow and the patterning became spotted. As the masculine features of the snow leopard began to dissolve away Samantha suddenly popped back up, her snatch still pressed firmly against his member as she managed to twist her body so that she was facing him. "What did you do?" Newlyn asked as he saw the rubber body of the feline behind her continue to subtly shift, watching his clone's chest swell with breasts similar to the ones pressed against him. "You took over my clone?"

"It's my rubber doll now," Samantha replied with a smirk as she wrapped her legs around his body, burying his cock deeper into her pussy to get him to groan. The intense pleasure caused him to take his eyes off of the other body in the pool, though just before he had seen his facial features morphing into hers. As he turned his attention to the female cheetah in front of her he could still feel the other doll moving his way around to the other side of him, though any pretense of having it be female or him had been completely washed away by the cheetah's features. Though Newlyn was curious on what was going on with the clone, Sam kept his attention completely on her while pushing her hips down as far as possible on his member.

As the now rubber cheetah clone moved behind him it quickly became apparent that not everything had become female, feeling a rubber cock similar to his own pushing up between his cheeks. "All things considered you should have seen this one coming," Samantha purred in his ear as her duplicate hand grabbed his hip with one hand while the other one guided that throbbing member towards his tailhole. "I Figure while we could have fun with two holes, it would be much more fun going in with something to take you from both ends, all things considered I didn't think you would mind."

Newlyn grinned sheepishly, though that quickly turned to a moan as he felt the head of what was essentially his own dick pushed into him. While he had lost control of it there was still a residual sense of feeling that he had, causing a surreal sensation as Sam moaned as well. The clone rubbed her muzzle against and licked his neck as Newlyn continued to kiss the original cheetah with even more passion. Though the pleasure had already been intense with the rubber feline sliding up and down on his cock it tripled when he was penetrated as well, with every inch sliding into his rear causing him to shudder.

The latex snow leopard felt his eyes starting to roll back into his head from the pure lust as he was double teamed while also feeling a shadow of sensation from the member that was being pushed into him. There was nothing that he could do, the cheetahs had him pinned between those pillowy breasts as Sam controlled the tempo of their mating. Newlyn's head was swimming in pure bliss as they took him, the latex pool sloshing around them until finally the two caused him to climax hard. If no one knew that they were there it was clear now as he let out a loud shout from the force of his orgasm, squeezing Sam hard as he thrusted in as deeply as he could before he unloaded into her.

After they had finished Newlyn felt the rubber clone melt behind him, some of it continuing to caress his body in a strangely pleasing fashion even as it dripped down his body to rejoin the rest of it in the pool. "Well that was certainly quite the start," Newlyn said as he leaned back against the wall after Sam dismounted him. "I think if we weren't caught by now they either don't care or have no security."

"Probably the former in all honesty," Samantha replied as she went back to the previously forgotten bottle and popped it open, pouring each of them a glass before handing one to Newlyn. "Although this is a lot of fun we probably should think about sleeping soon, now that we've had our fun here we don't want to be tired when all the rest of the people are here."

Newlyn nodded, but together they continued to sit and relax in the rubber pool while they drank while the night wore on. It wasn't until the moon had started to slip past the skylights and disappear once more, the waning pale light causing the two to realize the time. By this point they had finished the entire bottle and were slightly tipsy, the two helping each other out of the thick liquid that sloughed easily off of their synthetic bodies. While they made their way back to the atrium to go to their rooms they found something that caused them to be interested, an area that appeared to be made specifically for rubber creatures that was still under construction as they poked their heads in.

"Looks like we're a growing market," Newlyn commented as they decided to walk inside, looking around and checking out the various objects in the room. "This whole area looks like it was made specifically for latex creatures... wonder just how many of us are out there right now."

"Or how many want to be us," Samantha added as she pressed her breasts up against a rubber cylinder, moaning slightly as she began to feel a pleasant tingle reverberate her whole chest. "I wonder if you can get a season pass here? I would definitely buy one."

Newlyn chuckled and agreed before moving further in, seeing an area where it looked like they were going to move the vac-beds before he found something that caused him to pause. It was a large capsule that looked like one of the sensory deprivation pods except that it was completely empty save for a gel lining that actually looked rather comfortable. When he was done examining the inside he looked around before spying the control console and walked over to it. It was already booted up and ready to go surprisingly, likely they had just got done testing it or something because it had the words ready for subjects blinking on it.

After poking the screen a few times and getting no response Newlyn called Sam over for her to investigate it as well. Almost immediately the rubber cheetah remarked on the rather large tank for such a simple machine and wondered if it was for couples to experience sensory deprivation together, though even that didn't make sense to them. As a result of her curiosity she hopped into the tank and laid down in it, seeing that she had more than enough room for her and at least one more person. When she patted the other side of the tank and beckoned him forward to sit down next to him. Though he was a bit unsure he found himself climbing in the roomy cylinder and found the purring cheetah rubbing on his chest.

Before they could do anything; however, an electronic voice suddenly came over the speakers that were inside the machine. "Subjects detected," the voice said as the lid of the chamber suddenly closed over them, trapping the two inside. "Commencing treatment."

"Well I don't know about all this..." Newlyn said as he tried to wiggle around to check out the other side of the cylinder to see if there was something he could use to open the chamber, only to have his arm give way underneath him which caused him to fall forward against the side of the tank. "What the hell?" Newlyn pushed away from the glass and once he did he found that his muzzle that had been squished up against the side had not reverted back to its usual configuration. "Sam... is something happening to you, too?"

When she didn't respond Newlyn turned around gasped in shock as he saw the reason why she couldn't respond. Her entire head had begun to droop like it was made of wax, her mouth no longer even able to be seen anymore as she tried to put her hands up to keep the shape of her muzzle. When Newlyn tried to speak again he found that his already deformed muzzle had suffered a similar fate, but unlike the cheetah when he tried to bring up his free hand to stop it from sagging he found the limb he had rolled on had merged with the rest of his body. Though it was bizarre to watch as the cheetah's body continued to deflate, her breasts sagging and merging into the growing puddle of yellow, white, and black latex, neither of them were freaking out since they weren't in any pain and they were pretty positive that the spa would at the very least keep them from dying.

Of course that still didn't stop the pang of anxiety from forming in his stomach, though that quickly became more of an abstract theme as his chest spread out over the growing pool of latex that was their two bodies. It started to have a feeling similar to the rubber that they had just gotten out of themselves, except now instead of just having the pool surrounding them the liquid was completely them as it filled up over more than a few inches. At this point it became hard for either of the felines to keep their heads above the surface as they looked at each other as best they could while their limbs continued to mix together.

"Latex liquefaction at eighty percent," the computerized voice once more announced to the two as what remained of their bodies shifted. "Begin pressurization and homogenization process."

Almost immediately Newlyn felt his ears pop as the pressure inside the tank increased, though it was weird since he saw his rounded rubber ears floating next to him before completely liquefying. Though their skin patterns had only been slightly bleeding into one another a sudden current that came up from underneath them began to mix the colors completely, leaving them in a slurry of silver, gold, and black. Newlyn attempted to keep watching but his already mostly-submerged head sunk below the rising liquid rubber surface and finally merged with the rest of his already liquidated body.

What came about next was... something that he had not expected. It was similar to the feeling of being in an actual sensory deprivation tank except that it was far more intense than before. The sensation of his entire body being spread out among the tank and having no end would be amplified from the fact that he really had no form anymore, he thought to himself as he let his consciousness shift about. What really surprised him, though, was the feeling of another presence in his floating emptiness, hearing Sam's thoughts as she no doubt was doing the same thing that he was. The two were easily able to communicate with one another as they shared essentially the same form, though that same form was their liquid bodies being sloshed around in the tank, feeling every eddy and current that rolled through them.

Time had no meaning for them anymore, without their ability to move or even really feel anything of substance they were able to turn their combined attentions inwards. It was almost zen-like in a way, the two of them spending long stretches in silence just enjoying the extreme intimacy of each other's company as they remained a rubber slurry in the tank. It wasn't long, though, before their extended tranquility came to an end, feeling the jarring sensation of their thoughts pulling away from each other as the currents began to increase in the cylinder. As it happened he began to feel a sensation similar to when he molded the latex in the pool, except it was his body as he felt his fingers break the surface of the liquid and reach out into the air.

Newlyn gasped slightly despite not needing to as he found his head rise up as well, even though the air went nowhere since his throat and chest were still forming. Even though he continued to form out of the rubber it never dripped, the grey, black, and white forming exactly where it needed to as he absorbed his own material. He had half-expected to come out of the tank with cheetah spots or breasts but it appeared that he was coming out the exact same way that he went in. A glance over to the side that Sam was having a similar revelation, squeezing her breasts as they reformed on her chest while they continued to absorb the rubber into their bodies.

"Your treatment is complete," the electronic voice said as the pod door opened once they were completely back to their old, solid selves. "Have a nice day." When the two stepped out of the pod they saw that the night had disappeared, replaced with a bright sun that hung overhead as they looked around the area. When Newlyn checked the clock he realized that they had been in a state of suspended animation for over four hours, bringing them right into the morning where the other employees had no doubt already come in for their shifts.

At first the two latex creatures wondered if their foray into the spa at night might have gone unnoticed, but that thought quickly went out the window as they saw a rubber lizardman waiting for them outside of the new wing with a grin on his face. "Welcome back," he said as the two looked at one another sheepishly at being caught. "Dr. Quaros wanted me to be here when the machine was finished so that I could guide you on the rest of your day like you've done for your clients while you were here. My name is Cameron and we have quite the day for you, though I'm sure given your past experiences it may be a bit more mundane than what you're used to."

All three of them giggled a bit at the implication as the two followed the latex lizardman back into the spa proper. It turned out that they did have quite the day planned out for them, and together the two enjoyed traditional spa treatments like massages and seaweed wraps and mud baths. There were also more specialized treatments as well, such as a hot oil treatment for their synthetic skin and a compression treatment that seemed to reverberate through his entire body. The only thing they didn't have happen to them that happened to all the others, which was getting transformed into what they believed their ideal form would be. Of course that wouldn't be the case, Newlyn thought to himself as he laid in the steam room, he and Sam already had what they considered to be the best bodies they could have.

"Makes you kind of wonder," Sam said as she leaned back and let the drops of condensation roll down her synthetic skin. "We've done this all the time this week and had a lot of time being a perfect mate for other people, so what I'm wondering is if you could change anything about me, would you do it? I know that we're going to be together for longer than just today, but if you had a species that would be perfect, what do you think it would be?"

"I like you just the way you are," Newlyn replied, causing Samantha to chuckle.

"Good answer," Sam replied. "And I feel the same, but hear me out. Besides a rubber cheetah, if I could have any form, what would you want it to be? Or really just think of any form that you might think was sexy."

Newlyn thought about it for a while and thought about what he would like and he suddenly got the image of a rubber dragoness similar to one that she was earlier. When he looked back up to tell her what it was he was surprised to find rubber scales already spreading on her arms and chest, even down to the color that he had imagined as she began to giggle. "I knew it," she said as Newlyn lost the mental image and her body reverted back to its normal form. "I had an idea while we were drifting around in that melting pot thing that we were in earlier, if we both were thinking of one another as a client or something like that then we can manipulate those nanites or whatever that are in our bodies."

"That's amazing," Newlyn said as she rubbed the areas where the scales had been. "I want you to do me now."

"What makes you think that I haven't started yet?" Samantha replied with a wink and grin. Newlyn quickly looked at himself and saw that she had changed something about him already, his normally thin ropy tail much fluffier as it transformed into a canine tail. When he ran his fingers through it he felt that it was made of rubber just like he had gotten before with the werewolf.

As the rubber fur continued to spread up his back he began to feel his feet twist and change as well, only it was not what he had been expecting. Much to his surprise his toes began to merge together until they formed into a heavy reptilian paw, the black toenails turning into heavy talons like a dragon while scales spread everywhere. As he stood up in the steam room he wobbled slightly on his new stance, and when he looked back he saw that he was still transforming into a canine behind him. The latex fur quickly crept up his neck and the back of his head, his ears growing pointed while his thighs grew with rubber scales like Samantha and thickened considerably.

"How are you so good at this?" Newlyn asked as he continued to shift from latex snow leopard to a canine and draconic hybrid. "This is amazing."

"I'm glad you liked," Samantha replied as she went forward. "Now I want you to try again on me, but I'm going to be providing you with a bit of distraction. Why don't you go ahead and give it a shot now."

It soon became clear what the rubber cheetah meant by distraction as she began to stroke his cock, which had begun to thicken and lengthen into something more fitting with his draconic lower body. Even though Sam had made it hard to focus with the muzzle and tongue nuzzling the incredibly sensitive rubber flesh of his transforming member he still managed to keep it long enough in order to see her back start to shift. Even when she put her muzzle to engulf the tip of his maleness the latex continued to warp and distort as two lumps grew out of it. It wasn't long until the shifting latex grew into a rainbow pattern while forming into feathers on the pair of wings that she flapped experimentally.

The two latex creatures began a frenzy of sex and transformation in that sauna, the two continuing to change one another as they explored the new ability that had been given to them. Around the third time that he had Sam bent over, which was right after she had done the same to him, he suddenly remembered that all this was because he was an employee at the spa. Would they still be able to do something like this even after they left, he thought to himself, or would they lose such a power after they walked out of those doors? Another squeeze from the walls of the female beneath him, though, quickly brought him back to the present and they continued another round.

Eventually Cameron knocked on the door and the two moved on to the next item on their day, which turned out to be lunch as they ate with the latex lizardman. "Hey Cameron," Sam asked, the lizardman bringing his head up to look at her. "I was wondering if you could do something for me. I know it might seem odd, but if you could imagine me as your ideal mate what would that look like?"

It was clear to Newlyn what she was asking and as the lizardman began to describe his ideal partner the latex snow leopard watched with interest to see if she would also start to change. After about a minute; however, it was clear that the power was related only to each other or their clients, which after a moment he realized that it was a bit strange to still think of them like that. When the two finished their lunch and moved on to an aromatherapy treatment Newlyn asked Cameron what it was like to be a permanent employee in the care of the spa.

"It's one of the best jobs that I ever had," Cameron replied as he sipped on his drink. "I was a masseur for the gym that's a few blocks away when one of the people that came in frequently told me about this place. I've been here for about a month now and wouldn't even think of going somewhere else."

"Sounds like you got a good gig here," Sam replied. "Do you... know what happens to your clients here? Do you notice that they are different leaving than when they come in?"

"Of course," Cameron replied with a chuckle. "You know we had a poll going whether or not you two would ask any of us if we experienced the same things that you do while you were working here. I was actually one of the workers that was here when you two came in, right when they installed that machine that alters the realities of people that were here... honestly when Dr. Quaros told us the concept none of us believed her, but the more times we do it the more we realize that we got something great going on here."

Newlyn just nodded and relaxed back in the comfy chair he had been given, letting his mind process everything that he was just told. Part of him realized that he was just trying to come to grips with the fact that once this day in the spa was over this would likely be it, both he and Sam would move on with their lives once more and this time they would remember exactly what had happened here. It wasn't like the others who had no idea that they came in as an overworked male German Shepard and came back out a female fox yoga instructor. They were going to remember all of it, even his former life as Altrus the fox when they were done.

Just before they were going to move on to their next treatment, though, they were stopped by a familiar face, the draconic sabrewolf stopping them before they moved on. "Hey you two," Serathin said with a grin as he stopped them. "How are you two doing on your day on the other side of the spa?"

"Enjoying it very much," Newlyn replied with a smile. "Are you having a spa day as well?"

"Nah, nothing like that," Serathin replied with a dismissive wave. "I don't do anything that alters reality, I do that enough on my own. I'm still just observing you guys and how things work around here. Oh, also the good doctor wanted me to inform you that you guys will be heading out soon and that she'll let you know when she's ready to receive you."

"Thanks for the heads up, Serathin," Sam said.

"Well that's not the only reason that I have for seeking you out before your final meeting," the sabrewolf said as he held out a card to each of them. "Since reality has such a loose grip on you now I wanted to invite you to the SHIFT Institute sometime in order to have a follow-up chat. You guys have a spawned a number of dimensional eddies here and I would love to have a chance to study you guys up close. I'll even throw in lunch."

"You're too kind," Newlyn replied with a smirk.

"Don't mention it," Serathin stated. "It'll be nice to have you back again."

"Again?" Newlyn suddenly realized. "What do you mean by that?"

"What?" Serathin said as he quickly seemed to become preoccupied with something else. "Anyway, you two continue to have fun and I'll see you all later when you have your exit interview! I have more things to check on before the day is out."

The two rubber creatures just shrugged and continued on with Cameron to the next treatment, wondering just what that final interview would be...