End of Day Chapter 2

Story by Vampire Panther on SoFurry

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#1 of In the End

Here's chapter 2 of my In The End series, enjoy

"What makes you say that, Maria?" Zach asked getting curious

"Listen, rookie. The world has been overruned by these things, the human, fur, and animal race has been driven to the brink of extinction." Maria explained to Zach as if he were a cub.

"But what are those things?" Zach questioned her again.

"I'll tell you later when we get back to the others." Maria said as she cocked her shotgun, "follow me, rookie." She walked down the hall, before Zach took a step forward. He took one last look at the black serpent and followed her. As they made they're way through the abandoned base, Maria would check her motion tracker for any movement besides her's and Zach's. Zach was watching the rear making sure nothing would sneak up on them, aiming the pulse rifle in different directions.

"If I remember correctly the elevator shaft should be just down this hall." Maria takes a left with Zach right behind her, still watching the rear, "Permission to speak, ma'am."

Maria sighs, "What is it rookie?"

"How is it, that you know all this?"

Maria stops, and turns to look to him, "Because, I've been a part of it." She said with a hint of sadness in her voice, but she kept a hard expression on her face.

"I'm sorry, you feel that way."

"Let's just drop it, Zach and get the hell out of here." She said, as she went back to walking to the elevator shaft. Zach continued to follow her, when they reached it. Maria pulled out a hacking device and opened the elevator control panel, and plugged it in, "Welcome to hacking 101, rookie."

Zach lowers his weapon and watches Maria push three button and on the screen it showed 'Hacking In Progress.'

"Now we wait, till it's done." Maria leans on the wall, then her motion tracker start's beeping. She picks it up and ;ooks at it.

"What is it?" Zach asked a little nervous.

"We got movement." She get's her shotgun ready, and looks to the motion tracker again, "two of them, fifty meters and closing." Zach aims his pulse rifle down the narrow hallway, as did Maria. The motion tracker beep louder and louder, with each passing second. Maria checked it again, "25 meters."

Zach tightend his grip on the gun, waiting for something to come out, until two rat's crawled buy. They looked at each other and lowered their weapons. The hacking device finished hacking and Maria pulled it out, and the elevator doors opened. And two black drones were standing before them. Zach raised his weapon to fire, but he was quickly hit in the head by it's tail, knocking him out.

Maria raised her shotgun and fired both barrels at them, killing them. They're blood splattering all over the elevator eating through the metal. She cocked the shot gun and looked to Zach's laid out body, she sighed and said, "rookies." Maria shoulders her shotgun and the pulse rifle, and drags him away from the incident.

There's chapter for ya, by Vampire Panther