Healing Love - Chapter 17

Story by Mirron Tenshi on SoFurry

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#17 of Healing Love

Healing Love

Chapter 17: Lonliness

By: Mirron Tenshi

Time goes by. Our lion tries to live with each day his tiger is away, but finds it uneasy. In particular, none of his frieneds are available at the moment. What he really needs are a couple of new friends to ease the pain.

One week's passed. Max is still in Japan and I haven't been able tor reach him for quite a while. None of my emails have gotten through and when I try to call long distance, the phone gets jammed before anyone can answer the phone.

I just got back from work. I stretched as I unbuttoned my chef's jacket. Today was a good day, everything went great in the kitchen. I think I can pretty much look forward to a healthily fat check this month.

The phone rang. I eagarly picked up, hoping it would be Max.


_"Hi Allen." _ It WAS Max. I smiled as I heard his voice, but he sounded sad.

"Hi baby. You sound sad, is something wrong?"

_"Terribly, darling," _ he sighed heavily, _"A blizzard had just hit us. *Badly* The airports are closed indefinately." _ My smiled faded as he said this.


_"I'm so sorry honey." _ I sat down and rubbed my forhead.

"Yeah, me too."

_"Oh honey." _ I heard him sniffle and sigh. My own eyes started to get watery.

"I-Its okay, baby. Don't cry. I love you."

_"*Sniff* I love you t--kkkkggggggghhhhhh!! - Beep Beep Beep --" _ The line was cut. A tear ran down my face as I pressed the end button. Indefinately? When the heck could that turn out to be?.

_ _

Three more weeks goes by. Without Max, my energy just wasn't here anymore.

I slumped down on the couch and let out a tired sigh. I moaned quietly as I looked up at the ceiling. Its so empty in my house without Max around. I had completely forgot how quiet it can get when living alone. I took out my cell and dialed Ashley's number.


"Hey Ashley, it's Allen."

"Oh hi Allen. Um, could I call you back? Hehehehe s-stop it, I'm on the phone."

"Ashley?" "

I'm having fun with my boyfriend. Ah hahahahaha I'll talk to you later."

My ears lowered "Oh. Okay. Bye." I closed my phone and reopened it and dialed Rick's number

_"Luitenet Larson here." _

"Hey Rick, it's Allen."

_"Oh Allen. Hey buddy." _ I was disappointed when Rick wasn't available. _"I'm sorry, Allen, but I got double shifts this week." _

"Alright. Bye." I hung up.

None of my friends were available. Even Shiniqua wasn't home. Neither was Jacob. While I was driving, I gave Mr. Felino a call for some hours at the restuarant. _"I'm sorry, Sander, but Celino's is closed for renovations, you know that." _

"Right. Sorry."

I went back home and went into my kitchen and started to make some conollis. Cooking sweets always make me feel better. I felt set to sob at any given moment, even mixing the conolli shells wasn't easing my angiush soon enough. I kept expecting Max to wrap his arms around my chest and nom on one of my ears. I sniffled as I shifted the powdered sugar.

After I put the shells in the fryer, I heard a truck outside. I went to the window and wiped the fog off the glass. My ears perked up as I saw that someone was moving into the house next door. I saw a grey wolf signing a document to a tucan with a uniform and cap when they looked like they had finished taking out the boxes and moving them into the empty house. I smiled as I got back to the kitchen to tend to the sweet cream.

I made my way through the snow as I approached the door. I felt excited, I don't know why, I'm just welcoming them to the neighborhood. They'd probably think I'm weird for doing this, but I feel too lonely to care. I knocked on the door loud and waited, feeling a chill as an icy breeze loomed over. The grey wolf from before answered and looked at me. I took a quick scan of his body. This guy had an excellent build on him. He was wearing a tight tank despite the icy conditions outside, showing his buff torso, he also had icy blue eyes. His face had a few scars at random spots, which sort of intimidated me.

"Hello. May I help you?"

"Hi, my name's Allen Sander. I'm your new next door neighbor and I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood with some conollis." The wolf smiled as he accepted the plate.

"Thank you so much, that's so sweet of you."

"Who is it, honey?" I heard a voice call out. The wolf turned and called back.

"It's our neighbor, come on and meet him!" A light orange fox then came from upstairs and stood beside him, his paw on his shoulder. He was also wearing a thin shirt. He looked alittle slim compared to the wolf. "Ok, I'm Zack Nulson and this is Danny Nulson. Danny, this is Allen Sander." The wolf said as he indicated the fox beside him. I smiled happily as I saw wedding rings on Zack and Danny.

"Nice to meet you, Allen." The fox said as he offered his paw. I shook it. This was going great, I finally have neibors I can relate to.

"Same here."

I thought a moment and spoke up. "Listen, I know you just moved here, but would you want to come over to my house for dinner?" Zack rubbed his chin as he thought about it.

"Sounds great. What time?" Danny said, Zack shrugging and smiling as he kissed Danny's cheek.

"I'm going to take care of the clothes, hun. Thanks again, Allen." Zack smiled as he walked upstairs with the plate. I looked back at Danny.

"How does 6:30 sound?"

"Sounds good. We'll be there." I smiled wider.

"Ok, see you then." I walked off, purring happily, looking forward to dinner with my new friends.


I shut the door when the lion trotted off. I smiled as I climbed up the stairs to help out my hubby. That Allen seems real nice, and from what I can see, he's pretty cute too. Why was he smiling so much for? Ah well, at least we're mankin' new friends.

"Hey, babe, what was that all abou- ! Wowy, hot dog!"

I grinned as I saw my wolfy on the bed, completely nude. I murred as I licked my muzzle, seeing Zack's member completely hard and throbbing, him tenderly rubbing the base and his sac. I felt my own sheath get super hard. I grinned ear to ear as I removed my shirt "Thought you said you were gonna take care of the clothes." Zack grinned as I unbuckled my pants and pulled them down along with my boxers.

"I did." He said a wink "That lion was really cute. Then I started thinking of you in your red g-string. And I didn't want him seeing my hard-on." I smiled as I layed my naked furry body ontop of his, feeling his warm throbbing member on my belly. I made out with my wolf passionately as I played with his hard nips.

He closed his eyes and moaned, his cock leaking pre onto our stomachs. "Suck it now." He instructed between breaths. I murred as I got up and went to his rod. I then wrapped my lips around it and licked the slit of his penis. He moaned out loud as I begun to deep-throat him. I started to bob my head up and down, pleasuring him to no end. "Yeah, Foxy likes it. Foxy likes sucking cock." I moaned a response around his hot dick, letting him know that I do indeed love savoring his meat. "Now ride me like a buffalo." Oh, I love commands in sex. I find dirty talk in bed extremely sexy.

I pulled up from his tasty cock and got into position, his dick rubbing my pucker. I then sat on his meat. He moaned and slapped his paws onto my hips. He bucked his hips into me, bouncing me up and down. I moaned out loud as he pentrated me deeper and deeper. I winced and moaned uncontrollably as he humped me wild! I grabbed my dick and began to jerk off my length. I let my head back and moaned as large amounts of pleasure built up inside me. I rubbed my meat harder and faster as I was bounced up and down, Zack panting and groaning as he approached orgasm. Oh, I am just so hot for him!

He moaned uncontrollably as bucked my rump like a pissed off bull. My eyes went wide as I felt his huge knot slip inside me. I yelped as I slapped my paws on his shoulders as I held on for dear life. When his knot popped out, only to slip back into by loosened ass, him restraining me as he tied with me over and over again, him grunting as he contined to have me fucked. Finally, I felt him fill me up with his hot wolfcum. I groaned at the top of my lungs as his milk overfilled my ass, causing me to shoot my load all over Zack's six-pack. I murred soothingly as I laid myself ontop of him, his member slowly retreating from my tailhole and his sheath. He held me close, wrapping his arms around me, rubbing my bare back up and down slowly. I kissed his muzzle, licking his neck shortly after.

"That felt spectacular, hun." I muttered, talking in between licks, causing him to murr more happily. I then felt his paw on my butt and he softly groped me.

"Muuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr. I will never get tired of your cute little tush." I smiled as he massaged both cheeks.

"Oh baby . . ." I murred and moaned as I closed my eyes as he rejuvinated my rump. "That feels great, don't stop . . ." I sighed as I laid my head on his muscular chest.

"How do you keep your ass fur so soft?" He kissed my nose as he sat us up. "C'mon, lets get cleaned up." I smiled as we both got up and went to the shower.

A few hours later, me and Zack were at Allen's doorstep. Zack had just pushed the doorbell.

"So how do you think he cook's like?" I asked.

"Don't know, love." He replied as he nuzzled and kissed me softly.

"He'll see us, honey." I said as I pushed him a little just as the door was opened. The lion smiled as he let us in.

"Welcom to my place. Dinner'll be ready in 5 so just make yourself at home."

"Wow, five minutes? Why can't I get this one to be on time like that?" I asked as I indicated my husband. Allen chuckled as he went the kitchen. I looked around his pictures and looked at one in particular, feeling Zack's paws on my arms. The picture was Allen carrying a hunk of a tiger on his back, the tiger laughing as he looked like he had just jumped up on Allen "And who's this handsome tiger?" I heard Allen come in and glance at the photo.

"Oh, that's my boyfriend, Max. That was taken during the first month we were dating."

I raised a brow and smiled. "Oh, so you're gay too?" He nodded

"Yep. But I haven't seen him in almost a month." He added sadly as he went back to the kitchen.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. See, his family's in Japan, and his older brother was in an accident and they had to do a transfusion since they share the same rare blood type. And Japan has been hit with by a severe blizzard so the airline's closed." I drooped my ears as I looked at Zack. He nodded as we remembered that urgent news broadcast about Tokyo being punched with an ice storm. "I miss him so much."

"Aw, it's ok Allen, he'll be back before you know it." Zack said in a reassuring manner. Allen had made Sicili pizza for dinner. Oh my God, this is the best pizza I have ever tasted. He was really knew his way with an oven.

"Mmmm, so Allen, what do you do for a living?" He swallowed and responded

"I work as a chef in an Italian gourmet restuarant called Celino's"

"Wow, no wonder."

"So how 'bout you?"

"Well I'm a model photographer. While Zack here's a mechanic."

"Yeah, I'm REALLY good with tools." My wolf said with a wink as he half hugged and nuzzled me. I giggled as Zach rubbed my inner thigh. Allen chuckled as we continued with dinner.

"Well, thank you for the meal Allen. It was delicious."

"Any time, wolfy." Zack smiled as he walked out.

"You go ahead, honey, I'll be there in a minute." I needed Allen for a sec. "Hey, Allen, I need a favor." The tan lion leaned on the doorway.

"What's up?"

"Well, I was wondering. Could you maybe get me and Zack a reservation at Celino's for Valentine's Day?" He blinked as I asked.

"Sure, Dan, I can do that. Buuut, you'll to return the favor." Allen blushed alittle.


"Yes, what day do you have off?"

"Um, Thursday." His eyes were half lidded.

"Good, come back here that day at around two. And bring a digital camera." He smiled seductively as I nervously chuckled and went back home.

I was soon in bed with my hunky hubby and was cuddling with him. "So what took you?" I smiled as He rubbed my arm.

"Business." He grinned as I felt a hard poke on my thigh. I grinned back as I then made out with my wolf.