A Whole New World

Story by Shilvascat on SoFurry

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Three adventurous hyena bois go in search of a lost idol, rumored to be able to grant any desire. For Jaaeke, those desires are rather... extreme. No one seems to mind though.Part 1 of 2 of a commission for Vile_Nihil on FurAffinity! Keep tuned for part 2. I enjoyed writing this one. Posted using PostyBirb

"Think it'll be here?" Rhentin said. The three hyenas crowded around. It looked like a hole in the ground, a medium sized den, roots and all. It might have been any other animal den in the old forest, but this had to be it. The map said so. Only a musky breeze coming from the hole hinted at the caverns within. Small dens didn't have breezes. Rhentin crouched down next to it, leaning in and sniffing. "Smells fine. No gas. Air's kinda fresh, gotta be a way out on the other side." He looked up. "So... what do you guys say?

Rhatash shrugged a bit. "I mean we gotta be careful I guess, but if the map says it's there it has to be."

Jaaeke looked away, biting his lip. "Look guys, I know you really wanna but it's dangerous, and I don't think we should-"

"Oh come on, don't be such a baby!" Rhentin said with a roll of his eyes. Rhatash joined him, groaning. "Just because you look like a wuss doesn't mean you have to act like one!"

Jaaeke flushed red, crossing his arms and stomping on the ground. "L-Look, j-just because I look weak doesn't mean I am! I'm just, y'know, more uh, cautious!" Rhentin raised an eyebrow. Jaaeke whined, covering his mouth and looking away again. "I'm just, okay maybe I'm a little weak... I mean you have all those muscles Rhentin, and I don't have anything! Of course I'm scared, you could take care of yourself, but I can't!"

It was true. Jaaeke was feminine to the point of being mistaken as a female for almost his entire life. Where puberty gave other boys wide shoulders and deep voices, it gave him a wide ass, small chest, and a high pitched, girly voice. It didn't help that Jaaeke refused to do a thing that could be mistaken for manual labor, so his fur was soft and pristine. This was in direct contrast to Rhentin who, though feminine as most hyenas were to a point, had some visible definition and let his fur grow a little ragged to emphasise that. Rhatash came in somewhere in the middle.

Rhentin rolled his eyes and gestured towards the hole. "Look, just go in and you'll be fine. I'll go in front in case anything's in there, Rhatash will go in after to make sure nothing gets you by following us. It'll be worth it, okay? If that idol is really in there, it'll be worth it, and if it isn't, at least you did something cool, right?" Jaaeke sighed and nodded, looking at his feet. "Alright." He said evenly, tracing a circle in the ground with his toe. Satisfied, Rhentin ducked inside and motioned for Jaaeke to follow. The girlish yeen shut his eyes, breathed out once, twice, and almost dove in after the other yeen.

"Fuck, Jaaeke!" Rhentin snapped, pushing Jaaeke off him.

"Sorry, I just didn't want to-"

"Aw, shut it. You're fine, alright?"

Rhatash chuckled, watching the two go at it. "Like a married couple." He murmured, bending down and lowering himself in. He looked around. Narrow, cramped. Smelled like roots. Darkness loomed ahead.

A click in the darkness. Rhentin cursed, a few more clicks, and his flashlight stuttered on. Jaaeke audibly whined and Rhentin kicked behind him gently. "Shut up. Time to get us an idol."

They disappeared into the abyss.

The passage was long and dark, the dirt wet beneath their paws and knees. It was difficult to tell if the passaged winded or not, because they simply felt their way with their shoulders. The flashlight helped no one but Rhentin at the front, though it didn't really help him either. All the cobwebs and roots got in the way, and what should have been clear illumination turned into dancing shadows that obscured more than it was worth. Rhentin knew this, but when he turned it off, Jaaeke squealed and jumped in surprise. A shower of dirt peppered them, but thankfully nothing worse happened.

"Goddamnit, Jaaeke, get your ass together." Rhentin snarled, clicking on the light again. "I'll turn it on if it makes your baby ass feel better." Jaaeke whined and nodded; he did feel better. Rhatash was just happy they stopped; it meant he got to shove his face in Jaaeke's thick ass a little while without him complaining. The yeen knew it was wrong, but he had a huge crush on the femme boy.

Soon the tunnel opened into a vast cavern. It was too dark to see any walls, but as the three boys piled in they could see a beam of light in the distance. Shuffling across the uneven ground, they could see it more clearly. It came from a hole in the roof of the cavern, which was the source of the breeze. It shone down onto a white pedestal of what looked to be carved marble, geometric designs snaking up the sides. They all led to a small divot in the top, and in it sat a small idol. It was about the size of a thumb and looked to be a crude representation of a monkey.

The trio crowded around the pedestal, shouldering each other out of the way to get a closer look. It held a certain hold over them, and each of them had never felt more certain about anything in their lives. Jaaeke and Rhatash both reached towards the idol, but Rhentin knocked their hands away. "Dumbasses." He hissed, though he didn't look away from it. "Could be dangerous... says down here it, uh..." He squinted; his Latin was rusty as hell. "Bestows the worthy their deepest desires." He cocked his head, reaching towards the idol and scooping it up. "Gotta be me, right?"

The trio held their breath, Jaaeke whimpering a bit as they braced themselves for a change. But... nothing. Rhentin blinked, shaking the idol, but nothing. He had no memory of billions of dollars. Nothing had changed at all. "Give me that." Rhatash snapped, yanking it out of the other hyena's hand and holding it close. "You're obviously not worthy, but it's gonna work for me!" Not in a position to protest, Rhentin and Jaaeke both stepped back, bracing themselves.

...nothing. Rhatash blinked, setting the idol down gently. "I thought... I thought for sure I would turn this library into the Library at Alexandria..." If not for the genuinely grieved tone of voice the hyena had, both of the others would have thought he was joking.

"Are you fucking serious?" Rhentin said, snarling a bit as he pushed Rhatash away from the altar. "You were going to fucking waste the idol on a fucking bunch of fucking books?" Rhatash growled, defending his choice, and the two lunged at each other, stumbling a few feet away from the altar.

Jaaeke stared at the idol, completely unaware of the fight going on a few feet away. The idol, it... it called to him. It beckoned him, it found him worthy. He didn't know how he knew but he just knew. Shaking, he slowly reached out his paws and cupped the idol, gingerly lifting it up into the air. He closed his eyes, waiting for his deepest desire to become true; he wanted to be able to sing!

The idol was smarter than that. It sensed the three before they even found out the idol existed. It knew they were coming, it opened up the passage. It knew the base, greedy desires of the other two hyenas, and refused to grant them. It even knew of Jaaeke and what he desired... or thought he desired. But the idol knew better. The idol reached deep down, exploring the femboy's mind, preparing the world for the changes that were about to occur.

Jaaeke blinked, frowning and putting the idol down. "Huh..." He murmured, cocking his head.

The other two stopped their fighting, looking at Jaaeke. "What was it?" Rhentin asked.

"...nothing. Nothing happened. Let's go." Jaaeke said, turning towards the entrance.

Rhentin and Ratash sighed, following the wide hipped hyena towards the exit. "Total waste of time..." Rhentin groused. As they began to crawl, Rhentin in front, Ratash behind, and Jaaeke in the middle, Jaaeke's underwear began to change. The pink silky fabric turned brittle, then plastic. It crinkled and swelled, and soon the femboy had a massive diaper between his legs, crinkling and rustling with each foot they progressed. All the hyenas noticed it, but Rhentin and Ratash dismissed it, unable to see the bulge in the girliest hyena's pants. Jaaeke ignored it as well; after all, he had always worn diapers.

Fresh air and sunlight bathed the trio, and even Rhentin breathed a sigh of relief. "Why does the return journey always feel shorter than the one there?" Jaaeke asked as he brushed dirt from his knees and ass, crinkling his new diaper as he did so. Ratash's ears swiveled towards the noise, and he tilted his head.

"Jaaeke," he said carefully, "what was that noise?"

Jaaeke blinked a bit and turned towards the other hyena. "Well it was my diaper of course."

Ratash blushed a bit, surprised that Jaaeke would come out and say it. "What do you mean, of course?"

"Well, of course. I've always worn diapers."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ratash said, walking towards Jaaeke to get a better look. "I'd have noticed the bulge." He took the opportunity to grope Jaaeke's diaper bulge, especially the ass and crotch. It stretched his pants out by a good foot in every direction, and Ratash had to admit, was kind of hot. "D-Do, have you..." He couldn't believe he was going to say this. "Do you, uh, piss and shit in it?"

Jaaeke giggled, jutting his diapered ass out and nodding. "Of course! That's half the fun of wearing, isn't it?" Ratash didn't have time to be surprised at Jaaeke's boldness before the girly yeen grunted, barely straining as he unloaded at will into his padding. Ratash gasped in surprise, horror, and arousal at the sheer amount of shit crackling into the back of Jaaeke's diapers. They strained at his pants, leaking quite a bit and turning the seat brown, and soon enough the front of his pants were yellow with leakage too. The hyena finally got the nerve to start massaging Jaaeke's ass, growing hard rather rapidly as his paws sank into the gooey, mushy surface. Jaaeke looked back with a grin on his lips, wriggling his booty.

"You like, Ratash?" He said coyly.

Ratash was too busy huffing the rank scent of shit to respond. The more and more he exposed himself to the femboy yeen's outrageously disgusting diaper the more this seemed normal, until he was questioning the idea that Jaaeke hadn't always been like this. No one was stopping to stare at Jaaeke's massive diaper, and the more he drooled over the sharp scent the more familiar it seemed. Soon enough he accepted it as fact; Jaaeke had always been a hyper diaper shitter, and Ratash had always supported him in that. Jaaeke loved showing it off in public too; Ratash was more subtle about his own diaper, keeping it slim and hidden, while Jaaeke rocked his pantsless.

His own diaper? Ratash looked down. Yes, he was wearing. He always wore diapers, it was pretty common. So was Rhentin, and his diaper stuck out from under his pants some. Ratash smacked Jaaeke's ass once and giggled, kissing his cheek. They had been going out for a week now and it felt so nice, brothers or not. "Come on you lovebirds." Rhentin barked, startling the other two. "Don't you want to get home today? Let's go, let's go!" The two giggled again and scurried along, unable to keep their hands away from each other's asses.

Ratash did his best to put the diaper thing out of his mind, and as they continued, the sight of more and more people on the streets proudly wearing diapers either openly or under their pants increased. Soon, the majority of people were wearing, and quite a few of them with nothing over it. There were designer diapers, dress diapers, and quite a few that were obviously custom made for heavy messers. Jaaeke got a few wolf whistles for his sagging, shitty display, and the couple just giggled and waved in response. Wearing diapers was always normal, and the fact that had thought otherwise had almost left his mind when another urge made him remember.

They were rounding the corner from the park when he saw a handsome man walking a feral dog. The tiger was handsome as hell, but what really caught his eye was the dog. The dog's ass looked fucking amazing, and while Jaaeke and Rhentin were gossiping about the tiger's round ass, Ratash struggled with the urge to fall on fall fours, crawl up to the dog, and lock his lips with that glorious puckered asshole. That was fucking wrong. Wasn't it?

Well, the diaper thing wasn't wrong, even though Ratash thought it was, so perhaps being attracted to ferals was normal, too? The hyena frowned, unable to take his eyes away from the dog's puckered hole. Well, of course diapers were normal, everyone had always worn them. But he had never heard of anyone being attracted to a feral dog. That was something entirely different, and he knew it had to be wrong. If God had wanted anthros to mate with ferals, he woulda... left like a sign or something. 'Please fuck dogs, they're hot'. Something like that. But He hadn't, and even if He had, there was no way that He would approve Ratash falling down on all fours right there and letting the world know his intentions.

Because... because he had to ask the owner, right? Something in that seemed off, but it nonetheless rang true. He couldn't just drop onto all fours and huff the dog's asshole because he had to ask the dog's owner first. Ratash smiled a bit, the fog in his brain clearing somewhat. That's why it felt odd to have that urge, it would be impolite!

He walked ahead towards the tiger, tapping him on the shoulder. The tiger looked behind his shoulder and, upon seeing Ratash there with a blushy smile, chuckled and nodded. "Go for it."

Ratash squealed happily and fell to his knees, pressing his nose against the dog's rancid hole and huffing. The scent rushed up his sinuses, quickly sending him into a whirlwind of pleasure. His diaper tented and Jaaeke chuckled, coming up behind him and rubbing Ratash's padded ass. "Come on!" He said. "If you're going to cheat on me with a dog, go all the way!"

Ratash took Jaaeke's words to heart and locked his lips with the dog's puffy hole, eyes rolling back as he plunged his tongue into the feral's earthy depths. The taste of shit washed over his tongue, melting like chocolate and running down his throat. It foamed up, too, slathering his lips and dribbling off of his chin. Jaaeke crouched by the dog-worshipping hyena, petting him and encouraging him, while Rhentin groused and crossed his arms, tapping his foot. Neither of the other yeens cared, and to Rhentin's dismay, they stayed like that for a long while, the dog's owner standing patiently aside.

The dog began to whine and squirm, and at first Ratash thought he wasn't enjoying it anymore; those thoughts disappeared as a firm log pressed against the hyena's tongue.Ratash pulled back with an eager yelp and flipped to his back, tented diaper standing proud in the air. He opened his maw wide and the dog sighed, lowering his ass to the hyena's lips and pushing.

The log was as thick as most people's arms. Usually Ratash might have realized that the size of the thing was absurd, but all he could think about as the behemoth pressed against his tongue and slid down his throat was just how fucking amazing it tasted. He let it fill his maw until his cheeks bloated, then he bit it off, chewing sloppily before swallowing. The dog didn't stop shitting when the hyena stopped taking it, however, and soon a nice sized lump of shit coiled perfectly on the hyena's face. Ratash grabbed it, shoving it down his diaper and using it to smear on his cock as the dog fed him more, more, and more shit.

Ratash whined when the dog's asshole finally closed, signalling the end of their fun, but his stomach was painfully bloated and warm, a sure sign he had to stop anyways. "Thanks." He gurgled towards the tiger, sitting up with a groan. The tiger grinned and nodded, walking off. Ratash groaned, holding his sagging stomach and clambering to his feet. He stared at the dog's ass as he left, feeling a pang of regret.

"He was such a cutie." Jaaeke said with a smile, helping Ratash to his feet. Ratash nodded, slurping the shit from his lips. There was nothing wrong with anything he just did. He didn't know why he thought there was in the first place. He looked to his left, snickering a bit as he catches Rhentin fingering his hole. The slut always was an anal addict, to a point.

"Come on, Rhentin! Get your thumb out your ass and let's go!" Ratash yelled. Rhentin turned red and chuckled, taking his fingers out his ass and sucking them clean. "Come on." He said. "Let's go."

Almost everyone was going through the same questioning of reality that Ratash was. A few, like Jaaeke, accepted the changes without an issue, but even an artifact so powerful as the idol could not change reality all at once, and it certainly could not do so without people questioning. The brain's urge to fit in helped things along though, and it wasn't difficult for most people to adjust and create new memories. Very few would be able to resist, and those people generally were locked up in mental asylums. None of the three hyenas were able to resist, and as they walked down the street they ceased questioning their surroundings entirely. Their clothes began to change as they went, as did everyone else's. Jaaeke's clothes disappeared almost completely, and soon he wore a white onesie over his massive diaper, a rattle hanging off where his keys once did and a dog-cock shaped pacifier swaying off his neck. Ratash's sensible flannel and slacks morphed, and before they reached the end of the street he was wearing a stained hoodie and loose sweats. They had a bulge in the crotch area where they hung loose, hinting at what would happen soon enough. For Rhentin, his changes were subtle; by the end of the transformation he was wearing the same clothes but tighter, ones that directed attention to his ass and nothing else.

Everyone else went through similar changes. The tiger who owned the dog no longer wore a jogging suit, but latex speedos to keep his cock from bouncing everywhere and nothing else. Others wore harnesses, collars, even a few leather chaps, and often a person's outfit had some form of leather or tight rubber included. Almost no outfits covered the wearer's body in any chaste way; Ratash was unique in this way. Several matched his clothes' level of stained, unwashed filth, however. If any of the hyenas noticed the change, they didn't mention it, and probably disregarded it almost immediately. After all, if they themselves were dressed that way, wouldn't it be normal for everyone else to be, too?

The idol's work was almost done, but not quite; Jaaeke's desire was rather specific, and it felt bound to fulfil every aspect, even if it knew that Jaaeke would never know the difference anyways. It started on Ratash first. As he walked, his strides became wider and wider, as if he was wearing an even thicker diaper or carrying something inside it; in fact, he was. The hyena's balls began to swell to an impossible size, resembling watermelons more than they did actual testicles. They bulged out nicely in Ratash's loose-fitting sweatpants, tenting up the front and hugging the fabric to his diapered ass. His cock was next; while he used to have a canine cock like any other hyena, those rules no longer applied. There was a horse somewhere in their lineage, and so Ratash's cock swelled, a flare forming as his shaft made the transition from canine to equine. Soon a proud horsecock tented Ratash's sweats, but the transformation wasn't complete yet. This was barely a foot long! It twitched once, twice, and began to rapidly swell, taking on inch after inch of musky length and girth. Before all was finished, it stood a proud four feet out from his body, stretching the poor fabric of his pants much further than they were designed. Despite this it didn't rip; Ratash had ruined too many pairs of pants to buy something that wouldn't last a single erection.

The idol hadn't only worked on Ratash, of course. The two other brothers now sported cocks of similar, though lesser sizes, in the same shape as Ratash. Jaaeke's was the smallest at a mere two and a half feet, while Rhentin's rivaled Ratash's. Contests of size were rather common between them. Outside of the hyenas, cock sized varied dramatically. Just walking down the street one could see glorious canine cocks jutting out several feet in one place, then smaller cocks barely even two feet long in another. Sometimes there were even people whose cocks were small enough to hide in regular clothing. Those people were usually bottoms, of course; everyone assumed that if they were meant to be tops they'd have the cocks to match.

The rapid cock growth that beset this world had additional consequences; the gender that was previously called female was destroyed. Before the idol's work, the makeup of Earth had been fifty-fifty male and female. Now everyone had cocks, including the females. This meant they were more dickgirl than anything, especially since their vagina had been replaced with a second asshole. They were far more rare than females in our reality, possibly 20 percent of the population, but they made up for that lack with substance. Their cocks were bigger, their asses thicker, their breasts rounder, their lips plusher than what any man could ever hope to get, and when they entered a room everyone wanted to be them. They were the nastiest of the nasty, most depraved beings to walk this new Earth. They were Jaaeke's dream come true, and a model for everyone else to work towards. Rhentin had become one of these, despite starting as a male. Enormous tits stretched out his shirt, jiggling with each step, and he had formed a second asshole below his regular one.

The idol made one more change to this world, deadset to make it the perfect reality for Jaaeke's secretly depraved mind. The femboy hyena had always had issues with age; he feared aging almost as much as he feared playing with someone too young. To fix this fear, the idol made everyone on this world permanently young and immortal. Their physical ages were always set to what we could consider 19, and they would never age a single day. No wrinkles, no sagging guts, nothing. This came with its own complications, of course. Now parents were the same age as their children, and with everyone immortal (and no one possessing a vagina), the question of reproduction was raised. How could parents be the same age as their children? How could someone be born already 19? How could someone be born at all, given the lack of vagina in the world?

This was the question that finally made the idol, in its infinite wisdom, pause. The hesitation was immeasurably brief, but it existed. In the end, the idol decided on a few simple changes that would fix all these questions. Parents and children now became siblings, which meant there would be no impossibility in regards to age. As for the lack of vaginas and aging, well.. the idol couldn't figure out something perfect, so it simply made it so no one would question it. Not one anthro cared how they were born or how they grew, what came in the generations before, or even knew about reproduction outside of what they could do with animals. Not its best work, but it was a hard question. Satisfied that the rest of reality would shape itself, the idol whisked itself out of Jaaeke's reality, searching another history to insert itself into. Jaaeke, Ratash, and Rhentin finally reached home, tired from the useless excursion. They had continued to morph on their walk home. Jaaeke had remained mostly the same, but he now wore a bib which read 'cock sucker'. His room was now a glorified nursery, filled with massive diapers, baby toys, and brightly colored dildos, and the television mounted on the wall was on a constant loop of children's shows.

Ratash's transformation was more extreme; he was now the embodiment of filth. His sweatpants were soaked with a strange, disgusting ooze that burbled up from his smegma covered cock, and the back of them were a deep brown. His fur was greasy and matted, dull and dried up into little clumps. He stank even worse than the rest of them, and was proud of it. He had spent years cultivating his own particular disgusting body, and his room reflected that. It was more a dump than anything else, and the other brothers threw all their trash in there for him to sleep on.

Rhentin's physical transformations may have not been the most extreme, but his mental transformation was the most extensive. As far as his body went, the biggest difference is that his assholes were the nastiest, loosest, most disgusting things known to man. Both gaped a full two feet and his rosebud hung out of each, mottled and red and constantly drooling some greenish-brown slime. Otherwise, his new tits stretched his shirt a few feet out in front of him, massive nipples outlined against the fabric. But for his mental changes... that was more drastic. Before the change, Rhentin had harbored some gay tendencies, but he had buried them deep, thinking himself too dominant to get fucked in the ass like he had always dreamed of. Now, while he was no less dominant, he was the biggest anal slut that had ever been seen. His lust for cock grew to the point that when he wasn't seducing someone in the city or letting one of his barnyard lovers drill into him, he had a giant plug in or was in his room, stretching his abused ring out even further. While before the idol he was jealous of anyone in a relationship, in this timeline, he considered everyone who fucked him his boyfriend, at least as long as they were making love to his disgusting ass. He got all his romantic needs during each vigorous fucking he received, and had called each man or shemale in the city his boyfriend at one point or another. He was content with his life, now.

"Well, that was a waste." Rhentin growled to himself. His asshole twinged and he bit his lip, looking back at his two brothers. They were obviously too caught up in groping each other to help him out, so he shook his head and headed towards his room. "You know where I'll be. Gotta loosen up. The whole walk was killer on my muscles." Jaaeke and Ratash grinned, knowing exactly what muscles he was speaking of.

"I mean, I don't think it was a waste." Ratash said, dropping his sweatpants and taking off his diaper. Jaaeke sighed at him - "You know I want you to wear that" - but did nothing as the disgusting slob balled it up, shoving it into his mouth and tearing chunks off, chewing the shit-imbued plastic until he could swallow and going in for more. "Wah ahlah ah fah!" He continued, plastic bits spewing out of his maw.

Jaaeke chuckled, somehow able to understand his boyfriend's slurred words. "Yeah, I had fun too honey!" He said with a giggle and a peck on the cheek. "Long though. I'm gonna go to my nursery! Paw Patrol is gonna be on and I wanna see who Rocky fucks this time!" Ratash smiled and smacked the baby's diapered ass, watching it sway as Jaaeke disappeared into his room. The femmy hyena would probably chat his friends the whole way through; he was part of some abdl social network. He never understood it, but it was more common to be abdl than not, so he didn't judge.

Ratash stood in the entryway alone for a while, working his way through his diaper. His leg muscles cried out in pain from the long walk, and the hyena used some drool from his musky cock to massage into his rump, soothing the pain. God, he could use a bath.

He strode towards the bathroom at the end of the hall, glancing in each of his brother's bedrooms as he passed. Jaaeke was eating shit and sucking on his dildoed pacifier, while Rhentin was hooking himself up to this massive anal stretching machine, securing hooks to his ruined sphincter and prying it apart. Ratash smiled, entering the bathroom. All was as it should be.

He turned towards the tub, paws halfway to the tap, and yelped. It was filled with shit - a bathtub full of old, rotting shit. The stench smelled satisfying, but something deep in the hyena twinged, and he frowned. Something was not right. Something just was not right about a bathtub full of shit. What was it?

The events of the day came back to him. The doubt about Jaaeke's diaper. The doubt about eating the dog's shit. The small twinges of confusion when he saw his first shemale of the day, when he saw the massive cocks bobbing about. Something was off. Something had changed and he just couldn't put his finger on it.

The hyena went to sit on the edge of the tub to ponder this, but accidentally fell in with a splash. He tried to breathe the shit in at first and panicked, surfacing after a few seconds of flailing, gasping for breath. Rubbing the shit away from his eyes he looked around, the smell and feel of shit pressing in on him. This couldn't be wrong, could it? This had to be normal. After all, how else could Ratash keep up his trademark filth if he didn't bathe in shit every day? It was logical that he did, and so it was logical that the shit tub was normal. As he worked his way through the mental gymnastics, memories of the three brothers filling the tub before they left filled him. They'd all spent the morning filling it with shit, just for Ratash.

Ratash smiled. Shit dripped from his teeth back into the tub with a plop. His brothers loved him so much, especially his husband, Jaaeke. The sexy baby loved him too much for him to start doubting their way of life now. Everything was as it should be, and life was going on as normal.

Ratash sank down into the tub, sighing as the warm shit massaged his aching back. It was a good life.