A Too-Real Descent Through Hell

Story by Ben332 on SoFurry

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He should have leveled more. A whole lot more, actually. A well-timed dodge turned into a horribly-executed stumble. The fox was on his ass before he knew what hit him. Of course, the 'what' in this case was an eight-foot tall hellhound... in hell. Armour may as well not have even been there. The ground felt accursedly warm, and seemed to pulse warmth underneath the surface. The pebbly, dusty dirt got into his fur, and seemingly seeped into his very paws. The warmth definitely did. A bit of pain arced through his body. It would have been a lot more if he'd kept the normal settings on. Still, he wasn't quite out... yet.

"Maybe a critical would work." He mumbled to himself.

His sword was a dull thing, barely even shining in the low light. His light orb flickered as he swung, stats not quite enough to keep both skills active at once. The only thing he managed to cut off was a bit of the hellhounds' mane. The fur floated to the ground as the hound headbutted him, knocking him on his ass again. To add insult to injury, the tuft of fur fell onto his nose, right where the hound had split his helmet open. The rest of his armour wasn't in good shape either. Cracked, pieces torn off, or simply not there any more after its durability ran out. He groaned, pushing himself up again, and wiped his muzzle with his sleeve. The hound seemed amused at his resistance, and barked at him.

His knees felt weak, but he gave it another shot. But, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. He got the same result as before. His health bar drained slowly just being here, and the headbutts were merely insults at this point. The first swipe had taken three quarters of it, and the latter headbutts were merely stunning him. It was toying with him. Or rather, he was toying with him, as the hound was most definitely male. Attractively so- wait. Had this place gotten into his brain already? He was here to powerlevel dammit!

Distracting thoughts left an opening large enough to drive a tank through. The hound, bored with toying with him, swiped again. The depressing sound of the health bar emptying to zero rang in his ears. His durability bar also emptied, the armour almost hanging off of him, rather than being any sort of protection. The rest of the UI fuzzed out to focus on the hellhound. It pushed its muzzle through the UI, getting intimidatingly close to him. The fox could smell the sulfur on his breath, and what could only be previous travelers flesh. Dreisar whimpered, all too eager to log out and try again later. He didn't navigate to the proper menu in time before the hound was dragging him aside.

"What? Let go of me you mutt!"

"_An attractive mutt, but a mutt nonethele- Not again!"_His mind fought with itself.

The dangerous-looking teeth took care to not break his hide, yet was forceful enough to make sure he wasn't going anywhere. The hot, demonic saliva running through his fur felt like a hot sauna's water. Too hot, and yet... relaxing. It had to have a status effect associated with it. But, he couldn't check! The UI was broken, and refused to reset. He let a frustrated growl rumble out of his throat, but the hellhound one-upped him, a deep, dark, reverberating growl warning him who had won. He gripped harder, too, drawing a thin rivulet of blood from his grip on his character's arm. The pain poked through the filters, but not much. He heard more pawsteps. Did they run in packs? He had no clue, but if they did, he would have been boned either way. Losing to just one was bad enough. Losing to a pack would have been a OHKO. Or at least a one-round KO.

The dominant hound wrestled him to the ground with purely his own jaws. The dust practically flew up, and a thick, masculine scent wafted through the sulfur-tinged air. His sheath filled out, until ebony-black flesh spilled forth. It was massive! A thick vein pulsed just behind the barely-formed knot, pumping demonic blood forth to engorge the rest of his member. It glistened in the dark, low light, and he could barely tear his eyes away from it. A pleased growl rolled out of their throat.

"_Oh gods above and below."_Probably not the best choice of swear when he was quite literally in Hell.

It nipped at his armour quickly and efficiently, as if it had done this a thousand times before. He didn't even go for the straps, he gnawed right through it until it fell off of the fox. And to think those teeth were inches away from crushing his arm... Dreisar shuddered in fear, and terrified lust as it licked his throat, winding around his neck down toward his shoulder. The hound knocked off armor as he went, eager to unveil his new fuck toy. All Dreisar could do was shift his gaze from the creature's muzzle, and back down to its' thick rod. There was no way he wasn't going to get fucked if he hung around. That was plain as day. He called up the UI again, but nothing happened but his nametag showing up. Another reload put another random element up, but ditched his nametag in the fuzz. Of all the times to have a game-breaking bug!

"Would it really be that bad though?" The thought felt like it almost wasn't his.

It wouldn't do any lasting damage, at least. It was all virtual. And the only people that would be laughing couldn't join his solo instance. The only ones that could even get a chuckle were the devs, and well, if they were too busy to fix a bug, when would they have time to laugh at unfortunate players? Besides, they coded it, there must have been at least one horny bastard in the crew to make a 'feature' like this a part of the combat system.

His muzzle hung open, panting, the thick air feeling like it barely cooled his body at all. The thick balls behind the growing dick the hellhound was packing looked full. Ripe, ready to burst, eager to take a load off, and all of those descriptors implied that HE was gonna be the recipient of all of that. Dreisar felt scared, and yet somehow excited and energetic. He was reluctant to indulge his baser desires, but the opportunity was there, dangling right in front of him. It growled for him to take initiative or the beast would do it himself. The fox froze for longer than the hound deemed necessary. A sharp bark made his ears twitch as that same thick rod was now trying to stuff itself into his maw. A messy, inaccurate affair, to say the least. It smeared his into his fur on both sides of his muzzle, even poking him in the throat once or twice. The hellhound's eagerness was overbearing, Dreisar fishing around blindly with his paws as he closed his eyes.

The wet, hot, and slick flesh was too hard to grip, the rod pushing through his paws multiple times before he could get a hold on it. Still, the hound fucked his handpaws, a small knot growing, and jets of pre saturating his muzzle. He threw his caution to the wind. After he was done with... this, he could fix his UI and leave. It was just one thing. Just this one thing and he'd be done. His paws guided the thick dick to his muzzle, and he opened wide. There was an uncomfortable pause between thrusts, and then his paws were trying to keep himself from choking on the rod now ramming his muzzle. He wrapped them in front of the knot, kneading and squeezing at it. The hellhound whined, and he was rewarded with thicker jets of pre. His muzzle was a mess, worse now than when he was gathering gelatins.

The taste was raw, and primal. Like sweat mixed with salt, that had somehow been mixed with steak itself. His own seed didn't taste anywhere close to that in meatspace. He went with it, nursing on the cock ramming his muzzle. His unlikely lover slowed down a bit, a growl, slow and deep, rolling out of its' throat. Almost as if it was encouraging him to submit, rewarding his cooperation with less irritation and forcefulness. Dreisar would have smirked if it weren't for the thick log of meat in his muzzle. The growl lingered in the air for a moment, until a chance gust of air reminded him of his own maleness. He twisted his muzzle, glancing downwards. He got hard from this? This savage, un-gentlemanly domination of his muzzle by, what was quite frankly, just a beast? It felt wrong. And yet, he kept doing it, because it felt so good. His own lust burned in his veins, and he felt a strange sense of camaraderie with the hellhound.

"_I'll get him off... then maybe I'll take a moment to myself too."_It felt settled in his mind.

He did his best to pleasure the large, demonic canine. It still felt like he was damning his soul for all eternity, but that didn't matter a jot. If this was all it took to get himself damned, then so be it. It was worth it. Immediately after that thought, he felt the knot swell to fullness, and the vein behind the knot engorge as much as it could. Both the knot and the vein pulsed, and he could feel it through his grip. His paws kneaded at it gently, milking his knot, and encouraging him to blow his load. Now, it wouldn't matter whether it got on his muzzle, it was already a mess anyway. He worked his throat, and muzzle across the cock, despite it straining his jaws wide open. There wasn't a chance in hell he'd swallow the knot, so he didn't try, or dare let it. Still, the pulses through his paws carried something else too, salty bursts of seed suddenly filling his muzzle to the brim, and then some. It spilled down his chin, soaking his fur, and trailing down his neck. Yet more filled his stomach, as he swallowed as much as he could. It wasn't enough though, and soon the hellhound was humping his face vigorously again, matting his fur with the thick, hot seed. He felt dirtier, and yet, somehow it felt like a huge burden came off of his shoulders. The hound stumbled back, and out of his grip before it howled. The howl echoed off of the sulfurous landscape, and the sound of footpaws got even louder. Another hellhound.

The first one sat on his hindpaws, licking his rod clean, a demonic look of satisfaction, and temptation in his yellow eyes. It was like it knew his internal struggle. The second one had spikes along his spine, and a strange ring in his ear. It shined like gold, and yet, drew his eyes towards it. The thing must have been five or ten feet away, yet he could see the scripting on the band clearly. Dreisar knew his eyesight wasn't that good. It distracted him right up until the moment the hound was poking at his nose with his own. The shockingly cold nose, and snuffles of air brought the fear roaring back. Another lick, as the first hellhound had done, had him disarmed just as quickly. Dreisar relaxed into his grip, the teeth around his neck somehow reassuring, and arousing. And yet, they never clamped down. His eyes opened, and the hound had never been around his neck in the first place. Save for the damp fur around his neck where he'd been licked, and jizzed on, there was no indication it had ever happened.

A lick on his own rod had him whining like a bitch in heat. Another had him shuddering. The hound scrunched over, suckling on the tip of his rod as his own much larger maleness rubbed against the foxes'. His pre, and the demon's mixed, leaving accursed warmth along his length. He shivered, and yet he was not cold. His lungs burned for air, and yet, they didn't need more. What his body needed more of lay below. He felt impossibly close to orgasm, but couldn't quite reach it.

"Please..." He whined. It glared at him as it took both of them into his muzzle. The whiskers on its' muzzle tickled his fur as it went down, gulping down all of their length, pushing the two together in infernal warmth.

It felt like forever, his body squirming underneath the sensations. He fought to keep his eyes open, to watch the hypnotic motion of the hellhound moving his hips, humping right into his own mouth. The motion pleasuring himself, and his fucktoy. He seemed to be a secondary concern, the hellhound's growls bringing even more pleasure by vibrating through his flesh. The fox felt weak, needy, and ready to beg for more. The hound swallowed, his own pre making a mess of their fur, almost pooling around Dreisar's groin. No matter what, his body felt immobile though, like he was watching from afar, yet experiencing all of this up close and personal. Words failed to come to him, and a loud whine rolled out of his cum-stained muzzle as the hound stopped. Thick strands of saliva made for an interesting picture as the hound glared at him. Their pre stuck their cocks together, it almost felt like suction had bonded them for a moment. He could have sworn they 'popped' apart. But, it was pretty clear what the hound wanted next, his muzzle searching around for his ass.

A few swipes had ripped the last of his dignity off of his flesh. Now, he had nothing protecting him from the elements at all, save for his fur. Even that though, did not stop the hellhound from finding his mark. His thick tongue slathered moisture on Dreisar's ass, while his paws kept his victim from squirming too much. Dreisar groaned. If this was how he was always treated in Hell... he'd have to make it a point to visit. Perhaps stay around a while, even. It felt too good to leave. Even if the hounds both disappeared, and his gear was back, he wasn't sure he could will himself to the exit. Those thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of that thick tongue invading his insides. He growled, unfamiliar with the sensation. It stretched him, spreading more of that warmth to his insides. Already, his own cock stood ready, at attention, and at full hardness, despite what must have been an hour of them using his body for their own needs. Footsteps made him twitch, and the hound whined as he clamped down on its' tongue. It was comical, in a way, to feel the hound try to retrieve his tongue. However, Dreisar couldn't look any direction but at the hound. Accursed magic bound him as his fear and anxiety returned in force.

"And look here. Another 'innocent' victim. Don't look too innocent now, hmm? Enjoying my pets?"

"Who- hrr, are you?" It was hard to talk while straining against the magic, and having a hound eat out his ass like a buffet plate.

"No one important. Everyone important. Doesn't matter, as you can't look anyways just yet. Would ruin the surprise!"

"Call them off of me..." He mumbled. Dreisar didn't quite believe that he actually wanted the hellhounds off of him.

"I think not. And I think that I'll be having my turn shortly too."

"Grr..." He couldn't form words, the magic having stolen his tongue as well. A flash of black and silver fur flashed in front of his eyes, closing them.

"And that's all the tease you'll get from me, hmm. I'll be watching..." It felt like the stranger was whispering directly into his mind. He was tempted to fight back, to run away, to do anything but give in. But he gave in. He gave in even more as the tongue withdrew from his ass. Another whine rolled out of his muzzle.

"Oh don't you worry. We'll be getting you trained plenty on what you're doing right now. Get you fitting the stereotype quite well!"

Dreisar wanted to growl. But the idea seemed too appetizing to outright refuse. Too tempting to turn down. It could have been the devil himself offering it, and yet, his mind would have considered every single way it could have worked out well for him. It ignored any way it could turn out worse. The thick, heavy meat resting against his tail reminded him where he was. The hound stared at his master, slowly leaning forward. A quick snap of the fingers removed whatever restraint was on him, his rod slowly sinking into his toy. Was that what he was now? A sex toy to be used, and used, and used until he was full, and aching? His mind answered for him as the pleasure came back in waves.

"_Yessss...."_Dreisar's thoughts even hissed his pleasure.

He felt full to the brim, and yet, he took more and more. More than he thought possible fit into him, pushing buttons inside his body he didn't even know he had. His rod oozed, thick seed and pre making even more of a mess of his fur. He had been this messy once, and it took a week to get the scents out of his fur. This could easily take months. Months that he wasn't worried about in the slightest as the hound finally found resistance he couldn't overcome. The knot was so close, he could feel the heat radiating off of it. The light flickered a moment, and the source of the unearthly glow was apparent. The hounds rods glowed, with patterns on their surface, and with their seed exuding a luminescence that couldn't possibly be holy.

It growled, trying to grind himself forward further. Another snap of the fingers, and he stopped even trying, letting the fox savor the feeling of being filled to the brim, by a strong, dominant, and virile male. Dreisar was warming up to it, realizing, and yet fighting with the realization itself. It was better to submit, so much better than even trying to resist. His paws spread his asscheeks as the hellhound began to withdraw his engorged shaft. That same wetness oozed onto his paws. His entire body felt like it was in a slow cooker. And yet, he wouldn't have it any other way right now. His own lust took priority at the forefront of his mind. It wasn't long before that same meat was filling him again, and animal-like noises were falling out of his muzzle. His ears clamped down, embarrassed to even consider that he was making them. And encouraging the hellhound to ram himself home. It denied his request, keeping up the slow, gentle fucking, like some twisted version of a respectable lover. Another snap of the fingers from the unseen stranger had it move up a notch or two. It ramped up speed, pushing him into the dirt, making him stare at the cave ceiling, unable to focus in sheer pleasure.

"Mmmm... I always do like watching, and seeing them broken down layer by layer. I don't even need to peer in to know what you're savoring." They chuckled.

The thick balls he admired on the other canine were a species mainstay, and they were slapping against his tail with every stroke. They felt heavy, weighty, eager to unload themselves, exactly as the other had. He almost wished they did, again and again. He barely noticed his own rod, and only half-heartedly stroked at it with his paws. Even a gentle touch was enough to send electric shivers through his body. The not-so-gentle plowing the hound was giving him was milking his rod all on its own. So, he relaxed, letting his paws roam the hounds' body, and admire the musculature as it rammed him, again and again.

His paws gripped the hound as it battered through what little resistance his body could put up. There was a slight bit of pain, sure, but overwhelming pulses of pleasure drowned it out like a wave crashing over a tiny grain of sand. Already, his ass was a mess, squelching noises reminding him of the pre being forced out around the hellhounds' rod. A reassuring lick on his shoulder reminded him that the hellhound wouldn't harm him much so long as he didn't offer any resistance. Another tongue licked the back of his neck, and warm fuzz brushed up against his fur. A pair of paws lifted him up, and seemingly onto the other. He crooned wordlessly in Dreisar's ear, muzzle just out of sight despite it being close enough to touch. The hound whined, seeing his master stroking the foxes' body. He paused for a moment, silver and black fur seemingly materializing into a four digit handpaw. Snap.

"Relax now..." The handpaws got right back to roaming, fondling his balls as Dreisar stretched himself open.

The hound wasn't gentle, or slow, battering his tight ring until it gave in, accepting the fistful of flesh into his vulnerable body. He wasn't content with merely knotting the fox, though. No, he pulled it back out, making Dreisar see stars as he pushed it back in. Any resistance was shattered, broken, and devastated with each punch right into his guts. He could feel the hellhounds' heartbeat, and every drop of pre lubing things along, even as it leaked out around the knot. His ring made a tight 'O' as the hound tied for the last time, his teeth nibbling at the foxes' neck. Dreisar gave up. His own orgasm made his mind white out with pleasure, seed finally being released from his pent-up balls. The hound was all too eager to unload his own as well, spurt after spurt of virile, potent, and yet corrupted essence into the fox. His stomach gurgled, seeing the tainted glow from the outside, brighter and brighter as more and more warmed him from the inside out.

"Isn't it so good to give in at times, hmm?"

"Yesssh..." Dreisar slurred, barely even noticing the words coming out of his muzzle.

"Here. Have a look, now."

It felt like his eye twitched. That same feeling of watching turned up to eleven as his vision left his body. He got an extreme close-up of the hellhounds' softening rod, the hound snuffling and licking as it retreated back into his sheath. The same balls that had unloaded into him looked almost smaller, an impossible feat. It looked up, and paced. He heard from his body, but saw from the hound. An impossibly attractive furred... landshark stared back at him, a congenial smile showing off all his sharp teeth. He looked damn handsome, tempting even, before the hound paced backwards. He couldn't speak, yet his mind reveled in awe at the sight of his ass still being stretched wide by the cock. His paw-digits moved of their own accord, tapping his ass in a staccato rhythm. Pain surged to the forefront of his mind, as well as lust as he saw his stomach bulge a bit more. The creature snapped its fingers again, and the hound yanked his knot free.

"Agh!" He saw himself grimace in pain. Yet, the sight of all the cum rushing out of his ass was a sight to behold. Right onto. Wait. The vision ended as the hound lapped it up, and licked at his master's cock.

"Landshark? Hardly a new one. I'm a sergal. A bit changed by my time here, but a sergal all the same. My dashing good looks stayed, wouldn't you say?" He licked Dreisar's cheek, too friendly to possibly be safe to interact with.


"Why do you think? I enjoyed myself. And, I think I'll be introducing you to some of my friends here as well. But only after I get my turn..."

His rod poked at the inside of his ass. It offered no resistance after the devastation the hellhound wrought. Yet, with another snap of his fingers, he tightened up exactly as before. The cum and pre-lubed cock had no issues with jackhammering away, seemingly picking up where the hound had left off. His belly was small, yet still bulged a bit from the sheer volume of cum. His fur was a mess, his seed soaking into his fur, as well as the other contributions from the hounds. The sergal smeared it across his body, reveling in the sensation. Another paw roamed. And... another? They all felt as real as the first, yet the number continued growing until every part of him was being stimulated. From his balls, to his hidden nipples. Even his neck wasn't spared, handpaws massaging his throat while the sergal nibbled on his spine, and let his tongue tease the fox even more.

"_Magic is a wonderful thing. Wouldn't you say?"_It echoed in his head. Yet, unlike earlier, it most certainly wasn't his thought.

"I had no part to do with that, you know. That was all you, champ. Now relax, and let uncle Koto Timanx take care of your worries, and get you off again..." The last few words were hissed into his mind.

What the hell was he? A succubus? Some sort of emotion mirror? A straight-up demon? His thoughts were arrested as the paws found their way into his muzzle, opening it wide as the too-long tongue found its' way in. It didn't matter. He writhed, his body eager to accept yet another cock into him. And maybe, just maybe another dose of that virile cum. Koto smirked, Dreisar felt it, rather than saw it. His body felt changed, unusual, influenced in some way by the dark tempter that was feeding him all the pleasure he could bear, and then some. His balls slapped against his ass, enjoying the wet, messy feeling the fox provided. It was like they were linked, Dreisar's pleasure feeding the demon's.

"Right you are!"

Dreisar let Koto take him as vigorously as he wanted, and at times, as slowly as he wanted. His cock felt like he shifted. At one moment, like a dragons, another, like the hellhounds that had just rutted him. Tapered like the snake he had the pleasure of bedding, now his ex, and then built like an equine battering ram in the next moment. He settled on a knotted horsecock, digging deep into him, and then grinding his knot into the fox. It felt like he came so many times, yet, nothing came out. He couldn't have. Koto did this to him for seeming hours, rutting him, and then slowly fucking him like a lover.

"Time may not seem like it passes here, because it swims along however it pleases. It's been days, darling."

"Nngfff." Dreisar couldn't even form words, he felt exhausted.

"Not to worry. You haven't gotten off once since I started. But alas, all good things must come to an end, yes?" He waited for an answer that never came. "Let's see that belly swell some more, hmm..."

It was almost on command. He snapped his fingers, and it felt like a dam had burst behind his mind. The pleasure flowed like water down a waterfall. It was just all there, all at once, even as the demonic sergal filled him, his balls resting right against his ass. Wait. How had they- He couldn't ponder how they'd swapped positions dozens of times as a groan was forced out of his muzzle. A tendril seemingly massaged his prostate, even as the thick cock in his ass milked every last drop. More of that tainted cum wound through his bowels, making him swell. He almost looked pregnant, the glow shining through his fur. His body accepted it less and less, each thrust pushing more of it out around Koto's knot. Koto felt it as much as Dreisar did, that much he was sure of. A sigh of contentment came out of the sergals muzzle, rather than his own. His own rod finally stopped shooting jets of cum onto his fur. He was as comfortable as he could ever be, and yet, he was in hell itself.

"I'll be satisfied for yearsss..." Koto hissed.

"Let me leave..."

"I think not. I think that you should rest up. Being up for days can't be healthy!"

His stomach growled, and then Koto snapped his fingers. It felt like a heavy blanket had been thrown over his mind, and as much as he struggled, he couldn't stay awake. The feeling of Koto's knot popping free to a torrent of cum was the last thing he felt before blackness took him.

Statuses gained: Rutted By Hellhound, Recent Encounter, Filled To The Brim, Sleepy, Influenced, Tainted, Submissive, Cock Slut, Knotted, Loose, Tight, Magically-Influenced

The statuses quickly faded out as the UI got fuzzed again before he could wake up completely. Voices floated around him, but he couldn't see a thing. It felt like his vision had- And then it was all there again. Koto's voice came through clear as day.

"And Beelzy! My hounds got this fresh meat, eh? He's a good fuck, and I made ssssure of it." The paws somehow felt even warmer as they fondled him now. A deep voice reverberated through his bones.

"You're always pleased after feeding." It was a simple statement.

"Damned right I am! He's rested up now, I am sure you could perhaps sample the goods before deciding on anything!"

"What are you doing..." Dreisar yawned.

"What does it look like, Dreisar? Trying to get 'ol Be'el to part with some things I'm sure he doesn't need! In exchange of course, for something he might have some fun with!" Koto was energetic, while Dreisar felt sapped.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Long enough." Koto dodged the question, and pulled Dreisar upright to stare at the being he called 'Be'el'.

By every god and demon, he was huge, and stacked! He looked like a goat with muscles you could grind pepper on, and other times, he looked like a demonic dragon. And his eyes were sizing up Dreisar like a piece of meat. Dreisar puffed out his chest, though, and spoke with as much steel as he could muster.

"I want to leave, and log out. Or hell, just log out. My UI is bugged an-" His tongue was tied shut, and words no longer came.

"You still think you're playing a game?"


"Call me Bale. You'd only be half-right."

"So Be'el, you gonna do this or what? C'mon, I may have eternal life and shit, but I'd rather be getting another lost soul to give ME the business!"

Bale chuckled. He motioned some sigils into the air, and another demon popped into existence. It was well-decorated, gold adorning his tufts of fur, and his canid ears. His eyes were a savage orange, with slits for irises. It sniffed the air like a hunting dog, before it stared Dreisar down like he was waiting to tear the heart out of his chest.

"If you want to 'get the business' "Bale even made airquotes with his claws ."I'm sure he can assist you."

When the gaze finally left Dreisar, he felt massive relief, falling to his knees. Koto was speechless, and seemingly tempted beyond belief. When Dreisar looked up, he could see why. Even if the hellhounds had been large in the groin department, this creature gave them a run for their money. Huge balls, and a thick pair of rods spilling out of his sheath. He glanced back at his captor, the tempter supreme Koto. It gave him a very satisfied smirk when he saw Koto struggling to find words, or even negotiate at all with Bale while staring at the demon.

"I-I shit. You drive such a hard bargain." His gaze only swapped back to Dreisar after much effort. "What say we let him, have Dreisar? For a little test run?"

Bale sat up in his throne. How had Dreisar not noticed that before? The damned thing was huge! It went to the ceiling! He almost didn't catch the conversation, his attention was so lost.

"Sure." Bale grinned. " My weredemon should be enough to loosen him up for me. Perhaps after I enjoy him, one of your hounds can keep him tied down."

"It's a done deal then. Damn Be'el, good capitalist you are, making sure everyone gets off on something."

"Gets something. You've had hundreds of years to get that phrase right."

"Ever consider I'm doing it on purpose?"

Bale growled. And with a flick of his wrist, his weredemon was loosed. Dreisar was simply not ready, and there was no way he could have been. Bale watched on with eager glee, and Koto sat down, seemingly just as Dreisar was tossed to the floor. A huge paw on his muzzle made the world upside-down, and he felt one of Koto's paws stroke his chin, and run into the beasts fur. Those two thick rods were pouring pre, and by simply hovering there, were soaking his ass. Wait, he had been cleaned? He didn't have time to ponder it as the beast pushed forward, both of his lengths in his own paw, and pushing into the fox with zestful, zealous glee. Dreisar groaned, trying to not black out from pain. Were his filters even still on?

If they were, it hardly felt like it. Koto's soft paws stroked his shoulder, somehow long enough to fondle the beast's huge balls, and his neck at the same time. That familiar feeling of thoughts seeping through his mind, and out of it was there, omnipresent as pain, and heady pleasure mixed. The demon hissed, only too keen on leeching what he could. It didn't matter what. Dreisar felt like his ass couldn't take more, yet every moment, more and more of both of those thick cocks sunk into him. He may have been a fox, but even this was ridiculous. The pre lubed him, but it only helped so much. Regardless, he forced his eyes open, only to see his own body betraying him. Both of the knots pressed at his entrance, and the beast showed no intention of slowing down. His rod oozed pre, and the realization made whimpers fall out of his muzzle. Being so thoroughly used, and degraded, traded like raw meat... it was quickly turning him on. Had he wanted this all along? Or was this another of Hell's corrupting affects? Dreisar wasn't sure he'd be able to turn back after all this, if he even had the choice. The beast made sure he knew he didn't, a sharp thrust popping in one, and then the other of the knots. He saw stars, the simulation seeming to crack, just as his mind was.

"Your toy seems reluctant to break." Bale noted.

"Of coursssse..." Koto was barely present, the pleasure vampire feeding off the feelings Dreisar felt, and the beast as well. It felt like he was amplifying them.

Or perhaps that was Dreisar's mind talking. It felt like corruption was oozing into him, filling every pore, and tainting what was once relatively pure. Of course, his belly glowed with precum alone, and bulged from the sheer amount of demon cockflesh inside of him, but that couldn't have had an influence. He felt a black hole inside him as it finally drew back, a growl of pleasure rumbling in the air between the two. Koto leered, just barely outside of his vision. Images flooded through his mind, his ass splayed wide with the knot slowly popping out of him. The vision distorted, and he yowled as the demonic beast plowed back into him. Feeling himself, wrap around himself was strange ,to say the least. A spurt of cum rocketed out of his cock, smacking him in the muzzle. It had velocity to it, and so did all the other spurts. His balls twitched as the beast rested his own against his tail. He could feel them twitching, and it only enhanced his own orgasm. It didn't last long, and the connection between them fluctuated. Koto was egging the thing on, making it more eager, even more so than it already was. Dreisar hissed, his own pleasure paling to the waves emanating from his ass, as he was plowed, again and again.

The beast picked him up like a toy, and thrust him against a wall, his hands only just being enough to prop him up. His cock sprayed pre against the wall, staining it more and more as he was spread open again and again. It took all he had to not lose consciousness, the fucking was so raw, and primal. Bale looked on with eager amusement. He could stop it at any time, but the look in his eyes told Dreisar that wasn't ever going to happen, not even if he begged for it. So he did the exact opposite.

"Bale! Please! MORE!" His voice sounded alien.

"Mmmmm..." The demon had an amused chuckle. "As if I could give you more than what you're taking right now. Your ass is spread open by not one, but two knots. Are you really that much of a slut? So corrupted by simple things? Such a needy, little, whore...." It felt like the demon was whispering into his mind.

"YES." The statement was plain.

He snapped his fingers. The werebeast howled, and huge handpaws gripped his thighs, picking him up effortlessly. A torrential outpouring of cum filled his insides, both knots straining against each other, pushing Dreisar to his breaking point. He broke, whimpering as his own cock sprayed jet after jet after jet, his balls twitching, eager to empty his load even as the beast made him swell. His muzzle hung open, desperate for air, and his eyes looked for anything to focus on. The one constant he could see through blurred eyes was the glow of his swollen, bulging stomach. It felt like the werebeast was pumping his blood for him, the beasts overwhelming scent, and heartbeat seemingly deafened his own. His paws rubbed his stomach, refusing to believe it was real. Wasn't this all virtual? It had to be... right?

Koto stroked his balls, and the werebeast twitched, a seemingly endless flood of cum slowly tapering to an end. Dreisar couldn't hold himself up as the beast swung him around, still dangling from his cocks. He fell to the floor like a used toy as the beast shoved him off. His ass poured cum, stomach only just barely going back to normal. The glow was there, casting eerie shadows on the entire cast of demonic creatures. His own muzzle was barely in focus, his mind not even able to consciously see. It felt like his mind was blown, and needed to reset, and time to rest and recover. Dreisar was somehow sure that wouldn't happen, though. Not in this eternity.

"I think that's satisfactory, Koto."

"Bet you do. But do we have a deal?" The creature hissed, and Dreisar heard the sound of parchment unraveling.

"We do." He snapped his fingers, and the beast was only too eager to bite his finger. Gently, but with clear intent. Bale smeared his blood against the parchment.

"Quality merchandise li-" Bale snapped his fingers again, and Koto shut up. As he was too busy being tackled to the floor, and rutted by the werebeast.

Dreisar let a half-hearted giggle roll out of his throat. This was too ridiculous. The characters, the level design, the systems. All of it. His UI fuzzed again when he brought it up. It was impossible to see any specifics, or log out. But he could definitely tell his status bar was another colour, and had all manner of icons below it. One was clear, and that was a small parchment, with a red splotch on it. It was a game. It definitely was. Bale shook the ground with his dragon-goat hooves. The demon picked the fox up gingerly, his form seemingly settling on being more draconic for the moment. The demon had a heart, it seemed, his muzzle nosing gently about, leaving small kisses along the foxes belly, trailing up his neck. Snuffles of hot air tickled his hide. Dreisar felt like he was in heaven, if only for the moment. The afterglow, the heat, and the orgasm always hiding just out of focus. It felt like he could almost cum on command.

"Koto can be annoying at times. But, I think I'll cement my property rights now, hmm?" It wasn't a question.

Dreisar didn't respond, letting the demon carry him the short distance back to his throne. It felt like his body was aflame, just being so close to Bale. He couldn't tell what it was from, and at this point, he didn't care. He needed more, another cock to fill the aching void the werebeast had left. The werebeast that was busy drawing even more whimpers out of Koto. It all felt half-real, and all too much like a dream. He barely noticed when Bale had sat back down upon his throne, leaving the fox to cuddle against his chest. His scent was intoxicating. But even the scent had no comparison to the wet, hot feeling against his back. Dreisar didn't have to be told. He knew, instinctively.

His tail curled around the thickness, and it was already slick with pre. Or lube. Or cum. It didn't matter at this point. His handpaws moved of their own accord, demonic, red eyes following his movements. He wanted this. Bale was just a side-piece, a way that he could get his own pleasure. Legs barely held him up as he waited a moment, hotdogging the demon with his ass. It would have been too much, and impossible to take before, but Dreisar doubted his own limits. There was only one way to find out. And it sure wasn't going to be logging out, either. His tailhole stretched out, even more than the demonic werebeast had. It shook the breath from his lungs, but brought cooling relief to his abused body. He could do it again, and again after that. Bale kept a guarded look on his muzzle, his scales hypnotizingly beautiful. His thoughts seemed muddier than a riverbank choked with reeds, and somehow he managed to fumble out words.

"Is it true? You were cast down from heaven? It must be, you're so..."

"Beautiful? Perhaps." He coyly massaged Dreisar's ass, encouraging him further.

Inch after thick inch sunk into him. He must have been thicker than a soda can. Maybe even two of them. But his body stretched, and accommodated, and his worries vanished the more of that thick rod he inhaled into himself. His paws gripped the demon, small shoulder spikes serving as the perfect handles. Tail curled around the demons balls, and he could have sworn he felt the trillions of sperm within moving, waiting eagerly for their chance. A predatory grin split his muzzle. They'd have to be emptied before he was done. He crouched, kneeling in the demon's lap, his footpaws feeling the warmth radiating off of the knot between them. One of his paws slipped from its grip, only to knead at the bulge in his stomach. The cock made a clear outline, and Dreisar could watch the pre through his fur, and hide. And watch it pool lower, and lower, until it slipped out around the sheer maleness embedded within him.

It was no surprise when Bale grunted as he began to ride the demon in earnest. He didn't care that it was changing him, molding him to the demon's expectations. This was what he was now, this was all that he cared about. His master required pleasing, and he'd get it. And maybe Dreisar would get some hellish pleasure out of it. There was pleasure in spades, his mind wracked with it. But, his own was barely there, barely keeping himself from passing out, whiting out from yet another heavy orgasm. He had the feeling that Bale wasn't letting him. He was right.

"Want an orgasm?" He held his hand-paw up, ready to snap his finger.

"If you... AAAAH" It was a raw, primal scream as the demon didn't wait for him to answer.

His cum sprayed out, his body writhing around the cock in his stomach, slipping a few more inches inside him until he was resting on the massive knot. His ring stretched even more, lustfully eager to take the knot. It was so tantalizingly close. His mind whited out, and it was far from a concern. It was all the fox could do to breathe, feeling his balls churning, and his cock spraying yet more of seed onto Baal's chest. The demon rumbled, pleased with his slave. He sampled some of the seed, a long, black tongue scooping it directly into his muzzle. Dreisar could only wonder what it tasted like now, after all of these corrupting influences.

"Continue at your pace. I'll reward you like that every time you please me. I have business in a bit, but..." Dreisar couldn't focus on the rest of his words. They slipped out of his mind. All he knew was that he needed even more.

Bale grinned. His newest toy was well-worth the trade off. And what would that annoying incubus Koto do with the energy anyways? Nothing important. He was a glutton for it regardless, the demon lord watching as his creation ravaged the fellow demon. His focus was impeccable, letting his slave pleasure him, even as he gained his own amusement watching the demon debase himself. His toy groaned, feeling the knot stretch him wider, and wider each time. It wasn't long before Bale was helping them along, his magic making the fox even more lustful, and protecting him from damaging his new acquisition too badly. It took a few liberties, but he stretched it out for hours, filling them with as much pre as he dared, testing his capacity.

The demon was not disappointed in the slightest, Dreisar filling up until it looked like he was almost pregnant, a heavy bulge rounding out his stomach. But, just like that, Bale snapped, and it was like it had never happened. It was time for the real show. One paw holding the fox, and the other pushed him out of his throne. Pleasure was one thing, but business was another, and business needed to be done soon. His cock pushed into the fox, slamming him into the floor, another set of paws only just barely reminding him of yet another demon's arrival. He bottomed out again, and again in his toy, savoring the little moans, and gasps he fucked out of the submissive little male below him. His massive chest heaved, an orgasm quickly approaching.

"Another one? Even by Hell's standards, you collect so many."

"It is what I do. So what if I took a few liberties with the traditional interpretation of my role?" Bale grunted.

"I would say that this hardly counts as torture."

Bale didn't respond. Dreisar did all the talking for him, the fox pushing back onto his thrusts. It felt like he was about to break, but Bale wouldn't have that. A jot more magic, but he could feel the exhaustion emanating off of the bottom. Sweat, heat, and all the corruption his fellows had put Dreisar through was almost too much. He could handle a bit more, though. His own orgasm rocked his body, his scales grinding up against the still-soft fur of the foxes' ass. The knot popped in with no complaint, locking the two together for the moment as he sprayed seeming gallons of seed into the bitch. He snapped his fingers twice, and Dreisar just couldn't hold himself up any more. The had-been adventurer slumped onto the ground, thick cockflesh still pumping him full. His own seed splattered uselessly against the ground.

Slow clapping annoyed the hell out of Bale.

"About time. I was about to ask if we could reschedule."

Dreisar didn't care what they had to say, and even if he did, he couldn't understand it. He could barely even feel it when Bale yanked his knot out. Another hellhound lapped at his face, a different fur pattern than the ones previous. His abused ass tightened up quickly, as if by magic. And it began all over again, the hound pushing itself into him, mounting him yet again. Two pairs of hooves walked away, leaving him to his fate. It felt like ages before the hound tied with him, gnawing at his neck fur, yet more seed staining the ground, and his insides.

Would you like to log out? N/N? It didn't matter which he picked. He wouldn't have logged out anyways. He dismissed the screen, and pushed the hound up, and onto its' back. This newly-minted piece of corruption needed more.

And he'd damned well get it.


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