Lost Into The Past Chapter 4

Story by smartrobert00 on SoFurry

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#4 of Lost Into The Past || A Dinosaur Train Fanfiction

This chapter is a long time coming. But it's finally done, thank god.

One of the longest chapters so far, and I was constantly was hitting wall after wall. But I did it! So here it is.

Anyways, On with the story!

Chapter 4: A day to remember

The rest of the day consisted of Mr. Conductor showing Nathan the rest of the train whilst talking to him about various things. Mainly dinosaurs. It always made him happy to see children so enthusiastic when talking about dinosaurs or learning about them in general.

When night time came around, Mr. Conductor had advised Nathan to sleep on the train for the night so if he needed anything he could get to him quickly, seeing as he would be conducting the Night Train.

Next thing he knew, it was morning. Nathan sat up in his bed and stretched, letting out a rather adorable yawn, however it also made him embarrassed as he remembered the situation he was in. He wasn't even sure about what age he was regressed to, now that he thought about it...

But he didn't care about it too much, all he cared about was having a great day today.

There was no one in there watching him though, it made him feel a little reluctant to go off on his own, considering how young he was, however he figured he knew how to navigate the train at this stage, so he hopped out of his bed and began to make his way through the train, in hopes of finding Mr. Conductor.

The first car he entered was actually the observation-car that Laura was in. Nathan smiled excitedly and ran around Laura so she could see him. Nathan stopped as soon as he was in front of the giant theropod and waved excitedly. "Hi Ms. Laura!" He exclaimed, quickly gaining the attention of Laura as she looked down and smiled.

"Hello Nathan! How are you feeling today?" She asked. Nathan gave a big smile in response and said.

"I'm feeling great! How about you?"

"I'm doing wonderfully, thank you for asking!" Laura exclaimed, giving a warm smile to Nathan.

"Do you know where Mr. Conductor is?" He asked, tilting his head a little at Laura.

"He's most likely in one of the passenger-cars." She said, but soon after, she looked back at him in slight worry. "Might I ask why you are alone, Nathan?"

"I was bored, so I decided to get out of bed!" Nathan exclaimed rather innocently. "Anyways, I'm gonna go find Mr. Conductor! Bye!" He soon ran off in excitement, feeling the best he's ever had in years. He couldn't explain it, but for some reason, he felt content with being this young, he didn't have any responsibilities, he had way more energy than before, and he could enjoy life with no worries at all!

However, he momentarily stopped his thoughts, his rational side taking over. What was he doing?! He was a twenty year old man trapped in this infantile body in prehistoric times! Now was NOT the time to act like a child!

He was kind of mad at himself for acting like this.

Okay Nathan, calm down, I'm already stressed enough as is... I can't exactly go back home without figuring out HOW I ended up here... _He thought to himself. _It isn't exactly good for me to be so worried and stressed, I might end up going insane. If that hasn't already happened... He continued walking, deep in thought, however his thoughts were cut off by him reaching his destination; the passenger-car. He soon spotted Mr. Conductor; whom was talking to some passengers.

It didn't take long for him to forget about what he was thinking about, as he felt a sudden wave of excitement.

He eagerly ran over... Well, actually it was more of a fast-walk. Mr. Conductor soon spotted Nathan heading towards him, he smiled slightly, but also panicked internally. Why was Nathan out of bed?! And why did he come here alone?!

"Hi Mr. Conductor!" Nathan said as he stopped a few feet in front of Mr. Conductor and looked up at him, waving excitedly.

"Hi Nathan, glad to see you up and about!" Mr. Conductor said, smiling brightly upon seeing how energetic the young troodon was today, however, his eyes narrowed a small bit."But why are ya here? Shouldn't you be in bed?" He asked. Nathan smiled and said.

"I wanted to see you!" And after hearing an answer like that, Mr. Conductor couldn't help but smile. "So, who are you talking to?" Nathan asked, tilting his head a little, he quickly approached Mr. Conductor and looked to where he was initially looking.

Nathan saw a family of Pteranadon there, he looked back up at Mr. Conductor, who chuckled a small bit and said. "Nathan, meet the Pteranadon family, they're good friends of mine."

Nathan looked back at the family and waved shyly, suddenly feeling his reclusive side kick in. He knew he wasn't good at conversation, and because of this, he never enjoyed meeting new people unless he had to.

In the back, a little Pteranadon was looking directly at Nathan, which he noticed, causing him to recoil behind Mr. Conductor a little.

She got out of her seat and walked up to the shy troodon. "Hello, I'm Tiny Pteranadon, and this is my family." She gestured to them before saying who they were "This is my sister Shiny, my brothers, Buddy and Don, and our Mom and Dad."

Nathan gulped a little before looking at the pteranadon again "h-hi... i'm Nathan..." He said nervously, waving a small bit.

Mr. Conductor turned to Nathan and knelt down, putting a hand on his shoulder "It's okay, there's no need to be shy." He said calmly. Nathan eased up a little and looked back at Tiny, before smiling a little. He slowly walked over, took a deep breath, and said.

"I'm Nathan, it's nice to meet you." He could feel his confidence growing ever so slightly. Nathan also noted that one of Tiny's brothers' was a T-Rex from what he could tell, he made a mental note to ask about it later.

After properly greeting the little Pteranadon, Nathan walked back to Mr. Conductor and looked up to him "So what can we do today?!" He asked excitedly. Mr. Conductor chuckled a little.

"Well, I got a lot of work I gotta do around the train, make sure the passengers are fine, sweep the floors, I just need to make sure everything runs smoothly and is in tip-top shape!" Mr. Conductor exclaimed.

_Huh... I guess they don't call him the conductor for nothing... _Nathan thought to himself. "Uhh, maybe we can do something afterwards! I think it'll be fun!" He said, hopping up and down in excitement. Mr. Conductor rubbed his chin in thought. Humming to himself a little.

"I-I mean, I don't know if I'd be able to, I'm just so busy with the train..." He said. Feeling a little bad for being so busy all the time.

"Oh..." Nathan looked down at the ground and sighed a little. "I just thought we could get off the train and go outside for a change, but it's fine, I understand..." Mr. Conductor really started to feel bad now. Upon seeing Nathans disappointed expression. He thought on it for a bit, while it is true that he couldn't go, he also didn't wanna just keep Nathan on the train all the time. He needed to go out and have fun like any other kid. "Can I still go and play outside?" Nathan asked all of a sudden.

Mr. Conductor bit his lip a little "W-Well, I-I don't think that's a good idea, with me being on the train, you wouldn't have any supervision, you could get hurt. Besides, we can't just stop the train and have you get off to play for a bit, we have a schedule to keep."

Suddenly, a gasp was heard, causing Nathan and Mr. Conductor to look at where the source was coming from, it was Tiny again. It seemed like she had an idea.

"Hey, what if we let Nathan come with us? That way he can spend time outside, while Mr. Conductor is on the train!" She said. The rest of the siblings looked at her and gasped as well, then they all looked at their Mom and Dad "Can we Mom and Dad?! Pleeeeeeeeaaaase?" Mrs. Pteranadon chuckled a little and said.

"Well if it's alright with Mr. Conductor, I don't see why not." The kids looked at Mr. Conductor, eagerly waiting for his answer.

"Well..." Mr. Conductor rubbed his chin a little. He looked down and noticed Nathan was looking at him expectedly.

"Please?! I promise I'll be good!" He exclaimed. As much as he was still adjusting to the current situation, he felt that this would help get him more acquainted with the mesozoic. Plus, his own childish tendencies wouldn't stop badgering him.

Mr. Conductor eventually gave in, he chuckled a little and nodded "Alright, you can go." The kids cheered upon hearing his answer.

Nathan smiled brightly and hugged Mr. Conductors' legs. "Yay! Thank you!" He said.

Mr. Conductor knelt down and put his hands on Nathans shoulders "You're welcome Nathan." He said, ruffling Nathans feathers a little. Causing the little troodon to giggle.

Nathan was now off the train with the Pteranadon Family, they were at The Big Pond. Mr. Conductor was kneeling down in front of Nathan, his hands placed on his shoulders.

"Now, promise me you'll listen to Mr and Mrs. Pteranadon, alright?" He said. Nathan nodded in response.

"I will!" He exclaimed.

Mr. Conductor stood up straight and smiled again, he cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted "All aboard!" Soon the train began to chug away.

He turned towards Tiny and said, "So, what is this place again? I wasn't really paying attention, I was too excited..."

"The Big Pond! We fish here a lot!" She briefly explained.

"You're gonna love it here! There's sooooo much to do!" Don chimed in, clearly excited to show Nathan around.

"Well... Like what?" Nathan asked, scratching his head a little. It's not like he wasn't excited to be outside for once. But he didn't know what prehistoric, reptilian children, liked to do. This was definitely a new experience for him.

"Well, we like to play catch the stick, hide and seek, tag. Anything really!" Buddy explained. This really intrigued Nathan, Sure, tag and hide and seek were fairly normal, but... Stick catch?

"Hmm, how do you play stick catch...?" He asked.

"I can explain it once we get to the lake!" Buddy exclaimed.

"Wait, there's a lake here?" Nathan asked, sounding noticeably excited. However, he soon slapped himself internally for asking that. Of COURSE there was a lake here, it's called The Big Pong for a reason!

Mrs. Pteranadon looked down to Nathan and smiled a little "Nathan, do you want me carry you while we fly to the lake?" She asked.

_W-Wait, fly?! Oh HEEEEECK NO! _Nathan thought to himself, panicking ever-so-slightly. He never liked heights to begin with, and the thought of flying made him... Terrified.

"F-F-Fly...?" He said. Trying his best to hide his fear.

Unfortunately, he failed to do so. Mrs. Pteranadon gave a slightly concerned look before kneeling down and putting a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright Nathan, I'll make sure you're safe." She said in a comforting tone. This calmed Nathan down a little.

"O-Okay..." He said, slowly nodding. Mrs. Pteranadon stood back up and began to flap her wings and soon started to hover into the air, her family followed suit.

Mr. Pteranadon grabbed Buddy with his feet and lifted him into the air. Mrs. Pteranadon did the same with Nathan. "You ready?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah." Nathan responded, closing his eyes tightly. Slowly, Mrs. Pteranadon lifted Nathan into the air. He could feel his feet leaving the ground.

Soon the family began flying to their destination.

Nathan could feel the wind blowing through his feathers, however he kept his eyes closed, he was too scared to look.

_C-C'mon Nathan! Quit being a chicken! This is a once-in-a-lifetime view that YOU are missing! Just open your eyes! _He thought to himself, giving himself a quick motivational speech. Which was enough for him to open one eye, then the other. He slowly looked at his surrounding and gasped at what he saw. There was so much luscious, green, trees, he could even see a few dinosaurs down there.

"This view is amazing..." He said, his fear quickly going away._ I guess all I can do now is admire this view, and wait till we reach our destination. _He thought to himself.

Eventually, the Pteranadon family landed. Mrs. Pteranadon slowly set Nathan down, then landed beside him.

Nathan looked around in excitement. They were essentially surrounded by various plant life. Trees, flowers, bushes, ferns, it was all quite beautiful, however that wasn't the first thing Nathan wanted to look at. The first thing that caught his attention was the giant lake that was in front of him. That instantly made him excited, he wanted to just rush over and dive head first into the lake. And he was about to do so, but he was stopped by Mrs. Pteranadon, he looked up at her in confusion.

"I know you're excited Nathan, but considering you've never been here, I think it'd be best you just stay with everyone." She said. Nathan nodded a little in understanding. It's true that he never visited The Big Pond before, heck, he's still new to the Mesozoic Era, he felt like a person entering a foreign land. But technically it wasn't foriegn because it was still Earth, just one hundred MILLION years ago or so. The more he thought about it, the more things he realized. He never knew dinosaurs; or any creature in prehistoric times for that matter; had the ability to speak. He always thought he'd be terrified of any and all prehistoric creatures, but they pretty much acted like humans! Except... More reptilian...

Nathan was about to say something more, but he was interrupted by the startling sound of a whistle, it sounded like something a referee would use. _First they have working steam-engines, now WHISTLES?! What's next?! Flying cars?! _He turned to where the whistle came from, but instead, he saw Mr. Pteranadon. _He doesn't have a whistle... Wait, did he MAKE that noise on his own?! _Nathan couldn't really fathom how that was possible. He didn't even think a pteranadon could make such a noise.

"Okay team!" Mr. Pteranadon began "Who's ready to have a good time?!" He asked. All the kids responded with a loud cheer. However Nathan awkwardly rubbed his arm, unsure about how he should react. "Now, before we actually start to have fun, why don't we show Nathan around and help him get a feel for this place." He continued.

"i mean, you don't have to do that..." Nathan mumbled, it was just barely loud enough for everyone to hear him.

"Well, yeah, we don't HAVE to show you around." Buddy said as he walked over.

"But we WANT to!" Don added, flying above Nathan. "I'll get to show you all the holes I've dug here!"

Nathan rubbed his chin a little "So... You like to excavate things?" He asked. Don looked a little confused about the big word Nathan used. He chuckled a little in response "I mean dig things up, y'know, things you find in the ground."

"Oooooh! Yeah, I like to collect things!" Don exclaimed "Do you like to collect things too?" He asked.

"Well, I've collected little fossils before. Things like shells, leaves, even a few bones." Nathan listed off a few things in his own fossil collection back home. Don's eyes seemed to light up a little. Huh, guess he's happy about meeting another fellow collector I guess...

"Come on! There's lots to see! I can't wait to show you all the shiny stuff around here!" Shiny exclaimed. Her beak sparkling ever-so-slightly under the sun. And that seemed to pique Nathan's interest a little... Well... It was actually his younger side who was interested in the thought of shiny stuff. Which was no surprise, He technically WAS a child, and even had the mentality of one at certain points.

"Let's go then!" Nathan exclaimed in excitement, clearly eager to get started.

Soon they all began walking around, telling Nathan about various places at The Big Pond, and even some of the memories they made there.

It didn't take long for them to finish showing Nathan around, however as they were finally finished, something had suddenly occurred to Nathan. He was surprisingly able to figure his way around the place, he could even memorize some of the places incredibly well. Which was kind of shocking to him, he was never THIS good at memorizing things. Mr. Conductor always mentioned something about Troodon being the smartest dinosaurs, but he didn't think they were able to have such good memory! He couldn't make sense of this.

Nathan was snapped out of his thoughts however by Buddy, it seemed he was trying to talk to him.

"H-Hm? Sorry, I was deep in thought..." Nathan said, rubbing the back of his head in slight embarrassment.

Buddy shook his head a little and smiled "It's alright." He said. "Hey, we're gonna play hide n seek, do you wanna play too?"

Nathan didn't hesitate and nodded excitedly "Yeah! Who's seeking?"

"Don's gonna be looking first, whoever is found last, is the next seeker." Buddy explained briefly.

Nathan wasted no time and ran off to find a hiding spot, giggling with glee as he ran. He eventually jumped behind a bush and hid, trying his hardest to stay quiet.

However, when Don walked right by him, he couldn't help but giggle. Unfortunately, Don was able to hear it.

_Please just ignore it... _Nathan thought.

After a few minutes of waiting...

Silence... All Nathan heard was silence.

Suddenly, Don's face popped into the bushes and right in front of Nathan, causing him to squeal a little in surprise.

"I found you!" Don exclaimed.

Nathan let out a sigh "Darn it! I thought I was hidden well too!" He said, folding his arms and pouting slightly, seemingly upset about having his hiding spot discovered.

"Now I have to find the others!" He exclaimed before running in the opposite direction.

Nathan followed after Don, since he had nothing else to do except wait.

After a couple of games of hide n seek, Nathan still wasn't the seeker, which was fine to him. He liked hiding anyways.

Nathan was now hiding behind a tree, but something tugging at the back of his mind was bothering him.

His own thoughts from his more rational side were taking over.

I can't keep doing this! I want to... No... I HAVE get back home! I...I NEED to!

But I don't even know how to get back, plus, it's kind of nice to relax like this.

No! This isn't what I should be doing!

His mind was all over to place. It felt like two sides of him were clashing with one another, arguing over the best way to deal with this... It was too much!

Without thinking, Nathan ran off, he didn't know where he wanted to go, he just knew that he needed to be alone.

5 minutes had passed, and at this point, it was clear to the kids that something was up.

"You think Nathan is just THAT good at hiding?" Don asked.

Buddy shook his head in response. "I don't think so, we all were calling his name and he still didn't respond." He said as he began to look a little worried.

"Think we should tell mom and dad?" Tiny asked.

"I think we should, it'd be better than us looking on our own." Buddy replied. The kids nodded in agreement, then they all went off to find Mr and Mrs. Pteranadon.

It didn't take very long to find them, Mrs. Pteranadon saw the kids running up to her, but when she noticed Nathan wasn't there, she grew a little concerned. "Kids? Did something happen?" She asked. They all nodded in unison.

"We can't find Nathan anywhere, none of us know where he is!" Tiny explained, panicking ever so slightly.

Mrs. Pteranadons eyes went wide. Why would someone as young as him go out on his own?! He could get hurt!

"Mom? Dad? What are we gonna do? He could be anywhere!" Shiny exclaimed, looking just as worried as everyone else.

Mrs. Pteranadon looked to her husband and said "Hun, I'm gonna go look for Nathan, alright?" She said. Mr. Pteranadon nodded.

"Alright, I'll keep an eye on the kids then." With one final nod, Mrs. Pteranadon took off. With any luck, it shouldn't take too long to find the young Troodon. She figured that he wouldn't be able to get very far anyways.

Nathan wasn't really paying attention to where he was going, he was just running, it felt like it had been hours...

Eventually, he stopped and sat down, attempting to catch his breath. It was pretty quiet, which means he was able to think without any interruptions.

Why did I do that...?! They're gonna wonder where I am, and I'm gonna get into trouble for going off like this! I'm so stupid!

Nathan was just so overwhelmed now, not with the situation, but with his own emotions. He always told himself to power through it, and keep going, but he couldn't do it forever. It was... Emotionally draining...

So he just sat there, trying to calm himself down. He didn't feel like he was gonna have a panic attack, but he felt like he was about to emotionally breakdown. Tears started stinging his eyes.e tried his best to hold them back, but...

He wasn't able too. He kept hearing small winces and whimpers escaping his mouth. Pretty soon it turned into light crying, he was trying his best not to be too loud, but it kept getting increasingly more difficult to cry quietly.

"I-I can get through this..." He told himself "I-I..." He stayed silent for a small bit.

I-I wanna go home..._! _That thought did it, his crying slowly got louder, he couldn't control himself anymore. He couldn't do this on his own! He just couldn't! And without his family, he had no one there to help him! He really was alone!

Nathan laid down on his side and curled up as he kept on crying.

He didn't even hear the sound of someone walking up beside him, he would've looked, but he was just too emotional to handle it. Before he knew it, he felt a pair of hands gently sitting him up, then he felt someone hug him. He also heard something else; humming. He heard a soothing voice hum to him.

At this very moment, Nathan felt something that he hadn't felt in a long time; safety, and comfort.

His crying started to die down, to the point where it was just small whimpers and hiccups. Nathan was calm enough to look at who was humming him.

He was expecting someone like Mr or Mrs. Pteranadon, but it was someone even more surprising.

Mr. Conductor himself was there, hugging Nathan.

"M-Mr. Conductor...?" Nathan said, his voice wavering slightly.

"Is everything alright Nathan?" Mr. Conductor asked.

"...N-No... Nothing's alright..." Nathan replied, sniffling a little.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I...I..." Tears started rolling down Nathan's cheeks again, but he didn't bother wiping them, knowing that more tears would take their place. "I-I miss home..."

"Is that all?" Mr. Conductor asked, rubbing Nathan's head slowly.

"I-I just feel... Like there's no one there to help me... That I'm alone..." He added

"Well, you're never truly alone, Nathan."

"B-But I'm already alone...! There's no one there for me!" Nathan yelled a little. But Mr. Conductor kept calm.

"You aren't alone... I'm here, aren't I?" Mr. Conductor said. Nathan slowly looked up at him, then nodded a small bit.

"W-When did you get here...?"

"The train had come back, and I was ready to pick you up, but after a few minutes of waiting, I started getting worried when you didn't show up at the station. So I went to see where ya were. I ran into the Pteranadon family, and they told me that they didn't know where you were. Mrs. Pteranadon was already looking for ya, but... I went to look for you too. Then I heard you crying and... Well you know the rest by now." Mr. Conductor explained.

"Y-You left the train to look for me? What about the schedule?"

"I was more worried something bad happened to you, I'm the one taking care of you after all."

Nathan heard someone land behind Mr. Conductor, this caused of them to look. It was Mrs. Pteranadon, she seemed relieved upon seeing that Nathan was okay.

"Now why don't we head back to the train, okay?" Mr. Conductor asked. Nathan nodded a little in response.

Nathan and Mr. Conductor were back at the stop at Pteranadon Terrace now; The Pteranadon Family's home.

The little troodon was standing in front of the Pteranadon Family, rubbing his arm shyly.

"I'm... Sorry I ran off like that... I was just... Freaking out I guess. I needed somewhere quiet to be." He explained, a feeling of guilt washing over him.

"It's alright Nathan, it's clear you've been through a lot lately. But next time, you should tell someone you trust. if you just run off like that, you're gonna worry everyone." Mrs. Pteranadon said, smiling kindly at Nathan.

"O-Okay... To be perfectly honest though, I would be lying if I said I didn't have fun." He said, smiling and rubbing his arm a little.

Mr. Conductor gave a warm smile and rubbed Nathan's head "That's good to hear." He said as he and Nathan slowly turned to head back on the train

"Oh...!" Nathan suddenly realized something, he quickly looked back at the Pteranadon family "Thanks for letting me come with you guys!" He exclaimed, giving the brightest smile he's ever given in awhile.

"You're welcome!" All the kids said back, waving as Nathan boarded the train.

Mr. Conductor cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted "All aboard!" As he boarded the train. It soon started to chug away.

Nathan looked up at Mr. Conductor, then looked back down. "Um... I'm really sorry I was off on my own I-" He was interrupted by Mr. Conductor raising a hand.

"It's alright Nathan, I understand that you needed to be alone. It's something everyone needs every now and then." He said. Nathan tilted his head a little, seemingly confused. He soon pointed at Mr. Conductor and asked.

"Even you?"

"Well..." Mr. Conductor didn't even know how to answer that... And the more he thought about it... When was the last time he had time to himself? He'd always been on the train... He thought harder on it, but couldn't really recall having much time to himself lately. And the time he did get was pretty scarce.

"Mr. Conductor?" Nathan called out, snapping Mr. Conductor out of his thoughts.

"H-Hm? It's nothing, don't worry."


It was silent for a bit, but the silence was broken by Nathan yawning. He rubbed his eyes a little and blinked a few times.

Mr. Conductor couldn't help but smile, he kneeled down in front of Nathan and said "I think a certain little troodon needs some sleep."

Nathan shook his head a little "Nooooo... I'm not... Tired..." He said, though his unstable, wobbly body said otherwise.

"You suuuuure?" Mr. Conductor said, grinning slightly.

"M-Mhmm..." It looked like Nathan was about to pass out on the floor.

_Guess all that playing and... Emotional stress tired him out... _Mr. Conductor thought to himself.

"I-I swear I'm not sleepy, you can't make me go to bed either..." Nathan added, really intent on staying awake. So Mr. Conductor resorted to the only thing he could do in this scenario.

He picked Nathan up.

The sudden gesture caused Nathan to yelp and blush a tiny bit out of embarrassment. Nathan was not used to this in the slightest, since he hasn't been picked up like this in years.

Mr. Conductor took Nathan to the cart his bed was in, he walked up to the bed and laid the young troodon in it.

Nathan was still a little embarrassed, but as soon as his head hit the bed, he was getting sleepier and sleepier.

He slowly looked back up at Mr. Conductor.

"Hey Mr. Conductor?" He tiredly called out.

"Yes Nathan?"

"Can you sing me a song...?" Nathan asked.

"A song...? I dunno... I don't think I'm THAT good a singer..."

"Pleeeeeaaase...?" Nathan pleaded.

"Alright, alright..." Mr. Conductor reluctantly agreed. He didn't know that many Lullaby's in all honesty, he never really had a use for them. So he tried his best to dig through his own memories and find something.

He eventually settled on one. He kneeled down by the bed and soon began to sing.

Lullaby, and good night, in the skies stars are bright.

May the moon's silvery beams bring you sweet dreams.

Close your eyes now and rest, may these hours be blessed.

'Til the sky's bright with dawn, when you wake with a yawn.

Nathans eyes slowly began to droop, he was really struggling to stay awake.

Lullaby, and good night, you are mother's delight.

I'll protect you from harm, and you'll wake in my arms.

Sleepyhead, close your eyes, for I'm right beside you.

Guardian angels are near, so sleep without fear.

Nathans eyes fully closed. Upon seeing this, Mr. Conductor started humming the lullaby instead of singing as he slowly stood up and began to quietly leave.

"Goodnight..." He whispered as he left.

Once that was done, Mr. Conductor went to the dining-car and sat down in one of the booths, he wasn't hungry or anything, he just needed a quiet place to think, and seeing as not many passengers were on-board, he figured the dining-car would be the quietest place.

"When WAS the last time I had time to myself...?" He asked himself. He'd always been on the train all this time, guess he never paid attention to his own condition.

As he sat there in thought, he slowly began to realize just how taxing everything he's been doing has been. The conducting job was no issue before, but now he has to watch a little troodon on top of that.

Suddenly, everything hit him at once. He let out a deep sigh and slouched over. Yeah, he was definitely exhausted.

_Maybe I should get some time-off... _His eyes widened a little when he thought that. Time away from the train? He's never usually thought about something like that.

I could always ask mother to take over for me... But... _Mr. Conductor stopped himself a moment and shook his head... There weren't any excuses for this. It was clear that he NEEDED this. This may also give me a chance to get to know Nathan more..._

After going back n forth in his mind, he eventually decided.

Tomorrow, he was gonna get some much needed time-off.

Alright! That was chapter 4!

It took way longer than I was expecting, but it's over FIVE THOUSAND WORDS! So there's a lot that happens in here.

But I'm happy with how this turned out, I hope you like it too.

Anyways, hope you enjoy! I'll see ya next time!

This is Robert! Signing off!~

Lost Into The Past Chapter 5

Chapter 5: The Day Off Nathan awoke from his slumber, feeling really refreshed as he sat up and stretched. No one was here right now, so he decided now would be good time to actually figure out things about himself, or rather, his new self, like for...

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Lost Into The Past Chapter 3

Chapter 3: A little paranoid Ever since Nathans panic attack, he ended up sleeping for almost twenty-four whole hours. Because of this, Mr. Conductor made sure to have at least one worker keep watch of Nathan while he was still asleep, just in case he...

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Lost Into The Past Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Welcome aboard! Nathans' eyes shot open, he didn't know how long he was passed out for, but one thing was for certain, he wasn't outside anymore. Instead, he was in a bed inside what appeared to be some sort of train-car, it wasn't the...

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