Lost Into The Past Chapter 5

It had happened a few days before he had arrived in prehistoric times, but no matter how hard he tried to remember, his mind was telling him no.

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Prehistoric King

When he was done, the prehistoric king lowered his leg and ran about the room, breaking anything that got in the way of its powerful legs before he stopped at the bedroom door.

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Don't Bug Me

Megan was looking around her like a child in a candy shop at all the fossils and models of prehistoric life on display as art pieces throughout the building. "why prehistoric only, though?

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Fountain of Youth: Chapter 2.

I must warn you guys about prehistoric creatures living in the pits.    - prehistoric? - asked gus.        - yes; the mine was build right over a lost prehistoric world. we better not talk about it...    

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Ideas for future stories

-prehistoric beast in the pride lands: not human involved, but close enough: a non-megatheropod (anything heavier than 4 tons, but most probably a sabertooth or a gorgonopsid) from an ark-like world somehow ends up in the pride lands, except he's not


Mega Pleased

Their mission was to bring back the prehistoric world, that was so abruptly taken away by a stray meteor. maggie would be the first of the new age.

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Lizard King

Except they neglected to mention that in order to bring back prehistoric life- they would make humans extinct.

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Bouncy Mouse

(M TF Kangaroo) Noah was already waiting at outside for his mate Oliver to catch up. They both just moved to Lordshire Britain from Australia, since Austalia is sort of known for its absolutely atrocious internet and disgustingly overpriced...

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[Commission] Prehistoric Podiatric Idolatry 2: The Quest

#13 of commissions [commission] prehistoric podiatric idolatry 2: the quest the hunter goes on another adventure complete with dinoslaying and footworship a spinosaurus - a great beast, like many other.

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Lost Into The Past Chapter 1

"prehistoric stuff." he read. nathan had always had a fondness of dinosaurs and prehistoric things. heck, he's always wanted to study fossils, so he made it a goal of his to become a paleontologist.

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No Touching - Giant Crocodile (Deinosuchus) TF

"Man... can't say I've ever been through one of these places at night before... then again, I don't think I've ever SEEN one of these places open at night before!" Peter chuckled to himself as he walked slowly through the seemingly empty museum, taking...

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Nice Rack

Their goal is to resurrect prehistoric life and undo extinction, and now buck is going to help with that. at least it will feel good. (m tf megaloceros) athena was a normally calm and mature woman.

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