A Better Romance Then Twilight

Story by chillpenguin2j5 on SoFurry

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A werewolf is heartbroken when a vampire he loves finds another, so he goes to claim her 'sister', but discovers something shocking.

The camera showed a dark and dreary looking village with numerous anthro animals going about their day in stone and wooden houses while surrounding the place were thick and nerve wracking trees while several miles away was a tall castle that had numerous towers and seemed to reach the moon.

One of the residents, a brown hare was setting some buckets down near the well and started to lower one down into it while his son stood beside him and looked around nervously.

"Dad? Do we have to be out here? It's creepy here at night." The boy shivered.

"Calm yourself boy, we're just getting some water and we'll be back home in no time flat. Your moms already getting dinner ready so it'll all be worth it." he remarked while focusing on the bucket.

"B-But what about what the others are saying? About the....you know, being seen near the village lately."

"Son, what have I said about listening to crazy rumors?" The father said as he rolled the level, pulling the bucket up from the well. "You should know better than to listen to their crazy talk."

"But I heard it calling out last week! What if it's coming for us? What if it's-" The boy froze when he and his father heard the sound of something snapping in the forest. The young hare was starting to shake like a leaf as he turned his gaze into the dark forest, where a thick mist was seeping through the trees. "D-Dad? Did you hear that?"

"Yeah." he replied before noticing people nearby turn pale and rush into their homes while he forgot about the bucket and picked his son up. "We're getting home, quietly."

Forgoing the bucket, the father quickly but quietly made his way to his home, with his ears straight up and listened for anything danger. He felt his son trembling in his arms, his heart slowly racing in his chest as the eerie sound of an owl was heard. Then he suddenly froze when his ears picked up the sound of something growling. His eyes widen with fear as the growling was growing louder.

"Dad?" whimpered his son hearing it too.

His father slowly turned his head to the trees, as if to look for any sign of where the sound came from. Then his heart almost stopped and his blood turned cold, when he spotted two large glowing eyes in the darkness. The eyes seemed to narrow themselves at him as the growling was getting louder. The father gulped loudly and held his son closer to his arms.

Then by some unknown signal, the father made a mad dash back to his house, as whatever was in the trees shot out and gave chase.

The hare glanced back before looking back forward to a house with the lights on and rushed in, put his son down, and slammed the door shut before grabbing a large slab of wood and slid it in front of it while his wife jumped in the kitchen and rushed over.

"Honey? What's wrong?" His wife shouted as she saw her husband placing a shelf at the door.

"Stay back and don't come any closer!" He exclaimed and then cried out in surprise when something crashed into the door.

The wife screamed when she heard the loud growling from outside and picks up her son, and watched her husband trying to keep the door from opening. Her son buried his face in her neck, crying out in fear as they heard the sound of some ungodly roar behind their door.

"My gun! Get me my gun!" The father shouted.

The wife quickly went to their closet after setting her son down, and pulls out a musket rifle and brings it to her husband. The husband grabs the musket from her, quickly loads it with some bullets and backs away from the door with his wife and son behind him.

The roar came again before the door was crashed into again with a crack going across it followed by scratching. The wife and son were trembling as the sound of scratching got louder and louder, the husband put on a brave front as he aimed the rifle at the door, ready to shoot whatever was trying to get at them.

The door cracked and creaked as the creature behind the door assaulted it with such ferocity. Then a hole was punched through the door and a large clawed hand was seen sticking through.

The father yelled out and shot at it, but the clawed hand grabbed the wooden slab before digging into it with a grip and made it break before moving out of the door with it suddenly going silent.

The husband eyed the door with extreme caution, he knew whatever was chasing him and his son was still out there, and was not gonna take any chances. He reloaded his rifle and slowly walked over to the door, with the barrel of the gun aimed at the hole in the door. Taking one last gulp he carefully peaks through the hole, with the gun barrel sticking out. "Come out devil." He said quietly.

Then before he knew it, a large golden eye suddenly appeared before him and let out a loud howl. The husband cried out and fired his gun at the creature behind the door. He wasn't sure if he hit it, but he heard the sound of a yelp coming from the creature.

"Quickly, get down the cellar now!" He ordered his wife and son while reloading his rifle.

The two didn't need to be told twice and ran to the nearest wooden door, opened it, and headed down the steps with the father gulping as he put the bullet in the rifle. He heard the creature roaring again and fired at it, hoping he hit something that would keep the creature busy long enough for him to get down at the cellar with his family.

Not even bothering to check if he hit it, the husband made his way at the wooden door on the floor, opens it and ran down the stairs while bolting the door. The front door bulged a few times until it exploded into splinters, as the creature crashed through it and entered the house.

The creature that chased the father and son, was a large, muscular werewolf with pitch black fur and golden amber eyes that glowed like fire. It looked around the house and licked it's maw before it's nose twitched and turned to the door on the other side making it growl. The werewolf started sniffing in the air looking for the hares that were in the house, it had chased the first two who were near the well, hoping to find an easy meal.

Its weight made the wooden floor creak loudly as it walked inside the house, while down in the cellar the husband and his family were huddled together in the far back, with the rifle still aimed at the door. The husband gripped the rifle tightly in his hands, gritting his teeth.

"Mom, are we gonna die?" whispered their son.

"No sweetie, we're not. Everything's gonna be fine." His mother assured him.

"Let's hope so." The father said to himself.

The werewolf followed its nose until it spotted the wooden door on the floor, it let out a loud snarl and was about to make its way over, until its ears picked up the sounds of shouting, loud and angry shouts outside the house. It turned it's head and growled while smelling oil being burnt and hearing feet coming towards the house.

It soon spotted light outside the door and saw a large group of several animals outside, all of them wielding various weapons and tools as well as torches. This was an angry mob of villagers, having heard the sound of the werewolf attacking one of their neighbors, had banded together and marched forth to drive the wolf away.

"There it is! There's the werewolf!!" A male elk shouted as soon as he spotted the beast.

"Everyone shoot it now!" A fox exclaimed while bringing his musket out.

The werewolf roared out and ran at the door before he managed to jump over the crowd just as they fired, landed in the middle of the crowd, and started to run through them while knocking several villagers aside and headed into the woods.

The mob soon gave chase while the other half went inside to cheek the family. The wooden door slowly opened itself, and the husband peaked through and saw his neighbors walking in and let out a large sigh of relief. "Oh, thank god you're all here." He said and fully opens the door and walks out with his wife and son behind him. "If you all hadn't shown up, we would be dead if that monster found us."

"Were any of you hurt badly?" A racoon asked.

"No, we're all safe, thank you." smiled the mother while setting her son down. "Where did the beast go?"

"It fled back into the woods. We're going to split up and see if we can find it's lair. We've let it run loose in this land too long!" A male bull exclaimed while tightening his fist.

"I say we hunt down the beast, and kill it!" A female weasel shouted with the other villagers shouting in agreement.

Back at the forest, the werewolf dashed through the trees leaping from branch to branch. It landed on a strong branch and looked behind itself, it snarled as the faint lights from the torches were seen and the shouts and clamoring of the villagers were heard. A piece of the tree beside its head suddenly explodes, forcing the werewolf to jump off when the sound of gunfire filled the forest.

"There it is! I found it!"

"Don't let it escape!"

The werewolf snarled loudly and was forced to retreat further into the woods. It has been living within these woods for years, so it knows the forest a lot better than those fools. If it could find a way to lose them then it would be home free. It darted around the trees while breaking some branches behind it.

The werewolf ducked its head a few times, as a few bullets nearly hit its head and only the trees it ran by. The werewolf spotted a large marsh up ahead and leaps to the tree and uses the branch to launch it across the marsh, knowing none of the villagers would be able to move into the marsh since it was like quicksand.

The wolf easily landed on the other side, and snarled over its shoulder as the mob were closing in. The werewolf then takes off as the mob came into view, and saw the disappearing form of the werewolf. All they heard was the loud howl of the beast, echoing through the night sky.

"Damn it, it got away!" Snarled a moose.

"Hopefully that beasts stays out of our village, and if it dares to show itself again, we'll burn it alive!" A pig exclaimed with the others shouting in agreement.

The wolf was seen running through the forest, panting heavily as it slowed down and finally came to a stop. The werewolf looked over its shoulder and saw no one behind it, it let out a huff and made its way back to its den after failing to score a meal. It walked into what looked like a burrow in the ground and crawled in while clearing its throat. "Damn those villagers, I almost had those rabbits. Now I'm going to be feeling hungry all night." The wolf angrily said to himself.

These past few nights he's been successful in his hunts, mostly hunting those in the village, but each time he makes an attempt to find prey, they always seemed repel him with every visit. It's been like this for almost two weeks if not a whole month now, and he's really starving.

He moved down deeper until reaching what looked like a small camp with tent and fire pit as he sat down against a rock and let out a yawn. "Now I'll probably look like a mess when I go to visit Lady Astrid at her castle tomorrow. Those damn villagers will be skittish so if I make one wrong step, I'm screwed." He snarled and then fell asleep.

(The next night)

After sleeping in after an unsuccessful hunt last night, the werewolf had to make do with hunting an animal within the forest, knowing full well those villagers will be on their toes. But for now, he must make himself look more presentable for the fair Lady Astrid.

He moved to the stream to get himself cleaned up while munching on some fish while there was a black suited dress shirt resting on a nearby rock which was his size. After finishing the last fish he caught the werewolf quickly rinsed his mouth off, cleaned himself up and began to put on the suit.

He then looked himself over in a mirror, making sure he looked good enough before leaving for the castle. After looking himself over, the wolf gave a nod and smiled to himself. "There, that's more like it." He said to himself.

He went on back towards the village, but went on a path that took him around it while making sure not to tear the shirt. After an hour or so of walking, he sees the castle ahead and smiles to himself. He's seen the castle about a million times, and he still never gets tired of looking at it. "Ok, time to win Lady Astrid's heart."

He stayed low and moved on all fours and began making his way up the path that lead to the castle while not feeling scared in the least. He sees the front gate which had two large armored guard, standing at attention for those who seek to enter the castle. Reaching into his pocket, the werewolf pulls out what looks like a scroll with a crest on it and nodded to himself.

"Ok. Here goes something." He mumbled to himself and made his way over to the gate, which the guard had their spears pointed at him as he stopped within an inch of their weapons.

"Halt, who goes there?"

"Easy! I'm here to visit Lady Astrid, she already gave me an invitation." The wolf said while showing them the scroll.

One of the guards takes the scroll from him, looks it over and notices the crest. "Very well. The mistress is inside her chamber." The guard said as he and his partner moved aside and opens the gate.

"Thank you." The wolf said and walked passed the gate, and made his way towards the castle. Once inside he saw a large set of stair leading up, he started climbing them and looked all around himself, seeing various pictures of several noblemen and noblewomen, but mostly the fair Lady Astrid. Said woman was a grey colored bat with her hair parted at her face to show silver eyes and wore a large black ballroom dress with purple puffy ends while her wings were exposed under the sleeves and had a smile with her fangs poking out.

The wolf smiles and hummed to himself, feeling really lucky to finally confess his feelings for the young vampire. He dusted himself off while making sure his breath was fine before he reached a tall looking oak door and gave a loud knock on it. "Lady Astrid, are you in there? It's me Thomas." The wolf said as he knocked.

However there was no answer and he frowned a little. He gave another knock and stood up straight.

'Maybe she's just getting her makeup on. Probably to look good when I tell her my feelings.'

Just as he was about to find a place to sit and wait for her, he passed by a window and looked downward, and what he saw shattered his heart into a million pieces. Down in a courtyard of some kind, was Lady Astrid, laughing and dancing under the light of the moon, but she was dancing with someone else, another bat like her.

"....N-No....no...." Thomas quietly said as he saw Astrid and the other bat kiss one another, completely crushing his heart. "I'm too late...."

He stepped back from the window and gripped his heart while feeling tears and ran down the hall to the exit. His one chance, his one chance to tell her how he felt about her and now he's lost it! He waited too damn long to tell her, and now he's lost her to another man!!!

He ran down the path and out of the gath while heading straight to his land with an angry huff in his step.

(Few hours later)

Thomas was seen in his den, having torn his suit to shred and leaving them scattered on the ground. He was seen lying on his side, his back facing the dim lit fire as he stared into the cave wall with an empty gaze. He never felt so hurt in his life, the feeling in his heart was worse than those bullets the villagers shot him with.

"For years I watched you, saw your beauty, saw how you were like an angel in the night. No one would suspect you could devour their life without even knowing it." Thomas said to himself, recalling him watching Astrid from a distance before finally meeting her in person. She stole his heart from the very moment he laid eyes on her, and she's gone and crushed it before his eyes.

The poor wolf let out a miserable whine and his ears dipped, he curled himself into a ball and remained that way, not even bothered by the fire dying or the cold air in the den.

(Next day)

Thomas was out the next morning trying to find food, but feeling his sadness drifting away to be replaced by anger. He gave a slash across a tree, leaving marks, and huffed while gripping his chest. "I would have slaughtered villager after villager for her, for her to drink for eternity, but she chooses a vampire? Tch, what good can he do? He'd probably let his servants do the work instead of drawing blood with his bare hands."

His ears suddenly picked up the sound of movement, he ducks behind a tree and peaks around, and saw three lone men wondering the woods. No doubt looking for wild game to hunt. Thomas' anger spiked a thousand fold, his anger of Astrid choosing a vampire over him still lingered, only to be fueled by the site of three hunters in his forest!

"Any sign of the beast yet?" A Racoon asked.

"No, we've been out here since this morning, we probably should've seen any tracks by now." A rat said.

"Still stay sharp, we're in the beast's territory now." A fox warned scanning the trees around them. Even though it's day, the forest was still eerie and creepy as hell, since almost no light pierced through.

Thomas brandished his claws and licked his teeth and was about to make a move, but suddenly heard a screech making the hunters look up just as a shadow came down and picked one up making him let out a choke scream.

"David!" The raccoon shouted as he and the rat started shooting wherever the creature took their friend. "What was that?! The beast?"

"No! It was something else!" The rat shouted before feeling something pulling him back, he screamed as whatever it was that grabbed him, had dragged him into the forest.

"Peter!" The raccoon cried out and began shooting where his friend was dragged at.

As this went on Thomas only watched on, feeling curious as to who or what was picking off the hunters that dared to enter his forest. 'What the hell was that?'

The raccoon was beginning to panic, his two friends were taken away by some shadowy creature, whatever it was, it wasn't the werewolf. He frantically looked all around him, pointing his gun at every direction waiting for whatever took his friends to try and get him. "C-Come out!"

"If you insist." came a feminine voice before a figure dropped down behind him making him turn with wide eyes and shock.

"Y-You?! What are you-AHHH!" The raccoon barely cried out as a clawed hand sliced his neck, causing blood to spray from his wound. He desperately tried to keep himself from bleeding, but failed miserably as he fell face first, and a pool of blood formed under him.

Thomas was stunned while the figure moved down near the villager, but the shocking part was he saw the figure having gray bat ears and matching hair that obscured their face with a brown cloak over their body. They were casually licking up the blood with a moan as he rubbed his eyes.

'V-Vampires.' he wondered while narrowing his eyes. 'But the only one near here is Lady Astrid, what's she doing out here and away from the castle?' He then saw the vampire turning the raccoon over and began to drink his blood.

Suddenly the memory of her breaking his heart the other night quickly returned, and made him snarl angrily at her. He stood up and began walking towards her. "Astrid!" He called out which got her attention. "I need to have a word with you."

The bat though glanced up briefly before standing up and spread their wings and took off flying away.

Thomas tried to reach out for her, only to see her vanish in the sky. He snarls loudly as tears were falling from his eyes. "ASTRID!!!!!!!" His cries echoed throughout the forest and the air, scaring the birds and some of the local animals in the forest. Thomas snarled angrily and began to swing his claws wildly, slashing against the trees, leaving deep claw marks within the bark.

He was snarling, roaring, and howling as he vent his anger out on the trees, already some of them began to bleed from his claws tearing them open. This went on for what felt like eternity, until he finally stopped and was panting heavily.

The tears in his eyes never stopped during his violent outburst, his claws still tensed and his body trembling from all the anger seeping out of him. "Why...Why would you ignore me?"

He sat down on the ground and huffed while ignoring everything around him. Not even sparing the dead bodies of the villagers, as a few crows swooped down and began to peck at the open wounds.


He let out a few quiet growls, still trying to calm himself down, his claws that were elongated had shrank. He looked up at the sky and felt annoyance while slowly standing up. "Tch, who needs her?" he scoffed quickly trying to stay strong while wiping away his tears. "Who cares if she found herself with some other vampire? If she wants a regal snob as a husband, who am I to judge? There's plenty of other females out there just dying to be near me like that."

But as he said that he let out a growl and kicked a stone. "It makes no sense! I'm tough, strong, ferocious, and have plenty of land, what's wrong with me?" he looked at his reflection and touched his face. "Am I just too hairy?"

He sulked for a bit before getting up and clenched his claws. "You know what? I'm gonna get her back right where it hurts!" he thought back to her little sister who he didn't see much and got a lightbulb click in his head. "That's it! If I can't bed her, I'll bed her sister and make her my own personal slave!"

With that, he turn and bolted off back towards the castle with a feral grin. When he got there he moved to the door and banged on it before waiting. After a few minutes it slowly opened to show Astrid's butler who opened one of his eyes.


"I've come to ask if Lady Astrid is here."

"No sir, she and Lord Draven left already, shall I take a message?"

"Actually, I came here to see if her sister was available."

"....please come inside."

'Yes.' thought the werewolf going in as the butler shut the door and walked ahead of him.

"I shall fetch the young 'madam' as soon as I can, you may make yourself comfortable until I return."

'The most comfortable thing here will be me on top of her and on the bed ravaging her body.'

Deep in the castle and in a room showed a gray furred bat who was slim and laying on their belly with short black hair and currently wearing black stockings with a matching garter belt and a purple tiny bra with the garter belt showing a bulge as the bat was munching on bonbons beside themselves while looking in a fashion magazine.

"Man, corsets look so uncomfortable. Good thing I don't need it." they chuckled in a male voice which confirmed this bat WAS one hundred percent guy. He popped another bon bon in his mouth and flipped the page to show a wolf in a suit and smiled. "Now that's something I wouldn't mind a piece of, and I don't mean the suit."

Then he heard someone knocking on his door. Catching his attention and missing the bon bon that hit his nose. "Yes? What is it?"

"It's me." came Thomas' voice while the bat tilted their head. "Sir Thomas young madam."

'Thomas? Who is...oh! He's that werewolf my sister's talked about.' he cleared his throat while getting up to grab a nearby blue ball gown dress. "Give me a moment to get myself together sir Thomas." he spoke in his practiced girly voice.

Outside the room Thomas was seen leaning against the wall, waiting for Astrid's sister to let him in. 'If I can't have Astrid, then her sister will be the one for me.' He thought to himself. True he's still bitter about her betrayal, but at least her sister will be enough to help with his anguish.

"I'm ready now, sir Thomas. You can enter now."

'Well, here goes nothing.' Thomas took a deep breath and opens the door and enters the room. As he entered the room, he saw it was almost like Astrid's room, only it was a bit more girly than her room. His eyes soon spotted someone sitting on the bed, and this someone was lady Samantha, Astrid's young sister.

"Good evening sir Thomas." 'she' smiled with 'her' hands on her lap. "What can I do for you?"

"Nothing really......I thought I'd drop by and pay you a visit is all." He said with his ears lightly dropping and a frown still plastered on his face.

Samantha noticed this and tilted 'her' head. "Is something wrong? You don't seem very happy." 'She' said.

"No no, nothing. I merely came by to talk to you, alone is all."

Knowing full well that he was lying, Samantha clears 'her' throat and patted the spot on the bed, motioning him to sit next to 'her'.

Thomas inwardly sighed and walks over to him, and sits down beside 'her'. "Apologies if this is a bother for you."

"Oh no, I was free." 'she' smiled. 'Enjoying myself before you came in, why aren't you chasing after my sister?' His ears suddenly heard a very low growl coming from Thomas, as his lips almost pulled back to reveal his fangs. "Did something happen between you two?" 'She' asked already knowing the answer.

"Your sister...she....broke my heart...."

'Her' eyes slowly widen when he told 'her' what 'her' sister did, and lets out a sigh. "Should've known she would do that." Then Samantha places a hand on Thomas' shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I'm very sorry that happened sir Thomas. I know how much you loved her, only for her to break your heart by going with another man."

"I appreciate it, lady Samantha." He said while placing his hand on 'hers'. "I should've told her sooner, if I had then I wouldn't be feeling like this."

'And cutting into my personal time.' 'she' thought while keeping a smile. "Well I'm sure you'll find someone better. After all, you are tall, strong, and very rugged." 'Something I wouldn't mind right now, but what are the chances of me getting with someone like that? He's practically a puppy rightnow.'

Thomas slowly nodded. "Yeah, hopefully someday I could find someone as beautiful as you." He said not watching his words.

Samantha let out a gasp when 'she' heard him calling 'her' beautiful.

Thomas soon realized this and tries to fix it. "S-Sorry! I....I didn't meant to...." He stuttered while waving his hands rapidly. 'Damn it! I wanted to take her here and now, but how can I do that if I'm flustered?'

"Is it true?"

He stops panicking when he hears her question, while seeing her face lowered with her eyes hiding behind the shadow of her hair.

"Am I....beautiful?" 'She' asked him again. "Do you really mean it?"

"....I....I...yes. I think you're very beautiful, lady Samantha." Thomas said with no way to cover it up now. "Perhaps even more beautiful than your sister."

Inwardly Samantha was squealing happily when he called 'her' beautiful, 'her' face was blushing so red, 'her' head would burst into flames. 'I'm beautiful? More beautiful than my sister?!'

Thomas tilts his head when he saw 'her' body slightly trembling. "Lady Samantha? Are you ok?" He asked leaning a little close to her.

The bat tried to keep it together while 'her' leg brushed against his and gave a smile. "Oh absolutely." 'She' said before slowly raising her head, and revealing the biggest smile 'she' ever had. "Cause you just made me the happiest vampire, in the whole land!" 'She' exclaimed with stars twinkling around her eyes.

Seeing her happy expression made Thomas chuckle nervously, her expression while cute it may be, but also creeped him out a little. "I'm glad to hear that, lady Samantha." He said while rubbing the back of his head. 'Wow, this is turning out better than I thought. Should I try and make my move now while she's caught off guard?'

Then he felt something rubbing his thigh, and saw it was Samantha's hand, moving ever so slowly back and forth. "What else do you think of me?" 'She' asked with a seductive smile.

Just seeing her smile was making his heart slowly race, his tail was slowly beginning to wag when he felt 'her' hand sliding back and forth on his thigh. "...Well, I think that you're....cute, funny and possibly the only girl I can really talk to."

Samantha let out a giggle and moved closer making the werewolf gulp while the bat moved a leg out from under 'her' skirt and over one of his legs making him turn red. "Oh really now?"

'Oh fuck it all!' he thought while the bat reached over and gave his chest a rub before he grabbed 'her' wrist and narrowed his eyes.

"You sure are-Woah!" 'she' let out before finding 'herself' on her back with Thomas over 'her' with a growl.

"In fact, I think you're so beautiful, that I'll do something I always wanted to do to lady Astrid. I'm going to ravage you every night and turn you into my bitch." He snarled before ramming his lips against 'hers', which made Samantha squeak in surprise.

The bat's eyes went wide as the wolf drove his tongue into 'her' mouth, rolling all over 'her' tongue and tasting the insides of 'her' mouth. 'Oh my god! I'm actually getting pinned by a rugged and tough werewolf! Please don't let this be a dream!'

Samantha closed 'her' eyes and wrapped 'her' arms around Thomas' neck, kissing him back and running 'her' fingers through his fur.

The wolf's tail wagged wildly, he pulls away from the kiss and buries his snout on Samantha's neck, and started licking around 'her' neck, while inhaling 'her' sweet scent. 'She'll be mine, mine and noone elses but mine!'

Samantha felt 'her' body growing warm with 'her' dick slowly growing hard under the dress while she tried licking Thomas' neck and fur. "S-Sir Thomas, you're so forceful."

"I-I'm sorry if I'm being forceful, but after what your sister did to me. I need someone else to comfort my aching heart." He said while running the tips of his fangs against 'her' neck. "You may not be as stacked as her, but that will change in time, especially when I make you bare my children."

'Holy crap! Now wanting to knock me up? This is like one of my fantasies come true! I just hope he doesn't find out the truth until I get off.' Samantha moaned from beneath Thomas, 'her' hands feeling the hard and rugged muscles on his back, slithering them down till 'she' reaches his pecs and caresses them in circles.

Thomas' hands rubbed Samantha's sides, feeling 'her' small frame which was almost like Astrid's, but was like the shape of a pear. He broke the kiss and saw 'her' flushed face making his dick slowly rise up from his fur making 'her' glance down and gasp while covering her mouth. "Take a good long look at it, it'll be what you worship from now on."

His hands went under 'her' dress, and slowly pulls it upward intending to take it off, and lick all over her chest, before going for 'her' nether lips. With her dress removed Samantha attempted to cover 'her' chest, giving Thomas a teasing smile and a blush. "Come now, there's no need to be shy, my lady." He said while gently pulling 'her' hands away, and revealing 'her' small breasts.

"But maybe I want to." 'she' chuckled.

Thomas only smirked before leaning down and giving 'her' nipple a teasing lick with his tongue, earning him a yelp from Samantha. The wolf began to lick all around the nub, hearing the vampire moaning while almost wriggling beneath him. Then he latched onto 'her' teat and began to suckle on it, which made Samantha gasping loudly.

"T-Thomas~" Samantha breathed as the wolf sucked on 'her' nipple, and wrapping 'her' arms around his head. 'She' could feel 'her' cock growing hard, and had to move 'herself' away from his leg. 'I-I hope he doesn't get too angry if he finds out.'

Thomas' hand was playing with 'her' other breast, rolling it beneath his hand and pinching the nipple, which grew hard from his touch. 'She sounds so cute when she moans, I'm gonna enjoy ravaging her for all time.' he moved closer while seeing her move back and grabbed her chest to keep her in place while intending to rub his dick against her underwear.

And when he did, he felt something large rub against his cock. 'Huh?' He moved his dick against 'her' underwear again and felt it twitching. 'What the hell?'

"Um....surprise." spoke Samantha with an awkward chuckle before the werewolf looked down and saw a bulge under 'her' underwear.

"Is....is that what I think it is?" Thomas asked while shakily pointing at 'her' underwear.

Samantha slowly nods, grips 'her' underwear and pulls it down, revealing a fully harden cock and balls before the werewolf. Thomas stared wide eyed as the cock before him twitched, and turns back to Samantha. "Y-You mean you're a....."

"Guy? Yeah." nodded the bat with a chuckle. "Kinda shocking, huh?"

".....HOW?!" he let out in shock. "How can you be a man?! Lady Astrid always told the people that you were her sister!"

"Well.....she always wanted a little sister to call her own, but instead our mother had me." Sam explained. "Because of that she always made me wear those girly outfits, and had me practice disguising my voice to sound like a girl. Making me her sister, while unknown to everyone else."

Thomas only stared at Samantha or rather Sam in shock. His own sister forced him to dress up as a girl, just so she could have a little sister? "I-I can't believe she would do that to you, her own little brother."

"Now that you know my secret.....are you angry at me, for lying about my gender?" Sam questioned.

Thomas was silent and looked at the bat, his dick, and then his own rock hard dick which softened slightly before rubbing his face. "Well...I..."

"I mean, you wanted a girl to ravage to get back at her, right?"

"Um....well...I wouldn't say ravage...more like..."

"Turn into your cum slave?" he asked teasingly making Thomas avert his eyes. "You sure seemed eager when you said all that."

"T-That was different!" he sputtered embarrassed.

Sam only chuckled. "Believe me when I say I don't blame you for wanting to get back at my sister, she may seem nice and all, but she's not that nice. I mean she broke your heart, did she not?"

Thomas slowly nodded recalling her betrayal.

"And you wanted someone to help ease the pain, right?" Sam said leaning a little close to Thomas.


"Someone to help you...unwind?" he whispered near the werewolf before the bat reached down and grabbed his dick making him jump from the softness. "I may not be a girl, but I can still help you unwind. And possibly bear your children." He said with a teasing grin.

This made Thomas blushed, recalling him saying that he'll bear his children, which would help his breasts grow. "That was before I found out you're a guy, I only said all that because I thought you were a girl." He said only to moan when he felt Sam teasing the tip of his cock.

"I know, but to hear you wanting to knock me up, made me excited." Sam smirked. "Besides, the idea of a big, tough, strong, rugged guy hitting on me is HOT." Then he gave the tip of Thomas' cock a slow and teasing lick, before rolling it all over the tip.

Thomas froze when he felt Sam's tongue on his dick, it sent shivers all over his body as his tail started to wag against his will. 'Oh sit!'

Sam licked all over the wolf's cock like a piece of candy, before engulfing the head in his mouth, and playing with his balls. Sam smirked when he heard Thomas let out a shuddering moan and began to bob his head up and down on his cock. 'It's so bitter, salty, and musky. Probably hardly washes it. Oh god I'm gonna cum!'

Thomas let out a moaning growl, his whole body shivered when Sam licked around his cock, coating it with his saliva and bobbing his head up and down. 'Holy shit! This is the first time I've ever had a blowjob by anyone, least of all with another guy. And it feels so damn good!' He could feel his instincts starting to take hold of him, his eyes started to glow and let out a snarl. He grabbed Sam's head and roughly rams his cock in his mouth, causing the vampire to yelp from his rough treatment.

'God I know this is real, I felt that!' he thought nearly gagging and kept sucking while moaning around the cock and felt his own sperm shoot on the bed with Thomas not noticing, but did smell the semen, making him huff and reach down near Sam's ass and start squeezing it roughly. 'Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about big boy."

The scent of Sam's sperm was driving Thomas wild, he really wants to claim him as his own here and now! His hips soon moved themselves in a rapid pace, almost going all the way down Sam's throat which made the vampire's eyes almost bugging out.

'Shit! It's like he's trying to force feed me his cock!'

Thomas let out a few growls as he felt his limit coming close, his claws almost cut into Sam's skin lightly drawing small drops of blood. Then after a few more thrusts, he explodes inside of Sam's mouth, letting out a loud growl.

Sam felt the werewolf's sperm rushing down his throat, his cheeks puffing up from the amount of sperm and squirting out his own sperm once again. He tried to keep breathing through his nose and swallowed as much as he could, but felt some leak out onto the dick and bed with Thomas huffing and keeping his head there.

After a minute of shooting his seed in the vampire's mouth, Thomas let out a much needed breath, before slowly pulling his cock out of Sam's mouth and letting him have a moment to catch his breath.

Sam started to cough from the amount of sperm he had to swallow, while greedily taking in a huge amount of air. Some of the sperm dripped from his lips and onto his bed, he scoops some off his lips and licks it off of his finger, while thrusting his fingers in his mouth. Once he swallowed any leftover sperm he slowly pulls his finger out, and let out a sigh. "My, that was.....rather intense." He said with a smirk. "Didn't think you'd be that rough with me, and that was my first time of sucking on anyone's dick."

"Sorry, kinda lost control there."

"Well don't stop on my account, I want you to get as rough with me as possible." he smirked while leaning on his back and raised his legs up before sliding his panties up them and exposed his twitching anus.

Thomas panted and stared at the spot before moving over and growled as he spread the hole out and started to lick right across it with his dick still rock hard.

Sam let out a shuddering moan as the werewolf licked across his ass, his hot and moist tongue ran across the opening and gently teased it with the tip of his tongue. His own cock was twitching wildly, wanting Thomas to not tease him and just ravage him to his heart's content. Then he felt his tongue leaving his ass and felt his cock sliding in between his cheeks.

Thomas groaned from the tip stuffing itself in with the rest getting in slowly and hard, which just made him put all his strength to slam right in making Sam howl in slight pain before Thomas reached down to pinch his nipples making his back arch as the werewolf pulled back and pushed right back in with a grunt. "You want rough? I'll give you rough!" He growls. He gripped the vampire's hips with a vice, and roughly rams his cock inside Sam's ass, the insides of his ass was squeezing his cock so much it felt like he was trying to put a whole ring around his dick.

Sam was gasping loudly as Thomas rammed his monster of a cock inside him, he could feel it almost bulging under his belly and stretching his inside so wide it felt like he was gonna be torn in half. "Holy shit! If I had known you were this big before, I would've come to you before you met my sister!" Sam exclaimed with his face flustered up.

"Your sister probably already let herself be claimed by that uptight bastard!"

Knowing that his sister was still a sore subject, Sam suddenly wraps his legs around Thomas' waist and leans up and wraps his arms around the werewolf. "Let's forget about her! Just focus on me and only me!" Sam said before capturing Thomas in a kiss.

Thomas was caught off guard for a moment, only to return the kiss when his bestial instincts were taking over and wrapped his arms around the vampire, while thrusting his hips upward and Sam bouncing on his cock.

The bed creaked from their movement, the duo were moaning in unison as they ran their hands through each other's fur. Thomas broke the kiss briefly and then bit onto Sam's neck, leaving a mark on the vampire.

"Ahhh!" he moaned out in pain with his dick spurted sperm on Thomas' stomach as he arched his back. "Oh god yes!" He exclaimed before sinking his own fangs into Thomas's neck.

The werewolf growled when he felt Sam's fangs piercing his skin, and drinking his blood. Soon they pulled away from each other's necks, and kissed each other once more. Their blood still lingering in their mouths, as they tasted their own blood. He bounced Sam harder on his dick to where he felt his knot touching it, giving Sam an idea.

'Sorry, but this is too good to pass up.' he gave a small bite to Thomas lip making him wince and let go of the bat, causing the weight to slide onto the knot making him grin and moan with Thomas grunting in surprise.

"Oh fuck yes!"

"Does that feel good for you too, Tommy boy?" Sam said while bouncing and grinding on the werewolf's knot. "Does my hot ass feel amazing for your huge dick?"

"You have no idea how hot your ass feels." Thomas said before pushing the vampire on his bed, and pinning Sam beneath him, still roughly ramming his cock in his ass. "You belong to me, and only me and no one else!"

"Oh yes! Yes! My ass never felt so good in my life! A real dick is so much better than a toy!"

"You're nothing but a slutty vampire, aren't you? You're quick to let any man take you like this, I'll bet you would have done it to your butler if given the chance."

"As if! There's no way I'd let any man claim my ass! This ass is for only those I deem worthy, and YOU sir Thomas, are the only man I find worthy of it!" Sam exclaimed while moaning loudly.

Thomas smirked. "I'm glad you feel that way. Cause I don't plan on sharing it with anyone." he started to feel his knot twitch and went faster. "Get ready to take my sperm you slutty vampire!" He snarled loudly, ramming his cock so hard the vampire was almost bouncing on his bed.

"Yes! Give it to me, shoot it in my naughty ass you big bad wolf!" Sam shouted.

This went on for what felt like forever until finally Thomas explodes inside Sam's ass, and howling loudly in the air. Sam screamed loudly as the werewolf howled, his hot and sticky juices coated his insides, and leaked out from his ass, covering the anus and Thomas' cock in sperm. 'So fucking good!!!'

It went on for a while of his ass getting load after load making his belly fill up, but when he found himself rolled on all fours as it kept going he shivered while Thomas leaned on his back.

"I'm not done." he growled before he resumed slamming into the bat as he kept cumming while roughly pinching Sam's nipples.

Sam was wailing like a bitch in heat, he let out girly moans as the werewolf bends over and started nibbling on his ear, before going to his neck and licking his tongue all over it. "More, more give me more!" Sam moaned.

"I don't care if it's not possible, I'm going to fuck you until you bare my child!" grunted the werewolf. "After we're done I'm going to take you back to my home and away from here. There you'll be my personal fuck toy as a way to get revenge on your sister and really show you just what I can do without all these fancy things around."

"I wouldn't want it any other way! I've been wanting to leave this place for a long time, and to get away from my sister!" Sam exclaimed. "I want to be with you forever, sir Thomas!"

"Then you'll have your wish, my beloved mate!" Thomas snarled before giving one hard thrust and forcing the vampire's arms to buckle under him, and placing his hand on Sam's head. "If we were outside where your sister drank from those villagers, it would have been even better to take you as my bitch."

"T-That wasn't her! It was me!" moaned Sam with cross eyes. "I-I put a wig on so no one would find out about me! I wanted something other than chocolate!"

This made Thomas' eyes widen. "That was you I saw in the forest before?! You looked so much like your sister, I mistook you for her!"

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave like that. But when I heard you after killing those men, I sorta freaked and just flew away." Sam said before yelping when he felt his ass getting smacked.

"Then just for tricking me and running from me, this will be your punishment." Thomas smirked.

"I'm sorry!" he moaned from more smacks.

"You want sorry? Then here's my next load!" he growled with his knot expanding more before a bigger load shot in along with his first load.

Sam moaned so loud it could be heard throughout the entire castle, he felt a very large amount of Thomas' sperm shooting inside him, his belly bloated even more so and it was becoming so much, he threw up the wolf's sperm from his mouth and spilling it all over his bed.

Thomas continued to shoot load after load of his sperm, holding Sam's arms as he snarled loudly. After about a minute or so Thomas finally stops and slowly pulls his cock out of Sam's ass. He lets out a much needed sigh, as a puddle formed from the sperm leaking from the vampire's ass, and from his mouth.

Sam's mind was completely blank, he never felt so full of sperm in his entire life, his fur was coated in hot, sticky spunk, his belly ached from ingesting so much sperm, and having thrown up the excess amount from his mouth.

"And now, you're mine." grinned Thomas.

"Yes....dear...." Sam let out with a lopsided smile and glossy eyes.


Thomas growled as he was currently hunting what looked like a noble couple due to their clothing who had gotten lost in the woods. He quietly leapt from tree to tree, not wanting to alert the intruders in his forest. They had sealed their fates when they gotten themselves lost in his territory. Then without warning, he lunges at them, growling at the top of his lungs and pounced on the unfortunate souls. The forest was filled with shouts and screams of pain and terror, along with the the sound of howling and tearing flesh.

Thomas was seen carrying the two dead bodies of the couple back to his den, for him it had been a decent hunt, but it was good enough for him. "Honey I'm home." Thomas announced as he walked around the large fire pit, and placed the bodies on the ground, before going to the entrance and moving a large boulder to block it.

"Welcome back." smiled Sam walking out, naked, and looking rough and dirty compared to his old self before pecking Thomas on the cheek and looked at the bodies. "Are they still warm? I could go for a little snack."

"Of course they are, I made sure not to kill them so soon, otherwise they would've spoiled on the way here." He said before cupping Sam's ass and squeezing it. "And how've you been, my mate?"

"Fantastic, although your son HAS been a bit rough like you. He's teething and won't stop biting my nipples." Sam said before walking over to what looked like a cradle and picked up a little bundle in his arms.

When he turned to face Thomas, in his arms was a little baby, a hybrid child between Thomas and Sam. It looked just like his father, but had Sam's eyes, ears and nose in the mix.

When Thomas had brought Sam to his den years ago, he had been fucking Sam so much, the vampire actually wound up getting pregnant much to their surprise and joy. This of course lead to mood swings, odd cravings, and libido going through the roof. But after all that and the pain of childbirth, Sam and Thomas couldn't be more happier to have their little Joshua in their lives.

"Hey there Joshua, miss me?" Thomas waved a finger near the baby who followed it before giving it a hard bite when it came too close. "Yeow!"

"I told you, he's gonna bite my nipples off." remarked Sam with their son smiling and nibbled on the finger.

"I can tell. After all he is part werewolf, it's in our nature to teeth on things." Thomas said with a small tear from his eye. "You think he's ready to feed?" He asked while gesturing the bodies.

"Well it wouldn't hurt to try and see." Sam pulled their son away from his father, walks over to the dead bodies and placed Josh near one of them.

The baby hybrid looks at the body with curiosity, he cooed when he placed his paws on it and sniffed the blood coming from the carcass. Then he gave the blood a tiny lick, and smiled from the taste. Josh opened his mouth and chomped on the flesh, cooing loudly as he was drinking the blood from it.

"Well that answers that." smiled Thomas before Sam moved down near the other body and started doing the same. Thomas smiled as both his mate and son were drinking the blood from the bodies, before grabbing a leg and started tearing the flesh from it.

While it may have been a heartbreaking moment for Thomas, he did find someone else to love and sooth his pain, and from what he heard, Astrid's been on a warpath to find her missing 'sister' never knowing that he had moved himself and Sam far, far away from their land. In this new land they have a new life, and a family to call their own, and Thomas wouldn't want it any other way.

'Hmm, wonder if it's possible to make a daughter next. Guess me and Sam will have to try in the future.' he thought with a chuckle.