20th December

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#20 of Isolated Holidays

It took a long time until I remembered this story and that I did not upload the rest of the chapters.

I put a notification in a journal before but I will repeat it here.

Because of the massive critical feedback about the (now evil) former edition of this series, I did rewrite the main story (or better I started the rewriting).

At the end of this rewritten story (25th December) I will "remove" the evil (old) story from this page. If you want to safe it for yourself (for the few that liked the story) you want to do it before next week.

This series will go to chapter 25 and then there will be a total of 7 extra chapters, that will be put into an extra folder and will be flagged as explicit.

The extra chapters were part of the old (evil) story and therefore should not be viewed by people who do not like nonconcentual content.

The first extra chapter will be a rewritten short version of the "Epilogue" of the evil edition, following the new storyline here (which is considered to be the canon story).

For all those that I let down (and even shocked) with my first version of this story, I want to apologize and hope that you at least like this version of the story.

There will be one chapter (a few I still have to write) each day starting today as Helloween special.

And tomorrow there will be the next chapter of the "rules of the herd".

I hope you enjoy it and rememer, these are short chapters of the Christmas special last year. If I can find the time for a advents story (one every day) this year I do not know yet.


This story is purely for entertainment purpose and does not reflect the opinion of the writer.

This story involves anthro furry animals and includes intercourse between furrs of different age including young age. For legal reasons all characters in this story are considered adult.

Please do not try this at home!

I decided on this story after the feedback I got for "Christmas in Snow Valley" I did 2 years ago. You will notice that this story has some kind of parallels, but a complete different storyline and kinks.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest, age difference etc.). If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly and check your account setting.

20th December

Maia was a bit scared and anxious. She sat in the car, next to her aunt, and they were on the way to the city. Her aunt explained her that they had a doctor in a village close to theirs, but they were now going to a specialist for females. Maia thought about the possibility that she might be pregnant. This thought scared her and equally it made her happy. It made her happy, because after spending a night alone in her bed, without Derick by her side, she had thought a lot about her feelings for Derick and if she were pregnant, she would have a part of him inside her. She liked the thought of getting a cub with Derick, even though she did not completely understand what this meant yet, taken that she was only 11 yet. On the other hand, it scared her what her parents and all others would think of her and that she had no idea what being pregnant or getting a cub meant. She felt overwhelmed by what this could mean and that now everything would change. Maia did not talk the whole drive to the city and her aunt, after trying to start a conversation at first, went silent after twenty minutes as well, leaving the girl to her own thoughts.

At the doctor they had to wait for over an hour until it was her turn. She saw a lot of women go in and come out. Some of them were clearly pregnant, others were even younger than Maia or very old and Maia suspected that being pregnant was not the only reason for them to go to this doctor. "Next please!" It was finally their turn. The doctor, an old shire horse stallion, had them sit down in front of his desk and looked at Maia and Sophie through his thick glasses. "What did you come here today for, Mrs. Lanster?" he asked and Maia's aunt explained. "This is my niece Maia, from my husband's side. She is visiting us for a few weeks and just recently got her first heat." The doctor nodded and looked at Maia through his thick glasses. She felt a bit awkward under the gaze of this stranger. "I caught her yesterday with my son doing... well you know what." It was the first time that the voice of Sophie wavered a bit and Maia looked at her own paws, feeling even more embarrassed about all this. Hearing the embarrassment of her aunt and her telling this to a stranger was very uncomfortable for Maia. "It seems they even did it during her heat and therefore I came to have you check on her and know if she got pregnant." The old horse nodded again and filled out a few files. "Do the parents know?" asked the doctor. "Not yet. I first wanted to check on everything, before I would tell them." Her aunt answered and Maia felt panic well up inside her when she heard her aunts plans on telling this to her parents. "Okay, if you would wait outside while I take a look at her. It might take around half an hour." Said the doctor. Her aunt tried to object and stay with Maia, but the doctor explained to her that she was not the lawful guardian and for the protection of the girl, he would do the treatment without her. Afterwards he would tell her the result, if the girl would agree. Her aunt accepted and went outside, before Maia could voice her objection and ask her to stay.

The doctor mixed something in a glass and handed it to Maia. "Drink this." He said and then moved to the other side of the room and pulled a curtain open in front of an examination chair. Maia slowly drank the water and it tasted a bit sweet. "Take off your clothes and come over here." Said the doctor. Maia felt very hesitant and did not move before the doctor turned around and smiled. "Don't worry, it is just for the examination. You will have to sit in this chair so I can examine you and I will ask you a few questions. There is nothing to be afraid of. If something hurts, you just tell me, okay? You want this to be over as soon as possible, right?" Maia nodded and reluctantly disrobed and moved over to the doctor. He did not look at her naked body at all when she went over but just helped her to climb on a weird chair. She felt a bit scared and embarrassed, when he told her to put her legs right and left on special extensions, that had her legs spread open for display in the middle. It took a bit of comforting of the doctor. "I will put loose ropes around your legs to fix them, okay? This is just for safety. Don't worry, it is only your legs. I will have to examine your vagina with a few tools and it might hurt you if you suddenly close your legs." Maia nodded but she was scared. She did not like it that her privates were open to display for a stranger and her tail went over her pussy. She also felt a strange urge to pee. "You might feel the urge to urinate soon. Don't hold back, this is also for the test." The doctor explained. "The water you drank had some urine driving medicine inside to make it faster." Maia understood but she felt embarrassed when the doctor put a flacon with a tube over her snatch and waited for her to pee. At least, he showed it to her before, the tube, that went over her pussy, was black and he would not see her peeing. After he put the pee into a small vial and mixed some liquid with it, he started to softly move her nether lips to the side with his paws, that were wrapped in plastic gloves. Maia closed her eyes and clawed the chair with her paws. The man was careful and did not touch her in the way Derick had done, but still her pussy juiced up a little. "You had intercourse quite a lot in the last weeks, right?" he asked and the girl, still with closed eyes, nodded and emitted a mumbling yes. "Your cousin was not the only one, right?" the doctor asked. Maia did not respond. "Unless he is endowed quite big, there were others. This will feel a bit cold." Maia felt something cold brush her lips and spread them a bit. It was not enough to make her feel pain, but it felt very weird and she felt it go deep, nearly until her cervix, and pull her tunnel wide open. "Fractures at the cervix, scratch marks in the walls and here as well signs of small cuts from overstretching. This was not a fox. I would even go as far as to say that this was more than one species." The doctor said and Maia only nodded, with her eyes shut. "Did someone force you?" asked the doctor and Maia shook her head. "So, you did this voluntarily. I think the first heat can be confusing and dangerous. This must have hurt a lot I assume." Maia slowly nodded but then shook her head. She remembered the times with Milo, Chris and Anthony as well as the other boys of the soccer club and her uncle. By the thoughts, triggered by his questions, she felt her inside juice up even more. "What species did you have intercourse with?" the doctor asked and Maia took a while until she noticed that he waited for an answer. She slowly opened her eyes and saw him looking at her with a gentle smile. The girl closed her eyes again and her voice wavered and was very faint. "A horse boy, a white tiger, a wolf and my cousin." She admitted, keeping the encounters with her uncle and the soccer club hidden, because all these could mean trouble for her uncle. "Quite an experience you had there." Said the doctor and Maia felt him softly brush over her tights and her clit, squeezing it a bit and then letting it go. The questions went on and so did his soft and subtle touches of her private while he investigated her. She felt embarrassed to have him watch her girl juices run out of her wide spread pussy. After a few minutes, that felt like hours for Maia, the tube was removed from her pussy and the doctor poked two fingers inside her snatch and felt different parts of her pussy. Maia moaned from the stimulations, when he hit her G-spot and felt her pussy grip at the finger, before it was removed. She groaned in frustration. "Sorry about the last part, but with this I am sure everything is okay. We are done." Said the doctor and Maia groaned a bit louder in frustration of her denied orgasm. She had been so close. "You may masturbate now, if you want." Said the Doctor and when she opened her eyes, with her head feeling hot, he winked her with an eye and untied her legs. "I have never done this..." she admitted a bit shy and the doctor, who just wanted to leave, turned around and smiled. "I think I will show you how to do it then." He replied and in the next minutes he showed Maia how she could insert her fingers into her snatch and rub the right places, her clit and her G-Spot, to achieve an orgasm. "The semen that was inside you was from your cousin, right?" asked the doctor and the girl, after he cleaned and dried her and allowed her to put her clothes back on, nodded. "Good, I think we are done then. Do you want your aunt to hear the result or should I only tell you?" the doctor asked while looking at the vial with her pee and then putting away some other vials with clear or white liquid. "Please do not tell her about the others. She only knows about Derick." She requested and looked at the doctor with begging eyes. "Derick is your cousin, right?" the doctor asked and she nodded. "Don't worry. All that you told me will stay between us. I will only tell her the result of the examination, okay?" Maia nodded again and the doctor got her aunt in after taking a bit of blood from her arm as a final treatment.

It turned out that she was pregnant. The doctor explained it with the status of the cervix, the hormones in her urine and other factors, including a blood test that still would need to be analyzed. He offered the different options they had now, including abortion. Maia whimpered when he proposed that and directly refused. If she was pregnant, she wanted to keep it. Her aunt changed a look with the doctor before putting a hand on her shoulder and calm her down. When the doctor sent them away, he gave first Mrs. Lanster a kiss right and left next to her ear and then Maia. While he did this, he whispered something into her ear. "No more experiments with other species, okay?" and when he looked at her with a strong gaze, she nodded which made him smile.

In the evening her aunt called Maia's mother and after an hour phone call got Maia on the phone. Her mother first scolded her but then told her that if Maia wanted to keep the cub, they would find a way to care for it. She told Maia, that her daughter had been naive and stupid, but that she would still love her and support her. After they hung up the phone, her aunt even allowed Derick and Maia to sleep together at night again. Maia's mother had agreed to that, taken that there was no more damage that could be done and that Maia told her how much she loved her cousin. The only request her mother had was, that Derick felt the same way and that he would take responsibility for the child.