Acquisition #5

Story by KayJayla on SoFurry

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24-D laid on the couch still winded , and feeling 4-J leaned a bit on him, trying to hold back from getting touchy.

"Mm I love the workers...." he sighed. "Technically we're not supposed to talk to them on work hours but sometimes they sneak breaks. They're usually unable to produce children so yanno, breed-free fuck."

"Huh, izzat why their spunk is all...gray" 24-D flicked some of the remaining cream away.

"Yeah we've been treated so our cum is bright and shimmery if we can reproduce, and dull and gray if we can't" 4-J idly licked the remaining cream off him.

"Does it do anything to us?

"Oh no it's just.. Mild gene modification.Mmmmm" 4-J sucked his finger thoughtfully. 24-D eyed the horny shortstack over noticing things he hadn't caught before. 4-J's ear were like human ears in the middle with dark blue fuzz all around an a puff at the end. His face and parts of his dark and white furry body were speckled-usually in the white parts, but a few of the dark were littered with black specks. Something he missed before - 4-J's entire bottom half was covered in fur. To be honest before he had been distracted by the other getting very close to him after the whole egg-laying thing, which had him unnerved.

His hands had fur and the fingers has a bit of fur between them. Webbing , he realizing when the fingers stretched. "'re curious about Earth huh?" 4-J leaned against him.

24-D blinked, taken aback.

"Yes. Do you know anything of it?"

"Well not.. Directly nooo" 4-J leaned back, looking thoughtful. "I'm a....third?.... uh third generation immigrant. While I don't remember some memory isn't entirely useless like some of yours."

24-D leaned in. "yes? You know who you were?"

"Uh... vaguely yes. I was a laborer at a farm city called Baethaen Fields."

"A farm Like a city with lots of farms.. Isn't that just a town" 4-J shook his head.

"No. Its a giant farm that's as big as a city. The estate and land is owned by some Aelfen people who are craaaaaazy rich-"


"The name of the planet, ya slut.."

"..." 24-D blinked taken aback. 4-J laughed nervously.

"Oh sorry. You're not used to that yet"

"Do you usually call each other that?"

"Well yes. I mean.. Everyone else does" 4-J shrugged.

"..okay.. right. " 24-D said..

"Don't worry I won't if you don't like it"

"Whatever... so..."

"Okay.. so..well ..stories of Earth were the subjects of so many legends and stories..." 4-J leaned back and pulled his dick out , rubbing it idly.

"Hrmph and you call me a slut while you're pulling your dick out." 24-D said jokingly.

"I love sluts. Sluts are my kinda people" 4-J laughed.

"I noticed" 24-D said. "So.. about these stories.."

4-J hummed , rubbing his dick lazily, 24-D , couldn't help looking away from it. "Mmmm.. yeah...lemme have a moment to think..."

"What was Earth like?"

"Well I mean a hell-hole really. Wars, crime, people getting killed because they have different skin.."

"Yeah because this place is just a utopia" 24-D scoffed gesturing around.

"I mean it's not... bad" 4-J said, "back when I lived at Baethaen, it was a great place. They gave us immigrants a place to live! The people who ran the place stayed out of our way. We all helped each other.. And we drank beer and harrrrrrrrd cider.." 4-J sighed with a good stroke. "It was a happy little place. We picked fruit and played instruments and danced afterward..."

"Did you get paid?"

"What? No. We were provided for.. We got a place to live." 24-D sighed.

"....yeah, um you were a slave"

4-J rolled his eyes and groaned. "Gods, you sound like my sire. 'We're slaves, son , just puppets of the man'. Whatever pops, just shut up and drink your beer."

"...well I mean.. He's right"

4-J grunted and looked away, still stroking. "Well.. I mean, can you even remember Earth? How can you say it was good? " Hey, that wasn't fair!

"I mean.. I remember.. Pieces. We lived in a place underground. The adults were always talking by the radio and nervous but like.. I had other kids... and toys.. I think, we had good food. We were ...well cared for. I didn't know why the adults were scared but I wasn't. I just.. Wanted to know things.. But it wasn't... like.. A hell hole. Here. I have no memory of my name, and... how I got on this planet... and.. What the bosses here are going to do to me. Or.. what they did to my body.. I mean... I laid eggs!! What the hell? My body wasn't made to do that!"

"It felt good though,right" 4-J gave the slightest smirk.

"... " 24-D sighed and looked away. He didn't want to answer that. "It.. it wasn't a hellhole to me.. It was home"

"Yeah.. and same for me.." 4-J said. "You can call it whatever word ya want but I was happy!"

"YEAH, and it sounds like a hellhole to me! But if you're happy..." 24-D trailed off and thought about it, realizing that they had come around to the same conclusion. 4-J bit his lip softly groaning as his weird fur covered dick seemed to be standing up erect. Painfully so by the looks of it.

Looking at it, and remembering how he felt under that giant worker guy and his strong chest. How it filled him, nice and satisfied. His body stretched around the thing so nicely. His body didn't seem to be very choosy about what it was attracted to.

He looked down at 4-J's dick again, and felt a surprising little ache at the thought of wrapping his lips and feeling it in his mouth Or...24-D had an idea.

"Hey.. lemme help I wanna try something'" he said, scooting forward , and lifting his tunic a little. 4-J looked up brightly. 24- D moved forward and gripped his partially hard dick and moved his hips forward- rubbing his against 4-J's feeling his soft fur. He felt a groan in his throat as he heard 4-J's pleased moan. "Hhhnnn"


Only pants and groans, and breathing was heard as the two of them rubbed against each other friction warming each other up and a bite to 24-D's neck as cream sputtered all over him .

"Hn, I'm still hard" 24-D panted. "You want... keep goin'?"



4-J overpowered him and pinned him down. "I want to put it inside you" 24-D sucked in a hot breath.

"Okay..." he felt his face burn. He watched 4-J shift a bit and felt the fuzz and the tip against already wet opening. 4-J leaned over his face .

"Ready?" 24-D tried to say 'yes' but gave a moan. 4-J grinned and then shoved himself in.

"AUghhh!" He cried out as he was filled all at once. The feeling of the cock fuzz really enhanced the experience. 24-D held 4-J's hips , feeling his body as the shortstack pumped into him hard and fast.

The other's cock went deep into him and for only a moment 24-D wondered how... recalling that short dick.But it was hard to focus right. He felt his own go off at some point and sighed at the sweet released before he heard 4-J's cry and barely had time to brace himself as his body was filled.

"Aaaah!" the dick settled in him for a few moments before being pulled out, with strings of the pearly cream linking their bodies together.

"Wow" he panted as 4-J leaned on him and rested catching breath. He let out a little moan as he ran his hands over the fuzzy body. It felt nice. "Impressed?"


4-J gave a cocksure smirk. "I'm good aren't I?"

"Yeah" he chuckled. "But I bet you have lots of experience."

"I dooooo" The two just laid there for a moment before 24-D realized.

"...I haven't peed in weeks..."

"...haven't.....what?" 4-J gave him a strange look.

"Gone to the bathroom? Peed? ...Dispelled waste?" 24-D said. "Is there a bathroom in here?"

"We don't do that" 4-J said. "Gosh is that what fully Earth bodies do?"

"Uh yeah.. I mean how else do you get rid of waste from the food you eat?"

"Get- ..We don't need to. Our bodies use every bit of food for something. Man did you guys just fucking....dispel entire food leftovers? What a waste. And you can't even recycle them..?"

"EW SHUT UP. THAT'S GROSS" Without hesitation 24-D shoved 4-J off him onto the floor. "It's full of diseases and filth that can kill you and it's just disgusting" 4-J blinked shocked at such a strong reaction. Though to be fair 4-J hadn't suggested it in his usual innuedndo laden tone but rather in confusion and disbelief.

"...sorry" 24-D offered him a hand, pulling him up.

"Damn that's... a strong reaction." 4-J regained his composure and shook his head a little. " bodies really are just a dysfunctional mess...I'd hate it if my body wasted nutrients, completely tainted them"

"So , no need to go to the bathroom anymore , that's great" 24-D said. "Now can we please never think or talk about food waste again?"

4-J put his hands up. "Okay okay geez." They laid there in awkward silence until another came up to them. 11-Ef came up looking at them both and eyed 24-D with a sort of smug look.


"You took all of 4 or 5 days to cozy up to 4-J. I thought you'd last a little longer..."


"Lleeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeen" 4-J whined. "Why are you always like this when I get friends"

"Everyone tells us you bothered them, and then a week later, you're getting down to mating. Everyone knows that's how it will go" 11-Ef said chuckling.

"Yeah well you're so smug about it you're going to drive people away from me" 4-J said pouting. "I'll have no friends at ALL and it'll be all your fault."

"4-J if your friends abandon you because of me, they're not very good friends then" 11-Ef said, in a sort of long suffering parent way.

"Nyeh, well 24-D is a good friend." 4-J said sticking his tongue out childishly.

"Grow up, 4-J"

Acquisition #6

_Pant_ _Pant_ Her heart raced, pounded as she ran through the woods, away from that horrible place she saw in the woods. She had been seen and she didn't know if the two aliens were still following her. They had been chasing her and she wasn't sure...

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Acquisition #4

Days passed as 24-D busied himself with learning to use the looms both by watching others and trying himself. He etched on the tablets which turned out to be varying from easy to tricky based on what the tablets were composed of. One day when poking...

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Acquisition #3

24-D laid there for a few moments, almost too mortified to move. His heart pounded at the thought that someone had listened to him moan and breath as he pushed out eggs. And very clearly enjoyed it. He waited a moment to see if they were gone, and...

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