Breeding Duty

Story by Marcwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Wolfgen (Marcus)

Breeding Duty.. (M/F consensual sex, Violence)

Padding down the corridor to my quarters I clutched the day's mail. Usually it is advertising of some sorts.. Well - WolfGen's do have a life when off duty.. what life that is.

What troubled and intrigued me was a particular brown envelope, and I hoped it wasn't what I thought it was.

Reaching my quarters and nodding to the WolfGen next door to me I unlocked the door and walked inside. Looking around the small room with its bed, wardrobe, and desk. A couple of commendations hung on the walls - but as for personal mementoes of the occupant.. None. Being a product and a tool of the State didn't leave much else. And what thoughts that I had on the subject were locked deep within where even a clone-brother couldn't reach.

Running a claw tip across the top I opened and read the contents.. Breeding duty.. DAMD.. Damd.. damd.. Duty time tomorrow. Not even enough time to catch a cold or flu..

Sighing I threw myself on the bed and fell into a fitful sleep.

I reported to the medical officer who did a quick check of me - pronouncing me fit for duty.. I could see the smirk on his muzzle when he said 'Duty'. I grinned back - but with face only - Rape was a far better term. Ever since the clone banks went bad there was only one way to make WolfGens.. and that was to plant seed within a receptive female. As part of our heritage our seed does not 'combine' with the egg - but rather is self-contained and attaches to the uterine wall and grows. Within 3 months a new WolfGen emerges, usually by clawing and tearing its host apart in the process.

I know this is not the case for other fur's where evolution has moulded the body, and although I have seen other fur's meet, show affection, mate, and raise kits or cubs - I have secretly wondered what tenderness and love would be like.. But I am State made, my sexual act was to torture, humiliate, and eventually kill the female. Usually a thief, or murderer, sometimes even a political prisoner - anyone that the state had sentenced to death.

Walking down the steps to the breeding rooms I nodded to the guard there. "Marc.. we have a feisty one for you" he grins. I grin back rubbing my crotch "All the better to play with then.."

He takes me down to room 24 and opens it for me.. "Call if you need help" laughs and closed the door behind me.

Glancing around I make sure that there are no camera's watching.. Good.. the State has not yet decided to 'monitor' matings. Then I look towards the bed.. expecting to see the terrified face of another female fur - but I am surprised.

Sitting there looking back at me with calm repose is an older feline. Although her clothes were tattered and torn she holds an inner strength that has lasted her this long. Her face has been marred by beatings with one eye half closed.. But she stands and steps forwards..

"So.. you are my rapist.. what shall I call you.. 'Master'?.. Shall I grovel at you feet" she said defiantly..

I am taken back.. this is the first time that any of my 'prey' have spoken back. Usually they cower and scream as I approach. I know other WolfGen boast of their conquest's and the humiliations that they have inflicted. The State doesn't care about broken limbs.. or bruised and torn flesh. So long as seed is implanted and the victim lives long enough.. that is all.

Myself - I prefer not to cause pain.. - so my way is to render the female unconscious - taking the limp body quickly, and before she wakes adding a few cuts and bruises for 'show'. If other WolfGen's do this I do not know.. It would be against policy - and would lead to myself being a new addition to the body dump.

Looking back at the feline I paused with sinking heart.. and finally decided.. "Actually my name is Marc.. and I feel that we are both unwilling participants here.." Her eyes widened with surprise as I continued "it is not the normal custom for the State to monitor these rooms so we can talk freely."

I tried to smile - not an easy thing with dentition like mine.

"So.. why do you do this.. " she gestured around the room. "Duty.. we are called.. I have no idea of the selection process. But to say no is to.. " I left the alternative unspoken.

"I can render you unconscious if you want.. But my seed is always fertile, and if you are not gravid by morning then questions will be asked.. Besides - an examination will show if you mated with or not."

"Do you normally offer you 'lovers' this choice?"

"No - usually they are too scared - so it is best that they are not aware of what is happening"

"You are different from what I expected.. Marc.." she said ith venom on her tounge..

"It would not be wise to assume that others are like me. " I gave a wry grin "In fact I feel that I would not draw breath for long if my true feelings were known. Besides, you could survive the birthing and be released - pardoned by the State"

She scoffed "Don't try and fool me Marc.. I'm a biology teacher. I know how your kind arrive. Kicking and clawing in a mess of blood and gore.. Do you ever think of the female that you killed by birthing?"

I sighed.. this was not easy.. "I'm vat born.. series 48. 2 before the end of the cloning scheme. So.. " I tried to change the subject " what are you called?, and why are you here?"

I gestured at the bed and sat down.. She sat down away from me - still unsure that I was not playing with her.

"I'm Larenda.. My husband was a member of the resistance when he was found out. Usual policy - all family members are taken in. I know he is dead - they made me watch , but my kits - I know nothing of.." tears started to form in her eyes. I handed her a tissue which she tentatively took.

"Do you have a partner? - does she approve what you do here?" she asked, still trying to barb me.

"No.. being a WolfGen it is a little difficult to find a willing mate - knowing the consequences of mating.. " I left the known unspoken.. " and as for casual friendships.. " I shrug. "This is all I experience.. I know for your kind there is love and tenderness.. and gentleness.. but can a rose bloom without sunlight" I gesture around the thick walls and tiny window.

"Getting poetic are we" she chuckles.. "Is this a plot to woo me?"

"I know nothing of woo-ing. Its not in the State taught curriculum." I tried to counter. This is definitely not easy.. I am tempted to resort to my normal 'modus operandi' - but a part of me want to talk further.

She lifts her head and looks at me with a strange expression. "I have been a teacher for nearly 30 years, I have taught kits and cubs about the world.. perhaps this is my time to teach a WolfGen to woo.."

"I would be interested.. to see the ways of your people.. but I can offer nothing in return.."

She smiles "the art of being a teacher is in the willingness of the pupil. I can let you know if you pass.."

For several hours we talked.. Larenda speaking platitudes to me.. and I being the hesitant and stumbling suitor. My tongue often became tied as I tripped over words. And she in her graciousness forgave my stutterings.

Our first touch.. I held her hand in mine. Savouring the moment of.. companionship. Looking down at the difference in proportion - my claws that can rend steel and hers that could hardly rend silk. I closed my hand over her's and felt its warmth.

We embraced. She barely coming up to my chest

The magic of the first kiss.. I was a clumsy kisser - but she showed me the wonders of whisker teasing, and tongue play. She almost gagged when she told me to put my tongue into her mouth.. but I persisted with her instructions and she wryly told me that it was a good start.

Lying on the bed together she showed me the simple pleasures of disrobing. Before hand disrobing was a uninteresting exercise before showering or sleep. Not this sensuous play of touch, and giggles, and even a kind of playfulness.

I held her naked form in my arms.. she almost disappearing into my pelt, then rolling over I raised my self on my elbows.. My member already unsheathed and dripping. I hesitated knowing that if I continued what the end result would be, but she gripped my hips and pull herself onto me..

Not the rush of duty this.. A playful and tender spiralling of sensations. Building up until Larenda screamed in pleasure and dug her claws into my sides.. Whilst I howled my climax and shuddered above her..

Panting and holding each other we descended from the heights, and waited as I nuzzled her ears and crooned softly to her. As a canid it would be painful for me to withdraw too soon - but I know of other WolfGens who take delight in this quirk of nature.

We rested and talked. Larenda wryly admitted that I passed, but it would not be easy for me to use what I had learned.

A dim light shone through the window signalling the dawn - and the end of my allotted duty. Dressing I stood and watched as she also dressed. This would be the last time we would see each other

One final embrace.. and then I knew.. the gift that I could give her.. As I held her close to me I moved suddenly and heard the snap.. her body going limp in my arms. Quickly I used my claws and teeth to inflict savage wounds on both her and myself.

A knock at the door and it opened.. The guard looking at me and the bloodied form on the ground.

"Little bitch was feisty.. Almost killed me.. "

I stepped over the still form and stalked out.

Several weeks later a hooded form herded two terrified kits into a empty church. A priest came out from a side door and looked with trepidation.

"Father.. I know that you are a member of the resistance.. Make sure these kits make it to a safe place.."

The hooded form blended into the shadows and was gone.

The father gathered the kits in his arms and led them down into a cellar.. "That fur.. who brought you.. who is he?" he asked the kits.

The eldest kit whimpered.. "I don't know.. only that he was a wolf.. a white wolf.."
