Chapter 8: To. Boldly go …. or. At least fine. Some. Old scary. Places

Story by Ginsenshi on SoFurry

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_Chapter 8: To. Boldly go .... or. At least fine. Some. Old scary. Places _

Both. Me and Alex found. We liked. A lot. Of the. Same things, like: ghost, history and. A lot. Of other stuff So we found. Ourselves in the. Middle. Of. Downtown at midnight at the abandoned train station on a. Ghost. Hunt . :

I was standing. at the stairs leading down to the old train platform.the stares just. In. Front of me. Connor's front paws at the. Very start of the. First step, Alex beside me .

Alex's story. Went. Like this

"Story Has it, on hot June evening in the 1930's Sarah a teenager returning home from her senior Catiline with a group of friends, was pushed into the front of the oncoming midnight express passenger service, by the school Bully. Rumors say that every June 5th evening around the midnight hour Sarah Can be seen in her beautiful white prom Dress clutching her chest and covered in blood, her moans and screams can be heard throughout the station as the Midnight express passenger service comes in, as she relives her terribly painful death over and over again.


So. We started down the. Stairs into the old station, as

echoes where the first things that filled my ears as I entered the old transit center , the history felt in every step and echo of that step. I. Should. Be hearing people and the. Sounds. `Of life. But. I. Don't, just wind howling through the. Many. Broken windows

"Hey. Roe, You. Okay?" Alex. Asked me, his hand grabbing mine. Connor's ears up. And listening.

"I ...I could swear I just heard a train whistle

blowing just now." I replied to Alex's question.

"Just. A minute Alex sweetie... a. Train is coming in now..." I. Replied my. Voice low and sounding. Lost.

I soon found myself among the sounds of the incoming train its whistle sounding as it enters the underground station .

I felt Connor's guide handle disappeared from my Gripped fist,

It finally pulled in and comes to a stop, the place getting louder , if that was even possible, with more people joining the already filled platform, I held my spot not really wanting to get any closer to the train that was idling .

I hand comes down on my shoulder as heavy tired pannting fills my ears,

"Jeez you and Connor always in a rush and its my pass-time, and not jewelry or new Theater performance this time." comes Alex's teasing of me and my super-speed.

` "Oh be quiet ." I replied , placing my left hand on his right hand that was still resting on my right shoulder. :Anyways c'mon let's get going." I said letting go of Alex's hand and headed towards the platform. We walked towards the tracks.

in front of us , Connor ever so slightly shying away but going towards them,

the engine seemed to growl and hiss like a agry dog-cat creature. As I got closer steam causing a warm fog to cover us as we found ourselves at one of the carriage cars,

"Now remind me why I'm going on this steel deathtrap?" I asked as my foot found the end of the platform, and reaching out to find the car floor.

"Oh Sarah c'mon, we're. Going to. Be late." I heard a girl. Say. To a friend of her's.

"I know Agatha, but. This. Dress is heavy." The. Girl, Sarah. Replies, as I heard. Her. Running to. Catch up with her. friend. As she. Ran to Catch up with her. Friend. , she bumped into me.

"Oh. Sorry. mister

." She apologized.

we're. Here at this. train station headed to the. Next. Town over for shopping and entertainment.

Someone. Was. Shaking my shoulder,

"Hey Roe , Roe, snap out of it." I heard. Alex say to me,

"I...I'm fine Alex, I think." I replied, "What's. On the EVP and the EMP?" I asked as I tried to get my bearings.

"Well on the. EVP... just whispered sounds. Of get out , I think." Alex replied. " the, "and the temperature has dropped by a few degrees all around you."

"I felt her run into me. and. heard her apologise, Alex I was there." I replied to. Him.

"Its like your slipping out of phase with our timeline." Alex said to me.

"Alex, what does that even mean?" I asked him . A bit of confusion in my voice.

"Well it sounded better in Star trek, I guess." Alex replied .

"Well yeah, its Star Trek." I replied, with a bit of snartck in my voice.

Suddenly the sound of a old steam engine filled the old station, we feel the heat of the old engine getting closer. The noise overwhelming me, I reached to cover my ears. As in the background I could hear Connor howling along with the sound of the ghost train. I felt Alex grab a arm and pull me hard away from what I thought were the train tracks getting closer under my womdering feet. . We started to run as the sound increase in volume. Connor getting pulled along with Alex and me running towards the exit.

Soon we exited from the station's underground cavernous , the sound of the train's engine and ghostly whistle still filling our ears. Laughter echoed around us as we stood there, hands on knees panning panting heavily, Connor doing the same.

"What's the problem fags scared of the ghosties ?" Came Jonathan's sing song moking voice.

My first thought was to have Connor bite him, but then Jonathan would try to have him put down as a vicious dog, since his dad was head of Animal Control. My second thought was maybe better, as my fist balled up as I told Connor to find Jonathan, once he was found I re-balled up a fist and soundly punch Jonathan on the nose hearing a satisfying crack and feeling the blood starting to flow on my still connected fist. With that done Connor and me quickly ran back to alex as Jonathan's yelling and cursing started up .

"Damn fag get back here so I can kill you." He growled out, sounding kind of muffled. His hands still covering his nose. We continued to run off Connor in toe, as our own laughing started, finding our way back to my place.

soon after. I got cleaned up, and we got changed into pajamas

The 3 of us were laying in my queen size bed, Connor in-be

tween us with all 4 feet in the air, , on his back. he snoring lightly. As a movie was playing On Netflix, me half asleep, with Alex paying attention to the movie.

"you know he's so going to kill you the next time , he gets ahold of you." Alex's tone was warning, but I could care less what the homophobic bastard wanted to do to me.

"He might want to kill me or fuck one of his gang for all I care." I replied as I snuggled into Alex's side as I got more comfortable and fell asleep.

Chapter 9:A slice of school life with troubling a disappearance

Chapter 9:A slice of school life with troubling a disappearance I awoke the next morning on my stomach, feeling hands rubbing my back and warm breath tickling my left ear, and then licking the back of that same ear. I moaned into it a bit and then...

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Chapter 7: Coming out to jerks

Chapter 7: Coming out to jerks I finally found my voice and spoke to Alex's mother. "Hello there ma'am. I'm Roen Oliver." I said to her. "Oh Mr. Oliver, oh yes I know your dad, such a great Veterinarian , he treats our dogs wonderfilly." she...

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Chapter 6: to confront the problem and amateur detectives

**Chapter 6: ** **_to confront the problem and amateur detectives_** downtown Cedar pointe , about 7PM, the winter , snow covering everything. In an old fashion diner , A grey furred wolf, Roen sits waiting on Alex , feeling like he's done this too...
