Shark Sibling Love

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After their parents die, Konnor and his sister Nacka move in with their Aunt Sheri. One day, while Sheri is at work, Nacka teaches Konnor a new game they can play.

This is my first story on here and I'd like it to be about my OC: Konnor, a blue shark. I have him for two forms; one aged 20 and one aged 7. As you can guess, it's a cub story. Not a whole lot of these for shark cubs. This story contains cub and incest! If you don't mind those, then enjoy!

I cried hard after I received the news of my parents. My older sister, Nacka, held me close, tears in her eyes as well but would not outright cry. She always showed to be tough in front of me. Her hands rubbed my back to comfort me to no avail. My tears would soak into her shoulder as I sobbed.

The police officer who gave us the news knelt down beside us and patted my own shoulder.

"Kid," he said, "I'm sorry for your loss. But I must have you both know you two will be living with your aunt now, will that be okay?" I sniffled and wiped my nose, turning to the policeman and nodded.

"Thank you, sir," Nacka said softly. She looked down at me. "Konnor, let's go get out things okay? You can carry your stuffie too, little bud." I wiped my tears away and nodded again.

That was five years ago. I had turned seven last week and had a Pokemon-themed party. Not a whole lot of kids showed up, but I still had fun. Aunt Sheri made an amazing Pokeball cake with a Cyndaquil on it. I had the best time of my life, even got a pair of Cyndaquil onesies and a 100 pack of Pokemon cards. It was amazing.

"Auntie, can chu help me wif my hair?" I asked, holding a pack of hair dye. She giggled.

"Okay, sweetie," she smiled and led me to the bathroom, pulling out a little step stool for me to hop on to. I jumped up and faced the mirror, smiling brightly and showing off my bright sharp teeth. My tailfin swung down and rested on the floor.

My hair was naturally black with a red stripe down the middle, almost like a skunk. My eyes were a ruby color. Big and innocent. My skin was blue with some white down my chest. I was a blue shark.

Aunt Sheri opened the pack and started to get to work with brightening my stripe with the red dye. I smiled happily as she worked the dye into my hair. Her hums always cheered me up, even on my saddest days. Almost once every month, I would ask my aunt to brighten my red stripe, as I would fear of having it disappear. I loved my stripe. No one knows how I got it, but I was born with it. Nacka thinks it may be from a far away distant relative. I just shrug and go on about my day.

"All done!" Aunt Sheri exclaimed, stepping back. "Ooh, so handsome." I giggled again and turned around to face her.

"Tankies, Auntie!" I smiled, and went to give her a hug but stopped. Last time I hugged her after she dyed my hair, she couldn't get the stain out and had to toss out one of her favorite shirts.

"It's all right," she said as I looked on sadly, watching her place the shirt into the garbage. "It was getting old, anyway."

"You're welcome, Sweetie," Aunt Sheri replied. As I hopped off the step stool, the front door opened and closed. "Oh, I think Nacka is home. Go show her." With a big smile, I sped off to the front foyer to greet my older sister.

"Hai, Nacka!" I squealed, stopping in front of her. She looked down at me and smiled.

At the age of thirteen, when I was three, I started to notice a change in Nacka. Her body grew lumps on her chest. Her emotions changed and became more serious. The way she walked added a sway to herself. Although she started to change, she was still my sister and I loved her. Now, at seventeen, the lumps on her chest became bigger, even bigger than Aunt Sheri's. At first, I was worried, but I was told by the both of them that it was okay and that there was nothing wrong with Nacka except she was going through what they called "puberty." They said that it happened to everyone around the age of 11, sometimes younger and sometimes older.

"Will lumps grow on my chest too?" I asked, grabbing at my own body. Aunt Sheri giggled and explained that the growth happened to girls only. She said that boys will have a growth with the things in my undies and that my voice will get deeper. I blushed out of embarrassment after that conversation.

"Hey there, little bro!" She greeted, setting her bag down to the ground with a slight thud. "How was your day?"

"It was gud, I got my hair did again, see?" I pointed to my hair where my stripe was still glistening with the wet dye. She gasped and smiled.

"It looks good, Konnor." My smile grew bigger.

"How was school today? Did chu learn lots of stuff?"

"Yes, but I also have a lot of homework too, bud. Maybe we can play later after I finish, that sound good?" I pouted a little because whenever Nacka had homework, it meant she would be up late into the night. At least it was a Friday, which meant I could stay up late.

"Okie, Sis, am gonna go pway in my room for a bit." I walked away and up the stairs to my bedroom, pushing the door open and grabbing a box, dragging it to the center of the room. Not only was I a fan of Pokemon, but I was also a fan of WWE. For my sixth birthday, more than half of my presents were wrestling figures and accessories.

I pulled out a ring set capable of being used for ladder matches and two wrestlers: Nunzio and Santino Marella. Along with them, I pulled out a table, an announcer's table, two chairs, a ladder, and the Intercontinental Championship belt. Setting the belt up on the hook, I raised it and started playing, smashing the two figure together and making sound effects.

Soon, after many table breaks, ladder breaks, and chair shots, I made Nunzio climb the ladder and reach for the belt.

"Konnor! Nacka! Dinner!" Aunt Sheri called from the kitchen. Quickly, I dropped everything and ran downstairs to the table, sitting down. Nacka came down soon after sitting next to me.

"Heh, always rushing to get to the food, huh Kon?" She teased. I just giggled as Aunt Sheri set down the tray of fish sticks next to a bowl of mashed potatoes. Nacka helped set my plate with a scoop of potatoes and two fish sticks. I grabbed the tartar sauce and poured some onto my plate before setting it down. We ate in silence.

After almost half an hour of us stuffing our faces, the food was gone and settling in our bellies. Aunt Sheri and Nacka started to clean up. I hopped off my chair and carried my plate and fork over to the sink.

"Tankies for dinner, Auntie Sheri," I said, setting my plate into the sink.

"You're welcome, deary," she replied, bringing over the tray that held the fish sticks. "Go take your bath, your big sister and I can handle the dishes." She messed up my hair, thankfully it was dry now. I smiled and ran upstairs to my room to grab my new onesies I used for sleep before going to the bathroom. With a swing of my tailfin, the door closed. I set my onesie down and turned the tub faucet on before stripping down. I set my used clothes into its own pile. As the tub filled, a knock came from the bathroom door.

"Konnor?" My sister asked. "Would you like for me to wash you?"

"Hmm, okie!" I replied, opening the door for her. She walked in and smiled at me.

"Hey there, little nudie. Why don't you get into the tub and big sis can make you all clean?" I nodded and climbed into the tub, the water nice and hot on my skin. She walked over and sat down next to the tub and grabbed the shampoo, pouring some onto my hair and scrubbing it in.

"Mmm, dat feels nice," I moaned softly. Nacka let out a small giggle as she worked the shampoo into a nice lather. Once she felt like it was clean, she took a cup and filled it with water and poured it over my head, rinsing it out. "Hehe, waterfall!"

"Now time to get the rest of you clean, Kon." Nacka grabbed a washcloth and the soap, pouring it into the cloth and working it into a lather before starting with my shoulders. I smiled as she worked down my arms and across my chest. "Stand, please." I stood up and she immediately started to wash my tummy, her hand and cloth moving lower to my privates.

Carefully, she got the cloth around my two little members and washed them, moving her hand and cloth up and down on them. The feeling tickled. It felt good. I felt the cloth then move a tad bit lower to my sac as she gently washed it as well. My two little members were now hard.

"Sis, my tingies are stiff," I stated, looking down at them. They throbbed a bit and it was starting to hurt.

"Yes, they are. Don't worry, Konnor, it's normal." She then started to wash my legs. "Hey, wanna sleep with your big sister tonight? We can stay up late and play some games."

"Ooh, yus!" I jumped a bit and slipped, landing in the tub and creating a big splash that got Nacka soaked. "Oopsies, sowwy sis." She just laughed it off and rinsed me off again.

"No worries, bro."

All clean and now dried off, I sat in my room finishing the match I had going on.

"And da winner, and NEW Interco-Inter, uh...da NEW Champion, Nunzio!" I held up the figure with his newly won title, imitating crowd cheers.

"Way to go!" I jumped and looked up to see my aunt standing in the doorway, dressed in her nurse's outfit. "Listen, I'm sorry, but I need to head into work, okay hunny? Nacka said that you two were gonna have a sleepover, so I want you both to be safe and have fun, okay?"

"Okie, Auntie." I got up and gave her a hug. "See chu tomowwow." She kissed my head and turned down the hall, walking downstairs. I waved at her from the top of the steps. She smiled and waved back before heading outside, closing and locking the front door. I turned back and walked into my room, grabbing my Typhlosion plushie before walking to Nacka's room.

I peeked in and saw her hunched over her desk, a big book sitting off to the side of the paper she wrote on.

"Nacka? Am ready to play," I said, walking in. She looked up and smiled, setting her pencil down and closing the book.

"Good, now, I must tell you that these games are between us only," she stated, walking over to me. "That means no one can know, not even Aunt Sheri, okay bud?" I nodded. "Good. Now, I'll be right back, you can wait for me on my bed, okay?" She left her room, leaving me alone.

I hopped up onto her bed, a queen-sized bed, and thought of my little bed.

Hmm, I thought to myself, maybe when I'm older, I'll get a bigger bed. I looked around her room. Besides her desk and bed, the only furniture she had were her two dressers. Her walls were painted a light green with nothing on them. Not even a mirror. Maybe I can give her one of my Pokemon posters for her walls. I smiled.

"Okay, Konnor," Nacka said before re-entering her room, only this time, she was only wearing a towel. She sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back. She smelled like oranges.

"Hehe, did chu shower?" I asked once we pulled away. She nodded.

"It's only fair for both of us to be clean, at least." She faced me. "Now, do you remember earlier when your thingies were hard?" I nodded and blushed a bit. "Well, for tonight, we're gonna call them your cocks, is that okay?"

"Cocks?" I tilted my head.

"Yes, all boys have cocks and all girls have pussies. Would you like to see my pussy, Kon Kon?" I hated when she called me that and she knew it too, but I nodded. Slowly, she unraveled her towel and spread her legs. Where my cocks would be normally in that spot was nothing but a pinkish slit. I leaned in to get a better look.

"Did chu get a cut or somefing?" She chuckled.

"No, that's my pussy, silly. See?" She spread open her slit and revealed a hole surrounded by pink flaps of skin. "The game we are gonna play tonight, Konnor, is called 'sex.'" I looked up at her, confused.

"How does we pway?" She smirked and reached over, unzipping my onesie.

"Well, we first have to be naked," she said, a new tone to her voice. I sat there, letting her undress me. She tossed my onesie aside and looked up and down my body. I blushed harder and looked at her. "My, my, such a cutie we have here, don't we? Tell you what, I'll let you explore my body while I explore yours, that sound good?"

"O-okie, Nacka." I gulped and reached out to her pussy, touching it with a finger. It felt wet. "Did chu forget to dry chuself down here?"

"No, it gets wet whenever I get excited." She started to rub my members slowly, making them hard again. I moaned softly as I rubbed her pussy in response. "And when you get excited, your little cocks get hard, making the game easier to play." She continued to rub my cocks, feeling every little part of them. If I were to guess, I'd say that I was about three inches in length.

My finger left her pussy as I laid back, letting Nacka play with me more. Her hands were warm and soft around my cocks and sac. Every so often, she would give my sac a little tickle, making me both moan and giggle. Nacka wrapped her fingers around one of my cocks, stroking it slowly. I bit my lip.

"Mmm, sounds like you're ready to play." With one last stroke, she let go and crawled onto my lap, my little members touching her slit. The sensation felt amazing. "Now, your cocks are gonna go into my pussy, got it?" I nodded eagerly. She grabbed my cocks again and slid down on them, making me go into her. I let out a loud gasp and an audible moan escaped from Nacka's lips. I was inside of her. My virginity, gone. She smiled down at me.

"D-dis feels guud," I breathed, laying my head down.

"I'm about to make you feel much better, little Konnor." I looked up at her. Soon, she started to lift off of me, her insides slipping along my shafts. Once the tips were barely in, she went back down. Her hips met mine. I shuddered from the pleasure.

Nacka kept repeating this, her lumps on her chest bouncing freely. My eyes watched them bounce up and down. Instinct inside of me told me to take them into my mouth to feed. As I raised my head up, one of them smacked me in my face. I giggled and took it into my mouth, suckling on it. I felt younger then. Like what my mom used to let me do when I was a baby.

"Hehe, you can suck, but no milk will come out, Kon Kon," Nacka giggled teasingly, moving up and down on me faster. I didn't care, I felt bonded to her now. I suckled harder, making her squeal in delight.

Pressure started to build up in my cocks. I pulled off a nipple.

"S-sis, ah, I-I hasta pee, I tink," I told her. She put a finger to my lips.

"It's not pee, Konnor," she whispered, grinding her hips against mine. "Just let it out and I promise you'll feel amazing." I gulped and nodded once more. "I want you to fill me with it."

With one final slam and a spasm of her pussy, I went over the edge. My eyes rolled up into my head as I came hard. My cocks shot something out of them and into Nacka's pussy. Meanwhile, Nacka screamed with pleasure

"KONNOR YES!" My cocks continued to unload in her until I was completely drained. I closed my eyes and laid my head down on a pillow. "Konnor? You okay bud?" I didn't answer. The game wore me out and I was ready for bed. Nacka moved off of me and lied next to me, pulling me close to her body. "Okay, little bro, you get some rest then. Remember that I love you." I felt her kiss my head then my lips quickly before she got off the bed. I refused to open my eyes.

"...yeah, he did wonderfully," a voice said quietly from down the hall. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. 12:03 am. Groggy, I looked up and saw a light outside the door. "Mhmm, I think he's about ready, too." Nacka. "No, he fell asleep right afterwards. It was adorable. Hmm, maybe next week then? Okay. I love you too, Aunt Sheri." I flopped back down onto the bed as Nacka came back into the room.

"Nacka? Wat happen?" I asked, my voice very tired.

"You had something called an orgasm. Did you like it?" I grunted a yes. "Your body shoots something out called sperm, or cum, as you orgasm. That's what you filled me with." She crawled into bed with me and held me close. "How do you like sex?"

"It's fun, but am tired now."

"Shh, it's okay. Get some sleep. I love you Konnor."

"I love you too Nacka." She kissed me again on the lips and smiled, rubbing my tummy.

Orgasm. My first orgasm. And inside my sister too. But now was not the time to think on it. Now was the time to cuddle my big sister and sleep.

"Nini," I muttered before drifting off to a dreamland.