The Dragoness and the Servant's Reward

Story by Uldreiyn on SoFurry

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Awhile back, I uploaded this story, but I wasn't really happy with it so I pulled it down. Its possible you read the first version of this story so if you recognize it, just know that I changed it around quite a bit. I tried to prune it for any grammatical errors but they always seem to manage to slip past me regardless.

The young dragoness lounged alone in her cave. The trickling of water of her nearby pond providing a pleasant noise to drown out the distant yips and snarls of her servants. It had been months since she slipped out of her mother's nest, mostly due to her behavior in the last few weeks she was there. All the gratingly endless advice had been the last should would allow her mother to abuse her with.

Remember, always sleep with one eye open.

Make sure you wash yourself at least every other day.

Your servants are not your friend.

A prospective drake must show devotion as well as strength.

Vyra huffed and tried to silence the endless redundancy of advice and began preening her obsidian scales. Long ears stretched nearly the length of her sizeable crown of horns. Her mother had her goblin maid pierce her ears back when she was but a hatchling. Vyra still wore the two small golden rings that had been an early gift back when she had first entered adolescence many years ago.

The familiar warm shudder suddenly ran through her body and brought with it the urge that had plagued her often in the recent weeks. Vyra tried to ignore it by simply continuing to clean herself, though the urge only grew. Finally resigning to her bestial needs, she rolled to her side and lifted her hind leg, slipping her lengthy serpentine tongue inside, she was rewarded with an immediate pleasure. Minutes later, her sweltering passage began involuntarily convulsing along her tongue. In her delirium, she nearly failed to notice the soft padding of feet entering her chamber.

Realization struck her like lightning and she quickly withdrew her tongue only to see a servant standing dumbstruck at the entrance. Vyra's long ears flattened in utmost mortification.

Her mother's voice suddenly broke into her mind, never show weakness to those beneath you, or to those better.

Vyra obediently hid her embarrassment behind an expression that would read - to any species - as supreme irritation, rather than one that would admit to the creature she had just been caught lustfully demeaning herself. Now equipped with a façade of confidence, Vyra appraised her intruder. It was a large brown scaled kobold. While mostly of dull coloration, a line of grey scales ran from its forehead down to the end of its long sinuous tail. As if to mock her, the creature also sported a pair of horns. The luster of its horns and scales was greatly dulled by the noticeably coating of dirt and grime. The lowly appearance was amplified by its simple loincloth that, while no doubt confirming her suspicion that this wasn't a high-ranking subject of hers, also hindered her only indication of gender. The difference between male and female kobolds seemed entirely subtle to her as she had never had kobolds in her mother's lair. These strange new servants had pledged themselves to her at a time when she was still unsure of how to go about building her own lair. While strange, she found them much more appealing than the goblins who seemed to entirely accustomed to the scent of rot.

"Why have you come?" Vyra finally asked. She winced as the strength of her voice failed to equate to her haughty expression.

The kobold jumped at her sudden voice. After a moment, the kobold seemed to collect itself. "I have brought you tribute," the kobold said shakily. It held up a small metal tin with little ornamentation, metal rattling inside, creating a cacophony of noise.

Vyra realized late that the kobold had not addressed her properly, nor did it bow. She was still too embarrassed to point out this lapse in manner and instead gestured for the creature approach her. As it drew nearer, she saw that it had brought several old copper coins that were more green than brilliant bronze, next to them was an intriguing and sharp dagger that would have been a prized possession in the hands of any commoner.

This was a sizeable tribute indeed. She knew it was nothing what the goblin warlords brought her mother on a regular basis, but she was proud nonetheless. Her satisfaction seemed to show as the kobold responded, "I am glad she finds this gift suitable." The kobold spoke as though it had just remembered who it was speaking to. The large kobold bowed low enough to touch its snout to the floor.

Vyra harped herself internally for being so open with her own thoughts. Though she was quite satisfied, "You may rise, -" Vyra suddenly realized she didn't know how to address this kobold.

"Wolf Rider," the kobold supplied quickly.

The insides of Vyra's ears reddened, though she focused preventing them from flattening visibly. "You may rise, wolf rider. Place the tin with the others, then you may leave."

Vyra adopted a dismissive air and returned to preening herself as the kobold left to the storage room along the rear of the cave. Vyra subtly followed it with her amethyst eyes, still curiously attempting to divine its gender. She heard a soft clink of metal on rock and saw the kobold reemerge and stop suddenly. The kobold stared at the floor as if contemplating something, then suddenly looked at her. Wanting to appear entirely disinterested in further dialogue, Vyra quickly averted her focus back to her preening and pretended she didn't realize it had not left her presence.

"Great One..." The kobold finally said lightly. "May I make a small request of you."

Surprised at the comment, she found her tongue answering the kobold before she could gather an appropriate response to this transgression of station. "Yes, of course."

The servant serves you, you do not serve the servant.

She bit her rebellious tongue. It was too late now, and besides, the tribute had been more than enough - perhaps a reward was warranted for this lone kobold. She would not need to be an exact mirror of her mother. She _should_not, in fact.

"Before you make your small request, I desire to understand the exact nature of how you came upon this boon. Did you accomplish this feat yourself, or are there others who aided you?"

"Great One, it was myself and my hound who claimed this." The creature said with a steady voice. It looked at her carefully.

Vyra huffed impatiently, "and I supposed your steed simply stumbled over this on your patrol? Dagger and all?"

It eyes widened, finally seeming to realize what she was asking for specifically, it took a deep breath before beginning. "Great One, I was not on patrol. I took my hound out further than the others normally go on a personal... quest." The kobold seemed to grow as it continued its story, "I came upon a village of those stinking humans. Being careful and cunning, I waited for one of them to break off from their herd before I sprung my trap." The kobold was now grinning maliciously, "the stupid human cried as I took all of its possessions. It had a the whole collection of goodies that is had been hoarding. Those stinking greedy humans always do that. I even..." it's voice trailed off, then he bowed slightly, "Those things are now your goodies, Great One."

Vyra's eyes widened slightly, "what happened to this human when you were done with it?"

The kobold frowned and stood straight. Scratching its head, it responded slowly, "after I had its stuff, I left it to lick the wounds I gave it."

"Were the wounds grave?" Vyra feared its answer.

"The human acted like they were, but they were small wolf nips," it chuckled.

Vyra struggled to contain a sigh of stress. She didn't want to reveal the existence of her hold to the humans for at least another few years. While this kobold no doubt believed in its own superiority of arms, it was nothing compared to the strength of the humans when they felt threatened.

The kobold broke the silence that had fallen over them, "Great One, may I request that she make me her Chamber Aide. I have seen that she may be in need of one," the kobold said carefully - voice nearly faltering as it reverently bowed.

Vyra's breath caught. She wasn't sure if it had been referring to what it saw or if it simply was pointing out the less than remarkable state of her hide. Regardless, this thing had scarcely done her any favors by claiming this tribute. Her body twitched in a growing rage. Vyra stopped herself before she could smear the creature's internal organs across the floor - no, she would not be rash. This one spoke with at least a sliver of intelligence, if this one left without something that amounted to what it obviously believed was a proper reward, it may spread what it saw. Simply killing this one wouldn't help either, what servant would go out of their way to bring her a gift if she rewarded them with the gates of death? No matter her pride or the damage that today's event would cause, she would have to give this kobold something.

"You realize this is a great reward you request of me," she began carefully, "what is your name small one," She grinned inwardly to herself as she slighted the creature. In all truthfulness, though she didn't like to admit, the kobold was almost her size. It would be many years before she would tower over it. She had already decided to grant its request, though she felt this was a good time to ask who this was as she could scarcely remember the difference between these lizards.

"Moroc, Great One."

Male, she had already guessed this, though his name confirmed her apt suspicion. "Moroc, I am most pleased. I will grant your request. Come back tomorrow and be ready to clean my chambers."

Moroc grinned and bowed lowly. "Thank you Great One, I will make myself worth to you." Vyra went back to preening her scales, dismissing him with a truthful lack of interest.

When the male failed to leave, Vyra noticed him finicking with his claws, "I mean no disrespect, Great One, I offer my respective services out of the desire to give her an appearance befitting the embodiment of royalty. While she may be able to bathe and preen her lower body, the rest is in need of a delicate brushing." He nearly coughed. Realization that he had slipped back into his most proper manner signaled that he knew he was treading in dangerous territory.

He was right to fear as her anger flared violently, had this creature lost its mind? How dare it openly call her a grimy beast! She stood quickly and prepared to cleave the male in half when he threw his hand up in defense in kneeled.

"I promise I mean no disrespect to you! I mean only to serve her as well as I can. I would not think of defying the Great One." Vyra's fiery wrath cooled somewhat. Was she really quite dirty? The thought unsettled her as it crossed her mind. She knew she wasn't the most cleanly, but was it as bad as the male seemed to make it out to be? Vyra lowered her claws and scampered over to her still pond. Looking at her reflection, she was dismayed. Her ears grew hot with humiliation.

"I..." Vyra stuttered,

Never show weakness. She scoffed to herself, that ship had long since sailed.

"I will require a bath immediately."

She'd already made a horrendous display of herself with Moroc, she would not allow it to continue to the rest of them, nor would she allow herself to look like the poor peasant humans that surrounded her mountain. She couldn't bring herself to look at Moroc as she commanded him. She had enough of trying to shamble together some sort of regal character.


An hour later, Moroc had several kobolds bring in a large tub and fill it with water from her pond. They scurried about as they burned coals beneath the water until it steamed with inviting heat. Finished, Moroc waved the others away and demanded privacy until he was done.

"Please relax, Great One, this is not an uncomfortable process." Having given up on her façade, Vyra relaxed her shuddering wing muscles and laid on her side. She wondered for a moment how a wolf rider would know anything about cleaning the body of a dragon, but assumed his wolf offered enough of an opportunity to get an idea. The warm cloth sent a shudder through her body as she was reminded of the daily baths she had sacrificed by leaving her mother's nest. Vyra breathed in deeply, the stress of this issue with Moroc's encounter abating like the dirt on her scales. The delicate brushing from Moroc had slowly lapsed her into a deeper relaxed state. She had nearly fallen asleep when Moroc told her to roll onto her back. The thought never crossed her mind about how having her wings fanned out lazily and her legs spread wide might look. While Moroc worked on her lower stomach, lustful thoughts from her denied release returned. Without realizing it, the devious thoughts slowly took control of her mind. She imagined the warm cloth was a drake's tongue, lovingly attending to her every corner or her beautiful obsidian flanks. She felt the ache that she had failed to quell return from earlier. Vyra snorted, making Moroc jump.

"Is there something wrong, Great One?" The brushing stopped.

Vyra opened an eye and looked at him, sighing to herself, "no, nothing - please continue. You are doing magnificently."

Moroc grinned and stepped back to her side, careful not to put a foot on her outstretched wing. Vyra's eyes widened as she looked at how she was presenting herself. Vyra threw a wing over herself and rolled back onto her stomach, her ears burning yet again. Moroc jumped back.

"We should stop, I am very clean, you may leave," Vyra said quickly as she tried not to look at him.

Moroc didn't move, "I won't say I didn't see what you were doing before. I only want to help. You're in season, it is only natural a female act as you are." She wasn't sure whether he truly cared, or if this was simply the most cunning kobold she had ever met. And was he simply referring to brushing her, or was she alluding to... that? The latter should have made her angry, though her body refused to allow her that emotion.

He watched her carefully, "I can return tomorrow if - "

"No, I want you to continue," Vyra said suddenly. She shuffled her wings anxiously. "We will continue as we were." Vyra felt a strange and exciting rebelliousness in returning to the floor and exposing her body to this servant. It was not a powerful emotion, but its signal flared within her.

"I never would admit to this, but my scales are not what they used to be."

"A humble dragon? You are strange, Great One, and I am glad to serve you." Moroc bowed deeply, then picked his brush from where he dropped it.

As the brushing returned, Vyra shut her eyes. She took the opportunity to consciously enjoy this luxury. As Moroc continued, Vyra was rhythmically lapsed into a daydream like consciousness.

Vyra's body froze, tensing with sudden unspent and dangerous energy.

Moroc's hand brushed near her most private place. She cracked an eye slit open and scrutinized her new Chamber Aide. The male watched her eyes carefully as he massaged her. She could see the desire in his eyes. With kobolds, there was a great disproportion of males to females which left many males without breeding partners. Moroc likely hadn't bred before. Neither had she for that fact. Her mind returned to whether this was a selfish move on his part, or a move that he himself believed would be beneficial to both.

Moroc continued to brush closer to her entrance, testing Vyra's limits. His attentions spurred the growing waves of pleasure. It wasn't long before Vyra realized she desperately wanted this male to rut her. The foreign thoughts surprised her. She consoled herself that it would never come to that. Maybe it could simply pleasure her with his hands.

Still, the thought was shameful, but in her current state, it was the best she could hope to win against her powerful heat driven hormones. She spread her legs wider, exposing her most vulnerable regions as she laid on her back. Her mother had never specifically told her not to do anything like this, but she was certain this was not something her mother would never degrade herself to. In fact, Vyra was certain this was so immensely wrong that her mother believed she never needed to tell her not to expose herself like this to a creature of weak blood. Why would someone need to tell her not to do this? She didn't like to admit it to herself, but this treatment was second to none. Vyra gazed to Moroc almost pleadingly as he devoted himself to dousing the flames of her heat.

"You should have asked me to do this before. Your body needs release," Moroc said with a sultry voice.

Vyra chuckled tensely, "I've made do on my own as you no doubt saw." Vyra widened her eyes, confused she would be so open about pleasuring herself. She tried to shake her head free from the rush of emotions that continued to cloud her mind. The endless flurry of advice from her mother reminded her more and more of the overt depravity of allowing a servant to touch her where Moroc was. She didn't want it to stop, the fires that had caused her so much discomfort in the past were finally shifting.

"Just relax, Great One." Vyra did so. Or, at least she tried to. Her wings still fidgeted with apprehension while her heart beat furiously as she was still at odds with herself.

Moroc was careful not to cause her discomfort with his sharp claws and Vyra's abashment began to slowly subside. After a few minutes of attentive brushing Vyra found herself unsatisfied. Her heat refused to abate even with the male's touch. Saving Vyra the further embarrassment of asking more of him, Moroc seemed to understand her body and pulled away, giving reason to wonder whether she had been openly telegraphing her desires to more than just Moroc in the past. She would have to be better about controlling her body's signals in the future. Vyra watched himlustfully as he untied and dropped his dirty and sweat stained loincloth to the cavern floor, revealing his impressive girth and swollen hanging sack.

Her breath caught. She had no way of comparing cock sizes, though she was sure Moroc's would be more than she could have hoped for from a kobold.

Vyra was shaken once again her own unruly thoughts. Had she actually succumbed to being bred? This was a kobold! A lesser beast that -. Moroc grabbed her ankles and yanked them out of his way as he straddled the base of her tail. He briefly hunched over and drew his long muscular tongue over her cunt, only momentarily slipping inside.

Vyra let out an involuntary groan. A wave of his scent from his thick throbbing member permeated the air around her and muddled her thoughts. Any desire to end this treatment was quieted as her body soon realized a virile male was finally mounting her trembling virgin form, preparing to breed her with the slick fluids trapped in the sack hanging between his legs. Vyra felt something wet trickle out of her, drawing attention to the slick and overly hot sensations in her nethers. The heavily aroused male slid part of his ridged penis into her, a fraction of his full length. He paused and gazed over to Vyra's eyes.

"I'm going to be inside you," Moroc said lamely, likely dazed over the situation. Had she been cognizant, she would've made a clever jab, but her mind remained solely focused on her sex.

Vyra desperately wanted him to shove his entire length inside, though she followed his lead out of inexperience in fulfilling her duty to a male as charged by nature. She looked at him and saw in his eyes what may have been either an internal struggle or disbelief that he was about to impale an eager dragoness with his cock.

Moroc curled his tail around Vyra's leg and warned her, husky voice struggling to form intelligible words, "they tell me it hurts the first time."

Unsure of what he was alluding to, Vyra had little time to contemplate his words as she felt the grip on her legs tighten as he quickly slammed half his wide girth into her, claiming Vyra's draconic virginity. She yelped in surprise, shutting her eyes and clenching her jaws to cope as pain blossomed. The thickness was enough that she felt stretched, though not enough to cause too great of distress thankfully. As Moroc slowly slid in and out of her, Vyra relaxed her body, trying to focus strange new sensations emanating from her stretched breeding flesh. As the pain was soon replaced, Vyra opened her maw and let her tongue roll lazily out the side as she began panting with need.

Moroc shoved his breeding pole into her harder and deeper, filling the room with the sound of his heavy sack slapping against the deprived and needy dragoness. A pressure began building as he sped up, she could tell her climax was already nearing. She began huffing each time she felt his cock beat against her inner wall.

Vyra was panting heavily, hot desire taxing her body, though, her craving for sex encouraged her to continue to pleasure Moroc's shaft until her primal mind was satisfied that Moroc had pumped a progeny of hatchling under her tail. Vyra's tongue flopped out the side of her maw. Vyra began brushing her claws delicately over Moroc's waste, feeling the contours of his lean frame as he rhythmically thrust into her body.

A sliver of worry entered her mind, drawing attention to the sack beating the soft skin just below her vent. If Moroc impregnated her, she knew should would be at great risk of losing her hold over her servants. They would see her as more of brood queen to be stuffed full by every male in sight rather than a proud ruler. Moroc was nearly bursting with unspent cum. He _would_fill her with the eggs. She had no doubt Moroc was fertile as his scent had been readily reminding her of this. She knew in her heart - or perhaps elsewhere - she wanted him to spill his seed in her. She wanted it desperately. No matter what she would have to deal with in the future, she couldn't summon the will to put a stop to their ageless act.

Vyra craned her neck to look at herself. Part of her was shocked. A common kobold straddled her, holding her ankles off to his side while he thrust his fat cock into her. His rock-like penis slid visibly into her passage as it lewdly distended the scales along her belly. Part of her mind was horrified by the sight. She was lying beneath a servant, fully resigned to him as he fucked her deeply. And not one of respectable station either. This one left smears of its own stench on her scales. A stench that could have only been grown in the cesspool the lower caste often lived in. The fluids soaking his crotch flesh mixed with her own and left a powerful alchemical mixture of depravity. A once regal figure before, at this very moment she now embodied everything her mother stood against as a pure-blooded dragon. These thoughts distanced herself from that model - that image. She didn't want to be like her mother, she wouldn't.

She decided then she hated the logical side of her mind. Vyra let out a defiant roar, catching Moroc off guard. She wrapped her hind legs around Moroc and pulled him against her, shoving his fat balls against her crotch, forcing his length to press harshly against her cervix. Both groaned, creating a symphony of desire as their healthy virile bodies responded with immense pleasure that readily nature rewarded any productive pair of animals.

Vyra suddenly rolled over, throwing Moroc onto his back. Moroc was stunned by the sudden movement and did little to stop Vyra as she began rutting him with reckless abandon. As her wet tunnel began convulsing, Vyra shoved Moroc's twitching penis as deeply as she could force it and clenched her eyes shut. The draconic queen fully relinquished her virgin womb to her kobold servant's stiff cock and tightening balls. Just as Vyra began to climax, she felt Moroc's claws dig into her back, drawing fresh royal blood. She could not spare a thought to the pain as her passage quickly tightened around his length, encouraging Moroc's life giving sperm to flood the fertile depths of Vyra's egg fields. The sensations from the female's fresh virgin hole was too much for the breathless male to hold back from any longer. Moroc gave a lasting victorious roar as a momentous stream of seed shot into Vyra, piercing her inner sanctum and claiming her womb. Vyra tightened her grip, forcing the copious stream of fertile seed to wash her ready insides.

They stayed locked together by Vyra's strong embrace until Moroc's now limp sack stopped convulsing. The male ran his hand carefully over Vyra's belly, feeling his cock through her flesh. Finished, Moroc carefully drew his soaked organ from her sore tunnel, eliciting a gasp from Vyra's overly sensitive walls. Vyra released her ironlike grip on the male, letting Moroc shift to give Vyra's cunt a lustful lick before getting out from under her and pulling on his loincloth. Fluids still visibly dripped from his softening cock and carried with it the aroma of their deed. Vyra watched him lazily and was unhappy when she could no longer see his member. As her desires to mate were sated for the time being, Vyra rolled to her side to hide her well-bred slit.

As she regained her breath, the weight of what they had done began to rightly bring to focus the reality of the situation. The grave embarrassment of breeding a lesser servant that should have preventing her from even having the initial thoughts now bombarded with fresh vigor.

Breathing in deeply, she tried to slow her now racing heartbeat. "You mustn't tell anyone," Vyra said grimly.

Moroc looked at her, squinting his eyes and grinning slightly, "why should I not? I made my mark on the great dragon. It is a great honor she gives me."

Vyra snarled at the disrespectful kobold. "Simply having been underneath my tail does not grant you rights as my mate. You will not tell anyone about this. Are we clear?"

Moroc frowned, "yes, Great One. I meant no disrespect." Moroc gave her an entirely insufficient bow and turned to leave.


Moroc turned back, "yes, Great One?"

"Wash yourself off in the pond, I can smell... it."

Moroc frowned again, likely dismayed that she would not allow him to advertise to the others that he was no longer a virgin.

Vyra turned her thoughts from him as he washed off. Her mind raced, looking for a way out of her predicament. She leaned to her side and brought a wing to shield her from the labyrinth of issues that would eventually come knocking on her door - one-by-one.

"Will I be returning tomorrow?" Moroc asked.

Vyra lowered her wing, "yes, every day you will clean me and attend to my wishes - that has not changed."

Moroc nodded and left her to her brooding. Vyra prodded at her belly. Wanting to somehow flush his fresh seed from her womb. She knew it was hopeless. In a month she would likely be gravid. That was something she _needed_to deal with immediately.