Tale 9-1 - Badly In Need of a Friend

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#42 of Treetop Shorts Collection

Queen Amunet had fallen. Her kingdom was no longer hers. Her body had been radically altered by the gods in service to completing her new mission. And that mission was indeed completed. She had nowhere to turn to, no one she could seek aid from in her homeland. She was exiled at the request of the very gods that had given her the abilities she had used to save her people. And on top of that, they had given her an almost unending, insatiable lust. She was constantly in heat, and wandering the wilds, alone, with no one to find comfort with, the cobra was finding it difficult to stay composed. She really could use a the touch of a kind soul.

I wrote this one quite a while ago, and it was meant to be a little gifty for my good friend Anima. It also serves as part of Elizabeth Amunet's backstory. You can find stuff about her in 'Queen Cobra' and the Treetop Inn series (as well as a couple of the 'Reviews of the Treetop Inn' series). She's a fun character and I really don't write her often enough. Anyway, I thought it might be interesting to go with a version of Anima that didn't overtly speak but was clearly intelligent. I do wonder if he came off a little like Toothless. Anyway, please enjoy.

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The jungle was a lonely place. A solitary serpent woman walked alone through the underbrush. She had left everything she knew behind. It was part of the deal she had made. Her former kingdom in the hands of someone honorable in exchange for her exile. The gods made it clear she had to position herself to make the exchange happen, then take her leave. She would never again be called 'queen' by her people. She wasn't even herself anymore. She had been a beautiful asp, graceful and kind. Now, transformed by the gods in order to accomplish the task set by them, she was a cobra, built for lust. She was ravishing, but not in the sense of royalty. She was more akin to those found in brothels. Elizabeth likely belonged in one now. Her undying lust simply would not fade, now matter how many times she pleasured herself. And in exile, she had no one to come to her aid to put out those fires. The only two guards that had accompanied her to the gates of the inner sanctum of death had given their lives for her to practice her new arts. They were part of her now. She learned from their sacrifice how to undo such a permanent thing, but only too late. The gods had a twisted sense of humor it seemed.

She trudged on, what little clothing she wore ripping and tearing from time to time on the underbrush of the jungle. Before long, she would be completely naked, like a feral beast. Maybe that was how she was meant to live her life. The cobra moaned at the thought, suddenly filled with mental images of being mounted by all manner of large, unrestrained beasts. She crumpled and dropped to her knees, her paws cupping at her groin, soaking through the fabric hanging from her waist and thighs, and her chest, the heavy swells dripping ever so softly with thin streams of milk. She would never have children, and yet she would be able to nurse one easily.

There the woman knelt, her fingers gliding smoothly across the flesh deep within her cleft. She panted haughtily, shivering as she brought herself to climax once more. It had to be the tenth time since noon, and the sun was only just beginning to kiss the horizon. She was insatiable.

As the snake collected herself, she stood again, then froze, hearing the sound of something moving in the brush. It sounded large and heavy, but as she spun about, trying to pinpoint it, she found it impossible to spot. And then, two piercing yellow eyes gleamed out from the dark shadow amidst the foliage. Their owner pushed forward through the leaves to reveal a black feline, large, thick, and curious.

Elizabeth remained completely still, staring the creature down. Her heart and mind raced, trying desperately to formulate a plan. The only option she could conjure was to use her magic. It was still rather new to her, this impressive power she housed in her relatively small body. She had yet to learn all she was capable of, and it scared her. Without a master to teach her, she would need to practice on her own and this seemed like a fine time to do so.

"Stay back, I don't want to hurt you." Liz said, not really expecting it to mean much to the jungle cat of pitch black.

And if it did, the cat didn't show any sign. He simply padded up to her, slowly, inquisitively. His broad nose twitched as he took in the scents of the wilds around them, as well as those of the snake before him. He must have liked what he smelled because soon, he was pressing that wide snout in against the lady's groin, sniffing and snuffling deeply. Liz gasped in surprise, biting back a moan as her hands moved to rest atop the large head. He was so big he could hold his head at eye level with her without changing posture, if he weren't busy exploring her crotch. A large, hot, flat tongue slipped out of the feline's jaws and pressed against the quivering lips that were still soaked from her earlier climax. That grand organ slurped over the snake's womanhood without much ceremony, making Liz weak in the knees.

The cobra's voice rose as she was claimed by lust again, slowly dropping to the ground. She couldn't even keep herself on her paws at this point. In her mind, she was thinking this was the end, this was how her life would come to a close. The gods had said her line would carry on throughout history, unbroken, but they were capricious and fickle, prone to changing their minds. The hot, humid breath of the black panther washed down over her face as he moved to stand over her. And then, he laid down.

That surprised the cobra. She was now pinned under the big cat, thinking she should have been crushed by him, but she wasn't. Instead, it was quite comfortable. He was soft and chubby, his mass spilling out over the ground to cover her form almost completely, save for her arms, as well as everything from the shoulders up. He lay there on top of her, looking down at the snake he had caught, grinning, actually grinning at her.

"Oh... hello." Liz said.

In an instant, she knew he meant her no harm. It was almost as though they were having a silent conversation only she could hear. He was a friendly thing, this cat, and he was more interested in play than hunting. The cobra sighed in relief.

"You scared the life out of me, kitty. What's a big thing like you want with a little lady like me anyway? Shouldn't you be out looking for your own kind if you are interested in socializing?" She asked.

Her answer came silently as a grind from the big cat's hindquarters.

A rather large sheath mashed against the lady's calves, so far down because of how much larger he was compared to her. It swelled and its contents began to slowly spill out under him, pressing against the fine scales covering her skin. A new shiver ran up the lady's spine. Those images from before flooded back and she writhed, trying to push them away. Surely he couldn't intend that could he? He answered her properly, his words formless and soundless. Liz froze and she looked up at the big cat, her eyes wide.

"Oh... you smelled me... and decided I needed... help." The snake uttered.

She couldn't bring herself to resist. Her form fell limp under the soft, plush panther pinning her down. Soon, the cat stood and coaxed her onto her stomach. Liz obliged, even lifting her rump and sweeping her long, graceful tail to the side, offering the feline his choice of entrance.

Before she could say anything, he picked and pushed forward. Liz cried out softly in surprise. He was enormous! Never before had she stretched so far to take part in the act of love! She thought something so large would hurt, but it did not. Instead, it simply went beyond what she thought she was capable of, making her moan all the louder. Her folds quivered as the big cat pumped into her form. His squishy pudge spilled down over her back and even onto her head, keeping her in place as he growled playfully. His flanks flexed and pushed, filling the lady more than she ever had been before. Her stomach bulged, stretching around the grand invader, taking every inch he saw fit to insert. His rapid, shallow ruts stole the snake's breath away as she sank her fingers into the grass and soil under her. She needed something to grip. And she needed more.

Liz rocked herself back against the big cat's advances, making sure he sank in just as deep as he could, bottoming out in her womb each time he thrust home. It was all she could do to keep from screaming. The cobra's form rippled with a wave of pleasure as a small, early climax washed over her. The splash of moisture below only made the feline's efforts easier. The big black cat rumbled deep in his throat as he bucked, deeply enjoying this little bit of fun with the surprisingly stretchy snake. The tight grasp on him as well as Liz's sounds of passion only drove him to rut harder.

With so helpful a partner, the jungle cat didn't last long. He sank in firmly, pushing into the cobra with his powerful hindquarters and yowled. Liz found herself scrunched forward and filled, gasping as her belly began to swell, and swell quite strongly. The heat of what felt like gallons of the feline's essence warmed her in so strange and satisfying a manner, all Liz could do was quiver. She couldn't speak or even cry out. She panted for breath and trembled, feeling over her steadily growing stomach. It creaked and groaned, straining to hold in such a tremendous load. And she was rapidly becoming addicted to it.

It took several moments for everything to settle, and for the feline to stop his shallow rutting. When he did, he slowly pulled himself from the snake's grasp, letting the act drag on for a good while. The cobra's writhing as he did so amused him. Once his shaft popped free, he flopped onto his side and tugged the bloated lady into his warm, soft tummy. Liz sighed and closed her eyes, welcoming the embrace. It was comforting and kind, something she sorely lacked these days.

"You don't play around when you want to play around, do you, big guy?" The snake chuckled.

Again, there was no answer heard, and yet Liz seemed to be conversing with him.

"Nice to meet you, Anima. I'm Liz," The cobra mused, pressing in against the big cuddly feline, "You know, I could certainly use a friend like you. Been having a rough time of it lately."

As she spoke, the serpentine lady's stomach growled loud enough to be heard at a considerable distance. She blushed softly and buried her face again. She hadn't eaten in days. One of the little snags that came with being on the run.

"Yeah, I'm starving. Didn't have money to pay for food at any of the settlements I passed through, and I'm not familiar with what's edible here in the jungle." she said.

The big cat rumbled again, purring to the lady in his clutches.

"Really? You'd do that?" Elizabeth asked, "I mean... I'm sure I could but, that's awfully generous of you considering the consequences."

Anima pressed his nose down against the top of the lady's head, licking over her hood slowly and deliberately, as if cleaning her.

"Alright," the lady said quietly, "If you're sure, then it would be my honor."

Liz tilted her head back, exposing her face to that huge tongue. She giggled as she let him lick over her face a few times before returning the affection. Very shortly after, warmth began to spread over the big cat's muzzle. The snake had opened her mouth and pushed up over his nose, taking him up on his offer. She would be huge afterwards, but she would stay fed for weeks on him. A soft hiss escaped the lady as she inched her way up over her new friend's face, slurping slowly and greedily at his form. Anima closed his eyes and grinned, giving himself to the smaller woman.

In very short order, the cobra unhinged her jaws, gradually consuming the pudgy cat's head. He was huge, and she found herself desperately wanting to devour him. Liz moaned and gulped vigorously, passing over the feline's neck as he nosed around inside her throat. Her form bulged and stretched ludicrously, seemingly to impossible lengths. The broad shoulders before her pushed her even further, and yet she didn't hesitate for an instant. Her stomach raised its voice again, shouting to be filled. Her hunger was incredibly intense, almost as intense as her sexual desire. Was this just another need to be sated? Would she be doomed to devour her lovers forever? It seemed to fit the modus operandi of the gods.

A hearty slurp tugged the black cat's barreled chest into the warmth of her maw. She closed her eyes and loosed a muffled noise of delight, finding the feline's taste delightful, and even the very act itself of swallowing him whole, to be unbelievably sensual. Her belly, already rather round and soft, began to stretch again as Anima's impressive form spilled in. Liz couldn't stop herself. She gulped and tugged, pulling her feast in past her lips with reckless abandon. Each time she felt her stomach gurgle and stretch, she shivered. A tingle passed up her spine, originating between her thighs. Was she actually deriving a sexual thrill from such gluttony?

The snake closed her jaws around the cat's rump, pushing the shapely thing into her throat. The instant she did, she got her answer. A powerful wave of sensual heat washed over her and she moaned around the two large legs and thick tail hanging from her lips. She had to finish him. Now.

With a renewed sense of greed, the cobra pushed on, gripping the muscular hind legs and shoving them into her maw. She gulped loudly and lewdly, cramming more of the big feline into her belly, now stretched so massive she wouldn't be able to walk. Anima's paws vanished from sight down her throat and the snake lay there, now feeling more at ease, able to finish the task more leisurely. She giggled watching the fat tail swish about slowly, nibbling playfully at it as she felt its owner turn about in her stomach. It felt so good being so full, stretched to what had to be her maximum capacity. There was no pain, no discomfort at all. She was deeply content. A long, slow slurp saw the last of Anima's tail glide into her mouth and down her gullet, and with that, her feast was complete. Liz kneaded at her enormous gut, burping loudly from time to time as her meal settled.

"Mmm, such a good kitty. I'm definitely going to miss you when you're gone. And since I can't exactly spend a week laying here while you digest, this is where we will have to say goodbye." The cobra said, sounding rather disappointed that so kind a friendship came to so abrupt an end.

She closed her eyes and relaxed, letting her stomach go to work and do what it did best, hastening the progress just as she had done before. The churning, gurgling gut began squeezing the giant panther, squishing and clinging to him as he felt his form begin to loosen. What had been solid was rapidly turning to mush; a sort of ooze he could still feel through, and it was rather pleasant. Liz felt over her stomach as it lost definition and texture, rapidly softening to a huge, bloated pool of panther pudding. She could still feel him moving, actively sloshing himself about. Clearly he was enjoying this process. And even more as she began to absorb that nutritious mush.

"Mmm, all mine now, kitty. You were tasty. I wish circumstances had been different. I'd have taken my sweet time breaking you down and absorbing you," The cobra paused, still fighting sorrow over losing her friend.

It was how her last two guards had gone, offering themselves to her in their lust-riddled state. That had been her doing, testing her new venom to see just how powerfully it could instill desire. It was indeed quite potent.

Maybe she could bring this one back. It was within her abilities after all, given to her by the gods. It would serve as good practice should she ever manage to be poised to strike at her target. Her expression hardened and she nodded, her mind made up.

"So I guess I'll have to take my time with you the next time I gobble you up! I've decided that you're not going anywhere! I'm keeping you!" she said with a loud giggle.

Her proud declaration was punctuated by another loud belch. Her belly continued to shrink, eventually reaching a point where she could stand and even walk under her own power. Her figure however had 'suffered'. Her once trim, lithe shape was layered with cushion. Her arms, legs, backside, everything had been made thicker and softer thanks to the goo-panther still melting away in her belly. She giggled feeling over herself, amused by the change. She would have a long way to go to work it all off back to her original, alluring shape, but then there was something similarly enticing about this as well in its own way. She hefted her breasts, now easily twice the size they had been before. She liked it.

Soon, her tummy had shrunk away to a more trim, but still chubby size. The cobra looked about and picked a direction, walking through the brush anew. Already the magic she had learned was busy working to restore her new friend. As she strolled along, feeling far more satisfied than she had in months, her stomach began to swell back out into a firm, round dome. Soon, it was so large, it hung down past her knees, and yet it didn't seem to hinder her. She smiled and caressed the giant belly, feeling her feline friend twitching softly inside, sleeping soundly in her womb. She couldn't have children properly, but she could certainly claim someone as a temporary child it seemed. And Anima would do very nicely for the time being.

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