Draco Defanatus

Story by Kinx Commissions on SoFurry

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#1 of Demonic Corruption

What fate will befall Izyth, lovely and bold dragon-morph, as she is taken prisoner by the vile demonic Unholy Alliance? Will she emerge from captivity whole in body and in mind, albeit a little worse for wear? Or will something far more insidious - and deviant - happen to her? This short & sweet story was commissioned several years ago by Grantneodude and features one of their OCs, and then recently remastered to bring it up to contemporary writing standards.

There was no escape.

Izyth struggled mightily at the chains that lashed and bound her to the wall. It was a futile effort. No matter how much she stained against the hell-forged links, they would not break. Exhausted, the midnight blue dragon-morph, tall and slender, white-horned and fluff-tailed, growled in abject frustration and sank forward to hang limply from her bonds. Not for the first, time, she vehemently cursed her ill fortune; if only she had been more aware of her surroundings, then she would not have been captured so easily. She knew in her bones that being sent as a messenger into the Falaris Wastes to seek out the presumed fallen 2nd Legion would be a fool's errand. After all, had her comrades-in-arms not told agreed with her enough times they were lost? But pride, oh that terrible sense of pride and duty, compelled the League War Council to send one more messenger in an effort to find and deliver a rendezvous location. And so, she, the youngest and least experienced, had been chosen to undertake the task. Which only proved how much of a futile gesture many of the Council actually believed the mission of mercy to be. One last gesture to salve their honourable consciences.

That gesture had cost Izyth mightily.

The forces of the Unholy Alliance had moved into the Wastes and were now advancing toward the allied lines of battle. Izyth had played a game of cat-and-mouse for a half-day, desperately evading their scouting parties and aerial reconnaissance flights. Then a flock of Scythe Sirens caught her scent and well, that was it. She had been swiftly plucked up from the ground, leaving her dangling and helplessly after clutching at her angularly swept ears in an effort to block out their disorientating call. She had been rendered easy prey. Expecting a swift and painful death, she had instead been spirited away to one of the Alliance's strongholds and forcibly stripped and then tossed into a dungeon cell by one of the brutish bull-like footsoldiers and chained to the wall. As they roughly imprisoned her, she had cried out in agony; tears had streamed freely from her blue eyes as the chains were lashed and pulled tight against her leathery gradient hide with no concern for her comfort. The demonic metal felt like fire against her body and she knew not how long she had writhed there within her dismal prison, whimpering and sobbing from the agonizing embrace of her bonds, certainly long enough until her throat was raw and dry from her vocalised torment and the uncomfortably warm temperature that permeated the stronghold. Izyth's delirium-riddled thoughts now began to wander to her adoptive parents and to friends she would never see again she was sure. She cried out afresh as the images began to warp into mockeries and other more feverish illusions plagued her mind. Miserable and increasingly delusional, she now hoped that death would claim her swiftly rather than let her linger in such a pathetic state from which there was no escape.

So, it seemed like a surprising and uncharacteristically merciful gesture when one of the underlings, a scrawny and diminutive reptilian kobold, cautiously approached. In its hand it held an earthen flask, which it then offered up to her. It then grunted at her in its guttural tongue and pantomimed the action of drinking from it. By that point, Izyth was too far gone to care what the scaly toad was offering her, her thirst was just too great. She parted her jaws and let her swollen tongue loll out in a gesture of compliance. The little reptile skittered forward and held up the flask, stretching up on its clawed feet to bring the vessel to her lips and let he contents trickle into her short, draconic maw. Immediately she began to choke a thick and intensely spice-sweet fluid oozed across her tongue and throat, so much in fact that it forced herself to swallow before she could even consider if it was a good idea to do so; whatever it was, it certainly wasn't water. When the flask had been emptied, the minion had skittered away and chittered maliciously to itself.

The sense of relief the dragon-morph felt was near-immediate and very palpable as her dire thirst was slaked. Not just that, an unexpectedly pleasant heat began to warm her insides. It was even beginning to relieve the pain from the cursed chains. Their embrace felt less uncomfortably painful and her mind began to clear. Clarity of thought was returning, along with a sense of growing strength.

Time passed.

She was now confident enough that she had regained enough strength to allow her to break free of the chains. Cockily so, in fact. All of a sudden, they had become an_annoyance_, not despair. Annoyance turned to anger as a sense of outrage washed over her. How dare she be chained up! Breathing heavily as she gnashed at the air and extended her claws, the captive dragoness's long furred tail lashed back and forth behind her. She let out a very uncharacteristic snarl of frustration as she strained against her bonds with a sense of angry determination. She was normally a very passive person--quick to smile and laugh, and last to frown. Never before had she behaved so savagely. It was enough to shock her now as a ferocious roar left her lips.

The hell-hole she found herself in was getting to her, that was all.

Startled and a little afraid of her fury and the swelling sense of physical prowess that fuelled it, she closed her eyes and tried to find a place of calm and peace. Such mental exercises had given her the reputation for being a calm soul. Now though, she found she was unable to cope with the roiling emotions swirling within her and could not summon the patience now to try. The aggressive heat that still burned in her belly and chest and continued to spread through her was hot enough that no amount of trying to mentally quench that fire would do so. She bore her short, sharp teeth in another frustrated growl, bunching her taut muscles and pulled. The chain actually groaned this time as she attempted to pull it from the bolted fixtures on the wall, feeling a surge of anger-fuelled strength coursing through her; never before had she felt this strong and she was determined to put it to good use.


A sudden throaty chuckle drew her attention away from the struggle and she looked up to see one of the winged demons that formed the elite cadre of the Alliance's army standing just inside her cell door. The humanoid creature, neither draconic nor anthropic, regarded her with pupilless coal-black eyes and its clawed arms folded over its muscular ruddy-brown chest, smirking at her efforts. Black horns larger and more elaborately curved than her own crowned its shaggy-maned head, tipped with flashes of scarlet red, as were its wings. It was also nude, with a currently flaccid, but still respectably large member hung between its thighs.

"I trust you are enjoying your...stay...with us?" it asked in a menacingly cordial tone, its voice slithering through the air towards her like wet leather. The smirk widened into a maliciously toothy grin as it watched her surge forward, straining at her chains.

"LET ME GO!" Izyth snarled, tail now lashing wildly around her, snapping at the air in renewed frustration and anger. The demon chuckled again and stepped forwards towards her. Its member had begun to stiffen and rise.

"You're certainly a wilder_one than I expected you to be..." the male demon purred. There was a knowing glint twinkling in its reflectively dark eyes as it advanced upon her. It stopped before her and grabbed her chin, squeezing it tightly enough to draw blood from the tips of its red-glowing claws. It chuckled and shook its head in mocking denial as she attempted to snap and bite at it, and flexed and swept her nail in a slapping effort to sweep the demon off its feet. All for naught. "Why don't we put that passion to _better use, hmm?"

The demonic member was fully erect now, and glowed red at the angular tip. A lurid scarlet fluid was collecting and beading at the head. The hell-spawn licked its lips lasciviously, wings creaking behind it as they gave an excited flutter as the it bore down on her and forcefully tilted the dragon-morph's head to the side. A smile spread across its lips as it licked along her throat with a leech-like, prehensile tongue, leaving a trail of glowing saliva. Sudden, frightful panic overcame Izyth's frustration, tinged with a rising fury that struggled to push past her fear and revulsion at being touched and toyed with in such a fashion.

"S-Stay back, g-get away from me!"

The demon merely laughed at her warning; it full knew how helpless she was before it. As if to emphasise that fact, It grabbed at the chains binding her arms and forced them up and back above her with its powerful grip. Its other hand forced its way in between her thighs and forced them apart to expose her sex. Izyth struggled and fought against the intrusion as best she could, but it was a valiant but ultimately fruitless effort. The demon gleeful forced itself into her, pushing the unnatural member into and past her intimate lips, penetrating her sex with unwelcome force and ferocity. Her cries for mercy died off into sobbing moans, followed by throaty grunts as the demon began to buck and roll its hips and drove the ridged member deeper into her with each thrust. Tears of anger, hate, frustration and shame at being reduced to a carnal plaything for her jailer trickled down her cheeks. They swiftly became racking sobs punctuated by panting as her traitorous sex damped and her folds began to flutter, traitorously lubricating with her own fluids to ease the thick member's passage into her. The demon too had begun to grunt and pant, its grip falling upon and tightening around her jaw once again. Its sharp talons and powerful hands held her in place and dug into her hide. A sly smirk was painted across its maw, one that was both alluring _and_disturbing. The rough, forced sex did not last long, and unsurprisingly for a ravenous beast, ended selfishly. With a throaty groan and flutter of its wings, the demon orgasmed and unleashed a squirting cascade of corrupted seed into her. Izyth cried out as it rushed into her, a seething and bubbling tide that was painfully hot, and left her trembling in the throes of an unwanted climax at the intensity of the sensations racking her slender, long-legged body. With no gentleness or tender care, it pulled out of her and pushed her head back with a dull chuckle, releasing its grip as if discarding her now that it had satiated its needs upon her. The heat flared into fresh agony in her womb and belly, and it wordlessly turned from her and left her to her misery to writhe and fitfully sob from the worst pain she had ever felt as the corrupted--and corruptive--demonic fluid seeped into her very core and set about its vile duty.

Izyth swam within a miasma of hellishly lucid delirium, incoherent thoughts, and morbid sensations. She drifted in and out of consciousness, only catching glimpses of her slowly corrupting form and feeling a mix of horror and morbid curiosity each time she did so.

The veins that pulsed and glowed and begun to spread across her like sickly red demonic weeds, budded from her ravaged sex and branched out with creeping determination. Little by little they lengthened and expanded, with smaller veins reaching out and swelling in size until they too began to spread their fronds of corruption. The doomed-to-transformation dragon-morph's nerves crackled with both a mix of agonising pain_and_ erotic stimulation as she writhed within the constricting binds of her bonds. She howled out as the sensations became more intense the further and deeper the corruption spread. The gradient shades of deep blue she took such pride in became riven with lurid corruption, entwining around every inch of her body. She watched it creep up her breasts and neck with every increasing haste as if it were eager to complete its task, with eyes wide and filled with a sick horror as it rounded her jaw and blazed outwards across her cheek.

That was the moment in which the lewd and disturbing thoughts and images began to worm their way into her tortured and broken mind, as the corruption turned its attention fully to her psyche. The intensely erotic visions and delusions, far outside the scope of what she normally fantasized about were monstrous in their exotic nature. She tried to fight against them, struggling to focus on something...anything...other than the fantasies that crept into her mind at any given moment, of her cavorting with demon-kin and all manner of beasts, fighting a losing battle against the feelings of deep arousal and morbid eagerness to experience more of them that gradually seized hold of her. A sickly light began to creep across her eyes after an uncounted number of days, subsuming her pupils and causing her view of her body and surroundings to become even more dream-like, tinged in a scarlet glow that only added a more enticing edge to the erotic, nightmarishly appealing visions that swam before her. Next came a throbbing pain, centred at her shoulder-blades, feeling something moving, growing,spawning, beneath her hide, too far gone into her mental and physical transformation to care about the discomfort, only feeling that something important and needed was happening to her, letting a mindless giggle at her eagerness to find out what is was.

She did not have to wait long. The growing discomfort reached a white-hot fever pitch as raised lumps pressed outwards from her hide, moving beneath it as if something were struggling to get free. Izyth arched her back and let out an exultant cry as her hide began to tear at her shoulders, fluid and blood-smeared nascent frames of bat-like wings sliding out and unfolding, stretching and flexing with new life as she pulled to the very limits of her chains, wingless no longer. They would grow to proud demonic wings, uncannily similar to that of the demon who had claimed her. The pace of her subsequent transformations increased. She soon put her newly lengthened and razor-sharp teeth to the test, breaking the neck and savaging the body of the minion who had reluctantly approached the transforming dragon-morph and offered another flask of the nectar which had begun the process. The taste of its blood excited her, nourishing her like nothing had done so before, filling her with a feeling of strength and greater aggression, and she cried out for more, howling out her new-found carnal blood lust in raw and triumphant exultation. She desperately wanted to feel life ebbing away within her jaws, to taste the fear of the prey she would hunt, knock it to its feet with her tail, the tail that had become studded with razor-sharp edged spikes, the barbs breaking through the skin, ready to be used as weapon to allow her to pounce on and ravage her prey.

When she was deemed ready, she was cut from her chains. The demonically twisted and corrupted dragon-morph landed nimbly on her red-stained foot claws, full-grown wings unfolding as she knelt before the one who had given her new life and purpose. Izyth licked her lips, eyes now flashing with a malicious energy as she gazed up in twisted adoration and subservience. All that she knew of the League's positions and battle plans, she would freely give to her demonic master. She was all-too-eager to satiate her blood and carnal lusts upon her former allies. She let out a rasping purr as those enticing fantasies danced through her mind, grinning and flashing her teeth as she offered up her hands in supplication, spiked tail curling behind her and lashing eagerly, ready to be let loose to hunt her new prey.

"Command me to do your bidding,Master..."