Daddy's Baby Girl (Part 1)

Story by Andlat on SoFurry

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#10 of Andlat

Andlat's caught in the rain, but a kind wolf invites him inside to warm up and dry off, after a shower, that is.

This is it, folks! The actual Andlat-Jack origin story!

Andlat was fairly certain that he had gone the right way when leaving the park, but he felt like he should have made it home by now. He whimpered and sped up as the rain began to come down even harder. He was soaked to the skin and his clothes were all muddy! If only he had thought to lay out a trail of breadcrumbs like in that story. Then again, the trail of breadcrumbs in the story had been eaten by birds. He glared at some ducks flying overhead before reminding himself that he had not really set a trail of breadcrumbs.

"Awfully wet for a walk!" A kindly voice called from a nearby porch. Andlat looked up to see an enormous black wolf standing there, watching him closely. "How about you come inside for a bit to dry off?" The fox considered it. He knew that he should not trust strangers, but he was old enough to gauge the trustworthiness of the wolf. He had seen the wolf around town a few times that he could think of, so was he really a stranger? He came up the walk and the wolf stepped aside to let him inside.

"Thank you, mister?"

"My name's Jack." The wolf said kindly, kneeling down so that he was more on the little fox's level.

"I'm Andlat." The fox offered his paw, a bit taken aback by the sheer size difference. He was nearly an adult, but this wolf dwarfed him! He squirmed in place as the wolf's paw enveloped his.

"How about you take a shower to get some of that mud off?" Jack suggested. "Bathroom's right through here." Andlat followed him, having to take quick steps to keep up with the wolf's stride. He looked around a bit, noticing how nicely decorated the wolf's house was. He saw photos of the wolf with another wolf his age and two girls a few years younger than Andlat. His wife and daughters? Part of Andlat hoped that that was not the case. He could not say why, but he wanted the handsome wolf to be single.

Leading the way into the bathroom, the wolf smiled as he looked back at the fox. He looked so small and innocent. Everything was going exactly as Jack had planned.

Jack bent over to get the water started filling the tub, pretending not to notice the way the little fox's eyes went straight to his butt as he bent over. He straightened up again and smiled at the fox.

"Time to get undressed." Andlat blushed and looked away. "You can't take a bath with your clothes on, silly kit!"

"Right here?"

"Well, yeah. This is the bathroom, isn't it?" He gestured to the tub with a chuckle.

"But in front of you?"

"I'll go put your clothes in the wash while you're taking your bath, but you have to take them off first." Andlat could not find any fault with that logic, so he began to undress, but he stopped when he got to his underwear, an adorable pair of briefs with some manner of superhero that Jack did not recognize on it.

Andlat blushed, covering his underwear shyly. He felt so terribly exposed now that his shirt and jeans were off and the wolf's smile seemed to have become more predatory than warm and inviting.

"Those'll have to go too if you're wanting to take a bath." Jack said with a chuckle. "Don't worry. It's nothing I haven't seen before." Andlat knew that he was right, but that seemed like the oldest cliché in the book.

"Ok." He said shyly, listening to the sound of the tub filling. There were an awful lot of pink bubbles in the tub. Had he ever taken a bubble bath before? Did the wolf not have a shower he could use?

"Sorry, it's being retiled." Jack explained when the fox asked him. Retiled? Andlat was not sure what that meant, but he feared sounding like a little kit by asking, so he just nodded. "Tub's all full. Just missing one little fox." He saw that the fox was still wearing his briefs with the superheroes on them. "Need some help?"

"No." The fox said, but he still stopped when his paws reached his waistband. The wolf smiled and grabbed the fox's wrist.

"Here. Let Daddy do it." Andlat could not be sure he had heard the wolf correctly. Did he just call himself daddy? Distracted, he hardly even noticed when the wolf yanked down Andlat's underwear and, slipping his paws into the fox's armpits, lifted him up. His briefs fell to the floor as the wolf spun around and deposited him in the warm, soapy water. "There we go! Isn't that nice and relaxing?" With the fox in the tub, Jack smiled and began to undress, noticing the fox's attention growing as he stripped to his boxer briefs.

"Wouldn't want my clothes to get wet." The wolf reasoned aloud. "Oh?" He pretended to notice the fox's attention for the first time. "Does someone like what he sees?" He gave a little twirl so that the fox could take him in at all angles. Jack could feel himself stirring as he imagined just how much the fox must be enjoying the view.

"No" the fox stammered shyly, pausing for a bit too long to make his protest believable. Jack smiled, adjusting his bulge slightly.

"You can't seem to look away, kit." He said. To his credit, Andlat did look away, but he almost immediately went back to stealing glances, which Jack simply pretended to ignore. The wolf kneeled down and, wetting a pink washcloth, began to bathe the fox. He intentionally went down the fox's torso to his crotch immediately, pulling his hand away as he came in contact with just what he expected to.

"I thought you said you didn't like what you saw." He said, his bulge still visible over the edge of the bathtub, the fox's eyes constantly flickering over to it.

"I don't." The fox said at once. He could not have sounded more unconvincing if he tried.

"It must be something else then." Jack said. "Maybe you like being bathed like a little baby vixen kit?"

"No!" The fox whined.

"Well, something's got you all pokey, princess." He said with a smile. "Is it being bathed like a little baby vixen kit or is it seeing your daddy's bulge?"

"Daddy?" Andlat asked, not sure he heard correctly.

"Oh, so you do like seeing daddy's bulge? Is that it, baby girl?"


"Stand up for daddy. Can you do that, baby girl?" He grabbed the fox's arm and gently coaxed him to his feet. He could no longer hide his erect member under the soapy water. "Look how excited Daddy's baby girl is!" Jack exclaimed.

"I am not" the fox's protest lost coherence as the wolf began to stroke the fox's penis with the washcloth, the fox's words turning into moans and whimpers. Jack was not sure what a male fox's whimper would sound like, but Andlat's seemed awfully juvenile and feminine to his ear.

"What was that? I don't understand baby girl talk. You need to use your big boy words." He stopped stroking to give the fox another chance.

"I" was all the fox was able to get out before Jack began to stroke again, reducing the fox once more to whimpers and moans.

"You must love being Daddy's baby girl, don't you?" He asked the fox as his eyelids fluttered. "Yeah, you do! You love being a little, whimpery baby vixen who wants her Daddy to give her baths just like this every day! Yeah, you do! Listen to your baby girl moans!"

Andlat felt weak in the knees, trying his best to get up the force of will to push the wolf away, but every time he tried, he only saw the wolf's bulge, which was just as erect as he himself was.

"I bet you can't wait to get dried off and carried to your nursery for a nice, warm diaper and pretty baby vixen frillies after this, hmm?" He chuckled as the fox could only moan and squeak in response, clearly close to release. "Baby girl frillies. Just a baby girl in frillies, waddling around without a care in the world, loving her daddy, loving being Daddy's sweet little baby girl!" The fox came just then, panting and barely able to stay standing. Jack gently helped him sit back down and began to bathe him in earnest.

Once Andlat had regained his composure, he looked up at Jack, staring the wolf directly in the eyes with all the maturity he could muster in his current situation.

"I appreciate the, um, favor, but I really need to be going."

"And where will you be going? Daddy's baby girl is not going to be running around naked! Think of the scandal!"

"I'm not" Andlat began, whimpering as the wolf just kept bathing him as he tried to make his case. "I got caught up in the moment and"

"And admitted what I've known this whole time. You're not the big boy you pretended to be. You're a sweet little baby girl." He tapped the fox's nose playfully. "Daddy's sweet little baby girl."

"You're not my daddy."

"I'm not?" Jack asked. "You've already called me daddy a couple times."

"Did not!" The fox was feeling more and more confounded by the wolf as time passed. "Besides! You're... you're a wolf and I'm a fox."

"It's completely possible for a Daddy wolf to adopt a baby girl vixen." The wolf lifted the fox's legs out of the water to bathe them. Despite his arguing, the fox was remaining quite docile as he bathed him. Jack was not surprised by this, but he still relished it. "Does Daddy's baby girl need more proof that she's a baby girl?" He asked with a smirk. Andlat debated whether to ask for proof, given how the last time had gone. He shyly shook his head though. "Alright, let's get baby girl out of the tubby and all dry!" Slipping his paws into the fox's armpits, he lifted him out of the bathtub.

Setting the fox on the bath mat, he grabbed an enormous towel and began to gently pat the fox down, cooing and kissing his nose. Andlat looked over his shoulder, enduring the drying, and saw his dirty clothes still there. Could he somehow escape and grab them? Jack gently turned his head back toward him.

"You don't need those icky, dirty clothes. Daddy's got a nice, clean, dry outfit already planned for his baby girl." He noticed the seed of resistance growing in the fox's eyes. "You are Daddy's baby girl. We already established that and glancing back at your panties isn't going to change Daddy's mind."


"Yep. I know you thought they were big boy undies, but Daddy is wearing big boy undies, see?" He gestured down to his boxer briefs and, more importantly, his bulge. The fox stared at it. "Do your panties look like Daddy's big boy undies?" Andlat shyly shook his head. The wolf, eager to nudge the fox a bit further down the road to baby girlhood, gave his bottom a firm pat. "Say 'no, daddy'."

"No" Andlat mumbled. A firmer pat struck his little bubble butt.

"No, daddy. C'mon, baby girl. You're eager to prove to Daddy that you're big. Do baby girl's panties look like Daddy's big boy undies?" He remained calm, understanding all too well that you catch more foxes with honey than vinegar.

"No, daddy." Andlat said.

"Good girl!" He praised, kissing the fox's nose. "Baby girl's panties have superheroes on them and they're not even the same shape as Daddy's big boy undies, are they?"

"No, daddy."

"Right. So, what are they?" Andlat chewed on his bottom lip, squirming in place. "What are they, baby girl? Tell daddy."

"Panties." The fox's brush was wrapped fully around his legs.

"That's right!" Jack exclaimed. "Daddy's baby girl is so smart, isn't she?" Wrapping the fox in the towel, he picked him up, setting him against his shoulder. "Let's get Daddy's baby girl to her bedroom, hmm?" As he carried the fox out of the bathroom, he felt Andlat squirm and gave his bottom a few pats to calm him down for the short trip to the next room. "You're going to love seeing your nursery. Daddy just knows it, baby girl!"

"Nursery?" The fox squeaked on his shoulder.

"Yep. That's what the bedroom of a baby girl is called and Daddy certainly has a baby girl in his arms, doesn't he?" The fox whimpered and kept squirming. "Daddy's baby girl is so excited, isn't she? I can tell she is!" He held the fox tight to make sure he had no choice but to go where the wolf wanted to take him.