A Hero's Tail

Story by Moregan on SoFurry

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So Here's my first ever story and my first series all in one. I hope everyone likes it :) Feel free to drop me a line i'd love to hear feed back on what i can do to improve or if ya just want to say hi :) As per usual you all know copyright by me blah blah so i won't bore you with that and as always. This story(atleast future chapters) will not be for the kiddys so parents watch where your young ones are surfin :) Ok that out of the way Enjoy :)

This is an account of the day that everything we know as right and true in the world was turned on its side and mankind's fate was once again in the hands on one man....or atleast he started that way.

"Ah crap I'm late again..." normal everyday guy tries to haul himself out of bed. "Boss lady's gonna have a hissy again" he growls as he rushes to the shower to prepare for what starts out as a typical morning is his small 2 bedroom Texas home. At 5'9" and 160lbs, Moregan Knightshade was nothing special just a normal guy trying to work is way through the world. On this cloudy Monday morning he was having a hard time getting moving as was usual with days that end in Y. Once out of shower and dressed in jeans and a respectable t-shirt on Moregan gathers up his laptop and heads for the office to start another day. Once making it to work Moregan was spotted attempting to slip by his boss as she worked away at her desk just to the left of his by blending into the flow of steady traffic moving about the call center floor. He had just about made it to his desk when he heard half joking half serious female tone "Your ninja skills suck...I see your late again" from his bosses direction. Moregan chuckled to him self saying in a mocking tone with a smile "Your such a slave driver master". He turned from his desk and moved over behind his boss "So how's the day goin Sora...You still playing phone jockey for Irissa?" Irissa was one of the lady's that worked in the office that had been out sick for almost a week now. In a low disgusted tone she answered " Unfortunetly she called in AGAIN...ugh...she'd better have rabies....the clap...or something close to death...If she doesn't come back soon we're gonna have to get a new monkey." Oddly enough in this office staff had started referring to other staff members especially the tech staff as monkeys. Moregan giggled and smiled warmly at his boss "Well I suppose I should go do something useful now. Grab me when you go for a break I'll go outside with ya." Even though they had been working together for almost 3 years and he knew she was married he still had a fondness for Sora. Moregan plopped down in his desk chair with a sigh and logged into his workstation. Once logged in, with reluctance he picked up the headset sitting next to his phone and logged his phone into the call queue system. His first call was regarding an order mix up and crashed 73G SCSI hard disk that apparently took 20% of the client's data with it. As he placed an order for a new drive to be installed in the client's server he could still here the client in headset apparently talking to someone else in the room about how is company provided shady hardware and should upgrade his system for free. Moregan's day droned on with many other such calls or OS support related issues as the clock slowly approached noon. While talking to a client about his possible solutions for fixing his virus infected server that the client had neglected to protect with any software in the first place he felt light tap on his left shoulder. Moregan turned his chair slightly to see Sora standing behind him waving 2 fingers in front of her soft light red lips motioning it was time for a smoke break. He nodded once and finished up his support call. He found Sora already making her way to the back door of the building with a cigarette in her hand. "Hey I'm comin wait up" Moregan stated as he ran up the hall to catch up with her. She turned and paused at the door allowing him time to catch up and both stepped through the door and on to the concrete steps just outside. "Man it's a hot day out here you'd think with all the rain the last few days it would have cooled down but..." she calmly stated as she lit the cigarette and took a slow drag from the end. " So how'd things go with your weekend camping trip" Moregan said in a questioning but caring tone and she responded with a slight depressed note to her voice " My husband cancelled again something to do with work or some such....I hardly see him any more. He's more like a roommate than a mate." Moregan gave her a warm smile and a pat on the shoulder "don't worry once he finishes whatever project he's cooked up now he'll remember what he's left at home." This casual conversation continued for about 10 minutes when Moregan noticed something off in the distance. It appeared to be oddly enough Northern Lights but how the hell had they shown up over Northern Texas instead. "Hey Sora check it out..." Moregan said worriedly pointing at the odd display of color and like playing over the sky. "Wow what the heck is that....it kinda looks like..." she exclaimed as Moregan cut her off in mid sentence. " Yeah I know looks a lot like the Northern Lights but how the hell did they get here and in the middle of the afternoon no less" he said in a curious and wonder struck tone. Before she had a chance to voice her reply the sky suddenly lit up with bright filament flashes of greens and reds, no longer contained in the small area observed before. "Holy crap we'd better get back inside I don't like this at all" shouted Moregan. He reached for the door handle leading back into the building from the back parking lot just as a tremor ran through his feet and the hair stood up on the back of his neck. In the instant after a streak of greenish red light streaked from the sky above the call center and struck between where the two where standing. Blackness quickly over took both and they slumped to the ground with a heavy thud. Moregan was the first to come back to the world and stirring from the spot where he had landed near Sora. He shook his head attempting to clear his head of the cobwebs that rapped his mind. As his vision cleared he looked to Sora and noticed she too had begun to animate. She sat up on the concrete step and rubbed her eyes. "Damn that hurt like hell. What happened?" she grunted as she tried to focus. "I don't have a clue but I have a splitting headache and I don't think this was the only place it happened..." He stated in shock and pain while pointing off toward the cityscape. Sora followed his guiding finger and gasped in complete shock and speechlessness. The Strange cloud of colored filaments had moved like a storm and was now moving over the city dispensing its green red lightning as it moved. They could already see oddly colored flames peaking over some of the smaller buildings.

Moregan now began to stand " We'd better go check things inside make sure no one is hurt as it looks like the powers completely out." Extending his hand to assist Sora up he began to move up to the door and back into the office building. The inside of the building was pitch black and there where papers and equipment scattered all over the floor. "Looks like an earth quake hit this place....man what the hell happened while we where out." Moregan said with an astonished tone. As they continued to move through the office toward the main call center floor Moregan's head began to pound so hard he slipped on a stack of papers littering the floor and landed on his back. Sora rushed to his side looking concerned "Are you alright? You look like shit" she said with a hint of humor in her tone. "My head....i...it hurts....I can't even s...see straight..." As she looked down at him she noticed there was a faint glow starting to surround his body and she could hear him gasping for air as he started to roll on back and forth on the floor. "Oh Jesus what's happening" she franticly yelled as the glow around him deepened thought she knew that she would not receive a response as the pain had taken his speech from his thought like a stalking thief in the night. Suddenly she noticed his skin begin to darken though the ever present green glow about his body only shown brighter. Sora pulled back into a corner sobbing unable to do anything to stop whatever was now happening. As pain racked Moregan's body he noticed something odd, his mind was calming and though the pain was almost unbearable he was no longer worried as he was at the start. He began to feel picks across his skin like a thousand tiny needles pushing their way from beneath his skin. As this change continued the pain began to lessen and he was able to hear clearly as his clothing began to tear and rip.

Sora had stopped her tears and sat in her corner completely in awe as she saw the changes running over Moregan's body. She could now make out dark black fur covering his exposed body as the last sheds of clothing fell off him. She could also see a sleek black tail like that of a panther now forming at the base of his spine and noticed as his muscles began to relax and he rolled back over to face her direction. As the last of the changes to his body took place he felt a pressure on his back as 2 pure white wings like that of which you would see in so many churches drawings of angels, soft bright white and made of long feathers. Sora gasped as she watched the wings form from his back just between the shoulders and noticed now that the glow around his body was beginning to fade. Now as he was free from pain and the changes that ran ramped over his body Moregan slipped his hands away from his face and began to look over his new body as if he where inspecting a car in a sales lot. Sora slowly made her way over to him on her hands and knees staring wide eyed at him. Once she was again sitting on the floor next to him she looked him over "My god your beautiful...Are you ok? How do you feel?" she said in a tone of pure wonderment. "Well to tell you the truth I feel amazing" he said as he ran his hands over his newly grown wings and tail as if he where petting a cat sleeping in his lap. "